Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players
Using Emotions of Others
Takeru Isaka and Iwaki Toshima
NTT Digital Twin Computing Research Center, Tokyo, Japan
Personalized Learning, Collaborative Learning, Professional Player, Emotion, Japanese Chess.
Many methods have been proposed to support learning optimized for each learner. However, these methods
mainly target novice to intermediate learners. We propose a method for further improving the abilities of
advanced learners and professionals. At the advanced and higher levels, learners often target the behavior of
more competent others. However, it is difficult to acquire the skills of such others simply by observing their
behaviors. A learner must understand the thought processes to arrive at their behavior. Knowing the emotions
that lead others to their behaviors could help learners understand others’ thought processes. On the basis
of this approach, we investigated a learning-support method that uses the emotions of others using Japanese
chess (Shogi) as the subject. We obtained valences, arousals, and subjective-position scores (i.e., evaluation
of whether black or white has an advantage for each position) for each move of Shogi from two professional
Shogi players with different playing styles. We observed noteworthy gaps in valence and arousal between
the two players, even with similar subjective-position scores. The players also gained new perspectives on
complex moves by referring to each other’s emotions. This suggests that awareness of the emotional gaps
with others can broaden a professional’s creativity.
It is challenging for someone who has already reached
the top to further advance, regardless of the competi-
tion, art, or industry in which they excel (Yelle, 1979;
Argyris, 2002). Most learning-support methods are
targeted at novice to intermediate individuals. The ba-
sic way for advanced individuals to further improve
is through the learners’ self-help efforts. We pro-
pose a learning-support method using the emotions of
others to strengthen professional players of Japanese
chess (Shogi).
Shogi is a popular board game that is also played
professionally, and learning methods have been ac-
tively researched (Ito, 2018; Nishihara et al., 2018).
Novices can steadily improve their abilities through
manual learning methods such as memorizing the
roles of pieces and mastering the standard moves. An
example of a standard first move in Shogi is P76,
which means to move the pawn to position 76.
In learning at this level, the optimal goal for
a novice called the “zone of proximal develop-
ment (ZPD)” (Vygotsky et al., 2011) can be clarified
as a language. Clarifying goals as language means
that goals can be described as specific actions to be
taken by the learner (Skinner, 1954). The ZPD is de-
fined as a task in which a learner cannot perform alone
but with outside help. For example, a novice can un-
derstand the reason from a textbook: P76 is necessary
to prepare to attack the opponent’s position by open-
ing the corner. Numerous learning-support methods
for novices have been proposed to automatically pro-
vide manualized knowledge and an optimal goal (Sid-
diqui et al., 2022; Malaise and Signer, 2022; Dicheva
et al., 2015; Rooein et al., 2022).
A typical method of learning Shogi played by pro-
fessionals is to look back at the history of moves
played in past games (hereafter referred to as “game
record”) and discover and learn decisive moves.
Game records include moves played by the Shogi ar-
tificial intelligence (Shogi AI), which is more skilled
than human Shogi players (Silver et al., 2018). In this
learning, it is relatively easy to grasp the intention of
the moves of others who are as competent as a learner
or have a similar playing style because there is only a
slight difference between their thoughts. However, it
is difficult to grasp the intention of the moves played
by others who are more skilled than a learner or have
a different playing style because the difference be-
tween their thoughts is critical. Decisive moves by
Isaka, T. and Toshima, I.
Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players Using Emotions of Others.
DOI: 10.5220/0012605100003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 486-494
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Previous learning (Observation and discussion)
Learning through others' emotions (Proposed)
It is difficult to understand
more competent others behavior
by observation alone.
Annotate emotions of oneself
and others to each step.
There’s discrepancy
in step (t-2)
Why are you comfortable
in step (t-2)?
emotion gap
Decisive move (Step t)
Decisive move
Step with noteworthy emotion
can be triggered to deeper
understand decisive move.
Figure 1: Overview of proposed learning-support method.
top professionals result from intuition and are diffi-
cult to explain logically, even for the top profession-
als who chose those moves (Ito et al., 2005). In other
words, it is difficult to verbalize a learner’s ZPD at the
professional stages. The detection and presentation of
professional tacit knowledge is also a common chal-
lenge not only in Shogi but also in a wide range of
fields (Eraut, 2000).
1.1 Approach
We define emotion as how humans think about a situ-
ation one is facing. In Shogi, the situation is position
and move. In Shogi and chess, technical terms have
already been constructed to describe strategies and
patterns of moves. However, they are only a verbal-
ization of the typical thinking patterns of many play-
ers. Players with different playing styles have differ-
ent ways of thinking about situations that cannot be
explained in technical terms, and the higher the level
of players, the more remarkable these differences be-
come. The tacit knowledge we want to make effective
use of is, for example, the way of thinking that pro-
fessional players express when they say, “My fingers
resist. Such words are not always uttered, and even
if they are, it is difficult for others to understand their
true meaning.
Previous studies have found that professional
board-game players have specific brain-activity pat-
terns compared with amateurs while playing (Wan
et al., 2011; Tanaka, 2018). They efficiently search
for the best next move by processing the positions
and moves as a lumped spatiotemporal pattern (Ito
et al., 2005; Ito and Takano, 2015). Ito and Matsub-
ara (Ito, 2004) suggested that positive-negative emo-
tions of the player accompany Shogi moves. Dis-
cussing with others and using their different perspec-
tives is effective in problem-solving (Miyake, 1986;
Dunbar, 1995). However, in discussions based on ob-
servation of game records, players do not always ver-
balize unconscious emotions.
If a learner can detect the transition of others’
emotions leading up to a decisive move, and if they
can identify the point of divergence with their emo-
tions, they will be able to discuss and dig deeper into
the differences in the way of thinking about the situa-
tion. Through this process (Fig. 2), it would be effec-
tive for professional players to develop and expand
their own emotions by taking in others’ emotions to
fill in the gaps they have been unable to perceive. This
learning cycle is an essential aspect of learning sup-
port, regardless of the level of the learner (Skinner,
1954; Berlyne, 1966). Fig. 1 shows an overview of
the proposed learning-support method.
To provide a proof of concept for the above
learning-support method, we collected the emotions
of two female professional Shogi players (belong-
ing to the ladies professional Shogi-player’s associa-
tion of Japan) during Shogi play using Russell’s core
affect (Russell, 1980). We then displayed the col-
lected emotions of the two players in the time se-
ries and let them discuss the feedback on their Shogi
play. Finally, we conducted a qualitative evaluation of
whether referring to the collected emotions of others
is effective in improving professionals’ abilities. The
contributions of this study are as follows.
We propose a learning-support method for clarify-
ing professional player’s ZPD using the emotions
of others.
This study is the first proof-of-concept case to
test the effectiveness of presenting the emotional
differences between two professionals to enhance
their learning.
Clarification of
learning points
by referencing
others’ emotions
Discussion on
differences in
Figure 2: Learning cycle considered for this study.
Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players Using Emotions of Others
2.1 Personalized Learning Optimization
Numerous studies have incorporated AI to provide
optimized learning support for individual learners.
An essential factor common to these studies is the
automatic setting of optimal goals, referred to as
the ZPD. Several studies (Zou et al., 2019; Baker
et al., 2020) have shown that students’ performance in
school mathematics and English improves when they
select from tasks in the ZPD. Siddiqui et al. (Siddiqui
et al., 2022) proposed a method for university students
that uses keywords of interest to trigger the recom-
mendation of academic papers that the students are
curious about and to expand their knowledge. Malaise
and Signer (Malaise and Signer, 2022) proposed a
method for a learner of table tennis that automatically
suggests optimal exercises in the ZPD, taking into
account the learner’s knowledge and acquired skills.
Methods for improving interfaces to support learning
were also proposed using gamification (Dicheva et al.,
2015) and chatbots (Rooein et al., 2022) to encour-
age students’ spontaneous learning for individualized
These studies targeted novice learners and stand
on the condition that their goals have been clearly
verbalized. It is difficult to verbalize and conceptu-
alize the ideas and goals of professionals we focus
on as learning targets (Eraut, 2000). Although vague
and situational guidelines for learning to enhance pro-
fessionals have been discussed (Eraut, 1994; Argyris,
2002), they are far from being protocolized for imple-
mentation as learning-support methods. The learning-
support methods described above need to be extended
to cover a broader range of learner levels and do-
2.2 Game-Learning Support
Board-game learning support is a popular area of re-
search. Methods have been proposed to assist Shogi
novices by presenting predictive positions (Ito, 2018)
and visualizing battlefields (Nishihara et al., 2018).
There are also learning-support methods for recom-
mending tasks tailored to the knowledge and abili-
ties of individual chess novices on the basis of the
ZPD (Guid et al., 2013).
Research has been conducted on chess (not Shogi)
to explain the difference in ability between human
experts and AI (P
alsson and Bj
ornsson, 2023; Schut
et al., 2023). However, to the best of our knowledge,
no personalized learning-support methods for profes-
sional board-game players have been reported.
2.3 Collection of Emotions
Certain emotion-collection approaches use biometric
data such as brain waves (Shen et al., 2009; Wan et al.,
2011; Nakatani and Yamaguchi, 2014). However, it is
difficult to decipher the emotion expressed from bio-
metric details. We acquire emotions as annotations to
words that can be obtained in and under various ex-
perimental environments and conditions that are easy
for humans to interpret. As described in Section 3, we
set representative words (comfortable - uncomfort-
able, dynamic - gentle) that express the emotion of the
situation in playing Shogi and collected annotations
of closeness degree between the words and players’
emotions. The general purpose of collecting word an-
notations from experimental participants is to evalu-
ate average human emotions (Plutchik, 1980; Scherer
and Wallbott, 1994). In contrast, we focused on in-
dividual differences and aimed to record individual
emotions in a format others could reference.
2.4 Using Emotion in Learning
Many researchers have explored the integration of
emotions into learning-support methods. In school
education, it is known that understanding students’
emotional states has a meaningful impact on teach-
ers (Shen et al., 2009; Tyng et al., 2017), and methods
for communicating students’ emotions in the class-
room have been proposed (Sadiq. and Marentakis.,
2023). However, few researchers have examined
whether emotions effectively support learning among
professional-level learners.
Professionals’ tacit knowledge and intuition are
difficult to verbalize, even for them both in Shogi (Ito
et al., 2005) and other fields (Eraut, 2000). It has
been suggested that tacit knowledge and intuition of
Shogi professional players are encoded in their minds
in a form similar to emotions (Ito, 2004). We investi-
gated whether visualizing professionals’ tacit knowl-
edge and intuition via emotions can help them learn.
We interviewed 17 advanced and the 2 professional
Shogi players mentioned above to determine whether
referring to emotion labels annotated by others for
each move would help them understand decisive
moves better than not referring to the annotation la-
bels. All the advanced players held at least the rank of
shodan (1-dan) or higher. The annotation labels used
in this interview were Pulchick’s basic emotions (joy,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
trust, fear, surprise, sadness, disgust, anger, and antic-
ipation) (Plutchik, 1980) and Russell’s core affect (va-
lence, arousal) (Russell, 1980), which are commonly
used emotion indices in the context of learning sup-
port. The interviews showed that 100% of the players
indicated that referring to the emotion labels anno-
tated by others is beneficial.
Next, we studied the two professional play-
ers (same as in the interviews) to determine which la-
bels used in the previous step were valid. They played
six Shogi games and annotated all the labels in seven
levels for each move. We compared the validity of the
annotated labels by interview and degree of variance.
Fig. 3 shows the variance of annotated values per label
obtained in all six games. The horizontal axis repre-
sents the annotation label, and the vertical axis rep-
resents the variance of the annotated value. Russell’s
core affects had relatively large variances for both la-
bels, suggesting that the players were able to identify
and annotate differences in emotions for each move.
The interview results are summarized as follows.
Pulchick’s basic emotions make it difficult for
players to determine which eight labels are the
most critical for each situation.
The labels of basic emotions other than joy and
anticipation rarely occur while playing Shogi.
Core affects are highly consistent with the emo-
tions while playing Shogi, making them easy to
annotate without much thought.
On the basis of the above findings between the two
annotation indices, we considered that annotations by
core affects were suitable for extracting the unspo-
ken emotions expressed during Shogi games and used
them as an annotation index in the experiment de-
scribed in Section 4. Reflecting on the interview re-
sults, we set the label names of valence and arousal to
“comfortable - uncomfortable” and “dynamic - gen-
tle, respectively, which are words generally used in
Shogi (e.g., “That move feels dynamic and comfort-
Variance of annotation values
Annotation label
Figure 3: Variance of annotation values.
Using the annotation labels determined in the pre-
vious section, we conducted another experiment to
annotate emotions to moves and positions in Shogi.
The playing style of Shogi is generally expressed on
two axes: strategy (offensive and defensive) and mo-
mentum (aggressive and passive). The same two pro-
fessional Shogi players, with opposite playing styles
shown in Table 1, were also annotators for this exper-
iment to extract differences in emotion. Hereafter, we
refer to them as annotators 1 and 2.
The annotators annotated 24 games, including a
mix of three patterns: matches between pair of the
annotators and the Shogi AI, past great matches (the
annotators did not know the result of these matches),
and matches between two Shogi AIs. In the first
match pattern, the annotator pair doubles as black,
and they discuss and decide on a move by consen-
sus. In the other two match patterns, the annotators
do not play; they only annotate. Hereafter, regard-
less of whether the annotator is a player, we refer to
the player who makes the move first as black and the
player who makes the move second as white. We used
the graphical interface for Shogi (ShogiGUI, 2022)
and the Shogi engine (Demura, 2017) as the Shogi
AI and set it to a higher skill level than the annota-
tors. Considering the results of the survey described
in Section 3, we defined the following three annota-
tion labels that are likely to express the traits of human
emotion while playing Shogi.
Valence (Comfortable - Uncomfortable): Subjec-
tive feeling of comfort or discomfort for a move
from black’s standpoint.
Arousal (Dynamic - Gentle): Subjective feeling
of aggressiveness for a move from black’s stand-
Subjective-position score: Subjective degree of
advantage or disadvantage of black for a position.
Valence and arousal range from -1 to 1, where
a lower value indicates a higher degree of “uncom-
fortable” or “gentle”, while a larger value indicates
a higher degree of “comfortable” or “dynamic”. The
subjective-position score ranges from -2000 to 2000.
The upper and lower limits indicate a decisive win or
Table 1: Annotators’ playing styles. They have opposite
playing styles, both in strategy and momentum.
Strategy Momentum
Annotator 1 Defensive Aggressive
Annotator 2 Offensive Passive
Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players Using Emotions of Others
Set valence and
arousal here
Set subjective-
position score here
of moves
Evaluation for positionEvaluation for move
Figure 4: Interface of annotation tool designed to allow
plotting indicators (Valence, Arousal, Subjective-position
score) as continuous values selected to communicate emo-
tions that are difficult to verbalize.
loss in the Shogi AI (Demura, 2017) we used in the
experiment. Lower values indicate an advantage for
white, while higher values indicate an advantage for
To enable the annotators to quickly and intuitively
annotate after a move is determined, we developed
an annotation tool with which an annotation can be
completed with simple mouse operations, as shown
in Fig. 4. We used a two-dimensional interface, which
has been reported to allow intuitive and unloaded in-
put (Sadiq. and Marentakis., 2023). Our tool has va-
lence on the horizontal axis, arousal on the vertical
axis, and a straight line next to them for subjective-
position score. Annotation is completed with three
clicks: clicking into the two-dimensional coordinates,
clicking on the subjective-position score, and clicking
on “Fix”.
Fig. 5 shows the annotation procedure for Shogi
situations using this annotation tool.
1. First, black or white makes a move.
2. Next, the annotators annotate this move with three
types of emotions using the annotation tool from
black’s standpoint, regardless of whether it is a
move of black or white.
These steps are repeated until the end of the game.
After annotating each game, the annotators referred to
the annotation results and had a feedback discussion
about the game.
(1) Black makes
(2) Annotators take position of black
and annotate black’s move and position
(4) Annotators take position of black
and annotate white’s move and position
(3) White makes
Repeat steps
(1) to (4) until
end of game
Figure 5: Annotation procedure.
The average number of moves played per game in all
24 games was 109.8. Of these, the average num-
ber of moves with different positive and negative
signs (hereafter, referred to as “opposite”) among the
annotators was 13.5 in valence and 9.30 in arousal
per game in all 24 games. We conducted a between-
subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the 2634
annotated emotions of all 24 games, and the results
indicate a significant difference in valence between
annotators (F(1, 2633) = 6.595, p < 0.0001 for va-
lence, F(1, 2633) = 1.151, p = 0.689 for arousal, and
F(1, 2633) = 1.290, p = 0.529 for subjective-position
Fig. 6 shows two annotation results of games with
noteworthy differences between the two annotators.
A between-subjects ANOVA was conducted from the
results in Fig. 6 (a), and there was a significant dif-
ference in valence and subjective-position score be-
tween the annotators (p = 0.00287 for valence and
p = 0.00684 for subjective-position score). Fig. 6 (b)
shows the results that had opposite valences in 25
5.1 Emotion-Referenced Learning
The subjective-position scores in Fig. 6 (a) between
annotators became reversed from around move 43 and
remained opposite until the end of the game. In this
game, white won, so the subjective-position score at
the end of the game was expected to be negative.
Therefore, annotator 1 who annotated the end of the
game in Fig. 6 (a) with positive subjective-position
scores greatly misread the situation. Annotator 1
should correct her thoughts to moves in this game.
For annotator 1 to improve her skill, it is essential
to detect which moves were decisive for the game’s
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: (a): Results that had significant differences among
annotators. (b): Results that had many opposite emotions.
Upper graph of each result shows valence, and lower shows
subjective-position score, with horizontal axis representing
number of moves.
misreading and modify her thoughts and criteria for
evaluating the moves.
Fig. 6 (a) shows opposite valences in moves 22 to
37 despite the fact that the subjective-position scores
of both annotators are on the same side of the graph.
In such moves, the annotators had different ideas of
the move’s effect on the game. Annotator 1 may gain
new perspectives in modifying her thoughts by hear-
ing from annotator 2 about the reasons for the oppo-
site emotions. In other words, these moves with oppo-
site emotions are annotator 1’s learning points based
on the ZPD.
Table 2 lists dialogue excerpts from the annota-
tors’ discussion about the game in Fig. 6 (b) refer-
ring to annotated emotions. The annotators discussed
move 75, which has an opposite valence. This move
is superficially agreed upon, since the positive and
negative signs of subjective evaluation coincide. In
other words, it is a situation that should be explored in
depth, which the annotators would have missed with-
out the emotional annotation. Displaying the emo-
tional transition of themselves and others enables an-
notators to detect the emotional gap and dig deeper
into what annotator 1 evaluated and what annotator 2
did not evaluate. In Table 2, the discussion triggered
by the emotional gap clarified what both sides per-
ceive as benefits and what they consider risks. Thus,
showing emotion can lead to complementary and bet-
ter next moves when logic cannot be explained in
words. With the proposed learning-support method,
learners can proceed with their learning in the follow-
ing steps.
Learners annotate moves with their emotions and
make a time-series list of emotions.
Using a list of emotions, learners detect emotional
gaps represented by moves with opposite emo-
Learners discuss and dig deeper into emotional
gaps, focusing on the differences in thinking about
the advantages and disadvantages. They can pro-
mote understanding to approach the emotions of
others that they do not have, which leads to im-
proved abilities.
By referring to a time-series list of emotions cre-
ated by players with different playing styles, a player
can actively learn and incorporate the perspectives
one lacks, such as the risks and benefits of a move.
This corresponds to an active learning cycle corre-
sponding to the change from diffuse curiosity to par-
ticular curiosity (Berlyne, 1966).
We obtained subjective evaluations from the annota-
tors to subjectively evaluate the effectiveness of the
proposed learning-support method regarding other’s
emotions by using a ten-point scale. The higher the
score, the more effective our method, and the lower
the score, the more effective the standard learning
method of looking back at game records without re-
ferring to emotion. The two annotators gave an aver-
age evaluation score of 9.5 (Table 3).
We then interviewed a male professional Shogi
player (an instructor of the annotators who did not
participate in the experiment) about whether our
Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players Using Emotions of Others
Table 2: Examples of actual discussions by annotators. The
dialogues collected in this study are in Japanese and trans-
lated into English by one of the authors.
Annotator 2: Is move 75 of white that
much advantageous?
Annotator 1: This was a pattern in which
the attack from white was effective.
Annotator 2: Although white may feel
comfortable, white had not regained the
pieces lost during the attack. Thus, white
has yet to achieve any practical result.
Annotator 1: I predict white’s T37 (a
move of Shogi) will reach the king in time.
Annotator 2: I don’t have that predic-
tion, because black’s Silver General (a kind
of Shogi piece) is effective and black has
many pieces in hand.
method helped improve professional ability. He an-
swered, “Professional players fight on a field beyond
the resolution of language. This approach is effective
in further strengthening those at a professional level.
The stronger the player, the more effective the method
is. These qualitative evaluations and the results of the
interviews in presented in Section 3 suggest that our
method is effective in improving the ability of pro-
fessional Shogi players. It will be necessary to have
more professional players participate in the experi-
ment and conduct a statistical and long-term evalu-
ation to determine if the proposed method improves
their performance.
Table 3: Results of subjective evaluation by annotators us-
ing ten-point scale. Maximum score is ten.
Evaluation of annotator 1 10
Evaluation of annotator 2 9
The annotated results of the game in Fig. 6 (b) have
a marked distribution difference between the valence
and arousal shown in Fig. 7. From interviews with
the annotators, this was a reasonable result represent-
ing the difference in aggressive and passive playing
styles. The instructor of the annotators then com-
mented on his interpretation of this distribution dif-
ference as Aggressive players (e.g., annotator 1) fo-
cus on whether their attacks work (comfortable) or
not (uncomfortable) and are sensitive to valence. On
the other hand, passive players (e.g., annotator 2) are
sensitive to the momentum of their opponent’s at-
tacks. This result shows such an emotional differ-
ence. Although the number of professional players
Figure 7: Distribution of variance and arousal between two
professionals with different playing styles.
who participated in the experiment in Section 4 was
small, these interviews supported that the annotated
emotions reflect the tendency of professional players’
Whether the proposed method can be generalized
to tasks other than board games is debatable. The
proposed method is suitable for turn-based tasks with
an objective evaluation axis for actions taken. It is
impractical to directly apply the proposed method to
tasks with continuously changing situations or tasks
with many participants. These tasks require automa-
tion of emotion extraction. The choice of words to be
used as annotation indicators may need to be modified
depending on the task domain.
7.1 White Boxing of AI
You feel very
comfortable on
this move, Why?
Looks like a move
often played in
offensive style.
(b) Collaborative translation of Shogi AI’s complex
moves triggered by emotional discrepancies.
(a) Annotating emotions
for Shogi AI moves.
Number of moves
Figure 8: Collaborative translation of Shogi-AI moves us-
ing emotional gaps.
With the increase in computational resources and
evolution of computational Shogi algorithms (Silver
et al., 2018), even top professional Shogi players have
started to study the Shogi AI as a teacher (Nikkei Inc.,
2022). However, the process leading up to the move
decided by the Shogi AI is a black box. The proposed
method can facilitate learners’ understanding of com-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
plex Shogi AI moves by piecing together the emotions
of those who understand one aspect of the move, as
shown in Fig. 8.
Several players with different playing styles anno-
tate the moves decided by the Shogi AI with the
emotions (Fig. 8 (a)).
If each player can somewhat understand the AI’s
moves, they would be able to collaboratively
translate its moves by connecting the emotions of
multiple players (Fig. 8 (b)).
7.2 Learning with Emotion Estimator
Shogi AI's
best moves
Current position
one step ahead
two steps ahead three steps ahead
˝B55 ˜P*54
Actual played
˝: Learner’s move
˜: Shogi AI’s move
Learner’s scores on
lower branch are
estimated using DNN
˛: Learner’s subjective-
position score
˛: Shogi AI’s position score
Figure 9: Learning Shogi AI moves with emotion estimator.
The learning-support methods described in Sec-
tion 5.1 can only handle moves that were actually
played. If we can estimate learner’s emotions, we can
find learning points on the basis of the ZPD from a
wide range that includes moves that have not been
played, represented by the Shogi AI’s potential de-
cisive moves.
Therefore, we created an emotion estimator that
takes the Shogi situation (position and move) as in-
put and outputs the emotions of the annotator. The
data collected from annotator 1 described in Sec-
tion 4 (2036 sets of inputs: positions and moves, out-
put: emotions) were split into training, validation, and
test data in the ratio of 4:1:1 to train a fully connected
deep neural network (DNN) consisting of one input
layer, four hidden layers, and one output layer. We
set the number of epochs as 800. The amount of data
is not yet sufficient and the accuracy of the estima-
tion is not high, so the following results are for ref-
erence only. The top of Fig. 9 shows the branching
by the moves selected by the annotators in the game
in Fig. 6 (b), and the bottom shows the branching of
the Shogi AI’s (Demura, 2017) best moves (not ac-
tually played). We plotted the Shogi AI’s position
score and annotator 1’s subjective-position score for
each branch. Subjective-position scores on the lower
branch were estimated with the DNN. For the best
move of the Shogi AI, the difference between the
Shogi AI’s score and the learner’s score is smaller
than the upper branch. The lower branching sug-
gests that the learner may have a similar mindset to
the Shogi AI. Thus, the emotion estimator may help
detect potentially optimal goals for the learner based
on the ZPD.
To expand and develop a professional’s ability, we
proposed a learning-support method for extracting the
emotions of others and incorporating other’s thoughts
triggered by emotional gaps into the thoughts of
learners. We conducted an experiment to extract emo-
tions about Shogi moves from two professional Shogi
players and observed noteworthy emotional gaps be-
tween the two players, even with similar subjective-
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but can be widely applied to other fields where pro-
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education