Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and
Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years
Simone C. dos Santos
, Matheus R. B. Nobre
, Sidarta L. L. Varela, Felipe Figueroa and
Dairon E. Martins
Centro de Informática, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Technology Trends, Metaverse, Challenges, Systematic Review.
Abstract: The Metaverse represents a virtual world intrinsically connected to reality. Its essence lies in constructing a
digital space encompassing different media types, merging uniquely with the real world. This environment's
innovation and its potential users' attraction to immersive experiences bring countless opportunities for
individuals and organizations, as highlighted in the Gartner Group Report on the "Top Strategic Technology
Trends for 2023." However, significant opportunities also bring significant challenges. So, in this context,
this paper presents the results of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) study focusing on the challenges of
using the Metaverse from the perspective of people, processes, and technology. Following Kitchenham and
Charters (2007) guidelines, we analysed 55 studies from relevant sources to understand the intricate
interaction between human elements, procedures involved, and technology within the context of the
Metaverse. This review made it possible to present a comprehensive view of the challenges and obstacles in
this field of investigation, offering insights into the quantity and quality of available evidence. The challenges
identified in this study summarize the main academic contributions related to using the Metaverse in the last
five years.
This study sought to investigate theMetaverse
trend based on understanding the challenges of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
and the multidisciplinary aspects that technological
innovation can cause in people's lives.
The motivation for the study on Metaverse
originated from the analysis of the report Top
Strategic Technology Trends for 2023,” published by
the Gartner Group and available at (Gartner, 2023).
This report presents ten trends, nine of which are
grouped into three categories: Optimize (Digital
Immune System, Applied Observability, and AI
Trust, Risk, and Security Management), Scale
(Industry Cloud Platforms, Platform Engineering,
and Wireless-Value Realization), and Pioneer
(Superapps, Adaptive AI, and Metaverse). The tenth
trend refers to sustainable technology, presented as a
transversal trend to the previous nine trends.
The systematic study of technological trends is
conducted in a discipline part of the undergraduate
curriculum in Information Systems (IS) at Federal
University of Pernambuco (Brazil), called “IS Trends
and Challenges”. This course aims to discuss and
investigate technological trends and their impacts on
the IS area from people, processes, and technology
perspectives. The choice of the Pioneer category, in
which the Metaverse falls, was based on classroom
debates about the challenges that impede the use of
the Metaverse more broadly by organizations,
combined with the quote from Gartner (2023), which
states: By 2027, over 40% of large organizations
worldwide will be using a combination of Web3,
spatial computing, and digital twins in metaverse-
based projects aimed at increasing revenue."
The Metaverse represents a virtual world
intrinsically connected to reality. A recent work
investigated the terms linked to the metaverse through
a literature review, obtaining 28 definitions and
descriptions of the metaverse (Ritterbusch and
C. dos Santos, S., Nobre, M., Varela, S., Figueroa, F. and Martins, D.
Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years.
DOI: 10.5220/0012617800003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 485-496
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Teichmann, 2023). Using the most common terms,
Ritterbusch and Teichmann (2023) point out:
Metaverse, a crossword of "meta" (meaning
transcendency) and "universe," describes a three-
dimensional online environment in which users
represented by avatars interact with each other in
virtual spaces decoupled from the real physical
world. Its essence lies in constructing a digital space
encompassing different types of media, merging in a
unique way with the real world. Lin et al. (2022)
highlight that this convergence between the real and
virtual worlds implies that virtuality can influence
reality, directly affecting everyday activities and
economic life. In practice, the Metaverse is a digital
creation that transcends the barriers of entertainment
and is tangibly inserted into everyday life,
introducing new paradigms in areas such as
education, work, leisure, and social interactions.
However, this real-world and virtual convergence
also brings complex and multifaceted challenges to
organizations and users. In this context, this article
addresses the challenges of using the Metaverse,
exploring its implications from diverse perspectives,
as pointed out in the following research question: RQ)
What are the challenges of metaverse adoption from
people, processes, and technology perspectives?
To carry out this study, we adopted the Systematic
Literature Review (SLR) method described by
Kitchenham & Charters (2007). From applying this
method in the primary research bases in computing in
the last five years, we examined 55 relevant studies
selected to understand the intricate relationship
between human elements, the processes involved, and
technology within the context of the Metaverse.
Analysis of the studies revealed several significant
challenges associated with using the Metaverse,
providing a comprehensive overview of the topic and
offering insights from the available evidence.
To tell this history, this paper is organized into six
sections. After this brief introduction, Section 2
contextualizes the Metaverse and its influence on
everyday life. Section 3 describes the methodology
applied based on the Systematic Literature Review
method (Kitchenham & Charters, 2007). Section 4
presents the results found, discussed in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusions of this
study and future work.
In recent years, the business world has undergone
significant transformations driven by technological
advancement and the need to adapt to new realities,
such as the COVID-19 pandemic. As noted by Park
et al. (2023), the pandemic forced companies and
their employees to adopt remote work on an
unprecedented scale. While some organizations have
begun calling employees back to the physical office
as the threat of the pandemic eases, many employees
have been reluctant to return. This scenario has driven
the emergence of a new work paradigm: using the
Metaverse as an alternative workspace that can
complement the limitations of remote work or even
offline work.
On the other hand, Handoko et al. (2023) highlight
that the rise of the Metaverse also brought specific
challenges to corporate accounting and auditing. With
companies acquiring digital assets in the Metaverse,
such as land and virtual properties, and investing in
cryptocurrencies, traditional accounting and auditing
have new territories to explore and regulate. In
parallel, Jansen et al. (2023) highlight the importance
of the consistent performance of metaverse-related
systems, emphasizing the need to understand the
performance characteristics of extended reality (XR)
devices. This is essential to ensure that the user
experience in the Metaverse is satisfactory and
As the Metaverse emerges as a field of great
interest and potential, it is crucial to reflect on the
various challenges that arise in its adoption and
implementation. It represents fertile ground for
innovation and an arena where several obstacles must
be overcome. By exploring these challenges from the
perspectives of people, processes, and technology,
this article provides a comprehensive look at the
constantly evolving landscape of the Metaverse.
This study used the Systematic Literature Review
(SLR) method to investigate the challenges of the
Metaverse. As defined by Kitchenham and Charters
(2007), SLR is a rigorous and structured approach
that allows you to systematically explore, analyse,
and synthesize the evidence available in a given field
of research. It consists of three main stages: 1)
planning the review, identifying the motivation, and
defining the protocol to be followed; 2) conducting
the review, following the defined protocol, extracting,
and synthesizing the data; 3) Reporting analysis and
synthesis, based on the answers found for the research
questions. Fig. 1 illustrates the RSL process by
Kitchenham and Charters (2007).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: RSL process.
3.1 Planning
Research planning involved carefully defining all the
key elements needed to conduct RSL effectively. The
main steps first included formulating the central
research question, representing the study's objective;
investigating the different sectors in which the
Metaverse can be applied, identifying the challenges;
understanding the potentials of the Metaverse, and,
finally, analysing the obstacles related to integrating
the Metaverse with information systems.
In addition to the main question, secondary
questions were defined to deepen the analysis and
address specific aspects related to the topic:
Q1) What are the main human challenges
faced in adopting the Metaverse?
Q2) What are the main technological
Q3) What process challenges arise when using
the Metaverse?
Considering the sustainable technology aspect,
treated as transversal to all trends highlighted by the
Gartner Group's Top 10 Trends report, a fifth question
was formulated on the selected studies:
Meta Question: Did the studies comment on
any Metaverse challenge related to
Defining the research protocol was crucial to ensure
the consistency and transparency of the study
selection process. Relevant keywords that covered the
main concepts of the study were identified. This
includes terms related to the interest of the study, such
as “Metaverse,” “Practice,” and “Challenge.” The
keywords, synonyms, and search string were defined
to broadly capture studies on the Metaverse and its
challenges, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: The string used in search tools.
Search String
(Metaverse) AND (Challenge OR Barriers OR
Obstacles) AND (Practice OR Experience OR Case)
Additionally, primary research sources such as
ACM DL, IEEE Xplore, Scopus, Emerald, and
Science Direct were selected to ensure the quality and
relevance of the data collected. The established
research plan and protocol provide a solid foundation
for conducting a rigorous and comprehensive
systematic literature review.
3.2 Conducting
To ensure the selection of the most relevant and high-
quality articles for our study, inclusion and exclusion
criteria were established according to the RSL
method. For this, the following exclusion criteria
were defined:
Articles outside the period chosen for research
(2018 to 2023).
Secondary studies (other RSL or MS).
Articles unavailable for viewing.
Articles with less than four pages.
Duplicate or highly similar articles.
As inclusion criteria, the following were defined:
Articles related to the topic and research
Publications in conference proceedings and
These criteria were applied in two distinct stages,
first in filter 1, composed of the information
contained in the titles and abstracts of the articles, and
later, in filter 2, in case of doubts regarding the
selection, considering the introductions and
conclusions of the articles for an evaluation more
The inclusion and exclusion criteria were
rigorously applied to the articles collected from all
selected research sources. This application resulted in
categorizing articles into three groups: approved in
filter 1, approved in filter 2 (when necessary), and
rejected. In addition to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, the quality of the selected articles was
assessed based on specific criteria:
Clear context.
Well-defined methodology.
Practical application.
Relevant and consistent discussion.
Presentation of research limitations and threats.
Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years
Each criterion was evaluated concerning each
article, assigning a score of 0 (does not meet), 0.5
(partially meets), and 1 (completely meets) for each
criterion, adding up to a maximum total of 5 points
for the overall quality assessment of each article. To
conduct this research stage, four senior students from
the Information Systems undergraduate course
participated, working in pairs, as well as a professor
with a doctorate in Computer Science.
3.3 Reporting
After completing the analysis stage, in which the
articles were subjected to filters based on strict
inclusion, exclusion, and quality assessment criteria,
we proceeded to select the qualified studies that
would integrate the final list of articles to be
considered for synthesizing responses to the research
As a cut-off metric for qualifying studies, a
percentage equal to or greater than 50% of the
maximum quality grade awarded was defined
according to the specified criteria (Clear Context,
Well-defined Methodology, Practical Application,
Relevant and consistent discussions, Limitations, and
threats of the commented research), totalizing 5
points. Thus, the classified studies present a
qualification greater than or equal to 2.5 points. This
approach ensured the inclusion of articles
demonstrating a good-quality standard according to
pre-established criteria.
Furthermore, the selected studies were ordered by
year of publication, in ascending order, to provide a
chronological view of the research development
related to the topic of the Metaverse and its
challenges. To further enrich the analysis of the
results, each selected article had its answers to the
research questions recorded according to the evidence
collected in excerpts from the articles themselves,
using electronic spreadsheets shared between the
evaluators. The responses were classified according
to the following value scale:
1: Answers - When the article provides a
complete answer to the research question,
0.5: Partially answers - When the article
offered a partial answer to the research
0: Does not answer - When the article does not
adequately address the research question.
This classification of responses allowed a more
precise and objective analysis of the contributions of
each selected study concerning the research questions
defined in the initial phase of the study.
The detailed analysis and synthesis of the results
will be presented in the discussion section of this
article. From the information collected and the ratings
of the responses, it was possible to have a clear and
in-depth view of the challenges of using the
Metaverse from the perspectives of people, processes,
and technology, providing valuable insights and a
comprehensive view of the current research
landscape on this topic.
The selection of articles that underlie the current
study followed the research method described in
Section 3 systematically and rigorously.
Initially, a broad search was carried out across the
selected research sources, resulting in an initial set of
results with the first numbers per research source.
After obtaining the initial results, the next step
ensured that the inclusion and exclusion criteria were
applied in the first filter, which was based on
analysing the titles and abstracts of the articles.
A second filtering, which consists of a more in-
depth analysis of the studies by reading the
introductions and conclusions of the articles, was
applied when it was impossible to decide the validity
of an article based on the first filtering. Finally, the
articles qualified in the previous stages were
subjected to evaluation of the predefined quality
criteria. At the end of this process, 55 articles were
selected. Fig. 2 summarizes the article selection
process according to the PRISMA model.
Figure 2: PRISMA flow chart of section process.
The selected articles came from different research
sources, having more excellent representation in the
IEEE, Scopus, and ACM databases. Only the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Emerald base was not represented in this result, as
shown in Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Number of studies per research source.
Fig. 4 presents an overview of the number of
articles selected depending on their year of
publication, where it is possible to attest that the
Metaverse is indeed a trend, considering that most
selected articles were published in 2022 and 2023. It
is important to emphasize that a detailed list of studies
is available in Appendix A.
Figure 4: Number of studies in the timeline.
Analysing the first authors of the studies to
identify the countries that are involved with research
in the context of Metaverse, it was possible to identify
a greater predominance in China (27%), the USA
(20%), and India (15%). Fig. 5 shows the list of
countries involved with the respective numbers of
Regarding the type of study, the results were
balanced, with 57% of studies of the conference
paper/proceedings type and 43% of the
journals/periodicals type, as shown in Fig. 6.
Most studies still achieved a high level of quality,
considering the defined criteria and research
questions, with more than 50% higher than value 4,
as shown in Fig. 7.
Figure 5: Number of studies per origin (first author).
Figure 6: Type of studies.
Figure 7: Number of studies in the timeline.
Finally, regarding the application contexts of the
Metaverse found, the studies were diverse within the
domain of applications for Education (EP10, EP21,
EP22, EP39, EP, 41, EP47), Work Environments
(EP28, EP44, EP48), Health (EP18, EP34),
Commerce (EP15, EP48, EP49), Games/NFT (Non-
Fungible Token) (EP1), Social Media (EP5, EP8),
and other studies focused on the technological aspect
of platforms, considering computer network
resources/assets (EP4, EP52), use of blockchain
(EP28), virtual reality (VR)(EP2), augmented reality
(AR) (EP13), and artificial intelligence (AI) (EP43).
ACM Em era ld IEEExplore Science Direct Scopus
Journal Conference/Proceedings
Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years
Fig. 8 shows the themes related to the context of
Figure 8: Context of studies.
The results also indicate that most authors focused
their research on specific contexts, with a notable
emphasis on the educational domain, where
Metaverse applications ranged from integration in
virtual classrooms to initiatives aimed at training
employees in organizational environments. The use
of the Metaverse as a pedagogical tool emerged as a
central theme, exploring the potential of the virtual
environment to enrich learning experiences, provide
realistic simulations, and promote collaboration
between students and educators.
In addition to the educational context, research
that explored the Metaverse in the health field also
stood out. Applications have ranged from advanced
medical simulations to innovative virtual reality-
based therapies. The Metaverse has shown promise in
creating immersive medical training environments
and offering innovative therapeutic solutions,
combining education and work environment.
Another aspect to point out is the intersection of
the Metaverse with disruptive technologies, such as
artificial intelligence and blockchain. The integration
of these complementary technologies has been
explored in different contexts, revealing potential
synergies to drive innovation. Artificial intelligence,
for example, has played a crucial role in creating
more intelligent and personalized interactions within
the Metaverse. At the same time, blockchain has been
applied to ensure secure and transparent transactions
in virtual environments.
Furthermore, the combinations between
application domains and the intersection of the
Metaverse with technologies such as artificial
intelligence and blockchain highlight the
interdisciplinary nature of research in the area. The
advancement of these contexts suggests a dynamic
and promising future for the Metaverse, with
significant implications for education, health, and
technological innovation.
In recent years, the business world has undergone
significant transformations driven by technological
advancement and the need to adapt to new realities,
such as the COVID-19 pandemic. As noted by Park
et al. (2023).
Please note that the name of each author must start
with its first name.
5.1 What Are the Main Human
Challenges Faced in Adopting the
Any technological novelty has as one of its first
challenges and, perhaps the most important, human
adoption. In this question, we study the different
perspectives concerning people's adoption
challenges. Among these challenges, some evidence
was found, such as the need to maintain accessibility
and inclusion of people in this environment, including
older age groups, the dangers associated with
maintaining privacy and preserving ethics among
human relationships in the virtual environment, and
care for the mental health and well-being of those
inserted in this often-addictive environment. Fig. 9
shows the primary found evidence.
Figure 9: Human challenges in Metaverse adoption.
EP22 discusses a Metaverse proposal in the
educational context, highlighting the importance of
encouraging more people to use this environment
through an inclusive virtual environment that
considers as many different participant requirements
as possible. On the other hand, this environment may
Human Challenges
Privacy and ethical
issue s
Accessibility and
Age adoption
Virtual vs real-world
Inequalities of Access
and Opportunity
Mental health and well-
Digital compe tence
Social and cultural
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
not attract all audiences due to its more prominent
characteristics and applications. In EP45, the authors
highlight the risks associated with the prior
perception of users who, for example, may associate
training activities using Metaverse with games and,
therefore, generate prejudices that reduce the
credibility of the training. EP18 also highlights that
using the Metaverse is quite challenging to implement
for older people, who have several limitations in
accessing this information.
EP48 points out the dangers of using the
Metaverse through avatars in an environment where
everything is permitted. When two individuals have a
disagreement that amounts to a violation of law in the
real world, such incidents may constitute a violation
of tort law or criminal law, which goes unpunished in
the virtual environment. As it is an engaging and
stimulating environment for user interactions, EP11
highlights that it is more complex and complicated for
governments to deal with ethical, privacy, and
security issues in the virtual space due to the influence
on people's privacy and business information in the
Health and relationship challenges are also among
the main Metaverse adoption challenges. EP50
highlights the impact of using Metaverse on its users'
mental health and well-being, underlining that there
is a high cognitive overload and mental fatigue
compared to using other technologies because users
need to simultaneously process their perception of the
physical world and the virtual world. EP7 also
highlights that staying in the Metaverse for a long
time can create some movement imbalance due to
devices mounted on the head and eyes. This study
highlights that users may experience some symptoms
(e.g., cybersickness, blurred vision, or dizziness) or
even fall to the ground after wearing wearable devices
for some time, which may pose a potential risk to
users' physical safety. EP50 also highlights the risks
of Metaverse addiction, "Cyber Addiction," and the
destruction of our sense of humanity. EP10 also
highlights that the higher the quality of immersive
interaction, the easier it will be for users to be
immersed, ultimately leading to physical, social, and
mental disorders that affect human beings due to
excessive interaction with cyberspace.
5.2 What Are the Main Technological
The main technological challenges indicated in the
studies are shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10: Technological obstacles in Metaverse adoption.
Analysing the technological tools necessary for
developing this new mode of interaction on the
internet, that is, the Metaverse, these tools exist, but
they need to evolve over a long period. The current
technologies and tools are already used to build the
embryos of what the Metaverse can become.
EP45 comments that the adoption of the
metaverse presents inherent challenges such as the
lack of familiarity that participants may have with its
technologies, especially VR. EP44 also highlights the
difficulty of using high-technology devices (for
example, VR), due to the premature stage of their
commercialization and high investment costs.
When looking at the scalability aspect, we realize
that the current technologies do not support many
users (EP5).
As for connectivity, EP8 highlights that 5G has a
data transfer rate ranging from 10 to 20 Gbps.
However, this transfer rate would not support this
transfer rate for rendering the Metaverse's high-
resolution frames and transferring the metadata
generated by the different sensors.
As EP8 talks about the need to expand data
transfer, EP11 talks about expanding an infrastructure
network such as data centres, computing centres,
communication infrastructure, and energy supply to
scale virtual reality. EP16 and EP8 highlight the need
to expand data transmission. Still, beyond that, they
emphasize that big data storage and more reliable
network infrastructure are crucial for the broad
adoption of the Metaverse.
EP7 highlights the need to generate a good quality
of experience (QoE). The authors emphasize that
high-speed internet and the absence of crashes are
essential to promote continuity and play a
fundamental role in social interaction. EP8 reinforces
this aspect when it states that building a secure,
reliable, and scalable system aligned with QoE is
crucial to the success of the Metaverse.
EP48 highlights the results of interviews with
adopters and non-adopters of the Metaverse,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Security and privacy technologies
Cost of IT implementation
Inte gratio n with exi sting…
Processing power
Platform Interoperability
Graphics rendering
Network Connectivity
Sensor integration
Data storage
Latency and sync hronization
VR and AR experience
Technological Obstacles
Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years
highlighting those interviewees identified
"technology adoption and implementation," "lack of
worker skills," "implementation cost," and "security"
as the main challenges associated with the Metaverse.
5.3 What Process Challenges Arise
when Using the Metaverse?
The systematic analysis of the literature on the
Metaverse revealed a significant consensus among
scholars regarding the main process challenges
associated with its adoption. The results highlight
three critical areas that the authors have consistently
identified as fundamental obstacles to successfully
integrating the Metaverse in diverse contexts.
In Fig. 11, it is possible to observe that the issue
of regulation and ethics in the Metaverse, which has
been widely explored in the literature, is emerging as
one of the main challenges. The complexity inherent
in virtual interactions, the collection of personal data,
and privacy issues stood out as prominent concerns
(EP21, EP22). The lack of clear regulatory
frameworks and uniform ethical approaches to guide
behavior in the Metaverse has been identified as a
substantial barrier (EP48). The authors emphasized
the pressing need to develop specific ethical
guidelines and regulations to ensure responsible and
safe use of the Metaverse (EP50).
Figure 11: Process challenges in Metaverse adoption.
Another significant challenge that the authors
highlighted concerns copyright and the protection of
intellectual property in the virtual environment
(EP16). With the proliferation of digital creations
within the Metaverse, copyright definition and
effective enforcement have become complex issues.
The absence of adequate frameworks to protect and
assign copyright in virtual environments raises
concerns about the unauthorized reproduction and
distribution of digital content. Resolving these issues
has become crucial to encourage creation and
innovation without compromising the rights of
creators (EP50).
Efficient content management in the Metaverse
emerged as a practical challenge ranging from
creating to distributing and archiving digital assets
(EP12). The diversity of content formats (EP13), the
need for adequate curation, and the need to ensure
accessibility and continuous updating were
highlighted as critical areas (EP20). The lack of
uniform standards for organizing and presenting
content in the Metaverse hinders user experience and
effective interactions.
These results provide valuable insights for those
interested in implementing and continuing the
Metaverse development. Mitigating these process
challenges will require multidisciplinary
collaboration between stakeholders, policymakers,
and the technology community. As the Metaverse
evolves, facing these issues becomes imperative to
ensure its ethical, legal, and functional development
in various spheres of society.
5.4 Relevance and Future Works
For several reasons, investigating the metaverse's
challenges from diverse perspectives—human,
process, and technology—is essential for future
practical initiatives.
Firstly, understanding human perspectives helps
address user experience, accessibility, the digital
divide, and ethical considerations. By considering
human factors, developers can create more inclusive,
engaging, and ethically responsible metaverse
environments that cater to a broader range of users.
Secondly, examining process perspectives
favours that metaverse platforms' development,
implementation, and governance are efficient,
scalable, and secure. This includes the integration of
agile methodologies, privacy regulations, and
interoperability standards to facilitate seamless
experiences across different virtual environments.
Lastly, exploring technological challenges is
essential for overcoming limitations related to
hardware, software, and network capabilities. This
involves advancing virtual and augmented reality
technologies, improving data processing and storage
solutions, and enhancing cybersecurity measures to
support the complex demands of the metaverse.
Addressing these challenges collectively from
diverse perspectives is crucial for future metaverse
initiatives. Future works, considering the analysis of
metaverse challenges, might include:
Developing More Inclusive and Accessible
Metaverse Environments: Research and
0 5 10 15 20 25
Digital identity management
Virtual economy
Training and Education
Co ntent ma nag em ent
Copyright and Intellectual
Regulation and Ethics
Process Challenges
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
development projects aim to create platforms
accessible to users with various abilities,
backgrounds, and technological access levels.
Enhancing User Experience through Ethical
Design: Initiatives focused on ethical
considerations in the metaverse, ensuring user
privacy and security and fostering a safe,
engaging community.
Implementing Agile and Scalable Development
Processes: Studies or projects that explore
integrating agile methodologies for the
dynamic development of metaverse platforms,
ensuring they are scalable and can evolve with
user needs.
Establishing Governance and Regulatory
Frameworks: Develop comprehensive
governance structures and regulatory
frameworks that address privacy, data
protection, and interoperability standards
within the metaverse.
Advancing Hardware and Software
Technologies: Research into improving virtual
and augmented reality devices, processing
power, and storage solutions to support the
high demands of metaverse environments.
Enhancing Cybersecurity Measures: Projects
aimed at bolstering the security of metaverse
platforms, protecting users from potential
cyber threats, and ensuring a safe virtual space
for interaction.
Interoperability and Standards Development:
Efforts to develop and implement standards
that ensure seamless experiences across
different virtual environments, facilitating
interoperability between various metaverse
Addressing the Digital Divide: Initiatives
focused on making the metaverse accessible to
all, bridging the gap between those with ready
access to digital technologies and those
without, ensuring equitable participation.
These future works would address current
limitations and challenges within the metaverse and
lay the groundwork for a more immersive, inclusive,
and sustainable digital future.
From the analysis of 55 studies on the Metaverse, it
was possible to find evidence that we are in the early
stages of understanding and effectively implementing
this revolutionary technology. Most of the studies
examined revealed a notable pattern: controlled
environments simulations, where the potential and
challenges of the Metaverse are explored in carefully
designed scenarios. However, the lack of successful,
long-term implementations of the Metaverse in real-
world environments is a recurring finding. The
current limitations lie in the lack of practical cases
that have developed enough to generate robust
artifacts for analysis. Most investigations are based
on prototypes, experiments, and controlled
environments that offer promising glimpses but do
not fully reflect the dynamic, multifaceted challenges
of a full-scale implementation.
It is imperative to recognize that, at its current
stage, the Metaverse remains a developing area,
dependent on substantial advances in several
dimensions (human, technological, and procedural).
From a technical perspective, it is necessary to
improve the infrastructure to offer more immersive,
accessible, and functional virtual environments. From
a process perspective, regulation, ethics, copyright,
and content management challenges demand
innovative approaches and practical solutions. From
a human perspective, social formation and acceptance
play critical roles, as the interaction and widespread
adoption of the Metaverse require shared
understanding and cultural change. The need for
education and awareness among both users and
developers is a crucial area of attention.
We conclude, therefore, that the path to full use of
the Metaverse is complex and multifaceted. As we
explore its potential, it is vital to recognize the gaps
and challenges presented in this study. Continued
collaboration between researchers, developers,
policymakers, and society is essential to pushing the
Metaverse toward broader and more effective
implementation. This is just the beginning of a
journey that will require continued innovation and a
collective commitment to the ethical and responsible
development of the next frontier of digital experience.
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Selected Studies.
[EP1] Hong, Rongman; HE, Hao. Interference and
consultation in virtual public space: The practice of
intermedia art in metaverse. In: 2021 17th international
conference on mobility, sensing and networking (msn).
IEEE, 2021. p. 792-797.
[EP2] Freeman, Guo et al. (Re) discovering the physical
body online: Strategies and challenges to approach non-
cisgender identity in social Virtual Reality. In:
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI conference on human
factors in computing systems. 2022. p. 1-15.
[EP3] Jin, Qiao; Yu Liu, Svetlana Yarosh, Bo Han, Feng
Qian. How will VR enter university classrooms? multi-
stakeholders investigation of vr in higher education. In:
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems. 2022. p. 1-17.
[EP4] Wang, Na et al. A reality check of positioning in
multiuser mobile augmented reality: Measurement and
analysis. In: Proceedings of the 4th ACM International
Conference on Multimedia in Asia. 2022. p. 1-5.
[EP5] Cheng, Ruizhi et al. Are we ready for metaverse? A
measurement study of social virtual reality platforms.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet
Measurement Conference. 2022. p. 504-518.
[EP6] Cheng, Ma; LU, Wang. A Fast Light Baking System
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Framework. In: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM
International Conference on Intelligent Computing and
its Emerging Applications. 2021. p. 176-181.
[EP7] Tayal, Swati; RAJAGOPAL, Kannan; MAHAJAN,
Vaishali. Virtual reality based metaverse of
gamification. In: 2022 6th International Conference on
Computing Methodologies and Communication
(ICCMC). IEEE, 2022. p. 1597-1604.
[EP8] Cheng, Ruizhi et al. Reality check of metaverse: A
first look at commercial social virtual reality platforms.
In: 2022 IEEE conference on virtual reality and 3D
User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW).
IEEE, 2022. p. 141-148.
[EP9] He, Ning; DING, Ke; ZHANG, Jun-Bo. Exploration
and Research on Digital Education Scenarios from the
Perspective of Metaverse. In: 2022 10th International
Conference on Orange Technology (ICOT). IEEE,
2022. p. 1-4.
[EP10] Lin, Hong et al. Metaverse in education: Vision,
opportunities, and challenges. In: 2022 IEEE
International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
IEEE, 2022. p. 2857-2866.
[EP11] Sun, Chuang et al. Metaverse Applications in
Energy Internet. In: 2022 IEEE International
Conference on Energy Internet (ICEI). IEEE, 2022. p.
[EP12] Braud, Tristan; FERNÁNDEZ, Carlos Bermejo;
HUI, Pan. Scaling-up ar: University campus as a
physical-digital metaverse. In: 2022 ieee conference on
virtual reality and 3d user interfaces abstracts and
workshops (vrw). IEEE, 2022. p. 169-175.
[EP13] Antonijevic, Petar et al. The Metaverse evolution:
Toward Future Digital Twin Campuses. In: 2022
Human-Centered Cognitive Systems (HCCS). IEEE,
2022. p. 1-8.
[EP14] Sanjaya, Ridwan; HASTUTI, Theresia Dwi;
Koeswoyo, Freddy. Technical Aspects of Metaverse
Development for Batik SMEs Exhibitions. In: 2022
20th International Conference on ICT and Knowledge
Engineering (ICT&KE). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-5.
[EP15] Gupta, Gaurav; GUPTA, Anubhuti; JOSHI,
Mahesh Chandra. A Conceptual and Bibliometric Study
to Understand Marketing in Metaverse: A new
Paradigm. In: 2022 5th International Conference on
Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I).
IEEE, 2022. p. 1486-1491.
[EP16] Zainab, Hijab E. et al. Virtual dimension—a primer
to metaverse. IT Professional, v. 24, n. 6, p. 27-33,
[EP17] Kour, Ravdeep et al. Metaverse for Intelligent Asset
Management. In: 2022 International Conference on
Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management
(ICMIAM). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-6.
[EP18] Nugroho, Rino A. et al. Challenges of The
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in Surakarta. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference
of Computer Science and Information Technology
(ICOSNIKOM). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-6.
[EP19] Mejia, Jose M. Ruiz; RAWAT, Danda B. recent
advances in a medical domain metaverse: Status,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
challenges, and perspective. In: 2022 Thirteenth
International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future
Networks (ICUFN). IEEE, 2022. p. 357-362.
[EP20] Arif, Yunifa Miftachul; HAYATI, Hani Nur.
Learning material selection for metaverse-based
mathematics pedagogy media using multi-criteria
recommender system. International Journal of
Intelligent Engineering and Systems, v. 15, n. 6, p. 541-
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[EP21] Zhang, X. et al. The metaverse in education:
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challenges, and future research topics. Front. Psychol.
13, 1016300 (2022). 2022.
[EP22] Lin, Hong et al. Metaverse in education: Vision,
opportunities, and challenges. In: 2022 IEEE
International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).
IEEE, 2022. p. 2857-2866.
[EP23] Kour, Ravdeep et al. Metaverse for Intelligent Asset
Management. In: 2022 International Conference on
Maintenance and Intelligent Asset Management
(ICMIAM). IEEE, 2022. p. 1-6.
[EP24] Dwivedi, Y. K., Hughes, L., Baabdullah, A. M.,
Ribeiro-Navarrete, S., Giannakis, M., Al-Debei, M. M.,
... & Wamba, S. F. (2022). Metaverse beyond the hype:
Multidisciplinary perspectives on emerging challenges,
opportunities, and agenda for research, practice and
policy. International Journal of Information
Management, 66, 102542.
[EP25] Barrera, Kevin Giang; SHAH, Denish. Marketing in
the Metaverse: Conceptual understanding, framework,
and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, v.
155, p. 113420, 2023.
[EP26] Kou, Yubo; GUI, Xinning. Harmful Design in the
Metaverse and How to Mitigate it: A Case Study of
User-Generated Virtual Worlds on Roblox. 2023.
[EP27] Lindawati, Ang Swat Lin et al. Metaverse World
Challenges for Accountant and Auditor. In:
Proceedings of the 2023 5th Asia Pacific Information
Technology Conference. 2023. p. 113-117.
[EP28] Ren, Yongjun et al. HCNCT: A Cross-chain
Interaction Scheme for the Blockchain-based
Metaverse. ACM Transactions on Multimedia
Computing, Communications and Applications, 2023.
[EP29] Jansen, Matthijs et al. Can My WiFi Handle the
Metaverse? A Performance Evaluation Of Meta's
Flagship Virtual Reality Hardware. In: Companion of
the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on
Performance Engineering. 2023. p. 297-303.
[EP30] Handoko, Bambang Leo; THOMAS, Gen Norman;
INDRIATI, Lely. Technology Organization
Environment in Predicting Auditor Intention to Study
Metaverse Audit. In: Proceedings of the 2023 7th
International Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business
and E-Government. 2023. p. 181-187.
[EP31] Park, Hyanghee; AHN, Daehwan; LEE, Joonhwan.
Towards a Metaverse Workspace: Opportunities,
Challenges, and Design Implications. In: Proceedings
of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems. 2023. p. 1-20.
[EP32] Shatilov, Kirill et al. Players are not Ready 101: A
Tutorial on Organising Mixed-mode Events in the
Metaverse. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop on
Metaverse Systems and Applications. 2023. p. 14-20.
[EP33] Chen, Junlong et al. Multiple-agent deep
reinforcement learning for avatar migration in vehicular
metaverses. In: Companion Proceedings of the ACM
Web Conference 2023. 2023. p. 1258-1265.
[EP34] Chengoden, Rajeswari et al. Metaverse for
healthcare: A survey on potential applications,
challenges and future directions. IEEE Access, 2023.
[EP35] Karunarathna, Supun et al. The Role of Network
Slicing and Edge Computing in the Metaverse
Realization. IEEE Access, v. 11, p. 25502-25530, 2023.
[EP36] Fu, Yuchuan et al. A survey of blockchain and
intelligent networking for the metaverse. IEEE Internet
of Things Journal, v. 10, n. 4, p. 3587-3610, 2022.
[EP37] Zahedi, Mohammad Hadi; FARAHANI, Elham;
PEYMANI, Karim. A Virtual e-Learning Environment
Model Based on Metaverse. In: 2023 10th International
and the 16th National Conference on E-Learning and
E-Teaching (ICeLeT). IEEE, 2023. p. 1-7.
[EP38] Aslam, Anjum Mohd et al. Metaverse for 6G and
Beyond: the next revolution and deployMent
ChallenGes. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, v. 6, n.
1, p. 32-39, 2023.
[EP39] Raj, Arman et al. Demystifying and analysing
metaverse towards education 4.0. In: 2023 3rd
International Conference on Innovative Practices in
Technology and Management (ICIPTM). IEEE, 2023.
p. 1-6.
[EP40] Hernandez, Martin Spraggon et al. The emergence
of the metaverse in the digital blockchain economy:
Applying the esg framework for A sustainable future.
In: 2023 3rd international conference on advance
computing and innovative technologies in engineering
(ICACITE). IEEE, 2023. p. 1324-1329.
[EP41] Meena, S. Divya et al. Advancing Education
through Metaverse: Components, Applications,
Challenges, Case Studies and Open Issues. In: 2023
International Conference on Sustainable Computing
and Smart Systems (ICSCSS). IEEE, 2023. p. 880-889.
[EP42] Song, Chuanxiang; SHIN, Seong-Yoon; SHIN,
Kwang-Seong. Exploring the Key Characteristics and
Theoretical Framework for Research on the Metaverse.
[EP43] Hurst, William et al. Digital Art and the Metaverse:
Benefits and Challenges. Future Internet, v. 15, n. 6, p.
188, 2023.
[EP44] Park, Hyanghee; AHN, Daehwan; LEE, Joonhwan.
Towards a Metaverse Workspace: Opportunities,
Challenges, and Design Implications. In: Proceedings
of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems. 2023. p. 1-20.
[EP45] Hajjami, Omaima; PARK, Sunyoung. Using the
metaverse in training: lessons from real cases.
European Journal of Training and Development, 2023.
[EP46] Njoku, Judith Nkechinyere et al. Prospects and
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[EP47] Wu, T., & Hao, F. (2023). Edu-Metaverse: concept,
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Environments, 1-28.
[EP48] (No Authors Found). Metaverse technology:
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17-19, 2023.
[EP49] Du, Hongyang et al. Rethinking quality of
experience for metaverse services: A consumer-based
economics perspective. IEEE Network, 2023.
[EP50] Besson, Maxime; Gautier, Stephanie. Business
meetings in the metaverse: stakeholder views evolve.
Journal of Business Strategy, 2023.
[EP51] Wang, Haoxin et al. Metamobility: Connecting
Future Mobility With the Metaverse. IEEE Vehicular
Technology Magazine, 2023.
[EP52] Liu, Yi-Jing et al. Slicing4Meta: An Intelligent
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3.0. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2023.
[EP53] Richter, Shahper; RICHTER, Alexander. What is
novel about the Metaverse?. International Journal of
Information Management, v. 73, p. 102684, 2023.
[EP54] Mancuso, Ilaria; PETRUZZELLI, Antonio
Messeni; PANNIELLO, Umberto. Digital business
model innovation in metaverse: How to approach
virtual economy opportunities. Information Processing
& Management, v. 60, n. 5, p. 103457, 2023.
[EP55] Ratten, Vanessa. The post COVID-19 pandemic
era: Changes in teaching and learning methods for
management educators. The International Journal of
Management Education, v. 21, n. 2, p. 100777, 2023.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems