ical data of the population, empowering the formula-
tion of comprehensive public health policies.
As part of our future work, we aim to integrate
additional entities outlined in our proposal, for in-
stance, the health research institutes, pharmaceutical
and biotechnology companies, and health insurance
providers. The sequence diagrams could be enhanced
with supplementary interactions to better reflect the
complexity of the problem at hand. Conducting tests
with real users is also crucial. Another issue that de-
serves some care is the application’s usability, mainly
for the patients, since they may have health restric-
tions to interact with the system.
On the implementation front, considering the
costs associated with Ethereum transactions, we need
to explore the possibility of replacing it with non-
monetary blockchain platforms. The scalability of
blockchain solutions refers to the system’s ability to
handle a growing amount of work, transactions, or
users effectively without compromising performance.
Scalability is a critical consideration for blockchain
networks. We view it as a relevant concern that mer-
its further investigation.
This work signifies an endeavor to harness the
power of blockchain and smart contracts for the en-
hancement of healthcare systems, tackling challenges
related to cybersecurity, reliability, and data privacy.
Moving ahead, the proposed architecture has the po-
tential to elevate patient care, streamline healthcare
processes, and promote a more interconnected and
collaborative healthcare landscape.
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A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems