A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear
Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines
Matheus Ferreira Mandarino
1 a
, Tatianna Aparecida Pereira Beneteli
2 b
and Luciano Perdig
ao Cota
2 c
Vale S.A., Mariana, Brazil
Instituto Tecnol
ogico Vale, Ouro Preto, Brazil
Location of Routers, Mesh Networks, p-median, Open-Pit Mines.
In open-pit mines, it is very important to ensure network coverage for equipment in operation, which is located
in large areas. It should be noted that some of this equipment, such as trucks and drills, is autonomous;
therefore, access to the network is essential. This work presents a mathematical model for solving it based
on the p-median problem. The objective is to determine the location of the routers, minimizing the number
of routers and the sum of the distances between the operating points and the installed routers. We use real
data from the F
abrica Nova mine in Brazil to validate the mathematical model. The scenarios represent the
mining planning for 2023, 2024, and 2025. The results showed that the proposed model found the optimal
router location in a few seconds, providing more efficient coverage for mining equipment using fewer routers.
Open-pit mining is an activity that requires the use of
various high-tech equipment to ensure the safety and
productivity of the operation. One of the main chal-
lenges mining companies face is ensuring equipment
connectivity since the operation occurs in remote ar-
eas and often with limited access to communication
networks. One solution to this problem is the use of
mesh networks.
The mesh network is a wireless communication
technology that stands out for its ability to increase
network coverage and efficiency, offering more excel-
lent stability and security (Taleb et al., 2022). This
technology is an evolution of traditional networks,
which use a single access point, such as a router, to
connect to several devices. With the mesh network,
devices connect, forming a communication mesh,
which allows the network to be more robust and flex-
According to Agrawal et al. (2023), mesh net-
works have several advantages over traditional net-
works, such as expanding the wireless network, cov-
ering remote areas, and solving connectivity problems
where the signal is weak or non-existent. These ad-
vantages make the mesh network exciting for large
environments like mining companies.
The location of routers in a mesh network is one
of the main factors that influence the efficiency and
signal quality of the network. Despite the economic
and operational importance of providing efficient cov-
erage for mining equipment, the installation points for
routers in mines are generally determined empirically.
This adopted strategy may cause a signal loss, putting
operation and safety at risk. Figure 1 shows the struc-
ture used at the F
abrica Nova mine in Brazil to loca-
tion routers.
Figure 1: Trailer used to install routers at the F
abrica Nova
Mandarino, M., Beneteli, T. and Cota, L.
A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines.
DOI: 10.5220/0012586400003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 620-627
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The problem of locating routers in mesh networks
can be classified as a p-median problem, where the
routers are the facilities and the mine operating points
are the customers. In the literature, the p-median
problem is widely treated in several applications, aim-
ing to minimize the distances between facilities and
customers. However, no study was found on the prob-
lem of locating routers in open-pit mines. In this prob-
lem, there are additional constraints, such as delimit-
ing the mine’s operating areas by four extreme points,
respecting the routers’ coverage radius, and allow-
ing redundancy of coverage, increasing network cov-
erage’s reliability. Furthermore, the objective func-
tion additionally deals with minimizing the number
of routers since the installation adds cost to the mine
To fill this gap, this work proposes a mixed-integer
linear programming model for router locations in
open-pit mines based on the p-median problem. To
validate the proposal, a case study was used with three
scenarios at the F
abrica Nova mine from Vale S.A in
Brazil. Scenarios represent mining planning for 2023,
2024, and 2025, respectively, and the results estimate
the network infrastructure necessary for the operation.
The main contributions of this work are: i) charac-
terization of the router locations in open-pit mines as a
variant of the p-median problem class; ii) introduction
of a mixed-integer linear programming formulation to
solve the problem using a solver.
The article is organized as follows: Section 2
presents a literature review. Section 3 shows the
characterization of the problem and provides a didac-
tic example. Section 4 presents the proposed model
for router location. Finally, in Section 5, the com-
putational experiments are reported, while Section 6
shows the conclusions of the work.
This section presents a literature review of some top-
ics related to the problem of the location of routers in
open-pit mines.
2.1 Mesh Networks
The use of routers in mesh networks has been studied
extensively in the literature. In particular, optimiza-
tion algorithms to determine the optimal router loca-
tion–allocation have proven effective in several con-
texts. In Zhang et al. (2009), the authors proposed
an optimization model for router location–allocation
in mesh networks in urban areas, aiming to minimize
the total cost of the network.
In Bueno (2021), the authors present a study on
router location–allocation in mesh networks in rural
areas. In this case, a mixed-integer linear program-
ming model approach was used to determine the op-
timal router location–allocation, considering several
constraints, such as installation cost and signal range.
Regarding the use of mesh networks in mining en-
vironments, a recent study by Shibalabala and Swart
(2020) highlighted the importance of using mesh net-
works for data transmission in underground mines,
aiming to improve the efficiency and safety of oper-
ations. However, more studies still need to be con-
ducted on the installation of routers in mesh networks
in open-pit mining environments.
2.2 The p-Median Problem
The p-median problem class is a combinatorial op-
timization problem that aims to find the optimal lo-
cation of p medians in a set of possible locations,
minimizing the distance between the medians and the
demand points (Daskin and Maass, 2015). The p-
median problem has been used in several areas. Be-
low, we present some of these applications:
Distribution Center Optimization: in logis-
tics and supply chain management, the p-median
problem is used to determine the strategic location
of distribution centers, minimizing transportation
costs and maximizing delivery efficiency of prod-
ucts (Ramadhanti et al., 2020).
Health Services Planning: in healthcare, the p-
median problem approach is applied to determine
the ideal location of hospitals, clinics, or care cen-
ters, aiming to maximize access to medical ser-
vices and minimize patient travel times (Murad
et al., 2024).
Reduction of Carbon Emissions: seeking sus-
tainable transport solutions, the p-median prob-
lem is used to optimize charging point locations
for electric vehicles, reducing carbon emissions
and improving infrastructure urban mobility (Kim
et al., 2022).
Urban and Spatial Planning: the p-median
problem approach is used in urban planning to de-
termine the location of public services, such as
schools, libraries, or parks, seeking to ensure an
equitable distribution of these resources in the city
(Chen et al., 2023).
Location-allocation problems seek to find the best
configuration for installing one or more facilities to
meet the demand of a population. The term facility
can be replaced in the public sector by public ser-
vice units (schools, libraries, hospitals, bus stops) and
A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines
emergency services units (fire department, police sta-
tions, ambulance stations). In the private sector, the
term facility can be replaced, for example, by facto-
ries, warehouses, telecommunications antennas, and
routers (Barbosa et al., 2023; de Campos et al., 2020).
The problem of locating routers in mesh networks
is a critical issue that aims to find the ideal location
for installing routers in a geographic area to ensure
maximum coverage and connectivity. This problem
is complex and involves several restrictions, such as
signal range, installation costs, and the limited num-
ber of routers to be installed. Several optimization
approaches have been widely studied and applied to
solve this challenge.
In Lorena and Pereira (2002), the p-median prob-
lem is applied to a facility location problem, simulat-
ing the installation of radio antennas for internet ser-
vice in S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, Brazil. Capdeville and
Vianna (2013) also proposed the implementation of
GRASP heuristics for the problem of locating access
points in a wireless mesh network, which is treated as
a problem capacitated p-median location based on the
structure of a new network that will be implemented.
Sandoval et al. (2021) consider the problem of max-
imizing user coverage for 5G/6G wireless communi-
cation networks subject to facility location and radial
distance constraints through two models. The first
model maximizes the total number of users. The sec-
ond includes in the objective function the maximiza-
tion of users and the minimization of the number of
antennas to be activated. The numerical results ob-
tained show that the increase in the number of radius
allowed provides more flexibility and accuracy to the
model, although at a higher computational cost. The
authors indicate that proposed models can be used for
future developments of 5G/6G networks to improve
Therefore, the p-median problem formulation can
also solve the router location problem in mesh net-
works. In this context, the medians represent the lo-
cations of the routers, and the demand points are the
devices or areas that require connectivity.
Using the p-median problem approach to solve the
router location problem in mesh networks allows for
determining strategic positions for installing routers
to optimize network coverage and minimize associ-
ated costs. To that end, a new mathematical formula-
tion was developed based on the p-median problem.
The new objective function and problem constraints
seek to represent the specific characteristics of the
router location problem in open-pit mines. The pro-
posed new formulation will be presented below.
Open-pit mines generally have a vast geographic ex-
tension, and mining activities may exist simultane-
ously in different regions of that mine. The mining
equipment used in the operation requires access to the
communication network to guarantee the safety and
productivity of the operation.
In this work, the operating points determine the ar-
eas where mining activities are being performed and
where mining equipment circulates and requires con-
nectivity. For each operational area, four extreme
points are defined.
Figure 2 illustrates a region in which two opera-
tion areas are represented by the areas delimited by
the yellow lines. Each operating area is represented
by four extreme points, called operating points, in red
in the image.
Figure 2: Mapping of operating points.
Therefore, the router location problem in open-pit
mines consists of determining the minimum number
of routers needed to ensure that all operating points
are within the coverage radius of at least one router.
The characteristics of this problem are presented be-
1. Operating points (J):
(a) A mine can have several areas of simultaneous
(b) In each operation area, there is a variety of
equipment that needs connectivity to perform
its activities;
(c) Each operating area is represented by four ex-
treme points, called operation points;
(d) Each operating point j J has a location l p
(e) Each operating point j J needs to be attended
to one or more routers r R;
2. Routers (R):
(a) A communication network is made up of n
(b) Each installed router has a location lr
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(c) Each router r R has a coverage radius, identi-
fied as radius;
(d) p
indicates the maximum number of routers
that can be installed.
3. Candidate locations for installing routers (I):
(a) There is a set of candidate locations for in-
stalling routers;
(b) Each location i I has a location lr
The objective is to locate routers r R serving all
operating points j J, seeking to minimize the num-
ber of routers installed and the sum of the distances
between the operating points and the routers.
Next, a small example of the problem is presented
to facilitate understanding.
In this example, represented in Figure 3, there are
two operation areas, represented by the areas delim-
ited in yellow. The two operating areas total eight
operating points j = {J1, J2, ·· · , J8}, represented in
red. There are six possible router installation points,
i = {I1, I2, ·· · , I6}, represented in blue. Each router
has an operating radius of 1000 meters, and the max-
imum number of routers that can be installed is four.
Figure 3: Operating points (J) and possible installation
points (I).
Table 1 presents the location matrix of the operat-
ing points in Cartesian coordinates (XYZ), while Ta-
ble 2 presents the location of possible router installa-
tion points.
Table 1: Operating points (J).
J1 662924,60 7763976,10 857,60
J2 662944,60 7763855,45 855,87
J3 663103,26 7763667,44 863,62
J4 663085,39 7763452,97 861,33
J5 662745,07 7763950,46 850,35
J6 662983,63 7763629,94 857,03
J7 663025,22 7763378,73 844,49
J8 663157,37 7763180,37 852,08
Table 3 presents the distance matrix between the
operating points and the possible router installation
points in meters.
A possible solution for the didactic example is to
install a router at point I3, which is show by Figure 4.
Table 2: Possible installation points (I).
I1 662672,16 7764069,48 854,63
I2 662848,54 7764001,51 857,08
I3 663018,54 7763651,51 862,22
I4 663101,99 7763358,01 865,70
I5 663176,98 7763235,03 871,57
I6 663262,39 7763096,90 876,83
Figure 4: Possible solution.
In this section, we present the mixed-integer lin-
ear programming model to solve the addressed prob-
lem based on p-median. The main contributions of
this model are: i) minimize the number of installed
routers; ii) delimitation of mine operating areas by ex-
treme points; iii) respect the routers’ coverage radius;
iv) allow redundancy of router coverage.
Next, the input sets, indexes, parameters, and de-
cision variables used in the proposed formulation are
J : set of operating points that must be met;
R : set of routers;
I : set of candidate locations for router installa-
j : index of the set J;
i : index of the set I.
i j
: distance from the operating point j to the
router located at i;
: maximum number of routers that can be in-
radius : coverage radius of each router.
Decision variables:
p : number of routers that will be installed;
A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines
Table 3: Distance matrix.
J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8
I1 277,72 347,99 670,29 787,10 157,96 544,46 878,69 1019,42
I2 80,40 176,29 462,85 615,55 160,79 395,36 806,04 902,36
I3 359,54 257,19 88,18 210,27 546,07 67,90 587,14 593,94
I4 709,21 618,35 313,71 115,42 927,43 371,70 529,54 371,72
I5 979,04 908,97 501,79 341,15 1286,16 651,06 942,44 438,00
I6 1313,17 1261,83 766,80 637,82 1699,66 993,61 1414,54 746,96
i j
1, if the operating point j is assigned to
the router located at i;
0, otherwise;
1, if the router is installed at location i;
0, otherwise;
The objective function of the formulation is com-
posed of two parcels. The first parcel minimizes
the number of open facilities, that is, the number of
routers installed. The second parcel minimizes the
sum of the distances between the operating points and
the installed routers. The equations (1) and (2) repre-
sent the objective function.
min α
+ β
i j
i j
α + β = 1 (2)
where α indicates the weight of the first parcel and β
indicates the weight of the second parcel of the objec-
tive function.
A set of constraints (3) has been implemented to
ensure that all operating points are within the cover-
age radius of the routers.
i j
i j
radius i I, j J (3)
The set of constraints (4) ensures that each oper-
ating point is assigned to at least one router.
i j
1 j J (4)
The set of constraints (5) guarantees that each op-
erating point can only be assigned to installed routers.
i j
i I, j J (5)
The constraint (6) determines the number of in-
stalled routers. The constraint (7) defines that the
number of installed routers must be less than the num-
ber of routers available p
p (6)
p p
Finally, the set of constraints (8) and (9) define
the domain of the decision variables x
i j
and y
, re-
i j
{0, 1} i I, j J (8)
{0, 1} i I (9)
The proposed mathematical model was implemented
in Lingo 10.0, version 4.01.100, and the computer
used in the computational experiments was an In-
tel(R) Xeon(R) W-10885M CPU @ 2.40 GHz note-
book, 64.0 GB RAM, and Windows 11 operating sys-
We used real data from three scenarios of the
abrica Nova mine in Mariana, Brazil, to evaluate the
proposed model. The operating points were collected
using geographic coordinates. The possible installa-
tion points were defined in the existing roads from the
mine using the Deswik software.
5.1 Scenarios
Currently, in the F
abrica Nova mine, there are 12
routers available for implementing the network. In
this study, each router has a coverage radius of 1,000
meters. We used three scenarios to validate the pro-
posal: the first represents the operations for 2023,
while the others represent the projection of the op-
erations for the following years, 2024 and 2025.
Scenario 01: the first scenario evaluated reflects
the mining planning for the year 2023. This sce-
nario has 12 operating areas represented by four
extreme points each, totaling 48 operating points.
Figure 5 shows the operating points for this year.
Scenario 02: the second scenario analyzed rep-
resents mining planning for the year 2024. This
scenario is presented in Figure 6 and has nine op-
eration areas, totaling 36 operation points.
Scenario 03: the last scenario analyzed is pre-
sented in Figure 7 and represents the mining plan-
ning for the year 2025. This scenario has six op-
eration areas, totaling 24 operation points.
In open-pit mines, the installation of routers is
only permitted at the mine’s access points, that is, on
the existing roads within the mine. To determine the
possible installation points for the routers, we use the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Operating points for the scenario 01.
Figure 6: Operating points for the scenario 02.
Figure 7: Operating points for the scenario 03.
