Data Sets for Cyber Security Machine Learning Models:
A Methodological Approach
Innocent Mbona
and Jan H. P. Eloff
Department of Computer Science, University of Pretoria, Lynwood Road, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Cyber Security, Real-World Data, Synthetic Data, Zero-Day Attack, Network Intrusion Detection Systems.
Abstract: Discovering Cyber security threats is becoming increasingly complex, if not impossible! Recent advances in
artificial intelligence (AI) can be leveraged for the intelligent discovery of Cyber security threats. AI and
machine learning (ML) models depend on the availability of relevant data. ML based Cyber security solutions
should be trained and tested on real-world attack data so that solutions produce trusted results. The problem
is that most organisations do not have access to useable, relevant, and reliable real-world data. This problem
is exacerbated when training ML models used to discover novel attacks, such as zero-day attacks.
Furthermore, the availability of Cyber security data sets is negatively affected by privacy laws and regulations.
The solution proposed in this paper is a methodological approach that guides organisations in developing
Cyber security ML solutions, called CySecML. CySecML provides guidance for obtaining or generating
synthetic data, checking data quality, and identifying features that optimise ML models. Network Intrusion
Detection Systems (NIDS) were employed to illustrate the convergence of Cyber security and AI concepts.
The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and
Cyber security is high in the research agenda of AI
and Cyber security experts. In general, the state of
Cyber security could benefit from advances made in
AI. Consider for example the discovery of insider
threats, such as disgruntled employees, who may
damage the reputation of an organisation. Insider
threats are difficult, if not impossible to discover
using techniques such as monitoring and auditing.
Alternatively, if you have a well-trained and tested
machine learning (ML) platform, the intelligent
discovery of insider threats becomes a reality!
However, progress made in the successful
convergence of Cyber security and AI is hampered by
the unavailability of relevant and sufficient volumes
of real-world attack data sets. Furthermore, most
organisations do not have access to useable, relevant,
and reliable real-world attack data, such as network
traffic data, to unlock the benefits of AI. In addition,
the availability of quality data sets that can be
efficiently used to train ML algorithms is negatively
impacted by privacy laws and regulations (Lu et al.,
This shortage of data sets that can be used on
Cyber security ML platforms is now demanding that
researchers, Cyber security professionals, and
organisations search for alternative data sets. The
Financial Times (Financial Times, 2023) reported
that AI companies are considering innovative ways to
address the shortage of data sets. Furthermore, it was
suggested that companies should consider generating
useable, relevant, and reliable data themselves.
However, it should be noted that generating your own
data for ML environments are likely to increase the
risk exposure of an organisation in the sense that the
data can be biased towards some goal, and therefore
miss real-world attack scenarios (Figueira & Vaz,
2022; Lu et al., 2023).
Existing literature lack a structured approach that
can guide organisations and Cyber security
professionals to ensure that important aspects such as
using quality data and identifying significant features
are adequately implemented, particularly for
discovering complex scenarios such as zero-day
attacks. This paper optimises existing techniques that
Mbona, I. and Eloff, J.
Data Sets for Cyber Security Machine Learning Models: A Methodological Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012598400003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 149-156
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
include high data quality checks, feature selection and
ML models to address this problem.
The remainder of this paper address the following
research questions:
(i) Given the scarcity of real-world attack
data, how to create or obtain Cyber
security data sets for ML?
(ii) What data quality aspects should be
considered for Cyber security data sets
used in ML?
(iii) What are the important features to
monitor on Cyber security data sets to
effectively discover complex attacks
such as zero-day attacks?
The literature overview and related work section is
structured as follows:
Obtaining Cyber security data sets for ML.
Ensuring the quality of Cyber security data
Performing feature selection on Cyber
security data sets.
2.1 Data Collection: Cyber Security
Data for Machine Learning
Obtaining Cyber security data for ML refers to the
methods used for collecting data to be used in the
experiments of a ML model (Abdallah & Webb,
2017; Kilincer et al., 2021). ML models rely on input
data used in the training and testing stages when
designing a ML model (Bonaccorso, 2020; Van Der
Walt & Eloff, 2018). It is important for a ML model
be trained on a data set that is representative of the
problem at hand (Amr, 2019; Bonaccorso, 2020), so
that once deployed, it can produce reliable results.
Specifically, if a ML model is trained on a flawed data
set, then a ML model is prone to producing unreliable
results (Brownlee, 2020).
ML based Cyber security solutions should be
trained on real-world attack data (Kilincer et al.,
2021). However, there are multiple shortcomings
regarding obtaining real-world data for ML based
Cyber security solutions: (i) lack of large real-world
attack data, (ii) sensitive nature of the data, and (iii)
security, confidentiality and privacy concerns
(Bowles et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2023). According to
Singh et al. (Singh et al., 2019) privacy and security
concerns are the main factors that cause organisations
to not publicly share their real-world attack data.
Anonymisation, which is a method of removing
identity related or sensitive information from a data
set, is a technique that can be considered to overcome
privacy and security challenge (Dankar & Ibrahim,
2021); however, it does not address the data size
challenge for the purposes of training a ML model
(Bowles et al., 2020; Kumar & Sinha, 2023).
To overcome these challenges, researchers have
proposed using synthetic attacks (Figueira & Vaz,
2022; Lu et al., 2023). Synthetic attacks are generated
in a controlled environment such as a laboratory,
usually based on a sample of real-world attacks using
data generating tools (Bowles et al., 2020; Dankar &
Ibrahim, 2021). An example of such a tool is
CICFlowMeter (Kaushik & Dave, 2021; Ullah &
Mahmoud, 2020) that generates network traffic
Synthetic data should depict the true
characteristics of real-world data and be privacy-
preserving (Dankar & Ibrahim, 2021). Specifically
for this paper, the question is, how to obtain or create
Cyber security data representative of novel zero-day
attacks? The problem is that existing literature lack a
standardised approach of training and testing ML
Cyber security solutions for discovering zero-day
attacks, while ensuring that the data sets used are of
high-quality. For instance, Zoppi et al. (Zoppi et al.,
2021) and Pu et al. (Pu et al., 2021) proposed creating
zero-day attack scenarios by using a particular set of
known (synthetic) attacks in the training phase and
use a different set of known attacks in the testing
phase of a ML model. Their argument is that an attack
that appears only in the testing phase, but not in the
training phase of a ML model can be treated as a zero-
day attack (Pu et al., 2021; Zoppi et al., 2021).
However, with this approach it is not clear how best
to choose attacks to use in the training and testing
stages to optimise a ML model. This problem of
obtaining or creating data for zero-day attacks is
addressed in Section 3.1.
2.2 Assess the Data: Checking Cyber
Security Data Quality
There are vast descriptions of data quality in the
literature across different fields of study and
industries. The characteristics to be considered are
mainly informed by the requirements of an application
system that takes the data as input. According to
Mahanti (Rupa Mahanti, 2019) the most common
characteristics of data quality include accuracy,
reliability, legitimacy, consistency, relevance,
flexibility, currency, completeness, availability,
uniqueness, and timeliness amongst others. These
characteristics of data quality are not explicitly
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
defined for a ML or AI problem. However,
characteristics such as accuracy and relevance are of
prime importance for ML problem solving in
particular for Cyber security solutions. CySecML
methodology aims to, amongst other things, provide
guidelines of data quality checks to be considered for
ML based Cyber security solutions. Cai et al. (Cai &
Zhu, 2015) presented a framework of data quality
characteristics that consists of: availability, usability,
reliability, relevance, and presentation quality.
Although all the data quality frameworks
mentioned in the previous few paragraphs are equally
applicable to the different application domains, the
research at hand adopted the Cai et al. (Cai & Zhu,
2015) framework. The main reason for using Cai et
al. (Cai & Zhu, 2015) is for simplicity and Cyber
security application domain needs.
2.3 Feature Selection: Feature
Selection on Cyber Security Data
Various attributes and features describe activities in
various application domains, such as NIDS
(Aljawarneh et al., 2018; Kurniabudi et al., 2020;
Moustafa & Slay, 2017). The information contained
in attributes and features can be used for analysis,
including input variables into ML models (García et
al., 2015; Khalid et al., 2014; Mukkamala & Sung,
2003). However, not all features are useful or
significant in the design of ML models.
Given the large number of attributes and features
to be potentially found in Cyber security data sets,
such as NIDS, the question is which features should
be monitored to discover malicious activities, in
particular complex malicious attacks such as zero-day
attacks? A feature or attribute is considered
significant if it can differentiate two or more data
classes (Mukkamala & Sung, 2003).
A plethora of feature selection methods exists, see
(Mbona & Eloff, 2022b; Zheng & Casari, 2018). For
the research at hand Benfords law (BL) is presented
as a feature selection method to assist ML models used
in discovering Cyber security threats, see (Mbona &
Eloff, 2022a, 2022b) for further details. BL is
proposed as a feature selection method within the
CySecML methodology given its unique properties
for identifying anomalous behaviours in Cyber
security data sets (Mbona & Eloff, 2022a, 2022b).
The overall aim of the CySecML methodology is to
assist organisations and researchers to follow a step
wise process for developing ML based solutions for
Cyber security related problems. For the purposes of
this paper, the CySecML methodology consists of
two components: data preparation and
InternetBotDetector (IBD). The data preparation
component consists of data collection or data
preparation, data quality checks, data cleaning,
feature selection and significant features. The IBD
model is based on ML models that assist in the
automation of discovering cyber attacks.
Figure1: Overview of the CySecML methodology.
The Cyber security data set that is used for illustrative
purposes to highlight and explain the application of
the CySecML methodology is the IoT intrusion-2020
(Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020) data set. A brief
description of the IoT intrusion-2020 data set follows:
Ullah et al. (Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020) presented
a network intrusion data set, called IoT Intrusion-
2020, based on synthetic attacks. This data set was
developed in 2020 based on various synthetic botnet
attacks that include flooding attacks amongst others,
and benign network traffic. In addition, the authors of
this data set used the CICFlowMeter tool (Kaushik &
Dave, 2021; Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020) to generate
network traffic data.
3.1 Data Creation: Cyber Security
Data for Zero-Day Attacks
The CySecML methodology includes a specific step
for the process of Cyber security data collection or
data creation (see Figure 1). To illustrate concepts
relating to Cyber security data collection the
discussion that follows focuses on collecting network
traffic and network intrusion data. Cyber security data
collection refers to obtaining relevant data for running
ML models.
Data Sets for Cyber Security Machine Learning Models: A Methodological Approach
It is well known that real-world Cyber security
data sets are most of the time not available due to
confidentiality and privacy reasons. Most
organisations and researchers are using synthetic data
that is based on real-world data. For the purposes of
this paper and in particular to develop ML models that
are able to discover zero-day network intrusion
attacks, the following publicly available Cyber
security data sets were considered: the IoT intrusion-
2020 (Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020), UNSW-NB15
(Moustafa & Slay, 2017), CICDDOS2019
(Sharafaldin et al., 2019), and
CIRACICDOHBRW2020 (Montazerishatoori et al.,
2020). In general, and particularly referring to the
network intrusion data sets, the attacks considered in
these data sets were synthetically generated.
However, they do not contain zero-day (i.e.,
unknown) attacks. Specifically, for the purposes of
this paper, a known attack is an attack that is found in
a particular data set with its label. Whereas an
unknown attack is a type of attack not part of a
particular data set (Mbona & Eloff, 2022a).
Now the question is, how do we collect, create,
obtain or fabricate data that is representative of
unknown attacks? The rule of thumb in creating a
zero-day attack type from known attacks is to not use
all known type of attacks in the training and testing
stages of a ML model (Ahmad et al., 2023; Zavrak &
Iskefiyeli, 2020; Zoppi et al., 2021). Using all
available network intrusion type of attacks in both the
training and testing phase of a ML model disregards
the presence of zero-day attacks (Ahmad et al., 2023),
thus this approach is not preferred. According to
Ahmad et al. (Ahmad et al., 2023), the two most
common approaches for creating a zero-day attack
type from known attacks are:
Approach 1: randomly use different type of attacks
in the training and testing stages of a ML model.
• Approach 2: combine all known attacks from a data
set and create a new zero-day attack type that is based
on known type of attacks.
Approach 1
The first approach for creating a zero-day type of
attack for experimental purposes is to train and test a
ML model using different type of attacks that are
known (Zavrak & Iskefiyeli, 2020; Zoppi et al.,
2021). As far as the authors of this paper are
concerned, there is no scientific evidence in the
literature on choosing the “optimal” combination of
type of attacks to use as a zero-day attack type. In
addition, consider the IoT Intrusion-2020 data set for
example that contains eight malicious network traffic
types, one can have a minimum of: 8!/(8-2)! = 28,
possible combinations of zero-day attack types.
Therefore, the authors of this research do not consider
this approach feasible.
Approach 2
The second approach is to create a new unknown
attack type (i.e., zero-day) by combining known
attack types of a particular data set (Ahmad et al.,
2023; Mbona & Eloff, 2022a). In this way, a zero-day
attack type is created from known type of attacks and
this approach is referred to as creating known
unknowns (Ahmad et al., 2023; Kim et al., 2020;
Scheirer et al., 2014). The premise of this approach is
that a network traffic data set is based on the same
description of features and structure, thus, one can
combine different known type of attacks across the
same features. “Approach 2” is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Approach 2.
To illustrate, Approach 2 was used to expand the IoT
intrusion-2020 data set. In this data set, the benign
network traffic is labelled as “normal”, and malicious
network traffic is labelled as “anomaly” (Ullah &
Mahmoud, 2020). For the purposes of this paper, the
authors created a new attack (i.e., zero-day) by
combining anomaly network traffic. Specifically, a
zero-day (i.e., anomaly) attack is created by
combining SYN Flooding + UDP Flooding + HTTP
Flooding + ACK Flooding + Host Brute force + ARP
Spoofing + Scan host port + Scan port OS across the
same features.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
3.2 Clean the Data: Quality of Cyber
Security Data for Machine
The CySecML methodology include the process of
ensuring that a Cyber security data set is of sufficient
quality for an ML problem as part of the data
preparation component (see Figure 1). The IoT
intrusion-2020 (Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020) data set is
examined following the requirements for data quality
as reported on by Cai et al. (Cai & Zhu, 2015):
Availability: characterise the extent to which
data is easily made available and accessible to
individuals who have the right level of access to
obtain data. The IoT intrusion-2020 data set comply
as follows to this criterium: as this is a publicly
available data set, and easily accessible on the
• Usability: refers to the extent in which data
meets the requirements of a problem at hand. The IoT
intrusion-2020 data set comply as follows to this
criterium: as this data set contains benign network
traffic and a variety of malicious network traffic with
many instances.
Reliability: once the question of usability has
been answered, the subsequent question is whether
one can trust the data in terms of accuracy and
completeness amongst other factors. The IoT
intrusion-2020 data set comply as follows to this
criterium: given that the cyber attacks such as
flooding attacks considered in this data set are real-
world cyber attacks.
Relevance: relevance of data is closely linked
with usability of data with the exception that,
relevance asks the question as to why this data is
needed in the first place? The IoT intrusion-2020 data
set comply as follows to this criterium: as this data set
contains more than 80 features that include the
number of packets and flow duration of benign and
malicious network traffic.
• Presentation quality: refers to the manner in
which data is presented in terms of description and
structure amongst other factors. The IoT intrusion-
2020 data set comply as follows to this criterium: this
data set has clearly labelled features and network
traffic types.
3.3 Feature Selection on Cyber
Security Data for Machine
The CySecML methodology include a step “Feature
selection”, see Figure 1, to identify significant features
that can assist Cyber security ML models. For the case
at hand, the aim is to identify significant features that
are indicative of anomalous behaviour between benign
and malicious zero-day network traffic types. The IoT
Intrusion-2020 data set consists of benign and eight
malicious network traffic type of attacks.
As part of CySecML with specific reference to the
“Feature selection” step, Benford’s law (BL) is
presented as a feature selection method. Experiments
done by the authors of this paper and previously
published work (Mbona & Eloff, 2022a) highlighted
the benefits of employing BL as a feature selection
method to overcome the challenges relating to
analysing large volumes of network traffic data sets.
This section presents implementation results of the
CySecML methodology (see Figure 1). In the “Data
collection or data creation” step, the IoT Intrusion-
2020 data set was not only identified as a quality ML
data set but it was also expanded upon to demonstrate
how an existing data set can be made relevant and
useful for Cyber security related ML models. The
“High data quality check” step identified the data
quality framework of Cai et al. (Cai & Zhu, 2015) to
be a useful data quality framework for Cyber security
data sets. The “Feature selection” step employed
Benford’s law as a simple but computationally
effective method for identifying the set of significant
features from the expanded IoT Intrusion-2020 data
set. Based on applying these 3 steps of the CySecML
methodology the following set of significant features,
for the discovery of zero-day network attack types
from: the IoT intrusion-2020 (Ullah & Mahmoud,
2020), UNSW-NB15 (Moustafa & Slay, 2017),
CICDDOS2019 (Sharafaldin et al., 2019), and
CIRACICDOHBRW2020 (Montazerishatoori et al.,
2020), was identified:
Flow duration: is defined as a measure of a set
of packets passing a particular point in network traffic
during a certain time interval (NetFort Technologies
Limited, 2014; Umer et al., 2017). Flow features have
been shown in the past to be effective for discovering
malicious network traffic, see (Khodjaeva & Zincir-
Heywood, 2021; Umer et al., 2017; Zavrak &
Iskefiyeli, 2020).
Flow inter-arrival times: measures the time
between two consecutive network flows. The flow
inter-arrival times measure was adopted by (Arshadi
& Jahangir, 2017; Asadi, 2016; Sethi et al., 2020) to
discover anomalous network traffic types.
Data Sets for Cyber Security Machine Learning Models: A Methodological Approach
Forward and backward packets: measures
packets received and sent in a network (Ullah &
Mahmoud, 2020).
Packet sizes: is a measure of actual packet size
(Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020).
Segment size: can be described as the largest
amount of data in bytes that a device can handle
(Ullah & Mahmoud, 2020).
• Source to destination / destination to source
packet count: measures the number of packets from
source to destination, and vice versa (Moustafa &
Slay, 2017).
Source/destination TCP base sequence number:
can be described as a number used to keep track of
every byte sent or received by a host (Moustafa &
Slay, 2017).
Number of connections of the same
source/destination address: contains information
about the number of connections of the same
source/destination address (Montazerishatoori et al.,
The above listed significant features can now be
used as “Input data” in a ML model such as the IBD
model for the purposes of discovering zero-day
network intrusion attacks as depicted in Figure 1. The
IBD model was implemented using the one-class
support vector machine (OCSVM), see (Mbona &
Eloff, 2022a) for model and evaluation measure
details. The results in Table 1 demonstrate that
“Approach 2” which is based on a combination of all
malicious network traffic, produced the best results
for the discovery of zero-day network traffic.
Table 1: IBD model experimental results using the IoT
Intrusion-2020 data set.
Training set
“Known attacks”
Testing set
Benign + ARP
spoofing + Scan
host port
UDP flooding 76 60
Benign + Scan port
OS + Scan host port
+ ARP spoofing
SYN flooding
73 56
UDP flooding Host brute
62 31
Benign + SYN
flooding + UDP
flooding + HTTP
flooding + ACK
flooding +
Host brute force
ARP spoofing
+ Scan host
port + Scan
port OS
70 59
Benign network
traffic only
All combined
71 64
The results in Table 1 indicate that the OCSVM
algorithms performs well in terms of F
and MCC
scores, although it performed poorly for the UDP
flooding and Host brute force case. Although each
case in Table 1 contains different type of attacks in
the training and testing stages, i.e., “Approach 1” and
“Approach 2” the results of the OCSVM are not
consistent. Consequently, this research makes an
important contribution to the ongoing search for
designing and discovering zero-day attack scenarios.
This paper illustrates the convergence of Cyber
security and artificial intelligence (AI) with a focus
on data sets. A methodological approach (CySecML)
was proposed to assist Cyber security researchers and
professionals in developing Cyber security ML
solutions. It is demonstrated how the CySecML
methodology optimises existing techniques such as
data collection or data creation, checking data quality,
and identifying features. CySecML was used on
several Cyber security ML projects, most notably the
work performed on NIDS, as illustrated in this paper.
Future work will focus on extending the data
collection step by refining the methods used to
generate synthetic Cyber security data and
developing a metric approach for measuring the
compliance to standards for data quality
characteristics of Cyber security ML data. Regarding
NIDS, this study makes an important contribution to
the ongoing search for designing and discovering
zero-day attack scenarios.
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security