and “wants to go home”. These three classes ex-
hibited higher feature variations when compared to
the closely related other classes. Collecting data for
more number of unique entities (cows) for ”Asking
for water” and ”Wants to go home” classes could in-
crease accuracy of classification of these classes. Ta-
ble 16 summarizes performance comparison of prior
arts methods. This table provides a representative ref-
erence for the animal speech classification accuracy
of the existing deep learning technologies. Our re-
sults are added in the last row.
4.3.2 Unseen Dataset
The performance of the models with overall data is
checked for subject independent unseen data. The
classification of five classes is achieved with test ac-
curacy of 87% and 88% with kappa coefficients of
0.83 and 0.85 for MFCC features and OpenSMILE
features, respectively. The detailed performance met-
rics and confusion matrix for the model with MFCC
features for unseen data can be seen in Table 14 and
in Fig. 3, respectively. Similarly, the detailed perfor-
mance metrics and confusion matrix for the model
with OpenSMILE features for unseen data can be
seen in Table 15 and in Fig. 4, respectively. From
Table 3, the accuracy was highest at 97% with both
the feature extraction methods for overall data (i.e.,
when all augmentation methods are used together).
We find that the model with OpenSMILE features per-
formed slightly better for subject independent unseen
data with 88% accuracy than with MFCC features
with 87% accuracy. Results indicate that the proposed
methodology can be effective in monitoring cattle be-
The results of this study could be utilised to create so-
phisticated non-invasive systems for tracking the be-
haviour of cattle and generating a richer understand-
ing about their individual and collective response in
various scenarios. This would be helpful for farmers
and ranchers to manage them. Future studies could
focus on expanding the horizon of the study to include
aspects like handling the effect of background noise,
intrusion detection by recognizing non-cattle sounds,
and new cattle scenarios.
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