The Center of Pressure was calculated in its
medial-lateral and anterior-posterior directions to
observe the postural balance’s behavior. Data
processing and visualization were implemented using
Python programming language. Scatter plots, heat
maps, violin plots, and box plot visualizations were
modeled to provide qualitative information about the
values acquired for each of the COP’s displacement
directions, individually combined by the data
collections’ duration and the combinations of one of
the oscillation directions by the other.
When the graphic visualizations were applied to
compare the static semi-tandem position with eyes
closed performed for an older adult during the data
collections at pre- and post-intervention, it was
possible to identify the behavior of their postural
balance throughout every attempt of positioning. The
concentrations, dispersions, and variations in the
COP’s oscillation values were displayed in the graphs
to be interpreted. After visually comparing the results,
it was possible to determine an improvement after the
muscular intervention in the older adult’s postural
control for the analyzed static position.
Applying a visual approach to biomechanical
analyses with data acquired from a force plate enables
each value present in a sample to be visualized
graphically. This way, it is possible to know all the
collected data's behavior and how they relate. This
overall view of the results differs from statistical
information by not presenting a numerical value to
characterize the phenomenon analyzed. For static
postural control analyses, there is a visual perception
of how the person's Center of Pressure behaves
throughout the data collection, not a summarization
of such action into a numerical quantification. The
addition of temporal information in the visualizations
is also relevant to the exact awareness of postural
balance's performance at the beginning, middle, and
end of a static positioning execution.
In addition, the variety of graphic visualization
styles opens up a wide range of possibilities for
representing a sample's data. Each visual style has
characteristics that can enhance the others, and more
than one visualization can complement one another in
the same graph.
Therefore, graphic visualizations are essential to
support and contribute to force plate users during the
analyses of their results and provide different ways of
looking at their data. Visual information is also
necessary to increase and complement the
quantitative side of biomechanical research.
For this paper, no dynamic postural control data
was used, and no other variables related to the Center
of Pressure were calculated. With a force plate, it is
possible to capture performances regarding dynamic
actions (e.g., gait, jump), and to calculate additional
COP-related variables (e.g., velocity, frequency,
As further works, developing a non-paid,
intuitive, and user-friendly computational interface
for enabling researchers with different experiences in
data analysis to create graphic visualizations and use
them to contribute to their biomechanical evaluation
of postural control acquired from a force plate is
proposed, disseminating the use of visualization in
analyses from force plate data. Furthermore, the tool
can provide the calculation and visualization for other
COP-related variables and add statistical information
provided in tables to complement the qualitative data.
Additional functionalities can correspond to enable
users to change the variable chosen to color values in
scatter plots. Parameters that differ according to the
research with the force plate (e.g., frequency of data
acquisition) can also be altered by users. The type of
force plate from which the data will be collected must
be previously decided, as force plates can generate
different data and file formats, saving them. Finally,
the recommendations and suggestions provided by
the participations of force plate users are essential to
validate the tool’s usability and functionalities, as
well as the visualizations used for postural control
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES).
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