Deswik software, version 2023.2.953. The topogra-
phy of the area with indications of existing accesses
is inputted into the software, as showed the red lines
in Figure 8. Thus, the software returns the number
of possible installation points to better the characteri-
zation of these accesses, as well as their geographic
coordinates. In the studies, we used the same ac-
cess topography across all scenarios and the software
identified 101 possible router installation points in the
A distance matrix, nxm, was created for each sce-
nario, where n is the number of operating points for
each scenario and m is the number of possible instal-
lation points. Due to the amount of data, a spread-
sheet with the matrices is available at https://encr.pw/
Figure 8: Possible installation points (in red).
5.2 Results
Table 4 summarises the results. As the objective func-
tion of the proposed mathematical model is composed
of two parcels, it was evaluated in three weight com-
binations for each scenario.
In all scenarios, the proposed mathematical model
quickly found the optimal solution (GAP = 0). It can
be seen that when one of the parcels has a weight
equal to 0, it is not considered in the optimization
process. Therefore, for this problem, it is suggested
to use a weight of 0.5 for each parcel of the objective
The solution generated in each scenario is illus-
trated as follows, considering α = 0.5 and β = 0.5.
Figure 9 presents the solution for scenario 01. Five
routers were installed at the points indicated in green.
The solution for scenario 02 is presented in Fig-
ure 10. For 2024, nine routers were installed at the
points indicated in green. When finding solutions for
mine planning in the coming years, the model has
shown to be a valuable tool for predicting the infras-
tructure necessary for implementing the communica-
tion network in mine expansion.
Finally, for 2025, the installation of eight routers
was indicated. Figure 11 represents the solution for
scenario 03.
In scenarios 2 and 3, the installation of routers
overlaps more than in scenario 1. These situations are
due to the projection of the mine for 2023 and 2024,
A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines
Table 4: Results.
Weight # Operation
# Operation
# Possible
Installation Points
Time (s)Parcel 1 (α) Parcel 2 (β)
0.0 1.0
12 48 101
12 592,019 219,684 0 13
0.5 0.5 5 836,646 360,746 0 12
1.0 0.0 5 908,457 588,192 0 21
0.0 1.0
9 36 101
12 958,006 388,08 0 1
0.5 0.5 9 958,006 465,878 0 1
1.0 0.0 9 958,006 657,681 0 7
0.0 1.0
6 24 101
12 972,767 622,021 0 0
0.5 0.5 8 972,767 659,385 0 0
1.0 0.0 8 992,281 774,993 0 3
Figure 9: Solution for scenario 01.
Figure 10: Solution for scenario 02.
in which the front mining will be more profound.
For all the scenarios evaluated, the proposed math-
ematical model was able to find the optimum solu-
tion quickly, demonstrating that it is a suitable tool
for decision-making.
This work proposed a mathematical model based on
the p-median class to solve a router location prob-
Figure 11: Solution for scenario 03.
lem in open-pit mines. Open-pit mining is an activity
that requires the use of various high-tech equipment
in large areas. In this problem, it is necessary to de-
fine the installation points for the routers, guarantee-
ing network coverage for all the mine’s equipment.
The objective is to minimize the number of routers
installed and the sum of the distances between the op-
erating points and the installed routers.
The proposed mathematical model brings the fol-
lowing new features: i) all equipment must be within
the overage radius of the routers; ii) one or more
routers can attend each mining equipment, i.e., cov-
erage redundancy is allowed; iii) and the objective
function involves additionally minimizing the number
of routers since a cost is associated with their instal-
We use real data from the F
abrica Nova mine in
computational experiments to validate the proposed
model. The results showed that the model found the
optimal router location in all scenarios, minimizing
the number of installed routers and providing more
efficient coverage for mining equipment. Therefore,
the proposed mathematical model proved to be suit-
able for supporting decision-making in the locating
of routers in open-pit mines.
In future work, we suggest analyzing the uncer-
tainties present in the coverage radius of routers in
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
large areas and network interference. In addition, we
also aim to explore other objective functions.
The authors are grateful for the support provided
by Vale S.A, Instituto Tecnol
ogico Vale, and by
the Coordenac¸
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de
ıvel Superior (CAPES, Finance Code 001), and
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e
ogico (CNPq, grant 302629/2023-8).
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A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines