Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant
Privacy Policies
Jens Leicht and Maritta Heisel
Paluno - The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
GDPR, Compliance, Privacy Policies, Tool, Editor.
Privacy policies are an important tool for service providers around the world, especially after the enactment of
the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Such privacy policies are commonly expressed in long texts
written in legalese. In many cases multiple departments of a company are involved in the definition of these
policies; however, only the legal department is able to evaluate the level of GDPR-compliance. We propose and
evaluate a privacy policy editor that can be operated by a broader audience. Our editor provides policy authors
with guidance on what information to include in a policy. Using the Prolog Layered Privacy Language (P-
LPL) our editor can also perform GDPR-compliance checks and warn policy authors when compliance issues
arise during policy definition. The privacy policies created with our editor are well structured and computer-
interpretable as we use an existing policy language (P-LPL). This may also be beneficial for the data subjects,
who will be reading the privacy policies, as user interfaces can visualize the policies in structured and better
comprehensible ways, compared to the pure legalese texts of today’s privacy policies. Data controllers and
data processors may also use our editor for defining service level agreements.
Although privacy policies are important in the con-
text of compliance with data protection legislation,
the development of tools for improving privacy poli-
cies has been lacking. Legislations, such as the Gen-
eral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the Euro-
pean Union (European Parliament and Council of the
European Union, 2016), require service providers to
inform end-users/data subjects about data collection
and processing in a transparent manner. A popular
solution to achieve this transparency is the use of pri-
vacy policies.
Such policies are written in a complex legalese,
which the end-users can hardly comprehend. Multiple
departments of a company might be involved in the
process of defining a privacy policy and only the le-
gal department is able to evaluate the level of GDPR-
We developed a privacy policy editor that inte-
grates into the Privacy Policy Compliance Guidance
framework (PriPoCoG) and provides feedback con-
cerning GDPR-compliance during the policy defini-
tion (Leicht et al., 2022). This feedback enables
all departments to evaluate the GDPR-compliance of
their currently defined privacy policy. Only at the end
of the definition process, the legal department should
review the resulting privacy policy.
Our editor not only improves the policy defini-
tion process, but also provides benefits for the end-
users/data subjects. The use of the Prolog Layered
Privacy Language (P-LPL) results in structured pri-
vacy policies, that can be visualized in different ways,
which can improve data subjects’ comprehension of
the policy. In combination with privacy-policy-based
access control (P2BAC) both sides of the privacy pol-
icy, service providers as well as data subjects, benefit
from privacy policies created with our editor (Leicht
and Heisel, 2023). Our privacy policy editor can also
be used to express service level agreements (SLAs)
between data controllers and data processors. These
agreements state how some data should be handled by
the data processor.
Since our editor is aimed at professional users, we
use the term user in this paper when talking about pol-
icy authors, who can for example be data controllers
or data protection officers. In this paper we address
the following two research questions:
RQ1. How can we improve the GDPR-compliance of
data controllers and their privacy policies?
Leicht, J. and Heisel, M.
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies.
DOI: 10.5220/0012599600003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 307-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
RQ2. How can we improve the usability of the
The paper is structured as follows: First, we intro-
duce some background knowledge in Section 2. Next,
we present our privacy policy editor in Section 3. Af-
terwards, we discuss the evaluation of our editor in
Section 4, followed by related work in Section 5. Fi-
nally, we conclude this paper in Section 6.
In this section we present some background knowl-
edge about the GDPR terminology, the PriPoCoG-
framework, and P-LPL policies.
2.1 GDPR Terminology
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
(European Parliament and Council of the European
Union, 2016) introduces some terminology, which we
use throughout the paper to distinguish different roles
that benefit from our policy editor.
Data Subject. Person whose data are collected and
processed by the data controller.
Data Controller. Person or legal entity in charge of
controlling data handling. The data controller
specifies the privacy policy to inform its data sub-
Data Protection Officer. Person, entitled by the data
controller, who ensures GDPR-compliant data
handling. Also handles requests from data sub-
Data Processor (Data Recipient). External entity
that processes some data on behalf of the data
controller. Called data recipient in the P-LPL
privacy policies.
Purpose. Reason for which data are processed. Pri-
vacy policies contain purposes explaining to the
data subjects why their data are being handled.
Supervisory Authority. The local data protection
authority entrusted with the investigation of data
breaches and with imposing and collecting fines
for such breaches.
2.2 P-LPL-Policies
The Prolog-Layered Privacy Language (P-LPL) im-
plements and extends the Layered Privacy Language
(LPL) by Gerl (Gerl, 2020). P-LPL uses Prolog
to formalize the language constructs of LPL and re-
quirements from the GDPR, as described in (Leicht
et al., 2022). This formalization of the policies as well
as GDPR requirements makes it possible to perform
compliance checks on privacy policies expressed in
Figure 1 visualizes the structure of P-LPL poli-
cies. The structure shown only contains elements that
are directly created using our editor. P-LPL contains
some elements that are created automatically further
down the data usage chain, for example when the data
subject provides consent to parts of the policy; these
elements are not shown in Figure 1. Square brackets
[] visualize the fact that this element is a set/list of
Privacy models are used for de-identification and
can for example be k-anonymity or l-diversity. They
describe which data are considered during the de-
identification process. Automated decision making is
a description of the automated decision making that
might take place for a given purpose. Pseudonymiza-
tion methods explain which data elements are re-
placed by a pseudonym. The purposes of a policy
are organized in a hierarchy to provide different levels
of detail. How the purposes are arranged is saved in
the purpose hierarchy. Policies can have an underly-
ing policy, which can for example be a service level
agreement or a previously accepted privacy policy.
URL (of textual policy)
data protection officers[]
data subject rights[]
supervisory authority
data recipients[]
legal bases[]
purpose hierarchy
underlying policy
Figure 1: Structure of a P-LPL privacy policy, limited to el-
ements created with our editor (some elements are excluded
“. . . ”).
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Policy Enforcement
PriPoCoG - framework
Privacy Policy
Policy Authors
Privacy Policy
general purpose
DFD - Editor
DFD - Editor
Privacy Policy Editor
Figure 2: Uml composite structure diagram of the PriPoCoG-framework with the policy editor highlighted in grey, based on
(Leicht et al., 2023).
2.3 PriPoCoG-Framework
The Privacy Policy Compliance Guidance
(PriPoCoG) framework (Leicht et al., 2022) uses
computer-interpretable privacy policies and checks
them for compliance with the GDPR. We extend this
framework with a privacy policy editor, improving
the usability of the framework. Figure 2 shows an
overview of PriPoCoG, with our editor highlighted in
grey. How our editor integrates into the framework is
described in Section 3.1 below.
The PriPoCoG framework uses P-LPL to imple-
ment LPL and formalize parts of the GDPR. This
formalism is then used to check privacy policies for
compliance with legislation (Leicht et al., 2022), ei-
ther using our policy editor or by directly interact-
ing with the P-LPL command line interface. P-LPL
and consequently our editor can be used by data pro-
tection authorities to investigate GDPR-compliance.
PriPoCoG already provides an editor for data-flow di-
agrams (DFDs), which generates files that can be im-
ported into our policy editor. The DFD-editor can
be used by policy authors as well as threat model-
ers. The framework also provides policy enforcement
using Privacy Policy Based Access Control (P2BAC)
(Leicht and Heisel, 2023). This enforcement is used
by data controllers and data processors. Privacy pol-
icy management and the privacy policy interface to-
wards the data subject are currently under develop-
In this section we discuss where our editor is situ-
ated within the PriPoCoG-framework. We explain the
functionality of the editor, give some details about the
implementation, and provide a usage procedure. The
editor is open-source and available online
3.1 Framework
Figure 2 shows an overview of where the privacy pol-
icy editor is located within the PriPoCoG-framework.
The contribution of this paper is highlighted in grey.
An overview of the other components of the frame-
work is presented in Section 2.3. In addition to cre-
ating privacy policies, the editor we propose can be
used by policy authors and data processors to define
service level agreements. Data protection authorities
can use the editor to check the GDPR-compliance of a
given P-LPL policy. Our editor can also be integrated
into future privacy policy management systems.
Figure 3 gives an overview of the different use
cases of our editor. The hierarchy on the left-hand
side of the diagram shows that we define the actor
Service Provider as a more general term for Data
Controller and Data Protection Officer. The Service
Provider has three use cases: i) the general defini-
tion of privacy policies, ii) GDPR-compliance checks
for the policies defined with the editor, and iii) def-
inition of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in co-
operation/conjunction with Data Processors. Com-
pliance checks can also be used by Data Protection
Authorities, to assure that privacy policies are GDPR-
compliant. The Data Subject can indirectly benefit
from our editor, as the privacy policies are created and
stored in a well-structured manner. This may improve
policy comprehension when combined with a suitable
UI-representation towards the Data Subject.
redacted for blind-review
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
P-LPL Editor
Policy Comprehension
use cases P-LPL Editor
SLA Creation
Compliance Check
Privacy Policy Creation
Service Provider
Data Controller
Data Protection Officer
Figure 3: Use cases for our privacy policy editor.
In the following we take a look at the main fea-
tures of the editor.
3.2 Functionality
We first present the basic features that any privacy
policy editor should fulfill, before discussing the
unique features of our editor. Figure 5 shows the main
view of the graphical user interface (GUI) of our edi-
3.2.1 Basic Features
The editor allows users to create and edit privacy poli-
cies. The definition of a privacy policy is performed
in the two main tabs of the editor, highlighted in the
b-region in Figure 5. The Main Information-tab is
used to specify general information required by a pri-
vacy policy. Here we also specify the basic informa-
tion about the purposes for which data are collected
and processed. Further details about the purposes are
later entered in the Purpose Details-tab.
The privacy policies contain all elements defined
in P-LPL, and the editor provides a structured way of
entering necessary information. Information can be
entered by selecting the corresponding tile in the main
area of the editor (c-region in Figure 5). A form for
entering the relevant information will be shown when
editing policy elements. Figure 6 shows an exemplary
form, filled with information from the Amazon.de pri-
vacy policy.
The editor provides hints for each field, also al-
lowing inexperienced users to define privacy policies.
Missing or incorrect information is highlighted in red.
Exporting Privacy Policies. The policy created
with the editor can be saved as an XML-file, and
loaded back into the editor. For a manual GDPR-
compliance check using P-LPL, the policy can also
be downloaded as a Prolog-file. Additionally, the ed-
itor allows the export of the privacy policy in a plain
text-file. These operations are available via the main
menu on the left-hand side of the editor (a-region in
Figure 5).
In the following we discuss the unique features of
the editor in more detail.
3.2.2 Unique Features
To the best of our knowledge, the following features
are unique in the context of privacy policy editors and
GDPR-Compliance. The automatic check of
GDPR-compliance can be divided into two types of
1. PLP-Checks. The first type of check is the
GDPR-compliance check, achieved by integrating P-
LPL into the editor. The information entered in the
editor is transformed to P-LPL syntax and input into
the P-LPL compliance checker. The results of the
compliance check are displayed to the user of the ed-
itor (cf. Figure 4). By integrating P-LPL into the
editor any future updates of P-LPL where the policy
Figure 4: Exemplary compliance feedback: “a dedicated
Data Protection Officer (DPO) may be required”, . . . .
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
language itself remains unchanged will be directly in-
cluded in our editor. Hence, updates to the compli-
ance checks are easy. Changes to the P-LPL policy
language, however, may require changes in the editor.
Our editor provides an increased usability com-
pared to the bare P-LPL implementation, since the
user does not need to understand Prolog. Addition-
ally, no interaction with a command line interface is
required. Users can just use the editor to define a pri-
vacy policy and get compliance feedback directly in
the editor.
2. Completeness Checks. In addition to the
compliance-checks performed by P-LPL, the editor
warns the user when some information is missing or
incomplete. This is not strictly a unique feature, but
it is closely related to the compliance checks, hence
we mention it here. Required fields are marked with
an asterisk * and highlighted in red, when incomplete.
A yellow triangle with an exclamation mark (next to
the SAVE Policy-button in the main menu, a-region
in Figure 5) warns the user before saving an incom-
plete policy. Red exclamation marks on the tiles in
the main-area of the editor further highlight missing
information. Red triangles with exclamation marks in
the tabs (b-region in Figure 5) highlight in which tab
information is missing.
The exclamation marks for missing information,
as well as the question marks for helpful hints, pro-
vide a guided way of defining a privacy policy. We
provide a more detailed description of the guided pro-
cess in Section 3.5 below. There is no fixed order in
which information must be entered, the users can en-
ter the information in any order they like. The com-
pleteness checks ensure that the policy author enters
all information required for a privacy policy.
No Expert Knowledge Required. The structured
nature of P-LPL policies improves the usability of our
editor compared to existing privacy policy editors and
generators. There is no wall-of-text to be edited and
managed. In combination with the guided process the
number of domain experts required during the policy
definition process is reduced to a single software en-
gineer with knowledge about the system at hand. No
legal expert is required during policy definition. Only
after finishing the policy, a legal expert should check
the quality of the policy and make adjustments where
Importing Information from Software Engineer-
ing Artifacts. Compared to other privacy policy ed-
itors, our editor does not require the user to enter all
information from scratch. Instead, the editor allows
the user to import information about data processing
from data-flow diagrams, as shown in (Leicht et al.,
2023). This makes the policy definition process less
tedious and reduces the risk of discrepancies between
the policy and actual system behavior.
Structured Policy Representation. The structured
nature of the policies also improves clarity, when a
suitable user interface is used for presentation of the
policy towards the data subject. This enhanced clarity
can further improve the transparency of privacy poli-
cies, resulting in a more informed consent collection,
compared to regular textual privacy policies.
As long as such structured representations of pri-
vacy policies are not standardized by the European
Union, we also support policy authors in legal com-
pliance by providing an export to textual policies.
3.2.3 Extensibility and Adaptability
In its current form, our editor is optimized for GDPR-
compliant privacy policies. However, since the
compliance-checks are separate from the user inter-
face, the editor can be easily adapted to other legisla-
On the one hand, the compliance-checks can be
replaced with ones of other legislations, e.g., COPPA
(Federal Trade Commission, 1998) or HIPAA (Em-
ployee Benefits Security Administration, 2004). On
the other hand, the editor itself could easily be
adapted/extended to accommodate additional infor-
mation. This may require to adapt the policy language
(P-LPL) and the corresponding model of the policies,
used by the editor.
A possible extension of the editor could be check-
ing the compliance with company-internal policies.
A company or business may have already defined
policies that describe how data may be handled in-
house. Such policies may be conflicting with the
data processing stated in the privacy policy. Check-
ing the compliance of a newly defined privacy policy
with such company-internal policies may highlight
misleading information. The misleading information
could then be removed from the privacy policy, in-
creasing transparency and correctness of the policy.
Internal policies to be checked could for example be
business processes, security/access control policies,
or codes of conduct.
The import of policy relevant information from
different sources can also be extended. Currently
information can be retrieved from data-flow dia-
grams. For the future we plan to import information
from business process models in the business process
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
Figure 5: GUI of our privacy policy editor with the three main regions: a) the main menu, b) main information and purpose
tabs, and c) the main editor area (excerpt).
model and notation (BPMN
), see Section 6.2.
3.3 Development Challenges
In the development of our editor we faced some chal-
lenges, which we briefly discuss in the following.
The integration of the P-LPL compliance checker
was a complicated task as P-LPL is implemented in
Prolog. Available integration layers, which allow
other programming languages to access Prolog, re-
quired us to adapt the usage of P-LPL.
Another challenge was the user interface (UI) de-
sign and the abstraction from the P-LPL language.
The first version of the editor provided input fields for
all information that could be stored in a P-LPL pol-
icy. This, however, made the UI cumbersome to use
and required the user to enter some information re-
peatedly. In the next revision of the UI we abstracted
from P-LPL and only ask the user for input regard-
ing important policy information and generate many
P-LPL fields automatically from information already
entered by the user.
The export of textual privacy policies was inspired
by the work of Mohammadi et al. (Mohammadi et al.,
2020). Here the challenge lies in the creation of well
structured and fitting patterns, to be instantiated using
the P-LPL policy from our editor.
3.4 Implementation
Our editor is implemented as a web-based tool, which
can also be deployed locally as a stand-alone applica-
https://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/ (accessed 2023-
tion. We use Angular
for the front-end and Python,
which invokes the P-LPL Prolog calls, for the back-
The editor implements the P-LPL privacy policy
model in an object-oriented manner. This ensures
compatibility between our editor and the existing P-
LPL framework.
The editor has a main-menu (a-region in Figure 5)
on the left-hand side of the GUI. This menu contains
actions that can be performed on the whole privacy
policy, e.g., import and export of policies, as well as
the P-LPL compliance check, and a reset-button for
starting over. The save-button downloads the policy
as an XML-file, whereas the download buttons export
the policy as Prolog-file or a textual policy. The tex-
tual privacy policy is generated using textual patterns.
The right-hand side of the GUI contains the main edit-
ing tiles (c-region in Figure 5), clustering informa-
tion according to the structure of P-LPL policies. We
make use of tabs (b-region in Figure 5) to divide the
contents of a privacy policy into two types of informa-
tion. In the Main Information-tab we ask the user for
general information about the policy itself, data con-
trollers, data protection officers, data subject rights,
supervisory authorities, the data collected, possible
data recipients, the purposes for which data will be
collected and processed, as well as the purpose hier-
archy, structuring the purposes. The main editor-area
is divided into tiles structuring the content of the pri-
vacy policy. Using tiles provides a way of getting an
overview of the policy, before each information cate-
gory can be opened in a separate dialogue.
We use a similar tiled overview in the Purpose De-
tails-tab. Here we ask for further details regarding
https://angular.io/ (accessed 2023-12-04)
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
each of the purposes previously defined in the main
information tab. The user should state which data are
going to be collected and processed for a given pur-
pose, recipients of the data, the retention period of the
data collected for a given purpose, and the legal ba-
sis on which the purpose is based. Additionally, the
user can supply privacy models, information regard-
ing automated decision-making, and pseudonymiza-
tion methods used on the data of this purpose.
Each tile of the editor can be used to open a spe-
cific input form. At the top of these input forms
the main information required by this category is re-
quested. Figure 6 shows the input form for the Es-
sential Information category, filled with information
from the Amazon.de privacy policy. In this example:
the language of the policy, a name for the policy, and
optionally a URL pointing to the textual representa-
tion of the privacy policy can be entered. Required
fields are highlighted with an asterisk (*) and colored
red when no information is entered (e.g., Policy name
in Figure 6). Below the main information many pol-
icy elements provide input fields for a title and a de-
scription. This information can be provided in diverse
Figure 6: Input form for the essential privacy policy infor-
languages and will be used by privacy policy inter-
faces, when presenting the privacy policy to the data
subject. Since no P-LPL data subject user interface
has been developed yet, this information is consid-
ered optional. However, it is considered good prac-
tice to fill out the titles and descriptions, so that the
information can easily be used by user interface de-
veloped at a later time. The descriptions can be used
to provide reasoning for different elements, for exam-
ple why some data need to be collected or processed.
The use of icons and colors further improves us-
ability of our editor, as the user can get a quick un-
derstanding of missing/wrong information. Advanced
users may also navigate the policy quicker when fo-
cusing on icons instead of reading lengthy titles.
3.5 Usage
As already mentioned earlier, there is no fixed step-
by-step method of defining a privacy policy using our
editor. Policy authors are free to enter information in
any order they may prefer.
The general procedure of defining a privacy policy
in our editor is as follows:
1. Optionally, import information from data-flow di-
agrams, created using the DFD-editor presented
in (Leicht et al., 2023).
2. Enter some information in the Main Information-
tab until all required elements have been filled.
Alternatively, you can proceed with step three in-
termittently, once you have defined at least one
purpose. You can return to this step at any time.
3. Switch to the Purpose Details-tab to enter infor-
mation about the purposes for which data are col-
lected and processed. If you haven’t completed
step two, yet, you can return to step two intermit-
4. When all required policy elements are filled,
check the GDPR-compliance of the policy by
clicking the Compliance Check-button in the main
5. If something is marked as non-compliant, go back
to editing this policy element and return to Step 3.
6. Finally, if required, export the policy as a textual
privacy policy or save the P-LPL file.
This process gives guidance to the user while at the
same time allowing greatest possible flexibility. Next,
we take a look at the evaluation of our privacy policy
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
To evaluate our privacy policy editor, we applied a
two-phase approach. In the first phase, we asked com-
puter science students for feedback using the ques-
tionnaire described in the next section. Afterwards,
we improved our editor by adding features and chang-
ing the layout of some of its components. In the
second phase, we asked five computer science re-
searchers to evaluate our editor according to the same
questionnaire. After we analyzed the results of the
second phase, we performed some further improve-
ments, resulting in the privacy policy editor we pre-
sented above. Some of the feedback received in phase
two will be addressed in future updates of the editor.
We used the Technology Acceptance Model
(TAM) by Davis (Davis, 1985) for the evaluation of
our privacy policy editor. Using an adapted TAM-
questionnaire we evaluated the first three of the fol-
lowing hypotheses:
H1 The privacy policy editor is easy to use.
H2 The privacy policies created with the editor
have a high quality.
(H2.1) The resulting policies are well structured.
(H2.2) The resulting policies are easy to compre-
H3 The editor is useful for the creation of GDPR-
compliant privacy policies.
(H4) Privacy policies created with our editor have an
improved accuracy compared to state-of-the-art
textual privacy policies.
(H5) Using our privacy policy editor improves the
transparency conveyed by the privacy policies.
Although we consider hypotheses (H2.1) and
(H2.2) subordinate to H2, they cannot be evaluated
using the TAM questionnaire. The quality of the out-
put of the editor is analyzed in the TAM question-
naire, but not in enough detail to support nor reject hy-
potheses (H2.1) and (H2.2). These hypotheses need
to be evaluated separately, preferably by domain ex-
perts, using a different evaluation methodology.
Hypotheses (H2.1), (H2.2.), (H4), and (H5) will
be evaluated in future work. In this paper we focus on
the privacy policy editor itself.
4.1 Questionnaire
The questionnaire we created for the evaluation of
our editor is a combination of the TAM3 question-
naire from the original TAM by Davis (Davis, 1985)
and the updated questions as described in the later re-
vision of the TAM (Davis, 1989). As suggested by
Davis we adapt the questionnaire by leaving out some
categories of questions as well as adapting individual
questions to our privacy policy editor.
Our questionnaire contains the following four cat-
egories of questions: Overall Evaluation, Perceived
Characteristics of Output, Perceived Ease of Use, and
Perceived Usefulness. Each category includes at least
two questions.
The original TAM contains two more categories.
However, since we evaluated our editor with students
and computer science researchers, which both are
probably not going to work with the editor in their
jobs, we removed the category Anticipated Use from
our questionnaire. And, since the editor is considered
a professional tool, we also excluded the category An-
ticipated Enjoyment of Use.
The original TAM questionnaires used seven-
value scales, e.g., from extremely likely to extremely
unlikely including the neutral option neither. To re-
duce the chance of participants answering neutral for
all questions, we reduced the number of available op-
tions from seven to six, removing the neutral option
Depending on the question asked, we used one of
the following scales:
bad good
unlikely likely
harmful beneficial
foolish wise
unconfident confident
low high
negative positive
Each of the scales takes the levels of: extremely A -
quite A - slightly A - slightly B - quite B - extremely
B, where A and B are the values of the scales listed
We asked the participants 28 questions overall. 22
of these were adapted from the TAM and four ques-
tions were of demographic nature, including age, gen-
der, and field of study. Additionally, we asked for in-
formation regarding prior professional experience in
the field of computer science as well as privacy. We
also provided free-text inputs for the participants to
give feedback regarding bugs they might encounter
during the usage of the editor, as well as comments
and general feedback for the improvement of the ed-
itor. A complete overview of the questionnaire is at-
tached in the appendix of this paper.
In the following we take a look at the circum-
stances and results of each of the evaluation phases.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
4.2 Phase 1
In the first phase of our evaluation we asked nine
computer science students to participate in our sur-
vey. The participants have at least a bachelor’s degree
in computer science. None of the participants stated
any prior experience in the field of privacy. However,
they received a lecture of one hour on privacy and the
GDPR prior to participating in our evaluation survey.
Demographics. The participants were between 20
and 28 years old, resulting in an average age of around
24 years. The group of participants consists of six
male and two female Master students. One person
did not answer the question regarding their gender.
TAM Results (Average).
Overall Evaluation: slightly positive
Perceived Characteristics of Output (quality):
quite high
Perceived Ease of Use: slightly likely
Perceived Usefulness: slightly likely
The participants rated the editor slightly positive
(4.47/6) in the overall evaluation. The quality of the
resulting privacy policies was considered quite high
(4.83/6). A main concern of the first evaluation phase
was usability, as the participants rated ease of use with
slightly likely (4.11/6). The value slightly likely stems
from the way questions are formulated in the TAM
(cf. questionnaire in the appendix).
Bug Reports. The first phase identified some major
bugs, like data loss when accidentally refreshing the
page, as well as some performance issues when edit-
ing long lists of policy elements. We fixed all bugs
that were identified, before starting the second evalu-
ation phase.
Feature Requests and General Feedback. The
main concern in the general feedback section has to
do with automating more of the input. Some infor-
mation had to be entered manually although it could
be deduced from other inputs. We implemented some
automation for these inputs, to reduce the amount of
manual input by the policy author.
In the first phase, the help/descriptions were lack-
ing in information, hence the participants wanted
more information contained in the help texts. Main
information tiles and purposes were listed on a single
page, and participants wanted a better overview. This
is the reason for having two tabs, separating main in-
formation from purpose details.
We also considered further minor feature requests
and feedback for the development of the editor.
We concluded this phase of the evaluation with an
overall slightly positive result. Taking into consider-
ation a list of feedback comments and bug reports,
we improved the editor before conducting the second
phase of the evaluation of our editor.
4.3 Phase 2
In the second phase we interviewed five computer sci-
ence researchers on an improved version of the editor.
Two of the researchers were Master students, one had
a master’s degree in applied computer science, and
two researchers had PhDs in computer science. Four
male and one female researcher participated in this
This time we focused on the free-text feedback of
the participants instead of strictly requiring them to
fill out our survey questionnaire. From the four ques-
tionnaires returned we calculated the following eval-
uation results:
TAM Results (Average).
Overall Evaluation: quite positive
Perceived Characteristics of Output (quality):
quite high
Perceived Ease of Use: slightly likely
Perceived Usefulness: slightly likely
The overall evaluation was more positive in the
second phase. However, the ease of use still was a
major concern with 3.57 out of 6 points. This is also
reflected in the feature requests for improved usabil-
ity, which we present below.
Bug Reports. The participants of the second phase
also identified some bugs in the editor, e.g., crashes
of the back-end. We fixed all bugs and considered a
number of feature requests and general feedback, as
we describe below, for the version of the editor we
present in this paper.
Feature Requests and General Feedback. The
P-LPL required field title (HEAD) and description
(DESC) are tedious to fill out for every element
of a privacy policy. Users of the editor do not
see/know the use of this information. We plan to semi-
automatically generate this information, for improved
usability. Some input is repeated throughout the pri-
vacy policy, for example, information regarding enti-
ties that fill in different positions at the same time. A
single person could be considered data controller and
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
data protection officer at the same time. Making such
information reusable is our goal for future updates
of the editor. We provide guidance using help-pages
for each policy element that the policy author needs
to provide. The participants wanted additional infor-
mation directly inside the forms, e.g., by providing
mouse-over texts or additional information next to the
forms. This idea is also planned for a future update of
the editor. Finally, the form controls save and cancel,
currently positioned at the bottom of each form, could
be optimized by also providing them at the top of the
forms. When editing long lists of elements, scrolling
down to the bottom of the page slows down the user
of the editor.
4.4 Evaluation Conclusion
We now summarize the results of our evaluation of
our privacy policy editor by taking another look at the
hypotheses stated in Section 4.
Hypothesis H1 regarding the usability of our ed-
itor can be evaluated using the questions of the cate-
gory Perceived Ease of Use. The results of the surveys
show that the participants have a neutral to slightly
positive opinion on the usability of our editor. This
neither supports nor rejects H1.
Our survey only considers the main hypothesis
H2 in its questionnaire, (H2.1) and (H2.2) need to
be considered in future work. The quality of the
privacy policies is evaluated using the category Per-
ceived Characteristics of Output. The surveys show
that the perceived quality of the resulting privacy poli-
cies is quite high, supporting H2.
Hypothesis H3 can be evaluated using the ques-
tions of the category Perceived Usefulness. Regarding
the usefulness of our editor, we received weak results
tending towards the positive side of the scale. This
neither supports nor rejects H3.
Overall, we can conclude the evaluation with a
slightly positive result. The results of the surveys tend
towards the positive side of the scales for each of the
three hypotheses evaluated in this paper. However,
only one of the hypotheses is significantly supported
by the survey results (H2). The other two hypotheses
are only supported slightly, hence we consider these
hypotheses as neutral and propose further evaluation
in the future. A next level of evaluation should in-
clude domain experts, to find out whether the editor
is useful in its intended environment and use-case, as
well as to find out whether (H2.1) and (H2.2) are sup-
Hypotheses (H2.1), (H2.2), (H4), and (H5) are
concerned with the characteristics of the privacy poli-
cies that are created with our editor. The characteris-
tics of the policies need to be evaluated in a separate
study. This study should also consider state-of-the-art
textual privacy policies in comparison to P-LPL pri-
vacy policies.
There exist many different online privacy policy gen-
erators that generate privacy policies according to
some user input. Termly Inc.s generator
is an ex-
ample of a free privacy policy generator. The user is
interviewed using a comprehensive questionnaire and
the information entered is used to generate a complex
textual privacy policy. The Termly generator has the
benefit of covering a broad range of data protection
legislations. However, it only gives hints concerning
necessary information. The user can skip entering re-
quired information, resulting in a non-compliant pri-
vacy policy. This sort of policy generators is also very
limited in the export of the policy. Most online gen-
erators provide the resulting policy in a textual form,
meaning that other representations of the policies are
not possible without considerable manual effort. Our
editor saves the policy using P-LPL, making it pos-
sible to visualize the policy in many different ways,
which may be developed in the future.
For other kinds of policies, for example access
control policies, commercial products including pol-
icy editors are available. An example of such an ac-
cess control system is the WSO2 Identity Server
which also includes an eXtensible Access Control
Markup Language XACML editor. Due to the lim-
ited access to these commercial systems, we cannot
compare these to our editor.
Gerl and Meier developed a policy editor for the
original Layered Privacy Language (LPL) in conjunc-
tion with extending LPL (Gerl and Meier, 2019).
Their editor is limited to LPL and, thus, cannot be
combined with P-LPL for compliance checks. Hence,
their editor can only check for required fields or for
ill-formed input like letters in phone numbers or in-
complete e-mail addresses. Compliance checks, as
they are performed by P-LPL in our editor, are not
part of Gerl and Meier’s work.
Dittmann et al. proposed a privacy compli-
ance architecture that ensures the compliance of data
transfers with applicable legislation (Dittmann et al.,
2022). This architecture checks which legislation is
applicable for a given data-flow and ensures that the
data-flow is performed in compliance with the said
https://termly.io/ (accessed 2023-12-07)
https://wso2.com/identity-server/(accessed 2023-12-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
legislation. The presented architecture was developed
in the context of connected-vehicle services, which
however does not limit its use. The architecture could
be adapted to and included in the PriPoCoG frame-
work, as an additional compliance measure for chang-
ing legislative contexts.
We presented our privacy policy editor and now dis-
cuss our contributions and take a look at future work.
6.1 Contributions
Policy authors are supported during the policy defini-
tion process by the GDPR-compliance feedback from
our editor. This enables persons from other domains
than the legal department to specify privacy policies.
Data subjects profit from well-structured and
GDPR-compliant privacy policies. With the improved
comprehension of privacy policies data subjects can
make a more informed decision when accepting or re-
jecting some data processing.
The P-LPL policies defined with our editor can
also be enforced using P2BAC (Leicht and Heisel,
2023), where both sides, data controllers as well as
data subjects benefit from this enforcement.
When policy information is imported from DFDs
the accuracy of the privacy policies is increased.
Hence, there are less discrepancies between the data
handling described in the policy and the actual data
handling performed by the system.
Going back to our research questions presented in
Section 1 we provide the following answers. Con-
cerning RQ1, the GDPR-compliance of data con-
trollers, our editor provides compliance feedback to
the policy authors. This will improve the overall
GDPR-compliance of data controllers by reminding
them that some data processing might not be compli-
ant. Regarding RQ2, the usability of the PriPoCoG-
framework, we provide a user interface for the def-
inition of P-LPL policies, which enables policy au-
thors without prior knowledge of P-LPL in creating
privacy policies. We conclude that our editor provides
answers for both of the research questions.
Next, we take a look at future work around the
editor and the PriPoCoG-framework.
6.2 Future Work
Future updates of the editor could improve usability
and add new features. Similar to the DFD-import
functionality described in Section 3.5, an import func-
tionality for business process models could useful, as
these models contain a lot of information about busi-
ness processes that might be relevant for a business’
privacy policy.
To further improve the comprehension of the re-
sulting privacy policies, future work should focus on
the presentation of policies towards data subjects. Us-
ing P-LPL as a policy exchange format, different
kinds of policy interfaces could be developed and
evaluated. A service provider could provide multi-
ple views for its privacy policy, so that data subjects
could select the best view for the best comprehension.
As already mentioned in Section 4, further evalua-
tion of the privacy policies created using our editor is
required in the future. This evaluation should include
the comprehensibility (H2.2), as well as the accuracy
of the policies (H4), compared to commonly used tex-
tual privacy policies.
The PriPoCoG framework and especially P-LPL
could also be extended and adapted to other legisla-
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Theory and results. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of
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MIS quarterly, pages 319–340.
Dittmann, G., Giblin, C., Osborne, M., and Rahul, R.
(2022). Automating privacy compliance in the decen-
tralized enterprise. In 2022 IEEE International Con-
ference on Big Data (Big Data), pages 2218–2223.
Employee Benefits Security Administration (2004). The
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
European Parliament and Council of the European Union
(2016). Regulation 2016/679 of the European Par-
liament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the
protection of natural persons with regard to the pro-
cessing of personal data and on the free movement of
such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General
Data Protection Regulation). Official Journal of the
European Union, L119:1–88.
Federal Trade Commission (1998). Children’s Online Pri-
vacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”).
Gerl, A. (2020). Modelling of a privacy language and ef-
ficient policy-based de-identification. Thesis, Univer-
at Passau.
Gerl, A. and Meier, B. (2019). The layered privacy lan-
guage art. 12–14 GDPR extension–privacy enhanc-
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
ing user interfaces. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit-
DuD, 43(12):747–752.
Leicht, J. and Heisel, M. (2023). P2BAC: Privacy pol-
icy based access control using P-LPL. In Mori, P.,
Lenzini, G., and Furnell, S., editors, 9th International
Conference on Information Systems Security and Pri-
vacy, pages 686–697. SciTePress.
Leicht, J., Heisel, M., and Gerl, A. (2022). PriPoCoG:
Guiding policy authors to define GDPR-compliant
privacy policies. In International Conference on Trust
and Privacy in Digital Business, pages 1–16. Springer.
Leicht, J., Wagner, M., and Heisel, M. (2023). Creating pri-
vacy policies from data-flow diagrams. In Computer
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(2020). Assisted generation of privacy policies using
textual patterns. In ENASE, pages 347–358.
The questionnaire contained the following questions.
Although we list them here by TAM category, they
were presented to the participants in a mixed order.
The confidence question was repeated for each page
of the questionnaire (three times), except for the free
text feedback part. Participants were asked to answer
these questions from the perspective of being a Data
Controller, who uses PriPoCoG to define a GDPR-
compliant privacy policy for their online service. The
answer scales were inverted for some of the questions,
so that participants had to actively think about placing
a cross at the intended position on the scale.
Overall Evaluation.
1. Using PriPoCoG in my job would be . . .
extremely bad extremely good
2. Using PriPoCoG in my job would be . . .
extremely harmful extremely beneficial
3. Using PriPoCoG in my job would be . . .
extremely foolish extremely wise
4. Using PriPoCoG in my job would be . . .
extremely negative extremely positive
Perceived Characteristics of Output.
5. Assuming I were to use PriPoCoG, the quality of
the privacy policy I would get would be high.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
6. Using PriPoCoG, the effectiveness of the finished
privacy policy would be:
extremely low extremely high
Perceived Ease of Use.
7. Learning to operate PriPoCoG would be easy for
extremely unlikely extremely likely
8. I would find it easy to get PriPoCoG to do what I
want it to do.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
9. My interaction with PriPoCoG would be clear and
extremely unlikely extremely likely
10. I would find PriPoCoG to be flexible to interact
extremely unlikely extremely likely
11. It would be easy for me to become skillful at using
PriPoCoG. —
extremely unlikely extremely likely
12. I would find PriPoCoG easy to use.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
Perceived Usefulness.
13. Using PriPoCoG in my job would enable me to
accomplish tasks more quickly.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
14. Using PriPoCoG would improve my job perfor-
extremely unlikely extremely likely
15. Using PriPoCoG in my job would increase my
extremely unlikely extremely likely
16. Using PriPoCoG would enhance my effectiveness
on the job.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
17. Using PriPoCoG would make it easier to do my
extremely unlikely extremely likely
18. I would find PriPoCoG useful in my job.
extremely unlikely extremely likely
How confident are you in the ratings that you have
made on this page?
extremely unconfident extremely confident
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering