Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s
Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education
Lisa Kuka
and Barbara Sabitzer
STEM Didactics, Johannes Kepler University, Altenberger Straße 68, 4040 Linz, Austria
Autoethnography, Artificial Intelligence, AI in Education, Teaching, Experience, Generative AI, GenAI,
Curriculum Design.
This autoethnography explores the impact of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) on teaching and re-
search practices within the educational landscape. The author’s experiences with generative AI are examined
through a dual-layered exploration, encompassing academic research and educational practices. The paper
emphasizes the pivotal role of AI in revolutionizing classroom dynamics and alleviating the workload of ed-
ucators and researchers. Ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI are critically examined, ensuring
responsible research practices. The reflective journey reveals the extensive time dedicated to tasks outside
the classroom, highlighting the impact of AI on the workload of educators and researchers. The paper calls
for a shift in curriculum design to incorporate comprehensive digital and AI literacy training and emphasizes
the necessity for future research to delve into effective pedagogical approaches and long-term impacts of AI
integration. Overall, this autoethnographic methodology sheds light on the profound impact of AI on both
teaching and research practices within the educational landscape.
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the role
of a teacher extends far beyond the frontiers of the
traditional classroom. As an educator navigating the
complex intersections of technology and pedagogy,
I find myself at the forefront of a transformative
journey, one that intertwines the responsibilities of a
classroom teacher and the challenges and aspirations
of a researcher pursuing a doctoral degree. In this
autoethnography, I delve into the intricate tapestry
of my experiences, emphasizing the pivotal role that
artificial intelligence (AI) plays in not only revolu-
tionizing classroom dynamics but also alleviating the
formidable workload that accompanies the dual re-
sponsibilities of teaching and research.
1.1 Through the Lens of the Dual Role
of a Teacher and Researcher
Within the realm of my College for Higher Vocational
Education, where knowledge pursuit converges with
vocational training, AI implementation emerges as a
beacon of innovation. As a teacher, I grapple with
daily demands, necessitating strategic AI integration
to streamline tasks and foster a conducive learning en-
vironment. This narrative explores AI’s transforma-
tive impact on my teaching practices, detailing reve-
lations, challenges, and profound changes in student
learning experiences. Simultaneously, my roles as a
research assistant and doctoral candidate in AI in ed-
ucation create a unique vantage point, bridging the-
oretical frameworks with practical application. This
autoethnography reflects on the synergy between my
teaching and research roles. Join me on this odyssey
through the dual realms of teaching and researching in
the age of AI, where the focus is on the teacher’s per-
spective within the technology-infused educational
1.2 Background
In November 2022, OpenAI ushered in a revolu-
tionary era in the field of artificial intelligence with
the release of its groundbreaking generative AI tool,
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023). This milestone marked
the initiation of a prolific publishing wave that saw
not only the emergence of subsequent text-to-text
tools like Google’s Bard, Grok, but also text-to-image
Kuka, L. and Sabitzer, B.
Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012616500003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 355-362
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tools such as Midjourney and DALL-E. Also, tools
that combine several tools such as Poe or Perplexity
were developed. Despite being just over a year old,
ChatGPT catalyzed an enthusiastic response from
the research community, inspiring a plethora of pa-
pers examining the profound impact and utility of
generative AI AL-Smadi (2023). The integration of
generative AI in education holds immense promise,
poised to transform conventional teaching and learn-
ing paradigms by introducing personalized experi-
ences, streamlining administrative tasks, and enhanc-
ing feedback mechanisms (Grassini, 2023; Zaman,
2023; Kadaruddin, 2023). However, this transforma-
tive integration is not without its complexities and
challenges, as highlighted in recent scholarly works
(Kadaruddin, 2023; Lampou, 2023). Ethical con-
cerns, algorithmic bias, and the imperative for com-
prehensive educator preparation emerge as critical
considerations in this evolving landscape. Delving
specifically into medical education, the advent of
generative AI technologies, exemplified by ChatGPT
and Bard, introduces novel opportunities for self-
directed learning and writing assistance (Preiksaitis
and Rose, 2023). Yet, this advancement is accom-
panied by heightened scrutiny concerning academic
integrity and data accuracy, necessitating a nuanced
approach to implementation. In essence, while the
potential benefits of generative AI in education are
significant, the path forward demands careful naviga-
tion, with a steadfast commitment to caution and re-
sponsibility (Grassini, 2023; Zaman, 2023; Kadarud-
din, 2023; Lampou, 2023). This paper stands as a
significant contribution to this burgeoning scientific
discourse, uniquely offering insights from the dual
perspectives of a teacher and researcher. By bridg-
ing the realms of academia and practical application,
it aims to enrich the ongoing discussion on the impli-
cations and practicalities of integrating generative AI
tools into educational settings, showcasing the trans-
formative potential of these innovations in both theory
and practice.
Adhering to an autoethnographic framework, this
study embarks on a dual-layered exploration, delving
into the intertwining realms of the researcher’s experi-
ences with generative AI (GenAI), within the contexts
of both academic research and educational practices.
This paper focuses on the latter and the personal im-
pact on teaching.
Figure 1: Data collection process of one month.
2.1 Data Collection
The autoethnographic methodology employed in this
study centers on the researcher’s introspective exam-
ination of interactions and engagements with GenAI,
emphasizing the integration of personal experiences,
reflections, and interpretive analysis. Two distinct
journals were maintained throughout the three-month
study duration: one focusing on the researcher’s role
as a teacher and the other illuminating the experiences
as a researcher. The research process is depicted
in Figure 1. The researcher diligently documented
observations and reflections in both journals from
September to November, capturing evolving insights
and responses to generative AI. Entries within the
journals encompassed quick keyword notations dur-
ing real-time AI interactions, supplemented by more
detailed reflections at the conclusion of each week.
The dual-journaling approach allowed for a targeted
exploration of the unique impact of ChatGPT in the
realms of teaching and research. To augment the rich-
ness of the autoethnographic data, screenshots were
systematically captured and integrated into the jour-
nals. This visual documentation served as a tangible
record of the researcher’s encounters with ChatGPT,
offering a contextualized perspective on the evolving
utilization and critical reflections over time.
2.2 Data Analysis and Reflexive
The data collected underwent an iterative analysis
process, involving a systematic review of both teacher
and researcher journals. Themes, patterns, and trans-
formative moments emerged as the researcher nav-
igated the complexities of integrating generative AI
tools into educational and research practices. Build-
ing on the identified themes, the researcher developed
a reflexive narrative that synthesizes personal experi-
ences, reflections, and critical analyses. This narrative
aims to provide a nuanced understanding of how gen-
erative AI, specifically ChatGPT, influenced the re-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
searcher’s workflow, decision-making processes, and
perspectives in the realms of teaching and research.
2.3 Ethical Considerations
Throughout this autoethnographic exploration, care-
ful attention was given to ethical considerations sur-
rounding the use of AI. The researcher critically ex-
amined the potential biases, subjectivities, and ethical
implications inherent in both the utilization of Chat-
GPT and the autoethnographic approach. This reflex-
ive engagement with ethical considerations serves as
an integral component of the study, ensuring trans-
parency and responsible research practices.
In synthesizing personal encounters with genera-
tive AI, this autoethnographic methodology aims to
unravel the complex tapestry of the researcher’s dual
roles, shedding light on the profound impact of AI on
both teaching and research practices within the edu-
cational landscape.
3.1 Unveiling the Hidden Workload:
Beyond the Classroom
In the initial stages of my reflective journey, a stark
realization emerged, shedding light on the extensive
time dedicated to tasks outside the classroom. The
considerable chunk of time invested in preparing ma-
terials, crafting intricate slides, undertaking assess-
ments, and engaging in continuous professional de-
velopment became increasingly apparent. It wasn’t
a solitary revelation; discussions with colleagues un-
veiled a shared sentiment, with some reporting ex-
cessive correction times, particularly prevalent in lan-
guage classrooms. Determined to delve into the intri-
cacies of non-teaching hours, I embarked on research,
finding an OECD (2015) study that crystallized the
core tasks of teachers.
1. Teaching: Delivering lessons and instructions to
students in a classroom setting.
2. Lesson Planning: Developing and preparing edu-
cational materials and lesson plans.
3. Student Assessment: Evaluating and assessing
students’ academic performance through tests, as-
signments, and examinations.
4. Classroom Management: Creating and maintain-
ing a conducive learning environment, including
managing student behavior and engagement.
5. Student Support: Providing guidance, counseling,
and support to students to help them achieve their
academic and personal goals.
6. Professional Development: Engaging in continu-
ous learning and development to enhance teaching
skills and knowledge.
7. Collaboration: Working with colleagues, parents,
and other stakeholders to support student learning
and well-being.
This realization underscores the pressing need for
more efficient workflows to alleviate the considerable
workload placed on teachers’ shoulders. As the de-
mand for streamlined processes becomes evident, a
crucial question emerges: which Generative AI tools
can serve as valuable allies in this quest for effi-
ciency? These tools stand poised to not only ease
the burdens of material preparation, assessments, and
professional development but also redefine the land-
scape of educational productivity. Section 3.2 and
Figure 2 show an overview of these teacher tasks and
useful GenAI tools.
3.2 Generative AI Tools
Figure 2: How GenAI can facilitate teacher tasks.
In navigating the rich spectrum of generative AI tools,
teachers conscientiously prioritize usability and prac-
ticality in their professional endeavors. Adhering to
the principle of ”less is more, a deliberate selection
of generative AI technologies has proven invaluable.
ChatGPT and Poe, functioning as versatile chatbots,
adeptly assist in various tasks such as lesson planning,
content creation, and generating keywords for slides.
Grammarly and QuillBot enhance the writing process,
Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education
providing robust support for grammar checking and
summarization. DeepL contributes to linguistic diver-
sity through effective translation. Visual elements are
elevated with the inclusion of Ideogram and Bing Im-
age Creator. The integration of Canva Magic Studio
further amplifies the toolkit, offering advanced capa-
bilities for image manipulation and creating visually
engaging learning materials. This strategic amalga-
mation ensures a seamless fusion of text and visu-
als in educational content. Additionally, for profes-
sional development, Elicit, Perplexity, and Research
Rabbit, collectively empower teachers with a com-
prehensive suite of tools that epitomize efficiency and
user-friendly functionality. This holistic approach to
technology adoption reflects a commitment to elevat-
ing the teaching experience through thoughtful inte-
3.3 Preparation, Lesson Planning, and
Professional Development
While the core duty of teachers centers around the act
of teaching itself, the journey commences much ear-
lier—with the demanding realms of preparation and
professional development. Before stepping into the
classroom, teachers engage in meticulous lesson plan-
ning, often creating materials. In the absence of a
standard textbook in my field, I rely heavily on creat-
ing slides to complement my teaching, encompassing
both content delivery and engaging exercises. For-
mulating these materials can be time-consuming, es-
pecially when striving for creativity and student en-
gagement. I found ChatGPT an invaluable asset that
not only sparks ideas for creative tasks but also for-
mulates exercises, significantly slashing the time in-
vested in this preparatory phase. Moreover, with
the assistance of, the process of creat-
ing slides is streamlined, introducing a level of au-
tomation that enhances efficiency and allows for a
more focused allocation of time to other essential
tasks. As a valuable companion in lesson planning,
ChatGPT consistently generates adaptable and cre-
ative ideas, seamlessly integrating with my teaching
style. It serves as a collaborative partner, enhanc-
ing the structure of presentations and providing essen-
tial keywords for slides. Interestingly, the AI’s sug-
gestions often align with my initial plans but bring
forth additional nuanced perspectives, contributing to
a richer educational experience. Moreover, the itera-
tive use of ChatGPT correlates with an improvement
in the quality of prompts and ideas, demonstrating its
capacity to adapt and evolve with consistent engage-
An invaluable aspect of my teaching arsenal in-
volves the seamless integration of text-to-image cre-
ation tools, specifically Ideogram and Bing Image
Creator. Both user-friendly and freely accessible,
these tools empower teachers to effortlessly enhance
presentations and inject creativity into various tasks.
Whether curating images to complement slides or en-
gaging students in the language classroom by visually
conceptualizing characters from literature, these tools
play a pivotal role in elevating the visual and creative
dimensions of teaching, making them accessible and
beneficial resources for educators.
GenAI has a significant impact on teacher pro-
fessional development, particularly in the context
of computer programming pedagogy (Dickey et al.,
2023). Educators need to guide students in effec-
tively using GenAI to preserve core skill development
(Dickey et al., 2023). However, there is a genera-
tion gap in the perception of GenAI, with Gen Z stu-
dents being more optimistic about its potential ben-
efits compared to their Gen X and Gen Y teachers
(Chan and Lee, 2023). Furthermore, it has proven to
be a valuable instrument for crafting course content,
presenting a more rapid approach to content devel-
opment, and broadening the spectrum of educational
resources (Dickey and Bejarano, 2023). Additionally,
Dickey and Bejarano (2023) provides educators with
a framework to leverage its capabilities. However, its
potential as a coach for teachers is still under investi-
gation, facing challenges in delivering insightful and
innovative feedback (Wang and Demszky, 2023).
3.4 Administrative Tasks
Administrative tasks, a significant facet of the teach-
ing profession, often consume considerable time, es-
pecially in the meticulous crafting of emails. Pre-
cision is paramount in communication with parents
or school administrators, requiring careful drafting to
maintain a professional tone devoid of errors or typos.
In this realm, ChatGPT emerges as a valuable ally,
facilitating the email composition process. Whether
crafting emails to the headmaster or the educational
directorate, ChatGPT not only assists in concise and
effective communication but also surprises with valu-
able insights, such as reminders on ethical guide-
lines, data anonymization and protection, enhancing
the professionalism of my correspondence. This AI-
driven support significantly enhances the profession-
alism and efficiency of my administrative correspon-
dence. A translated draft can be seen in Figure 3.
Research findings indicate that GenAI can play a
substantial role in supporting teachers with adminis-
trative tasks in education. Ahmad et al. (2022) and
Pawar (2023) underscore the advantages of GenAI,
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: ChatGPTs draft for a mail to the Directorate of
Education (The original prompt and answer of ChatGPT
were written in German and translated for this paper).
including the improvement of accessibility, efficiency,
and accuracy in administrative tasks. They note its
capacity to reduce the workload of teachers while en-
hancing staff engagement and performance. These
studies collectively suggest that GenAI can be a valu-
able tool for teachers in managing administrative
tasks and enhancing the overall educational experi-
3.5 Student Assessment
In the realm of vocational training, staying abreast
of swiftly evolving technologies is paramount, en-
suring students are equipped for specific workfields.
Professional development extends beyond technical
skills, encompassing vital aspects of didactics and
pedagogy. As a teacher, the journey of learning is per-
petual, aiming to remain up-to-date and adept at de-
livering quality education. In this pursuit, I’ve found
invaluable support from Generative AI tools such as
Elicit, Perplexity, and Research Rabbit. These tools,
adept at processing natural language queries, facilitate
the exploration of research papers in diverse areas,
augmenting my ability to stay informed and continu-
ally enhance my pedagogical approach. Additionally,
tools like ChatPDF or AskPDF have proven benefi-
cial, providing a valuable means to swiftly grasp the
essence of research papers and distill key statements.
These tools not only offer a comprehensive overview
but also serve as a bridge, simplifying scientific lan-
guage for educators less accustomed to its nuances.
The interactive nature of these tools further facilitates
comprehension, allowing teachers to seek clarifica-
tions and confirm their understanding. This stream-
lining of complex academic language contributes to a
more inclusive and accessible learning environment,
fostering improved engagement and comprehension
among educators navigating scientific discourse.
Exploring the expansive potential of AI in the field
of student evaluation, ChatGPT emerges as a versa-
tile ally in creating assessment rubrics. By provid-
ing clear expectations and desired outcomes in the
prompts, ChatGPT showcases its capacity to gener-
ate precise and tailored rubrics for evaluating student
performance. This not only streamlines the assess-
ment process but also ensures alignment with specific
educational objectives, offering a novel and efficient
approach to enhancing the feedback loop.
Providing comprehensive feedback, particularly
in the language classroom, is a vital aspect of teach-
ing, but it becomes a substantial undertaking with
classes ranging from 25 to 30 students. EFL teach-
ers invest significant hours in crafting feedback that
holds paramount importance for their students. Yet,
students, in turn, may only glance at the feedback
and make corrections, a process consuming signifi-
cantly less time than what teachers invest. To address
this challenge, ChatGPT proves to be a valuable tool.
By utilizing an assessment rubric provided to Chat-
GPT, teachers can generate feedback efficiently, espe-
cially for instances requiring extensive written com-
ments. An example can be seen in Figure 4. While
this does not replace teacher feedback, it serves as a
supplemental resource, allowing teachers to focus on
more personalized aspects. The teacher still engages
in the crucial task of reading the essay and checking
the feedback, with results open for discussion in the
classroom setting.
This combination of AI tools has become an indis-
Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education
Figure 4: Response by ChatGPT, after it has been provided
with the Writing Assessment Scale by BIFIE et al. (2015)
and a Student’s Text.
pensable asset, significantly elevating the efficiency
and creativity in both the administrative and pedagog-
ical aspects of my role.
3.6 Experiences from the Classroom
In a media design class with 16-year-old students, the
task was to design an analog or digital game. Typ-
ically, students relish the opportunity to craft their
own gameplay as well as game art, but this time, a
group of four found themselves mired in demotiva-
tion during their brainstorming session. Recognizing
their struggle, I suggested they leverage ChatGPT to
spark inspiration. I guided them through the process,
demonstrating how to extract rich ideas. As they read
through titles and short idea descriptions generated by
ChatGPT, a palpable shift occurred. The atmosphere
lightened, and they not only embraced the provided
prompts but also began crafting their own. With new-
found enthusiasm, the group narrowed down to two
promising ideas. In a stroke of ingenuity, they de-
cided to involve their fourth member, who was un-
well and unable to attend in person. Through a re-
mote connection, they pitched both ideas to their ab-
sent teammate, initiating an engaging discussion. The
student at home, eager to comprehend the proposed
concepts, fired off a barrage of questions. The on-site
students responded with quick, imaginative answers,
a collaborative dance inspired by the initial ChatGPT-
generated ideas. The exchange sparked a dynamic
process of adaptation and development, transforming
the ChatGPT suggestions into a wholly unique and
compelling game concept. What started as a demo-
tivated group transformed into one of the standout
teams in the class. This anecdote illustrates the trans-
formative power of leveraging AI, not just as a tool
but as a catalyst for creativity, collaboration, and ulti-
mately, the creation of something truly exceptional.
Another anecdote gives insight into the workflow
of a media production class. A group of 15-year-
old students embarked on the challenge of redesign-
ing an existing website to enhance its user experi-
ence (UX) and user interface (UI). As they delved
into the project, faced with lengthy text sections that
needed refinement, they turned to ChatGPT for as-
sistance. Recognizing the potential of AI in text op-
timization, the students seamlessly integrated Chat-
GPT into their workflow. The tool proved invaluable
in succinctly refining verbose content, allowing them
to maintain clarity while significantly enhancing the
website’s overall readability. Beyond text refinement,
the students leveraged Bing Image Creator to curate
mood boards and gather design inspiration. This dy-
namic combination of AI tools not only streamlined
their creative process but also sparked innovative de-
sign ideas that might have otherwise remained undis-
covered. The class witnessed a fusion of creativity
and technology as these young designers harnessed
the power of AI to elevate their UX/UI designs. This
anecdote showcases how seamlessly integrating AI
tools into educational settings can empower students
to overcome challenges and infuse a fresh perspective
into their creative endeavors. The anecdotes highlight
the necessity for classrooms to impart both technical
proficiency in Generative AI (GenAI) and a reflec-
tive mindset. This emphasis on technical acumen and
critical thinking serves as a crucial foundation, fos-
tering a symbiotic relationship between GenAI and
educational pursuits, enriching the learning experi-
ence. Insights from Chan and Hu (2023) empha-
size addressing concerns, aligning with the impera-
tive to instill a reflective mindset. Simultaneously,
Chan and Zhou (2023) reveals a positive correlation
between perceived value and the intention to use, re-
inforcing the importance of technical competence and
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
a critical thinking attitude in students engaging with
generative AI tools. Together, these studies under-
score the potential of GenAI to enhance student as-
sessment, cautioning against overlooking ethical and
practical considerations. This emphasizes the need
for a balanced and thoughtful approach in educational
settings, aligning with the discourse on the transfor-
mative role of generative AI in education.
In my extended engagement with ChatGPT, a grow-
ing concern surfaces as I observe an increased fre-
quency of inaccuracies in factual information and a
rise in typographical and grammatical errors within
the generated content. This raises a critical issue
about the reliability of the information produced by
the generative AI. Simultaneously, a parallel concern
takes root, centered around the potential deskilling of
my own writing abilities. The ease with which AI
generates text might inadvertently diminish the hon-
ing of my own linguistic and creative skills. More-
over, there is a lingering worry about the risk of over-
reliance on generative AI, potentially leading to a re-
duction in teacher involvement. This apprehension
extends beyond personal skills to a broader concern
about the potential undermining of professional ex-
pertise. As the allure of AI assistance grows, striking
a balance between leveraging its benefits and preserv-
ing the integral role of the teacher becomes a crucial
aspect to navigate in the educational landscape.
These problems concern me as an experienced
teacher and scientist who has already acquired many
skills, so the question arises as to what it looks like for
inexperienced students who may not have fully devel-
oped essential skills yet. As educators, the challenge
lies in fostering an understanding among students that
while technological tools like GenAI are invaluable,
the cultivation of independent communication skills
and thinking skills (critical thinking, computational
thinking, etc.) remains paramount. Striking a balance
between leveraging technology and nurturing founda-
tional cognitive abilities becomes crucial. There is a
risk that overreliance on these tools might hinder the
development of essential skills, prompting a reflection
on how best to guide students toward a harmonious
and effective integration of GenAI within a broader
framework of holistic learning.
The integration of GenAI in education requires
evidence-based guidelines and policies to ensure re-
sponsible use (Chan and Lee, 2023; Perera and
Lankathilaka, 2023).
Foundational skills such as reading, writing, and cal-
culating serve as the bedrock of education, forming
the essential groundwork for intellectual growth. In
the ever-evolving landscape, it becomes imperative
to extend the educational trajectory to encompass the
fostering of digital literacy and AI literacy. As tech-
nology assumes a more integral role in various aspects
of life, ensuring that students possess the competen-
cies to navigate, understand, and harness the potential
of digital tools, including AI, becomes a pivotal ob-
jective. The implications for education entail a shift in
curriculum design to incorporate comprehensive dig-
ital and AI literacy training. Future research must
delve into effective pedagogical approaches, assess-
ments, and long-term impacts to ascertain how best
to equip students with the skills needed to thrive in a
technology-driven world while preserving the founda-
tional skills that underpin a well-rounded education.
The integration of GenAI into student learning
underscores the necessity for comprehensive teacher
training courses. These courses become imperative
not only for pre-service teachers but, critically, for
in-service teachers who navigate the evolving edu-
cational landscape. Equipping educators with the
skills and knowledge to effectively incorporate GenAI
tools into their teaching methodologies is paramount.
These training courses should encompass not only the
technical aspects of utilizing AI in the classroom but
also address pedagogical considerations, ethical im-
plications, and strategies to guide students in respon-
sible and effective use. In-service teacher training be-
comes an essential component in ensuring that educa-
tors are well-prepared to navigate the nuanced inter-
section of traditional teaching methods and the inno-
vative integration of GenAI into contemporary educa-
Future research in the realm of educational tech-
nology, particularly the integration of GenAI, holds
the key to unlocking innovative pedagogical practices.
Investigating the long-term impact on student learn-
ing, exploring optimal teacher training methods, and
delving into ethical considerations will shape the fu-
ture landscape of education. Understanding how to
strike a balance between leveraging AI tools and pre-
serving foundational skills is a critical avenue for ex-
ploration. Additionally, research that examines the
broader societal implications and equity considera-
tions in the adoption of GenAI in education will con-
tribute valuable insights for crafting inclusive and ef-
fective educational policies. The evolving role of
Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education
GenAI in education prompts a call for rigorous re-
search endeavors to inform best practices, ensuring
that educational systems adapt to the changing tech-
nological landscape while prioritizing student devel-
opment and well-rounded learning.
In conclusion, this autoethnography has provided a
comprehensive exploration of the transformative im-
pact of artificial intelligence (AI) on teaching and
research practices within the educational landscape.
The author’s experiences with generative AI (GenAI)
have been meticulously examined, shedding light on
the pivotal role of AI in revolutionizing classroom dy-
namics and alleviating the formidable workload ac-
companying the dual responsibilities of teaching and
research. Ethical considerations surrounding the use
of AI have been critically examined, ensuring trans-
parency and responsible research practices. The re-
flective journey has revealed the extensive time dedi-
cated to tasks outside the classroom, highlighting the
profound impact of AI on the workload of educators
and researchers. Moreover, the paper has underscored
the necessity for a shift in curriculum design to in-
corporate comprehensive digital and AI literacy train-
ing, emphasizing the importance of future research
to delve into effective pedagogical approaches and
long-term impacts of AI integration. Overall, this au-
toethnographic methodology has unraveled the com-
plex tapestry of the researcher’s dual roles, shedding
light on the profound impact of AI on both teaching
and research practices within the educational land-
scape. As the educational landscape continues to
evolve, the integration of AI presents both opportuni-
ties and challenges, and this autoethnography serves
as a valuable contribution to understanding and navi-
gating these frontiers in the AI era.
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education