5.1 Threats to Validity
The users, user behaviors, and devices/apps that they
used may not represent all users. We tried to minimize
this threat by collecting data from 58 test subjects
over a 30 day period. CD-CPT was tested on a limited
set of 11 sequences of real-world context events from
users and was optimized specifically for this dataset
to improve its performance. These optimizations in-
cluded adjusting the CPT-prediction scores for each
predicted context event after it was predicted, encour-
aging the model to explore. Other optimizations in-
volved adjusting the CPT prediction scores for other
context events based on their probability of occur-
rence after specific context events.To mitigate these
threats to validity, the data was cleaned for redun-
dancy and transformed to ensure compatibility with
the algorithm’s input format. Additionally, future re-
search may examine testing the model on larger and
more diverse dataset to better assess generalization of
this research.
In this paper, we investigate various sequence predic-
tion algorithms, such as AKOM, TDAG, PPM, DG,
CPT, and CPT+, to predict real-world context data for
smartphones, and propose a new method called CD-
CPT (Context Data Compact Prediction Tree) for im-
proved performance. The results show that AKOM
and TDAG had the highest F-1 score of 54.4% with
a look-up window of four, while PPM had an F-1
score of 39.0% and performed the best with a look-
up window of two. CPT+ had a lower F-1 score of
8.6 compared to the other algorithms. CD-CPT, our
proposed method, was able to predict sequences of
real-world context data from users with an F-1 score
of 11.36% using only the training model. Overall, the
findings suggest that AKOM and TDAG are more ac-
curate for single event predictions and CD-CPT was
better at predicting full sequences of context data. Fu-
ture work may use AKOM or TDAG during software
testing to monitor different patterns of context events.
Researchers may further investigate the use of CD-
CPT for prediction and compare full sequences of
context data from users. The study highlights the im-
portance of choosing appropriate algorithms for pre-
dicting context data on smartphones, as this can sig-
nificantly impact the performance and user experience
of various applications
Future work may examine fault finding and ef-
fectiveness of integrating context event sequences
into automated testing processes. Future work may
also explore CD-CPT applied to domains such as
smart watches, healthcare devices, various Internet of
Things (IoT) devices and autonomous vehicles.
This work was supported by NSF grant #2149969.
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IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security