of stimuli represents a given value correctly (0), while
4 and 5 indicated high agreement (1).
The feeling of “Aha moment” indicated directly
by participants after seeing the correct answer was a
direct measure of the insight. Ratings equal to 0 in-
dicated no insight feeling, while answers equal to 1
showed having insight feeling. Additionally, previ-
ous research (Zhao et al., 2014; Sandk
uhler and Bhat-
tacharya, 2008; Sheth et al., 2009) defined insight as a
solution accompanied by feelings of high suddenness,
high confidence, and high restructuring. Based on
this operationalization, to assess the proportions of in-
sightful and non-insightful solutions we dichotomized
the 1-4 scale scores on each component, as follows: 1
and 2 ratings indicated low suddenness, confidence
and restructuring (0), while 3 and 4 indicated high
scores (1). Thus, stimuli for which participants in-
dicated feelings of insight (i.e., average rating higher
than 0.5), and additionally high suddenness (i.e., aver-
age rating higher than 2), high confidence (i.e., aver-
age rating higher than 2), and high restructuring (i.e.,
average rating higher than 2) will be selected as a set
for the further EEG experiment. Noninsightful stim-
uli were indicated by any other combinations of the
components’ levels, e.g., no insight feeling, low sud-
denness, low confidence, and/or low restructuring.
3.1 Validation of the Representation of
the Value by Generated Stimuli
Data showed that the average objective accuracy rate
reached to 15% (SD = 0.16), and only 17 out of 162
(10%) stimuli sets were correctly recognized in more
than 50% of trials (M = 0.63, SD = 0.12). For the
subjective rating measured by the Likert scale, there
were 85 (52%) stimuli sets in which the rating values
were on average larger than 3 (M = 3.67, SD = 0.47;
meaning that participants agreed that a given set of
images accurately represents a value). See Table 1 for
the summary of the results.
Table 1: Statistics for assessing how well generated visual
stimuli sets represent values.
Accuracy (0/1) 0.63 0.12
Likert’s rating (1-5) 3.67 0.47
Table 2: Statistics of Aha! Ratings.
Insight No Insight
Insight feeling (0/1) 0.69 0.11 0.34 0.07
Suddenness (1-4) 2.69 0.27 2.38 0.39
Confidence (1-4) 2.59 0.24 2.49 0.49
Restructuring (1-4) 2.69 0.26 2.03 0.22
3.2 Validation of the Insight Feeling
Our data indicated that 76 stimuli sets (47%) were ac-
companied by the feeling of insight (M = 0.69, SD
= 0.11), and additionally high suddenness (M = 2.69,
SD = 0.27), high confidence (M = 2.59, SD = 0.24),
high restructuring (M = 2.69, SD = 0.26). The re-
maining 86 stimuli sets (53%) were not accompanied
by the feeling of insight (M = 0.34, SD = 0.07). How-
ever, they were also accompanied by high suddenness
(M = 2.38, SD = 0.39), confidence (M = 2.49, SD =
0.49), and restructuring (M = 2.03, SD = 0.22). See
Table 2 for the summary of the results and Figure 3
for results visualization.
The list of 76 values that will be used for the
EEG experiment looks like this: accomplishment,
antiquity, authority, beauty, brilliantness, challenge,
charity, Christian, classic, cleanliness, comfort, com-
munication, compassion, compatibility, completion,
conscience, courage, creation, devoutness, discipline,
divinity, equality, eternity, excitement, exercise, ex-
ploration, faithfulness, force, forgiveness, formality,
friendship, fun, generosity, gentleness, guard, health,
helpfulness, humanity, indulgence, intelligence, in-
tensity, interests, Islam, kindness, leadership, limit-
lessness, loyalty, manner, mercy, norms, order, or-
thodoxy, parents, participation, passion, peace, pious-
ness, principle, production, protection, regulation, re-
lax, republicanism, rich, rights, safekeeping, satisfac-
tion, self-reliance, sociality, sovereignty, spirituality,
strictness, support, unity, wisdom, work.
In this study, we based our experimental paradigm on
traditional ‘Aha! effect’ research and used diffusion
models to create visual stimuli representing words re-
lated to human values. The work presented focused
on two primary goals: evaluating how well generative
AI systems represent such moral and ethical-related
words and selecting stimuli suitable for studying the
neural correlates of becoming aware of a value.
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside