Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education:
Methods and Instruments
Sina Marie Lattek, Linn Rieckhoff, Georg Völker, Lisa-Marie Langesee
and Alexander Clauss
Chair of Business Information Systems – Information Management,
Faculty of Business and Economics TU Dresden, Germany
Keywords: Key Competencies, Competence Assessment, Systematization, Higher Education, Assessment Instruments,
Assessment Methods.
Abstract: In a time of increasing digitalization, internationalization, and globalization, accompanied by corresponding
adjustments and transformations, a central Higher Education (HE) objective is to prepare students for the
professional world effectively. This is achieved through the continuous development of students'
competencies. To facilitate this ongoing process, there is a need to streamline the assessment of key
competencies in academic courses. This paper addresses this by conducting a systematic literature review
(SLR) and subsequent expert interviews to comprehensively document and systematically analyze the
methods and instruments employed in assessing students' key competencies in HE. This systematic analysis
serves as a valuable decision-making aid and a source of inspiration for educators seeking to integrate
competency-specific methods and instruments into their courses. Additionally, differences and parallels
between theoretical literature and practical application are highlighted.
In the era of increasing digitalization,
internationalization, and globalization, adjustments
and changes in HE are also intensifying (Blank et al.,
2023; Mrohs et al., 2023). In this context, a central
objective of HE institutions is to prepare students for
the upcoming professional world, particularly
regarding their competencies, including the so-called
key competencies, as effectively as possible (Saas,
2023). Not only do the required competencies of
students continuously evolve, but also the formats of
examinations and assessment methods for measuring
competencies adapt to the changing demands (Porsch
& Reintjes, 2023). It is crucial to note that an
appropriate evaluation or assessment method should
be selected for each key competency acquired and
developed by a student during their university
journey. Only through a high alignment between the
key competency under examination and the chosen
assessment method can targeted development and
evaluation of these competencies be achieved (Saas,
2023). This research paper addresses this point and
provides an approach to systematize selected key
competencies in HE along with suitable assessment
methods and instruments.
For the elaboration and categorization, it is
essential to establish a unified understanding of
terminologies and to delineate them from similar
terms. The primary focus within the present work lies
on the terms key competencies, methods, and
instruments. When elaborating on key
competencies, it becomes evident that a unified
concept or understanding has not yet been achieved
(e.g., Orth, 1999; Krüger, 1988; Weinert, 2001). This
is partly attributed to the metaphorical nature of the
term (Mugabushaka, 2004). Orth (1999) defines key
competencies as acquirable general abilities,
attitudes, and elements of knowledge that are useful
in solving problems and acquiring new competencies
in as many content areas as possible. The present
research work builds on this understanding while
complementing it with the HE context. In addition to
Orth, models proposed by Krüger (1988), Mertens
(1991), Welbers (1997), Münch (2001), Weinert
(2001), and Chur (2002) further contribute to defining
the term in relation to HE. Through a comparison of
existing models, the following essential key
Lattek, S., Rieckhoff, L., Völker, G., Langesee, L. and Clauss, A.
Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education: Methods and Instruments.
DOI: 10.5220/0012577500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 317-326
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
competencies in HE emerge (s. Table 1), serving as
the subject of investigation in this study.
Table 1: Overview of the most relevant key competencies
of students.
1. Critical Thinking 5. Digital Competence
2. Communication
6. Self-Reflection and
3. Self-Management and
Time Management
7. Intercultural
4. Teamwork and Social
8. Creativity and Problem-
When defining competencies, it is important to
distinguish it from the term »skills« or »abilities«.
Skills describe specific, learnable actions, while
competencies encompass a broad spectrum of skills,
knowledge, and attitudes that can be applied in
complex situations (Hain, 2019). In the context of
assessing and evaluating key competencies, methods
refer to procedures and approaches used for
competency assessment. At the same time,
instruments represent the specific tools or measures
employed within these methods to assess and measure
competencies. Methods determine the framework and
structure of the assessment, while instruments
constitute the specific elements used within this
framework to collect data and assess competencies
(Galuske, 2013; Geißler & Hege, 2007).
Looking at the key competencies to be
investigated, it becomes clear that all thematically
relevant papers address only isolated key
competencies, and thus, a comprehensive overall
view is lacking. Furthermore, only individual
methods and instruments are addressed in each case,
and a comprehensive linking or assignment of
multiple forms is only done in specific instances and
not thoroughly. This justifies the need for a
comprehensive presentation and assignment of key
competencies and corresponding assessment methods
to close this research gap.
As the current state of research indicates, no
existing approaches systematically consolidate
methods and instruments for assessing students' key
competencies. The relevant papers primarily
investigate individual key competencies using
quantitatively measurable approaches. These
approaches include conducting surveys using
instruments such as multiple-choice, self-assessment,
and short questions to determine the development of
knowledge and competencies within a predefined
period and subsequently statistically analyze them.
This approach is employed by various researchers
(e.g., Brasseur et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2016; Stanley
& Bhuvaneswari, 2016; Soeiro, 2018; Lucas et al.,
2022). Selected instruments for competency
assessment are detailed in the works of Bray et al.
(2020); Birdman et al. (2021); Van Helden et al.
(2023); Pavlasek et al. (2020); Heymann et al. (2022);
and Lucas et al. (2022) for measuring specific key
competencies. However, only a few assessment
methods are recurrently mentioned in the literature.
Additional methods, like portfolios, storytelling, or
presentations, are employed by Caratozzolo et al.
(2022); Kleinsorgen et al. (2021); and Squarzoni &
Soeiro (2018) for competency measurement.
Moreover, all papers focus on different scientific
and university domains, often with a specialized
emphasis. Therefore, a comprehensive overview of
the entire HE sector can only be achieved by
consolidating all research papers.
As mentioned, not every key competency can be
assessed and measured using the same assessment
method or instrument. Considering the existing
research field, it can be inferred that a suitable
assignment or systematization is currently lacking,
making precise selection of suitable methods and
instruments more challenging for educators. The
assessment of key competencies no longer aligns
effectively with one-size-fits-all solutions such as
traditional exams. Educators lack guidance on which
methods and instruments to employ as assessment
formats for various key competencies. This research
addresses this gap and introduces an initial
framework for a concrete decision guide to
systematize diverse assessment formats for each key
competency. This aim leads to the following research
questions (RQ):
RQ 1: What methods and instruments are
employed for assessing students key competencies in
HE teaching?
RQ 2: What differences exist between the
practice and the literature in their usage?
RQ 3: How can instruments and methods for
explicitly applying and assessing key competencies
be systematized?
To address the research questions, the explanation
of the methodological approach follows the
introduction. This section elaborates on the research
methods of SLR and guided expert interviews. The
methods were chosen to establish a robust theoretical
foundation using an SLR and, subsequently, to
conduct guideline-based interviews to complement
practical insights. The data analysis and synthesis are
conducted following the frameworks provided by
Kitchenham (2004) and Kuckartz & Rädiker (2022).
The results from the SLR and expert interviews are
systematized and presented in the third part of the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
paper. Subsequently, the discussion section critically
examines possible conclusions, includes a decision
guide for educators, and derives recommendations for
action. The paper concludes by addressing the study's
limitations and providing an outlook.
The present study consists of two qualitative
approaches, the SLR and the following guided expert
interviews, to address the research questions. The
SLR was necessary to provide a solid foundation in
the literature for reviewing and analyzing existing
research to provide the basis for a well-prepared
qualitative analysis. Expert interviews were chosen as
a method to compare and enrich the results from the
literature with the experiential insights of
2.1 Systematic Literature Research
Systematizing methods and instruments for capturing
students' competencies requires an interdisciplinary
analysis of existing research findings. Therefore, an
SLR was conducted, utilizing the framework
provided by Kitchenham (2004). The framework is
structured into three phases:
Planning: Specification of the research question,
development, and validation of the research protocol.
Execution: Identifying relevant research,
selecting primary studies, evaluating study quality,
extracting data, synthesizing data.
Documentation: Assessment report and
For the analysis, four databases from the disciplines
of Computer Science and Communication (IEEE
Xplore), Psychology and Sociology (APA Psycinfo),
and Higher Education (IBZ Online and Academic
Search Elite) were employed to ensure a broad search
field. The databases were chosen thematically in line
with the research questions. The following search
string was used:
»Methods OR Tools OR Instruments OR
Measures OR Techniques (AND) Key Competences
OR Core Competences OR Key Skills OR Core Skills
(AND) Assessment OR Evaluation OR Rating OR
Analysis OR Estimation (AND) higher AND
The search was restricted to the period from 2013
to 2023 to account for possible changes in methods
and instruments over time. The selection of
publications was made in both English and German.
To objectively select publications based on titles
and abstracts, criteria were formulated, requiring
explicit mention of key competencies, methods,
and/or instruments for capturing key competencies, as
well as an academic context. The full-text analysis
was based on five key points: methods and
instruments used, prerequisites, application,
advantages and disadvantages, and addressed key
competencies. Full texts that included the five basic
criteria were selected for the present study.
