Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User
Experience Through Predictive Analysis
Pooja Goyal
, Md Khorrom Khan
, Natnael Teshome
, Brendan Geary
and Renee Bryce
Computer Science & Engineering, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, U.S.A.
Computer Science, Florida Polytechnic University, Florida, U.S.A.
Context-Aware Applications, Sequence Prediction, Sequential Rule Mining, Compact Prediction Tree,
Transition Directed Acyclic Graph, Prediction by Pattern Mining, All-k Order Markov, Dependency Graph,
Android Testing, Context Aware Environments, Mobile Application Testing.
Use of IoT (Internet of Things) devices have significantly increased over the last decade, specifically smart-
phones as compared to desktops, and laptops have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Smartphone
applications operate in dynamic environments and generate huge and vast amount of context events such as
screen orientation, location, battery life, and network connectivity throughout the day. Such context events
may affect usage of the smartphone and smartphone applications by the user and the behaviour of these ap-
plications, Sparsity and complexity of these events make it difficult to identify patterns and trends in the data
using traditional data mining techniques. Hence, predictive analysis of these events and finding patterns in
context event data can have drastic impact on the application usage and enhance user experience. Prediction
trees can be used to predict future events based on the context of past events, This work proposes a modified
method of Compact Prediction Tree (CPT) called Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT) to pre-
dict real-world context data for multiple users. The experiments conducted used Transition Directed Acyclic
Graph (TDAG) and All-k Order Markov (AKOM) algorithms to generate short-term predictions based on
current context events and compare with baseline models such as Prediction by Pattern Mining (PPM), De-
pendency Graph (DG), CPT, and CPT+. The experimental results indicate that AKOM and TDAG outperform
other algorithms, achieving a 50.4% weighted F-1 score for the highest supported context event. CD-CPT,
without referencing the test file, still achieves a 14.27% weighted F-1 score for the same event, showing po-
tential for improved accuracy in predicting context data compared to other algorithm.
As smartphone usage continues to rise worldwide, the
growing availability of these devices necessitates the
optimization of applications for improved efficiency
and security (, 2022).Numerous devices em-
ploy context-aware apps that adapt to alterations in
their surroundings as android applications are evolv-
ing to be more complex and sophisticated (and, 2022).
Smartphones, equipped with complex hardware and
software, generate an extensive range of data about
context events, i.e., connecting to WiFi, connect-
ing/disconnecting a headset, changing screen orien-
tation, bluetooth, location changes, etc (Rahmati and
Zhong, 2012). By interpreting this data, we can better
utilize time and resources, while also providing de-
velopers with valuable information for testing appli-
cations (Goyal et al., 2023) with respect to important
sequences of context events.
This study primarily aims to determine if algo-
rithms from SPMF (Fournier Viger, 2016), including
a modified version of the Compact Prediction Tree
(CPT) (Gueniche et al., 2013) called Context Data
Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT), Transition Di-
rected Acyclic Graph (TDAG)(Laird and Saul, 1994)
and All-k Order Markov (AKOM)(Pitkow and Pirolli,
1999), may identify patterns in real-world context
data sequences from users. We compare AKOM and
TDAG to a majority baseline of algorithms, including
CPT, Compact Prediction Tree+ (CPT+)(Gueniche
et al., 2015), Dependency Graph (DG)(Padmanabhan
and Mogul, 1996), and Prediction by Partial Match-
ing (PPM)(Cleary and Witten, 1984). We utilize a
dataset of context data from 58 real-world Android
users on different devices for 30 day periods us-
ing the ContextMon application(Piparia et al., 2021)
Goyal, P., Khan, M., Teshome, N., Geary, B. and Bryce, R.
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User Experience Through Predictive Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012615800003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Goyal et al., 2023). We modified the Java version of
SPMF(Fournier-Viger et al., 2014) to enable the CPT
algorithm to generate multiple context data sequences
representing different use cases.
