Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
Luis Henrique Herbets de Sousa
, Guilherme Trajano
, Anal
ucia Schiaffino Morales
Stefan Sarkadi
and Alison R. Panisson
Department of Computing, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London, U.K.
Argumentation, Chatbots, Human-Agent Interaction.
Chatbots are extensively used in modern times and are exhibiting increasingly intelligent behaviors. However,
being relatively new technologies, there are significant demands for further advancement. Numerous possibil-
ities for research exist to refine these technologies, including integration with other technologies, especially in
the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which has received much attention and development. This study aims
to explore the ability of chatbot technologies to classify arguments according to the reasoning patterns used to
create them. As argumentation is a significant aspect of human intelligence, categorizing arguments accord-
ing to various argumentation schemes (reasoning patterns) is a crucial step towards developing sophisticated
human-computer interaction interfaces. This will enable agents (chatbots) to engage in more sophisticated
interactions, such as argumentation processes.
Argumentation is one of the most significant com-
ponents of human intelligence (Dung, 1995). Argu-
ing allows different individuals to exchange relevant
information during dialogues, enabling rich commu-
nication and a high level of understanding. When
it comes to developing Artificial Intelligence (AI),
human beings and the phenomena that emerge from
their intelligence serve as inspiration. In this context,
there are initiatives to develop argumentation-based
techniques in intelligent agents, that is, artificial in-
telligence capable of communicating (and reasoning)
using arguments (Maudet et al., 2006; Rahwan and
Simari, 2009; Panisson and Bordini, 2017; Panisson
et al., 2021b).
Recently, argumentation techniques have also
been used as a method for intelligent agents to pro-
vide explanations (in the context of explainable AI)
to humans about their decision-making (or decision-
making suggestions) (Panisson et al., 2021a). These
directions aim to develop technologies that enable ap-
plications in the context of hybrid intelligence (Akata
et al., 2020), where humans and intelligent agents
work together, sharing their intelligence capabilities
and constantly communicating to make joint deci-
sions. A challenge to achieve the ambitious objec-
tives of those researches is the natural language com-
munication interfaces. Among these challenges is
the ability of an agent to understand an argument
communicated by a human. One of the steps to-
wards this understanding is to develop the ability of
an agent to classify a received argument from a hu-
man according to commonly used patterns of reason-
ing used in that application domain, called argumen-
tation schemes (Walton et al., 2008).
Argumentation schemes are patterns of reasoning
used in specific or general domains (Walton et al.,
2008), and they are gaining increasing attention from
those interested in exploring the vast and rich interdis-
ciplinary area between argumentation and AI (Girle
et al., 2003). One of the reasons for this interest is
the possibility of identifying common types of argu-
ments in everyday discourse and conversations (Wal-
ton et al., 2008), using, for example, argument min-
ing, which also allows for the automatic identification
and extraction of components and structures of an ar-
gument (Lawrence and Reed, 2020). Moreover, argu-
mentation schemes contain great potential for solving
AI problems. For instance, the works of (Carbogim
et al., 2000; Reed, 1997; Walton, 2000) demon-
strate that argumentation provides a powerful means
of dealing with non-monotonic reasoning problems,
moving away from purely deductive and monotonic
approaches to reasoning and towards presumptive and
defeasible techniques.
Herbets de Sousa, L., Trajano, G., Morales, A., Sarkadi, S. and Panisson, A.
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012578300003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 2, pages 635-645
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In this paper, we investigate human-computer in-
teraction technologies with the aim of classifying ar-
guments provided by humans in natural language ac-
cording to argumentation schemes (patterns of argu-
ments) used in that domain of application. Thus, from
this study and the developed technologies, arguments
can be extracted, understood, and translated from hu-
man speech/text to a computational agent, enabling
advances in the development of applications in the
context of hybrid intelligence (Akata et al., 2020).
To achieve this constant and rich communication be-
tween humans and machines (which contextualises
hybrid intelligence), it is essential for a machine (AI)
to be able to understand arguments communicated by
humans. A technology with great potential to meet
this need is chatbot technology, which is widely used
for its ability to communicate very similarly to human
communication. Therefore, considering this proxim-
ity to human communication, the use of chatbot tech-
nologies as an agent interface and human has great
compatibility. A chatbot is software capable of hold-
ing a conversation with a human user in natural lan-
guage, through messaging applications, websites, and
other digital platforms and communication interfaces.
One of the essential elements in a chatbot is NLU
(Natural Language Understanding), where a chatbot
is trained to understand user inputs in natural lan-
guage. This understanding is the result of a process of
classifying user inputs according to a set of user inten-
tions that can be identified in the corresponding appli-
cation domain, also making the extraction (and identi-
fication) of entities that are relevant to understanding
that user input. Thus, in this paper, we will investigate
whether chatbot technologies also provide support for
the classification of arguments communicated by hu-
mans in natural language into argumentation schemes
(patterns of arguments), allowing an agent to under-
stand the meaning of those arguments. In particular,
we use 8 argumentation schemes, chosen according to
their differences and complexities, and they are used
to train the chatbot. Then, we evaluate whether the
Rasa framework could classify different forms of ar-
guments according to argumentation schemes (which
are used to instance those arguments).
2.1 Argumentation Schemes
In the article presented by (Panisson et al., 2021a), the
authors propose an approach to develop explainable
agents using argumentation-based techniques. How-
ever, to achieve the development of applications in the
context of explainability, as described in Section 1,
there is a need to investigate human-computer inter-
action interfaces, such as making it possible for com-
putational agents to understand arguments commu-
nicated in natural language by humans. Following
the work proposed by the authors in (Panisson et al.,
2021a), a very interesting direction of investigation is
the use of argumentation schemes.
Argumentation schemes are patterns of reasoning
used to instantiate (create) arguments (Walton et al.,
2008). Argumentation schemes also represent forms
of arguments that are revocable, which allows the im-
plementation of highly sophisticated reasoning mech-
anisms on uncertain, incomplete, and conflicting in-
formation (Maudet et al., 2006). These characteristics
are quite valuable when it comes to classifying human
arguments into argumentation schemes (where argu-
ments will have various forms, omission of informa-
tion, etc.).
In artificial intelligence, especially in multi-agent
systems, argumentation schemes have been used to
provide means for intelligent agents to perform rea-
soning on conflicting or uncertain information, ob-
taining conclusions with solid grounding, and con-
sequently, well-supported decisions (Panisson et al.,
2021b). This argument-based reasoning process con-
sists of a sophisticated process of monological ar-
gumentation reasoning. On the other hand, in the
implementation of argumentation-based communica-
tion between intelligent agents, arguments are used
for agents to justify/support their positions in dif-
ferent types of dialogues (Panisson et al., 2021b).
In argumentation-based dialogues, it is customary to
highlight the idea that agents can explain their posi-
tions in a deliberate dialogue, or even use arguments
to persuade other agents in a negotiation, among oth-
ers. For example, below we have the argumentation
scheme role to know:
An agent ‘ag’ has the role ‘R’, and role ‘R’ knows
things related to domain ‘S’ containing proposition
‘A(major premise). ‘ag’ asserts that ‘A’ is true (mi-
nor premise). Then ‘A’ can be considered as true
An example in natural language, which charac-
terises an instance of the argumentation scheme pre-
sented above, is exemplified below:
Fernando is a doctor and knows things related to the
domain about cancer (major premise). Fernando as-
serts that smoking causes cancer (minor premise).
Then we conclude that smoking causes cancer (con-
Note that the variables ag, R, S, and A are in-
stantiated by elements of the application domain
{ag 7→ Fernando, R 7→ doctor, S 7→ cancer, A 7→
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
smoking causes cancer} – instantiating that pattern of
reasoning. Also note that arguments have a slight
variation of the considered standard and catalogued
pattern of reasoning, which becomes a challenge for
the classification process of the arguments, as well
as the recognition of specific entities that were used
to instantiate the argumentation scheme. These chal-
lenges are explored in this work.
2.2 Chatbot Technologies
Chatbots are artificial intelligence software that are
capable of communicating with humans through
human-computer interaction models. They utilise nat-
ural language processing for communication, which
can be either in written or spoken form. Currently,
chatbots are being utilised in numerous applications
in various ways, primarily serving as a user-friendly
communication interfaces. These technologies are
considered friendly as they simulate natural conversa-
tion during dialogues with humans. A chatbot can re-
spond based on pre-programmed guidelines or make
use of AI to learn and adapt its responses.
Currently, chatbots have gained popularity as tools
for replacing human agents in tasks such as customer
service. They have also gained more attention as a
human-computer interface with more general aspects,
with applications of integration with distributed artifi-
cial intelligence systems, such as (Engelmann et al.,
2021c; Engelmann et al., 2021b). Given this inte-
gration and the previous context, it is essential to
study whether human-computer interaction technolo-
gies such as chatbots are capable of recognising, and
at what level of detail, these more complex structures
of human communication (recently applied to intel-
ligent agents) such as argumentation. Therefore, in
this paper, chatbot technologies will be used as a form
of communication between agents and humans, in-
vestigating whether chatbot technologies provide sup-
port for identifying and detailing arguments commu-
nicated by humans to an intelligent agent, so that the
agent can later understand and process these argu-
ments uttered by humans in natural language.
There are various chatbot technologies available
that could be used, such as IBM Watson
, Di-
, and Rasa
. In this work, the Rasa frame-
work will be used, justified by its various qualities
such as having a solid documentation, allowing the in-
tegration of the chatbot on websites and applications,
being highly customisable, and being open source.
Also, it was decided to use Rasa, given the develop-
ment of integration of this chatbot technology with
multi-agent system development platforms (Cust
2022). The next section will be dedicated to describ-
ing the framework used and the necessary steps for
implementing a chatbot.
The Rasa framework is an open-source machine
learning software for developing chatbots capable of
automated text and voice conversations. Rasa can
be used to automate human-computer interactions in
numerous ways, from websites to social media plat-
The Rasa framework has three main functionali-
ties, namely Natural Language Processing (NLP), di-
alogue management, and integrations with other sys-
tems. For this work, we mainly used the NLP func-
tionality, investigating whether it provides means for
argument classification
There are two components that interest us regard-
ing the NLP functionality for the development of this
work, which correspond to training the NLP unit and
to the chatbot pipeline that allows us to improve its
performance by introducing, for example, language
models. Below we describe each of these topics.
3.1 NLU Training
The Natural Language Understanding (NLU) module
of the Rasa framework provides natural language pro-
cessing capabilities that transform user messages into
intents and entities, allowing chatbots to understand
those interactions.
For example, in order for a chatbot developed with
Rasa to understand a greeting spoken in natural lan-
guage, it is necessary to train the chatbot with a set of
examples of natural language sentences that have that
meaning. An example of such an implementation is
shown below:
- intent: greeting
example: |
- Hello
- Hi
- Good afternoon!
- Good morning
- Good evening
- Hey
In this way, any greeting, whether it be one of
those presented above or variations of them, will
The other functionalities may be explored in the future,
by extending this work.
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
be recognized by the chatbot as the user’s intention
Another important aspect of chatbot technologies
related to training the natural language processing
unit is the extraction of entities from user interac-
tions. For example, in a broad context of chatbots, it
is highly advisable that the chatbot have interactions
that establish a connection with the user, for instance,
by addressing the user by name. In order to achieve
this, the chatbot must be able to extract this entity - the
user’s name - from its interactions with the user. For
instance, after the chatbot asks for the user’s name, the
following intent could be used to process the user’s
response and extract the entity “name”:
- intent: provide_name
example: |
- My name is [John](name)
- I am [Mary](name)
- [Juca](name) is my name
- They call me [Mateus](name)
- I am [Thiago](name)
The structure of the training examples for entity
marking follows the example template above, where
the portion of the sentence that represents an entity
is marked with square brackets, and the name of the
entity is annotated between parentheses.
3.2 Pipeline
Within Rasa, received messages are processed by a
sequence of components, which are executed one af-
ter another in a process called pipeline. The possi-
bility of choosing a pipeline for the NLU allows for
customizing the chatbot model and better adapting it
to the data that will be used in the application domain.
When no pipeline is defined, the Rasa framework
automatically defines a pipeline based on the lan-
guage defined in the framework’s configuration file.
However, it is possible to add several elements to
the pipeline, depending on the project’s needs. One
of these elements is the WhitespaceTokenizer, which
processes words separated by white space. Another
example of an element is the LexicalSyntacticFeatur-
izer, which creates features for entity extraction from
a message. The LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer element
can be configured to better extract entities from mes-
sages expected by a created model. There are sev-
eral other components that can be added, such as pre-
trained language models from spaCy
, among other
Recognizing arguments in natural language is a cru-
cial step in developing artificial intelligence appli-
cations that will interact with humans, in a context
where agents (intelligent software) and humans will
work together to solve problems, which has been con-
textualized as hybrid intelligence (Akata et al., 2020).
There are already approaches that develop this
type of interaction between intelligent agents and hu-
mans, where agents use arguments (properly trans-
lated into natural language) to explain their conclu-
sions (resulting from their reasoning processes) and
decision-making to human users (Panisson et al.,
2021a; Ferreira et al., 2022), in applications such
as hospital bed allocation (Engelmann et al., 2021c),
task allocation in groups of collaborators (Schmidt
et al., 2016), data access control (Panisson et al.,
2018), among others. These works are developed us-
ing the multi-agent systems development platform Ja-
son (Bordini et al., 2007), supported by the frame-
work developed on this platform that supports the use
of argumentation-based reasoning and communica-
tion techniques (Panisson et al., 2021b; Panisson and
Bordini, 2020).
However, these works contextualize only one side
of communication, where an intelligent agent can
generate and communicate arguments in natural lan-
guage to a human user. It is necessary to investi-
gate how an intelligent agent would actually be able
to engage in an argumentation process with human
users, allowing users to counter-argue a decision ex-
plained by it, argue about their own conclusions, etc.
In this context, there are already works that imple-
ment interfaces with well-known natural language
processing technologies, such as chatbot technolo-
gies. Among these interfaces are Dial4Jaca (Engel-
mann et al., 2021b; Engelmann et al., 2021a) and
Rasa4Jaca (Cust
odio, 2022), which implement in-
terfaces between chatbot technologies such as Di-
alogflow and Rasa, and the Jason agent development
platform (Bordini et al., 2007).
Thus, as an initial point of investigation for the
presented context, in the development of natural lan-
guage communication interfaces between intelligent
agents and human users, we investigated how chat-
bot technologies could support the understanding of
arguments presented by humans in natural language,
classifying them into reasoning patterns used for ar-
gument instantiation, i.e., argumentation schemes.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This section presents the study that aimed to eval-
uate whether chatbot technologies provide the nec-
essary means for an intelligent agent (or chatbot re-
ferred to here) to recognise arguments in natural lan-
guage, providing an understanding of these complex
structures to an intelligent agent. For the study pur-
pose, 8 argumentation schemes extracted from the
book (Walton et al., 2008) were chosen and modelled,
and they will be presented below. For each scheme,
16 examples of arguments were defined for training
the NLU, resulting in a dataset of 128 examples of
natural language arguments. The 8 modelled argu-
mentation schemes are presented below:
1 - Argumentation Scheme Role to Know: This ar-
gumentation scheme is adapted from the argumenta-
tion scheme position to know by (Walton et al., 2008),
as presented in the work (Panisson et al., 2021a) and
has the structure presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Argumentation scheme role to know.
Major Premise Agent Ag is in a position to
know about things in a particu-
lar subject domain S containing
the proposition Ar.
Minor Premise Ag asserts that Ar is true(false).
Conclusion Ar is true(false).
An example argument that corresponds to an in-
stance of this argumentation scheme is presented be-
[Joseph is a engineer](premise1) and [says bricks are
better than blocks](premise2), so it can be concluded
that [bricks are better than blocks](conclusion).
where premise1 would be the major premise prop-
erly annotated in the example, premise2 would be
the minor premise, and conclusion the conclusion.
2 - Argumentation Scheme Classification: This ar-
gumentation scheme was directly extracted from the
book (Walton et al., 2008), and has the structure pre-
sented in Table 2, and an example is presented below:
Table 2: Argumentation scheme classification.
Major Premise All F’s can be classified as G’s.
Minor Premise A is an F.
Conclusion Therefore, A is a G.
[All developers from Company X are senior
developers](premise1). [Todd work at Com-
pany X](premise2), so [Todd is a Senior Devel-
3 - Argumentation Scheme Sign: Like the previous
argumentation scheme, this one, and all the following
ones, are schemes from the book (Walton et al., 2008).
Its structure is presented in Table 3, and below we
present an argument instantiated from it:
Table 3: Argumentation scheme sign.
Minor Premise The data represented as state-
ment A is true in this situation.
Major Premise Statement B is generally indi-
cated as true when its sign A is
Conclusion Therefore, B is true.
[Here are some tracks](premise2) that [look like they
were made by a bear](premise1). Therefore, [a bear
possibly passed this way](conclusion).
4 - Argumentation Scheme Effect to Cause: its
structure is presented in Table 4, and an example is
presented below:
Table 4: Argumentation scheme effect to cause.
Premise 1 Generally, if A occurs, then B will
Premise 2 In this case, B did in fact occur.
Conclusion Therefore, A presumably oc-
[Fred has high temperature](premise2). So, [Fred has
a fever](conclusion).
Note that this scheme only includes premise 2 and
the conclusion, which is also an adaptation of the
original scheme. Premise 1 still serves as a way to
understand and explain the argument’s classification
and how it works, and premise 2 is the one actually
present in the argument.
5 - Argumentation Scheme Threat: This scheme
has its structure defined with 3 premises, shown in
Table 5, along with its example:
Table 5: Argumentation scheme threat.
Premise 1 If you bring A, bad consequences
B will happen.
Premise 2 I am in a position to cause B.
Premise 3 I hereby assert that B will occur if
you provoke A.
Conclusion Therefore, it is better for you not
to provoke A.
[If Jason bring a dog to this park](premise1) [he
should pay a fee](premise2). [Jason can not afford
this fee](premise3). [Therefore, is better for Jason
that he does not bring a dog to the park](conclusion).
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
6 - Argumentation Scheme Guilt by Association:
Its structure is presented in Table 6, and an example
is presented below:
Table 6: Argumentation scheme guilt by association.
Premise Ag is a member of or associated
with the group G, which is morally
Conclusion Therefore, Ag is a morally bad per-
[Jake is a member of Mur Family, and all members of
Mur family are killers](premise1). [Therefore, Jake is
a killer](conclusion).
This scheme originally has 2 conclusions, but in
this work an adaptation was used, in which only
conclusion 1 was used, as the other conclusion only
serves as an extension of the used conclusion.
7 - Argumentation Scheme Positive/Negative
Scheme for Practical Argument from Analogy:
This argumentation scheme is a combination of two
schemes, the positive and negative, but since the dif-
ference is only in the polarity of the sentence, both
positive and negative examples were used. Its struc-
ture is presented in Tables 7 and 8, and below we
present examples of both polarities:
Table 7: Argumentation scheme positive scheme for practi-
cal argument from analog.
Major Premise The right thing to do in S1 was
to do A.
Minor Premise S2 is similar to S1.
Conclusion Therefore, the right thing to do
in S2 is to do A.
[The righteous thing to do on the miners case was
to help](premise1). [The wreckage building case is
similar to miners case](premise2). Therefore, [the
right thing to do in wreckage building case is to
Table 8: Argumentation scheme negative scheme for prac-
tical argument from analogy.
Major Premise The wrong thing to do in S1 was
to do A.
Minor Premise S2 is similar to S1.
Conclusion Therefore, the wrong thing to do
in S2 is to do A.
[The wrong thing to do on first game was not commu-
nicating with the team](premise1). [The second game
will be similar to the first game](premise2). There-
fore, [the wrong thing to do in the second game is to
not communicate](conclusion).
8 - Argumentation Scheme Necessary Condition:
This scheme is divided into the premise of the objec-
tive and the necessary premise to achieve the objec-
tive, with the structure presented in Table 9, followed
by an instantiation example:
Table 9: Argumentation scheme necessary condition.
Objective Premise Making Sn is my objective.
Necessary Premise To make Sn, it is necessary
to do Si.
Conclusion Therefore, I need to do Si.
[Jake wants to produce Wine](premise1). [In or-
der to produce wine, planting grapes is neces-
sary](premise2). Therefore, [Jake needs to plant
To evaluate whether the chatbot technology used
would be capable of correctly classifying arguments
in the argumentation schemes presented above, two
chatbot projects were developed, both using the 8 ar-
gumentation schemes, with 16 sentence examples for
each of them.
In the first project, there was no marking of
premises and conclusion, only the sentences were ex-
pressed in natural language, with the aim of verifying
the classification in relation to the intention that corre-
sponds to the argumentation scheme. Below we show
an example of the training of an intention for argu-
ment classification:
- intent: classification
example: |
- All people who lives in Switzerland
are rich. Nomu lives in Switzerland.
So Nomu is rich
- All animals that produce milk can be
classified as mammals.
A buffalo produces milk.
Therefore a buffalo is a mammal
- ...
In the second project, simple structures of the
arguments were marked, in which it is interesting
not only to recognise the intention that classifies the
argument according to the modelled argumentation
schemes, but also to identify which parts of the sen-
tences are premises and which part of the sentence
is the conclusion of the argument. Below is an exam-
ple of training an intention for argument classification
with simple structure:
- intent: classification
example: |
- [All people who lives in Switzerland
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
are rich](premise1).
[Nomu lives in Switzerland](premise2).
So [Nomu is rich] (conclusion)
- [All animals that produce milk can be
classified as mammals] (premise1).
A [buffalo produces milk](premise2).
Therefore a [buffalo is a mammal]
- ...
In addition, in order to better understand the clas-
sification process of the technology in both projects
and for all argument schemes, the order of the ele-
ments in the argument structure was interchanged, as
commonly found in different writing or speech styles.
These non-standardized structures allowed for a better
evaluation of the technology for the desired task. For
example, in the Role to Know argument scheme, in
the two examples presented below, we can observe the
different forms of an argument, focusing on the order
in which the premises and conclusions are presented
in each example provided for the chatbot’s training:
- intent: role_to_know
example: |
- [Jaime is a engineer](premise1)
and [says bricks are better than
blocks](premise2), so [it is
concluded that bricks are better
than blocks](conclusion)
- [Today will rain](conclusion),
[because Todd told me it will rain
today](premise2), [Todd is a
weatherman](premise1), wheathermans
know about weather forecast.
- ...
Note that in the first example above, premise1,
premise2, and conclusion were marked, respec-
tively, according to the argument structure. In the sec-
ond example, the argument structure has the order of
conclusion, premise2, and premise1.
After defining the intentions corresponding to the
argumentation schemes, providing examples for the
training of the NLU in both projects, some empirical
experiments were carried out to evaluate how accu-
rate the technology would be for argument classifica-
tion with and without simple structure. The results
obtained are presented in the next section.
The evaluation was performed using the tools pro-
vided with the Rasa framework. The process fol-
lowed the standard procedure for training a chatbot,
where the NLU training was carried out primarily us-
ing data that corresponds to 128 examples classified
into 8 argumentation schemes presented in the previ-
ous section, with 16 examples for each argumentation
After NLU training, tests were performed to cer-
tify the quality of the developed NLU. In this work,
these tests provide indications of the ability of these
technologies to classify arguments into argumenta-
tion schemes. To perform this analysis, the standard
testing configuration established by Rasa was used,
which automatically separates 80% of the sentence
dataset examples for NLU training and 20% for val-
idation and NLU verification. This separation is im-
portant because the tests are carried out with data that
was not provided to the machine learning technique
during training, providing results that resemble those
that would be observed when the system is put into
production, considering that the inputs will also often
be data that were not present in the training dataset.
From the execution of the tests, the Rasa testing
tool generates a confusion matrix and a histogram of
the confidence distribution of the intention prediction,
which correspond to the classification of arguments
into argumentation schemes in this work. For the first
project, where there is no marking of argument struc-
tures, we have the following results, presented in Fig-
ure 1 (a) and Figure 1 (b), respectively. As can be seen
in Figure 1 (a), which presents the result for tests of
argumentation scheme classification without marking
premises and conclusion, all tests were correctly clas-
sified. It is important to understand that in a confusion
matrix, the expected classes (in this case, argumenta-
tion schemes) for the example provided to the model
during tests (rows of the matrix) are correlated with
the resulting classification of the model (columns of
the matrix). Thus, the correct classifications will be
positioned on the main diagonal of the matrix, as ob-
served in the matrix of Figure 1 (a). In case of wrong
classifications, the confusion matrix allows to observe
which classes received wrong classification and what
was the wrong classification provided by the model.
In Figure 1 (b), the histogram of the confidence
distribution of the intention prediction is presented,
which, for this study, corresponds to the confidence
in the classification of an argument in relation to the
argumentation scheme. Higher bar represent higher
confidence, starting from 1 at top to 0 at bottom. The
horizontal bar indicate the number of samples classi-
fied with that particular confidence. Green bars in-
dicate correct classifications, and red bars indicate
wrong classification
. As can be observed, there are
The main goal here is to avoid incorrect classifications,
but when they do occur, they are typically associated with
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
(a) Confusion matrix. (b) Histogram.
Figure 1: Intention (arguments) classification for the model with argumentation schemes without marked premises and
no wrong classifications, and most of the classifica-
tions have a high prediction confidence.
For the second project, where premises and con-
clusions were marked in the examples for entity ex-
traction, in addition to the confusion matrix and his-
togram to evaluate the classification of arguments into
argumentation schemes, the testing tool also provides
the confusion matrix of the entities and the histogram
of the confidence distribution of the entity predic-
tion, indicating after the correct classification of the
argument into its respective argumentation scheme
whether the entities (marked premises and conclu-
sions) were also correctly extracted by the NLU.
The results obtained for classification are pre-
sented in the confusion matrices and histograms of
Figure 2 (a) and Figure 2 (b), respectively. The re-
sults obtained for entity recognition are presented in
the confusion matrix and histogram of Figures 3 (a)
and 3 (b), respectively.
As can be seen from the confusion matrix in Fig-
ure 2, obtained through premise-marked classification
tests, the results are similar to those obtained in tests
without premise markings, i.e., the markings do not
influence the classification of the argument in its re-
spective argumentation scheme. Regarding the his-
togram of confidence distribution of intention pre-
low confidence.
diction presented in Figure 2, it can be noted that
premise-marked arguments increased the confidence
of the model on classifying those arguments, where
most arguments are correctly classified with higher
confidence than the previous test (more samples close
to confidence 1 (at top)).
Regarding the correct recognition of entities, in
our case marked premises and conclusion, the re-
sults are presented in Figures 3 and 3. It can be ob-
served that only 5 entities (premises and conclusions)
were recognised incorrectly, which represents a very
small proportion compared to the number of correctly
recognised entities. The histogram in Figure 3 shows
that the incorrectly recognised entities have a predic-
tion confidence of less than 54%.
The author in (Wells, 2014) suggests that the litera-
ture in argumentation schemes and dialogue games
can be classified as follows: (i) Games unable to
utilise (i.e., represent and manipulate) argumentation
schemes; (ii) Games able to utilise a single argumen-
tation scheme; and (iii) Games able to utilise multi-
ple/arbitrary argumentation schemes. Also, the author
describes that there is no game at the third level, con-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) Confusion matrix. (b) Histogram.
Figure 2: Intention (arguments) classification for the model with argumentation schemes with premises and conclusion
sidering multiple argumentation schemes. Our work
moves towards filling this gap, providing argument
(and argumentation scheme) understanding to agents.
In (Walton, 2012), the authors highlight the use
of argumentation schemes for argument extraction,
advocating a bottom-up approach wherein arguments
are grouped based on their similarities. In (Katzav
and Reed, 2004), the authors provide the conception
of argument and arguments types, suggesting them as
the basis for developing a natural classification of ar-
guments. The work is based on the idea that stereo-
typical forms (or schemes) of arguments are found
in natural discourse, but there is no formal and well-
defined basis for it such that it could be employed in
IA systems.
In (Macagno and Walton, 2015), the authors argue
that classifying the structure of natural arguments has
an important role in dialectical and rhetorical theories,
which also reflects to AI systems based on those the-
ories. Also, the authors describe that argumentation
schemes are the main representation for arguments
based on those theories. They also argue that argu-
mentation scheme could be selected according to the
intended purpose of the argument during dialogues.
Also, argumentation schemes have been used to
argument mining (Lawrence and Reed, 2016), which
aims to extract argumentative structures form text.
The authors describe that argumentation schemes pro-
vide a rich information to extract argumentative struc-
tures from natural language texts. They also explain
that by training various classifiers, it becomes feasible
not only to classify the argumentation scheme being
used but also the components of the arguments, in-
cluding their respective roles.
While our approach is inspired by all the men-
tioned work in this section, it differs from all of them.
Our approach focuses on classifying and extracting
argument structure based on well-known argumenta-
tion schemes, using chatbot technologies to support
this natural language understanding task. After this
classification and component extraction, arguments
could be grouped according to different views, such
as (Walton, 2012; Katzav and Reed, 2004; Macagno
and Walton, 2015). Additionally, our approach could
be used for argument mining (Lawrence and Reed,
2016), considering that the developed chatbot works
as a classifier and component extractor, capable of,
for example, filtering only those arguments classified
with higher accuracy from discourses/texts (interac-
tively providing sentences from them to the chatbot).
However, it is important to note that our work focuses
on providing an interface for argumentation-based di-
alogues between intelligent software agents and hu-
mans, wherein our approach supports the understand-
ing of arguments by intelligent agents.
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
(a) Confusion matrix. (b) Histogram.
Figure 3: Prediction of the extracted entities from argumentation schemes with premise and conclusion markings.
In this work, we investigated whether chatbot tech-
nologies are capable of classifying arguments pre-
sented in natural language into their respective rea-
soning patterns (argumentation schemes) used to in-
stantiate arguments. Two lines of evaluation were ex-
plored for the proposed investigation. The first was
where arguments only need to be classified accord-
ing to the argumentation scheme used to instantiate
them. The second was where elements of argument
composition, i.e., premises and conclusion, were also
identified, in addition to their classification in relation
to the argumentation scheme.
The results obtained from our study were very
promising, and we concluded that yes, chatbot tech-
nologies have great potential for implementing this
type of problem. However, the limitation of the num-
ber of argumentation schemes used is a limitation of
the results obtained, and future work will aim to ex-
tend the number of modeled patterns. Through the
investigation carried out in this work, possibilities
for great technological advances are opened up, such
as using existing works, such as Dial4JaCa (Engel-
mann et al., 2021b) and the argumentation framework
centred on the use of argumentation schemes (Panis-
son et al., 2021b), providing “scheme awareness” to
agents (Wells, 2014), to develop agents capable of
understanding an argument presented by a human
user. This would make an intelligent agent capa-
ble of counter-arguing or even better understanding
the user, considering that the arguments presented by
them support their position and provide justifications
for it, among other emerging possibilities of these so-
phisticated communication phenomena.
For future work, it is possible to further increase
the classification capability of arguments with Rasa
by training more argumentation schemes beyond the
eight used. For example, training with all exist-
ing argumentation schemes would create a general-
purpose argumentative AI. This line of research also
includes the need for numerous examples, such as
various interpretations of arguments. It is also pos-
sible to explore other Rasa pipeline configurations
to improve the classification ability, according to the
various types of text interpretation available for the
pipeline. There are many possibilities for advance-
ment from this work, as even using the basic pipeline
shows positive results. In addition, with the use of
the Rasa framework, it is possible to integrate the
trained chatbot into applications and use these appli-
cations with human users so that they can converse
with the chatbot and validate how Rasa will behave
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in a real scenarios, in the classification of arguments
created by humans, in argumentation schemes. It is
also possible to integrate the developed chatbot with
intelligent agent development technologies, such as
the Jason framework, through integration interfaces,
as studied by (Cust
odio, 2022).
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Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation