Advanced AI-Based Solutions for Visual Inspection: A Systematic
Literature Review
Angelo Corallo
, Vito Del Vecchio
and Alberto Di Prizio
Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
Keywords: Visual Inspection, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Manufacturing, Industry.
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions, including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), are
ever more implemented in industry for assisting advanced Visual Inspection (VI) systems. They support
companies in a more effective identification of product defects, enhancing the performance of humans and
avoiding the risks of product incompliance. However, companies often struggle in considering the most
appropriate AI-based solutions for VI and for a specific manufacturing domain. Also, an extensive literature
study focused on this topic seems to lack. On the basis of a Systematic Literature Review, this paper aims to
map the main advanced AI-based VI system solutions (including methods, technologies, techniques,
algorithms) thus helping companies in considering the most appropriate solutions for their needs.
In recent years, the adoption of Artificial Intelligence
(AI), including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep
Learning (DL), has significantly improved the
efficiency of industrial solutions in Computer Vision
(CV) and Visual Inspection (VI) activities (Kitaguchi
et al., 2022). This is particularly relevant for
manufacturing companies. These technologies have
transformed the roles and relationships between
machines, humans, automated processes. Traditional
manual VI processes have been replaced by advanced
AI solutions, aiming to enhance the accuracy and
speed through the integrated use of enabling
technologies. Advanced technologies not only
improve the accuracy and speed of analysis, but also
address issues such as defect control. CV emerges as
a discipline for supporting production processes and
high product quality. While traditional techniques
still find integration challenges in data processing,
monitoring, time, quality, and input data (Paneru &
Jeelani, 2021), modern and complex systems need the
implementation of advanced AI solutions for more
efficient and reactive production processes. Despite
several studies are availbale on CV and AI in the
scientific literature (Zhou et al., 2019), a
comprehensive map of AI solutions for VI seems to
lack. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR),
the paper maps all the AI-based technologies for VI,
including methods, techniques, algorithms and
enabling technologies. An in-depth analysis reveals
several sectors where advanced AI-based solutions
are crucial. The study contributes to the literature by
providing a comprehensive analysis of AI for VI. It
also serves as a practical guide for industrial
companies for a clear view of AI-VI applications.
2.1 Advanced Visual Inspection
VI represents a methodological and technological
approach to detect component defects and control
their quality (Cottrell, 2019). To date, the human eye
is the main tool to ensure product compliance, but in
this scenario, inspection activities can only be carried
out if humans are close to the products. Advanced VI
solutions include not only the use of technologies to
Corallo, A., Del Vecchio, V. and Di Prizio, A.
Advanced AI-Based Solutions for Visual Inspection: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012618000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 656-664
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
support and improve inspection results, but also the
ability to remote sensing (American Bureau of
Shipping, 2022). Traditional inspections include
repetitive tasks that can reduce workers' attention,
increasing the risk of misidentification. Such issues
are critical within manufacturing industries,
especially in sectors such as aerospace and
automotive where product quality must be high
(Brandoli et al., 2021).
Technological advances, associated with the
digitization of industrial processes, assets and
information, and the adoption of enabling
technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
have pushed companies to rely on data and collect
images and videos from their production assets to
perform VI. The availability of digital data is a
relevant factor for performing real-time inspections
(Yang et al., 2021). In this context, automated VI,
also known as Smart VI (El Zant et al., 2021),
represents the most innovative inspection activity,
which involves the use of integrated hardware and
software systems based on AI. In the field of AI, CV
aims to study how computers can interpret and
understand the visual world through the use of
specific learning methods and algorithms (Brownlee,
2022). By training algorithms, companies can
automate the inspection process, saving time and
improving the accuracy and quality of results.
Regardless of the type of algorithms, defect
identification activities and the related systems
solution require knowledge of some critical issues,
such as signal acquisition, signal pre-processing,
feature selection and extraction, fusion and
classification of the data (Piuri et al., 2005). In
manufacturing scenarios, advanced VI solutions are
usually implemented to identify defects such as
corrosion (Brandoli et al., 2021) and scratches (Zhou
et al., 2019) on the surface of components. In the
aerospace sector, identifying defects on turbine
blades is relevant to understand and ensure their
functional compliance (Aust et al., 2021).
By adopting advanced AI-based technology
solutions, organizations can conduct inspections
more quickly and accurately across a wider range of
environments, while also saving costs and keeping
people out of critical areas while improving safety
(IBM, 2023). VI has become a crucial methodological
and technological approach to detect defects from
components and ensure quality control (Cottrell,
2019). It is the technological progress that has
occurred in the digitalization of services and the
adoption of the IoT that drives the collection of data
for VI, facilitating real-time assessments (Yang et al.,
2021). Training algorithms to read images improves
inspection automation, saving time and improving
accuracy. Regardless of the type of algorithm, defect
identification involves critical aspects such as signal
acquisition, preprocessing, feature selection, data
fusion and classification (Piuri et al., 2005).
2.2 Artificial Intelligence for Visual
In the context of advanced AI-based VI, the
integration of ML and DL models is critical for
software and hardware systems (Mueller &
Massaron, 2021; Voulodimos et al., 2018). Emulating
human intelligence to analyze unknown data, AI
shows adaptive improvement as the learning sample
size increases (Mueller & Massaron, 2021). DL,
distinct from ML, usually operates on unstructured
data with or without preprocessing, enabling
automatic extraction of components and reducing
dependence on human experts (Voulodimos et al.,
Moreover, among supervised, unsupervised and
reinforcing learning models, supervised ML is
commonly employed in defect detection algorithms,
which use structured input-output pairs labelled with
expected values. They are mainly composed of
(Mujeeb et al., 2019): i) algorithm, as a set of rules,
often rooted in statistical methods, that extract
recurring patterns from data; ii) model, a
representation of the real context with appropriate
parameters and constraints; iii) training dataset, that
includes data for feeding the learning algorithm with
the association of known output values assigned by
human; iv) test datasets, that after the training phase
allows for evaluating the quality of the model in terms
of precision and accuracy. In particular, supervised
learning algorithms, such as classification and
regression models are commonly used (Yang et al.,
2021; Zaidi et al., 2021). While classification models
return analytical labels associated with binary or
nominal qualitative variables, regression models
identify outputs with continuous numerical values.
The integration of ML and DL represents a
challenge for the development of robust AI solutions
for VI, contributing to advance defect identification
(Mueller & Massaron, 2021; Voulodimos et al.,
This article relies on a robust review methodology,
the systematic literature review (SLR), to explore the
scientific literature and consider diverse research
Advanced AI-Based Solutions for Visual Inspection: A Systematic Literature Review
contributions (Xiao & Watson, 2019). Therefore,
based on the SLR procedure suggested by (Corallo et
al., 2023) this article explores the scientific body
regarding advanced AI solutions, including ML, to
perform automated VI in manufacturing. The adopted
SLR protocol consist of four steps (Figure 1).
3.1 Step 1 - Review Planning
This article aims to map AI-based solutions for VI
and answer the Research Question (RQ): “What are
the main AI-based solutions to support VI in
manufacturing?" Scopus (
has been selected as source of reference (Mishra et
al., 2016). The relevant search keywords
(“Automated Visual Inspection” OR “Visual
Inspection”) AND (“Artificial Intelligence” OR
“Machine Learning”) AND (“Manufacturing” OR
“Industry 4.0”) have been combined. The inclusion
and exclusion criteria were set to refine the review,
selecting documents in line with the SLR objective,
which are in English and belong to the engineering or
computer science fields.
3.2 Step 2 - Review Execution
This step consists of implementing the search query
on Scopus and filtering the results. Articles were
retrieved if the planned keywords appeared in the title,
keywords, or abstract. The query returned 98 papers
which were downloaded to allow content analysis.
However, 13 articles were unavailable, so the final
sample was reduced to 85 papers.
3.3 Step 3 - Analysis
The first analysis of papers allowed a preliminary
screening of the sample based on their title and
abstract. The sample was reduced to 73. The second
phase was based on a qualitative full content analysis
to systematically analyse and organize all key
information in terms of AI technologies, algorithms
and methods.
3.4 Step 4 - Reporting
This step focused on presenting the findings. The
most relevant information has been mapped to
provide an answer to the aforementioned RQ. Several
contributions have been identified in terms of AI-ML
algorithms, software and hardware systems, typical
types of defect inspection, flexible VI solutions, VI
architectures. Furthermore, the reporting phase was
structured by organizing the results based on different
industrial fields of application.
Figure 1: SLR protocol.
4.1 Electronic Industry
AI-based solutions for VI play a crucial role in
controlling and testing advanced materials within the
electronic industry, with a primary focus on
semiconductors and Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs).
Recent studies highlight various AI algorithms for
defect detection and classification. (Buckermann et
al., 2021) propose a ResNet50-based Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN) for semiconductor defect
classification, utilizing digital image segmentation.
(Beuth et al., 2020; Chu et al., 2022) introduce an
embedded algorithm for clustering high-dimensional
features of Wafer Container Map (WBM) models,
employing multi-objective optimization. (Hou et al.,
2019) use pre-trained DL and CNN models for wafer
quality analysis, employing the GoogLeNet tool.
(Schlosser et al., 2019, 2022) develop a Stacked Deep
Neural Network (SH-DNN) for fault detection,
evaluating performance based on the F1-score. (Chan
et al., 2021; Saqlain et al., 2020) propose a framework
combining ML and human judgment for weld
inspections, recommending real-time implementation
with CNN-Hough and CNN-Wafer Defect
Identification (CNN-WDI) algorithms. (Weiss, 2020)
explores Deep VI for welding tasks, achieving a
classification accuracy of over 97% in real-time.
(Schwebig & Tutsch, 2020) combine DL with an
optical inspection system for enhanced recognition
accuracy of production errors in power packs. (Dorf
et al., 2018) adopt VI algorithm in mechatronics and
micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS).
(Raveendran & Chandrasekhar, 2022) use light image
processing and DL models for defect detection in
semiconductor and polymeric MEMS substrates.
(Koppe & Schatz, 2021) introduce a ML-based VI
process consisting in image acquisition, labeling and
model development, by leveraging ML as a Service
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(MLaaS) platforms. Chen and Shiu (2022) combine
YOLO technology versions with an automatic optical
inspection platform for quality detection, showcasing
YOLOv3 and YOLOv5 with an accuracy rate
exceeding 70%, while other versions like YOLOv2
and YOLOv4 exhibit lower performance.
4.2 Automotive Industry
The automotive industry faces a critical challenge in
ensuring vehicle manufacturing and quality
compliance. Recent literature introduces various CV
systems addressing this issue. (el Wahabi et al., 2020)
develop a three-layer CNN specifically for vehicle
analysis from images. Their system demonstrates a
99% accuracy during the testing phase of product
development and 84% accuracy during algorithm
training, considering multiple parameters. (Zhou et al.,
2019) propose an automatic inspection system for
defect identification, particularly focusing on scratch
classification. The integrated system includes
hardware and software components such as image
acquisition subsystems, processing subsystems, and
LED light sources. (Chouchene et al., 2020) explore
automated CV systems for analyzing and identifying
non-compliant vehicles. The authors emphasize the
importance of considering five influencing factors
(activity, individual, environmental, organizational,
and social) for effective classification techniques in
inspection performance.
4.3 Ceramic Industry
In (Karangwa et al., 2020), a Fast Region
Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) is proposed
to automate the detection of ceramic surface defects
on specular materials. The model adopts the VGG16
architecture for the feature extraction and applies the
selective search algorithm to extract the proposed
regions. By aggregating the features into a matrix, a
92.7% of accuracy was achieved on ImageNet during
the testing activities. After that, the model
demonstrated an average accuracy of more than 94%
in detecting, recognizing and identifying six different
types of defects: breaks (physical damages), cracks
(thin and long signs), dirt (small particles of materials
on the surface), spots (discontinuity of the surface),
pits (reliefs of the glazed surface), pinholes (small
holes on the surface). In (Andrei-Alexandru et al.,
2021), a new iteration of YOLOv4 is deployed to
improve the accuracy and speed of detection within a
ceramic manufacturing environment. YOLOv4
modifies the structure of standard YOLO by adjusting
the depth, width, resolution, and network structure to
accommodate scaling. It also uses a CSPDarknet53
backbone and implements a cross-stage pooling
principles for reducing computational costs. Finally,
(Kadar & Onita, 2019) introduces a CNN solution to
enhance a machine vision system, providing
additional information on the types of product, the
production stage and the detected defects. The
system, equipped with a 10 Mpixel black-and-white
camera, uses image pre-processing techniques within
Vision Builder for Automated Inspection software.
4.4 Aerospace Industry
The aerospace industry, characterised by strong
quality standards and considerations for safety and
security (Brandoli et al., 2021), is a critical sector for
VI. (Brandoli et al., 2021) present a Deep Neural
Network (DNN)-based methodology for automatic
detection of aircraft fuselage corrosion using the D-
Sight aircraft inspection system. Leveraging a pre-
trained CNN model, the system achieves 90.2%
accuracy with InceptionV3 and 92.2% with
DenseNet, supporting aircraft maintenance activities.
(Aust et al., 2021) develop a system for automated
defect detection on engine blades, achieving high
accuracy and recall to aid maintenance decisions.
(Meister et al., 2021) propose a novel classification
approach, integrating CNN and support vector
machine (SVM) models to visualize regions of
interest and compare feature maps with geometric
attributes, enhancing VI. (Beltrán-González et al.,
2020) study a ML-based VI system for aerospace
component defect detection, combining CNN with
long/short-term memory networks (LSTMs) for
improved performance, achieving an average
accuracy of 90.7%. (Aust & Pons, 2022) compare
human operators, image processing algorithms, AI
software, and 3D scanning for various inspections
and defects in the aerospace industry. In approaching
Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology, aerospace
industry supports process engineers in data modelling
for quality assurance of AM welding operations,
proposing the use of Random Forest algorithms with
polar transformation and local binary model for
defect classification (Dasari et al., 2020). (Finney et
al., 2019) collaborate with NASA to develop a system
for inspecting metal components additively produced
with multi-material technologies.
4.5 Additive Manufacturing Industry
Due to increasing product complexity, the demand for
mass customization and technological advancements
in production, AM emerges as a pivotal technology
Advanced AI-Based Solutions for Visual Inspection: A Systematic Literature Review
for ensuring high-quality products with intricate
geometries. It not only replaces traditional
manufacturing methods but also demonstrates
improved performance in terms of time and costs
(Dilberoglua & Gharehpapagh, 2017). In various
manufacturing domains like biomedical and
aerospace, where VI systems are essential for
ensuring product quality compliance, AM finds
several applications in the literature.
(Sivabalakrishnan et al., 2020) introduce an AM
system based on IoT to facilitate the customization of
customer orders through mobile or web applications.
The system includes a cloud-based platform that
tracks order and product status, integrating a VI
application to ensure correctness and quality through
image detection and processing. (Gobert et al., 2018)
present a defect detection strategy for melting AM
powder beds, employing supervised ML. This
approach enables real-time defect correction during
production processes through the use of a multi-level
VI system. Visual features are extracted using a
Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera and
evaluated with a linear support vector machine
(LSVM) algorithm.
4.6 Textile Industry
In the textile industry, (Sandhya et al., 2021) propose
an AI-based system for automatically detecting tissue
defects. Employing various levels of pre-processing,
tissue images are enhanced using CNN processing
techniques. The Deep Convolutional Neural Network
(DCNN) and a pre-trained network (AlexNet) are
used for training and classifying defects such as color,
cut, hole, thread, and metal contamination. The
system demonstrates a 92.6% accuracy in defect
detection. (Voronin et al., 2021) introduce a two-step
approach that combines novel and traditional
algorithms to enhance image and defect detection.
Their CNN-based defect detection method improves
defect localization compared to traditional methods,
with the analysis showing high method efficiency.
Utilizing the carrier machine as a post-processing
technique significantly it reduces the likelihood of
false alarms. (Tayeh et al., 2020) tackle the challenge
of training CNNs for texture analysis to detect
anomalies and defects based on distance analysis.
They adopt the Triplet Network Model (TNM),
allowing the inclusion of three different images
(anchor, positive, negative) in the CNN algorithm,
which is based on the Euclidean distances.
4.7 Metallurgy Industry
Metallurgy, as an applied science focused on
understanding metal structures and properties,
demands advanced technological systems for
performance and quality monitoring (Cottrell, 2019).
(Thalagala & Walgampaya, 2021) propose a VI
system based on AlexNet CNN architecture and
transfer learning to recognize casting surface defects.
The proposed three-step approach involves dataset
definition, image augmentation and nonparametric
classification, using the k-nearest neighbor algorithm.
The system utilizes a pre-trained model feature
extractor and fine-tuning of hyper-parameters.
(Damacharla et al., 2021) introduce the Transfer
Learning-based U-Net (TLU-Net) framework for
steel surface defect detection, exploring ResNet and
DenseNet encoders. Transfer learning outperforms
random initialization in segmentation and defect
classification, with an 81% improvement for ResNet
and 63% for DenseNet. (Fang et al., 2020) conduct a
comprehensive investigation into 2D and 3D surface
defect detection for flat metal products, emphasizing
the critical link between defect classification
accuracy and detection accuracy in automated VI
systems. Similarly, (Luo et al., 2020) focus on defect
detection in flat steel products by adopting ML
approaches with wavelets and contourlets.
4.8 Smart Manufacturing Industry
This section highlights diverse applications of VI
systems within the broad manufacturing landscape.
(Babic et al., 2021) delve into 3D image-based VI
systems in Smart Manufacturing Systems (SMSs) for
product quality assessment. They acknowledge the
benefits of AI but underscore challenges related to
reflective surfaces, high investment costs for image
analysis software and achieving accuracy with
flexible materials like rubber. (Robotyshyn et al.,
2021) use ML and advocate for binary segmentation
models over multiclass models in product quality
inspection. DL techniques are also considered in (Li
et al., 2020) who develop an Optical Inspection
(OPICA) system using a combination of CNN and
rules-based classification models for edge defect
detection on hard disk recording heads. (Tabernik et
al., 2020) present a segmentation-based DL
architecture for surface anomaly detection,
outperforming DeepLab v3+ and UNet. (El Zant et
al., 2021) integrate intelligent VI into Manufacturing
Execution Systems (MES) for real-time monitoring
and anomaly detection. (Jeong et al., 2021) leverage
ML for controlling chipping defects in display
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
production, introducing an automatic VI system with
a DNN. They use TensorFlow v1.13 and Keras v2.2,
evaluating accuracy against U-Net, YOLOv2, and
commercial tools. A conditionally coupled generative
network provides synthetic defect images under
various lighting conditions.
The results of the literature analysis show a
comprehensive overview of AI-based VI solutions
based on ML and DL algorithms. Indeed, the study
allowed for providing an answer to the
aforementioned research question, thus identifying
the most important methodological and technological
solutions for supporting industries in VI activities.
The study showed how such AI-VI solutions are
useful independently from the specific industrial
sector. Indeed, the need to ensure high quality
standards of products or machines and to identify
defects is pivotal in any scenario. Also, the literature
contributions highlighted the importance and
effectiveness of integrating ML and DL techniques
for achieving a more accurate classification of
defects, such as of images. The use of supervised
learning algorithm is fundamental for training
systems and obtaining reliable results.
In addition, among the several algorithm
solutions for VI, Convolutional Neural Networks
seem to be the most used technique, often associated
with the use of other models such as Random Forest,
and Support Vector Machine. Also, the use of
different evaluation metrics such as F-score,
accuracy, precision and recall is suggested.
Furthermore, the study highlighted some issues in
the field of available AI-VI solutions. No ready-to-
use solutions emerge and effective solutions need to
be ad-hoc developed or configured. Also, challenges
emerge in terms of data availability and quality, as
well as training datasets, and the need of important
computational resources for CNN and DNN models.
Despite the paper contribute in extending the
literature and proving suggestions to industrial
companies on AI-based solutions for VI, it suffers
from some limitations in terms of qualitative
approach and industrial validation, which leave future
directions for improvement.
This study comes form AVIS (Advanced Visual
InSpection) project, RIPARTI (assegni di Ricerca per
riPARTire con le imprese) framework funded by the
Puglia Region, Italy - FESRT-FSE 2014/2020.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems