Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security
Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
Sascha N
agele, Nathalie Schenk, Nico Fechtner and Florian Matthes
School of Computation, Information and Technology, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Large-Scale Agile Development, Security, Governance, Compliance.
Companies are increasingly adopting agile methods at scale, revealing a challenge in balancing team au-
tonomy and organizational control. To address this challenge, we propose an adaptive approach for security
governance in large-scale agile software development, based on design science research and expert interviews.
In total, we carried out 28 interviews with 18 experts from 15 companies. Our resulting approach includes
a generic organizational setup of security-related roles, a team autonomy assessment model, and an adaptive
collaboration model. The model assigns activities to roles and determines their frequency based on team au-
tonomy, balancing the autonomy-control tension while ensuring compliance. Although framework-agnostic,
we applied our approach to existing scaling agile frameworks to demonstrate its applicability. Our evaluation
indicates that the approach addresses a significant problem area and provides valuable guidance for incorpo-
rating security into scaled agile environments. While the primary focus is on security governance, our insights
may be transferable to other cross-cutting concerns.
Driven by the success of agile software development
(ASD) methodologies, the application of agile ap-
proaches at scale has seen a marked increase (Uluda
et al., 2022). Scaling such development efforts is
complex, particularly when there are stringent quality
requirements to be met (Kalenda et al., 2018). This
complexity raises the issue of balancing team auton-
omy and decentralized decision-making against the
necessity for organizational control and alignment in
large-scale agile development (LSAD) (N
agele et al.,
Concurrently, security, a paramount information
systems and software quality requirement, is growing
in significance due to increasing threats and resulting
regulatory requirements (Tayaksi et al., 2022; Moy
et al., 2021). This trend intensifies the tension be-
tween autonomy and control, elevating security gov-
ernance and compliance to a critical concern in LSAD
on et al., 2021).
Existing research indicates that established scal-
ing agile frameworks neither adequately incorporate
security activities nor provide sufficient guidance on
security and security compliance (Edison et al., 2021;
agele et al., 2023). For instance, D
annart et al.
(2019) observe that security is frequently treated as an
isolated concern, and there is a deficiency in “know-
ing where to conduct which security activity in a large
scale agile process” (p. 531). Moy
on et al. (2021)
suggest that adapting scaling frameworks, e.g., by in-
troducing additional roles, may be beneficial. In ad-
dition, based on a systematic literature review and ex-
pert interview study, N
agele, Schenk, and Matthes
(2023) propose employing influencing factors such
as product risk and team maturity to tailor gover-
nance and control mechanisms, thereby alleviating
the identified tension and enabling increased auton-
omy and responsibility for more proficient teams. De-
spite these advances, guidance on how to establish
a suitable balance between autonomy and control is
To fill this research gap, we propose an adap-
tive approach that aims to enable agile team auton-
omy while maintaining effective development control
without imposing unnecessary burdens. Our primary
goal is to establish a balance between agility and (se-
curity) governance, resulting in a clear secure soft-
ware development process that is systematic, trans-
parent, and auditable, while ensuring compatibility
with agile environments at scale. We aim to achieve
this integration by emphasizing collaboration, contin-
uous improvement, and team autonomy.
Our research question (RQ) is: How can secu-
Nägele, S., Schenk, N., Fechtner, N. and Matthes, F.
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012605000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 17-28
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
rity governance be integrated into LSAD while ensur-
ing adaptability to achieve a suitable equilibrium be-
tween autonomy and control?
In the pursuit of answering our RQ, we developed
an adaptive approach using design science research
(DSR) and expert interviews.
The approach systematically adapts autonomy by
considering key influencing factors such as product
risk and the capability of agile development teams,
granting higher autonomy to more mature teams. It
also proposes an organizational setup to foster secu-
rity collaboration in agile environments at scale.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 cov-
ers background and related work. Section 3 explains
our research method. Section 4 introduces our adap-
tive approach for security governance in LSAD, eval-
uated in Section 5. Sections 6 and 7 discuss our find-
ings and conclude our research.
The following section summarizes the most important
definitions as well as the existing challenges and so-
lutions that are relevant to our RQ.
2.1 Security Governance and
When using the term governance, we mainly refer
to the domain of information security governance,
which encompasses the organizational structure and
processes to ensure information security. Information
security aims to safeguard “the integrity of informa-
tion, continuity of services and protection of infor-
mation assets” assets” (Williams, 2001, p. 64). The
closely related term security compliance can be de-
fined as “the state of conformance with [...] imposed
functional security requirements and of providing ev-
idence (assurance) thereof” thereof” (Julisch, 2008,
p. 72). The origin of these requirements could be
either internal or external (such as required by regula-
tory bodies, industry standards, or clients).
2.2 Challenges of Security in ASD
To fulfill these internal and external requirements,
organizations frequently resort to non-agile security
development life cycles, incorporating linear gover-
nance and compliance processes within ASD method-
ologies (Rindell et al., 2018).
This dichotomy presents significant challenges, as
widely acknowledged in the current literature. For
instance, a systematic mapping study by Moyon et
al. (2020) reveals that ensuring security compli-
ance often poses challenges for organizations employ-
ing ASD methods, as the required effort grows with
shorter development and delivery cycle times. Ac-
tivities such as integrating security experts and as-
sessors or documenting security compliance evidence
can present major hurdles.
Furthermore, Bartsch (2011) identified three main
types of challenges for integrating security in agile de-
velopment, based on literature: challenges related to
process aspects, communication and interaction, and
trust in individuals and teams.
Trust is closely related to the concept of au-
tonomous teams in ASD. When speaking of team
autonomy, we refer to “self-organizing teams” or
“self-managing teams”, as they are synonymously de-
scribed and defined by researchers in the area of au-
tonomous agile teams (Stray et al., 2018).
2.3 Challenges of Security in LSAD
The tension between agility and security is amplified
when trying to scale agile processes while maintain-
ing security compliance without compromising flexi-
bility and speed (Moy
on et al., 2021). In regards to
scaling agile processes, Dikert et al. (2016) reviewed
multiple definitions of LSAD and propose to define
large-scale agile development as a “software organi-
zation with 50 or more people or at least six teams”
(Dikert et al., 2016, p. 88).
While the majority of the literature focuses on
the general friction between agile methodologies and
security, a few authors already investigated security
challenges particularly in LSAD.
agele, Schenk, and Matthes (2023) identified 15
challenges based on a systematic literature review and
interview study, partly based on van der Heijden et
al. (2018) who previously identified security chal-
lenges specific to LSAD environments. One of the
key challenges is the prevalent goal of agile teams to
pursue team autonomy, while a certain level of control
is often still required, especially in regulated environ-
ments (N
agele et al., 2023).
Additionally, Edison et al. (2021) identified sev-
eral security-related challenges when implementing
scaling agile frameworks in practice, such as deficient
security awareness and the absence of proactive secu-
rity activities.
We address the identified challenges in the design
of our solution artifact as described in Section 4.1.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.4 Solution Approaches
In addition to addressing known challenges, we draw
from existing solution approaches and success factors
already described in the existing literature.
agele, Schenk, and Matthes (2023) propose five
factors to balance team autonomy and organizational
control through security governance based on a sys-
tematic literature review and interview study. New-
ton et al. (2019) propose propose twelve critical suc-
cess factors and related practices to integrate infor-
mation security within ASD. These include achiev-
ing security awareness, security training, early se-
curity testing, dedicated security activities, and a
straightforward release process considering security.
Typical examples of security activities suitable for
LSAD environments are threat modeling, security
self-assessments, code reviews, or penetration tests
agele et al., 2022).
Bartsch (2011) asserts that integrating security
and agility could be achieved by promoting a unified
understanding of roles and effectively assimilating as-
surance and documentation activities into the agile
process. Bell et al. (2017) conclude that it is possible
to develop secure software with agile approaches if,
on the one hand, agile teams integrate security activ-
ities and are responsible for developing secure soft-
ware and, on the other hand, receive enough guidance
from security experts. It may be helpful for teams to
get involved with security if one team member (a des-
ignated security expert or a developer) takes over a
security role within the team (Bell et al., 2017).
2.5 Similar Approaches
In the course of our research, two publications
emerged with partly similar approaches to balance au-
tonomy and control, demonstrating the interest and
relevance of the topic.
Petit and Marnewick (2019) propose a release
governance approach that is adaptive with regard to
their definition of a team’s autonomy.
Poth et al. (2020) also also introduce the con-
cept of team maturity and propose that higher matu-
rity should lead to more autonomy.
Our approach aims to offer a more thorough, flex-
ible, and seamlessly integrable solution to the chal-
lenges outlined in existing literature. Another key
distinguishing feature is our focus on LSAD and se-
curity. In addition, we strive for an approach that
is rigorous and systematic enough to be applied and
successfully audited even in highly regulated environ-
ments, while also leveraging the benefits of agile, au-
tonomous teams.
Our research primarily followed a DSR approach
which facilitates the creation and evaluation of ar-
tifacts that address an “unsolved problem or [...] a
known problem in a more effective or efficient man-
ner” (Hevner et al., 2004, p.81). Peffers et al. (2007)
extended this concept by proposing a concrete DSR
process which we use as a blueprint for our research.
We aimed to ensure rigor by building our arti-
facts on the results of existing literature reviews, e.g.,
agele, Schenk, and Matthes (2023), and additional
literature, serving as our knowledge base.
Concurrently, we strove for relevance and prac-
tical applicability of our artifacts by employing an
interview study, mainly based on Rubin and Rubin
(2011) as well as Salda
na (2016), in line with the ex-
pert evaluation proposed by Peffers et al. (2012).
In the initial phase of our DSR, we engaged in un-
structured interviews and informal discussions with
industry partners. Additionally, we drew insights
from existing literature as well as our own prior re-
search for problem identification and motivation, as
detailed in Sections 1 (Introduction) and 2 (Back-
ground and related work) of this paper.
As the second DSR step, based on the identified
problem, we derived the objectives of a solution, de-
fined in Section 4.1. We proceeded to design and de-
velop the first iteration of our solution artifacts.
To validate our problem statement, the goals of
our solution and the first iteration of our artifacts, we
merged the fourth and fifth DSR steps, demonstration
and evaluation, by presenting our results to expert in-
terviewees in a first round of interviews and directly
collecting feedback. This enabled us to iteratively
refine our prototypes, incorporating crucial feedback
and producing updated artifact versions.
Subsequently, we conducted a second interview
round for the final evaluation. The final solution ar-
tifacts are presented in Section 4, with the evaluation
results detailed in Section 5. Our key findings and
their implications are discussed in Section 6. The
communication of our findings through this paper
constitutes the final phase of our DSR process.
In total, we carried out 28 interviews with 18 ex-
perts from 15 companies across ve industries: fi-
nance, retail and e-commerce, consulting, entertain-
ment, and automotive. 10 of the experts were inter-
viewed twice and 8 experts were interviewed once, as
it was not possible to interview all the experts twice
due to time and capacity constraints. The average in-
terview duration was 52 minutes, excluding initial in-
troductions, instructions, and a final wrap-up.
We aimed for a diverse participant pool, encom-
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
passing ASD roles as well as security governance and
audit-related positions. Specific roles that were in-
cluded are Product Owner, Scrum Master, Agile De-
velopers, Security Engineer, Security Architect, So-
lution Architect, Business Analyst, Security Consul-
tant, (IT) Management Consultants, Information Se-
curity Lead, Security Officer, Security Manager, and
(Security) Auditors. During selection, we prioritized
experts with more extensive self-reported experience
at the intersection of LSAD and security.
With the interviewees’ consent, interviews were
recorded and transcribed to ensure accuracy. We ad-
hered to a cyclic approach as endorsed by Salda˜
(2016), initially coding the data in the first cycle and
filtering it more precisely in the second cycle to con-
centrate on the most pertinent aspects. To streamline
coding, we employed the software MAXQDA, which
facilitates efficient data processing and storage.
In this section, we present the resulting artifacts of
our research. Those are (i) a generic organizational
structure of security-related roles and (ii) a team au-
tonomy assessment model, both integrated within (iii)
an adaptive collaboration model, completed by (iv) a
projection of the model onto the most relevant scaling
agile frameworks. Figure 1 shows an overview of the
results and the structure of this section.
Artifact 2:
(Section 4.3)
Artifact 1:
structure of
(Section 4.2)
Artifact 3: Adaptive collaboration model (Section 4.4)
Supplementary: Integration into existing scaling agile frameworks (Section 4.5)
Adaptive approach for security governance and compliance in LSAD
analyze applicability in scaling agile
Figure 1: Overview of resulting artifacts.
Together, the resulting models form an approach
for security governance in LSAD that integrates
security-related roles and activities, and adapts to de-
velopment team capability, as well as organizational
and product requirements, thereby balancing auton-
omy and required control.
4.1 Goals of the Resulting Artifacts
We derived the following six objectives from the re-
search gap and current challenges:
1. Achieve a clear definition of roles and security
activities without being too prescriptive, aiming
to address the missing guidance on how to con-
duct security activities in LSAD (van der Heijden
et al., 2018; Moy
on et al., 2021) and tackle collab-
oration challenges with non-development func-
tions (Kalenda et al., 2018).
2. Attain security compliance without overly rigid
governance by balancing the autonomy and con-
trol tension, avoiding controls when not required,
and reducing overhead and bottlenecks.
3. Enable integration in scaling agile frameworks
to increase applicability in practice, since cur-
rent frameworks lack guidance on security and the
control autonomy tension (N
agele et al., 2023).
4. Increase the security awareness and expertise
of agile teams to address the previously reported
lack thereof (Moy
on et al., 2021).
5. Promote a responsibility shift towards agile
teams to enable security governance procedures
to be more “agile-friendly” and empower au-
tonomous teams while ensuring compliance.
6. Facilitate targeted allocation of security re-
sources to tackle the general shortage of security
practitioners (Moy
on et al., 2021).
4.2 Organizational Structure
Figure 2 illustrates the proposed organizational LSAD
setup. The structure is guided by the lines of defense
(LoD) model, a generic assurance approach adaptable
to both security and agile contexts (Wright, 2014).
The primary alteration we introduce is the “first-
and-a-half LoD”, represented by security engineers
(SEs). They function in a dual role, actively assisting
agile teams in the first LoD while serving as the sec-
ond LoD by reviewing other teams. To avoid conflicts
of interest or self-examination, SEs should only as-
sess teams and products not directly within their sup-
portive purview. The designation as engineers em-
phasizes their software and security engineering ex-
pertise, enabling them to support several teams in per-
forming security activities and increasing automation.
Following Wright’s proposal, agile teams form the
first LoD (Wright, 2014) and are generically com-
posed of a product owner (PO) and developers. For
simplicity, we have excluded the scrum master from
our model, but their involvement is not precluded.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Generic organizational structure of security-related roles.
Moreover, we introduce the security champion
(SC), a role envisioned not as a new entity but as a
developer within the agile team possessing an addi-
tional commitment to security. The SC serves as the
team’s primary security contact point, both within the
team and for external stakeholders. The roles of SEs
and SCs are not entirely novel, as researchers such as
agele et al. (2022) have already delineated common
responsibilities of these roles from literature and ob-
servations in practice.
The second LoD establishes policies and stan-
dards, and confirms that the first LoD delivers accept-
able work in compliance with these guidelines. In our
model, the second LoD also has an enabling role, pro-
viding security tools, automated CI/CD pipelines, and
training. Unlike the first and first-and-a-half LoDs,
the second LoD does not directly participate in the in-
dividual teams’ development activities.
The third LoD is charged with providing an inde-
pendent assessment of the work performed by the first
and second LoDs. Internal audits, being independent
of the development process and typically conducted at
random or set intervals, do not necessitate regular in-
teraction with other LoDs in the context of our model.
4.3 Team Autonomy Assessment Model
To balance the required control and granted auton-
omy, we propose to systematically assess a team au-
tonomy score based on three influencing factors: pro-
tection need, team security maturity, and standardiza-
tion level.
4.3.1 Protection Need
The protection need is essential given the distinct risk
profiles of software products. These necessitate vary-
ing types and scopes of security measures, as well as
differing levels of rigor in the validation and verifi-
cation processes, ultimately impacting the degree of
team autonomy that can be granted.
The protection need may encompass the individ-
ual product risk and additional factors, including the
organization’s risk appetite and regulatory require-
ments. We propose that the protection need assess-
ment is conducted by the PO, who bears product re-
sponsibility, in collaboration with an SE represent-
ing the second LoD. The SE contributes special-
ized knowledge to evaluate security dimensions ac-
curately, whereas the PO ensures the consideration of
the business perspective.
Our model introduces four protection need levels,
omitting a middle option to preclude selection with-
out thorough deliberation. Organizations may employ
common risk analysis and predefined damage scenar-
ios to ascertain the appropriate protection need level
for a developed product. The more severe the impact
of these scenarios, the higher the corresponding pro-
tection need level. Examples include non-compliance
with laws or regulations, operational incapacitation,
and financial harm. The configuration of damage sce-
narios and their impact severity per protection need
level is highly organization-specific. Thus, we refrain
from a more detailed definition within the model.
4.3.2 Team Security Maturity
The team security maturity reflects a team’s capabil-
ity to develop secure and regulatory-compliant soft-
ware. We incorporate this factor based on the intu-
itive supposition that higher maturity levels warrant
greater autonomy, as supported in the literature (Poth
et al., 2020; Petit and Marnewick, 2019).
The comprehensive design of a maturity model
to assess such a capability can be found in one
of our previously published studies (N
agele et al.,
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
Team Autonomy
Protection Need
very high | high | normal | low
Team Security Maturity
no | partly | largely | fully
Standardization Level
no | partly | largely | fully
-2 -1 +1 +2 -2 -1 +1 +2
𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏)𝑵𝒆𝒆𝒅 + 𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒎)𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚)𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 + 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏)𝑳𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍
-2 -1 +1 +2
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
low medium high
Figure 3: Team autonomy assessment calculation including exemplary thresholds.
2024). In summary, we advocate for the amalga-
mation of methods such as self-assessments, evalua-
tions by external stakeholders, and the employment of
(semi-)automated metrics to estimate a team’s profi-
ciency in pertinent security dimensions. Regular up-
dates to the assessment are advised, with smaller in-
crements to minimize overhead.
4.3.3 Standardization Level
The third determinant of team autonomy is the stan-
dardization level, which emerged as a prominent fac-
tor in our expert interviews.
Our proposed standardization framework com-
prises three pillars: (i) utilization of standardized
components within the software product, (ii) the un-
derlying infrastructure and tooling for development,
deployment, and delivery, and (iii) security-related
Reusable components may address cross-team se-
curity requirements, such as authentication, autho-
rization, or secret management. Standardized in-
frastructure facilitates pre-tested and configured en-
vironments for teams, exemplified by customizable
pipelines for building, testing, and deploying software
iterations on trusted platforms. Employing common
standards for these pipelines, such as the same static
and dynamic security testing tools with organization-
optimized rulesets, enhances comparability, quality,
and knowledge sharing.
Standardizing security activities through clear
guidance on practices like security code reviews or
threat modeling enables greater autonomy. The SE’s
role is crucial in assessing and guiding teams.
Although standardization may be evaluated as part
of the team maturity assessment, its significance war-
rants separate consideration.
4.3.4 Team Autonomy Score
To integrate all three factors into a team autonomy
score, our interview findings suggest a preference for
a straightforward calculation method to enhance prac-
tical applicability. Each factor is assigned one of four
proficiency levels determined through prior assess-
ments, with absolute values representing very nega-
tive (-2), negative (-1), positive (+1), or very posi-
tive (+2) influences on team autonomy. The team au-
tonomy score is obtained by summing these values,
with thresholds demarcating low (< 1), medium
(> 1 and 1), and high (> 1) autonomy.
Figure 3 depicts the logic, scale, and thresholds.
This scale enables compensation for unfavorable con-
ditions; for instance, a high protection need, typically
necessitating higher control, can be counterbalanced
by high team security maturity and extensive stan-
dardized component usage, resulting in high auton-
This compensation logic aligns with our overar-
ching goal of fostering high team autonomy, remov-
ing bottlenecks, and streamlining processes long-term
while motivating teams to improve. Without compen-
sation, a high protection need level would automati-
cally yield low autonomy, reducing incentives for se-
curity training and maturity improvement. Organiza-
tions can tailor the calculation logic to their require-
ments and context.
4.4 Adaptive Collaboration Model
Our adaptive collaboration model integrates
development-related security activities and assigns
them to roles defined in the generic organizational
setup. It is adaptive by adjusting role assignments
and task frequencies based on team autonomy.
Figure 4 depicts the generic structure of the
model, featuring key components such as security ac-
tivities (grouped by phases), security-related roles,
and the frequency of activity execution. The model
illustrates the impact of team autonomy on the as-
signment of roles and the frequency of security activ-
ities, represented through color-coded markers. The
requirement for a team to undertake a marked activ-
ity is contingent on its respective level of autonomy.
Unmarked activities for a specific level of autonomy
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Execution of activity
1st LoD
1,5 LoD
Every sprint
Every n-th sprint
Triggered by certain condition
Sprint-independent, performed
regularly according to selected
Autonomy Assignment
High autonomy
Medium autonomy
Low autonomy
Activity Types
Activtiy Bucket
(Minimum # of activities to choose from
Activity Bucket
Activitiy 1...n
(Minimum # of activities to choose from
Activity Bucket
Activitiy 1...n
Activity Bucket
Execution of activity
Support for activity
Accountable, not necessarily directly involved
Figure 4: Generic structure of the collaboration model.
are optional and can be disregarded, provided that the
team has an adequate autonomy level. However, these
assignments should be customized to the specific or-
ganization. Generally, we propose that higher auton-
omy correlates with reduced collaboration with SEs,
lower reliance on the SC, and a minimized mandatory
frequency of security activities.
To structure and categorize the activities, we de-
rived a common denominator from secure develop-
ment life cycles in the literature (Boldt et al., 2017;
Microsoft, 2012). The model differentiates between
active execution, accountability without imposed di-
rect involvement, and supporting an activity (see Fig-
ure 4).
It further distinguishes between concrete activi-
ties and activity buckets, a concept adapted from Mi-
crosoft (2012) that enables grouping similar activities.
Buckets allow teams to systematically distribute nec-
essary activities over time without having to perform
them for every deployment or sprint. Organizations
can determine the number of bucket activities to be
performed per sprint and establish a cycle to ensure
all practices within a bucket are eventually executed.
Concrete examples of security activities are threat
modeling, penetration testing, security code and ar-
chitecture reviews or audits, and implementing im-
provements according to the findings of static (SAST)
and dynamic (DAST) application security testing
tools. The selection of specific activities is outside the
scope of the model. However, one of our previously
published studies provides more in-depth guidance on
selecting appropriate security activities in LSAD en-
vironments (N
agele et al., 2023).
The model also accommodates custom execution
frequencies for individual activities. While some ac-
tivities might be required every sprint or every n-th
sprint, others are only required if a certain trigger is
reached, such as a deployment to production. Ad-
ditionally, certain activities might not be tethered to
sprint timelines but rather to designated timespans,
e.g., dictated by regulatory requirements.
While the security activities are sequentially cate-
gorized, the model should not be interpreted as a lin-
ear process. Instead, it serves as an activity catalog,
guiding role involvement in necessary security activ-
ities. It is essential that team members identify the
current category of work to determine the required se-
curity measures for that development stage.
4.5 Integration with Scaling Agile
This section summarizes the compatibility of our
approach with six of the most used scaling ag-
ile frameworks in practice (Uluda
g et al., 2022):
The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Scrum@Scale,
Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), Spotify model, Disci-
plined Agile (DA) and Nexus.
Overall, our analysis did not discover any irrecon-
cilable conflicts that might prevent the adoption of our
model, though certain frameworks necessitate specific
One potential conflict that might require a soft-
ening of framework guidelines is incorporating spe-
cialist roles in agile teams. Whereas DA and SAFe
are more in line with our recommendation to intro-
duce SCs by describing a specialized role in every
team (Ambler and Lines, 2020) or at least the oppor-
tunity to include specialists (Knaster and Leffingwell,
2020), other frameworks do not discuss such roles.
In our perspective, these additional roles offer sig-
nificant value, provided organizations avoid revert-
ing to outdated patterns of specialized roles that do
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
not contribute to development. In our model, the SC
is an integral team member, contributing equally to
value creation but with an additional ’hat’ for security.
However, the SC role may be a transitional mecha-
nism until the team achieves sufficient security matu-
rity, at which point it may be redundant. LeSS op-
poses the introduction of additional roles, advocating
instead for ’travelers’ specialists who temporarily
join a team to facilitate knowledge transfer before ro-
tating to another (Larman and Vodde, 2016). Organi-
zations using LeSS could deploy SCs as travelers to
maintain compatibility.
Figure 5: Spotify model exemplary integration.
Introducing team-external roles supporting agile
teams is more common and prevalent in all examined
frameworks, except for the Spotify model. However,
with its concept of chapters and guilds, the Spotify
model aligns well with our model, as depicted in Fig-
ure 5.
In Nexus, the SE can be included in the integration
team, as shown in Figure 6.
The most considerable ambiguity arises concern-
ing the proposed integration of the second LoD.
Scrum@Scale includes similar central functions, such
as legal and compliance. Other frameworks do not ex-
plicitly feature such centralized teams, necessitating
a more tailored transfer. Nonetheless, in our model,
the second LoD serves as a valuable auxiliary func-
tion rather than a core component and could be sub-
stituted by other mechanisms. Consequently, we do
not perceive this as a significant impediment to the
integration of our model.
Figure 6: Nexus exemplary integration.
This section summarizes the results of the expert eval-
uation of our research artifacts. In general, the results
are in favor of our approach. Nevertheless, the evalu-
ation also brought interesting controversial aspects to
5.1 Organizational Setup Evaluation
In general, all experts considered the proposed orga-
nizational setup, including the LoDs, to be clear, ra-
tional, and integrable into established systems in their
organizations. However, one expert raised concerns
about the suitability for smaller organizations due to
the additional roles.
The concept of SCs was generally favored, with
one exception. Experts suggested role assignment
should be affinity-based, not knowledge-based, and
proposed SCs act as a central contact for agile devel-
opers as well as the second LoD and auditors. Con-
sequently, we expanded the SC’s role to include this
suggestion. A disputed point was the necessity of an
SC or SE in every team. Some experts advocated for
a mechanism to assess this necessity, whereas oth-
ers emphasized only the need for variable allocated
capacities. Our model presumes baseline security
requirements that necessitate an SC in every team,
which most experts agreed with. However, we recog-
nize the mandatory SCs as a limitation that requires
further research on its impact on applicability.
The experts stated that successful SC implemen-
tation necessitates clearly defined incentives, training
roadmaps, and long-term goals. Adequate capacity
for their tasks and training is crucial.
Experts agreed on employing SEs to support ag-
ile teams and act as reviewers for teams that do not
already receive their support. The introduction of the
first-and-a-half LoD and its associated SEs received
particular praise, especially for ensuring duty separa-
tion and in-depth reviews. However, offloading team
responsibility to SEs was identified as a potential risk,
which our model mitigates by defining SEs as sup-
porters, not primary actors.
The experts confirmed including central gover-
nance and security functions in the second LoD to
facilitate cross-team collaboration and balance busi-
ness needs and security requirements. They also sup-
ported the translation of generic policies into concrete
security standards by central security teams, with SEs
assisting in their practical implementation. How-
ever, they also discussed alternatives to central teams,
such as a security architect role or self-organization
through communities, which presuppose a high level
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
of organizational maturity.
Experts agreed with not explicitly including the
third LoD, as active involvement would conflict with
its audit function. However, they noted interest in the
model’s promotion of continuous compliance and po-
tential auditing culture shift.
Communities of Practice (CoPs) were generally
endorsed for their role in knowledge sharing, although
incentives for participation were seen as critical for
their success. One expert explained that “enabling
knowledge sharing is one of the most important as-
pects in agile [environments]”, thereby stressing the
importance of security-focused CoPs.
While deeming our model applicable, one expert
suggested a more generic version to account for other
types of non-functional requirements.
5.2 Team Autonomy Assessment
The experts considered the assessment of team au-
tonomy and influencing factors feasible and valu-
able, provided that adequate resources such as SEs
are available. One expert noted that the assess-
ment aligns well with agile principles and meth-
ods, e.g., retrospectives. Another expert voiced con-
cerns about allowing low-autonomy teams to handle
high-protection-need projects, suggesting to remove
the protection need from the autonomy assessment
and assigning the respective projects according to the
team autonomy instead. We decided against such a re-
moval but acknowledge the possibility of adding indi-
vidual constraints or actions to the model, e.g., chang-
ing the team-product assignment in case of a “low”
assessment result.
An auditor proposed that a maturity score could
prove beneficial for tracking the impact and progres-
sion of security initiatives over time. However, the
expert observed that such scores typically do not suf-
fice to derive suitable measures for enhancing security
maturity, potentially leading to overlooked deficien-
cies, especially when a team’s overall maturity rating
is high yet has a significant shortfall in a particular
No additional factors affecting team autonomy
were identified during the evaluation, but a consen-
sus was reached that organizational risk appetite in-
fluences protection need and should not be assessed
separately. Organizations adopting such an approach
should be able to clearly communicate in an audit why
certain teams are assumed to have a specific level of
security maturity and how the resulting governance
approach aligns with the general risk management.
The inclusion of team security maturity was uni-
versally valued, particularly when evaluated using ob-
jective measurements. While self-assessments were
deemed valuable for lean, self-dependent governance,
their subjectivity was viewed as a potential drawback.
The standardization level was generally
deemed important, despite potential loopholes
and workarounds in highly standardized systems.
Experts suggested additional aspects, such as the
proportion of outsourced components, since these
might introduce risks that development teams do not
directly control.
5.3 Adaptive Collaboration Model
The experts agreed that increased autonomy serves as
a compelling incentive for teams to enhance their se-
curity focus, thereby facilitating the transition of se-
curity responsibilities to the teams. They regarded the
model as flexible and adaptable, providing sufficient
guidance while preserving room for customization.
One expert emphasized the positive impact of col-
laborative security activities such as threat model-
ing and stated that “[...] once you show them how
something can go wrong, they are going to be self-
motivated to make the thing [the threat] go away.
They are going to educate themselves.”
Another expert stated that the model’s adaptabil-
ity makes it a “valuable resource-saving approach” by
focusing efforts on teams with less autonomy address-
ing the important lack of security resources issue.
Nonetheless, auditors emphasized the importance
of documenting the completion of security activities
for compliance, which should be ensured across all
teams, irrespective of maturity. Auditors also noted
that while the adaptive approach does not conflict
with common security standards, initial audits may
necessitate closer examination due to its novelty.
The categorization of activities is deemed useful,
adding to the model’s flexibility. One expert high-
lighted the inclusion of triggered activities, as it is
something the expert has “not seen so far in any other
model”, but thinks that they provide great value.
We offered illustrative configurations to enhance
the model’s comprehensibility, encompassing specific
security activities. However, the evaluation high-
lights that the selection and configuration of activities
largely depend on the specifics of the organizations.
Overall, the experts were satisfied with the level
of complexity, for example stating that “the model is
not over-engineered” and that “[...] being too detailed
would be the pitfall of the model.”
However, while appreciating the model’s ability
to distill a complex issue, experts expressed concerns
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
about managing the remaining complexity - in partic-
ular, conveying the model’s configuration to the re-
spective teams considering their team autonomy. We
showcased potential solutions for this challenge by
using the web-based diagramming tool “Lucidchart”
for demonstration. Its simple interactive elements al-
low to create filters for different maturity levels and
a process diagram that adapts to the selected filters,
reducing the visualization complexity and enhancing
comprehensibility - a factor critical for the model’s
practical applicability.
5.4 Evaluation of Framework
Expert opinions on incorporating the artifacts into
existing scaling agile frameworks varied. Some ex-
perts saw merit in offering integration guides, argu-
ing that such guidance could streamline adaptation for
companies utilizing these frameworks. Others recog-
nized the potential utility but considered the integra-
tion straightforward and thus would not prioritize it.
One expert highlighted the possible resistance of agile
practitioners to the introduction of specialized roles,
stressing the importance of illustrating the congru-
ence between our role model and these frameworks.
6.1 Key Findings
To answer our RQ and address the identified research
gap, we created artifacts that guide in balancing the
control and autonomy tension in LSAD. In the fol-
lowing, we present four key findings of our research.
First, the expert evaluation finds that our adaptive
approach, anchored in team autonomy assessments,
forms a valuable basis for resource-efficient gover-
nance for security compliance within LSAD. Accord-
ing to our interviews, the current modus operandi in
large-scale enterprises leans towards top-down gover-
nance procedures. However, we advocate for a trans-
formation towards autonomy and self-governance to
facilitate sustainable security integration into LSAD.
Organizations can leverage team autonomy to adapt
their governance process and avoid having controls
in place when circumstances do not call for them,
aiming to ensure security compliance while reducing
governance bottlenecks. This approach improves the
compatibility of security governance and compliance
efforts with agile methods at scale, a key challenge
reported in existing research (N
agele et al., 2023).
Second, the experts assessed the collaboration
model as valuable. The model provides a customiz-
able distribution of security activities among roles and
iterative development phases, thereby offering clear
guidance on the collaboration between agile teams
and security experts. By incorporating visualization
and a filtering functionality, the model enhances its
usability and boosts transparency. Team autonomy,
which serves as an input to the model, helps to deter-
mine the roles that participate in an activity and the
frequency of specific activities, thereby achieving a
desirable degree of adaptivity. We recommend a re-
duced collaboration with team-external stakeholders
and security specialists for teams with high autonomy,
and fewer prescribed security activities and audits.
By shifting responsibility to teams, the model aims
to conserve scarce security resources while encour-
aging teams to prioritize security and achieve faster
delivery. We thereby tackle challenges described in
previous literature, such as the shortage of security
practitioners (Moy
on et al., 2021) and the need for
guidance on integrating security activities in LSAD
(Edison et al., 2021; D
annart et al., 2019).
Thirdly, during expert interviews, some intriguing
perspectives on the rigidity of our approach emerged.
Initially, a few auditors preferred more structure and
control, while some agile practitioners found it too
rigid and process-based. This divergence in percep-
tions affirmed the relevance of the tension we aim to
reconcile. Through further dialogue, iterations, and
the incorporation of the expert feedback into our mod-
els, both groups started to appreciate the advantages
of our approach. Governance and auditing roles par-
ticularly valued the systematic and traceable method
for granting autonomy. At the same time, agile practi-
tioners saw value in the approach because it empow-
ers experts to hone and refine their skills, rewarding
expertise with greater autonomy and accountability.
Lastly, we acknowledge that our approach is ex-
tensive, and its implementation within an organization
may require significant effort. However, our approach
could also inspire incremental changes to existing es-
tablished procedures within organizations. Our expert
interviews also corroborated this, sparking consider-
able interest in integrating the perspective of team au-
tonomy within their organizations.
6.2 Limitations
To yield robust results and artifacts, we incorporated
expert interviews into the development and final eval-
uation of our work. Recognizing the potential im-
pact of expert representativeness on the validity of our
findings (Miles et al., 2014), we prioritized experts
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
with extensive experience and diverse backgrounds.
Additionally, we acknowledge the potential influ-
ence of researchers on the objectivity of the collected
data and its analysis (Miles et al., 2014). To miti-
gate this, we followed the interview questionnaire as
closely as possible during the semi-structured inter-
views and employed cyclic coding in our analysis.
Transcription of the interviews further limited the in-
fluence of researcher-inherent bias.
Another notable limitation of this study lies in the
absence of experiments and practical applications of
our approach due to the complexity of the research
topic. However, such investigations are currently in
progress, even extending to cross-cutting concerns
beyond security, such as software architecture and
user experience.
The increasing adoption of LSAD, coupled with
the growing significance of security, necessitates ap-
proaches to achieve a balance between team auton-
omy and organizational control. Existing literature
recognizes this tension and its resultant challenges,
but comprehensive solutions remain scarce. To ad-
dress this gap, we employed a DSR approach to de-
velop solution artifacts. We combined this approach
with an expert interview study to improve our arti-
facts and ensure practical relevance and applicabil-
ity. Our approach aspires to harmonize governance
with LSAD by using a team autonomy assessment
as a determinant of role responsibilities and security
activity frequency. Our central recommendation is
that more capable and mature teams should receive
more autonomy, based on a documented and trans-
parent assessment and process model. This solution
balances the granted autonomy and required control
while preserving compliance and auditability. The ex-
pert evaluations generally endorse our approach while
illuminating areas for enhancement and additional re-
search opportunities. Future experiments should scru-
tinize the practicality of our approach, perhaps focus-
ing initially on a select few teams to increase feasi-
bility before scaling to larger environments. Prospec-
tive adaptations of the approach could also encom-
pass other cross-cutting concerns and non-functional
requirements beyond security.
This work has been supported by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Soft-
ware Campus grant 01IS17049.
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