Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective
Through a Serious Game
Edson Kirschhof
, Alexandre Becker
, Gl
enio Descovi
, Alencar Machado
and Vin
ıcius Maran
Laboratory of Ubiquitous, Mobile and Applied Computing (LUMAC), Polytechnic School,
Federal University of Santa Maria, Av. Roraima, 1000, Santa Maria, Brazil
Serious Game, Educational Game, Environmental Education.
Environmental education holds significant importance for society, serving as a means to impart to new gen-
erations the principles of living in harmony with nature and cultivating social, moral, and ethical values.
Research in this domain has consistently shown that the early incorporation of environmental education can
yield benefits for individuals and has a lifelong impact. Yet environmental education researchers and practi-
tioners identify early childhood, defined as ages birth to eight, as a particularly crucial time for developing
environmental literacy. This paper presents the creation of a serious game designed to support environmental
education in the early stages of elementary school. The developed game addresses the current trends of mobile
and flexible learning, recognizing the necessity for engaging and challenging materials tailored for children.
Through the assessment of the game, involving 71 users, it became evident that the developed game played
a constructive role in the teaching-learning process. The evaluation encompassed aspects such as usability,
accessibility, playfulness, satisfaction, and knowledge expansion, revealing the positive impact of the game on
these dimensions.
Digital technologies contribute greatly to assist us in
our day-to-day tasks. This use has been maximized
in the last years, due to the social isolation to which
we have been subjected, due to the COVID-19 pan-
demic. In this world scenario, education at all levels
and modalities have been forced to improve and inno-
vate teaching and learning processes (Hoofman and
Secord, 2021).
It was already being observed that the education
system needs changes, and in this sense (Shi and Shih,
2015) warned that teachers and students have differ-
ent visions and necessities.
Digital games are present in the daily life of cell
phone users, whether they are adults, young people
or children, combining technology with learning is a
path of no return and in this future, the environmental
theme has relevance and urgency that more and more
study and spread environmental education (Kudryavt-
sev et al., 2012).
Environmental education (EE) is not an isolated
area of knowledge and action. On the contrary, the
context in which it emerged makes clear its purpose
of training agents capable of understanding the inter-
dependence of the various elements that make up the
life support chain, the cause and effect relationships
of human intervention in this chain, of engaging in
prevention and solution of socio-environmental prob-
lems and to create more just forms of existence that
are in tune with the balance of the planet (Jickling
and Wals, 2019).
Environmental education leaves a lasting impres-
sion throughout one’s life. Researchers and practi-
tioners in this field emphasize the significance of early
childhood, spanning from birth to eight years old, as
a critical period for fostering environmental literacy
(Ardoin and Bowers, 2020).
Based on the context presented above, such as the
precariousness of teaching and lack of tools for en-
vironmental education, this work aims to develop a
serious game for EE, in order to contribute to the dis-
semination of environmental content. To promote the
Kirschhof, E., Becker, A., Descovi, G., Machado, A. and Maran, V.
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0012617000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 349-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
usage of the game, we developed a support material,
specially adressed to professors, to facilitate the ap-
plication of the game in their classes.
The structure of this work is divided as follows: In
Section 2 the theoretical foundation approaching En-
vironmental Education , Serious games in education
are presented. In Section 3 the serious game devel-
opment process, its skills, methodology and mecha-
nisms are presented. In Section 4 the evaluation pro-
cess is presented. Finally, in Section 5 the conclusions
of the work are presented.
2.1 Environmental Education
The concept of environmental education is related to
formal and informal teaching processes, where indi-
viduals build their socio-environmental values to live
in harmony with nature and society.
Since the emergence of man on our planet, we
have come to modify the relief, climate, soil, air and
seas, in addition to even modifying other species of
plants and animals, or helping in their extinction. For
(Nousheen et al., 2020) nature dominated man in its
beginning, between 50 and 40 thousand years ago,
with only nomadism without accumulation of goods
as its form of survival; with the emergence of agri-
culture, around 10,000 years ago, and from the mas-
tery of agricultural techniques by community mem-
bers, man became sedentary, in addition to developing
concepts about social and political organization.
During the evolution and improvement of nature
management practices, human beings consolidated
their domain and the indiscriminate use of natural re-
sources. Human beings need to understand and learn
to live in harmony with the planet, because in our re-
cent past, in the last 200 years, with the industrial rev-
olution, the degradation processes of the planet have
increased exponentially, on a scale never seen since
the emergence of the man on the planet. The prin-
ciples of environmental education do not advocate
that we should stop developing ourselves economi-
cally and technologically, but rather seek a balance
for sustainable development (Ardoin et al., 2020).
According to the United Nations (UN) (Fritz et al.,
2019), the concept of sustainable development is one
that meets present needs without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
to achieve sustainable development, which are them
Eradicate poverty; Zero hunger and sustainable agri-
culture; health and wellness; quality education; gen-
der equality; clean water and sanitation; clean and af-
fordable energy; decent work and economic growth;
industry, innovation and infrastructure; reduction of
inequalities; sustainable cities and communities; re-
sponsible consumption and production; action against
global climate change; life in water; terrestrial life;
peace, justice and effective institutions; partnerships
and means of implementation.
These goals, as well as other global projects in-
volving environmental issues, aim to protect and pre-
serve life on our planet, for current and future gen-
erations. The first step, to seek this balance with the
planet, is the awareness that nature has limits, also
focusing on education, educating the individuals who
make up society, making them sensitive to their envi-
ronment, based on experiences , values and knowl-
edge obtained and lived through an environmental
knowledge (Ardoin et al., 2020).
Environmental knowledge is a political epistemol-
ogy that seeks to give sustainability to life; consti-
tutes knowledge that links the ecological potential and
negentropic productivity of the planet with the cul-
tural creativity of the peoples who inhabit it (Kopnina,
Everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced
environment, an asset for common use by the peo-
ple and essential to a healthy quality of life, imposing
on the public authorities and the community the duty
to defend and preserve it for present and future gen-
erations. Emphasizing that, the EE aims to dissemi-
nate knowledge about the environment, in the sense of
its conservation and use of resources in a sustainable
way. This constant process, where the whole society
is consciously involved in dealing with the environ-
ment, acquiring knowledge, skills, experiences, val-
ues whose purposes are capable of acting, either in-
dividually or collectively, seeking alternatives and/or
solutions to environmental problems.
Implementing environmental education in schools
can pose several challenges. Some of these challenges
Resources. Many institutions face budget con-
straints, competing priorities, and limited access
to environmental facilities and experts. This can
lead to a lack of funding, materials, equipment,
time, and space for environmental education pro-
Alignment. Integrating environmental education
into various disciplines and levels of education,
from formal to non-formal settings, can be chal-
lenging due to a lack of alignment with existing
curricula and educational priorities;
Engagement. Some educators may not have suf-
ficient training, support, or incentives to incorpo-
rate environmental education into their curricula
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and pedagogy. This can lead to a lack of student
engagement and interest in environmental issues;
Changes in Demographics and Experience. En-
vironmental educators must address the demands
of a constantly evolving social and technological
landscape while ensuring that environmental edu-
cation stays relevant to the needs and interests of
the community. This requires continuous adapta-
tion and innovation in educational approaches;
Effective Integration of Newer Sources of In-
formation with Experiential Learning Oppor-
tunities. With the rapid advancement of technol-
ogy and access to information, it is essential to
effectively integrate newer sources of information
with experiential learning opportunities to provide
a comprehensive environmental education;
Inadequate Training and Support for Teach-
ers. Teachers may lack the necessary training and
support to effectively deliver environmental edu-
cation, leading to a lack of confidence and com-
petence in this area;
Overcoming Temporal Perspective. Environ-
mental education is seen as a permanent and con-
tinuous process, and challenges need to be consid-
ered to rethink the continued training of teachers
and seek a continuous improvement in environ-
mental education.
Addressing these challenges requires a concerted
effort from educational institutions, policymakers,
and the broader community to provide the necessary
resources, training, and support for effective environ-
mental education in schools.
2.2 Serious Games
The term serious games is used to delimit a form of
game, aimed at educational or training purposes, both
in schools and in civil and military training institu-
tions. Unlike other media used in education and train-
ing, in a serious game the player is actively involved
and immersed in an experience where his actions and
decisions determine the course of history. In this con-
text serious games can help with new forms of learn-
ing, for this to be effective it is necessary that serious
games have objectives and consequences, as well as
rules (Zhonggen, 2019).
According to (Nadi-Ravandi and Batooli,
2022) Game-Based Learning (GBL) is a pedagogical
methodology that focuses on the development and use
of games in education, thus being integrated within
the form of a serious game, whose objective is not en-
tertainment , but learning. Unlike gamification, where
some elements of games are used, such as dis-
putes for points to reach a higher ranking or achieve a
certain reward, then gamification is intended to make
a process or daily life of a given individual more
playful and interesting, so it will not necessarily have
all aspects of a serious game, it is usually integrated
into everyday life processes such as in schools or
companies to increase participant engagement.
The development of gamification — also referred
to as gamification therefore stems from a rather ob-
vious finding: human beings are strongly attracted to
games. Over the centuries, practically all known civi-
lizations were associated with some kind of important
competition for the social structure of the community
to which they belonged (Oliveira et al., 2023).
The production of digital educational games has
multiplied in recent years, given the technological de-
velopment that provides users with infinite possibili-
ties of access and choice of games. In the educational
area, games or gamification have been used more fre-
quently in order to expand and provide meaningful
learning. For (Yu et al., 2021) “games can be efficient
instructional tools”, in the sense that they provide lu-
dicity to learning, through fun and as facilitators of
learning, in addition to stimulating mental and intel-
lectual functions who plays.
Games are elements of human culture left over
from the dawn of civilization, what differs from cur-
rent games are the digital formats and platforms that
can be used, such as: desktop, smartphones, tablets.
The pedagogical practices used at school take advan-
tage of the playfulness of the game to bring content to
the student in a more dynamic and pleasant way, for
(Acquah and Katz, 2020), however, it is necessary to
be clear that the use of games in education as a sim-
ple adaptation to formal teaching does not guarantee
learning, games alone are not protagonists of mean-
ingful learning, there are other factors that are neces-
sary such as didactic planning, pedagogical mediation
and adaptation to the pedagogical project.
In Environmental Education, it is also possible to
see a growth in the use of games as learning tools,
even though it is not a formal teaching subject, it is
present as a transversal theme and uses gamification
resources to work on environmental themes. (Zhu
et al., 2022) in a study on the evaluation of digi-
tal games with educational purposes, that is, games
intended for school, elect some characteristics for a
quality game, first the game needs to be accessible
and easy to understand, in the sense that not all users
are gamers, especially in the school environment; the
game must be able to mobilize the senses, involve and
provide a pleasant relationship; and finally, the game
needs to present premises such as ”problem solving,
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game
understanding and managing one’s own learning”
(Zhu et al., 2022).
2.3 Related Work
To evaluate related research, we made a systematic
mapping. The search for related works started with
a search for scientific articles in repositories (Science
Direct, ACM DL and IEEE Xplore) using the search
"environmental education" ) AND
( "digital game" OR "electronic game " OR
"gamification" OR "m-learning" OR
"serious games" OR "mobile learning" OR
"game-based learning" )
. We filtered the results with two filters, the first be-
ing the publication date filter between 2016 and 2023,
and the second only research articles, obtaining 62 ar-
ticles at the end of the process. After reading the ab-
stracts of these articles, 14 papers were selected that
contained the theme that is intended to be analyzed,
as shown in Table 1:
Table 1: Search filtering.
Repositories First Publication Research Abstract
Result 2016/2021 Papers Reading
Science Direct 97 50 42 4
ACM DL 24 16 10 4
IEEE Xplore 6 10 10 5
Total 137 76 62 14
The first analysis of the articles was the tabulation
of a spreadsheet divided by repository with the arti-
cles of each one, which contained the following data:
Title, Author, year, database, published in keywords
and abstract. From the analysis of these tables, 14 ar-
ticles were selected in the same line of work: a game
under development, developed or tested by third par-
ties, which dealt with the environment.
With the analysis of the works, we divided the
works into groups such as applications based on the
use of information from the Global Positioning Sys-
tem (GPS) with and without the use of augmented re-
ality such as, (Lo and Lai, 2019) developed an interac-
tion application based on augmented reality for learn-
ing about flora species on a student campus, through
a mobile device with a GPS system it is possible to
obtain information about the species, as well as links
to nearby attractions.
(Huang et al., 2022) developed an augmented re-
ality mobile application to be used in parks or natu-
ral environments, when pointing the camera at a plant
species, the user receives information regarding it, as
in (Lo and Lai, 2019). In the study by (Huang et al.,
2022) the results obtained reveal that the use of aug-
mented reality technologies, the emotional impact of
the participants with the proposed themes, generating
a greater learning connection,
Nowadays, the use of social networks is increas-
ingly frequent, which is why in (Pham et al., 2021),
the research group developed an application based on
social networks with interactions of GPS mapping ap-
plications where users interact with each other, based
on posts referring to urban environmental problems
encountered in their daily lives, the aim is to raise
awareness of the protection and conservation of the
environment. The application uses the mechanism of
likes among users as an incentive to classify the most
relevant posts, making the user rise in the ranking.
In general, the vast majority create games based
on protagonists who must somehow perform actions,
and are subject to consequences for these actions,
for (Priyadarshini et al., 2021) environmental edu-
cation is limited to conventional means of education
such as books, documentaries, videos or animations,
a few educational digital games developed to work on
themes related to environmental education, the arti-
cle in question addresses the development and test-
ing of the game Carbon Warrior, which aims to teach
about the carbon footprint, and how it influences sus-
tainability . Carbon Warrior was developed from a
pedagogical point of view for primary and secondary
school children and teenagers in India, the game uses
a scoring school based on user choices, more sus-
tainable choices generate more carbon credits, the in-
game currency. Among the 10 scenarios stipulated in
the game, the player still has a help button for decision
making and feedback after the end of the scenario.
In (Wang and Nunes, 2019) it was developed with
the premise of being a multidisciplinary educational
game that contains content of geography, Portuguese
language, science, mathematics and environmental
education, the choice of different ethnicities and gen-
ders for the protagonists, in order to promote the in-
clusion and diversity. The game is based on 3 phases
where the player deals with different situations such
as waste separation, waste recovery and the reduction
of waste generation, so the game is based on the use
of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle), although the
levels of the phases are inverse to the logic of the 3R.
In (Chung-Shing et al., 2020) the research group
used a game based on an indigenous community in
the Amazon region of Peru, where users make local
decisions that influence local life and the state of con-
servation and preservation of the surrounding forest.
The user is placed in the role of deciding how eco-
tourism should be approached in the region, there is
no mechanism for loss or victory, but with each sce-
nario completed, the player receives feedback on the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
consequences of their actions.
In (Janakiraman et al., 2021) the research group
used a city construction and evolution game based on
resource management, focusing on energy production
issues and their relationship with the environment.
The objective was to analyze whether digital games
can be used to increase environmentally friendly atti-
tudes and behaviors.
Similarly, (Tsai et al., 2020) developed a 3D com-
puter interface game with the intention of prevent-
ing environmental disasters, within the game, the user
must try to achieve the highest possible score, for
this they must consider several factors that influence
the game, such as money, time, personal interest and
public interest, thus having to protect the city against
floods in a tower defense game style, research has
shown that the use of serious games increased learn-
ing compared to conventional methods.
In teaching, games can also be used in conjunc-
tion with other digital media resources, as in (Gas-
par et al., 2020), an approach using a serious game
in combination with an explanatory video could help
students learn and understand marine environmental
themes, more specifically on pollution of the seas, the
study shows that most students liked the approach,
with 82.6% reporting having learned new knowledge,
and 97.8% stating that the learning approach is effec-
Another group of applications revolve around sto-
ries based on the reality of local communities, as in
(Wang and Nunes, 2019) unlike the other applica-
tions mentioned in other articles, the research group
developed the production in a different way, creating
a collaborative design, listening to a local population
of fishermen to base your game on, both in the story
part, in decision-making and in-game actions. With
this, the presented prototype had a good acceptance
by the local community, its objective was to help in
the understanding of how the individual actions of
each person can affect the environment and the col-
lective. The research carried out showed that digital
games are present in Environmental Education in the
form of different styles of games, with different ap-
proaches and themes related to the environment.
In general, the studies made a contribution to the
future creation of digital games for environmental
education, either through the different ways of ap-
proaching the themes, and also through the style of
the games and the results presented. However, during
the evaluation of related work, the applications shown
were created or tested with a very specific public in
very limited subjects, thus being a small scope within
all the possibilities related to environmental educa-
tion, the development of the serious game presented
here in this work has the intended to be an applica-
tion available for use by teachers and students with a
greater variety of work options, that is, the teacher can
use it as a wildcard tool in the classroom, adapting its
meaning and use as needed.
3.1 Game Scope
Environmental education starts with the educator, but
it is necessary to promote materials for this to be pos-
sible, the educator alone, within his wide range of
tasks at school, can often end up running out of ways
to update himself or to produce innovative materials.
and new for students. The educator is a reference in
the student’s education, she is the one who should
transmit methodologies to be approached with the ob-
jective of enriching and building knowledge. The ed-
ucator needs to be in constant renewal, updating his
knowledge (Kumar Basak et al., 2018).
To guide the scope of the game, we considered
the Brazilian context, which defines the environmen-
tal education must be worked on at all levels of educa-
tion in an interdisciplinary and transversal way. This
is a standard practice in many countries, as France,
USA, Germany, among others (Ardoin and Bowers,
Even though EE is not inserted as a subject in
the school curriculum, it must be approached by the
educator in an interdisciplinary way. In Brazil, the
Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) is a
document that defines a set of guidelines to estab-
lish, throughout the stages of basic education, which
skills students should develop in their learning, within
which the application proposed here fits in the area of
Natural Sciences of Elementary School. In Table 2,
the general competences are described:
In the next section, the methodology used for the
development and the tools and resources used for the
development of the game will be presented.
3.2 Modeling and Design
For the development of the game, the Construct 3
game engine was used. For the development of the
game outline, diagrams were first structured contain-
ing the actions and objectives that the player must
carry out during the game, based on the natural sci-
ence skills of the early years of elementary school.
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game
Table 2: Examples of basic education skills related to EE, defined in the BNCC.
Elementary School Natural Sciences
Competency 3 To analyse, understand and explain characteristics,
phenomena and processes related to the natural, social and technological world (including the
digital one), as well as the relationships established between them, exercising curiosity to ask
questions, seek answers and create solutions (including technological ones) based on the
knowledge of the Natural Sciences.
Competency 6 Use different languages and digital information and
communication technologies to communicate, access and disseminate information, produce
knowledge and solve problems in the Natural Sciences in a critical, meaningful,
reflective and ethical way.
Competency 8 Act personally and collectively with respect, autonomy,
responsibility, flexibility, resilience and determination, resorting to the knowledge of the
Natural Sciences to make decisions regarding scientific-technological and socio-environmental
issues and regarding individual and collective health, based on ethical principles, democratic,
sustainable and supportive.
The game was designed to create an interactive
experience, with simple concepts, based on planting
actions with a focus on environmental education. The
support material guides the user in the dynamics of
the act of playing, being built with the same theme of
colors and styles used in the game, in the next sec-
tions the development of the game will be specifically
For the development of the game’s music and
graphics, the choice was to use online repositories
such as where it is possible to find free and paid
game asets packages, for the game some paid pack-
ages created by Studio ClockWork Raven and Vexed
were used , having a license to use it for commercial
purposes or not, and possible modifications, the cred-
its for the game asets used are in the application menu
When choosing the game’s background music,
it was used by the artist Dieter Van Der Vesten,
called Paris Gipsy Swing, the artist attributed to it the
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Inter-
national license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), thus can be
used within the game without modifications and giv-
ing due credit for it, the base game sounds were re-
moved and modified from free repositories that do not
have copyright. Table 3 summarizes the tools and re-
sources used in the game development.
The choice of genre was simulator, thus allowing
the player to be inserted within the environment, the
view of choice was the first person with aerial view
using 2D elements in Pixel Art style, in which the
player must through his actions take care of planting,
so when the player uses only 1 species (monoculture)
the scoring system received is lower, while when us-
ing more species the score is exponentially increased.
In Figures 1 and 2, the initial menu and initial screen
are presented, executed in a cell phone with Android
The start of the game is on the game’s menu
screen, which contains the start option, entering the
list of commands, ranking, credits, and the exit but-
ton, the layout starts in landscape for better use of the
display. device. When starting the layout, the back-
ground music starts playing, and all the buttons have
sound and stand out when touched, so the player re-
ceives sound and visual feedback of their actions.
The ranking system is done through data sent
within the game to Google’s firebase tool, using its
database function, where through the game code, in-
formation is filtered and displayed in the ranking. As
a future implementation, the possibility of logging in
with social networks to share this ranking will be in-
serted, in the sequence the way the ranking works will
be better detailed.
When starting the game, the layout is modified,
a new interface appears in which the player must in-
teract with his plantation, new buttons and mechan-
ics are implemented and will be described separately
throughout the text, the layout as well as the pre-
vious one is started in landscape mode, and cannot
be changed to portrait, so it does not depend on the
phone’s orientation settings; when starting the layout
the background music continues to play, but it can be
deactivated in the internal menu; all the buttons have
sound and stand out when touched, as well as the in-
teractions with the planting system that will be de-
tailed in another section. The choice of colors, letters
and formats for the menus was made in order to be
clear and playful.
The menu button, located at the top left of the
screen, opens a window with the function of return-
ing to the initial screen, opening the command win-
dow, turning on or off sounds and effects, and has a
field to type the user’s name and send your score. The
score is based on the sustainability points, which will
be explained in the text segment on the planting part.
The backpack and store button are fundamen-
tal for the player’s actions, in the store through the
game’s currency, called money, it is possible to pur-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Resources used in the game development.
Resource Name Resource Type Resource Reference Image Editor
Give Your Fonts Mono Font Editor
Construct 3 Game engine
Dieter Van Der Vesten Repository
ClockWorl Raven Studios Repository
Vexed Repository
Firebase Database
Figure 1: First screen of the game – the user can select one of the elements to enter in a specific game phase.
Figure 2: Game menu.
chase 6 different types of seeds, pumpkin, beet, grape,
carrot, cabbage and cherry; when buying, the money
referring to the species is subtracted from the money
scoreboard, a buy sound signal is still emitted, as well
as a coin effect is generated on the buy button; all
seeds have a specific growth time, through the back-
pack button, the player can select and see the amount
of stock of a given seed purchased by the store and
thus carry out the planting.
The order of actions needed to carry out the plant-
ing (Figure 4) starts with the prepare button, it intro-
duces plowed land on the game screen, there are 4
beds with 11 spaces for planting in each of them, then
the watering button, transforms the plowed land into
wet land, with this it is possible to select the seeds in
the backpack to start planting, the game starts with 3
seeds of each type.
After the seeds grow, with the harvest button, it is
possible to harvest the plants and receive a reward in
coins (game money) in addition, an effect of coins is
generated on the harvested plant, and in sustainability
points (ranking points).
After carrying out the harvest, the wet land in
which the seed was, turns into plowed land, being
necessary to water it for the new planting; it is also
possible to remove plowed land, wet land, or wet land
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game
Figure 3: Bee boxes in the game. The use of pesticides minimize the presence of bees, reducing the player’s points.
Figure 4: The plantation interface – the player must choose actions to maintain his plantation that are reverted into sustainable
points or decreased money.
with seed, using the remove button, but the seed will
be lost and the player will not receive any reward.
For the prepare, water and remove commands it is
possible with a click on the screen, or dragging with
the finger, while for the harvest one click, and for the
planting it is two clicks, this difference serves to avoid
possible errors within the game that can thwart the
player experience. The game allows the use of pesti-
cides, but it decreases the sustainability points and re-
duces the occurrence of bees (Figure 4), which, when
present, increase the player’s score even more.
In the upper left corner, a sun was added, which
has constant animation of the sun’s rays, has five ex-
pressions based on satisfaction regarding planting, the
more different seeds the player plants at the same
time, the better the sun’s reaction will be. The sun
has the animations detailed in Table 4.
With this visual feedback, the player notices the
difference in the way he cultivates his plantation and
feels motivated to maintain a plantation with a greater
diversity of species. Another important factor that
contributes to the player’s tendency to make a diver-
sified plantation is the sustainability score that grows
passively and actively during the plantation.
To receive the passive score, the player just needs
to plant different species, the value constantly rises
every second, as each species generates an identical
fixed value, this value is cumulative, so if the player
plants the six species at the same time, the passive
value is six times greater than with just planting one
species. Active value is received when harvesting a
plant, during harvesting the player will also receive a
cash value, the amount received is twice the cost of
the seed in the store.
This section present the evaluation process of the pro-
totyped game. To evaluate the prototype made, we
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Sun reactions in the game.
Reactions Animations Criteria
Default No species planted
Sad 1 species planted
Normal 2 different species planted
Happy 3 / 4 different species planted
In Love 5 / 6 different species planted
used MEEGA+ evaluation methodology (von Wan-
genheim et al., 2020). The choose of MEEGA+ was
made because is a well documented and abroad ap-
plied methodology.
The game ”Fazenda Sustent
avel” was published
in Google Play Store and distributed to a set of edu-
cators. The evaluation was carried out with 71 partic-
ipants, wich are in the following profile: Educators,
from public institutions, with experience of applying
game-based learning techniques.
From public institutions with experience in ap-
plying game-based learning techniques, Figure 5
presents the results of the evaluation considering
the questionnaire defined in MEEGA+ related to the
game’s usability, and Figure 6 shows the evaluation
results related to player experience. We also made a
qualitative analysis in the comments on the evalua-
tion. Here we are presenting three positive analysis of
the game (free translation from Portuguese):
I really liked the design of the game. This retro
vibe is also very interesting. It reminds me a lot of
games like Harvest Moon, which I liked a lot. It
also has an Animal Crossing vibe but with a very
focused look at the environmental issue, which I
find very interesting to be worked with all audi-
ences, but mainly with younger people from basic
education. I believe it is a very valid strategy to
work on environmental education and some prac-
tices that can be developed in a domestic environ-
ment. And I think it can be very well used while
spending time too.
Graphics are very cute and even detailed and
seem to be much more filled with goals to accom-
plish. You not only have to take care of the farm
but also care about the environment by planting
trees near the river, something that until now has
not been seen in a crafting game since it was never
the focus.
At first, I liked the game to be in the pixel style be-
cause I really like games like that. The approach
to the environmental theme I also found interest-
ing because it is an ideal model of a farm that
tries to generate the least possible amount of en-
vironmental damage and bring a message behind
it. The diverse elements like cattle, bees, trees,
etc., also made me like the game.
Figure 5 presents the results of the evaluation con-
sidering the questionnary defined in MEEGA+ related
to game’s usability, and Figure 6 shows the evaluation
results related to player experience.
We also analyzed a set of suggestions to improve
the game (freely translated from Portuguese):
I think the game can improve on several factors,
including: Improve the farm by providing mouse-
dragging mechanics for planting and harvesting;
Improve the composting part that needs to be bet-
ter explained how it works;
Assign a story with characters;
Make the game playable vertically on mobile de-
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game
Figure 5: Evaluation of game usability.
Improve missions, assigning easier missions and
making them more difficult as you progress
through the gameplay;
Improve the function of pesticides and plant en-
hancers so that they have a greater impact on
Assign new plants with the highest cost providing
a more comfortable development.
The analysis of the results in the evaluation pro-
cess shows that the game had a general good evalua-
tion related to the usability.
Environmental education has support from the legis-
lature for its implementation in many countries, as for
example in Brazil, but in many cases not materials or
activities that generate students’ interest in the sub-
ject, which is why the importance of developing envi-
ronmental education games tends to help formal ed-
ucators and informal games, given this scenario, the
purpose of the article is to address the development of
a game on this theme.
The games analyzed in this work served as a ba-
sis for the development of the sustainable farm game,
the application of educational games focused on envi-
ronmental education contextualized to a possible re-
ality encourage players to assimilate information and
content through their actions, thus creating a greater
interest in the environmental theme.
During the testing phase, acceptance of the game
was high, however, game development can be a little
complex as the game project grows, both for technical
development and financial issues, as future research
intends to expand the game to increase activities and
game modes.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Evaluation of player experience.
This research is supported by CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT
n. 18/2021 - UNIVERSAL grant n. 405973/2021-
7. The research by Vin
ıcius Maran is supported by
CNPq grant 306356/2020-1 (DT-2).
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