their Italian versions: CBA-VE, PQ-16, ERIraos-CL,
GAF, and SOFAS. These cover various psychological
and psychiatric aspects and serve as essential tools in
assessing and treating patients.
An issue encountered is certainly the lack of a
higher quantity of data to perform a consistent fine-
tuning of the convolutional networks used. For this
reason, during the process, the choice of using a
Transfer Learning technique, without fine-tuning
the CNNs (GoogleNet, VGG16 and Resnet18), has
been taken. Additionally, due to the highly sensi-
tive nature of the information contained in this type of
questionnaire, a labelled dataset serving as a ground
truth for accurate assessment was not found. There-
fore, the validation of the extraction phase lacked a
measurable metric.
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questionnaires, exclusively recognising manually
filled check boxes. Nonetheless, we intend to include
a handwriting recognition component in the future,
allowing for the digitisation of less structured ques-
tionnaires containing handwritten sections. Thanks to
the collaboration with CPS “Giovani di Niguarda” we
will test the effectiveness of this solution on a wider
number of administrations, further expanding its ap-
plicability and assessing its performance.
This solution will be integrated into a proprietary
digital platform designed to oversee the comprehen-
sive management of psychiatric and psychological pa-
tient treatment courses. Although the digital platform
won’t be open-source, the PANTHER tool is publicly
available for further research and to be freely inte-
grated into other solutions.
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ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health