This work uses SPMF (Fournier Viger, 2016) i.e, a
java based library that have around 250+ algorithms,
this work modifies SPMF’s CPT model to make rele-
vant predictions, referring to this modified version as
CD-CPT. In order to train the CD-CPT model, we uti-
lized real-world context data sequences from 15 An-
droid devices, as the CPT model portion of CD-CPT
had limitations and we could not use all 47 sequences
for training. Subsequently, we employed this trained
model to predict context event sequences for the next
11 Android devices, and compared these results with
the sequences of context data obtained from the re-
maining 11 real-world Android devices volunteered
by users. As for AKOM, TDAG, PPM, CPT+, CPT,
and DG models, we utilized all 47 sequences as a train
file, as it did not take much time to train these mod-
els. For predicting the next context event, we utilized
a window of two for PPM and DG, a window of five
for CPT and CPT+, and a window of four for AKOM
and TDAG. These different window sizes proved to
be beneficial in creating the best performing parame-
ters for each of the algorithms.
The following sections in this paper are arranged
as follows: Section II describes background infor-
mation on context events and related concepts, Sec-
tion III explores the use of CD-CPT, AKOM, TDAG,
PPM, CPT, CPT+, and DG models. Section IV cov-
ers data collection, algorithm model implementation,
and the modification of the Java version of SPMF’s
CPT model to develop CD-CPT. Section V outlines
the evaluation metrics and experimental setup. Sec-
tion VI assesses the prediction success of CD-CPT,
TDAG, and AKOM, and discusses the results derived
from the study. Finally, Section VII of the paper pro-
vides the conclusion and outlines potential avenues
for future exploration.
In this section, we provide a review of background
work in context-aware computing, context event pre-
diction, and optimization of smartphone applications,
and highlight how our research differs from previous
works in these areas. To better understand the signif-
icance and relevance of this research, we delve into
the broader field of context-aware computing, context
event prediction, and optimization of smartphone ap-
Context events in smartphone applications are a
2-tuple (x, y), where x denotes the context category
and y represents the context action. These events
may influence the way a smartphone application re-
acts(Dey, 2001), By incorporating context-awareness
in the algorithms for predicting context events, our
paper aims to improve the efficiency and personaliza-
tion of smartphone applications. Examples of con-
text events includes changes to network connections,
volume adjustments, battery level changes, and more.
Some applications may adjust behavior due to a con-
text event change. For instance, an app may choose to
respond differently when the battery is low. Research
on context events in smartphones over the past few
years(Rahmati and Zhong, 2012) have highlighted the
potential applications and limitations of this knowl-
edge. By understanding context events, developers
can optimize applications for improved user experi-
ence and energy efficiency. However, challenges arise
due to the complexity of context events and concerns
about user privacy.Within the field of smartphone test-
ing for context events, a variety of approaches such
as sensor-based testing, user-based testing, and hy-
brid testing are typically used to achieve a thorough
insight into context usage. Despite this, these tech-
niques struggle with achieving accuracy, managing
time complexity, and representing a wide range of
users in the simulation of real-world events (Bosmans
et al., 2019). Sequence prediction strives to forecast
the next event or symbol in a sequence based on his-
torical data. Several sequence prediction algorithms
exist, addressing different aspects of sequence pre-
diction and offering diverse levels of performance,
complexity, and applicability. Prediction by Partial
Matching (PPM)(Cleary and Witten, 1984), a fast and
simple sequence prediction model that remains popu-
lar today, despite being less accurate than some newer
models. PPM has been used in various applications,
such as identifying manufacturing patterns.
An Another study i.e, AppsPred (Sarker and
Salah, 2019) is a data-driven model that utilizes real-
world data collected from university students to pre-
dict smartphone app usage based on daily life activ-
ities. This model’s performance is attributed to its
optimal use of decision trees within a forest, outper-
forming other machine learning techniques. How-
ever, the study’s dataset was limited in size and
only focused on single-user predictions. In con-
trast, our CD CPT model predicts event sequences
by analyzing data from multiple users. In addition,
the ”BehavDT”(Sarker et al., 2020) model addressed
the problem of building behavioral activities using a
context-aware predictive model by considering indi-
vidual user preference levels. It is worth noting that
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User Experience Through Predictive Analysis
CD CPT and BehavDT differ in their primary fo-
cus; while our model predicts event sequences, Be-
havDT is designed to build behavioral activities using
a context-aware predictive model.
The Dependency Graph (DG)(Padmanabhan and
Mogul, 1996) algorithm, a sequence prediction model
that utilizes directed graphs to describe dependen-
cies between entities in a system. DG has demon-
strated good performance and memory efficiency in
different applications. The Compact Prediction Tree
(CPT)(Gueniche et al., 2013) algorithm, a novel se-
quence prediction model that losslessly compresses
training data with low time complexity. The model
has been applied to robotic systems for predicting
event sequences and enabling quick learning. Build-
ing on the CPT model, proposed CPT+ (Gueniche
et al., 2015), an improved version designed to reduce
time and space complexity. CPT+ has shown sig-
nificant improvements in performance and efficiency
compared to the original CPT.
The Compact Prediction Tree (CPT)(Gueniche
et al., 2013) is a sequence prediction algorithm cho-
sen for this study due to its ability to losslessly com-
press training data, ensuring all relevant informa-
tion is retained for subsequent predictions (Mani and
Suneetha, 2020). However, the original CPT model
outputs data for only one predicted context event
rather than an entire sequence of predictions for a new
user’s context data.To address this limitation, we im-
plemented our own modifications to CPT, creating the
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT).
This modified algorithm is capable of exploring and
outputting predictions based on the inputted sequence
length for each new user’s context events, generating
multiple predictions for several new users in a single
runtime, and exporting the results into a CSV file for
further analysis. These enhancements make CD-CPT
more suitable for predicting context data in real-world
In this study, we leverage these existing algo-
rithms, including TDAG (Transition Directed Acyclic
Graph) and AKOM (All-k Order Markov) to gener-
ate short-term predictions based on current context
events. We propose a modified method of CPT, called
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT), to
predict real-world context data for multiple users. By
comparing AKOM, TDAG, and other algorithms such
as PPM, DG, CPT, and CPT+, we establish a majority
baseline for context data prediction.
2.1 Sequence Pattern Mining
SPMF. To facilitate the implementation and compar-
ison of CPT, CD-CPT, and other related algorithms,
we employed the SPMF open-source data mining li-
brary. We opted for the Java version, as it provides
access to additional algorithms and allows for cus-
tomization of the code to obtain the desired output
AKOM and TDAG. All-k Order Markov and Tran-
sition Directed Acyclic Graph are sequence predic-
tion models combining Markovian models of orders
1 to K . The techniques mentioned in this context
find applications in diverse domains, such as natu-
ral language processing and image captioning. The
K value is a user-adjustable parameter influencing the
look-up window size and prediction accuracy. How-
ever, larger K values may consume more memory,
making it less optimal than other algorithms with
lower memory usage. In a separate study, AKOM,
alongside the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
model(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), Depen-
dency Graph (DG), and Prediction by Pattern Mining
(PPM), was found to be among the highest perfor-
mance were utilized to forecast the upcoming three
activities.(Tax, 2018).
Figure 1: A prediction Tree (PT), Inverted Index (II) and a
Lookup Table [2].
CPT. The Compact Prediction Tree (CPT) algorithm
emphasizes lossless compression and low time com-
plexity. Our modified version, CD-CPT, expands its
capabilities to predict entire sequences of context data
instead of single predictions. In Figure 1, the CPT al-
gorithm’s structure is illustrated, highlighting the use
of a Prediction Tree (PT), an Inverted Index (II), and
a Lookup Table (LT)(Gueniche et al., 2013). These
components work together to enable efficient and ac-
curate sequence predictions. In a different study, the
CPT model was successfully applied to predict event
sequences and enable quick learning in a robotic sys-
tem, demonstrating the algorithm’s adaptability and
potential for various applications(Persia et al., 2020).
CPT+. The Enhanced Compact Prediction Tree
(CPT+) algorithm is an upgraded version of the orig-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
inal CPT model that addresses limitations like time
and space complexity. It stands out from other exam-
ined techniques due to its superior performance, effi-
ciency, and its ability to be more compact and faster
in predicting sequences.
CD-CPT: builds upon the original CPT model, en-
hancing its time and space complexity, which enables
it to handle larger datasets and deliver more accu-
rate predictions. This improvement distinguishes CD-
CPT from other algorithms examined in this research,
making it a powerful tool for predicting context data
sequences across various scenarios.
DG. Dependency Graph (DG) is a sequence predic-
tion model is used in this study due to its memory
efficiency and ability to predict future symbols or
events based on training sequences. It is compati-
ble with the Java version of the SPMF library, allow-
ing seamless integration with other SPMF algorithms
used in this research. Originally designed for reduc-
ing user-perceived latency by predicting and prefetch-
ing files, DG offers good performance in analyzing
context events.
Figure 2: Research Methodology for AKOM and TDAG.
Figure 3: Research Methodology for PPM.
Figure 4: Research Methodology for CD-CPT.
PPM. The Prediction by Partial Matching (PPM)
model, used in this study, is a fast and simple
sequence prediction method, applicable to various
fields. Although newer models like CPT+ may of-
fer increased accuracy, PPM’s versatility and adapt-
ability make it a relevant choice for predicting con-
text data. Despite the differences between context
data and natural language, PPM delivered a fair score
when processing and predicting the dataset in this re-
search(Gellert et al., 2021).
Remote MySQL Database. A MySQL database
combines context events from devices in the UNT
context events database used in this study. It re-
trieves context events from a local SQLite database on
a user’s smartphone at 15-minute intervals and trans-
mits the information to a remote server via HTTP and
pushed it to MySQL database.
SQLite. SQLite is a built-in, serverless SQL database
engine for the Android operating system . This soft-
ware library allows the smartphone application to
store context events locally on the device.
Figures 2, 3, 4 to represent the research methodol-
ogy for the AKOM, TDAG, PPM, and CD-CPT algo-
Figure 2 illustrates the research methodology
for AKOM and TDAG, sequence prediction mod-
els known as context trees. These models combine
Markovian models of different orders and adjust the
input window size, represented by parameter K, to
balance accuracy and memory consumption
Figure 3 illustrates the research methodology for
PPM, which uses a sequence database for predictions.
We experimented with parameters such as look-up
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User Experience Through Predictive Analysis
Table 1: PPM compared to relative algorithms’ precision, recall, and F-1 score.
Algorithm Support Precision Recall F-1
PPM (order of 2) 13939 38.6 42.5 39.0
CPT (Original model) (window 5) 5575 8.6 19.7 10.6
CPT+(window 5) 5575 6.8 16.6 8.6
AKOM (order of 4) 6969 55.4 55.2 54.4
DG (order of 2) 13939 29.4 34.2 31.2
TDAG (order of 4) 6969 55.4 55.2 54.4
Scores that were produced by comparing the test files to AKOM and TDAG
prediction’s accuracy alongside the relative algorithms’ prediction accuracy
Table 2: Precision, Recall, and F-1 score from CD-CPT
Precision 12.46
Recall 11.67
F-1 11.36
Total support size 27880
window, sequence window, and train file length to
optimize performance. The look-up window, deter-
mining the number of previous events considered, is
crucial in PPM.
Figure 4 depicts data extraction and preprocess-
ing for the CD-CPT algorithm, which predicts context
data sequences instead of single events. By analyzing
key patterns and trends, we improved CD-CPT’s abil-
ity to make accurate predictions.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we de-
veloped two scoring systems for calculating preci-
sion, recall, and F-1 scores. These systems were cre-
ated using Python with Google Colab for the CD-CPT
algorithm and Java for the rest of the non-modified
SPMF algorithms. Both methods provide accurate
metrics based on our prediction models and test files.
4.2 Experimental Setup
The experiments compare the performance of CD-
prediction of real-world context events. The exper-
iments in this study address the following research
RQ1. What is the effectiveness of AKOM and TDAG
compare to CD-CPT in predicting sequences of real-
world context events, as measured by precision, re-
call, and F-1 score?
RQ2. What is the comparative effectiveness of
AKOM and TDAG against other algorithms like
CPT+, CPT, DG, and PPM in predicting real-world
context events, as measured by recall, precision, and
F-1 score?
RQ3. How does the accuracy of CD-CPT compare
to that of AKOM and TDAG in analyzing the most
frequently occurring context events in the test file?
Table 2 shows the performance of CD-CPT, model
yields higher precision compared to recall, with
scores calculated based on each context event’s sup-
port size, leading to more accurate results. We further
analyzed the most frequently occurring events in the
11 real-world context data sequences from users and
CD-CPT’s performance in predicting them as shown
in Table 3. Conversely, we examined the least occur-
ring context events in the 11 user sequences. Since
these events did not appear in the test sequences, CD-
CPT scores were set to 0. CD-CPT operates by pre-
dicting context events for a given number of users and
their sequence lengths. After generating predictions,
they are compared to the test file content to assess ac-
curacy through precision, recall, and F-1 score. The
performance of AKOM and TDAG, as shown in Ta-
ble 4, demonstrates their ability to make good predic-
tions compared to the majority baseline. Both models
exhibit slightly stronger recall than precision. We fur-
ther analyze the most and least frequently occurring
events in the 11 real-world context data sequences
from users and the performance of AKOM and TDAG
in prediction. AKOM and TDAG significantly out-
perform PPM, CPT, CPT+, and DG as shown in ta-
ble 1 Support size fluctuations between different al-
gorithm models are due to specific look-up window
sizes. PPM and DG have a small look-up window of
2, while AKOM and TDAG have a look-up window
of 4, and CPT and CPT+ have the largest look-up win-
dow of 5. AKOM and TDAG use the first four context
events from the test file to predict subsequent events
and generate the support size.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 3: Most frequent Context Events for CD-CPT.
Event Support Precision Recall F-1
4 (’data connection’, ’lte connected’) 3232 12.77 16.18 14.27
22 (’audio’, ’audio effects opened’) 2880 28.97 24.72 26.68
21 (’audio’, ’audio effects closed’) 2738 32.79 26.66 29.41
6 (’data connection’, ’wifi connected’) 2557 10.25 14.12 11.88
2 (’configuration’, ’changed’) 2243 8.07 12.80 9.90
Scores produced by comparing CD-CPT prediction results csv file to the test csv file.
Table 4: Most frequent Context Events for AKOM and TDAG using an order of 4.
Event Support Precision Recall F-1
21 (’audio’, ’audio effects closed’) 760 82.4 87.9 85.0
4 (’data connection’, ’lte connected’) 819 46.5 55.1 50.4
6 (’data connection’, ’wifi connected’) 653 51.4 64.3 57.1
22 (“’audio’, ’audio effects opened’) 633 87.1 89.4 88.2
2 (’configuration’, ’changed’) 586 48.1 46.6 47.4
Scores produced by comparing AKOM and TDAG prediction’s alongside the test file.
RQ1. We compared AKOM and TDAG to CD-CPT
using weighted averages for precision, recall, and F-1
score from 11 real-world context data sequences. CD-
CPT’s results as shown in Table 2 used 15 training
sequences and achieved an F1-Score of 11.36% with
a support of 27,880. AKOM and TDAG as shown
in Table 1 used 47 training sequences and achieved a
weighted F-1 score of 54.4% with a support of 6,969.
The accuracy difference is significant; AKOM and
TDAG outperformed CD-CPT but required test file
reference. CD-CPT had lower scores but predicted
entire sequences without referencing real-world con-
text data. In summary, AKOM and TDAG excel in
small event windows, while CD-CPT is better for pre-
dicting entire sequences without reference.
RQ2. Table 1 shows that AKOM and TDAG have
similar performance and do better than the majority
baseline when comparing their precision, recall, and
F-1 scores. Their precision and recall stand at 55.4%
and 55.2%, respectively, while the next best from the
baseline (PPM) has 38.6% precision and 42.5% re-
call. The F-1 scores for AKOM and TDAG are 55.4%,
with PPM having 39.0%. Different window sizes af-
fect support: AKOM and TDAG use a window of 4
(support of 6,969), PPM and DG use a window of 2
(support of 13,939), and CPT and CPT+ use a win-
dow of 5 (support of 5,575). Despite support differ-
ences, the scores remained consistent when adjusting
for normal count. In conclusion, AKOM and TDAG
significantly outperform the majority baseline.
RQ3. To evaluate RQ3, we compared the high-
est supported context events for CD-CPT and
AKOM/TDAG. CD-CPT’s highest supported context
event data connection’, ’lte connected’) had a sup-
port of 3,232 and a weighted F-1 score of 14.27%.
In contrast, AKOM and TDAG had the same con-
text event with a support of 819 and a weighted F-1
score of 50.4%. CD-CPT uses 15 sequences of user
context events without referencing the test file, while
AKOM and TDAG have constant access to the test
file. The latter models have significantly lower sup-
port due to their window size of 4, which leads to
discarded context events from the test file. This fac-
tor likely contributes to their higher F-1 scores. In
conclusion, AKOM and TDAG achieve more accurate
predictions with access to the test file, while CD-CPT
generates decent predictions without referencing the
test file.
In summary, RQ1, RQ2, and RQ3 offers guid-
ance for researchers when considering the results of
AKOM, TDAG, and CD-CPT. RQ1 highlights the
suitability of each algorithm model depending on
project requirements. RQ2 demonstrates that AKOM
and TDAG outperform similar models, suggesting
they are superior for short context event predictions.
Lastly, RQ3 provides insight into the accuracy of
AKOM, TDAG, and CD-CPT for specific context
event predictions, which could be valuable for appli-
cations testing the likelihood of particular events oc-
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User Experience Through Predictive Analysis
5.1 Threats to Validity
The users, user behaviors, and devices/apps that they
used may not represent all users. We tried to minimize
this threat by collecting data from 58 test subjects
over a 30 day period. CD-CPT was tested on a limited
set of 11 sequences of real-world context events from
users and was optimized specifically for this dataset
to improve its performance. These optimizations in-
cluded adjusting the CPT-prediction scores for each
predicted context event after it was predicted, encour-
aging the model to explore. Other optimizations in-
volved adjusting the CPT prediction scores for other
context events based on their probability of occur-
rence after specific context events.To mitigate these
threats to validity, the data was cleaned for redun-
dancy and transformed to ensure compatibility with
the algorithm’s input format. Additionally, future re-
search may examine testing the model on larger and
more diverse dataset to better assess generalization of
this research.
In this paper, we investigate various sequence predic-
tion algorithms, such as AKOM, TDAG, PPM, DG,
CPT, and CPT+, to predict real-world context data for
smartphones, and propose a new method called CD-
CPT (Context Data Compact Prediction Tree) for im-
proved performance. The results show that AKOM
and TDAG had the highest F-1 score of 54.4% with
a look-up window of four, while PPM had an F-1
score of 39.0% and performed the best with a look-
up window of two. CPT+ had a lower F-1 score of
8.6 compared to the other algorithms. CD-CPT, our
proposed method, was able to predict sequences of
real-world context data from users with an F-1 score
of 11.36% using only the training model. Overall, the
findings suggest that AKOM and TDAG are more ac-
curate for single event predictions and CD-CPT was
better at predicting full sequences of context data. Fu-
ture work may use AKOM or TDAG during software
testing to monitor different patterns of context events.
Researchers may further investigate the use of CD-
CPT for prediction and compare full sequences of
context data from users. The study highlights the im-
portance of choosing appropriate algorithms for pre-
dicting context data on smartphones, as this can sig-
nificantly impact the performance and user experience
of various applications
Future work may examine fault finding and ef-
fectiveness of integrating context event sequences
into automated testing processes. Future work may
also explore CD-CPT applied to domains such as
smart watches, healthcare devices, various Internet of
Things (IoT) devices and autonomous vehicles.
This work was supported by NSF grant #2149969.
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