Group, 2020), led by the national research and
teaching ministry, with numerous stakeholders
(SNITEM, biomedical engineering school,
EUROPHARMAT, Tech4Health network, …). The
aim is to train 1,000 regulatory affairs executives for
the medical device industry over 5 years. This
objective meets companies' needs in terms of training
and new skills for the professions of the future. It is
fully in line with the France 2030 re-industrialization
plan (France 2030, 2022), to create the tomorrow
medical devices in France and to support companies
in their market access initiatives.
With the rapid evolution of digital health, every
medical device company already has, or will soon
have, digital products in its medical device portfolio.
The qualification criteria for regulatory affairs are
generic. It is then important to train staff able to
manage digital products and on all the aspects of the
company's products such as risk, quality
managements and clinical evaluation.
2.1 The ARCliMeD Project
The ARCliMeD project purpose, funded by ANR, is
to elaborate individual pathways for students and
professionals in activity, who want to specialize in the
3 domains of Quality, Regulatory Affairs, clinical
evaluations for the Medical Device industry. The
project targets professionals already working in the
health products industry, and to students who have
completed a Master 1 degree. The diploma will
enable them to meet regulatory requirements and to
apply for positions as regulatory affairs managers,
particularly in digital health, but also in notified
institutions or health authorities (ANSM, HAS, …).
The proposal is based on existing, complementary
training lessons at national level, which already have
close links with manufacturers and their
representatives. A computerized coordination
platform will serve as a shared resource for defining,
with applicants the personalized training path. These
actions will be offered both in initial training and in
continuing education as part of a professionalization
or apprenticeship contract. The teaching methods
used (e-learning, streaming, visio, webinars, reverse
training, Masterclasses, in-company and hospital
internships, ...) will determine the optimum path for
the learner, with the necessary modules.
2.2 Objectives and Target Groups
The need expressed by medical device companies is
to train qualified staff in regulatory affairs. To reach
this main objective, the ARCliMeD project will
deploy the following actions:
i) Draw up a detailed map (content, hourly volume)
of the offerings proposed by the project partners,
and recompose the training offering based on
feedback from previous learners, updating the
existing offering in line with changing skills
ii) Create a 3D skills matrix, based on job profiles
and proposed training units,
iii) Submit these proposals: for consultation
(healthcare competitiveness cluster, student
networks, and so on),
iv) Adapt lessons/skills/trades to the needs and
constraints (size, structure, organization) of
companies or organizations.
v) Accelerate the training process by combining
several master's degrees
vi) Increase the number of student trained, by raising
awareness among students in initial training.
Three target groups are involved:
i) staff performing this function within companies
(around 1,440 companies),
ii) staff of competent authorities (ANSM, HAS) (30
students are expected before 2024),
iii) students in initial training.
To demonstrate the feasibility of the ARCliMeD
project an experimentation was conducted. The
experimentation is based on the DIU (Inter-
University Diploma) EvalDM: Evaluation des
dispositifs Médicaux dans le contexte du Règlement
Européen (Montpellier, Franche Comté and Lille
Universities) and the Master II Biology and Health
from Rennes University, Pathway clinical research
(Master BS ReClin, 2023).
The aim of the DIU EvalDM is to describe the
regulatory context and provide the basis for
understanding and designing clinical evaluation
methods for medical devices throughout their
development and life cycle (from proof of concept to
post-market clinical follow-up including CE marking
and reimbursement applications in the context of
European regulation 2017/745-2017/746). The skills
acquired are multiple and concern knowledge of i) the
general basics of the life cycle of a Medical Device
(MD), ii) methodologies specific to the clinical
evaluation of MD in pre-CE marking or CE marking,
iii) the basics of usage studies, iv) the principles of
post-marketing studies (Moreau, 2019). It also covers