Enhancing Railway Safety: An Unsupervised Approach for Detecting
Missing Bolts with Deep Learning and 3D Imaging
Udith Krishnan Vadakkum Vadukkal, Angelo Cardellicchio, Nicola Mosca, Maria di Summa,
Massimiliano Nitti, Ettore Stella and Vito Ren
Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing,
National Research Council of Italy (CNR STIIMA), via Amendola 122 D/O, 70126 Bari, Italy
Anomaly Detection, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
This paper delves into the realm of quality control within railway infrastructure, specifically addressing the
critical issue of missing bolts. Leveraging 3D imaging and deep learning, the study compares two approaches:
a binary classification method and an anomaly detection task. The results underscore the efficacy of the
anomaly detection approach, showcasing its ability to identify missing bolts robustly. Utilizing a dataset of
3D images acquired from a diagnostic train, treated as depth maps, the paper formulates the problem as an
unsupervised learning task, training and evaluating autoencoders for anomaly detection. This research con-
tributes to advancing quality control processes by applying deep learning in critical infrastructure monitoring.
Recent advances in computer vision and artificial in-
telligence (AI) in the last years, with particular atten-
tion to quality control tasks, suggest an in-depth study
of the issues connected to the study, design, and de-
velopment of new AI models based on deep learning.
In recent years, these techniques have been applied in
numerous application contexts to solve classification
and regression problems or, more generally, supervi-
sion and predictions for quality control. On the one
hand, the research for increasingly high-performance
and specific models for Industry 4.0 application con-
texts is being pursued through the design and devel-
opment of innovative deep learning models (such as
auto-encoders or convolutional neural networks); on
the other hand there is the increasing need for the
characterization and evaluation of such models aimed
to anomaly detection, with particular attention to un-
balanced data sets, in multiple contexts (Cardellicchio
et al., 2023; Jiang et al., 2019; Wan et al., 2017; Liso
et al., 2023).
Anomalies detection is a process that requires a
machine to build a model to detect data - for example,
images - that deviate significantly from most of the
information provided in input for training. In prac-
tice, the anomalies cannot be easily predicted in all
their cases. Therefore, building suitable datasets cov-
ering the observed phenomenon’s variability becomes
difficult. Furthermore, anomalies depend on many
unknown variables and can be generated by sudden
and unknown phenomena until verified (Pang et al.,
Machine and deep learning techniques (or clas-
sification in general), used in a classical (or canoni-
cal) way, require a model to be retrained whenever a
new case study is considered. This procedure is not
straightforward to apply in real practice for many rea-
sons: the data sets that can be created are generally
very unbalanced because they contain few examples
of anomalies compared to the so-called good cases;
an anomaly can be so different from the others that
likely represent a subclass in itself; finally, detecting
complex anomalies must be as robust as possible to
noise and high data variability, considering the prob-
lems presented. Therefore, there is an increasing need
for a process capable of making quality control more
effective and robust with deep learning techniques.
Among many other contexts where deep learning
techniques can empower suitable classifiers for de-
tecting quality control or defect issues, monitoring in-
frastructures such as railways requires safety-critical
approaches. As discussed in (Di Summa et al., 2023),
different components, such as the rail surface, rail fas-
teners, pantograph, catenary, etc., can be damaged
due to wearing and tearing.
This paper is concerned with the problem of de-
tecting missing bolts, which are also used in the rail-
Vadakkum Vadukkal, U., Cardellicchio, A., Mosca, N., di Summa, M., Nitti, M., Stella, E. and Renò, V.
Enhancing Railway Safety: An Unsupervised Approach for Detecting Missing Bolts with Deep Learning and 3D Imaging.
DOI: 10.5220/0012570300003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 924-929
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.