Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model
Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV
Runbo Su
, Yujun Jin and Ye-Qiong Song
LORIA, CNRS, Universit
e de Lorraine, France
Trust, IoV, CAM, Collective Perception Service, Misbehavior Detection, Veins Simulation, Ghost Vehicle.
A number of V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) messages are standardized by the European Telecommunication
Standardization Institute (ETSI), such as CAM (Cooperative Awareness Message) and CPM (Collective Per-
ception Message). Since road safety and traffic efficiency are on the basis of the assumption that correct and
accurate V2V messages are shared, ensuring the trustworthiness of these V2X messages becomes an essen-
tial task in IoV (Internet of Vehicles) security. However, containing safety-related information makes V2X
messages susceptible to malicious insider attacks from compromised vehicles after the PKI (Public Key In-
frastructure) authentication step (Farran and Khoury, 2023), such as Ghost Vehicles (GV) (Gyawali and Qian,
2019), passively or actively reaching a ’ghost’ state in terms of communication, position, etc. By integrating
CPS (Collective Perception Service) in the Veins simulator, our work aims to propose a trust assessment model
in IoV against several types of CAM- and CPM-based GV to increase security. The simulation results provide
a preliminary analysis of the feasibility of the proposed model and show the effectiveness in terms of assessing
V2X messages’ trustworthiness.
IoV is a rapidly evolving paradigm combining ve-
hicles, roadside infrastructure, and communication
technologies to provide a connected intelligent trans-
portation system. IoV facilitates numerous function-
alities like cooperative collision avoidance, intelli-
gent traffic management, and routing optimization,
and thus, vehicles can benefit from these functionali-
ties, resulting in more comfortable and secure driving.
Given this, V2X messages are introduced and imple-
mented to exchange information regarding traffic sit-
uations between vehicles and other entities in IoV. For
instance, CAM makes it possible for vehicles to trans-
mit information containing their own current states,
including position, speed, direction, etc. Differently,
CPM tries to disseminate information about objects
detected by local perception sensors. This type of
V2X message, CPM, brings novel safety applications
such that vehicles can gather information passively on
objects placed out of their perception range through
the received CPS information, meaning that each IoV
entity’s perception range is somehow extended. On
the other side, verifying if the information in CPM
is accurate also becomes crucial due to the fact that
false information can lead to poor decision-making
and ruin the trust between vehicles.
In the literature, the model named ART (Attack-
Resistant Trust) in (Li and Song, 2015) proposed
combining evidence collected to evaluate the trust-
worthiness of both data and mobile nodes (vehicles).
More precisely, data trust is evaluated on the basis
of sensed and collected data from multiple vehicles;
node trust is measured in two dimensions, namely
functional and recommendation trust. Besides, the
work in (Gai et al., 2017) proposed a Ratee-based
Trust Management (RTM) system by introducing so-
cial attributes of vehicles to increase the accuracy re-
garding trustworthiness. However, they did not adopt
V2X messages for communication. A model called T-
VNets (Kerrache et al., 2016) proposed a novel trust
architecture for vehicular networks using received
V2X messages to estimate trust. Despite the intro-
duction of CAM and the feasibility of this framework,
CPS is not supported. A recent work (Tsukada et al.,
2022) combining sensing data and CPM provided an
interesting scheme to check V2X messages cooper-
atively, but trust issues in CPM are not sufficiently
Su, R., Jin, Y. and Song, Y.
Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV.
DOI: 10.5220/0012605200003702
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2024), pages 276-283
ISBN: 978-989-758-703-0; ISSN: 2184-495X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
discussed in this work.
From the above review, we can notice that CPM
and CAM are rarely considered in their trust frame-
work. Besides, most current works do not discuss
CAM- and CPM-based GV attacks. To overcome
these limitations, we integrate CPS in the Veins sim-
ulator to enable vehicles to share CPM containing
their own PO (Perceived Object) and PO in received
CPM. We also propose a trust assessment model to
address CAM-based GV attacks misbehaving in com-
munication quality, namely OOA (On-Off Attack)
and NCA (NewComer Attack), and four CPM-based
GV, namely Constant, Constant Offset, Random, and
Random Offset. Finally, we conduct the simulation
with the above CAM- and CPM-based GV to validate
the performance of the proposed model from the per-
spective of increasing security in vehicular communi-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 gives details of the trust evaluation in CAM
and in CPM and explicates the integration of CPM in
Veins. After that, the simulation results, GV attack
model, and performance validation are presented in
Section 3. Lastly, Section 4 draws the conclusion and
outlines our future work.
In this section, we first introduce the trust framework
and then detail the computation of trust in CAM. Af-
ter that, we explicate the integration of CPS into the
Veins simulator and, finally the evaluation of trust in
2.1 Overview of the Proposed Trust
In IoV, sensing, communication, and computation ca-
pacities for vehicles are required, we colored these
three in blue, purple, and brown in Fig. 1, respec-
tively. The figure’s upper part displays a vehicle in
cooperative IoV with equipment, and the lower part
illustrates functional flows within the vehicle and how
the proposed trust model interacts with V2X OBU
(On-Board Unit) and OBS (On-Board Sensor). In
IoV, V2X OBU supports the communication between
IoV entities, including both receiving and transmit-
ting V2X messages: Vehicles or other entities peri-
odically broadcast CAM to share their states and be
aware of others through processing received CAM;
Unlike CAM’s ’I am here’ manner, CPM is ’I see
someone here’ message to complement CAM; OBS
in IoV consists of exteroceptive and interoceptive
OBS systems
Report (MR)
Trust in CAM
Trust in CPM
Exteroceptive Sensing
Interoceptive Sensing
Figure 1: IoV on-board equipment and the functional flows
showing how the trust model interacts with OBS and V2X
OBU. Distrustful and trustful messages are highlighted in
red and green, respectively.
sides, where the former senses the surroundings and
the latter monitors the vehicle’s dynamics. Lastly, the
Carputer refers to computing hardware in the vehi-
cle, where the trust in CAM and in CPM will be inves-
tigated. We designed an extended cooperative scheme
for CAM and CPM messages: the vehicle’s sensing
data will be counted to evaluate all incoming mes-
sages; Trustful CPM will be utilized to assess other
incoming CPM. Once misbehavior of either CAM
or CPM is detected, MR will be generated and sent
to Misbehavior Authority (MA) as defined in (ETSI,
2020), and thus fraudulent V2X messages will be re-
jected and marked. It is important to note that this
work aims to propose a trust assessment model help-
ing detect CAM- and CPM-based GV attacks and to
provide a preliminary analysis in the feasibility study,
and the correctness of incoming MR is not included
in the current scope.
2.2 Trust in CAM
Trust in CAM can be affected by numerous QoS
(Quality of Service) factors: communication success
rate, freshness of the message, etc. Since CAM is
a multi-casting one-hop and one-way message stan-
Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV
dard, CAM-based communication is without request,
reply, or forwarding operations (ETSI, 2019). It also
means that transmission failure cannot be detected.
As defined in the CAM standard, each vehicle can
only passively receive CAM messages from others
in a single hop. Moreover, the CAM message may
be generated in an unstable manner due to the high-
dynamic nature of IoV and the complex road traffic
situation. Based on the above discussion, as shown
in Fig. 2 we consider assessing the freshness of the
message and the level of acquaintance to measure the
trust in CAM.
Freshness of the message
Level of acquaintance
Trust in CAM
Figure 2: Composition of Trust in CAM.
Freshness of the Message p
. With the purpose of
avoiding using outdated information, from the CAM
receiver’s point of view, the more recent the CAM is,
the more the message can be trusted. In this sense,
the exponential time decay model can be employed to
weigh the CAM information regarding the message’s
timestamp. The weight for n
CAM w[n] from CAM
sender i is:
[n] = ρ
where ρ ]0, 1[ refers to the decay factor, which re-
flects the importance of the history, i.e., ρ = 0.5 in-
dicates that the trust in the CAM drops by half ev-
ery second, t is the current time and t
is the times-
tamp of n
CAM from the vehicle i. Assuming that
the transmission frequency is one second, the discrete
weighted sum of the decay function in time is equal
to the convolution with w[n], and its value converges
. The computation of p
of a CAM sender i is
defined as:
= (1 ρ)
[n] (2)
where w
[n] is given in (1).
Level of Acquaintance p
. Malicious attackers may
try to refresh their trust in IoV by re-communicating
with a new fabricated identity, which is one of the
intelligent attacks identified in (Su et al., 2022). To
deal with this, newcomers should not be trusted as
much as known ones, meaning that the known vehi-
cle’s trust can be gained more easily than newcomers.
Given this, the number of communications is utilized
for differing ’known’ and less-known’ vehicles, and
is defined as:
= ρ
, λ R
, (3)
where n is the same as in (2) and (1) as the index of
CAM sent by the vehicle i, and λ is a scale factor,
e.g., under the parameter setting ρ=0.5, λ=5, the 5
(n=5) CAM outputs p2=0.5, meaning that the level
of acquaintance is average.
Total Trust in CAM Counting p
and p
. To take
both p
and p
into computation, we consider them
equally important for the trust in CAM:
= (p
To summarize, p1 value calculates the freshness of
the message, and p2 value determines the level of
acquaintance. In such a manner, the OOA attacker
misbehaves within a fixed period by pausing sending
CAM, or the NCA attacker re-communicates by fak-
ing its identity will be punished.
2.3 Implemented CPM Structure
Before we explain the trust in CPM, the integration of
CPS into the Veins simulator will be presented here,
as CPS is incompletely supported in Veins. PO can
be broadcast by vehicles via CPS, which enhances lo-
cal perception, and road safety can be thus improved
(ETSI, 2023). In our work, CPM was taken into con-
sideration for IoV communication. To achieve this,
we first integrated CPM into Veins in the form of
a message in OMNeT++. Previous V2X studies on
standards of ETSI are based on CAM and the corre-
sponding C language standard library. We refactored
CPM in C++ on the basis of the Veins-Inet subproject
use case, bypassing encapsulation to enable more dy-
namic calling and debugging, as well as a more con-
sistent message structure defined by the OMNeT++
framework. CPM will be sent in segments to simu-
late vehicles’ sending capabilities and increase data
processing flexibility.
Station Data
Perceived Object Container
Perceived Object
Figure 3: Structure of implemented CPM in Veins
As shown in Fig. 3, the implemented CPM struc-
ture is composed of: (i) an ITS PDU Header including
the information of the protocol version, the message
type, etc.; (ii) The Station Data Container provides in-
formation containing the station type and the position
of the CPM generator; And (iii) a Perceived Object
Container, which will be added in case that any road
object has been perceived.
VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 4: Pipeline of CPS application integrated in Veins Simulator
2.4 Trust in CPM
Figure 4 shows the pipeline of CPS application in-
tegrated into the Veins simulator that is categorized
into two principle processing flows, namely CPM and
MR, numbered by two-color labels, respectively. For
any vehicle, sensors’ data is regarded as the most
credible source because of the first-hand information.
We approximate the sensors’ detection range as a cir-
cular area with a pre-configured radius to simulate the
vehicle’s perception capability.
As can be observed in Fig. 4, the source of POs
can be either self-perceived or from incoming CPM,
the latter is called others-generated in our work. Af-
ter incoming CPM from other vehicles is unpacked
( 1 ), POs should be updated and associated with the
receiver vehicle ( 2 ). For example, the receiver ve-
hicle may receive a CPM in which one of the POs
is itself, and thus, there is no reason that this vehicle
adds itself to the outgoing CPM. Both self-perceived
and others-generated POs must be verified by the GV
detection process ( 3 & 3 ). Similarly, the GV detec-
tion can be realized by either the incoming MR ( 1
& 2 ) or the receiver vehicle itself. When an MR
informing an identified GV is broadcast, the receiver
vehicle can directly forward this MR ( 4 ) and remove
the GV in POs ( 4 ). Or, if the vehicle detects the GV
through its own perception capability, it will report
this GV ( 4 ). After that, the remaining self-perceived
and others-generated POs will be merged into the in-
tegrated POs Stack ( 5 ) and then be utilized to gener-
ate outgoing CPM ( 6 ). Finally, the outgoing CPM or
MR will sent via the vehicle’s antenna ( 7 & 5 ). As
in 3 & 3 , the GV detection is mandatory for self-
perceived and other-generated POs, and this is also
the reason that we separated them to represent differ-
ent PO sources in Fig. 4.
Figure 5: Two GV detection cases: in (a) or out (b) of the
evaluator vehicle’s perception range.
Upon receiving an incoming CPM with a new PO,
if this PO is in the self-perception range and can be
detected, and the associated PO is searched in the
other-generated POs stack, it will be regarded as a
normal PO. In case the PO cannot be detected by the
CPM receiver vehicle in its perception range, it will
remove this PO as in 4 and include this PO as a GV
in outgoing MR as demonstrated in Fig. 5(a). Or,
when the PO is out of the CPM receiver vehicle’s per-
ception range, as shown in Fig. 5(b), the PO will be
considered GV if the vehicle receives two or more
MR indicating this PO is GV as explicated in (Am-
brosin et al., 2019). In other words, in this case, the
GV detection can only work with the aid of incoming
MR from other vehicles.
Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV
The simulation setup and implemented scenario will
be presented first, and then the GV attack model. Af-
ter that, we analyze the performance of the proposed
3.1 Simulation Environment and Traffic
Scenario Considered
Veins is an open-source framework that is used for
simulating communications and the interactions be-
tween vehicles in IoV (Veins, ). It is based on two
well-established simulators: OMNeT++, an event-
based data communication simulator, and SUMO, a
road traffic simulator. Veins extends these two simu-
lators mentioned above to provide a comprehensive
simulation environment for both vehicular mobility
and wireless communication. As CAM communi-
cation is already supported in Veins, we integrate
CPS into Veins to enable CPM communication as de-
scribed in sections 2.3 and 2.4.
We summarize the simulation parameters in Table
Table 1: Simulation parameter values.
SUMO Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Update Interval
Radio Type
Radio Band
Radio Bandwidth
Transmit Power
Vehicle Type
Vehicle Speed
10 km/h
55 km/h
Perception Range
150 m
CAM Broadcast Frequency
CPM Broadcast Frequency
The scenario considered is based on two main as-
sumptions: Each vehicle can track the PO in the re-
ceived CPM, and the MR can not be faked. Fig. 6
shows the scene around the largest intersection called
elodrome in the center of the city Vandoeuvre-les-
Nancy in France, as the urban traffic environment
considered. A three-vehicle scenario is adopted in the
simulation, where node 2 (v2) is overtaking node 0
(v0), and node 1 (v1) is at a short distance in front
of them. More precisely, v2 is an Emergency Ve-
Figure 6: Considered Traffic Scenario.
hicle with a higher speed, and other vehicles are of
type City Car with a relatively lower speed. Circles in
Fig. 6 (2D Visualizer) represent vehicles’ perception
ranges fixed at 150m.
3.2 Attack Model
-CAM-Based GV Attack Model. As stated in sec-
tion 2, two CAM-based attack types are considered in
our work:
OOA. The attacker vehicle switches its behavior
between good and bad over time to mislead the
trust evaluation. In our work, we consider the
OOA attacker vehicle will misbehave by inten-
tionally doubling its original communication fre-
quency of CAM (Su et al., 2022).
NCA. The attacker vehicle fabricates a new iden-
tity to convey CAM with the purpose of refreshing
its trust.
In the simulation, v2 is the CAM receiver, and thus,
the trust evaluator and v0 will misbehave by launch-
ing the above attacks.
-CPM-Based GV Attack Model. We still fix v0 as
the attacker broadcasting fake CPM of GV, and two
other nodes are victims. The GV attack can be re-
garded as a specific form of Sybil attack, where fake-
identity vehicles are created. CPM-based GV differs
from CAM-based GV in a way that the attacker gen-
erates CPM containing other GV (i.e., not the attacker
itself via CAM). It should be noted that CPM-based
GV has no physical counterpart. As illustrated in Ta-
ble 2, we involve four different types of GV in our
simulation (Van Der Heijden et al., 2018).
Constant. The GV’s position is fixed on the map.
Constant Offset. The GV will appear at a Con-
stant Offset from the attacker, like a follower.
Random. The GV’s position will be randomly
generated on the map.
VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Table 2: CPM-based GV Attack Parameters.
GV Type
x = 461.937, y = 414.526
Constant Offset
Δx = -100, Δy = -50
Uniformly random in playground
Random Offset
d uniformly random from [0,150]
θ uniformly random from [0,2π]
Δx=d*cosθ, Δy=d*sinθ
Random Offset. The GV will randomly appear
at any location within the range of the attacker’s
perception range.
3.3 Performance Analysis of Trust in
-Trust Under OOA Attack. We can observe that
the cooperative known vehicle reaches a much higher
trust level than the OOA attacker one. The misbe-
having of the uncooperative vehicle, i.e., the OOA at-
tacker, is reflected in a lower trust level as it intention-
ally doubles the CAM transmission frequency.
Figure 7: Trust value changes in the presence of OOA.
-Trust Under NCA attack. Differently, NCA at-
tacker is considered at a relatively high trust level in
the end, while its trust values increase more slowly
than the known vehicle. This is because the new-
comer vehicle lacks acquaintance of CAM messages,
and thus, CAM from it will be considered less trust-
Figure 8: Trust value changes in the presence of NCA.
-Discussion. As discussed in Section 2, we evaluate
the performance of trust values under OOA and
NCA to measure the trust of the received CAM
and the sender vehicle. The only optimal way to
gain trust is to cooperate in transmitting CAM and
remain known in IoV without faking the identity.
For the MR generation, two thresholds are needed:
1) the number of received CAM messages and 2)
the lowest acceptable trust value. In other words,
the MR (Misbehavior Report) will be generated if
the evaluator vehicle has received sufficient CAM
messages and the trust value remains still less than
the threshold. We note that the threshold can be
dynamic depending on real-time traffic conditions
instead of a predefined value (Hasrouny et al., 2019).
3.4 CPM Transmission and the
Evaluation of Trust in CPM
For all simulation demonstrations, please refer to our
recorded videos
-CPM Transmission. As we can observe in Fig. 9,
node0 is sending CPM, and node1 and node2 are re-
ceiving CPM. As node1 is perceived by node0, it has
been included in node0’s self-generated stack.
Figure 9: CPM Transmission Visualization.
-Constant GV Detection. Fig. 10 shows the GV
is generated in node0’s CPM with a pre-configured
and fixed position (constant GV). Node2 will gener-
ate MR since node1111 (GV) is in node2’s perception
range but is not detected by node2.
-Constant Offset GV Detection. As depicted in
Fig. 11, Constant Offset GV generated by node0 re-
mains undetected for node1 even in node1’s percep-
tion range, and thus node1 reports node1111 as GV in
MR. In fact, the Constant Offset vehicle would move
with the attacker node0, the capture of Veins simula-
tor cannot provide such dynamics. For a comprehen-
sive simulation visualization of Constant Offset GV
Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV
Figure 10: Constant GV and MR Generation.
Figure 11: Constant Offset GV and MR Generation.
and its MR generation, please refer to the video link
given at the bottom.
-Random GV Detection. For random GV, its posi-
tion will be generated randomly on the map through
node0’s outgoing CPM. As can be observed in Fig.
12, the GV’s position has already changed several
times. The MR generation of node2 in the figure oc-
curred when the GV was in node2’s perception range
(the small red rectangle in the figure). On the other
hand, none of the vehicles can ensure the GV detec-
tion when GV is out of all vehicles’ perception ranges,
which is exactly the case in the left part of Fig. 12.
GV position is generated
randomly on map
Figure 12: Random GV and MR Generation.
-Random Offset GV Detection. Similar to random
GV, Random Offset GV’s position changes randomly
but always in the attacker’s perception range, i.e.,
node0’s range. In some cases, the GV is too far away
from the attacker and it becomes evident that the PO’s
information is faked in CPM as the CPM generator
(attacker) cannot detect this PO out of its percep-
tion range. Fig. 13 demonstrates that GV’s position
changes randomly within node0’s perception range.
When it was in node1’s perception range (the small
red rectangle in the figure), one MR was generated by
node1 to broadcast the identified GV in its received
GV position is generated randomly
within the node0’ radar range
Figure 13: Random Offset GV and MR Generation.
-Detection Rate of CPM-Based GV. Trust in CPM
differs from Trust in CAM, the latter is on the basis
of a probabilistic value in the range of [0 1] to de-
scribe the trustworthiness of the CAM source, and the
former is a policy-driven trust scheme, i.e., a binary
question. For this reason, the detection accuracy of
CPM-based GV should be discussed regarding four
GV types.
Table 3: MR generation under four CPM-based GV attacks.
We ran 10 times 30-second simulations to test the
detection rate, in which the attacker vehicle sent 1
CPM of GV per second, and thus 30 CPM of GV in
total. The results are illustrated in Table 3. It should
also be noted that the GV may appear at a position
where none of v1 and v2 can detect it, especially the
Random GV one. Given this, while both v1 and v2
can generate MR if the GV is detected, the number
of MR close to 30 is more or less satisfactory. This
table shows that Constant, Constant Offset, and Ran-
dom Offset detection rates are somehow acceptable,
VEHITS 2024 - 10th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems
Figure 14: Comparison of detection rate of four CPM-based
GV types.
except for the Random GV, which remains at a rela-
tively low detection accuracy. Besides, as can be seen
in Fig. 14, it can be noticed that there are no error bars
for the former two types of CPM-based, namely Con-
stant and Constant Offset. On the other hand, the gaps
in MR generation numbers of each simulation remain
considerably different for the latter two types, namely
Random and Random Offset CPM-based GV types.
This is because simply the ’Random’ GV’s position
changes over time, and the probability that they stay
out of detector vehicles’ perception range becomes
larger. Furthermore, this figure also shows the ’Off-
set’ GV, either Constant Offset or Random Offset, re-
mains more detectable than their original GV versions
(Constant and Random). As the ’Offset’ GV moves
in a manner that follows one of the evaluator vehi-
cles, it will be more likely to be in the detection range.
The detection accuracy results are obtained by simu-
lation of only two detector vehicles (honest CPS vehi-
cles), and in this sense, we believe that as the number
of CPS detectors increases, the detection success rate
will grow significantly.
As CPS is rarely considered in existing works and
there was no implementation of CPM in the popular
Veins simulator, in this work, we integrated CPS in
Veins, enabling inter-vehicle CPM communications.
Furthermore, we proposed a trust framework address-
ing two CAM-based GV attacks, namely OOA and
NCA, and four CPM-based GV attacks, namely Con-
stant, Constant Offset, Random, and Random Off-
set. A three-vehicle scenario simulation has been con-
ducted to provide a preliminary analysis of the feasi-
bility of the proposed model and show the effective-
ness in terms of assessing V2X messages’ trustwor-
With this proposed trust model integrating the
CPS component in hand, our future work will be sim-
ulating larger-scale IoV scenarios involving more en-
tities. On the other hand, more complicated strategic
misbehavior models can also be considered in our fu-
ture work to analyze the resilience of the countermea-
sures proposed.
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Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV