A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems
e Victor Marques dos Reis Melo, Inaldo Capistrano Costa
, Juliana de Melo Bezerra
and Celso Massaki Hirata
Department of Computing Science, Instituto Tecnol
ogico de Aeron
autica (ITA), S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, Brazil
Blockchain, Healthcare Systems, Software Architecture, Smart Contract, Medical Records.
Blockchain technology has emerged as a versatile solution with wide-ranging applications across various in-
dustries, including healthcare. The increasing number of breaches in medical records in health systems high-
lights the imperative for innovative solutions. This paper delves into the potential of blockchain to improve
information management in healthcare systems, considering data privacy, cybersecurity, and reliability con-
cerns. We propose a blockchain-based architecture that takes into account key entities of healthcare systems,
such as patients, physicians, diagnostic centers, and pharmacies, and facilitates their transactions through the
use of blockchain technology. Through comprehensive sequence diagrams, we illustrate the orchestrated in-
teractions among selected entities. The paper presents a proof of concept implementation, providing details on
application development, smart contract specifications facilitating seamless information sharing, and the tests
conducted. The implementation of the blockchain-based architecture and sequence diagrams was successfully
tested. We conclude that the proposed architecture enables the improvement of the data privacy of entities,
the cybersecurity of data sharing among diverse entities, and the reliability of transactions within healthcare
From the evolution of enabling technologies for
various industries over the years (Mubarok, 2020),
blockchain has emerged as a versatile technique
with wide-ranging applications across different sec-
tors (Javaid et al., 2021), including the healthcare
domain, educational services, logistics and transport,
and government domain. The focus of blockchain
technology has been on fostering innovation within
these domains.
Nowadays, healthcare systems face various chal-
lenges, particularly addressing concerns related to cy-
bersecurity, data privacy, and reliability. The escalat-
ing number of breaches in medical records over the
years (HIIPA Journal, 2021) underscores the impera-
tive for health organizations to address these concerns
with heightened responsibility.
Numerous scandals have unfolded involving the
leakage of healthcare data. In 2018, there was a
personal data breach affecting 1.5 million patients
in Singapore (Davis, 2019b). In 2021, patient data
from multiple providers was illicitly obtained and
subsequently leaked on the data repository GitHub
(Davis, 2021). Notably, only a small percentage of
healthcare data breaches compromise sensitive medi-
cal data, such as diagnoses, while the majority (almost
70%) exposes patients to the risk of identity theft and
fraud by hackers (Davis, 2019a).
The issue of privacy becomes increasingly rele-
vant, given the growing market demand for access and
sharing of personal data (Pauletto, 2021). This often
occurs without the data owner having full control over
their information, as the mechanisms for data shar-
ing and handling are currently not transparent. Con-
sequently, data subjects frequently find themselves in
a vulnerable situation.
The concern for data protection has been height-
ened in recent years with the enactment of laws that
restrict the use and sharing of data by organizations,
exemplified by the General Data Protection Regu-
lation (GDPR) in European countries and the Gen-
eral Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil.
These laws grant greater autonomy and control to the
data owner, imposing sanctions for inappropriate use
and sharing by organizations. Despite the existence of
such laws, many organizations disregard these mea-
sures (Magalhaes and Oliveira, 2021).
Melo, J., Costa, I., Bezerra, J. and Hirata, C.
A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0012616400003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 250-257
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Moreover, there are challenges in the relation-
ships among the various entities involved in health-
care. With numerous entities participating and limited
data sharing among them or their respective organi-
zations, challenges arise, such as facilitating the effi-
cient and secure collection of a patient’s medical data
by other healthcare entities or enhancing the commu-
nication of data between physicians and patients, as
discussed in the article (Shen et al., 2019). Aligning
the need for data sharing between different healthcare
entities with patients’ demands for data protection is
a notable challenge.
We propose a blockchain-based architecture that
orchestrates interactions among the key entities in
healthcare systems. We delineate these interactions
through sequence diagrams, elucidating the role of
blockchain. The fundamental idea is to ensure the
cybersecurity and data privacy of the patient’s med-
ical data while simultaneously guaranteeing autho-
rized entities access to records. An additional ben-
efit of integrating the patient’s medical history into
the blockchain is to ensure that physicians can access
more comprehensive data, thereby contributing to a
detailed and reliable diagnosis. Subsequently, we de-
velop a proof of concept by implementing smart con-
tracts to manage medical records.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides the background of the work, including an ex-
ploration of the main concepts related to the theme
and a literature review. Section 3 delineates our pro-
posal, featuring the general architecture with enti-
ties and interactions involved in managing medical
records. Section 4 introduces a proof of concept, de-
tailing the technologies utilized in developing the ap-
plication, specifications of the smart contract, and an
overview of the conducted tests. In the final section,
we conclude and indicate future work.
Blockchain is defined as a decentralized and dis-
tributed digital ledger, serving to facilitate record
management and traceability (Javaid et al., 2021). Its
characteristic of decentralization is realized through
a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, where each node pos-
sesses a copy of the blockchain, ensuring heightened
security through the consensus algorithm. An ad-
vantageous feature of blockchain is the elimination
of intermediaries, as it allows direct interaction with
data without the need for intermediaries (Onik et al.,
The chain structure is essentially a linked list of
blocks, where each block includes the hash of the cur-
rent block, the hash of the previous block, and the
data field. Tampering with a block would necessitate
changing the hash values of subsequent blocks and
gaining control of at least 50% of the network to effect
this alteration. Given the computational expense in-
volved, this process is deemed unfeasible, contribut-
ing to the characterization of blockchain as a mecha-
nism that stores information in an immutable way (Ali
et al., 2019).
Smart contracts are programs that execute on the
blockchain and are uniquely identified. These con-
tracts encompass key properties, including functions
and state variables. Additionally, these functions are
activated by specific input logic and execute when
transactions are requested. Programmers have the
flexibility to write smart contracts in various lan-
guages, with the choice contingent on the program-
mer’s preferences and the platform selected for im-
plementing these contracts. For instance, on the
Ethereum platform, the Solidity language is com-
monly employed (Ali et al., 2019).
The application of blockchain in the healthcare
sector has gained significant attention in academic cir-
cles, particularly driven by concerns about cyberse-
curity, reliability, and data privacy scandals. These
issues, coupled with the challenge of enhancing inter-
operability of medical data across different healthcare
entities, have spurred research in this area.
A decentralized approach (Madine et al., 2020)
is proposed to give patients control over their data,
involving entities such as insurance companies, pa-
tients, physicians, regulatory agencies, and hospitals.
The regulatory agency oversees patient and physi-
cian records, with authorization and deauthorization
schemes between physicians and patients. We extend
the focus of the approach (Madine et al., 2020) to in-
clude greater data interoperability and involve addi-
tional entities beyond the patient-physician relation-
Inspired by the work in (Carniel et al., 2021),
which describes a reliable approach to managing pop-
ulation vaccination data on a blockchain, our pro-
posal delves into entity details and relationships, em-
phasizing a broad consideration of patients’ medical
data. In the work of (Shen et al., 2019), a decen-
tralized patient-oriented network connects patients,
physicians, and healthcare providers to securely and
privately share data using blockchain technology. Our
proposal builds upon their work by incorporating
new entities, storing a wider variety of information,
and seeking to streamline the implementation process
with the use of smart contracts.
The work in (Shahnaz et al., 2019) discusses ap-
plying blockchain technology to Electronic Health
A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems
Record (EHR) systems, focusing on an access control
schema for improved security. The system involves
only the administrator and user entities, with the ad-
ministrator defining user roles (physician or patient)
and users making requests to validate themselves be-
fore any execution. In our work, we explore inter-
actions among various healthcare entities and detail
data exchange using blockchain to support a compre-
hensive solution.
In what follows, we present our proposal of the
blockchain-based architecture.
The proposal aims to harness the capabilities
of blockchain technology, specifically through
smart contracts, to create an innovative medical
records management application. The utilization
of blockchain offers a robust solution to meet the
stringent requirements of cybersecurity, reliability,
and data privacy. Moreover, the integration of
smart contracts within the framework enhances the
interoperability of patient medical data, facilitating
seamless data sharing among various stakeholders in
the healthcare systems.
In Figure 1, we present a typical diagram show-
casing the roles of each class of entities and their in-
teractions within the blockchain in Brazil’s healthcare
system. The responsibilities of each class of entity are
described below.
Patients. They are responsible for managing ac-
cess, authorizing necessary entities, and verifying
Physicians. They are responsible for updating pa-
tient records and checking patient histories.
Regulators. They manage and monitor the
blockchain, by updating (registration, suspension,
reactivation) entities and monitoring their transac-
Research Institutes. They access data from the
blockchain for research purposes.
Pharmacies. They are responsible for checking
entity records and registering the drug acquisi-
tions to patients.
Diagnostic Centers. They check the records of
patients to perform exams and store the results in
the blockchain.
Insurance Companies. They are responsible for
checking the data and authorizing the release of
Hospital Staff. They are responsible for autho-
rizing a medical appointment and assisting physi-
For a more detailed description of the interactions
among classes, we have selected five representative
classes: Patients, Physicians, Regulators, Pharmacies,
and Diagnostic Centers. The selection of Patients,
Physicians, and Regulators is justified by the sig-
nificance of Physician-Patient interactions during ap-
pointments and the Regulator’s role in creating these
entities and assigning initial credentials. Addition-
ally, the choice of Pharmacies and Diagnostic Centers
aims to showcase common flows and activities in the
healthcare system.
To describe the interactions among the selected
classes of entities in different scenarios, sequence di-
agrams are employed. Each sequence diagram out-
lines a flow of interactions between entities. In the
sequence diagrams, we describe the interactions be-
tween single entities. For clarity, we employ “patient”
to refer to a single entity within the “Patients” class.
Similarly, this naming convention is applied to other
single entities and classes.
In Figure 2, the regulator entity, often represented
by the Government, assumes the responsibility of reg-
istering new entities to the system. During the reg-
istration process, an identifier and a temporary pass-
word are assigned for the entity under analysis. Sub-
sequently, this information is stored in the blockchain.
Furthermore, the regulator is granted the authoriza-
tion to access patients’ medical records for manage-
ment and monitoring purposes.
In Figure 3, the interactions between a patient and
a physician during a medical consultation become ex-
plicit through the sequence diagram. Initially, both
the physician and the patient possess known iden-
tifiers from a previous step. Consequently, the pa-
tient can authorize access to the physician using the
physician’s identifier. Once authorized by the patient,
the physician can review the patient’s records and,
based on clinical analysis, create a new record on the
blockchain. Consequently, the patient can access the
new record at any time. Records can be associated
with a prescription for necessary medication or the
requisition of additional medical exams.
In Figure 4, the sequence diagram between the pa-
tient and the diagnostic center is shown. Initially, the
patient must authorize the diagnostic center based on
the available identifier. Subsequently, the diagnostic
center reviews the patient’s medical records to vali-
date the examination request specified by the patient.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
manages access
updates patient records
checks data for reasearch
checks data to provide
Patients Doctors
regulates use by organizations
checks records
checks records
check records to perform exams
access requested exams
deliberate abouts exams'
Hospital Staff
approves the patient's
write the exam result
Figure 1: Blockchain-based architecture for a healthcare system.
Regulator Blockchain
Add actors ( doctor, patient, diagnostic center, pharmacy, regulator)
Check the information in the records
Figure 2: Sequence diagram of regulation.
Upon confirming the request’s existence, the diagnos-
tic center authorizes the examination. Following the
completion of the process, the diagnostic center en-
ters the examination result into the patient’s record
information. Finally, the patient can review the ex-
amination results at any instant.
In Figure 5, the sequence diagram between the
patient and the pharmacy is outlined. Initially, the
patient must authorize the pharmacy entity to access
their records, considering that the patient knows the
pharmacy’s identifier. Subsequently, the pharmacy re-
views the patient’s records to verify the availability of
Patient Doctor Blockchain
Authorizes access to the Doctor
Check patient records
Write a new patient record
Check a new record
Figure 3: Sequence diagram of medical consultation.
the requested medicine. If the prescribed medicine
for the patient is available, the pharmacy can effect
the acquisition and record it. This recording serves
to prevent the patient from acquiring any medication
twice if the medication is under control.
A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems
Patient Diagnostic Center Blockchain
Authorizes access to the Diagnostic Center
Check exam in patient records
Authorize exam
Write the exam result
Check the exam result
Figure 4: Sequence diagram of exam.
Authorizes access to the Pharmacy
Check medications in patient records
Authorize purchase
Set drug status to purchased
Check the medicine purchased
Patient Pharmacy Blockchain
Figure 5: Sequence diagram of medicine acquisition.
In this section, we present a proof of concept for the
proposed blockchain-based architecture designed for
healthcare management. By illustrating interactions
among different entities in the healthcare system, the
proof of concept showcases how the proposed archi-
tecture enhances patient-centric care, facilitates data
sharing among entities, and ensures the integrity and
privacy of medical records.
Figure 6 demonstrates the integration between
some tools in the implementation of the proof of con-
cept. Truffle is used to compile and deploy the smart
contract (written in the Solidity language). We con-
nect to the Ethereum blockchain (Goerli testnet) via
the Infura API. There is the bidirectional connection
of the DApp with the blockchain network using In-
fura. This connection incorporates a set of useful
tools on the front-end, such as the Browser (in this
case represented by Chrome), Metamask, React App,
and Web3. The code is available at (Marques, 2022).
To select the front-end tools, we opted for ReactJS
for creating the application’s user interface, Web3 for
interacting with Ethereum nodes, and Heroku for de-
ploying the platform on the web. The decision to use
the ReactJS library stems from its ability to facilitate
extensive component reuse in the code (Technostacks,
2023). The adoption of Web3 is driven by its status
as a JavaScript API that interfaces with blockchain
nodes. Lastly, the choice of Heroku is motivated by
its standing as a cloud application platform, ensuring
straightforward and rapid hosting of projects on the
web, along with simplified scalability in any applica-
For the blockchain technology, Ethereum is se-
lected as the platform for contract development. De-
spite being hosted on a public network, access con-
trol is ensured through patient login, authorization
mechanisms, and regulatory oversight, safeguarding
the integrity of blockchain information. Opting for
Ethereum on a public network enhances public ac-
ceptance compared to a private network. The Go-
erli test network was chosen for the developed project
due to its accessibility and cost-free availability of
faucets for testing, coupled with integration with In-
fura. However, it is important to note that this net-
work’s drawback is its usage by many applications,
which may result in slower transactions.
The use of Infura is imperative for DApps (De-
centralized Applications). In essence, Infura is a
blockchain infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) provider
that offers developers simplified access to blockchain
networks. It acts as a middleware service, abstracting
the complexities associated with running and main-
taining a node on a blockchain network. Infura pro-
vides a convenient and reliable way for developers to
interact with blockchain networks without the need to
manage their nodes (Macedo, 2020).
Truffle is selected due to its status as an Ethereum
blockchain development environment for DApps. It
provides an all-encompassing solution with built-in
support for building, testing, deploying, and binding
smart contracts. Additionally, it offers an interactive
console for communication with these contracts and
network management for both public and private net-
works.In terms of complementary tools, Metamask
(as a digital wallet) and Git (as code versioning sys-
tem) were utilized.
In a way to organize the smart contract, we di-
vided it into the following classes: structures, map-
pings, counters, constructors, and functions. Below,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Smart Contract
compiles and deploys
connects ethereum and
runs hosted nodes
React App
connects DApp with ethereum
Figure 6: Technological tools used in the proof of concept.
each of these classes and their applications are pre-
The structures contain the declaration of entities
that are members of the classes of entities (Pa-
tients, Physicians, Regulators, Pharmacies, Diag-
nostic Centers), as well as entities that support the
interactions. These latter entities are members of
the classes Diagnoses, Exams, and Medicines.
Regarding the mappings, there exists a key-value
relationship to form vectors and matrices for the
aforementioned structures, as well as vectors re-
lated to access authorizations for the Medical,
Pharmacy, and Diagnostic Center entities.
The counters are utilized to define numbers of
elements of entity classes, making this informa-
tion public so that the limits to the mappings are
known by the functions.
The use of constructors defines the initial entities
of the platform.
The use of functions is what triggers transactions
and writes some information to the blockchain.
These functions play an essential role in the over-
all functionality of the smart contract.
To exemplify how the contract is specified in code,
we can consider a specific scenario of the interaction
between a patient and a physician during the con-
sultation (as presented in Figure 3). As structures,
we have Diagnosis, Patient, and Physician. Firstly,
the Diagnosis structure includes the ‘diagnosis code’
field, which will be inserted according to the value
presented in the ICD table (International Classifica-
tion of Diseases) (Harrison et al., 2021); the ‘exam
code’ field, based on the TUSS table (Unified Ter-
minology of Supplementary Health) for the classi-
fication of procedures in Brazil (ANS, 2019); and
the prescriptions for medicines using the ‘medicine
code’, based on the medication number present in the
open data made available by the Brazilian government
(ANVISA, 2020). The Diagnosis structure also in-
cludes the time of consultation, the physician’s ID,
the physician’s observation, and the prescriptions for
In the Patient structure, the patient’s ID and pass-
word fields are used in the patient’s login; the number-
of-appointments field is used to control the number of
consultations that the patient had; the token field is
used to perform user verification more securely when
entering the platform; and the name field is used to
describe the patient. As for the Physician structure, it
follows the same pattern as the Patient structure but
adds the fields of CRM (physician’s certification in
the regional council of medicine) and the physician’s
Considering the scenario of consultation in Figure
3, the mappings of the smart contract contain infor-
mation in the form of a key-value, for instance, a list
of physicians, a list of patients, a list of authorized
physicians by patients, and list of diagnoses by pa-
tients. Regarding the counters in the smart contract,
we defined the following: number of patients, number
of physicians, number of regulators, quantity of phar-
macies, and quantity of diagnosis centers. We add
only one constructor in this case, to create a regulator,
which in turn allows the creation of other entities for
test purposes. Two functions are specified to manage
the interactions between patients and physicians: the
authorization function of any entity (physician, phar-
macy, or diagnosis center) and the code about patient
consultation (which allows the creation of new medi-
cal records for the patient).
A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems
In a way to test the developed application, we an-
alyze the flow of interactions through a real-life sce-
nario. In this scenario, a patient is unwell and seeks
a physician for appropriate treatment. The idea is
to outline a comprehensive sequence of interactions
as the patient engages with the medical, pharmacy,
and diagnostic center entities while utilizing the de-
veloped platform to manage his records.
Here is a breakdown of the key steps in the sce-
nario. The patient initiates the platform login and de-
cides whether to authorize the physician (using the
screen in Figure 7). If the authorization is granted,
the physician accesses the patient’s records and adds
a new entry (using the screen in Figure 8). If not, the
interaction is terminated.
Figure 7: Patient authorization screen.
Figure 8: Screen for the physician to add appointment in-
The patient checks whether the physician has pre-
scribed any medication. If so, the patient proceeds to
request the acquisition of the prescribed drug from a
pharmacy. Authorization must be granted to the phar-
macy entity for this transaction to proceed; otherwise,
the interaction ends. If authorization is granted, a
pharmacy staff member reviews the records and ap-
proves the acquisition in the system, concluding the
interaction between these entities.
The patient checks whether the physician has pre-
scribed any diagnostic tests. If there are test requests,
the patient contacts the diagnostic center to schedule
the examination. To initiate this process, the patient
must authorize the diagnostic center to access their
records. Once authorized, the diagnostic center re-
views the requested test and conducts the examina-
tion. Finally, the diagnostic center records the test
results in the patient’s medical records.
Upon completing these steps, the interactions
within this scenario terminate. It is worth noting that
this sequence of procedures can be repeated for subse-
quent appointments. We tested all these sequence di-
agrams with the implementation of our proof of con-
cept. All the tests were executed with success.
The proposed architecture consists of entities and
their interactions involved in the healthcare system
using the blockchain technology. Each entity, in-
cluding patients, healthcare providers, regulators, and
others, plays an essential role in contributing to a
comprehensive and collaborative healthcare system.
The architecture serves as a blueprint for understand-
ing the flow of information, transactions, and permis-
sions within the application. It highlights the seam-
less interaction between entities and the blockchain.
Blockchain, with proper controls, ensures that entity
data is not only secure but also accessible and share-
The decentralized and immutable nature of the
blockchain ensures a tamper-resistant environment,
instilling trust in the integrity of patient data. The
cornerstone of our application lies in the implemen-
tation of smart contracts. These self-executing con-
tracts operate on the blockchain, fostering a secure
and automated environment. Notably, the smart con-
tract framework enhances the interoperability of pa-
tient medical data, enabling efficient and secure data
sharing among diverse entities in healthcare systems.
Through the proof of concept implementation, we
aimed to validate the viability and effectiveness of the
proposed solution. The proof of concept provided
insights into the seamless coordination between pa-
tients, physicians, regulatory entities, pharmacies, di-
agnostic centers, and other stakeholders within the
blockchain-based framework. It is important to note
that the patient is the rightful owner of their data and
has the authority to grant access to specific entities for
their transactions. This feature aligns with the princi-
ples of data protection outlined in GDPR and LGPD.
Our proposal contributes to enhancing the reliabil-
ity of the physician’s diagnosis process by providing
access to the complete patient history, including med-
ications and exam results. Furthermore, it ensures a
more dependable medication control system, allow-
ing pharmacies to prevent irregular acquisitions. Reg-
ulatory entities benefit from broad access to the med-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ical data of the population, empowering the formula-
tion of comprehensive public health policies.
As part of our future work, we aim to integrate
additional entities outlined in our proposal, for in-
stance, the health research institutes, pharmaceutical
and biotechnology companies, and health insurance
providers. The sequence diagrams could be enhanced
with supplementary interactions to better reflect the
complexity of the problem at hand. Conducting tests
with real users is also crucial. Another issue that de-
serves some care is the application’s usability, mainly
for the patients, since they may have health restric-
tions to interact with the system.
On the implementation front, considering the
costs associated with Ethereum transactions, we need
to explore the possibility of replacing it with non-
monetary blockchain platforms. The scalability of
blockchain solutions refers to the system’s ability to
handle a growing amount of work, transactions, or
users effectively without compromising performance.
Scalability is a critical consideration for blockchain
networks. We view it as a relevant concern that mer-
its further investigation.
This work signifies an endeavor to harness the
power of blockchain and smart contracts for the en-
hancement of healthcare systems, tackling challenges
related to cybersecurity, reliability, and data privacy.
Moving ahead, the proposed architecture has the po-
tential to elevate patient care, streamline healthcare
processes, and promote a more interconnected and
collaborative healthcare landscape.
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A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems