architecture based on containers. Decisions regard-
ing material flow have been optimized through an ILP
model that determines the optimal choices for trans-
ferring goods from each warehouse and composing
loads on transportation vehicles.
The proposed approach has been tested on real-
world instances with different numbers of orders.
Three different solvers were employed to evaluate
the trade-off between Gurobi’s superior performance
and HiGHS and CBC’s open-source licenses. Com-
putational results were compared in terms of solu-
tions and required time. Gurobi successfully solves
nearly all instances relatively fast, while CBC and
HiGHS usually achieve optimal values for the objec-
tive function, although without demonstrating opti-
mality within the specified time limit. Overall, the
results show a significant reduction in total costs com-
pared to the company’s manually calculated solution
by operators. Furthermore, the digitalization of the
process minimizes non-value-added time for both lo-
gistics and sales operators. Therefore, the imple-
mentation of the DSS offers economic benefits to the
company by lowering expenses associated with stock
transfers and gaining valuable working hours.
Nevertheless, further enhancements are possible.
Currently, optimization occurs daily. Exploring opti-
mization frequency via sensitivity analysis could bal-
ance economic gain and service level trade-offs. Less
frequent optimization accumulates more orders, po-
tentially improving margins. Yet, order accumulation
delays shipments, reducing service levels.
Moreover, running the model for large instances
can conflict with the company’s needs due to sig-
nificant time requirements. Since material quantities
are updated only upon order consolidation and solu-
tion validation, sales operators using the system in
real-time may concurrently request the same material,
leading to resource contention. To address this issue,
heuristic algorithms could be implemented to obtain
good solutions in a limited amount of time.
Manuel Iori gratefully acknowledges financial sup-
port under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
(NRRP), Mission 04 Component 2 Investment 1.5–
NextGenerationEU, Call 3277, Award 0001052.
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An Integrated Decision Support System for Intra-Logistics Management with Peripheral Storage and Centralized Distribution