temporal convolution (TC) block, dimension
reduction (DR) block, and classification block. The
dataset used in this paper consists of 29 healthy
people who move their hands with open or closed
eyes. Alternatively, one of the limitations of this
dataset is that it is not large enough for EEG-ITNet
to prove its advantages, so data augmentation could
be an appropriate technique to solve this problem.
After adjusting the hyperparameters, our model's
accuracy and precision were 75.45% and 76.43%.
Furthermore, the best result with data augmentation
was related to the noise injection method, NI EEG-
ITNet, and its accuracy and precision were 75.86%
and 76.31%, respectively.
Since few models have been implemented on this
dataset, other researchers can try other deep networks
or combine our proposed method with other
algorithms to improve accuracy. The proposed data is
available in (Kodera et al., 2023).
This work was supported by the university specific
research project SGS-2022-016 Advanced Methods
of Data Processing and Analysis (project SGS-2022-
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