The European Medical Device Regulation adopted in
2017 strengthens the safety and performance
requirements imposed on medical devices (MD). This
reinforcement has an impact particularly on clinical
investigations (CI), which, in themselves, are already
time-consuming and costly.
Our survey suggests that the preparation of CI
application dossiers to the ANSM, the French
competent authority, is complex. We found little
agreement between the CI categories identified by the
experts and those finally assigned by ANSM.
Concordance was found in only 14 of the 36 cases
(39%), even if we could argue that knowledge of the
detailed projects could enhance this result.
ICTROUVE could serve as a facilitator for this
task. Although some modifications could be
considered, the usability survey showed that
ICTROUVE did indeed appear to be a good guide,
easy and quick to use according to the majority of the
participants. The concordance between the CI
categories identified with ICTROUVE and those
issued by the ANSM was 51.7%. However, its
performance needs to be validated by a larger-scale
study. This future confirmation will require the
participation of experts, such as researchers and
regulatory managers, in charge of preparing
submission dossiers to the ANSM, and in a sufficient
number. It will also require a large number of use
cases to be tested. The survey we conducted provided
information that could increase the feasibility of these
two key aspects of the next stages of this research.
During a webinar on the theme of clinical
investigations under Regulation 2017/745, the
ANSM presented the results of an analysis examining
the 284 CI authorisation applications submitted
between May 26, 2021, and February 28, 2022.
Within this pool of applications, 46 (16.2%) were in
the IC1 category, 47 (16.5%) in the IC2 category, 4
(1.4%) in the IC3 category, 113 (39.8%) in the IC4.1
category, 50 (17.6%) in the IC4.2 category, 11 (3.9%)
in the IC4.3 category and 13 (4.6%) in the IC4.4
category. It appeared that 216 (76%) applications
were validated, but only 30 (10.5%) in the first round.
The very low rate of acceptance in the first round
implies additional costs and delays for setting up the
CI, or even the abandonment of the project due to the
impossibility for manufacturers to respond to
ANSM's requests and complete their dossier (in 34
(12%) cases) (ANSM, 2022).
There are several potential reasons for ANSM's
refusal at this stage, such as an incomplete application
or a request that doesn't align with a CI but rather to
a RIPH study. It is important to identify the causes of
errors in order to propose appropriate solutions.
A first cause of error might stem from the
distinction between CI and RIPH. Indeed, it may be
difficult to know whether the research project
concerns a clinical investigation of a medical device.
In our tests, errors at this stage could concern up to
one third of the cases. An additional error could arise
from misidentifying the CI category. Participants in
our study reported a strong need for help on this
particular point. To the question, "Do you think a tool
to help identify the clinical investigation category of
a medical device would be useful to you?" the 12
experts questioned in phase 1 answered in the
affirmative. In addition, several participants
expressed a strong lack of confidence in their ability
to carry out the CI category identification exercise.
This lack of confidence seems to reflect a real
difficulty. Our results highlight a significant
discrepancy between the categories identified by the
experts, with or without the help of ICTROUVE, and
the categories validated by the ANSM. Without
ICTROUVE, the experts correctly identified the CI
category in 39% of cases. With ICTROUVE, this
success rate rose to 51.7%.
The number of decision nodes required to identify
the correct one is very large, and the definitions of CI
categories are very close to each other. In addition,
the definitions are difficult to interpret. For example,
the sponsor must assess whether the additional
procedures provided for in the clinical investigation
plan should be considered burdensome and/or
invasive. Burdensome additional procedures can
include a wide variety of different interventions,
including procedures that may cause pain,
discomfort, fear or potential risks or side effects,
disruption of life and personal activities, or other
unpleasant experiences. Burdensomeness is primarily
determined from the point of view of the person
bearing the burden. Invasive procedures include, but
are not limited to, penetration inside the body,
including through the mucous membranes of body
orifices, or penetration through a body orifice
(Medical Device Coordination Group, 2021).
Regarding the use of ICTROUVE, the feedback
from our 9 experts was positive, suggesting that it was
easily learned, user-friendly and that the questions
were clearly formulated. Finally, if ICTROUVE's
ability to identify the category of a CI was equivalent
to that of the standard method, 7 (77%) participants
said they would prefer to use ICTROUVE rather than
the standard method.
However, several improvements could be
envisaged. After ICTROUVE has been used, a button