Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A
Tertiary Study
Geremias Corr
1 a
, Roberto Pereira
2 b
, Milene Selbach Silveira
3 c
and Isabela Gasparini
1 d
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Joinville, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Paran
a (UFPR), Curitiba, Brazil
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Tertiary Study, Evaluation Methods, Usability, User Experience.
Usability and User Experience (UX) evaluation methods have important roles in business and scientific
spheres, effectively pinpointing areas for enhancement across a broad spectrum of applications. Primary
and secondary scientific studies investigating these methods are relevant and provide a panorama of differ-
ent domains. While providing macro views on the topic is necessary, tertiary studies are still uncommon.
This paper fills this gap by presenting a tertiary study conducted through a systematic search methodology,
following Petersen’s guidelines. Studies indexed by Scopus, IEEE Xplore, and ACM search engines were
considered, resulting in 487 retrieved studies, from which 36 were deemed relevant, and another 7 studies
were added through a snowballing search strategy. From the selected studies, methods, domains of applica-
tion, and considerations for the inclusion of accessibility in studies, among other information, were identified
and discussed. Results revealed Questionnaires as the prevalent method in these studies, Brazil and Indonesia
as the leading countries in authorship of publications, and Observation, Inspection, and Inquiry as the most
common category for methods. These results suggest a prevalence of well-structured methods, generally with
lower costs and application times, revealing space for further investigation.
Usability and User Experience (UX) evaluation meth-
ods are commonly applied to anticipate and reveal
problems that may affect the quality of user interac-
tion and interface. Its application can occur during
and after the development of a given product. The
evaluation methods vary in format, structure, goal,
target audience, user profiles, and application domain.
Understanding the applicability of each method
and choosing the most suitable is not easy as one must
consider their application cost, time, profile of the tar-
get audience, effectiveness in a given context, and vi-
ability, among other issues. Furthermore, changes in
technology, new application domains, and character-
istics of the target audience are factors that require
evaluation methods to be updated and revisited.
We first looked for secondary studies on the topic
to identify the panorama of the literature on Usability
and UX evaluation methods. Focusing on systematic
mappings and reviews covering one or more methods
and their application in primary studies, 27 reviews,
ranging between 2012 and 2021, were found the
threshold date at the time of the initial search. On the
one hand, in an exploratory analysis, we identified a
significant recurrence of secondary studies in recent
years, showing a saturation of secondary studies.
On the other hand, we found no tertiary study cat-
aloging and analyzing these secondary studies, offer-
ing a macro and structured overview of the current
knowledge in the field. A tertiary study enables us
to identify, understand, and organize relevant infor-
mation about these studies, such as what methods are
applied, what is evaluated, which study domains are
addressed, which countries have investigated the sub-
ject, as well as understanding the evaluation methods
used, their categorizations, forms of application and
other relevant characteristics.
A systematic mapping of the literature was car-
ried out to prepare for this tertiary work, substan-
tiating and defining the research questions and the
Corrêa, G., Pereira, R., Silveira, M. and Gasparini, I.
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012606100003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 357-368
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
search method, followed by the definition and appli-
cation of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The
elaborations emerged according to defined guide-
lines(Petersen et al., 2008; Petersen et al., 2015).
From the initial search on Scopus, IEEE Xplore,
and ACM Digital Library, 487 studies were retrieved,
and 36 were included after the inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria were applied. Another 7 studies were
selected by using the snowballing technique. From
the selected studies, we drew information that reveals
relevant findings about the topic, such as the most in-
vestigated and applied (type of) methods, the most
addressed domain context, how in-depth these sec-
ondary analyses have been, whether accessibility has
been an agenda in the evaluation of these works, and
other relevant research questions. The paper is orga-
nized as follows. Section 2 introduces the fundamen-
tal concepts of this research. Section 3 presents and
discusses related work. Section 4 details the system-
atic mapping process carried out, the research ques-
tions, the search process, and inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Section 5 explores the results obtained and
answers the research questions, while Section 6 dis-
cusses the results obtained. and summarizes the main
findings of the research, also bringing perspectives for
future work.
In the rapidly evolving world of technology and dig-
ital design, usability and user experience (UX) have
emerged as elements for the success of any product or
service (Soares et al., 2022). On the one hand, Usabil-
ity refers to the ease with which a user can navigate
and interact with a product or system, aiming for ef-
ficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction in a specific
context of use. On the other hand, UX takes a broader
perspective, encompassing the entire spectrum of a
user’s interaction with a product, including emotional,
psychological, and behavioral responses.
Designers employ various evaluation methods to
ensure these elements meet user needs and expecta-
tions. These methods range from user testing, where
real users interact with the product in controlled en-
vironments, to heuristic evaluations, where experts
use established guidelines to assess usability. Surveys
and analytics also play a role, providing quantitative
data on user satisfaction and behavior. Together, these
concepts and methods form the backbone of creating
Human-centric digital products that are not only func-
tional but also provide an engaging user experience.
2.1 Usability and User Experience (UX)
Usability refers to the ease with which users can in-
teract with a product or system to achieve their goals
effectively and efficiently while having a satisfactory
Usability encompasses different factors, being
also defined by (Barbosa et al., 2021; Nielsen, 1994):
1. Ease to learn: the system needs to be simple to
learn so the user can quickly start interacting;
2. Efficient to use: the system needs to be efficient in
use so that once learned, the user has a high level
of productivity;
3. Ease to remember: the system needs to be uncom-
plicated to remember so that the user, when using
it again after a certain time, does not have to learn
it again;
4. Few errors: an error is defined as an action that
does not lead to the expected result and that
should be minimized. There may be contexts of
simple errors, which only delay the user, as well
as catastrophic errors, which have impacts block-
ing the user in their action.
5. Satisfaction: users must like the system, that is, it
must be pleasant so that the user is content when
using it.
The term user experience is used to describe a lot
of meanings, including the usability of hedonic re-
sources, the measurement of affect, or the user experi-
ence in interactions (Nagalingam and Ibrahim, 2015).
User experience includes all user emotions, beliefs,
preferences, perceptions, physical and psychological
responses, behaviors, and achievements that occur be-
fore, during, and after use(ABNT, 2011).
UX includes cognitive, sociocultural, and affec-
tive aspects - positive aspects of users’ experience in
their product interaction, such as aesthetic experience
or desire to reuse the product. It covers all aspects
of the user experience with the system, involving all
aspects of end users’ interaction with your company,
services, and products (Norman, 2014). Rogers et al.,
2013, consider that while usability is concerned with
the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfac-
tion, the user experience addresses the quality of the
experience. Thus, the concepts differ in the ways and
means to achieve an objective. The application of
these aspects and those defined for usability can be
measured using evaluation methods.
2.2 Evaluation Methods
The evaluation of software is an important activity
during the entire development and post-development
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
process of a product (Buse et al., 2011). Evalua-
tive methods emerge to measure aspects with different
approaches. HCI evaluations are necessary for val-
idating the interface according to user requirements,
verifying difficulties in its use, identifying interac-
tion barriers, and comparing alternative interface de-
signs (da Silva Osorio et al., 2008). There are several
methods for evaluating interfaces, which have differ-
ent characteristics depending on the context they ad-
dress. It is necessary to understand these characteris-
tics to identify which methods are suitable for appli-
cation according to the study’s target goals.
HCI evaluation methods are usually categorized
according to the form of evaluation: one way to cate-
gorize them is by classifying them as Inquiry, Inspec-
tion, and Observation (Barbosa et al., 2021). Inquiry
methods allow the author’s interpretation and analy-
sis based on the responses of those evaluated, e.g.,
use of questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups.
Inspection methods allow evaluation by experts to
predict future user experiences, e.g., heuristic evalu-
ations, and cognitive walkthroughs. Finally, Observa-
tion methods are usually characterized by data record-
ing, allowing real problems to be identified during
the evaluator’s experience using the system, e.g., eye
tracking, and usability tests.
Secondary studies have revealed different aspects of
HCI evaluation methods, mainly analyzing how eval-
uation methods were applied and the form and depth
of applications. However, a tertiary study was not
found to organize and provide a macro-view of the
literature. Therefore, some secondary studies directly
related to this study are discussed next.
In Fernandez et al., 2012, the authors selected 18
from 206 retrieved studies published between 1996
and 2009, analyzing the most applied usability eval-
uation methods in the websites. The authors identi-
fied a need for more research on empirical methods,
including quality methods for analysis, and showed a
need for better standardization in measuring the meth-
ods’ effectiveness. The authors, however, did not in-
vestigate an in-depth analysis of the identified meth-
Prietch et al., 2022 investigated Usability and UX
evaluation methods for automated sign language pro-
cessors indexed by ACM DL, IEEE Xplore, Science
Direct, SpringerLink, Scopus, Web of Science, Taylor
and Francis Online, and Google Scholar. The authors
selected 37 studies published from 2015 to 2020, cate-
gorizing them into generation, recognition, and trans-
lation which are relevant terms for the investigated
context. The Questionnaire method was the most ap-
plied method, followed by Prototyping, Experiments,
and Usability Testing.
Yanez-Gomez et al., 2017 evaluated 187 stud-
ies published between 2003 and 2015 in the IEEE
Xplore, ACM DL, and Web of Knowledge bases, fo-
cusing on usability methods applied to the Serious
Games domain. The authors identified the Question-
naire as the most commonly used method. They also
noted that Serious Games on health and learning re-
quire special attention from usability evaluation and
offered an opportunity for further research.
Considering another related study, Maia and Fur-
tado, 2016 analyzed the general application domain
of UX evaluation methods. Analyzing 25 primary
studies published between 2008 and 2016, available
at IEEE Xplore, ACM DL, and Science Direct bases,
they identified the Questionnaire method as the most
applied one (84.00%) and that sensory measurements
are rarely used, probably due to higher costs and com-
plex application process.
The studies in this section do not cover both us-
ability and UX evaluation methods, nor do they offer
a comprehensive analysis of the literature across all
application domains. However, they present pertinent
findings and illustrate the diversity of research pub-
lished in recent years, underscoring the feasibility of
conducting a tertiary review.
This study presents a systematic mapping of the liter-
ature on Usability and UX evaluation methods in the
form of a tertiary study to identify and structure the
methods covered by secondary studies. For Kitchen-
ham and Charters, 2007, a tertiary study is necessary
in a domain with a sufficient number of secondary
studies, so evaluating them using a methodology sim-
ilar to secondary studies becomes valid. Therefore,
a systematic mapping was designed to conduct this
work, which allows the categorization of a large por-
tion of studies in the literature.
This work adopts Petersen’s methodology (Pe-
tersen et al., 2008; Petersen et al., 2015). The map-
ping protocol and its application were built by the first
author of this work. All the authors analyzed the re-
sults, discussed the findings, and participated in the
analysis and writing. The mapping process is de-
scribed in the following subsections.
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study
4.1 Research Questions
The Research Questions (RQ) of our tertiary review
are presented as a Main Research Question (MRQ)
and Secondary Research Questions (SRQ) as follows:
MRQ: What Usability and User Experience evalua-
tion methods have been used in the literature?
SRQ1: Does history analysis reveal the promi-
nence of specific methods? If so, which ones?
SRQ2: How many primary studies were ana-
SRQ3: Is there a classification standard for the
evaluation methods used?
SRQ4: In which application domains and subdo-
mains are these evaluation methods inserted?
SRQ5: Is accessibility a factor considered in sec-
ondary studies? If so, in what way?
In MRQ, the analysis of which methods were
found is defined as a substantial point of this study.
With this, the aim was to obtain secondary works
on this issue that seek the clear application of meth-
ods in primary works and measure such applications,
synthesizing and reflecting on them. Because of this
greater importance, other issues are defined as sec-
ondary. Despite this, SRQ1 is complementary to
MRQ, seeking to analyze the possible dominance of
a certain method found in secondary studies.
Regarding the other SRQ, we aimed to obtain rel-
evant information for the analysis. The number of
studies analyzed allows us to see the average num-
ber of selected studies and understand the scope and
possible depth of the studies.When looking for meth-
ods classification strategies, we can clearly define and
apply each method. When investigating the domains
and subdomains of application of the methods, the
most common contexts of application are observed,
and whether any specific area or subarea can outline
any behavior or expectation.
Finally, accessibility is examined due to its impor-
tance - integrating accessibility and human values is a
cornerstone for creating equitable digital experiences.
This approach goes beyond mere compliance with
standards; it embodies a deeper understanding of hu-
man values such as empathy, respect, and dignity. By
prioritizing these values, designers can create inter-
faces that not only meet the functional requirements
of users but also resonate with them on a personal and
emotional level. Therefore, we investigate accessibil-
ity as a transversal factor, observing whether the Us-
ability and UX methods consider and discuss it on a
broader level. However, we expect its presence in se-
lected studies not to be expressive, partly because of
our research’s focus and because accessibility is usu-
ally evaluated with specific methods.
4.2 Search Process
After defining the research questions, we determined
the search string for retrieving relevant studies. The
process consisted of an exploratory search for differ-
ent arguments that could meet the initial requirement:
to return secondary works that addressed the mapping
of Usability and User Experience evaluation methods
in primary studies. The quality of each string argu-
ment was determined based on the relevance analysis
of the first 10 studies found in each database applica-
tion. After classifying and refining the search string,
arranged into 4 search arguments, the following defi-
nition was adopted:
(”systematic review” OR ”systematic mapping”
OR ”literature review”) AND (”user experience” OR
usability) AND (techniques OR methods) AND (eval-
The first argument was related to the type of study,
seeking to obtain secondary studies in a general way.
The second argument represents the two possible con-
texts of studies: Usability and User Experience. In
the third argument, the terms ”techniques” and ”meth-
ods” were considered due to combining both terms for
the results obtained. We chose to conduct our search
using plural terms to retrieve mappings and system-
atic reviews that explore various evaluation methods.
In our fourth argument, we made the term ’evalua-
tion’ mandatory. This decision was based on our pre-
liminary results, which showed a tendency to exclude
studies that did not focus on measuring the evaluation
of methods or measured only a single technique, di-
verging from our intended scope of research.
Once the search argument was developed, the
search bases were selected based on the work of
Buchinger et al., 2014, which presents an analysis of
the performance of different research bases. There-
fore, the search string was applied in the bases, and
the number of results obtained and their efficiency
were analyzed. The bases that presented the best re-
sults were IEEE Xplore, Scopus, and ACM DL.
Works were selected based on title, abstract, or
keyword match. For Scopus, the initial search only
filtered studies in the Computer Science area. Filter-
ing was necessary as Scopus indexes studies from dif-
ferent sources and offers a filter by area. On the other
hand, ACM DL and IEEE did not include any initial
filtering, as they are already dedicated to Computer
Science and related areas.
Following, we defined the inclusion and exclusion
criteria to include only works that can answer the re-
search questions (Petersen et al., 2008). The order of
the criteria is related to the order in which they were
applied. So, the analysis was first carried out by ob-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
serving the inclusion criteria and, after that, the exclu-
sion criteria, resulting in the Table 1.
Table 1: Inclusion and Exclusion criteria definition.
Inclusion criteria
IC1 - Publication year between 2012 and 2022
IC2 - Studies completed available by the university ac-
IC3 - Non-duplicate studies
IC4 - Studies longer than three pages
IC5 - English language studies
IC6 - Original publication studies
IC7 - Studies from journals or scientific events
Exclusion criteria
EC1 - Non-secondary studies
EC2 - Studies that do not measure UX or usability evalu-
ation methods in primary studies
The covered period, from 2012 to 2022, in IC1,
occurs due to the results found in the initial searches,
also considering avoiding studies with results that
are outdated or that would put too much stress on
subsequent analyses. In IC2, we selected studies
that the university portal can fully access. In IC3,
non-duplicate studies about those already obtained
through other databases were added. IC4 aimed to
eliminate studies that could be too short and could not
have enough content to be characterized as secondary
studies. The target language in IC5 was considered
only English to be as close to fair for all countries due
to its internationalization. IC6 aims to obtain original
publications, avoiding studies that could be reviews
in other events and journals. Lastly, IC7 defines only
journals or scientific events as the base source to avoid
studies with low support and criticality.
Regarding the exclusion criteria, EC1 is necessary
to define whether it is a secondary study. The study’s
scope also measures the application of Usability and
UX methods defined by EC2.
With the analysis of the 487 studies initially re-
trieved, 36 studies were selected after the inclusion
and exclusion criteria were applied, as Table 2 de-
scribes. Considering the 36 studies obtained, 13 come
from Scopus, 13 from IEEE, and 10 from ACM DL.
Each criterion had an impact on the exclusion of at
least 1 study. The most determining criterion was
EC2, eliminating 48.46% from the total number of ex-
cluded eliminated. This criterion eliminated the ma-
jority of works that, despite reaching the last stage,
had little to do with the target scope. Despite this,
some recognized works were eliminated for dealing
Table 2: Analysis of the remaining bases and studies after
applying each criterion.
Step Scopus IEEE ACM Total
Initial 154 103 230 487
IC1 141 84 194 419
IC2 124 84 194 402
IC3 110 79 186 375
IC4 110 79 176 365
IC5 108 78 170 356
IC6 108 77 170 355
IC7 108 77 168 353
EC1 91 62 119 272
EC2 13 13 10 36
with evaluation methods in a way that was not ex-
pected. Studies without Usability or User experience
methods measurements of the application, such as in-
depth studies or discussions around the topic, were
After the selection, a backward snowballing pro-
cess (Wohlin, 2014) was conducted to obtain more
works that could be relevant for the research but that,
for some reason, had not been reached by the search
string. Therefore, another 7 papers were added. The
summary of the selected studies is shown in the Ta-
ble 3.
Table 3: List of 43 selected secondary studies.
ID Reference Base Context Primary Studies
S1 (Fernandez et al., 2012) IEEE Usability 18
S2 (Araujo et al., 2014) IEEE Usability 12
S3 (Paz and Pow-Sang, 2014) IEEE Usability 274
S4 (Zapata et al., 2015) Scopus Usability 22
S5 (Feather et al., 2016) Scopus UX 21
S6 (Paz and Pow-Sang, 2015) IEEE Usability 228
S7 (Yanez-Gomez et al., 2017) Scopus Usability 187
S8 (Ellsworth et al., 2017) Scopus Usability 120
S10 (Khodambashi and Nytrø, 2017) Scopus Usability 20
S11(Yerlikaya and Onay Durdu, 2017)Scopus Usability 53
S12 (Zarour and Alharbi, 2017) Scopus UX 114
S13 (Ansaar et al., 2020) IEEE Usability 19
S14 (Saare et al., 2020) Scopus Usability 24
S15 (Weichbroth, 2020) IEEE Usability 75
S16 (Sheikh et al., 2021) IEEE Usability 15
S17 (Almazroi, 2021) Scopus Usability 62
S18 (Maharani et al., 2021) IEEE UX 30
S19 (Inan Nur et al., 2021) Scopus UX 61
S20(Sinabell and Ammenwerth, 2022)Scopus Usability 329
S21 (Nugroho et al., 2022) IEEE Usability 15
S22 (Masruroh et al., 2022) IEEE Usability 22
S23 (Kalantari and Lethbridge, 2022) IEEE UX 41
S24 (Nasr and Zahabi, 2022) IEEE Usability 51
S25 (Saad et al., 2022) IEEE Usability 55
S26 (Brdnik et al., 2022) Scopus Both 211
S27 (Maramba et al., 2019) Snowballing Usability 133
S28 (Salvador et al., 2014) Snowballing Usability 32
S29 (Hookham and Nesbitt, 2019) ACM Usability 107
S30 (Prietch et al., 2022) ACM Both 37
S31 (Lyzara et al., 2019) ACM Usability 22
S32 (Lamm and Wolff, 2019) ACM Usability 223
S33 (Forster et al., 2018) ACM Both 28
S34 (da Costa et al., 2018) ACM Both 50
S35 (Karre et al., 2020) ACM Usability 36
S36 (Guerino and Valentim, 2020) ACM Both 39
S37 (Zhao et al., 2019) ACM Usability 45
S38 (Carneiro et al., 2019) ACM Usability 51
S39 (B
ohm and Wolff, 2014) Snowballing Usability 55
S40 (Verkijika and De Wet, 2018) Snowballing Usability 18
S41 (Ren et al., 2019) Snowballing Usability 19
S42 (Alshamsi et al., 2016) Snowballing Usability 74
S43 (Petri and Wangenheim, 2017) Snowballing Both 117
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study
Following the criteria, we thoroughly analyzed 43
studies to evaluate them and address our research
questions systematically.
5.1 General Information
The bases selected for research were Scopus, IEEE
Xplore, and ACM. Of the 43 selected studies,
13 (30.23%) accepted were found in Scopus, 13
(30.23%) in IEEE, 10 (23.26%) in ACM and 7
(16.28%) via snowballing. Papers published in con-
ferences and journals appeared similarly: 51.16% in
conferences and 48.84% in scientific journals. Re-
garding the scope of selected studies, 32 (74.42%)
studies evaluated only primary studies focused on Us-
ability, 5 (11.63%) evaluated only studies focused on
User Experience, and 6 (13.95%) evaluated studies
focused on both Usability and User Experience.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Figure 1: Publications distribution years of the 43 studies.
The timeline of publications unveiled irregular-
ities, showcasing a distinctive inclination towards
right-sided asymmetry, as illustrated in Figure 1. It
initiates from a low point and experiences a substan-
tial spike, particularly in 2017, 2019 and 2022, with
7, 7 and 9 appearances, respectively. The years 2020
and 2021 also had 5 and 4 appearances, respectively,
also considered a good number. This upward trajec-
tory aligns with the overall growth trend in publica-
tions observed in recent years. Notably, a consistent
publication pattern emerged across the years, barring
the absence of any studies in 2013.
The 43 studies were authored by 32 countries, as
shown in Figure 2. Each study underwent an assess-
ment wherein a coefficient was assigned, calculated
as one divided by the total number of distinct au-
thor countries, with a maximum attainable value of
43. Brazil and Indonesia emerged as the frontrunners,
with 5.33 appearances (12.40% of the authorship) and
5.00 appearances (11.63% of the authorship), respec-
Authorship coefficient
United States
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea
New Zealand
0 2 4 6
Authorship Coefficient
Figure 2: Countries publication distribution of the 43 stud-
tively. Several countries attained coefficients of at
least 2.00, including Spain, the United States, Peru,
Germany, Saudi Arabia, and England. In contrast, 13
countries had coefficients below 1.00, indicating only
partial participation in the authorship of the studies.
5.2 Applied Methods
In the context of Usability and UX, Table 4 presents
the applied methods, as represented by the MRQ, in
their appearances in the primary and secondary stud-
ies. The table lists the 15 main methods out of a total
of 100 found, ordered by their total primary appear-
ances, highlighting the most prominent methods iden-
To maintain consistency and clarity across mul-
tiple studies, we standardized variations in method
nomenclature using singular labels. This approach
streamlined the comparison of methods across differ-
ent research works. However, we tried to preserve the
original nomenclature used in the evaluated works,
especially for methods with higher recurrence, to re-
main consistent with the terminology found in the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 4: Unified methods in primary and secondary studies.
ID Method Primaries Secondaries
Total UX Usab Total UX Usab
M1 Questionnaire 1285 291 1160 42 11 37
M2 Usability Test 508 64 478 25 6 23
M3 Interview 387 70 342 34 9 30
M4 Observation 262 31 244 19 7 16
M5 Heuristic Evaluation 257 10 248 23 4 20
M6 Think Aloud 255 17 240 33 8 29
M7 Performance Metrics 126 30 112 13 3 11
M8 Focus Group 80 7 78 19 4 16
M9 Prototyping 76 19 75 10 4 8
M10 Experiment 66 8 58 6 1 5
M11 Cognitive Walkthrough 62 1 61 13 1 12
M12 Expert Evaluation 49 9 40 10 2 8
M13 Video Recording 29 10 22 6 2 5
M14 SUS 28 18 15 9 4 6
M15 Participatory Design 26 13 26 5 1 5
Regarding SRQ1, the Questionnaire stands out as
the most used method in both Usability and UX con-
texts, shown in 42 of the 43 selected studies. Usabil-
ity Tests, Interviews, Observations, Heuristic Evalu-
ations, Performance Metrics, Focus groups, and Ex-
periment methods are also significantly used. Various
studies employed different names or versions of iden-
tical methods. Therefore, we unified these methods
under the same label.
Furthermore, we examined the distinctions con-
cerning usability and UX contexts. The ratio of stud-
ies focusing on Usability surpasses that of UX, ap-
proximately 3.5 times greater. Regarding citations
in secondary studies, a notable dissimilarity emerges
for Cognitive Walkthrough, which appears 12.0 times
more frequently in the Usability context. While the
positive differences for usability are minor but still ev-
ident, the Heuristic Evaluation and Experimentation
methods appear proportionally 5.0 times more often.
Some methods were considerably below the aver-
age proportion of 3.5 and were, therefore, more cited
in UX contexts. These were, in order, SUS, with
1.5, Prototyping, with 2.0, and Observation, with 2.3.
This may demonstrate a more common recurrence of
some methods in UX contexts.
Some specific methods appear expressively, lead-
ing us not to adopt their more generic classifications,
i.e., we present them as unique methods. This is
the case of methods such as SUS and Eye Track-
ing, which could belong, respectively, to the Ques-
tionnaire and Sensory Measurements. Some meth-
ods were cited in a generic or unclear manner, e.g.,
“mixed methods”, “evidence analysis” and “sam-
All 43 studies quantitatively addressed the meth-
ods found in their analysis of primary studies, which
was also one of the objectives in the searches and def-
initions of the selected works. Qualitative analyses
of the methods application were not evaluated in this
Table 5: Heatmap between studies count and methods.
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15
S1 3 4 1 11 4 3 1
S2 9 7 5 1 2 2
S3 74 83 18 5 54 31 10 7 15 6
S4 13 7 1 2
S5 11 14 1
S6 104 56 41 50 38 19 6 11 11
S7 131 29 19 2 7 18 4 1 1 6
S8 69 6 23 17 36 9 13
S9 10 9 3 4 6
S10 4 7 5 2
S11 31 10 2 28 3 2 19
S12 13 5 2 1 4 1
S13 15 4 1
S14 3 2 1 18
S15 38 1 20 2
S16 1 1 1 1 1 1
S17 5 5 2 22
S18 21 2 3 1 1
E19 46 9 3 5 6 12 7 11
S20 4 23 1 5 1 3 3 9
S21 16 16 5 4 1
S22 8 5 3 6 4 2
S23 13 8 9 3 1 4 1
S24 32 41 24 7 2
S25 8 6 1 1 1 1 1
S26 26 38 6 2 2 1 1 8 5
S27 105 57 37 18 45 13
S28 14 11 6 6 1 2 23 4
S29 88 17 59 3
S30 35 12 10 4 1 5 17 13
S31 2 5 2 1 11 1 5 2 2
S32 61 77 18 63 4 2 1
S33 2 1
S34 25 11 24 4
S35 3 7 5 10 1
S36 30 1 3 3 1 1 16 1 3 5
S37 22 8 34 10 4 2
S38 42 6 23 2 23 6 1 10
S39 19 21 8 12 10 9
E40 2 5 11
S41 16 9 1 3 1
S42 13 3 6 8 10 6 4 5 12 1 2
S43 101 21 12 6
An analysis was also executed of which studies
cite which methods. This analysis is demonstrated in
Table 5. The identification of elements occurs through
previous enumerations, in which “S” represents a cer-
tain study from Table 3. “M” represents a certain
method from the Table 4, followed by its identifier.
Three studies, S26, S33, and S34, differentiated be-
tween usability and user experience methods; how-
ever, in this table, they were combined to facilitate
understanding, despite being differentiated in Table 4.
In Table 5, it is also possible to see that some stud-
ies cite many more methods compared to others, high-
lighting the difference in approach of each study. It is
also possible to identify the continuous prominence
of some methods, mainly for the Questionnaire (M1),
which, in addition to being highly cited, is also gen-
erally the leader in citations for its respective study.
5.3 Primary Studies
To answer SRQ2, regarding the number of primary
studies analyzed, 3021 primary studies were identi-
fied as present in secondary studies. This resulted
in an average of 70.26 and a median of 45 per sec-
ondary study. Of these, the secondary study that cov-
ered fewer primary studies got 12, and the one that
covered more got 329. Due to the discrepancy be-
tween the highest values, the mean is expected to be
higher than the median. However, using the median,
we have a more faithful average value.
The Usability context concentrated most primary
studies: 2264 (74.94%). Next, we have the context
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study
for the studies that analyzed both Usability and UX,
which concentrated 480 (15.89%). Lastly, there was
the UX context, with 277 (9.17%). With this, it can be
stated that 90.83% of the studies addressed Usability,
while 25.06% addressed UX.
5.4 Evaluation Methods Classification
To assess the degree of depth and understanding of
the methods analyzed and allow us to distinguish the
different notions and strategies for classifying evalua-
tion methods, SRQ3 was elaborated. It is possible to
infer that most accepted studies, 29 (67.44%), do not
categorize their methods, as seen in the Table 6. This
may demonstrate a lack of depth and criteria for bet-
ter analysis of the studies, allowing each perception
and understanding of the application of the methods
to be defined more concretely. A total of 9 different
categorizations were found.
Table 6: Methods categorization of the 43 studies.
Category Qty Studies
Observation, inspection, and inquiry 5
Self-report, observation, and psychophysiological 2 S19;S22
Hedonic and pragmatic 1 S12
Inspection and empirical 1 S28
Population, intervention, results, and context 1 S3
Questionnaire and interviews,
inspection, and testing methods
1 S16
Expert-Recommended, Potentially Helpful,
and Not Expert-Recommended
1 S20
Requirements, prototype, implementation, and mixed 1 S8
Supervised, semi-supervised, reinforcement
learning, and unsupervised
1 S26
No categories mentioned 29 Remaining
Two categories are used more than one time. “Ob-
servation, Inspection, and Inquiry” was mentioned 5
times, one of which was also composed of the terms
Analytical Modeling and Simulation”. “Self-Report,
Observation and Psychophysiological” had two men-
tions. The rest of the categories that the studies char-
acterize are also only used in their studies, most of
which are not categorizations previously found in the
literature on evaluation methods.
5.5 Domains and Subdomains
To answer the question SRQ4, the domain is under-
stood as the broad context of the study, while the sub-
domain is the area applied in a specific way if it exists
in the scope. With this, domains and subdomains cov-
Table 7: Domains and subdomains found in the studies.
Domain Qty Subdomain Qty
Technology 35 eHealth Systems 4
Healthcare 10 Eletronic Government 3
General 6 Serious Games 3
Education 4 Healthcare 1
Accessibility 3 Chatbots 1
Governance 3 Clinical Guidelines 1
Entertainment 2 Tangible Interfaces 1
Location-Based Games 1
Indoor Navigation 1
Automated Sign
Language Processing
Mobile Tracking 1
Augmented Reality 1
Virtual Reality 1
Electronic Health Records 1
Collaborative Health Systems 1
Diabetes System 1
Automated Driving System 1
Ticket Reservation Systems 1
Mental Health Systems 1
University Systems 1
Vehicle Systems 1
ered in the selected studies were identified.
According to the Table 7, 35 works were identi-
fied in the Technology domain, 10 Health, 4 Educa-
tion, 3 Accessibility, 3 Governance, 2 Entertainment
and 6 remained in general scopes. It’s important to
acknowledge that a single work can encompass mul-
tiple domains. Conversely, it’s worth mentioning that
10 studies, equivalent to 23.26% of the total, did not
specify subdomains.
Of those who specified the domain, two levels of
specification were defined. Considering only the most
specific level, it is worth highlighting the 4 works fo-
cused on Serious Games, 4 on eHealth Systems, and
3 on Electronic Governments, respectively, from the
Education, Health, and Governance domains. The
other subdomains only have one appearance each.
Some studies had generalist scopes, such as Mobile
Applications and Software Development, not consid-
ered as specific subdomains.
5.6 Accessibility as an Evaluation
Recognizing that Accessibility is also important in
HCI, it was considered, through SRQ5, to verify ac-
cessibility as a relevant factor in the reviews. As a
result, it was found that 3 of the 43 studies focused
on accessibility, giving it explicit attention. Another
2 considered as one of the evaluations to be made in
the analysis, either as a research question or another
way of being considered as a criterion to analyze.
About the 3 studies that considered accessibil-
ity a central theme, the first work (Masruroh et al.,
2022) focused on considering the impact on people
with general disabilities. The Questionnaire, Cog-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
nitive Walkthrough, Heuristic Evaluation, Thinking
Aloud, and SUS methods were identified as the most
suitable for this domain.
The second work (Nasr and Zahabi, 2022) ad-
dressed people with visual, physical, cognitive, hear-
ing, or elderly disabilities in the indoor navigation
applications scenario. The Usability Test, Ques-
tionnaire, Interview, and Think Aloud methods were
found to be common to all. The third work (Prietch
et al., 2022) evaluated the situation of deaf people
through an analysis focused on the automatic pro-
cessing of sign languages within an analysis of cul-
tural and collaborative aspects. Other 2 studies did
not focus on accessibility but considered it a topic to
be evaluated in the study. One of them considered a
usability evaluation of government websites and ap-
plications in Sub-Saharan Africa, in which one of the
points was to evaluate accessibility (Verkijika and De
Wet, 2018). The second one evaluated the usabil-
ity quality of university websites in general. One of
the research questions investigated the frequency of
use of the term ”accessibility” within works. In it,
it was seen that half of the 24 primary studies cited
the term, but only 4 examined it with greater analy-
sis (Yerlikaya and Onay Durdu, 2017). Other 8 stud-
ies had more superficial citations and considerations,
citing the term and mentioning that it was important,
but without an evaluation that went deeper.
Based on the results presented in Section 5, some
findings and discussions can be made, including a re-
flection on the research limitations.
The distribution of authors across countries re-
vealed intriguing disparities. Brazil and Indonesia
emerged as the primary contributors, with authorship
coefficients of 5.33 and 5.00, respectively, out of a
possible maximum of 43. Additionally, four more
countries obtained coefficients of 3 or more in author-
ship: Spain, Germany, the United States, and Peru.
Collectively, these six nations represented over 53%
of the total authors of the 43 studies evaluated. It is
important to acknowledge that this analysis may have
limitations in countries where studies conducted in
languages other than English predominate. This could
introduce biases into the study due to the challenges
of assessing non-English publications.
An extensive spectrum of methods was unearthed,
culminating in nearly 100 distinct methodologies.
However, most of these methods received singular
mentions or were mentioned in low proportions. No-
tably, despite variations in applications and nomen-
clature, certain methods were unified due to a lack of
consensus among authors.
About SRQ1, the Questionnaire method emerged
as the most cited, significantly surpassing the Us-
ability Test, which ranked as the second most cited
method. These highlighted methods are entrenched in
the realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), un-
derscoring their widespread recognition, applicabil-
ity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. The prevalence
of the Questionnaire method highlights its attributes
of low cost, time efficiency, and simplicity. Con-
versely, methods relying on sensory measurements,
notably Eye Tracking, were not extensively repre-
sented among the top 15 methods, potentially indi-
cating difficulties in their application.
Regarding SRQ2, there is a noticeable difference
in the number of primary studies analyzed across re-
views. The smallest coverage of primary studies was
observed in Araujo et al., 2014, with 12 studies, while
the largest sample was that of Sinabell and Ammen-
werth, 2022, with 329, interestingly both in a similar
research scope. These disparities can be explained by
the difference in depth between studies and the differ-
ent number of studies existing on each research topic,
which cannot be assessed in depth. However, the me-
dian number of studies proved to be a coherent met-
ric, aligning well with a comprehensive review scope.
The divisions of primary studies about usability and
user experience maintained the proportionality of the
previously mentioned data.
In SRQ3, an absence of standardization in catego-
rizing methods was evident. The most common cat-
egorization was found in 5 of the 43 studies, 11.63%
of them. Furthermore, 67.44% chose not to declare
any categorization for their methods. This lack of
categorization, especially in studies not centered on
computing, possibly indicates a lack of knowledge or
perceived necessity for in-depth classification.
To discuss the SRQ4, technological domains were
prominent, with approximately 81.40% of studies en-
compassing some technological definition, as can be
seen in Table 7. Notably, Health emerged as a cru-
cial domain, with 10 recurrences (23.26%), signify-
ing a significant focus on evaluating usability and user
experience within healthcare solutions. Subdomains
like eHealth Systems, Electronic Government, and
Serious Games garnered multiple appearances, high-
lighting diverse thematic applications.
Referring to SRQ5, the consideration of Acces-
sibility as an evaluation criterion within the 43 stud-
ies was relatively limited. Only 3 studies directly ad-
dressed accessibility, while 2 studies evaluated it at
some point in their work. Given the empathetic scope
of this study towards users in computer systems, this
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study
relatively low attention to accessibility poses a poten-
tial gap warranting further investigation.
Several potential limitations were identified, im-
pacting the validity of this research. Factors such
as overlooking primary study information within sec-
ondary studies – as the year of application or verify if
another secondary study has already cited the primary
study –, exclusion of ”UX” in the search string, lim-
ited number of databases, and a lack of in-depth anal-
ysis of secondary study quality serve as limitations to
be acknowledged and addressed in future studies.
The application of methods to evaluate usability
and user experience has been the subject of study in
HCI literature. This was possible to identify through
an initial exploratory analysis, inspecting the number
of secondary studies, obtaining 27 secondary studies
between 2012 and 2021. However, there is a lack of
having an analytical tertiary study on the topic, due to
the number of existing secondary studies and the in-
vestigative possibilities that such a study would bring,
defined by the research questions of this work.
Following the guidelines of Petersen et al., 2008,
and Petersen et al., 2015, a systematic mapping of
the literature on secondary studies related to the topic
was carried out. Research questions, exclusion, and
inclusion criteria were developed, in addition to the
analysis of the selected secondary studies.
During data extraction, it was possible to answer
all research questions. A predominance of studies ad-
dressing usability in comparison to user experience
was noted. A preference for more widespread meth-
ods that are also easier to apply was also identified,
mainly a predominance of the Questionnaire method.
A good diversity was observed between the countries
that authored the studies, with a slightly greater domi-
nance of Brazil and Indonesia, as well as in the themes
covered by the studies, with emphasis on works in the
health domain, present in 10 of the 43 studies. An
increasing trend in the publication of related studies
was also noted, obtaining more results in more recent
years compared to previous years.
Another point of analysis was the issue of con-
sidering accessibility as an evaluation classification
in studies. Very few studies were identified consid-
ering accessibility as a direction to be evaluated in
secondary studies. Only 2 of the 43 studies made this
consideration. 3 works had accessibility as the central
scope of the work, each with its target group concep-
tion. However, this may suggest that accessibility is
only considered when the main topic of the study, but
is somewhat taken into account when a relevant at-
tribute is related to usability or user experience. This
result may suggest a fragmentation in the understand-
ing of the relations between the concepts of usability
and user experience with accessibility, opening space
for more detailed investigations.
The obtained results yielded pertinent findings
that advance future research intentions in the field.
The identification of the most utilized methods is
deemed valuable. Other information, such as methods
categorization, methodologies used, countries and
years of publication of studies and current accessibil-
ity considerations in studies, can help to understand a
little better the current situation of secondary studies
within the topic of this research. As well as the threats
found and results that suggest gaps and uncertainties
for further investigation. This allows the study to also
serve as a basis and encourage future studies.
This research is partially supported by CNPq grant
302959/2023-8 and 308395/2020-4 (DT2), FAPESC
Edital 48/2022 TO n°2023TR000245 and CAPES
- Financing Code 001.
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