The IIoT is a relatively well-established concept. Sev-
eral standardization lead to a well-defined architec-
ture following the standards bodies such as ISO,
NIST, and IIC. Thus, recommendations on security
and identity lifecycle guide the definition of objec-
tives. The characterization is in accordance with the
main regulatory institutions of the international mar-
ket in the field of Industrial Internet. The path neces-
sary to achieve the goal of analyzing the lifecycle of
LoRaWAN credentials provided by ChirpStack. With
the approach of joining and activation procedures in
LoRaWAN, the steps and phases of the credential life-
cycle were related to the protocol credentials. This
intersectionality is an important characteristic of the
contribution of this work. The most concrete impor-
tance of this work was to avoid information security
incidents in industries due to vulnerabilities in the
lifecycle of credentials.
It was possible to state that the LoRaWAN pri-
vate networks provided by ChirpStack needs to be
improved to secure credentials during its lifecycle.
There are disparities between the recommended and
implemented lifecycle, mainly in auditing. Addition-
ally, this environment does not fully implement rec-
ommended lifecycle steps such as credential rotation
and revocation. Thus, it allows the work to serve as
a basis for deploying technologies such as LoRaWAN
in a risk-conscious manner or that the implementation
can provide the points at which this computational ar-
rangement falls short regarding the credentials lifecy-
Furthermore, this work points to future work. A
more comprehensive and updated bibliographic sur-
vey in terms of IIoT could be carried out, as it con-
tributes to the concept of IIoT. Another future work
that comes naturally from this work would be to im-
prove ChirpStack for a fully lifecycle-compliant cre-
dential lifecycle. Implementations aimed at tracking
lifecycle operations are vital. Another future work is
fix security problems such as storing clear credentials
stored in the database used by ChirpStack.
This work was funding by the National Council for
Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq,
grant 311245/2021-8), FAPESC, UDESC, and devel-
oped at LabP2D.
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security