Influence of Students’ Choice of
Examination Format on Examination Results
Tenshi Hara
1 a
, Sebastian Kucharski
2 b
, Iris Braun
and Karina Hara
3 c
Saxon University of Cooperative Education, State Study Academy Dresden, Germany
TU Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, Chair of Distributed and Networked Systems, Germany
Blue Pumpkin LLC of Kailua-Kona, HI, U.S.A.
Examination Format, Student Choice, Self-Regulation, Students as Partners.
This study explores the impact of free choice of examination format on student performance in the ‘Pro-
gramming of Mobile Applications’ (PMA) course at the Saxon University of Cooperative Education. The
PMA course, offered in both Information Technology (IT) and Media Informatics (MI) curricula, underwent
changes in examination format, allowing students to choose between a traditional written examination, a pro-
gramming assignment, or a seminar paper. The investigation spans data from 2018 to 2023, encompassing 67
written examinations and 111 choice examinations. Results indicate a nuanced improvement in overall grades
when students opt for non-traditional examination formats. Disregarding fails due to non-submission, the av-
erage grade for choice examinations improves (lower grade is better) to 1.89 compared to 2.10 for written
exams. Notably, students exhibit a nearly one sub-grade enhancement in performance. The choice between
programming assignments and seminar papers does not significantly impact grades. However, compared to
traditional written examinations, flexibility in assessment formats positively influences student outcomes, en-
hancing overall student performance and emphasising the benefits of creative flexibility and alignment with
individual interests in assessment practices.
At the Saxon University of Cooperative Education
(Berufsakademie Sachsen; BAS) the course ‘Program-
ming of Mobile Applications’ (PMA) is offered as
an elective in the Information Technology (IT) cur-
riculum in the fourth semester as well as in the Media
Informatics (MI) curriculum in the fifth semester.
The PMA course in the IT curriculum is a leg-
acy course predating the authors’ affiliation with BAS
with a written exam at the end of the semester. In
2019, the same PMA course was introduced into the
MI curriculum. However, the exam was a program-
ming assignment. Students were tasked to complete a
small project of their own choosing within the twelve
weeks of on-premise lectures.
In 2020, in light of the Corona pandemic, the
examination format in the MI version of the course
was changed to a free choice of either a program-
ming assignment or a seminar paper of roughly fifteen
pages. The students are free to choose the examina-
tion format individually. Independent of the choice,
the semester now concludes with a brief oral presenta-
tion on either the application programmed or the sem-
inar paper written.
In 2022, the same free choice of examination
format was also introduced in the IT version of the
PMA course.
At BAS, all study programmes are dual, i.e.
practice-integrated Bachelor’s programmes of six
semesters. The practice-integrated dual study pro-
gramme combines theoretical academic education
with practical work experience. Dual study pro-
grammes aim to integrate theoretical knowledge
gained in academic courses with practical experi-
ence in the workplace. Students spend part of their
time attending classes on campus and the remain-
ing time working at a partner company gaining real-
world work experience. Thus, work phases are an
integral part of the dual study programme. Students
switch between practice and theory roughly every fif-
teen weeks.
Hara, T., Kucharski, S., Braun, I. and Hara, K.
Influence of Students’ Choice of Examination Format on Examination Results.
DOI: 10.5220/0012605400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 495-500
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The idea of leaving the choice of examination
format to the students was based on the desire to better
cater for the different study interests of the students.
It is in the nature of BAS’s practice-integrated degree
programmes that there are students who are primarily
focused on starting a career in the free market eco-
nomy after graduation and those who prefer to con-
tinue their academic studies with a Master’s degree or
work in a research institution.
The programming assignment is more suited to
students who want to start their free market careers,
while the seminar paper is more suited to students
who want to concentrate on research. In the course
of an informal oral survey, almost all students with a
programming assignment stated that the assignment
better prepared them for later work in the free market
economy. The seminar paper is a good trial run for
the Bachelor’s thesis due in the sixth semester. The
majority of students who opt for the seminar paper
prepare the literature review for the Bachelor’s thesis.
The proportion of students who define the topic of
the Bachelor’s thesis with their supervisor at the dual
practice partner company through the seminar paper
is also not insignificant.
We took the opportunity to analyse the influence
of the examination format on examination results. In
this article, we would like to present our findings
based on data from 2018 until 2023.
The PMA course at BAS is designed with the goal of
maximising students’ ability to attain self-regulation
as envisioned by (Zimmerman et al., 2000). Thus,
addressing the examination format is the next lo-
gical step in our ongoing research after investigating
amongst others assessment support (e.g., (Braun
et al., 2018)) and Audience Response Systems (e.g.,
(Kubica et al., 2019)).
Investigating the influence of examination format
on student performance has moved well beyond the
difference in formative and summative assessment
(e.g. (Bloom et al., 1971)) and can now be considered
well established and regularly resurfaces amongst re-
search work (e.g., (Mulkey and O’Neil Jr, 1999; My-
ers and Myers, 2007; Peters et al., 2017)). Of-
ten, the research questions investigated address costs
(e.g. (Biolik et al., 2018)), performance comparis-
ons between two examination formats (e.g. (Davison
and Dustova, 2017)), or fairness and equality aspects
of examinations in the context of specific disabilities
(e.g. (Vogel et al., 1999; Riddell and Weedon, 2006;
Ricketts et al., 2010)).
In 2022, (Schultz et al., 2022) investigated per-
ceptions and practices of assessment in the con-
text of STEM courses, primarily focusing on work-
readiness. Four aspects were identified with respect to
assessments: 1) skills that will be used in future work-
places, 2) testing scientific concepts, 3) critical think-
ing or problem-solving skills, and 4) student choice
or input into the assessment. However, (Schultz et al.,
2022) then moved on to building an online tool for
self-assessment and investigating obstacles related to
assessment design. Thus unfortunately, the critical
fourth aspect was not investigated deeper.
A test of flexible examination formats was car-
ried out by (Diedrichs et al., 2012) in the context
of a teacher training programme. Teacher trainees
choose one of four examination formats at the start
of the course. Additionally, they were allowed to
propose their own examination format. Interestingly,
they chose the examination format that they expected
to be the easiest path towards high grades.
As far as the authors are aware, only two stud-
ies on students’ choice of examination format have
been published: (Irwin and Hepplestone, 2012) and
(Rideout, 2018).
(Irwin and Hepplestone, 2012) investigated the
impact of flexible assessment formats with respect to
students’ ability to present findings. The target was
to increase flexibility and give learners more control
over the assessment process. They focused on the
role of technology in facilitating choice of assessment
format. We agree with (Irwin and Hepplestone, 2012)
that their work is of interest to readers considering
implementing changes to the assessment process to
increase student ownership and control.
(Rideout, 2018) presents a practical and success-
ful strategy for flexible assessment. When imple-
mented, a flexible approach to assessment has the
potential to enhance students’ engagement and aca-
demic accomplishments by allowing them to custom-
ise their learning experience. They examined the de-
cisions made by 2016 students across 12 sections of
two distinct courses utilising their approach. The ana-
lysis delves into the connections between students’
choices and their academic achievements. Students
were given the choice to adhere to the teachers’ pro-
posed assessment scheme or to modify it by selecting
specific assessments and determining their respective
weights in calculating the final grade. Notably, ap-
proximately two-thirds of students opted for modi-
fications. Noteworthy, students did not lean towards
minimising their workload by selecting the minimum
number of assessments. The most prevalent alteration
made by students was opting out of a substantial as-
signment. Despite the variety of choices made, there
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
were no substantial differences in academic achieve-
ment associated with these decisions.
Surprisingly, the observation by (Rideout, 2018)
that students do not choose to minimise their
workload stands in contrast to the observation by
(Diedrichs et al., 2012) that teachers tend to choose
the easiest path for their students. In our opinion,
these observations are not contradictory. The subjects
of (Diedrichs et al., 2012) were trainee teachers who
themselves were assessed for their performance. We
conclude that the trainee teachers assumed that posit-
ive student performance would have a positive effect
on their own assessments and therefore chose the path
of least effort for their students.
We concur with (Irwin and Hepplestone, 2012)
and (Rideout, 2018). However, we have identified a
strong need to ensure and be able to prove the compar-
ability of the various forms of examination in a legally
secure manner. In the context of this challenge, how-
ever, the aforementioned, well-established research
results can be used to justify the equivalence of the ex-
amination forms with regard to proof of achievement
of the course objectives. Thus, the free choice gran-
ted to students is in fact only a choice of examination
form, but not of examination content or difficulty.
The data we took into account for the written examin-
ations in the IT version of the course comes from the
years 2018 to 2021. The data for the freely chosen ex-
amination forms comes from the years 2019 to 2023
in the MI version of the course and from the years
2022 and 2023 in the IT version of the course. A total
of 67 written examinations, 95 programming assign-
ments and 16 seminar papers were taken into account.
Of these 178 examinations, two were discarded in the
later steps of our significance analysis. The average
overall grades are summarised in Table 1.
It should be noted that all iterations of the course
in the time frame (2018 until 2023) were instructed
by the same teacher. Thus, the teacher can be ruled
out as an influence factor.
At BAS, grades range from 1.0 (‘very good’; best
achievable grade) to 5.0 (‘insufficient’; fail). The
passing grade of 4.0 (‘sufficient’) is achieved when
students fulfil at least 50% of the examination re-
quirements. The passing grades can be divided into
sub-grades by raising or lowering by 0.3:
rating ‘very good’: 1.3,
rating ‘good’: 1.7 as well as 2.3,
rating ‘satisfactory’: 2.7 as well as 3.3, and
rating ‘sufficient’: 3.7.
We would like to point out that the score of 3.0
corresponds to the students achieving exactly the ob-
jectives of the course specified in the module hand-
book. Only if the objectives are exceeded, a 2.0 is
justified. Thus, we want to emphasise that students of
the PMA course already performed above the object-
ives before the free choice of examination format was
introduced (average grade 2.10; cf. Table 2).
Table 1: average examination grades.
examination format average grade
written 2.10
free choice
1.95 1.89
(with fails) (without fails)
3.1 Including Non-Passing Grades
From the results of the written examinations (cf.
Table 2) and choice examinations (cf. left average in
Table 1 and numbers in parenthesis in Table 3) a na
difference of 0.15 can be derived with respect to the
average examination grade. Thus, moving away from
written exams improves the overall examination suc-
cess. However, the improvement only equates to half
of a sub-grade.
If we take a closer look at these na
ıve numbers,
the two failed examinations (non-passing grade 5.0)
have a considerable influence on the average values,
especially for the seminar papers (cf. Table 5). It is
therefore worth investigating whether the failed sem-
inar papers can be disregarded.
3.2 Disregarding Non-Passing Grades
Disregarding the fails (non-passing grades 5.0)
among the programming assignments and seminar pa-
Table 2: written examination results.
grade rating 2018 2019 2020 2021 total
very good
0 0 2 2 4
1.3 2 2 1 4 9
3 3 5 5 13
2.0 3 3 1 6 13
2.3 3 4 0 3 10
0 0 1 2 3
3.0 1 1 1 2 5
3.3 0 0 0 2 2
1 0 1 1 3
4.0 0 0 1 1 2
5.0 insufficient 0 0 0 0 0
median grade 2.0 2.0 1.7 2.0 2.0
average grade 2.10 1.99 2.09 2.15 2.10
Influence of Students’ Choice of Examination Format on Examination Results
pers, the average grades improves considerably: the
overall average improves by 0.21 to 1.89 which cor-
responds to a 70% improvement of a sub-grade.
We are aware that the question can now legit-
imately be asked as to whether the failed examina-
tions can simply be disregarded. Exceptionally, ignor-
ing the fails is valid because the non-passing grades
were given due to the students not handing in their
programmes and/or papers rather than insufficient
achievements. If students do not take an examina-
tion due to illness, they should actually submit a sick
note. If they are not satisfied with their examination
performance before the submission deadline, they can
withdraw from the examination. However, some stu-
dents neither submit the sick note nor withdraw from
the examination (in time), which is why they are then
graded with a non-passing 5.0. Thus, we can disreg-
ard the fails and compare the written exams (which
had no fails) with a clean set of choice examinations
(now also without fails).
The option to choose between the programming
assignment and the seminar paper seems to have
no significant influence on the examination grades
between these two examination formats: The average
grades are almost on par with 1.89 (programming as-
signment; cf. Table 4) and 1.88 (seminar paper; cf.
Table 5). However, these averages do show a signi-
ficant improvement of 0.21 in favour of choice ex-
aminations versus written examinations. Students are
able to improve their exam performance by almost
one sub-grade.
Interestingly, the median score does not improve
and remains at 2.0, which is a good score.
In view of these results, we conclude that the stu-
dents are improving on average and are tending to
level off at the good performance level. Students
are therefore not only improving on average, but the
spread of grades is also decreasing. Thus, free choice
of examination format does actually increases student
ownership and control as postulated by (Irwin and
Hepplestone, 2012).
3.3 Optional: Disregarding Outliers
Explicitly pointing out that the following considera-
tion is not statistically sound, we would like to discuss
that the data collected can be thinned out even further
by disregarding the two seminar papers from the year
2022. Each is the sole seminar paper in its corres-
ponding degree programme, while all other students
opted for a programming assignment. These two sem-
inar papers might therefore be regarded as outliers for
which neither the grade average nor the median can
be meaningfully considered.
If the two seminar papers are removed, the sem-
inar papers’ grade average improves to 1.78 and the
median improves to 1.7. This once again underlines
our conclusion from the previous section, namely
that students’ performances improve with free choice
of examination format. As mentioned, however, it
should be noted that disregarding the two seminar pa-
pers may be contestable.
We conclude that moving away from written exams in
this programming- and research-intensive course im-
proves students’ overall performance. Programming
is a creative process, as is often said. One can’t be
creative on command, certainly not in the context of
a written exam under time pressure. Giving students
more leeway allows them to be creative at appropriate
times. By choosing the preferred topic and form of
their examination, students also work on topics that
actually interest them. In a written examination, the
assignments are predetermined, regardless of the stu-
dents’ interests.
The concept of allowing students to choose their
preferred examination format was not the focus of
previous research (cf. section 2). We assume that
legal boundaries prohibit such free choice of exam-
ination format. In general, at Saxon universities as
is true for most German universities –, the examina-
tion format must be defined in the course description
in the module handbook 35 (1) point 6 in conjunc-
tion with § 36 (2) S
achsHSG in conjunction with § 16
HRG). Thus, offering multiple examination formats is
restricted to modules that have explicitly listed mul-
tiple examination formats in the module description.
So defined courses are very rare; most courses define
exactly one examination format. Those that exist,
have the multiple examination formats defined not for
the benefit of the students, but for the teachers (similar
to the situation described in (Diedrichs et al., 2012)).
This is highlighted by the absence of phrasing such
as ‘The students choose. . . ’, instead having variations
of ‘The module coordinator determines the form of
examination at the beginning of the semester’.
For the purpose of this research, students were
asked to participate in the presented examination
format experiments. They were offered a repeat ex-
amination conforming to the format defined in the
module description if they felt their grade was un-
warranted or they were unsatisfied with their grade in
general. No student opted for a repeat examination. In
light of the very positive results of our investigations,
we formalised the students’ free choice of examina-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tion format in the descriptions in the module hand-
books of the IT and MI programmes at BAS in 2023.
Starting winter semester of 2023, students can now
choose in accordance with the rules and with legal
certainty between programming assignment and sem-
inar paper in the PMA course, and between a written
exam and a seminar paper in the Data Management
Systems course. We expect to see the same positive
impact on this second course. At BAS we plan to ex-
tend the list of courses with choice of examination
format even further in the future. The new election
model could also be of particular interest to the co-
authors’ institutions. Should the opportunity for field
trials arise, we want to investigate whether the results
from BAS can be reproduced at those institutions. We
are also considering contacting previous collaborators
to conduct field trials at their institutions. Such field
tests could also allow conclusions to be drawn about
what influence, if any, the teacher has on the results.
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Influence of Students’ Choice of Examination Format on Examination Results
Table 3: Overall choice examination results.
(in parenthesis: with fails)
(this is an aggregation of Tables 4 and 5 including all empty rows omitted there)
grade rating 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023
very good
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1.3 2 11 5 1 1 2 6 28
3 3 3 3 2 5 3 22
2.0 1 1 3 9 5 4 2 25
2.3 4 1 5 1 9 0 4 24
0 0 0 1 0 3 2 6
3.0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
3.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
4.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5.0 insufficient 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 2
median grade 2.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0
average grade 2.05 1.45
1.96 2.08
(2.11) (2.15) (1.95)
Table 4: Programming assignment results.
(rows without entries omitted; in parenthesis: with fails)
grade rating 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023
1.3 very good 2 10 5 1 1 2 3 24
2.0 good 1 1 1 9 5 4 2 23
2.3 good 4 0 3 1 8 0 4 20
2.7 satisfactory 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 4
3.0 satisfactory 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
3.7 sufficient 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5.0 insufficient 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
median grade 2.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0
average grade 2.05 1.44 1.91 1.91 2.07
(2.15) (1.92)
Table 5: Seminar paper results.
(rows without entries omitted; in parenthesis: with fails)
grade rating 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023
1.0 very good 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
1.3 very good 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 4
1.7 good 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
2.0 good 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
2.3 good 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 4
2.7 satisfactory 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2
5.0 insufficient 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
median grade n/a 1.3 2.4 2.7 2.3 n/a 1.3 2.0
average grade n/a 1.53
2.70 2.30 n/a 1.66
(2.55) (2.08)
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education