Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts
Georgios Stathis
Institute of Tax Law and Economics, Leiden University, Kamerlingh Onnes Building,
LegalTech, Intelligent Contracts, Large Language Models, Explainable AI, User Trustworthiness.
Contract automation is a field of LegalTech under Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Law that is currently under-
going a transition from Smart to Intelligent Contracts (iContracts). iContracts aim to full contracting automa-
tion. Their main challenge is finding a convincing direction for market adoption. Two powerful market factors
are the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI Regulation. The article investigates how the two
factors are able to influence the market adoption of iContracts. Our Research Question reads: to what extent
is it possible to accelerate the adoption of Intelligent Contracts with Explainable Large Language Models?
Following a literature review our research employs three methodologies: market gap analysis, case study, and
application. The results show a clear way for iContracts to follow, based on existing market gaps. Moreover,
they validate whether the application of Explainable LLMs is possible. The discussion clarifies the main limi-
tations with Explainable LLMs. Our conclusion is that the two factors are impactful for so long as the market
adoption attempts to bridge the gap between innovators and early adopters.
Smart Contracts have laid the foundation for iCon-
tracts. Smart Contracts are self-executing contracts
with the terms of the agreement directly written into
code (Madir, 2020). They are rooted in blockchain
technology, which provides transparency and trust in
the digital realm (Werbach, 2018).
While Smart Contracts have revolutionised the
contracting process by automating transactions and
reducing the need for intermediaries, they have lim-
itations. Smart Contracts are essentially binary, and
capable of executing predefined actions, but inca-
pable of interpreting and adapting to complex legal
nuances (Mik, 2017).
iContracts represent the next step in the evolu-
tionary process. They are designed to go beyond
the straightforward nature of Smart Contracts. The
key objective is to enable iContracts to handle au-
tonomously the entire contracting process, encom-
passing everything from negotiation to execution.
Such an action path entails a seamless integration of
human-readable language and code (Mason, 2017).
As a result, iContracts will possess the capacity to un-
derstand, adapt, and evolve in response to the intrica-
cies of real-world contracts, thus paving the way for
a new era of automation (Stathis et al., 2023c; Stathis
et al., 2023b).
Definition 1: An intelligent contract or iCon-
tract is a contract that is fully executable without
human intervention
Meanwhile, the main challenge with iContracts
is the market adoption rate (McNamara and Sepas-
gozar, 2018). Automation is closely related with the
law. Owing to the high legal consequences of iCon-
tracts, human users prefer traditional methods such as
the direct inclusion of a legal expert (Stathis et al.,
2023a). Such a preference is closely connected with
two developing trends: (1) the advent of Large Lan-
guage Models (LLMs) and (2) the regulation of AI.
The adoption of LLMs has happened at the speed of
light. As a result we may wonder how long the adop-
tion of iContracts will take. Is it five years or only half
a year? Next to this question we are facing (1) the
regulation of AI, with the AI Act being currently in
preparation (European-Parliament, 2023), and (2) the
global battle to regulate technology (Bradford, 2023).
One of the main challenges with AI technologies is
the lack of user trustworthiness (Liang et al., 2022).
Research shows that by understanding how AI takes
Stathis, G.
Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012607400003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1378-1385
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
decisions the outcome of the decision can then be ex-
plained and hence user trustworthiness increases (Xu
et al., 2019).
Definition 2: Large language models (LLMs)
are a category of foundation models trained on
immense amounts of data making them capable
of understanding and generating natural language
and other types of content to perform a wide range
of tasks
Our motivation for performing this research is to
improve the rate of market adoption of iContracts. We
believe that by examining to what extent it is possible
to apply Explainable LLMs on iContracts, we are able
to increase user trustworthiness among humans.
The aforementioned thoughts lead us to the fol-
lowing Research Question (RQ).
RQ: To What Extent Is It Possible to Accelerate
the Adoption of Intelligent Contracts With Explain-
able Large Language Models?
The article’s contribution is that it shows and val-
idates whether the application of Explainable LLMs
on iContracts is possible to direct the future attempts
in developing iContracts fit for market adoption.
To answer the RQ, we structured the paper as fol-
lows. In Section 2, we describe the relevant literature.
Section 3 presents the methodology and Section 4 the
results. Section 5 discusses the results and focusses
on theoretical and practical parameters. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 answers the RQ and provides the conclusion
together with a preview on the future.
The literature present sources on: the three contract-
ing revolutions (2.1), market adoption in business
studies (2.2), the application of LLMs in contracts
(2.3) and the development of trustworthy and Ex-
plainable LLMs (2.4).
2.1 Three Revolutions
The path from human contracts to iContracts is char-
acterised by three revolutions. The first revolution
started with the transition from physical contracts to
digital contracts (also known as Electronic Contracts
or eContracts) (Krishna and Karlapalem, 2008). With
the advance of big data, people gradually digitised
physical contracts into electronically accessible doc-
uments (von Westphalen, 2017). Moreover, they re-
placed some physical labor such as signing, by elec-
tronic handling. Today, most market developments
are concentrating on further adopting and expanding
the adoption of digital contracts
In the last decade (2010-2020), with the advent
of blockchain technology the second revolution oc-
curred, which switches the focus from digital con-
tracts to smart contracts. Smart contracts are agree-
ments that are executable by code, most often on
blockchain-based distributed ledgers (Khan et al.,
2021). The promise of smart contracts is to be seen
as the replacement of human language by human
code. However, the adoption of smart contracts, be-
yond specialised blockchain or experimental market
circles, has not managed to reach automatically wide
market adoption
. One of the main challenges of
smart contracts is that it is hard for users to understand
and trust the computer code behind them (Zheng
et al., 2020).
Here we arrive at the third revolution, the transi-
tion from smart contract to iContracts. iContracts aim
at full contracting automation with minimal to no hu-
man involvement (Stathis et al., 2023c; Stathis et al.,
2023b). iContracts promise to bridge the gap that
smart contracts have been unable to fill. ”Bridging”
will gain user trustworthiness by combining computer
code with user-friendly, readable and understandable
code, that originates from physical contracts (McNa-
mara and Sepasgozar, 2020). Despite the surge in
scientific interest in iContracts for the construction
industry, there remains a significant demand for tra-
ditional contracting(first recognised in 2020 (McNa-
mara, 2020)); meaning the development of iContracts
is still in its formative stages.
As a follow-up, we mention a research pro-
posal (Stathis et al., 2023c; Stathis et al., 2023b) pre-
sented at International Conference on Agents and Ar-
tificial Intelligence (ICAART) 2023, which revived
research on iContracts by re-purposing use cases, in-
stead of delegating the task of the complex construc-
tion industry. A reference to a straightforward free-
lancer agreement would simplify the evident com-
plexity in construction contracts. In particular, such
freelance agreements stipulated the extent to which
iContracts may contribute in specific domains. With
increasing attention to the details of iContracts in sim-
pler domains it is possible to gradually expand into
more complex domains. Notwithstanding these de-
velopments, it is still unclear how to develop a path
towards the market adoption, that contributes towards
end-users increasingly adopting iContracts.
Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts
2.2 Market Adoption in Business
In business studies, market adoption has been stud-
ied for many years (Posthumus et al., 2012; Botha,
2019). The most important contribution is Geoffrey
Moore’s Crossing the Chasm. It studies how tech-
nologies penetrate a group ranging from (1) innova-
tors to (2) early adopters and gradually advance into
(3) wide adopters, (4) late adopters until they reach
the so called (5) laggers (Moore, 1991). The re-
sults are general: every technology that enters mar-
ket adoption follows the same route (Goldasteh et al.,
2022). We are going to examine the adoption of
iContracts through the same five lenses. Each con-
tracting revolution can be located at a specific stage
in Moore’s Crossing the Chasm. By identifying the
specific position of iContracts relative to digital and
smart contracts, it is (1) also possible to identify rel-
evant gaps that require to be bridged, and then (2) to
investigate the extent to which LLMs can contribute
in bridging the gaps.
2.3 Large Language Models in Contract
Since the dissemination of LLMs with ChatGPT, sci-
entists and business people have attempted to apply
LLMs, falling under the category of Generative AI,
on contracts (see for example recent eighty million
fundrasing for Silicon Valley based Harvey
). The
extent and results of such applications are still largely
unclear. On the one hand, end-users expect that gen-
erative AI tools assist them in developing contracts at
a fraction of the costs that it would usually cost to pay
a lawyer
. On the other hand, the generated contracts
(seen as LLMs) are not necessarily perceived as trust-
worthy, as with most outputs of LLMs and Generative
AI (Lenat and Marcus, 2023). They may find results
vague, confusing or even mysterious (potentially the
result of hallucination). Hence, due to the high impact
of legal consequences, end-users (even if they do at-
tempt themselves to generate a contract) still prefer to
consult their lawyer (Stathis et al., 2023a). The larger
the degree of the severity of legal consequences, the
lower the reliance on generative contracts (Stathis
et al., 2023a). Some scientists might argue, that in a
way Generative Contracts are announcing the fourth
contracting revolution (Williams, 2024). From our
perspective, we consider Generative Contracts to be
only a feature (i.e., one aspect) of iContracts (or of
Smart and Digital contracts) and not the architecture
behind iContracts. In the methodology, result and dis-
cussion sections we will clarify why we believe that
this is so.
2.4 Trustworthy and Explainable Large
Language Models
In 2024, we may expect that the European Union
(EU) will approve the very first rules for AI in the
world (European-Parliament, 2023). The rules will be
presented in the AI Act, a regulation which is aiming
to regulate two kinds of AI: Predictive AI and Gener-
ative AI (Stathis and van den Herik, 2023). The main
focus of these rules is to make sure AI can be trusted
in accordance with the directions provided to the EU
by the High-Level Expert Group on AI (HLEG-AI,
2019). Here, we see two sides: (1) society seems to
miss trust towards AI, and (2) the EU wants to protect
its people by developing rules to prevent negative con-
sequences by the wide adoption of AI (Lockey et al.,
2021). This is presisely the reason why some AI tech-
nologies are completely prohibited and other AI tech-
nologies are considered as High-Risk, which are also
subject to most of the regulatory restrictions
. Gen-
erative AI are treated as an exceptional AI technol-
ogy which should adhere to specific restrictions, due
to the high reliance on trained data which are poten-
tially subject to copyright laws
(Helberger and Di-
akopoulos, 2023). Due to the difficulty in decipher-
ing levels of perceived trustworthiness from actual
trustworthiness, scientists emphasise the concepts of
transparency and accountability in matters related to
trustworthy AI (Munn, 2023). The main principal
way along which an AI-system can gain transparency
and accountability is via explainability (Holzinger
et al., 2020). Explainable AI is the field in which
researchers investigate how AI system decisions can
be explained in an understandable, interpretable and
trustworthy manner for humans
. In the Springer
AI and Ethics Journal researchers deal with the ques-
tion: how the explainability issue can be handled with
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the development of a ”culture of explainability” that
supports the explicit explanation of the architecture,
design, production, and implementation of decision-
making across the AI development and implementa-
tion chain (Stathis and van den Herik, 2023). The
result is very important, even vital for our research,
provided that for the case of applying Generative AI
on iContracts, such explainability culture will impact
the trustworthiness of the end user significantly. As
positive implications we particularly foresee positive
developments for ethical and legal transparency and
The research methodology starts with an analysis of
the market gap (3.1) and then introduces the case
study (3.2) as well the Generative AI application in
close coherence with LLMs (3.3).
3.1 Market Gap Analysis
Our methodology begins with the visualisation of
the three revolutions into a graph based on Moore’s
Crossing the Chasm graph (Figure 1). This visuali-
sation will allow us to identify the positioning of the
three technologies (digital, smart, and intelligent con-
tracts) in relation to market adoption. Thereafter, we
are able to conduct a gap analysis to identify the steps
that appear to be the missing links for the adoption of
iContracts. Our gap analysis will focus on a specific
case study.
To classify market categories on contracting au-
tomation we are going to use Legalcomplex’s cate-
. Legalcomplex is the largest database
on LegalTech solutions. Legalcomplex has classified
contract automation solutions into the following five
categories: (1) contract negotiation, (2) contract risk
management, (3) contract drafting, (4) contract ex-
traction and (5) contract management.
The classification of Legalcomplex follows the
typical journey of a contracting user. Starting with
negotiations, a legal expert makes an estimation of
legal risk and drafts a contract. Thereafter, relevant
elements of that contract can be extracted during the
execution stage and/or the monitoring stage; finally
the contract is being discussed on management level
until its completion.
3.2 Case Study
The case study is presented by the Knowledge Graph
developed in the ICAART 2023 research and is based
on the Onassis Ontology (see Figure 2). The Knowl-
edge Graph validates how a small agreement (be-
tween two contractors, guided or supervised by a le-
gal expert) can be automated based on communica-
tions and risk data that are exchanged between two
contracting parties (Figure 2). In the communication
with the contractor, the back-end the role of a legal
expert is to clarify the scope, contract, risks and ques-
tions for the contracting parties. When (1) contracting
parties (2) select a scope, (3) the reply questions and
(4) the risk-intelligent contract is updated by the vari-
ables from the conversation exchange (see in Figure
2 the lines: question, answer, section, contract, vari-
able). The question then is, how can Generative AI
help? Our experiment will guide the reader to an an-
swer to this question.
3.3 Application
The application shows to what extent is it possible
to develop alternative options by Explainable LLMs
to facilitate the automated generation of data for the
stakeholders involved in our case study (i.e., the legal
expert and the contractors). Starting with the KG, we
will first identify the potential locations where Gen-
erative AI and LLMs can be applied. Then we are
showing the power of Google’s Bard LLM to validate
whether and to what extent it is indeed possible to
develop explainable generated data that functionally
assist the iContract users into completing their work.
To amplify the explainability capabilities of Genera-
tive AI and LLMs, in compliance with the literature
on trustworthy AI, we will use the opportunity to re-
quest the LLM model to provide higher levels of user
trustworthiness with alternative explanations.
The results visualise the market gap analysis (4.1) and
provide the experiment validation (4.2).
4.1 Market Gap
We start with the visualisation of the market adop-
tion of contracting technologies in accordance with
Moore’s Crossing the Chasm (Figure 1) (Moore,
1991). First, we see that physical contracts are the
preferred contracting method for laggards. Then, dig-
ital contracts are reaching the late market. Here,
Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts
Figure 1: Moore’s Crossing The Chasm.
we remark that Smart contracts have not managed to
achieve a wide adoption of crossing the chasm. Third,
at the same time, iContracts have still not reached
early adopters and are therefore being evaluated by
innovators only.
Based on (1) this visualisation and (2) the user
preferences, we are able to identify the relevant mar-
ket gap among each contracting alternative. Using
as comparison framework Legalcomplex’s classifica-
tion of contract automation solutions, we see in Ta-
ble 1 (column 2) that the highest adoption is observed
with physical contracts. The main obstacle for phys-
ical contracts is data extraction. That obstacle has
been solved by digital contracts. Hence, gradually
digital contracts are the first followers. Still digital
contracts have not managed to replace negotiations or
risk management as they occur in physical contracts.
Also contract drafting seems to have remained signif-
icantly reliant on physical contract drafting (although
it is nowadays done often by electronic means, even
with the use of templates). Smart contracts (see col-
umn 4) have lower levels of adoption across most cat-
egories, except with drafting, extraction and manage-
ment which is amplified by electronic means. With
intelligent contracts, we see the lower adoption rate.
The table helps us to decipher which gap iContracts
should aim to bridge first. That is the gap in contract
negotiations, risk management and drafting. As seen
in Figure 2, this is the conceptual line of execution
that the Onassis Ontology is taking. Hence, by ex-
perimenting with the application of Explainable Gen-
erative AI and LLMs on the Onassis Ontology, it is
expected to bridge the market gap observed on these
three categories faster.
4.2 Explainable Generative AI
The application results, which are accessible on
GitHub (
) validate that Generative AI can be lever-
aged in every single step of the Onassis Ontology. For
as long as the Generative AI prompt requires the spec-
ification of supporting explanations, the provision of
such explanations is possible. As a direct conse-
quence, we see that it becomes visible that the reduc-
tion of human labour in iContracts is further ampli-
fied with the help of Generative AI. By including the
explicit provision of explanations we may also expect
that the user trustworthiness increases. Hence, tech-
nologically, it is possible to support the gap difference
between iContracts with other contracting alternatives
with Explainable Generative AI.
In our discussion we focus on the implications for the
adoption of iContracts (5.1) and the limitations ob-
served in the Explainable LLM application (5.2).
5.1 iContracts Market Adoption
As we have seen, the market gap analysis became use-
ful in identifying the precise gap between the alterna-
tive contracting options for end users. We found that
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Visualisation of the use case scenario modelled with Onassis’s ontological expressiveness.
the advantage of iContracts lies exactly where digital
and smart contracts seem to struggle with replacing
Physical contracts, namely contract (1) negotiations,
(2) risk management and (3) drafting.
In compliance with market adoption, business
study literature, provided that physical, digital and
smart contracts already present certain alternatives
that users have habituated. The opportunity for iCon-
tracts to impress early adopters and gradually wide
adopters, lies in exploiting opportunities that signifi-
cantly impact current practices.
In conclusion, there is thus an opportunity by ap-
plying Explainable Generative AI, which simplifies
human complexity in multiple directions, as validated
by the application on the case study. Still, such appli-
cation allows us also to identify specific limitations
which we present below.
Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts
Table 1: Rate of contracting adoption based on high-mid-low factors among four alternative contracting options.
Physical Digital Smart Intelligent
Contract Negotiation High Mid Low Low
Contract Risk Management High Mid Low Low
Contract Drafting High Mid Mid Low
Contract Extraction Low High Mid Low
Contract Management High High Mid Low
5.2 Explainable Large Language Model
Requesting an LLM to develop supporting explana-
tions is a really possible challenge. Such explanations
improve user trustworthiness by supporting their eval-
uation process. Instead of requesting an LLM to di-
rectly provide one single answer for a given topic, the
alternative option is to allow for users to select the
most serviceable answer for a specific purpose.
If we compare the effectivity of humans to pro-
duce alternative explanations against an LLM produc-
ing such alternatives, we find that it is a laborious task
that most humans would avoid due to increased com-
plexity. Hence, an Explainable LLM is able to replace
a laborious task with a more trustworthy alternative.
An additional positive aspect is that we validated
the application of Explainable LLM as being possible
across each step of the Onassis Ontology. Indeed, we
found that the application of Generative AI on iCon-
tracts happens on feature level and not on architec-
ture level. Although, our request for explanations still
presents certain limitations, which are not yet solved.
The limitations are related with the inability of
Generative AI systems to provide (1) readable sources
that verify its explanations and (2) understandable
reasoning patterns that explain the reasoning of its de-
velopers. In compliance with the ”culture of explana-
tion” as supported in the Springer research, these two
characteristics will be able to drastically increase the
user trustworthiness even further, due to the ability for
users to validate the origin of specific data as well as
the line of reasoning a developer has followed. Such
transparency helps with improving end user evalua-
tions as well as with assigning liability with improved
accountability that also increases user trustworthiness
from a legal point of view.
The RQ of this research is: to what extent is it pos-
sible to accelerate the adoption of Intelligent Con-
tracts with Explainable Large Language Models?.
The answer is that Explainable LLMs, as a cat-
egory of Generative AI, have the possibility to ac-
celerate the adoption of iContracts to the extent that
it is applies on the categories that are currently un-
derrepresented by the competing contracting alterna-
tives, namely contract (1) negotiations, (2) risk man-
agement and (3) drafting. This occurs because of two
characteristics for Explainable LLMs. First, Gen-
erative AI can make the laborious human tasks in-
volved in the three categories simpler. Second, the
explainability aspect can increase the end user trust-
worthiness significantly by supporting the outputs of
Generative AI with explicit explanations. To further
leverage explainability, we advice for being compliant
with the ”culture of explanations”. Hence, the devel-
opers of LLMs should be connaisseurs of the culture
in which the system operates when given the task to
make an explicit presentation of sources supporting
data outputs as well as explicit representation of the
line of reasoning supporting algorithmic models.
Our further research will focus on developing ex-
periments with additional case studies, with gradually
increasing complexity. Owing to a high reliance on
end user reactions, we will continue to conduct end
user validation experiments with graphical user in-
The overall novelties of the paper is that (1) it
presents the state of market adoption of contracting
technologies, (2) it identifies the gap among the alter-
native contracting technologies, (3) it connects the as-
pect of explainability with LLMs, and (4) it concludes
that the application of Explainable LLMs is success-
fully possible on practical case studies.
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Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts