Figure 14: Comparison of detection rate of four CPM-based
GV types.
except for the Random GV, which remains at a rela-
tively low detection accuracy. Besides, as can be seen
in Fig. 14, it can be noticed that there are no error bars
for the former two types of CPM-based, namely Con-
stant and Constant Offset. On the other hand, the gaps
in MR generation numbers of each simulation remain
considerably different for the latter two types, namely
Random and Random Offset CPM-based GV types.
This is because simply the ’Random’ GV’s position
changes over time, and the probability that they stay
out of detector vehicles’ perception range becomes
larger. Furthermore, this figure also shows the ’Off-
set’ GV, either Constant Offset or Random Offset, re-
mains more detectable than their original GV versions
(Constant and Random). As the ’Offset’ GV moves
in a manner that follows one of the evaluator vehi-
cles, it will be more likely to be in the detection range.
The detection accuracy results are obtained by simu-
lation of only two detector vehicles (honest CPS vehi-
cles), and in this sense, we believe that as the number
of CPS detectors increases, the detection success rate
will grow significantly.
As CPS is rarely considered in existing works and
there was no implementation of CPM in the popular
Veins simulator, in this work, we integrated CPS in
Veins, enabling inter-vehicle CPM communications.
Furthermore, we proposed a trust framework address-
ing two CAM-based GV attacks, namely OOA and
NCA, and four CPM-based GV attacks, namely Con-
stant, Constant Offset, Random, and Random Off-
set. A three-vehicle scenario simulation has been con-
ducted to provide a preliminary analysis of the feasi-
bility of the proposed model and show the effective-
ness in terms of assessing V2X messages’ trustwor-
With this proposed trust model integrating the
CPS component in hand, our future work will be sim-
ulating larger-scale IoV scenarios involving more en-
tities. On the other hand, more complicated strategic
misbehavior models can also be considered in our fu-
ture work to analyze the resilience of the countermea-
sures proposed.
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Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV