EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in
Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
Gabriel Balbio V. Machado
, Wladmir C. Brand
and Humberto T. Marques-Neto
Department of Computer Science, Pontif
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Recommender Systems, PageRank, Popularity Count, Collaborative Filtering, Popularity Bias.
Recommendation systems play a pivotal role in digital platforms, facilitating novel user experiences by ef-
fectively sorting and presenting items that align with their preferences. However, these systems often suffer
from popularity bias, a phenomenon characterized by the algorithm’s inclination to favor a few popular items,
resulting in the under-representation of the vast majority of items. Addressing this bias and enhancing the
recommendation of long-tail items is of utmost importance. In this paper, we propose the EQNet, a re-ranking
approach designed to mitigate popularity bias and improve the recommendation quality of an SVD-based
recommendation system. EQNet leverages PageRank or Popularity Count outputs to re-rank items, and its
effectiveness is evaluated using four metrics: average popularity, percentage of long-tailed items, coverage of
long-tailed items, and recommendation quality. We incorporate the widely recognized bias mitigation algo-
rithm FA*IR into our experimentation to establish a robust baseline. By comparing the performance of EQNet
against this state-of-the-art approach, we show the efficiency of EQNet and highlight its potential to enhance
existing methods for mitigating popularity bias.
The ubiquity of digital content on the internet con-
tinues to expand, resulting in an overwhelming array
of choices for users seeking to consume media, make
purchases, or even engage in personal relationships.
In this ever-expanding digital landscape, recommen-
dation systems (RSs) play an indispensable role in
guiding users through the vast sea of content (Castells
et al., 2011; Taylor, 2023). However, an inherent
challenge present in these systems is popularity bias,
where certain items or content are recommended to
users, perpetuating a cycle of limited diversity. This
bias not only constrains the range of options presented
to users but also poses profound implications for fair-
ness and equity, as it amplifies the visibility of already
popular items, often at the expense of less-known,
high-quality ones (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2017; Yao and Huang, 2017; Nematzadeh et al., 2018;
Yalcin and Bilge, 2022).
Addressing popularity bias is an interesting chal-
lenge, as it deals with the delicate balance between
popularity and relevance. Removing popularity-
driven recommendations might risk introducing qual-
ity loss, as popular items often align with user pref-
erences (Jannach, 2015; Kowald and Lacic, 2022).
This dilemma is the focal point of our research, as we
introduce the EQNet, an approach poised to improve
the landscape of recommendation systems. We be-
gin by delving into the challenges posed by popular-
ity bias, outlining its effects on user experiences, con-
tent diversity, and the overall fairness of recommen-
dation systems. The EQNet is founded upon a post-
processing approach that leverages the power of net-
work ranking algorithms to re-rank recommendation
lists, ensuring that underrepresented and high-quality
items receive the attention they deserve, without com-
promising recommendation quality.
To accomplish this goal, it is crucial to balance
expanding the recommended list to include long-tail
(LT) items and maintaining the recommendation sys-
tem’s (RS) accuracy. As Abdollahpouri’s research
suggests, each RS has a specific correlation between
item popularity and the number of recommendations
generated (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher, 2019).
This study showed that the SVD algorithm has a more
linear behavior toward popularity versus recommen-
dation. Also, dot products can be a better default
Machado, G., Brandão, W. and Marques-Neto, H.
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012612800003690
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 919-932
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
choice for a study since they are more relevant for
the industry and have similar performance and appli-
cation (J. Lu, 2017; Rendle et al., 2020; Anelli et al.,
The EQNet can use the output from data process-
ing with PageRank or Popularity Count algorithms as
inputs for its operation. We used these algorithms
to identify and attenuate the prominence of popu-
lar items while concurrently elevating the visibility
of long-tail items within our recommendation lists
since these two algorithms are well known for their
propensity to prioritize popular items (Google, 2011;
Sora, 2015; J. Lu, 2017; AWS, 2022). The re-ranked
lists generated by the EQNet were compared with the
ones generated by FA*IR ranking algorithm (Zehlike
et al., 2017). In these experiments, we managed to
evaluate the approach’s efficiency and effectiveness.
By exploring the EQNet’s capabilities, this paper
tries to contribute to the ongoing discourse on fairness
and quality in recommendation systems, offering a vi-
able option for creating recommendation algorithms
that cater to users’ diverse and evolving preferences
while ensuring fair content exposure.
We organized this paper into six sections. The first
three sections discuss the scientific background and
related work linked with collaborative filtering RSs,
popularity bias behavior, and some ways to mitigate
it. Then, we present the EQNet approach, how we
developed it, and the experiment built to test it against
a baseline in sections four and five. Finally, there is a
conclusion and future work section to show possible
paths to be explored and deepen the research.
With the immense amount of information available
on the web, RSs capable of filtering, prioritizing,
and delivering relevant information to users are indis-
pensable in minimizing this overload (Taylor, 2023).
RSs solve this problem by processing a large amount
of data to list, rank and provide users with content
and services quickly and practically (D. Jannach and
Friedrich, 2010; F. Ricci and Kantor, 2011). Addi-
tionally, platforms can leverage these recommenda-
tion techniques to offer marketing products to other
companies (Yin et al., 2012; Instagram, 2016; Sun
and Xu, 2019; Didi et al., 2023). Three main types of
algorithms used to build these filters (D. Jannach and
Friedrich, 2010; F. Ricci and Kantor, 2011; Cano and
Morisio, 2017).
Content-based filtering: This method is based
on the analysis of content features of items (e.g.,
text descriptions, keywords, metadata) to create
user profiles based on their historical interactions
or explicit preferences for certain content features.
So, when a user interacts with the system, content-
based algorithms recommend items that are like
those the user has shown interest in. It relies on
the idea that if a user has liked or interacted with
certain content characteristics in the past, they
will be interested in items with similar character-
istics in the future.
Collaborative filtering: The systems focus on
finding similarities between users or items based
on their historical interactions and preferences
without considering item content. There are two
main types of collaborative filtering: memory-
based and model-based. Memory-based recom-
mendation systems can be constructed based on
user preferences or item attributes, adopting ei-
ther a user-based or item-based approach. These
systems identify analogous items within a port-
folio and load them into memory, often incur-
ring significant memory expenses. On the other
hand, model-based recommendation systems ex-
hibit higher processing costs but lower memory
requirements. This is attributed to developing a
recommendation system model using fundamen-
tal models such as clusterization, matrix decom-
position, Bayesian networks, or neural networks.
Leveraging these models enables the system to fil-
ter and rank extensive datasets without loading a
substantial model into memory.
Hybrid filtering: This method combines content-
based and collaborative filtering methods to im-
prove recommendation accuracy and overcome
the limitations of each approach. Hybrid sys-
tems can operate in several ways. One common
approach is to generate recommendations sepa-
rately from content-based and collaborative filter-
ing methods and combine them using weighted
averages or other techniques. Alternatively, the
system can use one method to enhance the results
of the other method. The key is to leverage the
strengths of each method to provide more person-
alized and accurate recommendations.
Since a recommendation algorithm works with
ranking lists, they are supposed to have popular items
delivered to the users as a sign the algorithm works
properly (D. Jannach and Friedrich, 2010; F. Ricci
and Kantor, 2011). However, when LT items are
present alongside popular items in the recommen-
dation, it not only enriches the user experience but
also the diversity of user behavior data (Sun and Xu,
2019). Because of that, being able to control the pop-
ularity bias is a challenge for RSs. This bias needs
to be accounted for and managed to optimize recom-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mendation systems (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2017; E. Mena-Maldonado, 2021; Yalcin and Bilge,
Also, incorporating collaborative filtering into our
experimental design offers a well-grounded approach
to investigating the management of popularity bias
in recommendation systems. Collaborative filtering
methods inherently exhibit popularity bias, favoring
recommending popular items because of their re-
liance on user-item interaction data (Kowald and
Lacic, 2022; Ahanger et al., 2022). This bias can
hinder user satisfaction by limiting exposure to less
popular but more relevant items, a critical concern
in many practical recommendation scenarios (Ne-
matzadeh et al., 2018; Yalcin and Bilge, 2022). More-
over, collaborative filtering serves as an ideal can-
didate for our study because of its widespread use
and well-established understanding within the field
of recommendation systems (D. Goldberg, 1992;
J. Ben Schafer, 2007; Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009;
M. Ranjbar, 2015; Jalili et al., 2018; Rendle et al.,
2020). Its inclusion ensures that our findings are not
only applicable to real-world recommendation sce-
narios but also provide a benchmark for evaluating the
effectiveness of bias reduction strategies, thus con-
tributing to a more comprehensive understanding of
popularity bias management.
2.1 Popularity Bias
Popularity bias exerts detrimental effects on multi-
ple stakeholders within a recommender system envi-
ronment, encompassing not only consumers but also
providers and the overall system. The skewed pref-
erence towards popular items not only impacts con-
sumer choices but also impedes the visibility and
potential popularity growth of less popular items,
thereby undermining recommendation fairness. Ram-
ifications of this bias can be comprehensively ex-
plained by examining real-world instances. The
prevalence of popularity bias leads to market homog-
enization, empowering a few item producers to dom-
inate the market (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2019). Consequently, this stifles opportunities for in-
novation and originality, curtailing diversity and lim-
iting the scope for novel offerings.
This repetition of just a few items being recom-
mended to the same user is very tiresome and also
represents a significant experience issue (E. Mena-
Maldonado, 2021). Psychological studies describe a
trend in user behavior in which negative memories
linked to a user experience are stronger and more last-
ing than good ones (D. Yin and Zhang, 2010), caus-
ing the negative experiences arising from Popularity
Bias to be devastating to a platform in the long run.
Hence, this type of bias can also worsen user expe-
rience and hinder the overall experience users might
have in it.
The correlation between the popularity of an item
and the number of times it is recommended varies
depending on the recommendation technique applied.
Previous studies showed that the SVD algorithm has
a more linear behavior towards popularity versus
recommendation (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2019). Also, dot product can be a better default choice
for combining embeddings than learned similarities
using MLP or NeuMF, since they are more relevant
for the industry (J. Lu, 2017; K. Li, 2019). Dot prod-
uct similarity simplifies modeling and learning and
provides a better alignment with other research areas,
such as natural language processing or image models
(Rendle et al., 2020). Therefore, the algorithm cho-
sen to generate the matrix decomposition and create
the recommendations was the SVD, as popularized by
Simon Funk during the Netflix Prize (Koren, 2009;
sup, ).
Given the pervasive nature of popularity bias in
recommendation systems, this study introduces the
EQNet approach as a strategic response to manage
this bias while preserving the quality of recommen-
dations. The EQNet’s core objective lies in enhancing
recommendation diversity and engagement while pre-
serving the quality of the recommendation. This forti-
fies the long-term sustainability and user satisfaction,
making the EQNet a valuable contribution to advanc-
ing recommendation systems.
2.2 Popularity Parameters
In the experiment using the EQNet, we employed
two established item classification algorithms to re-
rank the recommendations. The first algorithm se-
lected was PageRank, which has been used in rec-
ommendation systems and has shown its effective-
ness in addressing various challenges within the field
(P. Nguyen, 2015; S. Park and Lee, 2019; Al Sultany
and Ghaidaa, 2022). Equation 1 provides a con-
cise representation of the mathematical foundation of
PageRank. Let us consider B
as the set of adjacent
items to i, j as a adjacent item in B
, d as a damping
factor (usually set to 0.85 to represent the probability
that a user will continue navigating from the current
item rather than jumping to a random one), and L
the number of outbound links in j.
= (1 d) + d
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
We selected the Popularity Count algorithm as our
second algorithm of choice. The Popularity Count al-
gorithm exhibits notable significance in our research,
as it employs a ranking approach that incorporates
user evaluations of items and the recency of those
evaluations. By considering these factors, the Popu-
larity Count algorithm offers valuable insights into the
relative popularity of items within a given list, making
it a compelling choice for our investigation (AWS,
Because of its characteristics, Popularity Count
has gained usage in various online platforms, includ-
ing Amazon. Borges and Stefanidis proposed a novel
approach to address Popularity Bias, wherein they
incorporated this popularity score to penalize item
scores based on their historical popularity (Borges
and Stefanidis, 2021). This methodology successfully
mitigated the bias and fostered diversity, as observed
in his paper. Equation 2 shows the evaluation of item
(i) popularity using Popularity Rank, which takes into
account the weight of the user interaction (w
) and
the recency of the interaction (t
) across all users (u).
Consequently, even if an item has a relatively lower
number of interactions, it can receive a higher score if
these interactions are recent and carry substantial sig-
nificance within the specific application context under
By incorporating the outputs of both ranking algo-
rithms as a weighting component, we believed EQNet
could effectively address popularity bias and signifi-
cantly enhance fairness in recommendation systems.
Since EQNet would leverage not only the hierarchical
structure of items but also the implicit network infor-
mation, such as user navigation patterns. Figure 1 il-
lustrates how three user rating behaviors can be trans-
lated to a network for further processing via PageR-
ank to extract each movie’s relevance score. There-
fore, unlike many existing re-ranking methods, the
EQNet distinguishes itself by utilizing scalar values
derived from this type of information rather than re-
lying solely on explicit attributes, cluster parameters,
or query-based re-ranking. This unique characteristic
of EQNet provides an interesting approach to manage
popularity bias and enhance RSs fairness (Adomavi-
cius and Kwon, 2009; Ai et al., 2020).
