activities for COBITA (Pepin et al., 2016) Three lay-
ers are involved: business (BPM), application (App)
and functional (Fun) where Fun denotes an urbanisa-
tion concern with blocks and functionalities. Fun cor-
responds to Enterprise Architecture practice in French
companies (Long
e, 2003). A link metamodel is
provided that distinguishes data and functions. The
alignment is implemented by model weaving to re-
main non-intrusive on the layer models, that enables
OCL-like requests on the full model. Is is evaluated
through consistency rules, and completeness metrics
and clustering techniques that provide an alignment
dashboard. Tooling focuses on reverse-engineering
source code to feed the App models, a plug-in of the
EMF Facet project to define and query the inter-layer
links, and OCL queries to evaluate alignment. The
experimentations are led with three legacy cases pro-
vided by three French insurance companies, not pub-
licly available. This work is really close to us because
it focuses on COBITA in practice and provides both
guidelines and tools. However, ad-hoc layer models
is a weakness to pervasive EA practice. We rather
advocate for relying on standard notations. Also hav-
ing three layers to align instead of two is not usual in
COBITA practice. If the dimensions cover the three
layers, it really becomes tricky to capture the links.
In our approach, the dimension paradigm enables to
filter the various stakeholder concerns. Similarly, the
detection of anti-patterns is easier using two layers
with dimensions rather than three layers.
Some works provide rich inter-layer links (K
et al., 2016; Buchwald et al., 2012; Kassahun and
Tekinerdogan, 2020) that play a role of mapping layer
between the model layers. These approaches are
interesting in terms of alignment tuning and evolu-
tion. In particular, (K
uster et al., 2016) accepts sev-
eral models for each layer. The links of (Buchwald
et al., 2012) play the role of transformation opera-
tors which is an operational vision of COBITA to im-
plement business process, while COBITA addresses
also the problem of aligning legacy code. In (Kas-
sahun and Tekinerdogan, 2020), alignment applies
between business layers (BP2BP), IT-Layers (IT2IT)
and between Business-IT layers (BP2IT). The BT2IT
alignement considers allocation and alignment mod-
els. Providing general rules for those alignements
is very confusing for the EA analysts because there
clearly exist at least two different semantics of align-
ment. The problem of such rich inter-layer links is
that they require much work for alignment while EA
analysts require as much automation as possible. Also
the alignement evaluation and tool support is less
reusable in other contexts.
Compared to the related works, our contribution
brings out insights on alignment mapping embodied
by the dimension-oriented typology of links. We pro-
vide explicit links with a clear representation and se-
mantics, easy to compute into EA layer models. This
enables further insights related to alignment evalua-
tion and exploitation. Moreover, we focus on evalu-
ating alignments with operational means while other
approaches focus on change impact and evolution,
that we consider at a future step.
In this paper, we proposed a method for establish-
ing Core Business-IT Alignment (COBITA) links and
evaluating them in order to evaluate the quality of the
alignement. We first selected the concepts from the
Business and Application layers which are relevant
for COBITA. Then we defined two kind of inter-layer
links, one for the functional dimension and the other
for functional dimension. Based on these links, we
proposed metrics and consistency rules to evaluate the
alignment. We implemented the models and links in
Archi, the reference Archimate tool, and the evalua-
tion means with jArchi a script language extension
of Archi. The results of our initial experiments show
that the proposed approach is applicable in the context
of a realistic information system like SoftSlate. This
case could be reuse by the community as a common
benchmark for COBITA experiments.
With this paper we reached a first milestone, like
a first sprint covering the whole alignment process
in an Agile vision. However, there is still room for
improvement concerning several aspects of the ap-
proach. First, we worked on very general links while,
in Archimate (for example), different relationships
can be used and provide a finer semantics for inter-
links. Second, more work is needed to enrich the pro-
vided library of metrics and consistency rules. We
will also have to work on their aggregation as ade-
quate indicators to be inserted in dashboards. The
objective is to support the architects in detecting is-
sues or asserting a quality level. To this end, a more
elaborated taxonomy of possible COBITA links could
be proposed in order to further improve the quality of
the cartography in terms of alignment links. Third,
we manually fed the models and links so far but assis-
tance is crucially requested by the architects for such a
task, e.g., concerning the application layer e.g. (Aver-
sano et al., 2016; Pepin et al., 2016) or the links
(e.g. (S
anchez et al., 2020) for function refinement).
Finally, there are COBITA areas we did not study yet
and we plan to address in future work, such as change
Towards a Link Mapping and Evaluation Approach for Core Operational Business-IT Alignment