Additional criteria that were also considered included
consideration of sample sizes, research environment,
journal rankings, and methodology.
Figure 1: SLR Results.
2.2 Guideline-Based Expert Interviews
For comparison and enrichment of the results from
the literature, interviews with experts from the field
were conducted (Misoch, 2015). Experts were
selected based on their specialized expertise and
practical experience in their respective areas, as well
as on the recommendation of a research network.
Additionally, they were required to meet one or more
of the following criteria:
(n = 1)
(n = 299)
(n = 81)
(n = 26)
(n = 162)
Search Elite
(n = 129)
IBZ Online
(n = 37)
(n = 93)
After removing duplicates
(n = 421)
Relevant by title
(n = 122)
Relevant by abstract
(n = 41)
Relevant by full text
(n = 15)
Relevant literature by
further research
(n = 4)
Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education: Methods and Instruments
Engagement in HE teaching,
Consulting or academic employment,
In-depth experience in capturing students'
Contribution to the development of didactic
In this context, and due to their suitability for the
topic, four people covering areas such as information
management, e-learning within interdisciplinary
learning, program development, and digital
innovation and participation were chosen as experts.
The interviews took place from 19
- 24
2023, using the recording function of Microsoft
Teams. The interviews were guided by a
questionnaire covering aspects such as personal
background, experiences, expertise in the subject
matter, and additional insights for the research.
Subsequently, the approach by Kuckartz & Rädiker
(2022) and the software MAXQDA were applied for
data analysis and synthesis, utilizing the structuring
qualitative content analysis method. All derived
results will be listed in the online appendix. The
material underwent several coding cycles with
inductively formed categories (Appendix A). The
preliminary material processing involved
transcription using the smoothing transcription rules,
according to Dresing & Pehl (2018). The process is
portrayed in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Structure of qualitative content analysis
Kuckartz & Rädiker (2022).
The results from the SLR and interviews are
presented in the following chapters, along with the
derived systematization of methods and instruments
for competence assessment.
3.1 SLR Results
The SLR analysis fundamentally enabled the focus on
eight key competencies within higher education,
derived from their frequency of mention in the
publications (Appendix D and Appendix E).
Furthermore, through the SLR analysis, existing
instruments and methods for capturing students’ key
competencies were identified. The examined
publications addressed existing competency
assessment methods (twelve publications) or existing
instruments (14 publications). However, there were
partial overlaps between these publications (nine
publications). In delineating the methods and
instruments, their categorization into different
formats (written, oral, physical presence, digital,
asynchronous, observation) was realized. The
application forms and examples of identified methods
and instruments are presented in Table 3.
Table 3: Literature - Identified Methods and Instruments.
Format Papers/
Associated Methods
Written 8 / 16
Case study work (P8);
Essay (P9, P10, P13,
P14); hands-on practice
(P13, P14); Peer
Review (P9)
Oral 5/ 6
Group examination
(P2); Reflection
Physical presence 3 / 4
Experiment (P8);
Discussion (P10)
Observation 3 / 4
Observation in seminar
(P15, P17)
Written 12 / 21
Multiple Choice (P1,
P5, P8, P11, P13, P14);
Reflection sheets (P15),
(P16, P18); Likert Scale
(P1, P3, P7)
Digital 5 / 6
Simulation (P2);
Multiple Choice (P4,
P13, P14
1 / 1
questions (P5)
Observation 1 / 1
Observation protocol
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The identified methods for competency
assessment included the formats of »Written«,
»Oral«, »Physical presence«, and »Observation«.
Conversely, for the instruments, the formats
»Written,« »Digital,« »Asynchronous« and
»Observation« were delineated. The overview
showed that the publications concerning the listed
methods emphasized the written assessment formats.
Eight publications (with a total of 16 mentions)
focused on this format. A similar outcome was
observed for the format of the investigated
instruments in the publications. Twelve publications
(totaling 21 mentions) addressed the written format of
competency assessment instruments (Table 3).
3.2 Expert Interviews
The four interviews (I1, I2, I3, and I4) with experts
from the field confirmed various findings from the
literature or supplemented them with practical
experience. This validation from the interviewees
enriched the selection of key competencies derived
from the analysis of the SLR (Table 4) based on their
practical insights. Furthermore, an evaluation was
conducted to determine if the application formats of
methods and instruments for competency assessment
align with the results of the SLR analysis (Appendix
B). This alignment was partially confirmed. Similar
to the SLR analysis, the interviewees listed the
application formats »Written,« »Oral,«
»Presentation,« and »Observation« for the methods.
However, these results were supplemented by the
interviews with the formats »Digital« and
»Asynchronous«. The focus on the mentioned
methods was on written methods (37 mentions), oral
methods (29 mentions), and methods conducted in
physical presence (24 mentions) among the
interviewees. For the instruments, the interview
results included the application formats »Written«
and »Observation,« similar to the SLR analysis.
However, these were supplemented by »Digital« and
»Asynchronous,« with the application forms »Oral«
and »Presentation« being excluded. The focus was on
the written formats of instruments (14 mentions).
Within the listed formats, additional methods and
instruments were derived from the interviews (Table
Table 4: Interviews - Identified Methods and Instruments.
Associated Methods
Written 4 / 37
Peer Reviews (I1, I2,
I3); Exam (I1, I2, I3);
Portfolio (I1, I3, I4)
Oral 4 / 29
Discussion (I1, I2, I4);
Group examination (I1,
I2, I4); (Deep-)
Interview (I2, I4)
Digital 3 / 12
Blogpost (I1); Flipped
Classroom (I1, I4);
Presentation (I1)
4 / 24
Reflection discussion
(I1, I2); Group
examination (I1, I4);
Oral Exam (I2, I3, I4)
3/ 9
Video tutorial (I1);
Blogpost (I1); Home-
and seminar work (I3,
Observation 3 / 4
Observation in digital
interaction traces (I1,
I4); Scientific practical
Written 3 / 14
Multiple Choice (I1,
I3, I4); DigCompEdu
(I1, I4); Self-
assessment questions
I1, I4
Digital 2 / 3
Simulation (I2);
le Choice
2 / 2
questions (I1, I4)
Observation 2 / 5
Rubric matrix (I1);
Observation sheets
(I4); Social Learning
Analytics (I1, I4)
3.3 Systematization for Competence
The systematization aims to associate methods and
instruments for assessing students' competencies with
the corresponding key competencies. Thus, the
systematization allows the selection of appropriate
methods and instruments based on the identified key
competencies. As a preliminary step to the
systematization, the results of the SLR analysis and
the interviews were summarized and organized in a
case-category matrix (Appendix B). The basic
structure of the case-category matrix is presented in
Table 5, showing the main categories, and the
specified subcategories 1 and 2 (Kitchenham, 2004;
Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education: Methods and Instruments
Okoli & Schabram, 2010). The complete listing of all
categories from Table 5 can be found in Appendix B.
Table 5: Basic Structure of the Case-Category Matrix.
Main Sub 1 Sub 2
Addressed key
Listing of key
Breakdown of
the methods
Breakdown of
the instruments
Breakdown of
the advantages
Breakdown of
the advanta
Reasons for
Breakdown of
the reasons for
The cases represent the examined interviews or
publications. The categories are further subdivided
into subcategories, which emerged during the coding
of the interviews and were accordingly applied for
evaluating the publications. The main categories
outline the critical points highlighted by the
publications or interviewees so that, in addition to the
mentioned key competencies, methods, and
instruments, the identification of advantages,
disadvantages, and reasons for change could also be
identified. In subcategories 1 and 2, the main
categories were specified. Using the case-category
matrix, the results of the literature and interviews
were compared, and the methods and instruments
were categorized accordingly, leading to the
derivation of the systematization. However,
advantages, disadvantages, and reasons for the
change were not included in the derivation of the
systematization, as these results were incorporated to
understand why specific methods and instruments
were listed.
The derived systematization (Figure 3) represents
a decision matrix specifying which instruments or
methods are suitable for capturing key competencies
(Appendix C). It also indicates the formats in which
these methods and instruments can be applied. Thus,
it is possible to derive the appropriate methods and
instruments based on the desired key competencies.
The systematization compares literature and practice,
allowing users to distinguish which approach best
suits their intended goal.
Figure 3: Systematization for Competence Assessment.
The interviews with experts from the field confirmed
the relevance of systematizing methods and
instruments for capturing students' competencies. As
the results showed, the demands for competency
assessment have increased in the last ten years due to
digitalization and globalization (I1), as well as higher
interdisciplinarity (I1; I3), and the shift to the new
generation of Digital Natives in the workplace (I1;
The results from the SLR and interviews with
experts in the field allowed for identifying various
methods and instruments for capturing students' key
competencies. Furthermore, the formats of these
methods and instruments were outlined. Additionally,
eight key competencies were defined for this work,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
focusing on those emphasized in both literature and
practice. Developing key competencies and suitable
methods and instruments for their assessment
facilitated answering RQ 1. The results also led to the
derivation of a corresponding systematization in the
form of a decision matrix addressed to HE instructors,
thus addressing RQ 3. Within the systematization, the
results were categorized based on their origin
(literature or practice), addressing RQ 2 and
facilitating a comparison between literature and
practice. The results highlight several factors to
consider within the systematization. On the one hand,
the listed methods or instruments can be utilized for
multiple key competencies, assessing several
competencies with a single method or instrument, and
making them versatile. For example, the method of
Practical Exercise can address the following
competencies: self-reflection, creativity and problem-
solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork,
and social competence (Appendix C). Instruments
like the Likert Scale can also be employed for various
competency assessments (Appendix C).
On the other hand, the interviews revealed that the
chosen key competencies sometimes overlap, and a
complete separation is not always possible. This is
because key competencies in HE are viewed from
different perspectives, highlighting various aspects
and divisions (I1). Therefore, it is recommended to
use different methods and instruments to cover a
broad spectrum of competencies.
As outlined in the Chapters 3.1 and 3.2, the results
of the literature and interviews also showed a strong
focus on written formats of methods and instruments
for competency assessment. Reasons for this include
reducing the effort (I1, I2, I4) of competency
assessment and being able to provide the necessary
human resources (I3). Furthermore, methods and
instruments of this format allow for a more accurate
and objective assessment of competencies (I1) and a
direct assignment to the respective individuals (I1).
Additionally, the results indicated that individual
methods and instruments were mentioned more
frequently in practice than in the literature (Appendix
C). Even though there was greater diversity in
methods in practice, it was clear that some methods
were only applied in limited timeframes or specific
course contexts (I3). The application of the
systematization presents certain challenges that need
to be considered for using methods and instruments.
For example, inhibitory data protection regulations
for competency assessment forms (I1, I4) or
increased effort in implementation (I1, I3, I4). The
personnel resources for more competency orientation
in the course pose a challenge (I2, I4) and the higher
time expenditure for competency assessment (I2).
Moreover, factors such as students' active
participation and involvement in competency-
assessing courses (I1) or the context-dependent
application of methods (I3) can complicate
competency assessment. In general, courses must be
legally secured per examination regulations (I2, I3).
Therefore, such challenges in the application of
competency-assessing methods and instruments must
be considered by instructors when using the
systematization. Fundamentally, for the successful
selection of suitable methods and instruments from
the developed systematization, the procedure
depicted in Figure 4 should be followed.
Figure 4: Selection Process of Methods and Instruments
from the Decision Matrix.
The systematization and the resulting decision
matrix, as previously outlined in Chapter 3.3, enable
the selection of suitable methods and instruments for
capturing students' key competencies. Thus, it can be
considered a foundational element for a reference
tool. The particularity lies in explicitly selecting the
key competencies to be assessed. For an even more
specific selection, the type of deployment (written,
oral, digital, physical presence, non-presence,
observation) can be chosen, ensuring a precise
alignment of methods and instruments with the
instructional format.
By conducting an SLR analysis and four interviews
with experts from the field, this study successfully
addressed the research questions RQ 1 - 3.
Consequently, the developed systematization can
illustrate the current state of research and the practical
perspective regarding the assessment of key
competencies using appropriate methods and
instruments. Therefore, this study contributes to the
Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education: Methods and Instruments
design of courses aimed at competence-based
assessment. While the systematization serves as an
initial compilation for a reference work, it requires
expansion. There is potential to enhance the
systematization by supplementing listed methods and
instruments with new insights. The developed search
string represents another limitation of the study. It
should be noted that it could also be expanded to
include the term »key qualifications«, as the existing
definitional concepts do not reveal a clear and
consistent usage of terminology. It must be
considered that different approaches, as mentioned in
the introduction, often use different terms for the
concept of »key competencies« while meaning the
same thing. However, this SLR's terminology was
limited to »key« and »core competencies«.
Additional synonyms might be used in further
In its current stage, the systematization presents a
catalog of all significant key competencies and
associated methods and instruments for their
assessment. It specifies these methods and
instruments regarding their formats, allowing for
more targeted selection. This overview provides
educators with inspiration for their teaching activities.
However, for further support, it should be
complemented with guidelines illustrating how to
correctly apply the methods and instruments,
including their pros and cons. This enhancement
would enable educators to make more precise and
time-efficient choices, reducing reliance on external
sources. Integrating the systematization into a digital
tool is considered advantageous for future
applications to reduce accessibility barriers.
Moreover, additional connections between individual
key competencies, methods, and instruments can be
incorporated, especially in intercultural
competencies. Although the article highlights the
relevance of the systematization through existing
literature and insights from practice, practical
validation of this approach is pending and should be
addressed in future research.
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