Digital Citizenship Exercises
Andrea Trentini
a Informatica, Universit
a degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 18, Milan, Italy
Digital Citizenship, Raising Awareness.
Many years ago the authors defined a layered model that takes into account every aspect of Digital Citizen-
ship. The Digital Citizenship and Technocivism Rainbow” (DCTR) model slices the topic in eight coloured
levels (network, services, access, education, transparency, participation, consultation, democracy) that can be
used in teaching (to organize course materials) and when analysing “situations” (e.g., public participation ini-
tiatives/actions) to better comprehend intents with “digital citizenship spectrograms”. This model has been in
constant use at the Computer Science department (University of Milan) Digital Citizenship course. An issue
in teaching the course and in explaining the topic to common people is the lack of exercises. During the 2021-
2022 session students were assigned a new type of homework: they had to create exercises to help common
people understand Digital Citizenship. The task consisted in proposing and developing complete exercises
with details about: intended target, difficulty level, detailed instructions and so on. This paper describes the
work they produced, with an analysis w.r.t. the DCTR model. The main idea is to evaluate the effort of
inventing exercises at various levels. A significant result is that “participatory levels” are challenging when
trying to design digital citizenship exercises.
The term “Digital Citizenship and Technocivism” was
the name of a course adopted in 2010 for the Mas-
ter in Computer Science at the University of Milan.
At the time, when we designed our course, our main
concern was to let our (Computer Science) students
acquire not only purely technological (e.g., program-
ming) knowledge, but also the ability to make con-
nections with the influences of technologies on every-
day life, in particular on “civic aspects”, in the more
proper meaning of being citizens, i.e., participating
in a socio-political-system: municipality, territory,
country/nation or federation. This awareness repre-
sents the fundamentals to catch most of the many op-
portunities offered by technology, transforming these
opportunities into social achievements (civic partic-
ipation, transparency, etc.), and also to mitigate the
risks exposed by technology (pervasive monitoring
and control, loss of privacy, etc.), moreover we think
it could be very useful to steer (towards success) all
the institutional initiatives about digital citizenship
and digital transformation. Our society is shaped by
information and communication technologies. A con-
tinuous interaction between the events of the physical
world and those in the digital world require the homo
digitalis to reconsider and reshape its citizenship to
actively interact with this elevated context, where
rights and obligations must be adequately declined
to satisfy both the opportunities and the risks deriv-
ing from digital technologies. These opportunities-
and-risks challenge the very idea of citizenship and
the rights that derive from it. The concept of citi-
zenship itself is changed through digital technologies,
rights and duties are also changed, and we should
consider that not only practices are changed, but also
democracy models and concepts (Moraes and An-
drade, 2015), almost as if Digital Citizenship could
be an abbreviation for “Citizenship in the digital Era”.
We have mentioned rights and duties, risks and op-
portunities... Is there an all-encompassing model to
frame the digital citizenship and technocivism field
and describe it in its structural aspects? An architec-
ture, a key to understanding concepts, technologies,
news items? A classification system that allows a cor-
rect analysis of the topic? A reasoning tool?
In absence of a satisfactory model in literature,
we defined the “The Digital Citizenship and Tech-
nocivism Rainbow” framework (see appendix A) to
model all the aspects of digital citizenship into eight
conceptual levels (from L0 to L7). The framework
Trentini, A.
Digital Citizenship Exercises.
DOI: 10.5220/0012614200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 501-508
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
0.the Net
Figure 1: The DCTR.
is made up of layers ranging from the infrastructure
(networks and services) to the right to be actively in-
volved in the decision-making process. Historically,
in “A ladder of citizen participation” (Arnstein, 1969)
the ladder metaphor was suggested to represent the
path that leads to a comprehensive citizenship (albeit
not digital, since that model was designed in 1969).
The staircase evokes an uphill path that implies a pro-
gressive commitment on behalf of those who under-
take it, but also a realization more and more complete
with citizenship rights as you go up. It quite correctly
models the experience of many people who realize
they have to work hard to become citizens in the infor-
mation society. However, for the purpose of an effec-
tive communication and to provide a more analytical
vision, we preferred to expand the DCTR model pro-
posed in “The access rainbow: conceptualizing uni-
versal access to the information/communications in-
frastructure” (Clement and Shade, 2000) by refining
the levels integrating the work of (Caddy and Vergez,
2001). We looked at other models in recent times but
none of them was as all-encompassing as our DCTR.
For example, the (Richardson and Milovidov, 2019)
covers only partially our levels and mixes different
concepts (such as privacy and active participation)
in the same set. Another “interesting” example of a
model of Digital Citizenship can be found in (Ribble,
2015) where “nine elements of digital citizenship”
are mentioned, but the participatory aspects necessary
to address the issue of digital citizenship were com-
pletely missing. A more recent model (R et al., 2022)
proposed by the EU focuses on the general compe-
tences of a “digital citizen”, but it misses important
topics such as (with DCTR levels in parentheses):
net neutrality (L0, L1), lock-in (L1), profiling (L0,
L1), computing agency (L3), crowdsourcing (L5), pe-
titioning/“participatory contract” (L6), participatory
budgeting (L6, L7), voting/elections/democracy sys-
tems (L6, L7), etc.
More details of our DCTR model can be found in
(De Cindio and Trentini, 2014), (Trentini, 2019) and
in the book (Trentini et al., 2020) (in Italian), here we
simply list the eight levels (figure 1) associating con-
cepts and macro-categorizing them, they are grouped
into “lower” (0-3) and “higher” (4-7) ones (see ap-
pendix A). Technocivism, with an emphasis on tech-
nology, awareness, network properties, standards, for-
mats, software, services, etc. stands as the foundation
for true Digital Citizenship where we talk about par-
ticipatory platforms, citizens’ consultation and partic-
ipation, transparency and voting systems.
1.1 We Need Exercises
In 2021-2022 we have introduced an important nov-
elty in the final paper that students must submit to
complete the exam. The added requirement is to de-
vise two/three Digital Citizenship exercises on differ-
ent DCTR levels. First we created a “who does what”
matrix to keep track of any collisions (to avoid stu-
dents with similar proposals), then we tried to broaden
the plethora of proposed exercises as much as pos-
sible, especially on the less “interesting” (for them)
levels. In fact our students tend to prefer lower lev-
els, the more technological ones, this attitude is con-
firmed by studies such as (Hui and Campbell, 2018).
At the end of some lessons we organized “brainstorm-
ing” sessions to help students creativity and to refine
the set of proposals. The result, still under develop-
ment given that not all students have yet completed
their work, is satisfactory in the sense that more than
sixty proposals have been made (the list in this arti-
cle omits a few that are too generic) covering (albeit
with different numbers) all DCTR levels. It has been
really pleasant to receive so much interested feedback
in line with our expectations, one of them in particu-
lar: “actually professor, having to invent an exercise,
putting myself in the shoes of the one who will lis-
ten to me forced me to think better about theme and I
think I have internalized it better”.
Why should we need Digital Citizenship exer-
cises? From a teacher perspective, assigning exer-
cises is a common activity, but creating new models
takes the teaching experience to an higher level. The
“learning by doing” paradigm could improve teacher
knowledge and could make our students better prop-
agators of Digital Citizenship, they may become the
mediators between the increasingly complex technol-
ogy and the masses of citizens who will have to “run
to stay in the same place” (Carroll and Tenniel, 1984).
The idea is not new of course, see (Constantinides,
2015) and (Aronson, 2011) even if applied to other
fields. We need it specifically for Digital Citizenship
because it is not always an easy topic (for the masses
and for the practitioners too!). We actually found few
previous attempts, and in one of them (Suson, 2019)
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the Digital Citizenship model resembles ours even if
not really in semantic and organizational terms, but at
least considers the use of exercises in teaching this do-
main. Even in review studies such as (
urk, 2021)
no mention of exercises can be found.
Since an exercise should be as “procedural” as
possible, we adopted a template inspired by the
Unix manual (McIlroy, 1987), defining goals, lessons
learned, target, etc. The template is composed of
sections (some are optional), and the exercise author
should fill out the relevant sections in order to de-
scribe a reproducible list of actions to reach the de-
sired objective. These are the sections defined in the
current version:
exercise title (should be evocative)
goal (and some intro/context)
target audience (and prerequisites)
estimated duration
DCTR levels (with motivation), tags/keywords
estimated difficulty (relative to audience)
examples (e.g., screenshots, stories, past experiences)
needed tools: operating systems, software/apps, con-
nections, etc.
detailed instructions
variations hints
expected results (outputs)
lessons learned
see also (other exercises, follow up)
mitigations (if the exercise is about acknowledging a
author (of this exercise)
license (open)
notes (from the exercise author)
During the course we planned some fully dedi-
cated meeting to discuss the proposals. We set up a
cross-contaminated environment, a place for students
to forge ideas, motivating topics and challenge imple-
mentation and cost issues (raised by the teacher). Of
course it was also an opportunity to supervise their
projects, addressing open points and correctly associ-
ating exercises to DCTR levels. In appendix B we list
the emerged proposals grouped by level, the hash (#)
character underlines the main association. The com-
plete repository of all exercises can be accessed at Please note
that since one exercise may be linked to more than
one DCTR level we classify into the most represen-
tative one. The exercises with “guide” in the title are
intended as a bit more articulated than simple “do this
simple experiment” instances, they are a sort of “food
for thought”.
Here follows a sample extracted from the about forty
exercises developed up to May 2022 by the students
for their final exam. A full exercise is usually accom-
panied by many example screenshots but since our
focus in this article is to describe it, images were re-
placed by square brackets. The original student text
was translated and edited (but keeping the first person
if used), some “uninteresting” (for the purpose of this
article) text has been omitted (and marked as such)
to fit the paper submission size limit. Our plan is to
collect the best ones into a full fledged exercises ap-
pendix to be included in the second volume of our
Digital Citizenship series (estimated publication: end
of 2024). All material we publish is openly licensed
(e.g., Creative Commons).
2.1 “Forging Fake Strava Activities”
goal (and some intro/context):
Strava is one of the most used sports apps in the
world, where you can share data about your own
workouts and compare them with other users’.
Given the importance and abundance of data that
this application provide, it is also used by many
professional athletes and their coaches to monitor
training progress. But can you really rely on the
data found online? Show how easy it is to tam-
per with a sports recording in the Strava app. This
should make the user generally aware that forging
fake digital data is possible and, in some contexts,
very easy. The user should therefore ask himself:
is the collection of unverifiable but indestructible
data (possibly mentioning the Locard principle)
target audience (and prerequisites): every user of
the Net, who relies on the data on it, should know
that the information found may not represent the
estimated duration: 10 minutes.
DCTR levels, tags/keywords: L1 (Locard)
estimated difficulty (relative to audience):
medium, no specific knowledge is required, but
the number of steps and the precision required
in some of them makes me think that the ex-
ercise may not be advisable for a completely
inexperienced user.
needed tools: operating systems, software/apps,
connections, etc.
An account on Strava (free version), a computer,
an Internet connection, a software to edit a text
costs: none
Digital Citizenship Exercises
detailed instructions (e.g., with screenshots)
“I wanted to suggest manual changes (not requiring
automatic data processing skills) to make the exercise
more accessible to everyone. However, I argue that any-
one with some programming skills could quickly write
a program processing data in a more radical way, for
example by lowering all heart rates by a certain percent-
age (to fake a more trained athlete) or by shortening the
time of distance, so as to simulate a higher travel speed.
Furthermore, to make the exercise easier, we started
from a pre-existing activity, but we could also start from
an empty text file and, as long as you respect the same
syntax and save the file with the format .gpx, you might
well be able to create a syntactically valid but com-
pletely forged activity.
There are some cycling teams that monitor the level of
their athletes also analysing the uploaded data: what
we have just seen should therefore make us consider
the risks involved when we blindly rely on the data we
read online.
The objective of this exercise is to make the citizen
aware about the ease of forging digital information.
Furthermore, the transposition of the Locard principle
to the digital world states that information placed on
the Net always leaves indestructible traces. The citizen
who carries out this exercise should therefore ask him-
self: is the collection of unverifiable, easy-to-forge but
indestructible data reasonable?”
2.2 “Internet Historical Memory”
goal (and some intro/context):
The Wayback Machine is the archive of the In-
ternet Archive organization where a snapshot of
a webpage can be saved. These pages can thus
be recovered and read even if the original source
were deleted or changed over time. The exercise
explain how to compare a webpage to an older
version. Next the user is suggested to create a
snapshot of a webpage that the user considers cul-
turally important. The objective of this exercise is
to raise awareness on the importance of the his-
torical memory of the Internet, on the relativity of
the network and on the risk of censorship.
target audience (and prerequisites): average web
user, high specialization is not required
estimated duration: 15 minutes
DCTR levels involved (with motivation),
tags/keywords: L1 - Services with hints at L0 -
estimated difficulty (relative to audience): low
needed tools: operating systems, software/apps,
connections, etc.
a browser and an Internet connection. PC recom-
costs: free
detailed instructions (e.g., with screenshots)
variations hints (similar experiments): find a
web page that is censored in Italy or that no longer
exists and look for it in the Wayback Machine
lessons learned:
Know and contribute to the building of the in-
formation heritage of this huge library of pages.
On the Internet, information remains tracked by
the service/content providers. With the Internet
Archive project, users have the ability to trace
snapshots of websites they deem of interest and
retrieve old web pages. This type of historical
memory has a strong cultural value as it allows
you to have a more complete vision of the web
world. If we consider the risk of censorship, this
project takes an even more important role. Fur-
thermore, the user can broaden the reasoning on
the relativity of the network by considering it also
in time space. At different times, the same user
may see the same web page differently or may not
even be able to see it again.
This “didactic experiment” has given satisfactory re-
sults primarily because more than sixty proposals for
Digital Citizenship exercises have been developed,
many of which are practically ready to be published
and used in real contexts. Many students reported
they gained a greater understanding of the topic just
by having to think about how to convey the con-
cepts of the course through exercises for “normal peo-
ple”, so the usefulness of the experiment is certainly
The template can be improved, some sections have
been rarely used and others have been interpreted
quite freely (but for now we have not forced a full
adherence to the template in order not to “clip the
wings” to students’ creativity).
The spectrogram in figure 2 represents the number
of proposals for every level (see appendix B). An in-
teresting aspect to be noted is that the distribution of
the exercises shows how the high levels (L6 and L7)
and one of the low levels (L2) seem the most difficult
to deal with. Moreover, the number of tag (‘#’) oc-
currences (here following with associated DCTR lev-
els) show a strong bias towards the lower levels:
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Exercises spectrogram.
19 relativity (L0, L1)
7 crowdsourcing (L5)
6 Locard (L0, L1)
3 learn-to-code (L3)
3 computing-agency (L3)
2 services-digitalization (L1)
2 scraping (L4)
2 petition (L6)
2 digital-identity (L2)
2 device-control (L3)
1 voting (L7)
1 understanding-data (L3)
1 personal-data (L1)
1 opendata (L4)
1 freesoftware (L3)
1 formats (L1,L3)
1 foia (L4)
1 digital-divide (L2)
1 delegation (L7)
It is not surprising that computer science students
find easier to cope with arguments closer to their tech-
nical background, and more difficult to deal with top-
ics more related to socio-political sciences. However,
these higher levels in a way “qualify” citizenship and
technology permeates all of these levels. I.e., the most
effort should be allocated in producing exercises for
the “participatory” levels. The challenge is then to
make students aware that their professional skill are
necessary to achieve a more accomplished digital cit-
We would like to thank all the Digital Citizenship &
Technocivism students of the academic year 2021-
2022 for their work in proposing and developing ex-
Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A ladder of citizen participa-
tion. Journal of the American Institute of planners,
Aronson, L. (2011). Twelve tips for teaching reflection
at all levels of medical education. Medical teacher,
Caddy, J. and Vergez, C. (2001). Citizens as partners. Infor-
mation, consultation and public participation in poli-
cymaking. Number 52159 in Governance Citizens as
partners. OECD Publications.
Carroll, L. and Tenniel, J. (1984). Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland: & Through the Looking-glass. Bantam
Classics. Bantam Books.
Clement, A. and Shade, L. R. (2000). The access rain-
bow: Conceptualizing universal access to the infor-
mation/communications infrastructure. In Community
informatics: Enabling communities with information
and communications technologies, pages 32–51. IGI
Clements, K. W., Lan, Y., and Seah, S. P. (2012). The big
mac index two decades on: an evaluation of burg-
ernomics. International Journal of Finance & Eco-
nomics, 17(1):31–60.
Constantinides, M. (2015). Creating creative teachers. Cre-
ativity in the English language classroom, 115.
De Cindio, F. and Trentini, A. (2014). A layered archi-
tecture to model digital citizenship rights and oppor-
tunities. In CeDEM14 : International Conference for
E-Democracy and Open Government, pages 403–416.
Danube University.
Hui, B. and Campbell, R. (2018). Discrepancy between
learning and practicing digital citizenship. Journal of
Academic Ethics, 16(2):117–131.
McIlroy, M. (1987). A Research UNIX Reader: Annotated
Excerpts from the Programmer’s Manual, 1971-1986.
Computing science technical report. AT&T Bell Lab-
Moraes, J. A. D. and Andrade, E. B. D. (2015). Who are the
citizens of the digital citizenship? The International
Review of Information Ethics, 23.
Pariser, E. (2011). The filter bubble: What the Internet is
hiding from you. Penguin UK.
R, V., S, K., and Y, P. (2022). Digcomp 2.2: The digital
competence framework for citizens - with new exam-
ples of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Scientific anal-
ysis or review KJ-NA-31006-EN-N (online),KJ-NA-
31006-EN-C (print), Luxembourg (Luxembourg).
Ribble, M. (2015). Digital Citizenship in Schools: Nine
Elements All Students Should Know. International So-
ciety for Tech in Ed.
Richardson, J. and Milovidov, E. (2019). Digital citizenship
education handbook: Being online, well-being online,
and rights online. Council of Europe.
Suson, R. L. (2019). Appropriating digital citizenship in the
context of basic education. International Journal of
Education, Learning and Development, 7(4):44–66.
Digital Citizenship Exercises
Trentini, A. (2019). The “Rainbow of Digital Citizenship”
revision. In Book of Abstracts, CUCS Trento 2019 VI
Trentini, A., Biscuolo, G., and Rossi, A. (2020). Cittad-
inanza digitale e tecnocivismo. In un mondo digitale
la cittadinanza inizia dai bit. Copy-left Italia. Ledi-
urk, G. (2021). Digital citizenship and its teaching: A
literature review. Journal of Educational Technology
and Online Learning, 4(1):31 – 45.
(technical-infrastructural levels)
Level 0 - the network infrastructure: relativity
of the network, non-Euclidean distance, the “best”
route, the Internet is broken, the Locard digital
principle, bits are immortal, DataGate (http://www., defences.
Level 1 - online, public and private services: con-
verting to/creating digital services formats & pro-
tocols, fallback, scalability, interoperability, secu-
rity, lock-in, accessibility, “appification”, relativity
(again! At the user level), the Locard principle
(again! At the user level), “digital event horizon”.
Level 2 - access to citizenship services: Maslow
pyramid, digital needs, public services (no discrim-
ination, dutifulness, continuity, universality, etc.),
digital divide, net neutrality, public service propos-
als debate (wifi, cloud, digital identity, devices, etc.).
Level 3 - education and awareness: threats (ex-
panding technologies such as Internet of Things,
augmented complexity masked by simpler inter-
faces, laws against freedom, anonymization, cryp-
tography, etc., political incompetence, patents, hard
copyright), “code is law” (Lessig), stolen comput-
ing agency (Digital “Restriction” Management, pro-
prietary software, Software as a Service, impedance
to “rooting” devices), the unaware citizen, cognitive
digital divide (DESI indexes - http://digital-strategy., Dunning-Kruger ef-
fect, institutional (top-down) defences: national
plans such as Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale (weak
at best, oriented to technology use rather than real
and deep knowledge useful for a digital citizen),
“grassroots” (bottom-up) defences: learn to code,
right to repair, Free Software (and possibly hard-
Digital Citizenship:
(social-participatory levels)
Level 4 transparency: the “glass house” (Turati),
“noscere per deliberare” (you need to know to de-
cide) (Einaudi), “ex-ante” (before) and “ex-post”
(after) information, transparency (pride or shame?),
opendata, ontologies, objects of transparency, clas-
sifications (Berners-Lee and Davies), resistances,
“webstacles”, scraping, FOIA, communities, pres-
sure groups, mediators, the science crisis, F.A.I.R.
data, civic responsibility (call to arms).
Level 5 - inform each other and collaborate:
technological evolution of the web (from “publi-
cation only” to “sharing”, “collaborative editing”)
crowdsourcing, “help other citizens” (Wikipedia,
Free Software) “bottom-up” participation grassroots
movements, social action openstreetmap, waze, join
me, fixmystreet, tripadvisor, toiletadvisor (!), trust-
pilot, book/film review sites, ushahidi
Level 6 [consultation] = be heard and consulted elec-
torate crisis, abstention, disillusionment (is “digital”
an answer?), citizen involvement, opinion, consul-
tation, sentiment analysis, participatory pact, social
contract, feedback, fast life cycle, petitioning (e.g.,, platforms (decidim, EU partici-
patory platform, ideascale, ...).
Level 7 - active involvement in public choices and
policy making: binding “participatory pact”, not ev-
eryone is interested in deciding on everything, hence
delegation, even “liquid”, budget decisions, partici-
patory budgets, e-voting does not offer all the guar-
antees of the analogue/paper version (freedoms from
influences, secrecy/anonymity, verifiability and re-
counting, security), but it certainly has some advan-
tages (lower cost, easy calculation, remote accessi-
bility, etc.), examples (decidim, liquidfeedback, the
“5 star” party platform).
Level 0 - the net
1. DNS (using ‘dig’ or ‘nslookup’ tools), same sym-
bolic name with different results in different net-
works; #relativity of the network
2. ‘nmap’ (scanning tool) different results with and
without a VPN (Virtual Private Network); #relativ-
ity of the network
3. ‘OONI Probe’ (tool), example use of ‘OONI Probe’
software to show and measure indicators about var-
iuos network connections; #relativity, #censorship,
4. “HTTP vs HTTPS”, by using a “sniffer” (a network
tool such as ‘wireshark’) show that HTTP is very
“observable” (usernames and passwords can be col-
lected easily); #Locard
Level 1 - services
1. forging activities on Strava, to show how easily a
user can create false activities (e.g., to climb rank-
ings) and upload them to the public site; Locard and
forging of logs; #Locard, #forging
2. VPN and streaming services, to show how video
streaming services offer different lists of media to
different (geo/network located) users; #relativity
3. Instagram ad hoc ads, to show that ads change
depending on the user and or according to recent
searches; #relativity
4. using the same search engine from different devices
(same user) may sport different results; #relativity
5. comparing various search engines in terms of re-
sults; #relativity
6. comparing the same Search Engine (logged, not
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
logged, cookies cleared, etc.) in terms of results;
7. “aleatory” flight prices, show that the exact same
flight sports different prices just depending on the
geolocation of the buyer, maybe linking this analysis
to the BigMacIndex? (Clements et al., 2012); #rela-
8. “aleatory” Youtube Premium and Strava prices, sim-
ilar to the previous one; #relativity
9. experimenting #relativity using Tor (http:
10. are Amazon prices relative to the user? #relativity
11. do services on the web react differently to different
browsers? (yes, of course, and this causes a discrim-
ination of users in accessing those services); #rela-
tivity, #accessibility
12. playstores (Google, Apple, etc.) #relativity (given
a keyword, the list of proposed apps is always the
13. price #relativity on different
14. Google News #relativity, using two or more dif-
ferent accounts using the same keywords generates
different timelines?
15. guide on how to submit a personal data deletion
request; #Locard
16. #relativity, it works in Italy only
17. Wayback Machine (, vari-
ous uses of the Internet Archive; #Locard, #censor-
18. #relativity advertising on social networks
19. Google vocal recordings and transcriptions; #Lo-
card, #digital-event-horizon
20. create an advertising campaign on Facebook to un-
derstand what types of targeting are available; #rela-
21. ‘whois’ guide, how to find information about a do-
main (or website) owner
22. show examples of the ‘IO app’ (
services available, with comparison to “traditional”
(analog) services to show advantages in using online
services; #services-digitalization
23. understand the usefulness of the ‘p7m’ (digitally
signed document) format; #formats
24. example uses of the Ufficio Postale (postal office)
app (e.g., to reserve a place in queue instead of wait-
ing there); #services-digitalization
25. cookies self-defense; #Locard, #digital-event-
Level 2 - access
1. how to create a SPID ( ac-
count highlighting some useful services accessible
through this Single-Sign-On; #digital-identity
2. how to create a PEC (certified email) account high-
lighting uses (e.g., giving a PEC address to a service
supplier to receive quicker notifications); #digital-
identity, #digital-presence
3. how to read the Infratel website/report (http:// to check the availability of
bandwidth in the country; #digital-divide
4. guide on how to verify online the service penetration
of delivery services, to check a sort of “availability
Level 3 - education
1. BlackBoxNAND, a black box device that (always?)
behaves like a logical port; #computing-agency,
#device-control, #device-ownership
2. guide on how to mitigate the “filter bubble” (Pariser,
3. simple guide to explore the functionalities of your
home router; #device-control, #device-ownership
4. the advantages of F/OSS (Free/Open Source Soft-
ware) through a very small calculator example;
#freesoftware, #learn-to-code
5. a VNC (Virtual Network Computing, a remote
control suite for PCs) tour to raise awareness on
how it is easy to remotely control a computer
(in the case of VNC the controlled computer is
asked for permission, in case of malware there is
no warning/notification); #device-control, #device-
6. Mount Orange School (Moodle) Demo, to learn
about F/OSS platforms in education, inside the demo
any user can experience both the roles of a student
and a teacher in a digital environment; #learn-to-
code, #teaching
7. github/gitlab, show examples of interactions with
an opensource project, e.g., creation of issues, cor-
recting small bugs, navigating through code, reading
the documentation; #learn-to-code, #freesoftware,
(an advanced version of this excercise could show
the creation of a new project and familiarization with
‘git’ - version control system - functions)
8. Android (smartphone operating system) metadata
management, permission control, etc. #computing-
agency, #device-control, #device-ownership
9. many small exercises in programming with Scratch
(; #learn-to-code, #freesoft-
Quoting the Scratch website: “The ability to code
computer programs is an important part of literacy
in today’s society. When people learn to code in
Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving
problems, designing projects, and communicating
ideas. (Mitch Resnick)
10. guide to password management (with software
tools!), in our era of “data breaches” any digital cit-
izen should know and control who (or what) has ac-
cess to his/her “delegates” (services, devices, etc.),
password managers create strong passwords and can
even check if the chosen one is already present in
public breached databases; #computing-agency
Level 4 - transparency
1. show/demonstrate what google knows about you
( and http://; #personal-data
2. Google Takeout, download data that Google has on
you and try to examine them, while obtaining the
data is easy (a simple download), reading and un-
derstanding them is trickier since they are in JSON
( or HTML (http://html.spec.whatwg.
org) formats; #understanding-data
3. guide on how to submit an Italian FOIA (Freedom
Digital Citizenship Exercises
Of Information Act) to a Public Administration with
or without using, explaining useful-
ness and expected results; #foia
4. guide on how to download a dataset from an open-
data site (e.g. with an
example of a simple computation (e.g., counting or
averages); #opendata
5. how to install and use Keepa (Amazon price tracker, to show that data (in this case ex-
tracted from the Amazon website) can be useful to
lower information asymmetry between the seller and
the buyer; #scraping
6. show the usefulness of, a system ca-
pable of scraping data (in the form of images and
Comma Separated Values) relating to products on
various sellers’ sites and finding the lower price;
Level 5 - sharing
1. create a new report on or
commenting an existing one, PartecipaMI is a city
“issues” gatherer (e.g., road damages, illegal parking
reporting, crime reporting, etc.); #crowdsourcing
2. how to use Waze ( not only to go
somewhere (i.e., as a simple navigational tool), but
also to contribute to information about traffic, speed
cameras, etc. #crowdsourcing
3. how to add information on maps in http://; #crowdsourcing
4. guide on how to use the
app, check that your municipality has activated the
app from the list of active municipalities and, if there
is one, make a report or a proposal to improve your
territory; #crowdsourcing, #participation
5. Wikipedia errors or tuning, showing how you can
contribute, through your knowledge, to improve
Wikipedia, for example by correcting an error that
has been identified in an article; #crowdsourcing
6. Google Local Guide: how to upload contributions
to improve and add information on Google Maps;
7. Stack Exchange (, show
how to use the famous collaborative platform, re-
marking user roles and rules (to gain answering and
moderation levels); #crowdsourcing, #collaboration
8. show how to create a #petition through http://
Level 6 - consultation
1. show how to create a #petition through the Euro-
pean Parliament platform, remarking the steps and
requirements and the consequences (iter, evaluation
of proposals, #participatory-pact)
Level 7 - democracy
1. digital/online voting, show/discuss various types of
#delegation (it is not easy to confine this item in a
small excercise)
2. show the “5 star” party (http://www. participatory platform, in
particular the online #voting component “skyvote”
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education