involved to. This competition (its name is Landes-
olympiade Informatik, short: LOI) consisted out of
five preparation- and one competition day. About 45
students coming from different schools from 7th to
9th grade participated in this event. Within this com-
petition, the students worked with robot cars as shown
in Figure 1 which have been designed and built by our
work group.
During the five preparation days, we taught the ba-
sics about the usage of the robots in order to balance
different backgrounds of the students coming from
different school with a diverse quality of computer
science education. At each preparation day, there was
always one employee from our work group accompa-
nied by two to four university students.
For this work, we concentrate on the observations
we made during the preparation days. During those
days, we typically gave learning tasks to the students,
combined with frontal teaching blocks. Most of the
students were working in pairs. If they struggled at a
task, they called for help by one of us.
2.2 Physical Computing Device for a
Computer Science Competition
In preperation of this competition, we designed a
physical computing device and built about 30 exem-
plars. We called it Floid which stands for fancy-
Floid is a simple robot car which can be pro-
grammed with the block based development envi-
ronment Microsoft MakeCode. We provide a li-
brary (github.com/eschaetz/loi-mv-sek1) for it,
which contains blocks for all functions and imports
the necessary drivers. The robot uses the BBC Mi-
cro:Bit V1 (Brandhofer and Kastner-Hauler, 2020) as
computing device. Floid has a number of actuators:
• A differential-drive (Haun, 2013) consisting out
of four DC-motors; two on each side. The motors
on each side are wired parallel, which means they
can not be controlled independently. The robot
steers, if the motors at one side rotate faster or in
a different directions than the motors at the other
The in the library included block drive contains
two parameters: steering from -10 to 10 (left to
right) and power from -10 to 10 (full power back-
wards to full power frontwards)
• One NeoPixel, which is a ring of eight RGB-LED
at the bottom of the robot
• One display on the top of the robot which can dis-
play 2x16 characters
On the sensor-side it has :
Figure 1: Floid, a simple robots built by out workgroup,
students were working with during our pilot-study.
• One ultrasonic distance sensor (Type SR04)
• Two digital line-tracking-sensors which return
only 1 for a dark and 0 for a bright surface
All components are shown in Figure 2. Along those
robot-specific components, students can use the sen-
sors which are built-in to the Micro:Bit, such as radio,
an ambient-light sensor, an accelerometer and two
buttons (Brandhofer and Kastner-Hauler, 2020)(Mi-
crobit Foundation, 2020)(H
uwe and H
uwe, 2019).
The robot is powered by a power-bank which is in the
bottom of the robot. The chassis is completely 3D-
printed. This way, the robot looks really unique and
we can easily reproduce and replace broken parts or
develop new extensions for it.
All in all this robot is quite susceptible for defects,
which are typically easy to repair. In the case of our
study, this can be seen as an advantage, since that gave
us the opportunity to observe how students realize de-
fects and how they handle them.
2.3 Observed Student-Statements
Students typically described error symptoms to us but
called it error. Those symptoms looked quite diverse
but can be summarized in the following seven most
significant observed-statements (OS).
• OS1. Robot doesn’t start moving
• OS2. Motors rotate with different speeds, even
though the set speed did not change (this is espe-
cially a problem in turns, as a 90° turn can take
1000 ms up to 1500 ms or even more)
• OS3. Data shown on the display is not correct
• OS4. Line-Tracking-Sensors don’t recognize a
• OS5. Values from distance are not correct
• OS6. Pressed buttons are not recognized
• OS7. Received radio signals are not recognized
Analysis of Student-Problems While Working with Physical Computing Devices