In their scientific study, Adomavicus and Kwon con-
ducted experiments with six re-ranking models ap-
plied to a recommendation system, aiming to identify
the optimal approach for handling popularity (Ado-
mavicius and Kwon, 2009). To assess the effective-
ness of these models, they measured the impact on
the presence of long-tail (LT) items in the recommen-
dation lists, besides evaluating accuracy. It is widely
recognized that accuracy alone does not encompass
the entire user experience provided by a recommen-
dation system. Hence, as long as the accuracy re-
mains stable, post and pre-processing techniques can
enhance the balance of LT items, thus improving the
overall user experience (Knijnenburg et al., 2012;
Raza and Ding, 2021; Karboua et al., 2022).
Besides direct popularity, alternative approaches
for assessing the relevance of items and re-ranking
them exist when considering algorithms applicable to
complex networks. An example is the application of
PageRank, a well-known algorithm for ranking web
pages, which considers not only the inherent popular-
ity of a page but also its interconnectedness with other
popular pages. This approach offers a more compre-
hensive relevance assessment, incorporating intrinsic
qualities and contextual relationships within the net-
work structure (Bressan and Pretto, 2011).
Previous studies have evaluated the efficacy of uti-
lizing PageRank algorithms in recommendation sys-
tems in the domains of movie databases and web
pages, thereby providing a foundation for the present
research (Al Janabi and Kadiam, 2020; Sharma et al.,
2022; Al Sultany and Ghaidaa, 2022). These models
use graph structures derived from user-item interac-
tions to build hybrid recommender systems using per-
sonalized PageRank applications to rank the lists or
build clusters of items and users. Another study has
successfully mitigated the impact of popularity bias
by employing clusterization techniques and centrality
parameters to diminish the influence of nodes that are
distant from the user’s current navigation cluster (Ai
et al., 2020). However, to the best of our knowledge,
no previous research has explored the utilization of
PageRank, a well-established algorithm renowned for
its efficacy in identifying influential nodes within a
network, as a re-ranking mechanism to prioritize rec-
Some studies propose algorithms to satisfy the
fairness constraint as much as possible at each posi-
tion (C. Geyik and Kenthapadi, 2019; Zehlike et al.,
2017; Zehlike et al., 2022). Zehlike proposes a pri-
ority queue-based approach (Zehlike et al., 2017),
called FA*IR, for item fairness scenarios where only
two groups exist. FA*IR ensures that the number of
protected candidates does not fall far below a required
minimum percentage p at any point in the ranking by
formulating this fairness as a statistical significance
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Certain nodes from the Complex Network illustrate the structure used for PageRank calculation. Specifically, in this
example snapshot, users 1, 2, and 3 assessed a set of 10 hypothetical movies over the course of 2022.
test of whether a ranking was likely to have been
produced by a Bernoulli process. If not, then select
the item with the highest relevance in the protected
queue; otherwise, compare the two queues and select
the item with the highest relevance.
Furthermore, Zehlike improved the FA*IR algo-
rithm to address scenarios involving multiple pro-
tected groups (Zehlike et al., 2022), necessitating
the adoption of a statistical test based on a multino-
mial distribution rather than the binomial distribution
employed in the original FA*IR framework. Notably,
FA*IR keeps its capacity to preserve fairness when a
protected group already enjoys helpful exposure, and
the ranked group fairness condition is satisfied based
on candidate ranking scores. In this context, FAIR
ensures that a protected candidate may only experi-
ence a reduced exposure if another protected candi-
date from a different group ascends in the ranking,
thus safeguarding against exposure loss because of
non-protected candidates. This enhancement aligns
FA*IR with the complexities inherent in multi-group
fairness considerations, making it a valuable tool for
addressing fairness concerns in RSs.
The FA*IR algorithm uses a fairness metric to
achieve this goal. One commonly used fairness met-
ric is the Demographic Disparity (DD), presented in
Equation 3, where S
represents the top-k ranking for
user u, P
represents the set of items associated with
protected group i and U is the set of all users. The
objective is to minimize the DD while optimizing the
recommendation quality.
DD =
Because of its recency, efficiency, and wide ap-
plication, the FA*IR algorithm serves as an excel-
lent state-of-the-art baseline for research on reduc-
ing unfairness by managing popularity bias in rec-
ommendation systems. In the presented research,
which introduces the novel re-ranking algorithm
called EQNet, FA*IR’s prominence and application
as a post-processing solution become an essential ar-
gument. Therefore, EQNet can also be used to build
upon and enhance the existing methodologies, con-
tributing to advancing fairness-oriented recommenda-
tion systems (Zehlike et al., 2022).
EQNet is a re-ranking approach that leverages popu-
larity values computed by ranking algorithms, such
as PageRank, to reclassify the items in the portfo-
lio. Including popularity values is crucial due to
the presence of popularity bias, which arises from
the variations in user interactions with different items
on a platform, distinguishing between popular items
and long-tail (LT) (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2020; E. Mena-Maldonado, 2021). The concept of
developing an approach that leverages intrinsic val-
ues associated with item popularity for their reclassi-
fication aligns with existing research in the field and
enables us to adopt an approach for exploring addi-
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
tional possibilities. We selected Popularity Count and
PageRank as the algorithms to evaluate item popular-
ity because of their efficiency in identifying and high-
lighting relevant items within a collection and their
importance in the area. By employing a new ap-
proach, we conducted experiments with these well-
established algorithms to explore their effectiveness
in mitigating popularity bias.
To calculate PageRank, it is necessary to con-
struct a Complex Network that reflects the underlying
data meaningfully. Inspired by Jiang’s previous work
(Al Sultany and Ghaidaa, 2022), we designed a net-
work structure where films served as nodes, and user
evaluations, arranged chronologically, were used to
establish directional edges connecting one film to an-
other. Figure 1 visually represents the network struc-
ture in the study’s context.
The EQNet approach can operate with both
PageRank or Popularity Count output values as the
main re-ranking variable (α
), needing a prior nor-
malization process to compress into values between
0 and 1. In Equation 4, we present the transforma-
tion process performed by EQNet, wherein the rank-
ing score (S
i) is converted into a rebalanced score
i), suitable for re-ranking. Including a parameter
(λ) enables fine-grained control over the intensity of
the re-ranking procedure. This formulation allows us
to adjust the degree to which recommendations are
influenced by fairness considerations, ensuring that
the resulting recommendations balance relevance and
bias mitigation.
Through this approach, we successfully achieved
a re-balancing of recommendation lists, specifically
by diminishing the prominence of highly popular and
central items while elevating the relevance scores of
long-tail items. Figure 2 illustrates how the stan-
dard recommendation works after the SVD ranking,
and Figure 3 illustrates the dynamic of the re-ranking
process when the EQNet is applied. Essentially, the
alterations induced by the reduction in the popular-
ity of certain items and the increase in others lead to
the substitution of previously dominant popular items
with long-tail items that exhibit a strong user affinity,
thus enhancing the diversity and consequently reduc-
ing the popularity bias.
In this study, we comprehensively validated our pro-
posed method using two widely recognized public
datasets. The first dataset employed is the well-known
MovieLens dataset, which encompasses a vast col-
lection of user movie reviews (Harper and Konstan,
2016). Including this dataset enables us to evaluate
the performance and effectiveness of our approach on
a large-scale, real-world recommendation scenario.
Additionally, we used a second dataset from the Net-
flix Prize, a benchmark used in various recommenda-
tion algorithm contests (Koren, 2009).
Under the data reduction method outlined, users
with fewer than 20 ratings were excluded from the
Netflix dataset (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2017). This filtering process was conducted as we
found that users with longer profiles were much more
likely to have interacted with LT (long-tail) items.
Users kept after this reduction were those that inter-
acted more with the platform, thus being more likely
to have interacted and rated LT items, enabling our
training vs. testing scenarios to be executed.
To get a comprehensive understanding of each
method employed in our experiments, we conducted
the experiment using ten distinct values for the param-
eter λ, enabling a more comprehensive understanding.
In the baseline’s case, we evaluated the FA*IR algo-
rithm’s recommendation quality impact by testing it
with various values for the proportion of protected
candidates’ parameter (p) and observed its influence
on the popularity bias reduction. Additionally, we as-
sessed the performance of EQNet as a post-processing
factor to the FA*IR algorithm to investigate potential
synergies between the two solutions.
5.1 Evaluation
We diligently computed and recorded metric values at
each iteration step throughout the model testing pro-
cess. To establish a meaningful baseline for compari-
son with the two EQNet variants, we adopted FA*IR,
a top-k ranking algorithm known for its impressive
performance on the selected databases, as supported
by prior research (Wang et al., 2023; Krasanakis
et al., 2021). To assess the Popularity Bias and overall
efficacy of EQNet in our simulated recommendation
system, we carefully selected four metrics for evalua-
tion against the established baseline:
Average Recommendation Popularity (ARP):
Is used to analyze the average popularity of items
in each recommendation list as a crucial metric.
To quantify this, we define U
as the total number
of users, L
as the total number of items in a rec-
ommendation list, and Φ as the total number of
times we evaluated the item i in the training phase
as presented in Equation 5 (Yin et al., 2012):
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Representation of the standard SVD recommendation of a top-10 list from a universe containing 30 items.
