Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal
Mohamed-Amine Abrache
and Lahcen Oubahssi
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Mans, Le Mans Université, LIUM, EA 4023,
Avenue Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Virtual Learning Environments, Collaborative Platform, Animal Experimentation, Vrirtual3R,
Immersive Learning, Educational Technology.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to highlight the ongoing work within the framework of a research project named
Virtual3R. The primary objective of this project is to introduce an alternative method, based on Virtual Reality
(Virtual3R platform), to reduce the reliance on live animals for training in biological engineering departments
across France. The overarching goal in this regard is to provide learners with the basic technical procedures
and gestures before engaging in real animal experimentation. The platform emphasizes its pedagogical
contribution by providing a dynamic and collaborative learning environment for both teachers and learners.
The technical framework supporting this perspective is based on an architectural design with different
functional layers. This paper presents an overview of the platform's functional architecture, offering
descriptions for each of its modules. Simultaneously, we present the results of the platform’s experimentation,
which serve as evidence of the learners' overall satisfaction with the virtual platform. The findings support
the platform's efficacy as a user-friendly and collaborative learning environment. These findings also validate
the platform's pedagogical value, demonstrating its beneficial impact on knowledge acquisition and learners'
active participation in the virtual environment.
Virtual reality (VR) has become an essential
component of modern technological progress, with
applications in a wide range of fields (Kumari &
Polke, 2019). In this paper, our main focus is on the
use of this technology in the learning context.
Indeed, the overall aim of our research is to
contribute to the design and development of Virtual
Learning Environments (VLEs) in partnership with
teachers, ensuring alignment with their pedagogical
requirements. In addition, we intend to assist and
provide tools for educators for creating and
developing VLEs that are adapted to their
pedagogical needs.
In this educational context, VR has the potential
to significantly improve the learning process by
providing a more practical and engaging experience
compared to traditional learning approaches (Allcoat
& Mühlenen, 2018). Furthermore, VR also supports
the development of virtual applications-oriented
collaborative learning (Affendy & Wanis, 2019;
Zheng et al., 2018). In this regard, collaborative work
on a virtual activity can be highly beneficial for video
conferencing and interactive learning procedures
within virtual worlds (Najjar et al., 2022).
Within the educational landscape, these VR
technology merits are particularly apparent in
educational disciplines that require authentic and
hands-on engagement (Sala, 2020), such as
Biological Science Education (BSE).
Indeed, the integration of VR in BSE can
transform the way students are trained and educated
in animal experimentation. VR provides learners with
engaging and immersive experiences, allowing them
to develop a better understanding of animal anatomy
and learn how to perform suitable gestures during
animal experiments (Oubahssi & Mahdi, 2021).
Biology education traditionally encounters ethical
concerns regarding animal use in learning settings,
Abrache, M. and Oubahssi, L.
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012605500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 54-65
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
necessitating a reduction in such usage (Oakley,
2012). Ormandy et al. (2022) support integrating VR
into BSE to enhance training effectiveness while
upholding ethical considerations. This approach
aligns with the principles of the 3R rule, which
advocates for replacement, reduction, and refinement,
promoting ethical considerations in the educational
process (Lemos et al., 2022).
This article presents the Virtual3R research
project, aimed at proposing a VR-based alternative to
reduce animal usage in biological engineering
departments in France. The goal is to help learners
acquire proficiency in basic technical procedures and
gestures before real animal experimentation. The
platform emphasises instructional contributions by
providing a stimulating and collaborative learning
environment. In this regard, an instructor-centred
iterative approach is adopted, promoting continuous
partnership and feedback loops to address
instructional needs (Garcia-Lopez et al., 2020).
An experiment conducted as part of this study with
students in biological science yielded promising
findings with regard to the platform's user-friendliness
and its effectiveness in facilitating skill development.
This paper is organised as follows: in the next
section, a selected literature review of virtual reality
in education and collaborative virtual learning
environments is presented, the section provides an
overview of the virtual reality approached applied for
animal experimentation. Then, the architecture of the
proposed platform is described in Section 3. In
Section 4, we outline the experimental procedure that
was undertaken to assess the platform's utility. The
final section provided a comprehensive conclusion to
this study, as well as perspectives for future research.
2.1 VR in Education: Integration and
Pedagogical Approaches
In the educational context, the integration of VR as a
learning modality facilitates knowledge retention,
enhances technical, behavioural and interpersonal
skills, along with creating dynamic learning situations
(Fussell & Truong, 2021; Howard & Gutworth, 2020;
Nassar et al., 2021; Schmid et al., 2018).
The use of VR technology offers active channels
for knowledge transmission and creates captivating
environments that increase learners' confidence in
real-life situations (Young et al., 2020). It also
provides more accessibility than physical classrooms,
breaking down conventional barriers and resulting in
increased engagement, involvement, communication,
and creativity (Wang et al., 2021).
Integration of VR in the educational setting
ensures a secure learning environment, enhances
student motivation, and facilitates the understanding
of complex concepts. (King, 2016; Majewska &
Vereen, 2023; Sukmawati et al., 2022).
VR experiences foster comprehension and
investigation of complex concepts through various
learning approaches, enhancing creativity, assistive
technologies, and student involvement (Dailey-
Hebert et al., 2021). The merging of VR technology
with educational practices provides a comprehensive
strategy that improves the quality of learning
experiences and introduces a new era marked by
innovation, openness, safety, and progress (Hickman
& Akdere, 2018).
According to Huang & Liaw (2018), VR has the
potential to support the integration of numerous
learning theories, including constructivism,
connectivism, and Gardner's multiple intelligences.
Previous research has established two theoretical
paradigms governing the use of VR as an
instructional tool: Situated learning and Embodied
learning. Situated learning promotes active
participation in a given topic, focusing on authentic
experiences that closely mirror real-life personal or
professional challenges (Lave, 2012). VR can be
used to connect traditional classrooms with true-to-
life situations (Dawley & Dede, 2014). For example,
students can study virtual specimens in a way that
closely simulates real dissection. Embodied learning,
on the other hand, involves all five senses, making
learning more complete and more efficient
(Skulmowski & Rey, 2018).
The combination of VR and embodied learning
increases learners' sensory engagement by allowing
them to interact with and manipulate virtual objects
and systems (Erkut & Dahl, 2018).
2.2 Collaborative Virtual Learning
Environments (CVLEs)
CVLEs are immersive and interactive pedagogical
environments that promote varied interactions and
differentiated contributions (Konstantinidis et al.,
2009). They offer computer-mediated digital spaces
that enable individuals to meet, interact, and cooperate,
improving educational and collaborative endeavours
(Dumitrescu et al., 2014; Ouramdane et al., 2007).
These environments transform virtual spaces into
dynamic communication contexts, presenting
information in various ways, from simple texts to 3D
graphics (Sarmiento & Collazos, 2012). In this
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation
context, active interaction between learners and the
virtual environment is crucial for enabling
collaborative learning (Beck et al., 2016).
From a theoretical perspective, collaborative
learning is an educational methodology that
emphasises active engagement and cooperative
efforts of learners to collectively attain shared
learning objectives (Laal & Laal, 2012). The primary
goal is to address challenges, achieve desired
outcomes, or deepen understanding within a specific
knowledge domain (Laal, 2013). Successful
implementation of collaboration within VR-based
settings involves learners actively interacting and
manipulating virtual objects to create shared
experiences (Margery et al., 1999).
Temporal dynamics contribute to the
enhancement of the collaborative atmosphere in
CVLEs, facilitating synchronous interactions among
learners regardless of their physical locations (Ellis et
al., 1991). The real-time aspect of this interaction
promotes immediate engagement and cooperation,
improving the collaborative component of the
educational process (Çoban & Goksu, 2022).
Throughout their development, educational
collaborative VR initiatives have seen diversification
and innovation. The VR-LEARNERS project
developed a virtual reality learning environment
centred on digital exhibits from European museums
(Kladias et al., 1998). The Clev-R application is among
the initiatives that broadened the range of educational
applications by facilitating collaborative engagement
in a variety of contexts (McArdle et al., 2008).
In the same direction, Jara et al. (2012)’s work
enhanced the ability for collaboration by
incorporating Virtual and Remote Laboratories
(VRLs) into frameworks for synchronous e-learning.
The use of virtual reality collaboration was expanded,
resulting in a broader range of educational
applications. For instance, Mhouti et al. (2016)
introduce a cloud-based CVLE leveraging cloud
computing to optimise resource management and
meet dynamic learner needs, fostering a flexible and
collaborative learning environment. Platforms such
as the DICODEV platform (Pappas et al., 2006) and
work such as those of Ruiz et al. (2008), Chen et al.
(2021), illustrate the adaptability and versatility of
collaborative virtual reality environments in a variety
of educational fields.
2.3 Virtual Reality and Animal
VR has significantly improved the biological sciences
teaching, with advancements in scene-rendering
technologies, interaction techniques, and
information-sharing mechanisms (Fabris et al., 2019;
Khan et al., 2021; Wu, 2009).
These systems enable the creation of interactive
learning environments for different educational needs
in the field of animal experimentation, allowing
learners to collaborate remotely (Jara et al., 2012;
Quy et al., 2009).
In this regard, VR offers an ethical educational
alternative to traditional animal dissection, allowing
students to acquire skills in animal anatomy while
adhering to the principles of the 3Rs (Zemanova,
In fact, virtual dissection simulators, such as those
presented in Predavec (2001), Abdullah (2010) along
with the ViSi tool (Tang et al., 2021), introduce a new
dimension to the study of animal anatomy by
allowing students to explore 3D virtual animal
specimens, practice dissection techniques, and
explore anatomy without relying on real animals.
Vafai & Payandeh (2010)’s aimed at achieving a
higher level of authenticity during manipulation
through proposing an animal dissection simulator that
uses haptic feedback, providing a multi-sensory
experience and guiding users.
Besides, the VEA platform, developed by
Oubahssi & Mahdi (2021), focuses on learning the
right gestures in animal experimentation while
respecting ethical rules. In this regard, learners can
manipulate virtual objects, move around in a virtual
laboratory, and access educational resources.
Moreover, Sekiguchi & Makino (2021) proposed a
VR system that allows students to participate virtually
in the dissection of vertebrate animals, focusing on
preparation, dissection, observation, and post-
treatment. Each step is designed to teach specific
skills while fostering a deep understanding of animal
anatomy and ethics.
Compared to the tools mentioned above, our
proposal offers a comprehensive virtual laboratory
simulation that emulates the experimental
environment, allowing users to explore its different
sections and participate in preparatory activities.
ViRtual3R emphasises collaboration, enabling
learners to engage in collaborative experiments
through synchronised interactions and real-time
communication. In fact, the platform's learning
activities are designed based on a collaborative-
centric approach, ensuring an engaging and
motivating educational experience. The platform is
focused on the efficiency of the learning process, as it
was developed to address the specific educational
needs of the biological engineering departments of
the University Institutes of Technology in France,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
identifying and fulfilling requirements that existing
tools failed to meet.
Virtual3R's architecture is based on n-tier architecture
principles, aiming to provide a modular structure with
clear segmentation of functional layers (Figure 1).
This approach ensures architectural flexibility and
allows for system maintenance and evolution without
system perturbation. Each layer plays a specific role
in creating a collaborative and pedagogical virtual
The presentation layer visually represents virtual
content and participants, providing an intuitive
interface. The Pedagogical Situations layer creates the
virtual pedagogical scenario, delivering immersive,
interactive, and authentic learning experiences.
The business layer manages various functional
modules, including user interaction, collaborative
interaction, pedagogical guidance, user
authentication, and experience tracking. The Data
Exchange Management layer facilitates real-time data
transmission and manages security restrictions for
communication with external services. This layer,
built on an API, ensures transparent connectivity,
enabling synchronised collaboration and effective
access to pedagogical content.
As mentioned before in the introduction, it is
important to note that the modelling of the platform
was performed in close partnership with the
instructors. They played a critical role in establishing
requirements, validating anatomical representation,
and systematically testing interactions with
anatomical elements during the implementation's
development. This ensures that learner interactions
are as realistic as possible, providing learners with an
immersive and accurate learning experience.
The Virtual3R Platform seamlessly integrates
Unity3D's simulation capabilities with XR
Interaction Toolkit's immersive VR features, offering
engaging learning experiences (Unity Technologies,
2024). By leveraging Photon Engine's
synchronization technology and a purpose-built API,
the platform interacts with remote components like
user administration databases and the Photon Engine
server for efficient data exchange during
collaborative sessions (PhotonEngine, 2024).
3.1 Presentation Layer
The presentation layer of Virtual3R functional
architecture’s aims to enhance learners’ awareness
and immersion in the simulated environment,
fostering engagement and motivation throughout
their learning experience.
The layer focuses on two aspects: visualisation of
virtual objects and visualisation of other participants.
The module offers a realistic graphical environment,
allowing learners to explore the simulated laboratory
through captivating virtual scenes. It also facilitates
the visual exploration of resources within the virtual
laboratory's perimeter, including virtual instruments
and tools.
Figure 1: Virtual3R’s Functional Structure.
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation
The module also enables detailed visualisation of
the virtual specimen's anatomical structures, allowing
learners to observe and interact with these structures.
The platform features interactive animations that
simulate the use of instruments at the level of the
anatomical structures, illustrating the practical aspect
and realistic impact of users' virtual actions. In
collaborative mode, avatars represent users within the
shared virtual environment, increasing awareness of
other collaborators and fostering effective
cooperation and active communication.
3.2 Pedagogical Situations Layer
The pedagogical situations layer is the platform's
core, providing an immersive and collaborative
learning experience. It guides learners through
realistic experimental situations while encouraging
individual and collaborative interactions. The
platform offers two user modes: single-user mode,
which allows autonomous application of
experimental protocols, and collaborative mode,
which promotes cooperation and real-time
Common actions and activities within the
pedagogical situations layer are crucial aspects of the
learning experience. These include reading protocols,
preparing virtual instruments, and conducting
anaesthesia of the animal (rat). Learners can access a
comprehensive protocol for each situation, learn to
select appropriate tools, simulate intraperitoneal
anaesthesia, and practice specimen fixation.
The current version of the platform features three
pedagogical situations: bladder cannulation, jugular
cannulation, and trachea cannulation. Each situation
simulates the execution of a specific cannulation
protocol, with specific actions and activities typically
taking place after immobilising the specimen. The
aim is to faithfully replicate the real experimental
protocol to the greatest extent possible.
For bladder cannulation (Figure 2), learners
execute experimental procedures such as incising the
abdominal region, scraping to elevate the bladder, and
introducing a catheter perpendicularly into its
For jugular cannulation, users learn sequential
actions such as incising the jugular, fixing the catheter
toward the heart, and applying ligatures around the
jugular. For trachea cannulation, learners practise
virtual tracheotomy according to protocol
instructions, applying ligatures around the trachea,
performing a tracheal incision, and inserting a
catheter in the direction of the lungs.
Figure 2: Educational situation Bladder cannulation.
Figure 3 illustrates the sequence of activities and
actions for the tracheal cannulation situation,
encompassing both common and situation-specific
elements. The required gestures to perform these
actions differ depending on the specific protocol for
each situation.
Figure 3: Tracheal cannulation: activities and action
Overall, the pedagogical situations layer serves as
a dynamic core of the platform, ensuring a
comprehensive and engaging learning experience for
3.3 Business Layer
The Business Layer is a crucial component of the
Virtual3R platform, facilitating the management,
coordination, and flow of interactions within the
educational context. It consists of several functional
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
modules that contribute to a seamless learning
experience for users.
The User Interaction Module: oversees user
interaction within the virtual environment, allowing
users to manipulate and potentially alter pre-existing
virtual objects. Hand controllers are adopted within
the framework to replicate hand movements and
establish a link between the user's physical actions
and their effects in the virtual environment. Users can
navigate through virtual environments using the same
controllers to explore content and interact with
multimedia objects such as explanatory videos.
The Collaborative Interaction Module: ensures
effective synchronisation aspects, enabling
concurrent connections to shared environments
among various users, enabling real-time
collaboration. This module enables users to observe
the actions of others and their impact on the
environment in real time (Figure 4). Additionally, it
supports concurrent usage of shared objects within
the environment. The module also allows users to
participate in real-time audio communication,
fostering social interaction and idea exchange. It also
ensures synchronised writing on shared virtual boards
and Post-it notes, contributing to real-time
information sharing.
Figure 4: Learner Interaction on the Virtual3R Platform.
The Pedagogical Guidance Module: provides
continuous and contextual assistance to engaged
learners during their virtual learning experience. This
assistance can take various forms, including
contextual instructions and real-time feedback.
The Authentication Module: focuses on
ensuring the virtual learning environment's security
by implementing robust security protocols and
managing the authentication process.
The User Experience Tracking Module:
represents a perspective for the Virtual3R project,
aiming to continuously improve the learner
experience through user data analysis and
optimisation. The collected data can help identify
components and areas where users struggle to
interact, resulting in a more intuitive, immersive, and
pedagogically enriching learning experience.
3.4 Data Exchange Management Layer
The Data Exchange Management layer is a crucial
component of the Virtual3R architecture, responsible
for coordinating and securing real-time data
exchange. It relies on a dedicated API as a gateway,
ensuring seamless communication between business
modules and external services and managing security
restrictions. The layer oversees security restrictions,
particularly during real-time data exchange, ensuring
system safety. It also facilitates real-time interaction
with the Photon Engine synchronisation server
(PhotonEngine, 2024), promoting seamless
interactivity within the virtual environment.
The layer also serves as an intermediary between
the User Management and Authentication Module
and the database, ensuring secure transmission of
user-related information. In addition, this layer
facilitates the exchange of data related to pedagogical
content, primarily passing through the business layer
to the situation management layer, ensuring its
integrity and availability.
The demonstration videos accessible via the link
below provide a preview of the overall features of the
Virtual3R platform
4.1 Evaluation Context, Method and
This experiment was conducted with seventy-four
biology students enrolled in Biological Technologies
- Biological Engineering program at the Laval
University Institute of Technology (Figure 5). The
objective was to introduce the students to the
operation of an animal facility/laboratory and assess
the effectiveness of experimental protocols using VR
This experiment was carried out as part of a
Learning and Assessment Situation (LAS) in which
the objectives were to use VR (an alternative method)
that students could: (1) Become familiar with the
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation
Figure 5: The experimental environment.
environment of an animal facility or laboratory; (2)
Comprehend the anatomy of the specimen (rat) by
using a virtual model of the live anaesthetised animal,
along with the necessary equipment required to
conduct an experimental procedure; (3) Be trained in
the performance of the technical gestures of different
animal dissection experiments by following operating
The students used the Virtual3R collaborative
platform to learn about the 3Rs principle, identify
necessary equipment for physiological studies,
master the use of specific equipment, and perform
technical procedures for physiological experiments.
The evaluation of Virtual3R included an
assessment of the platform's ergonomics and user
satisfaction. The study was conducted in two distinct
locations. One location was dedicated to individual
training with an immersive VR game, and the other
was reserved for collaborative training with the
Virtual3R platform.
The study team consisted of an instructor, and two
assistants, deployed four computer workstations,
each equipped with an Oculus Quest 2 or Quest 3 VR
headset. The instructor oversaw the smooth running
of the experiment, contextualised the pedagogical
approach, and supervised its various stages. The
assistants provided ongoing technical and
pedagogical support.
Prior to starting the experiment, the students
received an overview of the training objectives and
pedagogical aspects, as well as an introduction to the
experimental protocols. The participants were then
trained individually with the immersive game to
familiarise themselves with the VR functionalities
(i.e., using a VR controllers & VR headset, moving &
teleporting in a virtual environment and manipulating
3D objects).
Following this, they engaged in a collaborative
experiment using the Virtual3R platform, alternating
between the roles of technician and assistant. Each
team member also had the opportunity to apply their
skills independently in a second separate pedagogical
During these experiments, learners receive
assistance from the instructor and assistants, who
provide guidance on the steps to follow if necessary
and help identify and correct errors.
In addition to the evaluation questionnaires filled
by students, brainstorming sessions, integrated into
each stage, were used to gather their initial
perceptions and to assess their overall experience.
The questionnaire administered to the students
included the System Usability Scale (SUS) inquiries
(Lewis, 2018), along with additional questions. The
SUS questions aimed to evaluate the overall usability
of the Virtual3R platform, while the additional
questions focused on the students' experience from
various perspectives.
The participants were requested to evaluate the
ease of movement within the virtual environment, the
intuitiveness of teleportation, the arrangement of 3D
objects, and the ease of interaction with these objects.
The survey also assessed the participants'
performance, perceived effectiveness of their actions,
and their experience with collaborative work in the
3D environment.
Simultaneously, the instructor filled out a skill
validation questionnaire, offering a comprehensive
evaluation of each student's performance, assessing
their level of mastery across various indicators using
a five-point scale:
(1) EX : for Expert – Excellent proficiency;
(2) A: for Acquired – Satisfactory level of mastery;
(3) C: for Confirmation needed for Acquisition –
Acceptable level of mastery;
(4) IPA: for In the Process of Acquisition –
Approximate level of mastery, and (5) NA: for Not
Acquired – Insufficient mastery.
4.2 Results: Analysis & Discussion
As illustrated in Figure 6, the high average score of
74.22 on the SUS scale reflects learners' overall
satisfaction with Virtual3R. The gap between the
minimum (32.5) and maximum (92.5) scores
emphasises the variety of experiences. The
consistency of responses, as evidenced by the sum of
variances (9.22) and the variance of scores (120.02),
confirms the evaluation's reliability. Cronbach's alpha
coefficient of 1.03 confirms the high internal
reliability of the SUS scale. This consistency
reinforces the credibility of the results, suggesting
that usability evaluation is a strong indicator of
positive user experience. The evaluation of the
students' experience was conducted through three
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: The SUS Scales Score.
Table 1: Results of the Skills Validation.
Acquire basic
skills on
Understand the
operation of an animal
shop/animal testing
Move around the animal experimentation laboratory to understand
their professional environment correctly
96% 4% 0
Check animal's condition after anaesthesia 49% 50% 1%
Check the animal's condition during the experimental procedure 23% 76% 1%
Immobilise the animal at the beginning of the experimental
100% 0 0
Analyse an
experimental procedure
according to the 3R rule
Consider the advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality in
animal experimentation
32% 68% 0
Inventory the equipment
needed to carry out an
experimental procedure
for physiological studies
Observe the equipment available 92% 8% 0
Check that all the necessary equipment is present before starting. 88% 12% 0
Use properly the
equipment and devices
necessary for the
implementation of an
experimental procedure
of physiological studies
Correct handling of dissecting equipment (scissors or forceps) 74% 26% 0
Coordination of movements / Coordinated use of both hands 69% 28% 3%
Perform the technical
gestures required for the
implementation of an
experimental procedure
of physiological studies
Use of technical protocol as training aid (protocol sheet/video) 46% 54% 0
Follow protocol steps
93% 7% 0
Sequence / fluidity of technical gestures
62% 36% 1%
Collaborative work / Interaction with partner 84% 16% 0
different components, each focused on examining
specific aspects of the user experience.
In the first component, which assessed the
displacement and interaction, users generally
responded positively. The majority of participants
(63%) found the ease of movement to be positive. In
addition, teleportation was found to be intuitive by a
total of 53% of users. The placement of 3D objects,
such as the specimen (rat) and instruments, received
overwhelming approval from 81% of participants,
indicating its relevance.
The second component examined performance
and perception in virtual educational tasks and
revealed notable successes. An impressive 82% of
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation
users highlighted their ability to successfully handle
specific pedagogical situations. While a small
proportion (7%) reported some difficulties, the vast
majority (93%) found the steps in the virtual
environment easy to perform. However, there were
mixed opinions regarding the application of ligatures,
suggesting a potential need for further support in this
In terms of collaboration, the results were
encouraging. A substantial 79% of users felt that
cooperation was intuitive. In addition, overall
satisfaction with collaborative work was high, with
89% of participants reporting that they were
"completely" or "very" satisfied.
The use of pedagogical indicators showed some
variation among participants. Seventy-two percent
(72%) of users reported using them, while 75% of this
group used them only once. This disparity indicates
different approaches to these indicators, suggesting a
need for clarification or improvement in their
integration into the virtual learning process.
In addition, learners emphasised the importance
of the pedagogical support provided by the study
team during the brainstorming sessions, suggesting
its integration into the platform in a way that
automatically adapts to the user’s actions and to the
difficulties encountered in the environment.
On the other hand, Table 1 highlights the findings
derived from the skills validation process. It presents
the proportion of students who attained a specific
level of mastery for each assessment indicator.
The table exclusively displays the values
corresponding to the three highest levels of
competence, as no learner was assigned a level of
competence below in any of the assessment
indicators. The subsequent findings presented in the
rest of the discussion correspond to the proportion by
learning component that was calculated based on the
values listed in the table.
With regard to the acquisition of basic
experimental gestures, 66.64% of the participating
students exhibited an expert level of skill,
demonstrating an adequate level of knowledge and
manipulative skills.
Regarding the analysis of experimental
procedures conforming to the 3R rule, 32.43%
reached an expert level, reflecting in-depth
comprehension, whereas 67.57% reached an
acquisition level, indicating a strong, but possibly less
thorough grasp of the subject matter.
For the implementation of experimental
procedures, the majority of students (89.87%),
attained an expert level of proficiency in equipment
inventory. 71.62% of students demonstrated a
moderate proficiency in the second component,
which relates to the correct use of instruments.
According to the results of the skills assessment,
95.95% of students demonstrated adequate mobility
in the laboratory, highlighting effective engagement
in the experimental context.
In conclusion, in terms of conviviality evaluation, the
SUS analysis confirms overall user satisfaction with
Virtual3R, which is perceived to be user-friendly. The
range of scores highlights an inclusive design, and
even the lowest scores indicate a satisfactory
The evaluation highlighted the overall
satisfaction of the users with the virtual educational
platform. However, specific areas require targeted
improvements to further enhance the learning
experience. These include providing further
assistance with some activities and clarifying or
improving the integration of pedagogical indicators.
The results also highlight the importance of
incorporating adaptive pedagogical support into the
platform to respond to user’s actions and difficulties.
With regard to skill validation, the analysis of
competencies revealed significant accomplishments,
particularly in mastering experimental manoeuvres
on laboratory animals and carrying out experimental
protocols for physiological research. The variety of
results demonstrates the overall success of the
pedagogical approach, though specific areas for
improvement were identified. These results also
confirm pedagogical success in terms of knowledge
assimilation and student interaction with the
To sum up, our experience with Virtual3R has
demonstrated its efficacy as a user-friendly
collaborative learning platform. The SUS and skill
evaluation findings suggest that Virtual3R provides a
satisfactory user experience while efficiently
delivering practical and conceptual skills. While
certain aspects could be enhanced, these outcomes
serve a solid foundation for guiding future
pedagogical improvements.
This article presents Virtual3R, an animal
experimentation simulation platform that represents
advancement in biological science education and
CVLE design and development. The virtual
immersion provides by the platform offers a learning
experience that merges VR technology and
innovative pedagogy.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The visual interface of Virtual3R enables users
to engage in detailed examination and interaction
with complex anatomical structures, in addition to
manipulating virtual instruments. By promoting
collaboration among learners, the platform
incorporates a social aspect into learning, fostering
engagement, motivation, and the exchange of
experiences between participants.
In addition to immersive technology, Virtual3R
adheres to the essential ethical principles of animal
experimentation by implementing the 3Rs rules
(Reduce, Refine, Replace). This approach highlights
the platform's dedication to responsible and ethical
Detailed experimentation has shown the
platform's effectiveness in terms of user-friendliness
and the acquisition of both practical and conceptual
skills. The positive results reinforce the belief that
Virtual3R is not merely an innovative technology
but also an efficient pedagogical solution. Further
experiments could be conducted to explore learners'
subjective experiences, particularly regarding their
sense of presence and co-presence with other
The development perspectives of Virtual3R are
equally promising. Continuous improvements will
be implemented on the platform, informed by
feedback from instructors and learners who have
experimented with the system.
The expansion of pedagogical situations, such as
carotid cannulation, will enhance learning
experiences and provide a broader array of skills to
acquire. Furthermore, exploring new interaction
techniques, such as hand tracking, lays the
groundwork for even more immersive and realistic
On the other hand, introducing a virtual
animated agent to assist learners throughout their
experiences signifies a notable advancement.
Additionally, adapting learning activities and
pedagogical instructions to align with learners'
behaviours and past interactions will optimize the
learning process.
Virtual3R exemplifies the potential of VR
applications in education, offering a structured
architecture that integrates collaborative learning
experiences within immersive virtual environments.
By prioritizing both the pedagogical needs of
instructors and the immersive context of the learning
situation, Virtual3R sets a precedent for future VR
applications aimed at enhancing learning outcomes
across diverse educational settings.
This work was supported by the University of Le
Mans and the Fondation Nationale IUT de France.
The authors would like to thank the biology teachers
who participated in the creation and experimentation
of the Virtual3R platform.
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Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation