Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT
Classes, Examples and Practices
Stanislav Ivanov
and Borislav Yordanov
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Game-Based Learning, Minecraft: Education, Mathematics Education, ICT Education.
Abstract: Games take important part of the daily life of modern students as they are a source for not only leisure but
also a useful tool in the hands of the teachers. The authors explore the possibilities for application of game-
based learning within the Bulgarian educational context - specifically, different approaches to integrate the
popular sandbox game Minecraft: Education into the classroom. The study presents several ideas of lesson
units for the subjects “Mathematics” and “Computer Modelling and Information Technologies (CMIT)”
designed to enhance the teaching and learning process. To assist the development of these lessons, the authors
have structured a framework to describe such game-based activities. These ideas are tailored for lower
secondary school (aged 11-14) in Bulgaria, offering a different approach to immerse students into the learning
A great part of students' daily life takes place at
school, where they are often placed in a situation that
is contrary to their wishes and interests. They fill the
spare minutes between lessons and/or free periods
with what they find most interesting - games, music,
films, books.
One of the most popular activities for students are
games computer games, board games, sports. On
average, computer game players spend more than 8
hours per week playing games (Men Spent 5.6 Hours
per Day in Leisure, n.d.). Playing some genres of
games uses and develops various cognitive skills such
as memory, attention, perception (Granic et al.,
2014). A variety of skills are also developed - not only
technical but also social. Players gather in themed
forums and groups discussing even the smallest
details of the game they are interested in. Game-based
learning is one of the tools that allows us to use games
and their advantages to support the learning process,
which is often challenging for students.
One of the characteristics of games that Garris et
al. describe is imagination: “Games involve
imaginary worlds; activity inside these worlds has no
impact on the real world; and when involved in a
game, nothing outside the game is relevant”(Garris et
al., 2002, p. 447).
This immersion in the imaginary world enables
teachers to tie the learning material to a variety of
game worlds and mechanics and to introduce the
learning content into familiar situations for students.
Examples of the application of games in learning are
found at national level. For example, the game “This
war of mine is proposed as a learning element by the
Ministry of Education in Poland and curricula and
materials for teachers have also been created (This
War of Mine, n.d.). Minecraft: Education, an
educational version of the game Minecraft, popular
among students, provides one such possibility.
In the paper, the authors examine the possibilities
of implementing game-based learning using
Minecraft: Education, and present a developed
conceptual framework to support the construction of
such kinds of lessons, that is yet to be validated and
tested. Lesson plans based on the framework, that
were developed using Minecraft: Education, are
The presented ideas are drawn from the authors'
teaching practice in Mathematics and “Computer
modelling and information technology (CMIT)” at
lower secondary school, which has enabled relevant
Ivanov, S. and Yordanov, B.
Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT Classes, Examples and Practices.
DOI: 10.5220/0012616900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 517-524
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
analyses, conclusions, and perspectives.
Game-based learning is not a new idea and has been
explored by numerous authors who have found both
advantages and disadvantages. Wouters etc, in his
meta-analysis reviewed the research of 30 authors,
from which they drew the following conclusions:
The use of games in learning helps to build
lasting knowledge. As the authors describe it, "…
games lead to well-structured prior knowledge
on which learners can build on during their
learning career" (Wouters et al., 2013, p. 259).
The longevity of knowledge is also confirmed by
other authors - Svorotova writes that board
games allow for fast, better and complete
memorization of information due to the dynamic,
varied repetitive, intensive and practical use of
information from associative memory.
(Svorotova, 2019).
Another conclusion presented by Wouters et
al. is that when games are combined with other
learning methods, the effectiveness of learning is
increased. Game-based learning on its own is no
more effective than traditional lecture, but when
combined with other learning methods, games
show their effectiveness. This may be due to the
fact that when using games alone in learning,
students gain intuitive knowledge rather than
verbalising and structuring it (Wouters et al.,
While a common assumption is that games
increase students' motivation to learn, Wouters
showed in his meta-analysis that they are no
more effective in terms of learner motivation
than other learning methods (Wouters et al.,
It can be seen that game-based learning cannot
replace traditional learning, but the application of
games in the classroom can complement and support
the building of students' knowledge and skills. The
role of the teacher in organising this type of learning
should not be forgotten.
The teacher, who should be the mentor and helper
of the students/players, is particularly important for
the successful implementation of games in learning.
As Noemi and Maximo describe, "The work involved
in tutoring is the key to guiding the learning process
in serious games"(Noemí & Máximo, 2014, p.
231). The same authors also describe the following
key points for a mentor to follow (Noemí & Máximo,
Setting goals to be achieved.
Defining the concepts that need to be practised
and reinforced by serious games and what
competencies can be encouraged.
Setting a framework for the teacher to follow and
at the same time check that the objectives are
being met - continuous feedback and support for
students who are getting discouraged.
Create a definitive feedback tool for the whole
Reflection on the use of the game (how and when
the game triggers moments of reflection and
evaluation of the knowledge and understanding
gained by the learner)
An important element in defining game-based
learning is also the selection of tasks and challenges
for students - they should not be too easy, which will
bore them, nor too difficult, which will discourage
them from continuing. As Dörner et al. say, “The
appropriate balance of task difficulty and skill level
ensures that the double mission of serious games is
accomplished: being both effective and attractive”.
(Dörner et al., 2016, p. 12).
To implement game-based learning, teachers have
many options - educational computer games, board
and role-playing games, etc. The authors focused on
using Minecraft: Education - a specially developed
educational version of the popular game Minecraft.
2.1 Minecraft: Education
Since its release in 2011, Minecraft has become a
phenomenon in the gaming industry. The game
immediately gained popularity among learners. In
2023, the game was the first one to reach 300 million
sales (“Minecraft Becomes”, 2023). Minecraft is a
game of the sandbox genre - games in which there is
no set goal, and the player is given the freedom to set
it themselves. Some of the players' activities are
gathering resources, exploring the virtual world,
surviving in the wild, but most importantly the ability
to be creative through building. The cube system used
in Minecraft allows for easy construction of unique
buildings and structures such as castles, houses,
cities, and more. This freedom of action encourages
creativity and exploration in players.
Study shows that Minecraft can help to develop
21st century skill as Collaboration, Communication,
Critical thinking and Creativity (Hewett et al., 2020)
Minecraft: Education is a specialised version of
the game that is targeted for classroom use. This
version has been extended with options for teachers
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
to present learning content in an engaging way. Such
examples are:
setting up virtual classrooms, such as a chemistry
lab with the possibility of conducting
to recreate sites of historical battles
to examine animal habitats in detail
to program and control a personal robot to learn
programming concepts
Also, the educational version of Minecraft facilitates
the teacher's work of creating virtual worlds through
some options such as:
Creating and administering a game server.
Managing and limiting players’ (students’)
Additional blocks to limit students.
Placement of non-game character and
chalkboards to support presentation of learning
Additional tools such as camera and portfolio for
students to document their progress and
A dedicated programming environment where
block or scripted programming can be used.
A collection of pre-made worlds with lesson
plans and materials on a variety of topics.
Minecraft: Education provides a collection of
lessons and teaching material in different subjects, as
well as a possibilities for teachers to share their
practices and ideas to the community. (Resources for
Minecraft Educators, n.d.) The community of
teachers is diverse and covers different subjects and
skills (Bar-El & E. Ringland, 2020).
One possible direction of teaching with
Minecraft: Education is in the field of computer
science as it provides a favorable context for
developing a computational thinking (Kutay & Oner,
2.2 Examples of Applications of
Minecraft Education
Bulgarian educational system is structured in 3 stages
primary, lower secondary and upper secondary. In
the paper the focus of the author is on the lower
secondary stage where students are 11-14 years old.
In this stage “Mathematics” and “Computer modeling
and Information technologies (CMIT)” are
compulsory subjects for all students.
The focus of the subject CMIT is to develop
student’s ICT knowledge and skills like work with
word processing, spreadsheets, presentation etc.
The idea of Paul Watkins, a teacher from the UK,
to design, plan and calculate the materials needed to
build a house could be used for CMIT lessons. This
idea uses spreadsheet as a tool and involves several
stages (Watkins, n.d.):
Building design
Calculation of building costs
Progress tracking
Interior design
Interior costing
Analysis of overall project
Although initially Paul's lesson is not tailored to
the Bulgarian educational system, the implementation
of such a learning activity allows to cover the
knowledge, skills and competences as expected
outcomes set in the curricula for 6th grade, such as
the application of different data formats, the
introduction of formulas, the application of built-in
functions to perform calculations.
It is noticeable that several game concepts can be
traced back to the lessons and ideas presented above,
which Andrew Stott and Carman Neustaedter
describe as successful when applied to learning (Stott
& Neustaedter, 2013):
Freedom for mistake
Constant and fast feedback
Plot and roles
Based on these core game concepts, the
experiences of other teachers, and the many materials
developed, the authors offer several ideas for
implementing Minecraft: Educational in the CMIT
and mathematics classroom. To facilitate these ideas,
the authors have developed a framework for
describing a game-based activity using Minecraft:
Section 1: Design of Learning Activity
1. Type of learning activity
What is the type of lesson - for practice or to
introduce new knowledge?
2. Overview of learning objectives and content
What are the learning objectives of the
What is the main learning content that will
be studied/practised in the lesson?
3. Skill development
What domain-specific skill will be
developed during the lesson?
Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT Classes, Examples and Practices
What transversal skills (presentation skills,
communication skill etc.) will be developed
during the lesson?
What type of thinking (critical, algorithmic,
logical, computational etc.) the activity
How will students solve the presented
problems individually, collaboratively in
groups, or competitively?
Does the tasks trigger creativity?
4. Knowledge assessment
How can the students self-evaluate their
Do the tasks correspond to a level of a
chosen assessment taxonomy?
Does the task structure help for a progression
of knowledge and skills throughout the
chosen taxonomy’s levels?
Section 2: Design of Game World
1. Storyline and rules
What is the story around which the learning
content will be considered?
How is the plot related to the learning
content being studied?
Is the story related to previous lessons?
What are the rules and constraints in the
2. Progressivity
How can students track their progress as they
complete the task (e.g., levels, assignments
from non-playable characters, worksheet, to-
do list, etc.)?
Do tasks get more complicated as students
move to the next level?
3. Feedback
In what ways can students receive feedback
(e.g., responses to assignments after
completion, feedback from teachers, etc.)?
4. Freedom for error
In what ways can students work through a
challenging component?
What are the opportunities for students to
self-correct if they have made a mistake
(e.g., starting over, getting a hint, etc.)
5. Hidden puzzles and characters
Are there hidden puzzles, problems, or
characters that the players can meet?
What is the purpose of the hidden puzzles
and the characters (presenting a clue, getting
a game object, a score, a badge, etc.)?
In addition to the shown framework, the lesson
structure proposed by the creators of Minecraft:
Education was followed to describe the learning
units, which includes the following four elements:
Learning objectives
Guiding ideas
Student activities
Performance expectation
The lesson units created by the authors, presented
below, are designed for teaching, and/or practicing
the topics covered in the lower secondary school
curriculum in Bulgaria (age 11-14), and an
appropriate virtual world has been created in
Minecraft: Education with a unique story and roles
for students.
3.1 Creating Digital Images, A View
from Different Perspectives
The educational version of Minecraft allows you to
create cross-curricular connections and build a
holistic picture in learning. The authors present an
example of a lesson unit interweaving knowledge of
Mathematics and Computer Modelling and
Information Technology (CMIT), two subjects from
lower secondary school curricula in Bulgaria. The
scenario focuses on the topics for 5th grade: Creating
and Processing a Graphical Image from the CMIT
curriculum (MON, 2020) and Fractions from the
Mathematics curriculum (MON, 2021a).
The main goal of the lesson is to learn about a
style of creating graphic images - Pixel art. Students
are immersed in a story, and each has their own role -
an artist who will be presenting their work in a newly
opened gallery. Each student will not only have to
create their own painting using the Pixel art
technique, will also have to calculate the amount of
materials needed to make the painting.
3.1.1 Lesson Description
Type of Learning Activity
Introducing new knowledge
Overview of Learning Objectives
In the activity, learners create a graphic image with
Pixel art technique and calculate fraction based on the
information form the image.
Content From Curriculum:
Create and process a graphic image.
Fractions - parts of a whole.
Skill Development
During the game-based activity, students will gain
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
knowledge about the structure of the graphic images
(Pixel) as well as improve their skill of handling
The task has creative part as students need to
create their own picture in the Pixel art technique.
In the activity students are in the same virtual
world but they work independently. At the end they
are required to showcase their work - using and
enhancing their presentation skills.
The tasks for the students are not only presented in
the game world but also on the worksheets that are
prepared for the activity. These worksheets help
students to track their progress and self-evaluate their
knowledge and skills.
The peer review of the presented work at the end
of the activity provides an additional insight of
possible areas of improvement.
The tasks in the activity are gradually introduce
more complex concepts and problems to solve.
Storyline and Rules
The students are artists who have been invited to the
opening of a new gallery. Renowned artist Crass has
presented his collection of works in the Pixel art style.
During the exhibition, Crass invites participants to
prepare their work for the next exhibition.
Students' progress is represented through the series of
related assignments that they receive from the non-
playable characters. Students also have a research log
(worksheet) in which they fill in completed tasks.
Students receive feedback during the lesson from the
teacher and from non-playable characters in the
virtual world.
Freedom for Error
If students make a mistake, they have the opportunity
to go back and go through the difficult element again.
Students can also complete the problems in any order,
allowing them to skip the difficult problems.
Hidden Puzzles and Characters
There are no hidden puzzles and characters.
3.1.2 Lesson Plan
A lesson plan and student worksheets have been
developed to accompany the lesson.
Curriculum Learning Objectives
Student can:
Select colours from the standard and expanded
colour palette for primary and background
Create an image with a variety of tools on a given
Know how to solve basic fractional number
Model applied situations and solve everyday
problems by applying knowledge of common
fractions and operations with them.
Guiding Ideas
Recalls the concepts of pixel, raster image,
colour pattern, and colour palette with students.
Introduces the pixel art technique for creating
graphic images.
Introduces the link between mathematics and IT
by calculating the total amount of blocks used for
a picture on a given part.
Creates a world for students in Minecraft:
Education in which they independently go
through the problems presented and create their
own image using the Pixel art technique.
Manages the classroom using Classroom mode
for Minecraft and guides students who are having
Student Activities
1. In a discussion recalls:
a. The concept of pixel and raster image
b. The concept of colour pattern and
colour palette
c. Finding a fraction of a number.
2. Joins to the specially created world in Minecraft:
Education. Examines the featured images in the
gallery created using a technique called Pixel Art
and captures 3 of the pictures. Completes the
table in task 2 of the worksheet for the painting
3. Finds the size of the painting "Heart!" using the
given information.
4. Goes to the creative classrooms and presses the
number button corresponding to his class number
to move to the assigned workspace.
5. Uses the prepared colour blocks located next to
the workspace to create an image using the pixel
art technique. Selects the primary and secondary
colours of the picture.
6. Completes the picture creation log from the
7. Moves to the observation platform and views
their classmates' paintings.
Performance Expectation
Students know the concept of pixels.
2. Students can create images using the Pixel Art
Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT Classes, Examples and Practices
3. Students are able to solve fractional number
4. Students can model applied situations by
applying knowledge of common fractions.
3.2 Statistics and Fishing
The 6
grade (age 12-13) mathematics curriculum in
Bulgaria includes topics related to learning classical
probability and graphical representation of data
(MON, 2021b). In games, students often encounter
the idea of random events, which can be used to study
probability in mathematics. In Minecraft: Education,
catching a fish is a random event that can be used as
a context for practising the concepts covered in the
Figure 1: Game world for the fishing competition.
The created virtual world presents a fishing
competition in which students will participate. But
being fishermen is not their only role - they are sent
out for research purposes. Based on the empirical
experiment that the students have to conduct in the
game, they have to draw conclusions about the world
in which they are placed.
For students who are faster and for those who are
explorers and prefer to discover the secrets of virtual
worlds, additional hidden tasks are set that aim to
renegotiate prior knowledge.
3.2.1 Lesson Description
Type of Learning Activity
Lesson for practice.
Overview of Learning Objectives
The focus of the activity is to enhance and develop
student's understanding about classical probability as
well as how statistical data can be collected and
organized in different tables and charts.
Content From Curriculum
Finding the probability of a random event.
Organizing and presenting empirical data in tables
and charts.
Skill Development
During the activity, students should use their pre-
acquired knowledge and skills to collect and evaluate
the gathered data thus provoking their critical
Organizational skills are necessary for solving the
tasks as the students need to organize, interpret,
understand, and present the data in tables and charts
from the experiment.
Students work independently in individual virtual
The problems gradually test students’ knowledge of
probabilities and data organization from recalling
basic definitions to critically evaluating gathered
data. The scaffolding at the beginning aims to help
students to level their knowledge to cope with more
complex problems.
Plot and Rules
Students are explorers who are invited to participate
in a fishing competition. They have the additional
task of calculating the probability of catching certain
fish and tracking changes in the fish population.
Students track their progress by completing the
research log.
Students receive feedback during the lesson from the
teacher and from non-playable characters in the
virtual world.
Freedom for Error
If students experience difficulties during the game,
they have the opportunity to reset and start over a
difficult for them part.
They also have possibilities to ask for help from
non-playable characters that provide the students with
hint, necessary knowledge, or parts of the solutions.
Hidden Puzzles and Characters
A series of non-playable characters are placed in the
virtual world, divided into two groups:
Characters that provide an additional bonus
for helping in the fishing competition.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Characters with related hidden tasks for
students, the completion of which gives a
learning bonus (e.g. a grade, praise, etc.).
3.2.2 Lesson Plan
As in the previous example a lesson plan and student
worksheets have been developed to accompany the
Curriculum Learning Objectives
Student can:
Calculate the probability of a random event at the
simplest level.
Find an arithmetic mean and uses it to interpret
Organise and presents empirical data in tables
and with orthogonal diagrams.
Guiding Ideas
Recalls the concepts of random event,
probability, arithmetic mean.
Supports and guides students as they move
through the various problems.
Tracks students' progress through their
Manages the classroom using Classroom mode
for Minecraft and guides students who are having
Student Activities
1. Joins a specially created world in Minecraft:
2. Conducts an empirical experiment and records
the data (participates in a fishing competition).
3. Presents the data collected on the worksheet
using a diagram.
4. Calculates probabilities based on the data from
the experiment.
5. Calculates a probability of an event as a
percentage from given data.
6. Compare previous data with data from the
current experiment.
Performance Expectation
1. Students know the concept of probability and
random event.
2. Students can calculate the probability of a
random event.
3. Students can construct a graph from given data.
4. Students know the basic properties of
Using Minecraft: Education brings its benefits - the
familiar environment for students to quickly find their
way around, provides an interesting context and
opportunity to apply the knowledge gained,
encourages teamwork and creativity in creating
solutions for different situations.
In addition to the benefits, several drawbacks are
noticed when the presented ideas of using Minecraft:
Education were established.
One of the problems is the time to prepare and
develop materials - in addition to creating a lesson
plan and teaching materials, it is necessary to prepare
a virtual world with a story for students to immerse
themselves in. Preparing an interesting and engaging
world for students takes time and effort that teachers
often cannot devote.
Conducting lessons using game-based learning
may also requires more instructional time - it is
necessary to introduce students to the world and the
story, the goals and objectives, and the expectations
of them. Time also needs to be spent familiarising
students with the game - although Minecraft is a
popular game, not all students might have played it
and know the controls.
Also, one should not forget about the technical
side when conducting classes using Minecraft:
Education. Besides the need for a suitable device for
each student, it may need to have a good and strong
internet connection if the classes are held in a shared
virtual world.
The role of the mentor teacher in game-based
learning is also crucial. The use of games immerses
pupils in an interesting and engaging imaginary
world, which helps to create context, but this same
world can distract the students from the objectives,
and they may find other activities more interesting.
Minecraft: Education offers tools to constrain
students and set a basic and linear path.
The ideas shown in this article present
opportunities for implementing game-based learning
with Minecraft: Education. It is important to note that
the topic suggests being expanded and extended with
a proper field study on students' motivation and
outcomes when using the presented developments.
Games are an additional tool that teachers can use to
adapt learning content, motivate students, and
Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT Classes, Examples and Practices
diversify lessons. They do not replace other teaching
methods but can effectively complement them. In the
presented article the authors have tried to show
concrete examples of how a virtual game
environment can be used to cover the curriculum
content of mathematics and computer modelling and
information technology. Like any other tool, the
environment used - Minecraft: Education has its
advantages and disadvantages, but its versatility
allows to make attractive lessons from different
curricular areas.
This research is supported by the Bulgarian Ministry
of Education and Science under the National Program
"Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students - 2”.
The research is partially funded by the project
#BG05M2OP001-2.016-0018 “MODERNization in
partnership through digitalization of the Academic
ecosystem” (MODERN-A), funded by the
Operational Program "Science and Education for
Smart Growth", co-financed by the European Union
through the European Structural and Investment
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education