ful tool to leverage geometric intuition to facilitate the
analysis of self-similar fractals.
These results should be straightforwardly extended
to tensor product surfaces. Their bidirectional structura-
tion generally induces combinations of unidirectional
configurations. However, we must focus carefully on
non-tensor surfaces, which are more complex construc-
tions that generate surfaces with random appearances
(see Figure 25). For example, complex eigenvalues
avoided for curves will produce interesting vortex effects
for surfaces.
We also have to study the relation between the
roughness and the differentiable characteristics in detail.
Roughness is characterized by oscillation frequency (de-
pending on the operator contraction) and oscillation am-
plitude (depending on the pseudo-tangent and curvature
range). We need to formalize these relations to provide
an intuitive and accurate control of roughness.
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tors and 7 control points.
Figure 25: Left: tensor product surface created from a frac-
tal curves. Right: a more complex non-tensor product frac-
tal surface, built from 4 operators and 8 control points.
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Pseudo-Curvature of Fractal Curves for Geometric Control of Roughness