ferent levels of space manipulation and then draw the
floor plan of these virtual corridors. Overall, the de-
tection of the correct spatial manipulation was rela-
tively low, between 4% and 28% depending on the
corridor condition. Participants could also not signif-
icantly tell apart the three levels of space manipula-
tion. This means that our implementation of spatial
manipulation shows a valid approach to manipulating
the space without the users knowing what exact ma-
nipulation was done. We also did not find any ev-
idence proving that there is a significant difference
in detection for hexagonal corridors compared to cir-
cular ones. Because we noticed that the participants
perceived the corridors to be of different SoS, we ad-
ditionally analyzed this aspect. We categorized any
detection of change in SoS separately from the detec-
tion of the implausible space. A total of 21 (84%)
out of 25 participants did notice an SoS change going
from corridor to corridor. This is an indicator that the
spatial manipulation was felt to a certain degree, but
the participants did not correctly specify which kind
of manipulation.
7.1 Future Work
Future studies will include a larger number of par-
ticipants and assign each a single drawing task to
mitigate learning effects. Furthermore, investigat-
ing a variety of polygon shapes could provide in-
sights into how different angles influence the percep-
tion of impossible spaces. Practical applications of
these impossible spaces also require further explo-
ration. Lastly, efforts can be made to quantify detec-
tion in more intricate corridor designs, such as those
with left and right turns, prior to teleporting the user.
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HUCAPP 2024 - 8th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications