Exploring the Relationship Between Emotions and Norms in
Decision-Making Processes of Intelligent Agents
Joaquin Taverner
1,2 a
, Carmengelys Cordova
1,2 b
, Elena Del Val
1,2 c
, Soledad Valero
1,2 d
and Estefania Argente
1,2 e
Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (VRAIN), Universitat Polit
ecnica de Val
encia, Valencia, Spain
Valencian Graduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence (valgrAI), Spain
Emotions, Norms, Intelligent Agents, Multiagent Systems.
In this paper, we explore the relationship between norms and emotions, examining the fundamental implica-
tions that they entail in the development of future models of reasoning and decision-making for intelligent
agents based on BDI. Our approach focuses on assessing the impact of anticipated emotions, self-image, and
social-image projection as well as utility factors on the complex decision-making processes that an agent faces
when deciding whether to comply with or violate a norm. To this end, we propose the use of two types of
anticipated emotions, self-conscious, which shape the personal self-image, and social emotions, which are
displayed by other agents in the environment and are used to estimate the social image. To represent the
agent’s emotional state, we present a new model based on the pleasure dimension in which we represent the
self-conscious emotions of Pride and Guilt. Using the language for intelligent agents AgentSpeak, we propose
a syntax for defining the norms in the agent’s code. We show a new reasoning cycle based on the BDI model
in which we add new functionalities to accommodate affective and normative processes. Affective processes
support modifying the agent’s emotional state as well as estimating anticipated emotions and computing self-
image and social image. Normative processes allow the instantiation of active norms and normative reasoning.
Traditionally, intelligent agent decision-making mod-
els have mainly focused on economic or practical rea-
soning. However, these approaches fall far short of
achieving an accurate simulation of human behavior.
Future simulation models will have to reach a higher
level of abstraction, both in knowledge representation
and in reasoning and decision-making processes, to
encompass concepts such as emotions, ethics, values,
or social norms (Zhang and Lu, 2021; Walton, 2019;
Dorri et al., 2018; da Costa Pereira et al., 2017).
Norms play an essential role in individual
decision-making and in structuring social behavior
(Daci et al., 2010; O’Neill, 2017). Social norms fa-
cilitate cohesion and cooperation by establishing a
shared set of rules that establish the boundaries be-
tween what is acceptable and inappropriate in differ-
ent situations, contributing to collective identity and
membership (Gross and Vostroknutov, 2022a; An-
drighetto et al., 2015). Beyond guiding decisions, the
internalization of these norms shapes personal values
and how the consequences of actions are evaluated
(Sterelny, 2019). Understanding the importance of
norms is crucial for accurately analyzing human be-
havior and is a key element in any attempt to authen-
tically simulate the complexities of social interactions
in artificial intelligence.
On the other hand, emotions also play a funda-
mental role in human behavior and decision-making
processes, influencing how we perceive and respond
to the world around us. Affective states have a di-
rect impact on the evaluation of situations, affecting
our choices and actions (Lerner et al., 2015; Barnes
and Thagard, 2019). In the context of social norms,
emotions are intrinsically linked to conformity and
compliance with established norms (Tangney et al.,
2007; Tracy and Weidman, 2021). Norms not only
act as ethical guides but also generate emotional re-
sponses associated with social acceptance or fear of
Taverner, J., Cordova, C., Val, E., Valero, S. and Argente, E.
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotions and Norms in Decision-Making Processes of Intelligent Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0012594700003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 1, pages 471-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
rejection (Bagozzi et al., 2016; Demeulenaere, 2021).
This connection between emotions and norms is bidi-
rectional: emotions can drive compliance with norms,
and, in turn, adherence to norms can elicit emotional
responses (Argente et al., 2020). Understanding this
dynamic link between emotions and norms is essen-
tial to simulate human social behavior and the behav-
ior of human social organizations, both in individual
decision-making and in broader social interactions.
In this paper we study the relationship between
emotions and norms in depth, exploring the possi-
ble implications for future models of intelligent agent
reasoning and decision making. The main research
objective is to analyze the impact of anticipated emo-
tions, self-image, and social image on the decision-
making processes when an agent must decide whether
or not to comply with a norm. To address these com-
plex dynamics, we propose an innovative approach
that incorporates emotional components into a nor-
mative agent model based on BDI model (Beliefs-
Desires-Intentions) (Rao et al., 1995).
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2, an initiation into the theoretical background is
presented. Section 3 offers an overview of pertinent
state-of-the-art research concerning affective and nor-
mative agents. The introduction of our novel norma-
tive affective agent model is detailed in Section 4. Fi-
nally, the concluding remarks and prospects for future
work are presented in Section 6.
In human society, there are moral and social-
conventional norms, but also legal, epistemic, aes-
thetic and personal norms (O’Neill, 2017). Nucci
and Turiel identified moral norms as those relating to
“justice, welfare, or rights of individuals or groups”
(Nucci and Turiel, 1978). Conventional norms are
defined as a set of rules and guidelines that are es-
tablished by a society to regulate the behavior of
its members (Killen et al., 2013). Norms prescribe
the behavior that is considered acceptable or unac-
ceptable in various social situations (Demeulenaere,
2021). From a sociological perspective, norms serve
as a basis for maintaining order and social cohesion,
providing a shared framework of reference that gov-
erns the behavior of individuals within a group or
society and guides interactions and relationships be-
tween those individuals (Boytsun et al., 2011). The
establishment of behavioral expectations facilitated
by norms facilitates relationships, communication,
and cooperation among members of society.
We can fundamentally categorize norms into ve
types (Argente et al., 2020):
Institutional norms, which are established by
competent authorities (e.g., the government) and
are presumed to be followed by all individuals in
a society.
Social norms (or conventions), which emerge
from repeated social interactions, establishing
practices that are socially accepted.
Interaction norms, which refer to formal agree-
ments that affect specific groups for a limited pe-
riod (e.g., a commercial contract).
Private norms, which are internal rules self-
imposed by individuals to guide their behavior.
Among the various theories on emotions,
appraisal-based perspectives have gained wide accep-
tance in the field of emotional psychology (Lazarus,
1991). According to this approach, emotions are not
simply considered as automatic responses to external
stimuli but arise through a process of cognitive
evaluation. Therefore, emotions can be considered
as subjective and evaluative responses to events or
situations, shaped by each individual’s interpretation
of the personal relevance and emotional significance
of such events (Lewis et al., 2010).
Different types of emotional experiences affect in-
dividuals’ decisions and behaviors in significant ways
(Barnes and Thagard, 2019). For this paper, we focus
on anticipated emotions (Bagozzi et al., 2016). These
types of emotions represent to some degree emotional
expectations regarding future events, either in terms
of positive emotions ( i.e., satisfaction), negative emo-
tions ( i.e., fear or anxiety), or neutral emotions ( i.e.,
calm or indifference) (Carrera et al., 2011). Here we
can distinguish two types of anticipated emotions de-
pending on the target to which these emotions are di-
rected. Thus, anticipated emotions can be directed
towards oneself, reflecting how the individual inter-
nally perceives the emotional consequences of his/her
intentions, which is part of one’s self-image (Bodner
and Prelec, 2003; Gross and Vostroknutov, 2022a).
On the other hand, emotions can come from individu-
als in the social environment. The anticipation of so-
cial emotions is closely linked to concerns about how
individuals will be perceived by other individuals in
society (Simamora, 2021), which is known as social
image (Gross and Vostroknutov, 2022b). Social emo-
tions and social image provide guidance in decision-
making permitting subjects to anticipate and evaluate
future social outcomes (Grossman and Van der Weele,
2017; Gratch et al., 2006).
There is an evident influence between norms and
emotions that acts in a bidirectional way. Emotions
EAA 2024 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
often promote compliance with norms, while adher-
ence to norms can trigger emotional responses (Ar-
gente et al., 2020). Self-conscious emotions, like
Pride or Guilt, play a fundamental role in the self-
evaluation of norm compliance (Tangney et al., 2007).
Moreover, based on expectations, anticipated emo-
tions are used to estimate the emotional impact of
complying with a norm (Bagozzi et al., 2016).
In (Argente et al., 2020), four types of relation-
ships between norms and emotions are defined (see
Figure 1):
(i) Emotion is considered in the normative rea-
soning process: emotions are a factor to be con-
sidered during the stage of reasoning in which
it is determined whether to fulfill or violate a
norm. Specifically, anticipated self- and social
emotios play a crucial factor in the normative rea-
soning process by anticipating future emotional
outcomes of fulfilling or violating a norm. For
example, self- or social emotions (e.g., pride or
disgust) can be motivators for complying with a
(ii) Norm fulfillment/violation generates emo-
tions: norm fulfillment/violation becomes a trig-
gering event for a cognitive-level appraisal pro-
cess that results in the elicitation of emotions.
Thus, the fulfillment of a norm can produce posi-
tive emotions in the individual (e.g., pride) and in
the individuals that compose his/her social envi-
ronment (e.g., gratitude). However, the violation
of a norm can produce negative emotions (e.g.,
guilt) in the individual and generate social rejec-
(iii) Emotion enables compliance with social
norms: specifically, anticipated social emotions
have been proposed as facilitators of compliance
with social norms. When an individual anticipates
the emotional impact of fulfilling or violating a
norm (i.e., social image), he/she uses this infor-
mation as a factor in determining whether to fulfill
or violate a norm.
(iv) Emotion helps to internalize private norms:
the continuous observation of the emotional and
social consequences of compliance or violation of
behavior in a given social environment facilitates
the internalization of private or internal norms. In
addition, it allows individuals to improve their ac-
curacy in establishing their own social emotions
in the face of a given behavior.
(i) Emotion is considered in the
normative reasoning process
(ii) Norm fulllment/
violation generates emotions
(iii) Emotion enables
compliance with social norms
(iv) Emotion helps internalizing
private norms
Figure 1: Relationships between emotions and norms.
In the field of artificial intelligence, intelligent agents
are defined as entities capable of perceiving their en-
vironment, making decisions autonomously, and per-
forming actions to achieve specific objectives. One of
the most widely used approaches for modeling agents
is the Beliefs-Desires-Intentions (BDI) model (Rao
et al., 1995). This model is based on the idea that
agents act according to their beliefs about the world,
their desires or goals to be achieved, and the inten-
tions that derive from the combination of beliefs and
In the literature, we can find different proposals
that have covered to a greater or lesser extent the re-
lationships between emotions and norms established
in Section 2. For example, in (Staller et al., 2001)
, an architecture for normative BDI
agents, is proposed. That architecture encompasses
the relationship (i) (see Figure 1). In that architecture,
the normative reasoning of agents is modeled by a set
of conditional rules that include the intensity of emo-
tion as a decision factor in determining whether or not
to execute a given action.
In (Ahmad et al., 2012) the model for normative
agents OP-RND-E is presented. The authors propose
a model that uses the fulfillment or violation of norms
as a motivating element for the elicitation of emo-
tions. For this purpose, they use an emotional ap-
praisal process capable of eliciting positive or nega-
tive emotions. These emotions are subsequently used
by the agent to reason about the fulfillment of its ob-
jectives. Therefore, that proposal covers relationship
(ii) through the use of elicited emotions.
Another interesting proposal can be found in (Fer-
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotions and Norms in Decision-Making Processes of Intelligent Agents
reira et al., 2013). The authors use the architecture
for affective agents BDI FAtiMA (Mascarenhas et al.,
2022) to develop a normative agent model. That
model makes it possible to define the relationships be-
tween agents and to establish acceptable social behav-
iors. Agents react emotionally, with self-conscious
emotions such as pride or shame when they perceive
that an agent in the environment has performed a be-
havior that is acceptable or non-acceptable. Similarly,
in (Tzeng et al., 2021; Tzeng, 2022) a model is pro-
posed that uses social emotions to determine compli-
ance with norms. The agent has an affective appraisal
process based on a finite set of rules that define pre-
defined emotions related to the fulfillment/violation
of each norm.
Anticipated emotions have also been used in nor-
mative agent models. For example, in (Kollmann
et al., 2016), the ECABA architecture is presented.
This architecture employs anticipated self-consciuos
emotions in the normative reasoning process of agents
to determine whether to fulfill or violate a norm.
As can be seen, there are different proposals of
agents considering emotions in normative reasoning
processes. However, these proposals generally ex-
plore only one of the relationships between emotions
and norms described in Section 2. Also, to our knowl-
edge, none of these proposals explore the combina-
tion of self-conscious and social anticipated emotions.
In this paper, we present an innovative approach to
agent modeling using a BDI model and the AgentS-
peak language (Bordini and H
ubner, 2005). Our
model incorporates emotions and norms comprehen-
sively into the agent’s decision-making process, ad-
dressing the complex relationships (i), (ii), and (iii)
between these elements described in Section 2. We
highlight the importance of emotional state and an-
ticipated emotions in the agent’s normative reason-
ing, especially when faced with decisions about norm
compliance or violation.
To develop a model of normative-affective agents,
we propose a normative agent model that considers
anticipated emotions at both the individual and social
levels. This article focuses on the deontic operator
of prohibition, but in the future, the proposal could
be extended to other operators. In our model, norms
are represented using the tuple
id, A, P, R, S
, where
id serves to identify the norm, A represents the set of
conditions activating the norm, P is the set of actions
affected by the norm, and R and S denote the reward
and sanction, respectively. For instance, to express
the prohibition of exceeding 60 kilometers per hour,
and following the prolog-style syntax commonly used
in AgentSpeak, the syntax of the norm is defined as:
prohibition(ms, so 60, accelerate, 0, 1)
where, ms (max speed) is the norm’s identifier,
so 60 (speed over 60) denotes the activation condi-
tion, in this example, it is activated when the agent is
driving in a zone limited to 60 kilometers per hour;
accelerate is the action of accelerating the vehicle,
and the reward for adhering to the speed limit is 0,
while the sanction is 1.
In this system, all agents are capable of perceiv-
ing the actions performed by other agents in their en-
vironment with a certain degree of probability. When
agents perceive that an action complies with or vio-
lates a norm, they can react emotionally.
Table 1 summarizes the proposed emotions for
our normative-affective agent model. We define two
social emotions, Gratitude, and Disgust, along with
three internal emotions, Pride, Guilt, and Calm. So-
cial emotions are triggered, with a certain probability,
when agents perceive that another agent has complied
with or violated a norm. These emotions have been
carefully chosen to encompass a broad spectrum of
emotional responses within both social and internal
contexts. Gratitude stands out for reinforcing posi-
tive social interactions, fostering connection, and ac-
knowledging the beneficial actions of others (Bartlett
et al., 2012). Meanwhile, disgust plays a crucial role
in signaling aversion to undesirable social behaviors,
thus contributing to the regulation of social norms and
values (Inbar and Pizarro, 2022). On the other hand,
pride serves as a mechanism of positive reinforce-
ment, providing a sense of achievement and boost-
ing self-esteem. In contrast, guilt functions as a self-
regulation mechanism, prompting reflection on past
actions and contributing to more conscientious and
socially responsible behavior (Onwezen et al., 2013).
Finally, calm is presented as an essential element for
establishing emotional balance, offering a serene state
that facilitates thoughtful decision-making and effec-
tive stress management (Meshulam et al., 2012).
Internal emotions are defined through the pleasure
dimension (see Figure 2). Through this representa-
tion, the agent can have different intensities for each
emotion, providing a more nuanced perspective in its
emotional response.
During the normative reasoning process, both self-
emotions and social emotions are anticipated to esti-
mate self-image and social image. Subsequently, self-
image and social image are used by the normative rea-
soning process to decide whether to fulfill or violate
the norm.
EAA 2024 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
Table 1: Emotions that can be elicited in our agent model.
Social Self
Positive Gratitude Pride
Negative Disgust Guilt
Neutral Calm
-1 0 1-0.5 0.5
Guilt Pride
-0.25-0.75 0.750.25
Figure 2: Pleasure dimension.
The Algorithm 1 illustrates the agent’s behav-
ior (see Figure 3). The agent can initially have a
set of initial beliefs B
= {b
, b
, ...} stored in the
agent’s belief set B = {b
, b
, ...}; a set of initial in-
tentions I
= {ι
, ι
, ...} saved in the agent’s intention
set I = {ι
, ι
, ...}; a set of norms N
= {n
, n
, ...}
stored in the norm set N = {n
, n
, ...}, where n
id, A, P, R, S
; and the initial emotional knowledge E
stored in the variable E. Emotional knowledge con-
sists of a tuple
, ρ
, ρ
, where σ repre-
sents the agent’s pleasure level;
denote the
agent’s tendency to experience positive (e.g., Pride) or
negative (e.g., Guilt) emotions, respectively; and ρ
and ρ
are vectors recording the number of positive
(e.g., Gratitude) and negative (e.g., Disgust) emotions
perceived in agents in the environment as a result of
certain actions.
Once the variables are initialized, the process be-
gins by obtaining the set of environment perceptions
β {θ
, θ
, ...} using the percept method. These
perceptions include both the agent’s observations in
the environment and any messages received from
other agents. Subsequently, the belief revision
method takes the agent’s beliefs B along with the set
of perceptions β as input and updates both the belief
set B and the emotional information E, i.e., the emo-
tions perceived in the environment.
Next, the agent’s desires D are estimated using
the options method, and intentions I are calculated
through the filter method. Once these estimated
belief, desire, and intention sets are in place, the agent
devises a plan π using the plan method. This method,
utilizing B, D, and I, along with the available action
catalog A, establishes the plan to be followed.
An iterative process then begins in which each
action α constituting the plan π is chosen one by
one. For each action α, the agent calculates the pos-
sible active norms using the norm
method. This method evaluates the activation con-
ditions of the norms in N, considering the agent’s
beliefs B. Once the active norms are determined,
Algorithm 1: Agent’s reasoning cycle.
1: B B
2: I I
3: N N
4: E E
5: while True do
6: β percept()
7: B, E belief revision(B, β)
8: D options(B,I)
9: I filter(B,D,I)
10: π plan(B,D,A)
11: while not π = {} do
12: α first element of π
13: π tail of π
14: µ norm instantiation(B,N)
15: σ
, ρ
anticipated emotions(B,E,µ)
16: θ norm reasoning(B,E, µ, σ
, ρ
, α)
17: if θ = violate then
18: execute(α)
19: else
20: π {}
21: end if
22: β percept()
23: B, E belief revision(B, β)
24: D options(B, I)
25: I f ilter(B, D, I)
26: update mood(B,E,θ)
27: if succeeded(I,B) or impossible(I,B) then
28: Break
29: end if
30: end while
31: end while
the agent estimates anticipated emotions using the
anticipated emotions method. This method uti-
lizes B, E, and the active norms µ to calculate the pa-
rameters σ
and ρ
, representing self-image and social
image, respectively. σ
is a tuple
, σ
the anticipated emotions when complying with or vi-
olating the norm, respectively. These parameters are
estimated considering the current emotional state of
the agent by the equations:
= (σ +
= 1 (σ +
Similarly, ρ
is a tuple
, ρ
representing the
anticipated social emotions when complying with or
violating the norm. These factors are estimated as a
sum of the positive and negative social emotions (i.e.,
Gratitude and Disgust) perceived on the environment
in each case, taking into account the number of agents
(nA) inside the environment:
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotions and Norms in Decision-Making Processes of Intelligent Agents
Belief revision
Update mood
Figure 3: Process diagram of the proposed normative-affective BDI agent.
| · (nA 1)
| · (nA 1)
The normative reasoning process, represented by
the norm reasoning method, uses the calculated in-
formation to determine the decision to comply or vi-
olate the norm through an equation:
θ =
fulfill, if θ
violate, otherwise
= ω
· σ
+ ω
· ρ
+ ω
· ϕ
= ω
· σ
+ ω
· ρ
+ ω
· ϕ
where ω
represents the importance that the agent
gives to each factor and ϕ
and ϕ
are the expected
utility if the norm is fulfilled or violated, respectively.
Once the agent makes the decision θ, its emotional
state is updated using the update mood function. If
the agent decides to violate the norm (using the previ-
ous example, exceeding 60 kilometers per hour), the
action α is executed through the execute method. If
it chooses to comply with the prohibition, the plan is
discarded, and no actions are executed.
Subsequently, perceptions, beliefs, social emo-
tions, desires, and intentions are rechecked. Follow-
ing that, the agent’s emotional state is updated us-
ing the update mood function. Finally, if the plan
has achieved the goal (succeeded) or is unattainable
(impossible), the plan execution is halted.
Consider an environment with ve coexisting agents
(nA = 5). After applying Algorithm 1 for t cycles,
one agent, named AgentA, is in a state where B and
I have the current set of beliefs and intentions; N in-
cludes the previous exceeding 60 kilometers per hour
norm (named maxSpeed); its emotional knowdlege
, ρ
, ρ
, where σ
= 0 (i.e, calm
emotional state),
= 1 and
= 1 (strong incli-
nation for both positive and negative emotions, that
is, it tends to take great pride in its ”good” actions
but also feels deep remorse for its ”bad” actions);
= [1, 2, 1] and ρ
= [2, 2, 1], where each compo-
nent indicates the number of positive (e.g., Gratitude)
or negative (e.g., Guilt) emotions, respectively, per-
ceived in the environment in each cycle, as a result
of its previous actions. Moreover, AgentA values its
social image (ω
= 0.9), has high importance on its
self-image (ω
= 0.75) and relative importance on the
norm utility (ω
= 0.5).
Suppose accelerate is the action to be evaluated
now, maxSpeed is active, and the expected utility of
the norm is higher if violated than fulfilled (e.g. ϕ
0.25 and ϕ
= 0.75).
In the anticipated emotions method, AgentA
= (0.5 + 1)
= 2.25
= 1 (0.5 + 1)
= 1, 25
(1 + 2 + 1)
3 · (5 1)
= 0.333
(2 + 2 + 1)
3 · (5 1)
= 0.417
In the norm reasoning method, AgentA calcu-
= 0.75 · 2.25 + 0.9 · 0.333 + 0.5 · 0.25 = 2.11
= 0.75 · 1.25 + 0.9 · 0.417 + 0.5 · 0.75 = 0.19
EAA 2024 - Special Session on Emotions and Affective Agents
AgentA fulfills the maxSpeed norm, discarding the
accelerate action. Despite the preference for vio-
lating the norm (ϕ
> ϕ
), its preference for social-
image and self-image makes it fulfill the norm.
Now, consider an antagonist, AgentB, with high
pride and low guilt of its actions (
= 1 and
0.1), low importance on its self-image (ω
= 0.1), low
importance on its social image (ω
= 0.1) and relative
importance on the norm utility (ω
= 0.5). In a simi-
lar situation as AgentA, the anticipated emotions
method of this agent AgentB would have calculated:
= (0.5 + 1)
= 2.25
= 1 (0.5 + 0.1)
= 0.64
(1 + 2 + 1)
3 · (5 1)
= 0.333
(2 + 2 + 1)
3 · (5 1)
= 0.417
And the norm reasoning method of agent
AgentB would calculate:
= 0.1 · 2.25 + 0.1 · 0.333 + 0.5 · 0.25 = 0.383
= 0.1 · 0.64 + 0.1 · 0.417 + 0.5 · 0.75 = 0.48
In this case, AgentB violates the maxSpeed norm,
executing the accelerate action, as it does not care
about others’ feelings and its social image and prefers
violating the norm.
Considering emotional consequences (anticipated
emotions) in the cognitive reasoning of agents when
determining whether to comply with or violate a norm
is a step towards improving the simulation of human
social behavior. This paper has analyzed the inter-
play between norms and emotions, paying attention to
their implications in the decision-making process of
intelligent agents in normative environments. A novel
perspective has been introduced by considering the
influence of anticipated emotions as well as the util-
ity impact on the processes associated with decision-
making. We have differentiated two categories of
anticipated emotions: self-emotions, instrumental in
shaping the agent’s self-image, and social emotions,
emanating from other agents within the environment.
The emotional state of the agent is encapsulated in
a model grounded in the pleasure dimension, specif-
ically incorporating the self-conscious emotions of
Pride and Guilt. Furthermore, we proposed a syntax
within the framework of AgentSpeak for the defini-
tion of norms in the agent’s code. We have also in-
troduced a novel reasoning cycle, extending the BDI
model to accommodate additional functionalities tai-
lored for affective and normative processes. Affec-
tive processes have been designed to facilitate alter-
ations in the agent’s emotional state, compute antici-
pated emotions, and assess self-image and social im-
age. Concurrently, normative processes empower the
instantiation of active norms and the execution of nor-
mative reasoning, thus enriching the landscape of in-
telligent agent decision-making. This proposal en-
hances the agent’s decision-making capabilities, en-
abling them to make more informed and socially ac-
ceptable decisions. This approach lays the foundation
for the development of more intelligent and socially
aligned agents capable of navigating complex social
In this work, anticipated emotions are estimated
from default values that do not differentiate between
different types of norms. In the future, it would be in-
teresting to evaluate anticipated emotions when com-
plying with or violating a norm by considering factors
such as the importance of the norm, both at the indi-
vidual level (e.g., evaluating personal ethical values)
and at the societal level (e.g., evaluating the ethical
behavior of society), or previous emotional experi-
ences when complying with or violating a particular
norm. In this way, agents could infer which types of
norms have a higher emotional and social cost.
Work partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana
CIPROM/2021/077, Spanish Government projects
PID2020-113416RB-I00 and TED2021-131295B-
C32; TAILOR project funded by EU Horizon 2020
under GA No 952215.
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