ysis of incident reports to identify trends more eas-
ily, perform geospatial analysis, perform equipment
evaluation, and spot safety correlations. Furthermore,
the functionality to easily filter displayed results such
as dive types, dates, depth, and so forth would make
the tool much more valuable to the end-user. Another
weakness of this and similar systems is their lack of
ability to be utilized cross-organizationally, reducing
their effectiveness given the bespoke and limited fre-
quency of such operations.
Our proposed prototype focuses on addressing points
and requirements raised in Section 2 by creating an
interactive visualization tool. The prototype focuses
on rebreather data ( 2 ), due to data availability on
rebreather fatalities for both the military and civilian
contexts, using a dataset published and maintained
by Deep Life Group (Deep Life, 2012), listing re-
breather fatalities with corresponding details on the
incidents. This dataset helps demonstrate our proof
of concept but has shortcomings. Those include a rel-
atively unstructured data format, as individual users
originally input data without a strict template. Simi-
larly, geospatial information in the dataset varies sub-
stantially, so locations are approximated based on the
information available.
For the development of our prototype, we se-
lected Dash by Plotly (Plotly, 2023) as our frame-
work, complemented by Plotly for creating interac-
tive visualizations, as illustrated in Figure 5. Our so-
lution is grounded in the Information Seeking Mantra
”Overview first, zoom and filter, then details on de-
mand” (Shneiderman, 1996). This approach gives
users an overview of all rebreather fatalities and al-
lows user interactions to drill down on the designated
patterns of interest. Within our visualization tool, var-
ious highlighting options are available, aligned with
the four key aspects identified in Section 2. This fea-
ture is designed to present incidents in a way that
not only meets the criteria set out in Table 1 but also
addresses the limitations of existing solutions, as de-
tailed in Section 3 and Table 2.
Our visualization tool is organized firstly with an
overview, aiming to provide the user with a good
grasp of where and when incidents occurred using the
Incident Map and the Incident Timeline, accompa-
nied by further Statistic Visualizations. These visu-
alizations are linked by mouse Interactions, allowing
the user to zoom, filter, and demand detailed informa-
tion. The constituent components of the visualization
tool are described in the following:
Incident Map ( 4 ). The first and most signifi-
cant part of the visualization tool (see Figure 5 (A))
is the interactive Incident Map using Mapbox (Map-
box, 2006). Each incident is represented by a geo-
located circular dot colored in a shade of blue based
on the depth of the incident (overview). The color
scale is shown to the left of the map. Whereby a
gray and smaller dot depicts dives of unknown depths.
Dots overlap in the same position, which introduces
a slightly disorganized view for users and could be
avoided in the next iteration by clustering the entries.
Adding additional map layer functionality and a de-
tailed maritime map could also be included.
Incident Timeline ( 4 ). The temporal representa-
tion of the incidents consists of two parts: A blue-
colored area chart pointing downwards to depict the
depth of the dives throughout the years (see Figure 5
(B)). This chart starts at the sea level, represented as
zero on the y-axis, and extends negatively towards
the deepest recorded dive, thus visually mirroring the
descent to the sea floor. A slider to the left of the
chart allows the user to adjust the highlighting selec-
tion based on the depth. Beneath it is the stacked area
chart (see Figure 5 (C)) colored according to expe-
rience levels of divers in different shades of green.
We decided against a combined, single timeline to
highlight the importance of the actual depth, which
is negative, compared to the positive values of inci-
dent numbers. A combined timeline would further-
more be a complex visualization for users to decode
and interpret. Instead, the two area charts are aligned
and linked by interactions to show the correlations be-
tween the different data dimensions. Similarly, the
period in which the dive took place is selectable us-
ing the Incident Timeline, differentiated by experi-
ence level (see Figure 5 (C), highlighting the number
of incidents that occur within a particular time range.
Further Statistics ( 1 , 3 ). To allow for a concise
overview of basic descriptive statistics, two stacked
bar charts are introduced to get an overview of the dis-
tribution of age and dive type (Figure 5 (D)). The col-
ors are kept in line with the Incident Timeline and re-
flect the divers’ experience level. For that purpose, the
filled area plot combined with the depth range slider
(Figure 5 (B)) helps to highlight rebreather fatalities
based on depth.
Interactions. The visualization tool consisting of var-
ious juxtaposed but interlinked visualizations is based
on the idea of multiple-linked views (Wang Baldon-
ado et al., 2000), especially the combination of tem-
poral and geospatial visualizations (Incident Map and
Timeline) (Andrienko and Andrienko, 2006). All vi-
sualizations display the same (sub)set of data points,
Visual Analysis of Military Diving Incident Reports