We have analysed access of information, a hallmark
of awareness, from both neurological and compu-
tational perspectives. For systems whose compo-
nents form a network structure, three distinct types
of connectivity were identified: structural, defin-
ing where information can flow; functional, defining
where novel information flows; operational, traced by
the series of components activation triggered by a sin-
gle input. Finally, we reviewed some measures for ac-
cess of information defined from the information flow
on the different types of connectivity. In particular we
focused on the quantification of functional connectiv-
ity via Conditional Mutual Information, and showed
with simulations the utility of this metric to evaluate
access of information in AI systems.
By focusing on information access, we did not ex-
amine other aspects of awareness. When information
is internalised, for example, the content of informa-
tion is also elaborated, integrating the processes of
several components. Providing rigorous quantifica-
tion for all these aspects might benefit the develop-
ment of aware AI systems. Meanwhile, the synthesis
of neurological and computational perspectives will
contribute to a broader understanding of awareness in
both biological and artificial systems.
This work has been supported by the Horizon Eu-
rope VALAWAI project (grant agreement number
101070930). We thank Prof. Luc Steels for the fruit-
ful discussions that were essential to conceiving the
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AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside