Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from
Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction
Fan Chen, Pengjin Wang, Deliang Wang, Wei Jia and Gaowei Chen
Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Keywords: Classroom Discourse, Academically Productive Talk, Visualization-Supported Dialogic Instruction,
Sequential Sequence Patters, Educational Data Mining.
Abstract: In primary education, effective dialogic strategies employed by teachers play a crucial role in stimulating
student engagement in classroom discussions. Despite this, a gap exists in practice due to teachers’ reliance
on subjective assessment of their questioning strategies, which can impact students’ engagement in classroom
discourse. This study introduces a classroom dialogue analyser designed for primary school teachers to bridge
this gap. The analyser processes classroom videotapes to produce visualization-based reports on dialogue and
student engagement over three months. This facilitates teachers’ self-reflection and refining dialogue
strategies within the 20-student classroom setting. Data mining techniques were utilized to evaluate shifts in
teachers’ questioning strategies, students’ participation in classroom dialogues, and the occurrence of frequent
teacher-student interaction sequences. Results indicate an increase in teachers’ use of talk moves and student
participation in discussion. Furthermore, by combining data on teachers’ and students’ dialogue engagement,
several high-frequency dialogue sequences were identified. Such sequences included instances where students
responded to teachers’ requests to “say more” and expressed their agreement following teachers’ revoicing of
their opinions. Within these sequences, consistently employed talk moves facilitate classroom dialogue
between teachers and students. Identifying these high-frequent dialogue sequences discovered that teachers’
conscious use of talk moves benefits students’ engagement in classroom dialogue.
Developing problem-solving abilities and logical
thinking skills in young students is crucial but
challenging within regular primary classrooms. Many
early childhood students lack the necessary skills to
overcome learning obstacles and maintain focus,
relying heavily on their teachers’ verbal support to
guide their thinking processes (van der Graaf et al.,
2019). Research by Nystrand and Gamoran (1991)
highlights the significance of heuristic questions and
collective discussions in enhancing students’ learning
performance. Therefore, it becomes crucial for
teachers to promote active participation (Mercer &
Littleton, 2007), utilizing various types of questions
to stimulate thinking (van der Wilt et al., 2022).
Teachers need advanced skills to facilitate
interaction and collaboration, enabling meaningful
dialogue and deepening discussions (van der Veen et
al., 2017). Productive classroom dialogue focuses on
core issues and encourages critical thinking about
potential solutions (Resnick et al., 2010), guided by
thought-provoking questions from teachers.
Nevertheless, developing effective questioning
strategies and teacher-student talk patterns can be
challenging for teachers (Khong et al., 2019),
especially considering the demands of managing
tasks in primary classrooms with numerous students
and limited time (Lehesvuori et al., 2019). In regular
classrooms, teachers may rely on familiar
communication strategies without engaging in deep
reflection on their practices (Pehmer et al., 2015),
leading to negative consequences for students’
thinking and working skills and unsatisfactory
learning outcomes.
1.1 Promoting Productive Classroom
Researchers have explored various conversation
guides and frameworks to promote productive
classroom discourse and facilitate effective talk
moves between teachers and students. These
Chen, F., Wang, P., Wang, D., Jia, W. and Chen, G.
Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012613300003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 339-348
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
frameworks include academically productive talk
(APT) (Michaels & O'Connor, 2015; Resnick et al.,
2010), dialogic teaching (Alexander, 2008), and
exploratory talk (Mercer & Littleton, 2007). These
approaches share the goal of fostering productive
classroom talk to enhance classroom interaction and
academic achievement. Previous studies have shown
a strong relationship between teacher-student
dialogic interaction and students’ authorship,
communication skills, and academic performance.
For instance, Forman et al. (2017) found that teachers’
use of discursive moves supported students’ scientific
argumentation and transformed the teacher’s role from
mentor to partner. Cheng et al. (2022) discovered that
when teachers provided opportunities for students to
express their voices, students assumed the role of
authors, and their authorship was further enhanced
through engaging in rich dialogic discourse. van der
Veen et al. (2017) uncovered the significant effect of
productive classroom talk and metacommunication on
early students’ oral communicative competence.
Additionally, Amodia-Bidakowska et al. (2023)
compared classroom dialogues in different curriculum
contexts and revealed that students’ elaboration of
ideas was associated with improvements in reading,
spelling, punctuation, and grammar skills.
Considering the impact of productive classroom
talk on students’ classroom participation and
academic performance, numerous studies have
explored practical dialogue strategies to assist
teachers in effectively guiding student participation
(Chen et al., 2020; Michaels & O'Connor, 2015).
Academically productive talk, as a structured
conversation approach, aims to equip all classroom
participants with the skills to engage in academically
productive talk. It emphasizes accountability to the
learning community, accepted standards of
reasoning, and knowledge. Strategies for APT enable
teachers to employ accessible and practical discourse
strategies to facilitate open and extended classroom
dialogue (Mercer, 2002; Michaels et al., 2007).
However, an urgent problem remains: how can
we better support primary ICT teachers in employing
more APT and understanding changes in classroom
talk? The significance of addressing this issue lies in
the high dependence of early childhood primary
students on teachers’ guidance, as their thinking and
working skills are developed through engaging in
classroom discourse, ultimately benefiting their long-
term academic performance. Previous research has
explored strategies such as video-based professional
development programs (Hennessy et al., 2018),
visualization-supported instruction reflections (Chen
& Chan, 2022), and instructional intervention
scaffolding supported by analytics technology (Aslan
et al., 2019). There is a consensus regarding the need
to support productive classroom talk, and empirical
evidence shows that professional development
programs and visualization tools aimed at improving
classroom talk moves have a positive impact on
classroom interaction and academic performance
(Chen et al., 2020; Pehmer et al., 2015).
1.2 Sequential Pattern Mining of
Educational Data
Sequential pattern mining is a method used for
temporal analysis and detecting transitions in learning
processes, including the passage of time and the order
in time (Molenaar & Wise, 2022). The passage of
time provides insights into what happened, how long
it occurred, and the sequential order of events. The
order in time examines consecutive events within a
period to understand the learning process (Zhang &
Paquette, 2023). While time series analysis is
commonly employed to understand learners’ online
behavioural patterns, sequential analysis has also
been applied to analyse learners’ dialogue and
classroom discourse sequences.
In the online learning context, researchers have
utilized lag sequential analysis and clustering
techniques to uncover behavioural patterns and group
interactions among online learners (Hou et al., 2010;
Perera et al., 2009). Moreover, sequential analysis has
been used to reveal differences in inquiry learning
processes and the impact of technological support on
group inquiry transition patterns (Lämsä et al., 2020).
Wong et al. (2019) employed a sequential pattern
mining algorithm to explore differences in students’
behavioural patterns with and without regulated
While sequence analysis has primarily been
applied in the online field, there are also studies that
have analysed learners’ dialogue sequences. For
instance, Yang et al. (2022) identified meaningful
participation patterns in online discussions from a
temporal dimension, while Ricca et al. (2019)
examined collaborative discourse to uncover
temporal patterns of group dynamics. Some studies
have also explored classroom dialogue from a
temporal perspective, investigating sequential
patterns of classroom discourse across different
subjects (Furtak et al., 2018; Song et al., 2022).
These previous studies demonstrate the value of
sequential analysis in understanding the relationship
between learning events over time, particularly in the
context of classroom dialogue. It not only reveals the
participation of individual teachers and students in
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
classroom discourse but also facilitates the joint
analysis of conversations between teachers and
students, shedding light on the types of questions that
guide talk moves in the classroom (Amodia-
Bidakowska et al., 2023; Song et al., 2022).
This study aims to 1) provide teachers with
visualization-supported reports to support their
reflection on classroom discourse and 2) employs
sequence pattern mining to reveal changes in
classroom dialogue during visualization-supported
instruction. The analysis firstly examines the
questioning strategies employed by teachers and how
students respond during dialogic instruction in
visualization-supported primary classrooms.
Additionally, it investigates the patterns of discourse
moves between teachers and students and examines
how these patterns evolve over time in visualization-
supported primary classrooms. To address these
research questions, the study will analyse the
classroom dialogue participation of teachers and
students separately, as well as compare the joint
classroom dialogue interaction between teachers and
students to reveal changes in classroom dialogue
during three-month intervention period.
2.1 Context
The study was conducted in second-grade ICT classes
at a local primary school in Hong Kong, China. The
participating teacher had over ten years of experience
in teaching ICT but had not previously used APT or
visualization-supported tools in teaching. The class
consisted of 20 students, with an average age of 8
years, including an equal number of boys and girls.
Informed consent forms were obtained from the
parents of the participating children and the school.
The classroom instruction spanned a period of
four months and aimed to develop students’ logical
thinking and programming skills through visual
programming using Dash robots. Before the teaching
began, the teacher was introduced to the core
concepts of APT and communicative strategies, with
examples provided for better understanding. The
basics of visualization analytics technology were also
explained to ensure the teacher’s comprehension of
the visualization reports. Throughout the experiment,
the teacher received visualization-based reports from
the classroom dialogue analyser via email. Biweekly
workshops were conducted to assist the teacher in
analysing and understanding the content of the
visualization-based reports, with targeted
explanations on the use of APT to improve classroom
teaching practices.
The classroom instruction data were used to
analyse the sequence of classroom dialogue and
focused on two inquiry topics: Dash for dancing
(topic 1) and Dash for food delivery (topic 2). Dash
for dancing involved students using programming to
enable Dash robots to follow music and perform
simple dance steps, representing their initial attempts
at controlling Dash. Dash for food delivery required
students to use visual programming to control Dash
robots in delivering food and announcing the dish’s
name, representing their second attempt at controlling
Dash. Each topic comprised four videos, and the
teaching structures were similar. Initially, the teacher
explained the content and requirements of the topic to
the whole class, guiding them through progressively
deepening class discussions to formulate visual
programming plans. In the subsequent two classes,
students worked in groups to explore and practice
their programming plans. The teacher allocated time
during the cooperative process for students to report
on their progress and discuss any challenges they
encountered, with the teacher asking questions to
stimulate ideas and guide students’ thinking. In the
final class, students presented their outcomes in
groups, and the teacher guided them in summarizing
and reflecting on their learning process and
achievements. Thus, these two complete classroom
videos can to some extent reflect the changes in
teacher-student interaction throughout the classroom
since the teacher’s involvement in the experiment.
2.2 Classroom Discourse Analyser:
A Visualization-Supported Tool
The Classroom Dialogue Analyzer (CDA), depicted
in Figure 1, was used in this study to support teachers
in reflecting on and improving their classroom
dialogue through visualization-based analysis (Chen
et al., 2015). CDA offers a comprehensive overview
of teaching videos, transcribed text, and visualization
graphs for each class, allowing teachers to easily
understand the frequency of their talk, use of talk
moves, and turn-taking dynamics throughout the
entire class. After completing classroom sessions,
teachers can log into the system to access the
visualization analysis of their classroom dialogue.
This platform has been previously utilized as a
reflective tool in teachers’ professional development
programs, resulting in positive effects on teachers’
talk move usage and students’ academic performance
(Chen, 2020; Chen & Chan, 2022).
Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction
Figure 1: Classroom discourse analyser.
In this study, we generated visualization-based
reports for teachers, corresponding to the platform’s
analysis. These reports, as shown in Figure 2,
provided insights into the classroom dialogue
between teachers and students, as well as students’
overall participation in the class. By comparing these
analytics results, we aimed to identify changes in
teachers’ talk and students’ engagement. The analysis
reports were then emailed to the teachers. Throughout
the experiments, biweekly workshops were
conducted, utilizing visualization-based analysis to
support teachers in reviewing and reflecting on their
classroom practices. This analysis focused on
examining talk move usage, students’ responses, and
the level of student engagement throughout the entire
class. Based on these insights, teachers could enhance
their instructional strategies in future teaching
practices. These ongoing changes and progress were
videotaped in this study.
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
The data collection for this experiment involved eight
classroom teaching videos, with an average duration
of 32.17 minutes per video. These videos provided
comprehensive coverage of the classroom teaching
situations and encompassed two complete learning
topics conducted over three months. Each topic had
an average duration of 128.69 minutes, allowing for a
thorough exploration of the instructional content and
student engagement within the specified timeframe.
The analysis of the video data proceeded as follows:
First, we transcribed the classroom conversations
using CDA and manually checked the accuracy of the
Figure 2: Visualization-based report.
transcribed text. The teacher’s classroom dialogue
was coded using the APT framework, which is a core
dialogue strategy for facilitating productive
classroom talk, based on the study by Michaels and
O'Connor (2015). For coding student participation in
classroom dialogue, we referred to the study by
Pimentel and McNeill (2013). Each turn in the
dialogue, which consisted of one or more utterances
by an individual, was assigned a code. For example,
if a teacher used a talk strategy to elicit students’
reasoning, it was coded as a turn. A dialogue
sequence represents a chain of exchanges containing
multiple turns, reflecting the topic-focused discussion
between teachers and students (Jin et al., 2016). The
specific coding framework and examples can be
found in the Appendix. The first author coded all
classroom conversations based on turns, while the
fourth author coded 50% of the data. The coding
consistency coefficient, Cohen’s kappa value, was
0.71. In cases of coding inconsistencies, the two
coders engaged in negotiations until a consensus was
After completing the coding process, we
employed the prefixSpan algorithm, a highly efficient
sequential sequence mining algorithm, to extract
classroom dialogue sequences (Jian et al., 2001). This
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
algorithm is commonly used in educational settings
for behavioural sequence analysis (Bermudez et al.,
2020), personalized recommendation systems (Salehi
et al., 2014), and identifying problem-solving patterns
(Liu & Israel, 2022). We calculated and identified
sequences with a support value greater than 9, along
with their corresponding confidence levels. The
support of a sequence (X Y) represents the number
of sequences containing items from X followed by
items from Y in the sequence set. For example, if the
sequence {SAM} appears without intervals before the
items from {ELA} for three times, the support of the
sequence SAM ELA would be three. The
confidence of each sequence (X Y) reveals the
support of the sequence divided by the number of
sequences containing items from X. It can be
interpreted as the conditional probability P(Y|X). For
instance, if the confidence of the sequence SAM
ELA is 100%, it means that every time teachers use
the talk strategy “say more,” they always receive a
response from students involving “elaboration.”
Once the analysis was completed, we compared
the frequently used questioning strategies by teachers,
the answering strategies of students, and the dialogue
interactions between teachers and students across the
two topics. These findings are presented in the
findings section of this study.
Teachers’ Use
of APT
The analysis focused on examining the use of APT
employed by the teacher during classroom teaching,
as guided by Michaels and O'Connor (2015). The
objective was to compare the teacher’s usage of APT
in the two topics and identify any developmental
changes in their ability to foster productive classroom
discourse with students over three months.
Upon analysing the teacher’s questioning
strategies in the two topics, a notable disparity
emerged: teachers in the second topic employed a
significantly higher number of talk moves compared
to those in the first topic. Specifically, topic 1
comprised 87 question sequence sets, while topic 2
encompassed 103 sequence sets. To gain a more
comprehensive understanding, we conducted a
detailed examination of the teacher’s use of each APT
tool in both topics. This analysis aimed to facilitate a
thorough exploration of the similarities and
differences in the implementation of APT between
the two topics, as depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Teachers use the frequency of APT within two
Overall, for both topics, the teacher most
frequently employed questioning strategies that
guided students to explain their opinions, using talk
tools like “say more” and “revoice.” Strategies aimed
at guiding students to reason, listen, and engage with
others’ opinions were less frequently used, with slight
differences observed between the two topics. To
further investigate the variations in questioning
strategies between the two topics, a comparative
analysis was conducted.
The analysis revealed that in topic 2, the teacher
used the strategies ofsay more,press for
reasoning,” “challenge,” “agree/disagree,” and “add
on” more frequently compared to topic 1.
Additionally, a decline in the use of “revoice” and
“restate” was observed in topic 2. It is worth noting
that the questioning tool “explain with others” was
not used in either topic.
3.2 Students’ Opportunities to Talk
Analysing students’ responses to classroom
conversations yields valuable insights into their
participation and the influence of teachers’ use of
APT. Overall, we observed a significant increase in
students’ engagement in class discussions over three
months of visualization-supported dialogic
instruction. In the first topic, we identified 86
sequence sets, while in the second topic, there were
104 sequence sets. This indicates that teachers’
increased utilization of APT positively influences
students’ involvement in classroom discussions.
Furthermore, we conducted a detailed analysis
and comparison of students’ responses during
discussions. The results, presented in Figure 4,
revealed interesting patterns. In both topics, the
majority of students’ responses focused on explaining
their thoughts without providing reasoning.
Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction
Figure 4: Students’ frequency of talking within two topics.
Following that, students often offered reasoning
to support their ideas or expressed agreement or
disagreement with specific statements. A small
number of students’ responses deviated from directly
addressing the teacher’s questions and instead
involved raising their own questions to the teacher
and their peers.
When comparing the students’ responses between
the two topics, several notable differences became
apparent. In the second topic, students tended to
provide elaboration on their opinions without
accompanying reasoning, while there was less
emphasis on expressing agreement or disagreement
with the teacher’s questions. However, students’
responses to elaboration with reasoning and querying
remained consistent across both topics.
3.3 Sequential Patterns of Discourse
Among Teachers and Students
The joint analysis of teachers’ use of APT and
students’ responses provides valuable insights into
the impact of visualization-supported dialogic
instruction on classroom interaction. In this study, we
employed a sequential pattern mining algorithm to
examine the interaction patterns of classroom
dialogue supported by APT, thereby revealing the
effectiveness of this dialogue scaffolding on
classroom interaction.
Our findings indicate that three months of
visualization-based support resulted in more diverse
classroom dialogic patterns. Specifically, in the first
topic, we discovered 1,161 sequence sets, while in the
second topic, the sequence set expanded dramatically
to 29,614. This substantial increase in the second
topic demonstrates that with the support of
visualization, the classroom dialogue interaction
patterns guided by teachers assumes an exceptionally
rich form.
Table 1: Sequential patterns of teacher-student discourse
within topic 1.
Order Discourse sequence
Support Confidence
1 2SAM → 1ELA 23 79.31%
2 1ELA → 2REV 14 87.5%
3 2SAM → 1AGD 12 41.38%
11 64.71%
10 87.5%,
Total 1,161
1. The number of each item in the discourse sequence
indicates the speaker role (teacher: 2; student: 1).
2.. The first confidence refers to the confidence level of the
first discourse sequence P(2REV|1ELA), while the second
confidence pertains to the confidence level of the second
discourse sequence P(1AGD|1ELA 2REV).
To further explore the patterns of interaction, we
present Table 1 and Table 2, which illustrate the
frequent sequential discourse patterns among
teachers and students. In the first topic, the classroom
activity involved collaborative work with a Dash
robot for a dancing task, serving as the students’
initial collaborative assignment. The analysis of
dialogue sequences in Table 1 revealed that direct
communication was the most common sequence, with
teachers prompting students to “say more” and
students elaborating on their opinions. This sequence
had a support of 23 and a confidence of 79.31%,
indicating a high likelihood of students providing
their thoughts without reasoning when prompted to
elaborate. The second most frequent sequence
involved the teacher restating children’s answers after
they expressed their opinions, with a support of 14
and a confidence of 87.5%. Another notable sequence
was when students expressed their agreement or
disagreement after the teacher elaborated on a
judgment and invited further input, with a confidence
level of 41.38%. Additionally, a pattern emerged
where students would express their agreement or
disagreement after the teacher revoiced their
expressions and students had finished elaborating on
their opinions.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Sequential patterns of teacher-student discourse
within topic 2.
Discourse sequence Support Confidence
29 87.88%
2 2SAM → 1ELA →
19 87.88%,
11 35.48%
4 1ELA →2SAM 11 35.48%
5 1ELA → 2SAM →
11 35.48%,
6 2SAM → 1ELA →
10 87.88%,
7 2SAM → 1ELA →
10 87.88%,
8 2SAM → 1ELA →
10 87.88%,
9 2SAM → 2SAM →
10 35.48%,
10 30.30%
11 2ADD → 1ELA 10 100%
In the second topic, the classroom interaction of
dialogue displayed even greater diversity, as
presented in Table 2. The analysis identified eleven
high-frequency talk sequences between teachers and
students. The highest-ranked sequence resembled the
one observed in topic 1, where after the teacher
invited students to express their opinions, the students
responded accordingly. This sequence had a support
of 29 and a transition probability of 87.88%. The
second-ranked sequence was closely correlated with
the first one, with one student explaining their point
of view and another spontaneously adding their
perspective. This sequence had a support of 19, and
the probability of the second student adding another
explanation was 65.52%. The third high-frequency
sequence involved the teacher inviting students to
explain their opinions and then eliciting their
agreement or disagreement, with a support of 11 and
a confidence level of 35.48%. Further analysis of the
4th to 7th high-frequency sequences revealed that
when students explained their opinions and the
teacher asked them to continue explaining, there was
a 100% probability of obtaining a clearer explanation.
This indicates that teachers who frequently utilized
the “say more” strategy were more effective in
facilitating talk moves. Additionally, the 8th and 10th
high-frequency sequences highlighted the teachers’
frequent use of the questioning strategy “revoice
students’ opinion.” In topic 2, we also found that
teachers asked students to add others’ opinions.
Notably, when teachers invited students to add
others’ opinions, there was a 100% chance of
receiving a more detailed explanation from students.
Overall, our analysis of the sequential discourse
patterns reveals the impact of APT on classroom
dialogue interaction. The utilization of APT, coupled
with visualization-based support, not only leads to
more diverse conversation patterns but also enhances
the effectiveness of teachers in facilitating productive
dialogue among students.
After analysing the conversation data from eight
second-grade primary school classes, we observed an
increase in the use of APT by teachers, specifically
in inviting students to express their opinions, provide
reasoning, and support their peers’ ideas. However, in
topic 2, we noticed a lower frequency of teachers
inviting students to restate their peers’ answers.
Students showed improvement in expressing their
ideas with more content, although reasoning was still
limited. Furthermore, the need for simple agreement
or disagreement responses decreased in topic 2. These
findings align with previous research indicating that
increased use of talk moves by teachers facilitates
students’ engagement in meaningful dialogue and
critical thinking, thereby enhancing their oral
language competences (van der Veen et al., 2017),
and promoting higher mathematics achievement
(Chen et al., 2020).
Figure 5: The common high frequent sequential patterns of
dialogue within two topics.
Note. In topic 1, confidence is represented by the colour
green, while in topic 2, confidence is represented by the
colour blue.
Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction
Our analysis of frequent dialogue sequences
revealed both shared and unique patterns in the two
topics, as shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Consistently inviting students to elaborate further
resulted in more detailed explanations without
reasoning. This finding was particularly evident in
topic 2, indicating the effectiveness of persistent
questioning strategies in facilitating ongoing student
engagement and expanding classroom discussions
(Orsolini & Pontecorvo, 1992). Revoicing, where
teachers rephrase and present students’ responses,
played a crucial role in facilitating productive
classroom discourse and clarifying students’ thoughts
(Michaels & O'Connor, 2015). After revoicing,
students often responded with agreement or
disagreement, creating a negotiation space among
children (Mercer & Littleton, 2007).
Figure 6: The high-frequent sequential patters of dialogue
in topic 1 and topic 2, respectively.
The study demonstrates that dialogic teaching
with visual support can optimize dialogue strategies
and improve students’ participation in classroom
discourse. Teachers’ increased utilization of talk
moves led to more dialogue interactions and a trend
towards more productive classroom discourse.
However, due to limitations in experiment duration
and available videos, advanced talk strategies were
not fully explored. Future experiments with extended
duration are needed to validate these findings.
In summary, this study highlights the
importance of timing in classroom dialogue and the
potential of dialogic teaching with visual support to
enhance dialogue strategies and student participation.
APT by teachers effectively guided students’
thinking, while strategies for facilitating student self-
expression were also employed. The use of the
revoice strategy was prominent, given the young age
of the participants (Mercer & Littleton, 2007;
Orsolini & Pontecorvo, 1992). As the experiment
progressed, the “add on” strategy emerged as a
frequently employed questioning technique.
Conducting larger-scale and longer-term experiments
will provide more comprehensive insights into
effective talk moves in educational settings and
promote productive classroom discourse.
This work was supported by Hong Kong Research
Grants Council, University Grants Committee (Grant
No.: 17605221) and by the Innovation and
Technology Commission of the Government of the
HKSAR (Grant No.: ITB/FBL/7026/20/P).
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Coding scheme for teachers’ questions to the classroom
Description Example
SAM Say more Teachers encourage
students to generate
or expand their
“Can you give
more details about
how to set the
move distance of
the Dash robot?”
REV Revoice Teachers rephrase
students’ opinions
and ask for the
correctness of their
“Do you mean
humans are more
flexible to move
than Dash
PRE Press for
Teachers encourage
students to explain
their opinions.
“Why do you
think the Dash
robot does not
need to replenish
CHA Challenge Teachers guide
students to think of a
similar or opposite
“Does Dash robot
always go faster
than people?”
RES Restate Teachers invite one
student to restate
other student’s
“Can you tell me
why they say their
restaurant is called
AGD Agree/disa
Teachers ask one
student whether they
agree with their
“Do you agree
with him that the
Dash robot needs
to deliver meals to
customers faster to
avoid things
getting cold?”
ADD Add on Teachers invite one
student to add
others’ thoughts.
“Do you have any
other suggestions
on accurately
operating the Dash
robot to move the
EXO Explain
Teachers encourage
one student to
explain the meaning
of others’ opinions.
“Can you explain
why their group’s
Dash robot route
setting deviated
from the original
OTH Others Not applicable. “Please look at the
teacher with your
Coding scheme for students’ contributions to the classroom
Code Category name Description Example
ELA Elaboration Students express
their complete
thoughts without
mainly sells
REA Reasoning Students
elaborate their
thoughts with
“Dash did not
go to the
because he set
the distance
shorter in the
AGD Agree/disagree Students express
whether they
agree or
QUE Query Students post
their questions to
“Why is your
OTH Others Not applicable. “I don’t
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