Average Percentage of Long-Tailed Items
(APLT): As previously proposed by Abdollah-
pouri et al. (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2019), this metric is employed to assess the aver-
age percentage of long-tail (LT) items present in
the recommendation list. As we can see in Equa-
tion 6, Γ denotes the group comprising all long-
tail items.
|i, i (L
Average Coverage of Long-Tailed Items
(ACLT): This metric complements the analysis
of Average Proportion of Long-Tail (APLT)
items and provides valuable insights into the
diversity of recommendations (H. Abdollahpouri
and Mobasher, 2019). By assessing whether the
recommendation consistently lists the same set
of LT items, the metric, as shown in Equation 7,
has 1(i Γ) where item i belongs to set Γ, serves
as an indicator of recommendation fairness and
diversity. A value of 1 is assigned when item i is
present in set Γ, allowing us to shed some light
on the degree to which LT items are exposed in
the recommendation system.
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
Figure 3: Representation of the EQNet approach to a top-10 recommendation list from a universe with 30 items already
ranked by SVD. This involves the re-ranking process using the popularity score in column (α
) to systematically adjust the
item scores inversely to their popularity levels.
1(i Γ) (7)
Normalized Discount Cumulative Gain
(NDCG): The accuracy of recommendations,
commonly employed as a metric to assess the
system’s performance, holds significant value in
evaluating the effectiveness of the application.
While acknowledging that accuracy might not
directly reflect user experience, measuring this
metric remains crucial in providing insights into
the recommendation system’s overall efficiency
(Wang et al., 2013).
With the EQNet parameters configured, we con-
ducted the experimental study. Initially, we per-
formed the recommendation using Singular Value De-
composition (SVD) on the databases without any re-
ranking approach. Subsequently, we applied three
distinct techniques, namely the FA*IR, the EQNet
with Popularity Count, and the EQNet with PageR-
ank, as well as both EQNet applications after FA*IR.
Collecting results from each experimental batch and
comparing the evaluation metrics of the recommen-
dation system before and after the re-ranking execu-
tions, we systematically assessed the overall evolution
and efficacy of the EQNet approach in improving rec-
ommendation fairness.
The experimental framework depicted in Fig-
ure 4 outlines the essential steps undertaken to gather
data and evaluate the results of our study. Initially
(1), we performed a dataset reduction by filtering
out users with fewer than 20 ratings, thereby fo-
cusing on the behavior of highly active users with
a greater likelihood of interaction with the recom-
mended items (H. Abdollahpouri and Mobasher,
2017). Subsequently (2), we conducted recommen-
dation runs based on SVD and recorded the results
of ARP, APLT, ACLT, and NDCG. For the third step
(3), we iteratively applied a re-ranking method, vary-
ing parameters across ten iterations to amass a more
extensive dataset for our analysis of recommendation
quality and bias reduction. When EQNet was used
with PageRank, an additional step was necessary to
construct a complex network that enabled the calcu-
lation of PageRank values for each item (4). The
outcomes of the three re-ranking methods were stud-
ied, organized, and presented in the most appropriate
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Summarized flowchart with the main steps of the experimental process.
manner for a comprehensive analysis (5).
5.2 Result Analysis
For each method, we registered the values of nine it-
erations versus the initial value. At the end of each
iteration, we compared the values of ARP, APLT,
ACLT, and NDCG with the ones from the SVDS
recommendation with no optimization and used this
relative value to generate our analysis. For exam-
ple, the APLT variation from an iteration t would be
, and we would calculate it for each
iteration to register the total variation versus the ini-
tial value. Also, for the EQNet approaches, we used
five different values of λ to capture more behavior nu-
In our experiment, we recorded the values of all
four key metrics (ARP, APLT, ACLT, and NDCG),
across nine iterations relative to their initial values
for each of the five methods: FA*IR, EQNet with
PageRank, EQNet with Popularity Count, FA*IR fol-
lowed by EQNet with PageRank and FA*IR followed
by EQNet with Popularity Count. Through this itera-
tive analysis, we gained valuable insights into the be-
havior of the tradeoff between recommendation qual-
ity and bias reduction. Moreover, by comparing the
performance of the FA*IR followed by EQNet ap-
proaches with their isolated counterparts, we could
discern and quantify the specific impact of the com-
bined method in addressing bias and enhancing rec-
ommendation quality.
The values for the basic Singular Value Decompo-
sition (SVD) recommendation model, without a post-
processing re-rank, are presented in the following list:
NDCG = 0.225971
ARP = 0.155042
APLT = 0.505874
ACLT = 5.058735
The Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain
(NDCG) values exhibit consistent alignment with
those reported in related studies within the field when
employing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as a
recommendation technique and comparing the train
and test groups sourced from offline data. No-
tably, the evaluation includes a subset of long-tailed
items, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the
algorithm’s performance across diverse item distri-
butions (D. M. Ferrari and Cremonesi, 2022; Val-
carce et al., 2018). These values provided a crucial
reference for evaluating the outputs with the post-
processing approaches.
To gain a comprehensive insight into EQNet’s im-
pact on the RS outcomes, we conducted an analysis of
the variations between the original recommendation
metrics and the post-processed results. In the context
of ARP, negative variations are favorable, as they sig-
nify a reduction of the overall popular items within
the recommendation lists. Additionally, we delved
into metrics such as APLT and ACLT which mea-
sure the involvement and coverage of long-tail items,
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
Table 1: Table depicting the metrics percent variation for each method using the MovieLens Database.
Methods ARP var. (%) APLT var. (%) ACLT var. (%) NDCG var. (%)
FA*IR -32.73 18.23 17.78 -1.39
EQNet (PageRank) -79.39 44.93 44.93 -2.01
EQNet (PopCount) -57.95 65.77 65.77 -2.53
FA*IR + EQNet (PageRank) -54.18 44.62 44.62 -1.66
FA*IR + EQNet (PopCount) -13.34 85.70 85.70 -1.91
respectively. Here, a higher positive variation indi-
cates improved performance. With the NDCG, our
goal was to minimize loss while maximizing gains in
other variations. These examinations provide valu-
able insights into the method’s impact on popularity
bias management and recommendation quality.
Table 1 and Table 2 showcase the comparative per-
formance of each approach in terms of percent varia-
tion, with a focus on Average Percentage and Average
Coverage of Long-Tailed Items (APLT and ACLT) as
well as Average Recommendation Popularity (ARP)
while employing EQNet and FA*IR algorithms. The
results indicate the EQNet outperforms FA*IR in re-
ducing ARP and simultaneously improving APLT and
ACLT with only a slight reduction in Normalized
Discount Cumulative Gain (NDCG). Moreover, when
combining EQNet with FA*IR, the experiments ex-
hibit even more promising outcomes, achieving fur-
ther enhancements in APLT and ACLT, albeit at a
modest cost to NDCG. These findings underscore the
effectiveness of EQNet as a powerful tool for miti-
gating bias and enhancing fairness in recommenda-
tion systems, with the potential for complementary
utilization alongside FA*IR to achieve superior per-
formance in optimizing multiple fairness metrics.
Also, when comparing both tables, it’s possible
to see that each EQNet performed better at a given
database. Considering that after the database reduc-
tions, MovieLens had more balance between the num-
ber of users and the number of movies, while the
Netflix database had significantly more users than
movies. This indicates that both algorithms worked
well with EQNet, and each has its own application
Upon comparing the results in both tables, it be-
comes clear that each variant of the EQNet exhibited
superior performance on specific databases. After re-
ducing the database, the MovieLens database resulted
in a more balanced distribution between the number
of users and movies, while the Netflix database ex-
hibited a considerable imbalance, with significantly
more users than movies. This observation suggests
that both EQNet variations effectively handled popu-
larity bias concerns, and their respective strengths and
niche applications were apparent.
Furthermore, the analysis of scatter-plot charts in
Figure 5 and Figure 6 provides valuable insights into
the entire spectrum of NDCG variation for each of
the three popularity metrics. These visualizations of-
fer a comprehensive view of the behavior of post-
processing methods regarding changes in their param-
eters and the corresponding sensitivity of each met-
ric to incremental adjustments. Figure 6 reveals a
compelling observation where the combined method
of FAIR followed by EQNet with PageRank shows
superior retention of recommendation quality while
effectively mitigating Popularity Bias and enhancing
Fairness, compared to the standalone FAIR approach.
This observation underscores the efficacy and poten-
tial synergistic benefits of using the proposed EQNet
re-ranking algorithm alongside FA*IR for addressing
popularity bias and fairness concerns in recommenda-
tion systems.
In our experiment, the EQNet effectively reduced
popularity bias while only marginally affecting RS ac-
curacy. The evaluation of EQNet using two distinct
ranking algorithms yielded interesting results, reveal-
ing high variations in ARP, APLT, and ACLT with
marginal NDCG loss in both databases. Moreover,
in comparative assessments against the state-of-the-
art FA*IR algorithm, EQNet exhibited substantial po-
tential in handling balanced databases independently
and, in tandem with other ranking algorithms, dis-
played superior performance, contingent on the spe-
cific ranking algorithm employed in the ensemble.
Collaborative filtering is a compelling approach for
enhancing user experience by recommending rele-
vant items. In this scientific paper, we introduced the
EQNet, an innovative approach designed to mitigate
popularity bias in experimental data, leading to poten-
tial improvements in recommendation accuracy. Us-
ing two distinct databases, each characterized by dif-
ferent user profiles, and employing two algorithms to
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Table depicting the metrics percent variation for each method using the Netflix Database.
Methods ARP var. (%) APLT var. (%) ACLT var. (%) NDCG var. (%)
FA*IR -31.54 17.23 16.88 -1.37
EQNet (Pagerank) -33.20 7.71 7.71 -0.06
EQNet (PopCount) -18.51 12.96 12.96 -1.73
FA*IR + EQNet (PageRank) -52.90 15.42 15.42 -0.20
FA*IR + EQNet (PopCount) -51.09 14.19 14.19 -1.45
Figure 5: Graphs comparing the variations of NDCG with ARP, APLT, and ACLT using the five post-processing methods
with the MovieLens database.
rank the items by popularity, we gained valuable in-
sights into EQNet’s behavior, uncovering underlying
intrinsic factors that contribute to its performance.
We present a new technique for mitigating pop-
ularity bias in Recommender Systems (RSs) using
EQNet with PageRank and Popularity Count outputs
to reevaluate nodes. Through comprehensive evalu-
ations of the evolution of NDCG (Normalized Dis-
counted Cumulative Gain), ARP (Average Recom-
mendation Popularity), APLT (Average Popularity of
the Last T recommendations), and ACLT (Average
Clicks on the Last T recommendations), we compare
our proposed EQNet algorithm with the renowned
FA*IR algorithm, examining their performance in
tandem. Our experimental results show that EQNet
effectively addresses popularity bias in both databases
with only marginal recommendation quality loss. Ad-
ditionally, EQNet exhibits the potential to enhance the
overall performance of the FA*IR algorithm.
Due to its efficiency, simplicity, and low com-
putational complexity, EQNet presents as a viable
module for controlling popularity bias behavior and
enhancing fairness within recommendation systems.
While the workflow employed in this study may re-
quire adaptation to other recommendation methods,
EQNet, and its parameter calibration principles are
expected to remain unchanged. The re-ranking ap-
proach, incorporating popularity and network-related
parameters and metrics, offers a compelling avenue to
strike a balance in the recommendation list, enabling a
combination of multiple factors to address more intri-
cate scenarios. These findings validate the efficacy of
the EQNet in managing popularity bias and advanc-
ing state-of-the-art fairness-oriented recommendation
We expect several potential avenues for future re-
search and practical applications of the EQNet, in-
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
Figure 6: Graphs comparing the variations of NDCG with ARP, APLT and ACLT using the five post-processing methods with
the Netflix database.
Does the EQNet Work with Other Types RSs?
It is crucial to explore the behavior of various rec-
ommendation systems (RSs) beyond just SVD-
based approaches when subjected to the EQNet
re-ranking algorithm. Regardless of the system’s
complexity, a comprehensive evaluation should
involve metrics assessing the alignment between
the recommendations and user preferences, such
as RMSE and NMAE, besides popularity-based
metrics like ARP and ACLT. Integrating these
metrics will ensure a fair and robust assessment
of the EQNet’s impact on recommendation fair-
ness across a diverse range of RSs.
How Other Complex Network Graph Struc-
tures Can Change the PageRank Influence in
Understanding the efficacy of the EQNet with di-
verse PageRank network structures is essential to
find out its versatility and potential for achieving
fairness in recommendations across a wide range
of real-world use cases. By exploring and eval-
uating these configurations, we can gain valuable
insights into the adaptability of the EQNet.
What Other Ranking Algorithms Can Be Used
to Produce Satisfactory Results with EQNet?
Understanding the behavior of other ranking al-
gorithms with EQNet and their performance in
various recommendation scenarios is crucial for
a comprehensive assessment and applicability in
real-world settings.
How Does More Than One Instance of EQNet
Work in Tandem?
Since this paper initially sought to comprehend
how the EQNet behaves and conduct compara-
tive assessments with other contemporary state-
of-the-art methodologies, it is pertinent to investi-
gate the collaborative behavior of distinct EQNet
instances employing diverse ranking algorithms.
For instance, a comparative analysis of an EQNet
configured with PageRank against another config-
ured with Popularity Count warrants examination.
Such an investigation promises valuable insights
into the synergistic effects and differential perfor-
mance exhibited by these EQNet variants when
deployed in tandem.
The authors thank the Pontif
ıcia Universidade
olica de Minas Gerais PUC Minas and
ao de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal
de N
ıvel Superior CAPES (Grant PROAP
88887.842889/2023-00 PUC/MG, Grant
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
PDPG 88887.708960/2022-00 PUC/MG - IN-
ATICA and Finance Code 001).
surprise documentation. https://surprise.readthedocs.io/
factorization.html, note = Accessed:
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems