TransLaboration: An Online Collaborative Learning Environment
with Socially Shared Regulation Prompts in Translation Classroom
Li Nanzhe
1,2 a
and Nurbiha A. Shukor
School of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
School of Foreign Languages for International Business, Hebei Finance University,
3188 Hengxiang North Street, Baoding, China
Keywords: Online Collaborative Learning Environment, ADDIE Model, Socially Shared Regulation Learning Prompt,
Translation Learning.
Abstract: Online collaborative learning (OCL) has been widely used in various disciplines including translation subject.
Effective OCL needs the support of the OCL environment and pedagogical methods. Socially shared
regulation (SSR) is a useful strategy to improve OCL because it stimulates students’ participation. In learning
translation, OCL is usually adopted but students struggle with regulating their learning to reach consensus
about their translation work. This paper presents a new OCL environment, TransLaboration, to support
collaborative translation learning. In TransLaboration, SSR prompts are embedded to facilitate students’
social interaction, Moodle is used as the LMS, Tencent QQ works for students’ chatroom and Kingsoft
Document is applied as the workplace for collaborative translation. The design of TransLaboration and
learning activities are presented in this paper, and further investigation is needed to maximize its function.
Online collaborative learning (OCL) is a pedagogical
approach involving students working in groups to
achieve common learning objectives using online
tools and environment (Ng et al., 2022). OCL is
regarded to be an effective way to promote students’
knowledge construction and cognitive development,
as well as foster students’ sense of community and
belonging among learners and has been widely
adopted in various educational contexts and different
subject domains (Oyarzun & Martin, 2023).
OCL supplies the space and time for students to
work together on learning tasks where they discuss
and analyse with critical discourse, provide food for
thought, argue with each other from different
perspectives, and reflect on the collaborative job.
Therefore, OCL emphasizes the active and
collaborative construction of knowledge through
social interaction and negotiation (Picciano, 2021)
However, OCL is faced with some challenges and
limitations that hinder the effectiveness and quality of
collaborative learning. For example, students may
encounter difficulties in participating in effective
interaction, managing time, resolving conflicts, and
coordinating group dynamics (Oyarzun & Martin,
2023; Robinson et al., 2017). Therefore, it is
important to design and evaluate OCL environments
that can support students’ and teachers’ needs and
expectations. Therefore, the design of a good OCL
environment has been a research concern (Johler,
OCL environment facilitates OCL by providing
various functions that enhance the OCL process, such
as Chatroom, uploading learning materials,
whiteboard, file sharing, annotating, feedback and
assessment, and by mediating the OCL activities
(Robinson et al., 2017).
Regulation of the learning process is an important
factor affecting OCL, and successful OCL needs
socially shared regulation (SSR) (Borge et al., 2022).
In SSR, group members collectively set goals, make
plans, monitor collaborative learning, and evaluate
and reflect on the learning process (Järvelä et al.,
2013). They continuously adjust their cognition,
metacognition, emotion, motivation, behaviour, etc.,
Nanzhe, L. and Shukor, N.
TransLaboration: An Online Collaborative Learning Environment with Socially Shared Regulation Prompts in Translation Classroom.
DOI: 10.5220/0012618200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 363-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
in OCL process so as to complete the learning task
together (Isohätälä et al., 2017).
Socially shared regulation of learning is proven
useful to improve students’ knowledge construction
(Chen et al., 2019; Grau & Whitebread, 2012), group
performance (Panadero & rvelä, 2015) and problem
solving (Hurme et al., 2009; Panadero et al., 2015).
Nevertheless, SSR is difficult to achieve because
group members possess different previous
experiences and regulatory strategies. They may not
be aware of the opportunity for SSRL or lack the
motivation to regulate collectively even if the
collaborative learning tasks are pedagogically
designed (Järvelä et al., 2014; Malmberg et al., 2015).
Learners’ SSR levels could only be improved with the
engagement of regulation prompts (Järvelä et al.,
Translation, as a complex cognitive and linguistic
activity, involves the conversion of two languages,
cultures and thinking modes (Li, 2018). Translation
education can benefit from OCL because
collaboration is also crucial for learning translation,
as it enables translation learners to theorise and test
hypotheses, transmit translation knowledge, utilise
better translation strategies, get real-life translation
experience, gain improvement in translation
competence and achieve optimum translation results
(Al-Shehari, 2017; Moghaddas & Khoshsaligheh,
However, to work collaboratively in a translation
classroom, students need such support as the
coordination strategy (Barros, 2011), task assignment
(Bayraktar Özer & Hastürkoğlu, 2020), time
management and collective problem-solving (Amini
et al., 2022) which could be addressed with the help
of SSR. However, no research has been conducted on
the effect of SSR in translation learning.
Based on this background, this paper presents a
new OCL environment, TransLaboration, aiming to
facilitate translation learning in higher education.
TransLaboration comprises a Moodle LMS, a
Chatroom and a co-authoring system. SSR prompts is
embedded in TransLaboration to ensure meaningful
collaboration. The development of TransLaboration
and the corresponding learning activities will be
presented and discussed in this paper.
This study applied ADDIE instructional system
design model to develop the OCL environment. The
ADDIE model has been verified and widely used to
create a learning environment (Johnson-Barlow &
Lehnen, 2021; Muruganantham, 2015). The model
boasts an agile, iterative design process, which means
that each step during development can be revised and
improved. As such, errors can be fixed, and the
learning environment can be optimized on time
(Drljača et al., 2017).
2.1 The Translaboration Online
Collaborative Learning
The TransLaboration OCL environment aims to
facilitate English-major undergraduates to foster
translation competence in the translation classroom.
Based on ADDIE model, the development of
TransLaboration goes through five phases: analysis,
design, development, implementation, and
evaluation. These phases are interrelated and
sometimes overlap. In each phase, tasks and outputs
are set as guidelines to ensure the successful
development of the OCL environment (Spatioti et al.,
2.1.1 Analysis
Analysis phase aims to assess the needs of
TransLaboration OCL environment. Firstly, the
learning objective for designing TransLaboration is
to foster skills in translating text with the guidance of
socially shared regulation (SSR) prompts.
Next, the target learners’ profile was identified
based on their background and previously acquired
knowledge. The learners are second-year English
major students in a Chinese public university. They
take the translation class and already understand the
theoretical issues of translation. However, they need
to improve their translation practice skills. Besides,
they have Internet access and have experience in
using OCL environments.
These characteristics were considered when
setting SSR prompts in the TransLaboration and
assigning the group work according to the
pedagogical considerations based on Vygotsky
(1978)’s social constructivist learning theory and
Hadwin et al. (2011)’s SSR theory.
Following the above analysis, TransLaboration
consists of three components: the Learning
Management System (LMS), the online synchronous
discussion tool, and the online co-authoring platform.
Moodle is used as the LMS to set the OCL
environment with SSR prompts because it integrates
three central learning system components: the
learning strategy, learning material and learning
media (Gamage et al., 2022). Students obtain learning
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tasks, SSR prompts and submit the group work in
Tencent QQ (QQ) is applied as the online
synchronous discussion tool. TransLaboration uses
QQ rather than Moodle Chatroom for the following
reasons. Firstly, QQ is independent of Moodle, which
means that students can simultaneously discuss in QQ
and refer to Moodle for task specifications and SSR
prompts. If students use Moodle Chatroom, they have
to log out of the Chatroom to check the learning
materials, which would interrupt the discussion.
Secondly, compared with Moodle Chatroom, Tencent
QQ provides functions such as capturing, annotating
and sending screenshots, which were necessary to
discuss translation tasks in this study.
Kingsoft Document (KDoc), an online co-
authoring platform, is used to edit the translated text
collaboratively online. Group members could log in
to Kingsoft Document and edit the translation while
checking the SSR prompts and other learning
materials in Moodle and discuss via Tencent QQ.
Figure 1 illustrates the working space for
Figure 1: Working space for TransLaboration.
2.1.2 Design
Design phase aims to create a framework for
collaborative learning activities. Figure 2 illustrates
the flow chart of the using TransLaboration in
translation learning.
The learning activities go through three steps. In
Step 1, students read the task specification to
understand the learning task and make a preliminary
plan individually. They are required to read the task
specification, translation materials, and fill in the
“questionnaire for individual task understanding and
planning” to help arouse their prior knowledge and
understand the learning task to facilitate their group
discussion. Step 1 is finished in the Moodle platform.
Figure 2: Design of learning step.
In step 2, students engage in group discussion via
QQ and edit the translation together in KDoc. During
the discussion, group members should refer to the
SSR prompts embedded in TransLaboration.
The design of SSR prompts is based on six SSR
strategies task planning, content planning, task
monitoring, content monitoring, task evaluation and
content evaluation – aiming to prompt students to set
group goals, make a group plan, monitor and evaluate
the task progress and learning contents during the
collaboration procedures. Table 1 shows the design of
SSR prompts during the group discussion.
Table 1: Design of SSR prompts during the collaboration.
Procedures SSR prompts
Set group
Please consider the task
Please set a specific goal
rather than a general goal.
Please consider whether
oal is feasible.
group plan
Please consider the group
Please allocate the time
and subtasks.
Please assign roles for
group members.
Please consider the
resources you may use to
complete the task.
Please consider the
translation theories you
may use to complete the
task (e.g. translation
standards, strategies,
methods and skills).
Please consider whether
the plan is feasible.
TransLaboration: An Online Collaborative Learning Environment with Socially Shared Regulation Prompts in Translation Classroom
Table 1: Design of SSR prompts during the collaboration
Procedures SSR prompts
tion task
in group
Please check the time.
Please verify the progress
of the completion of the
Please check for the
accurate use of translation
theories (e.g. translation
standards, strategies,
methods and skills).
Please provide a reason to
support your idea.
Please check whether your
group completed all the
task requirements.
Please check whether your
group met the initial goal.
Please reflect on whether
your group applied
translation theories to
guide translation practice.
Please reflect on the
strategies your group used
to solve problems.
Please summarize gains
and weaknesses.
Please rate your group’s
final product.
In step 3, after evaluating the group work,
students submit their translation works to the OCL
environment through Moodle.
2.1.3 Development
OCL environment is developed based
on the information gathered in the analysis and design
phase. The architecture of
is shown as
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Architecture of TransLaboration.
To make
TransLaboration user-friendly, the user interface
simple and clear, as shown in Figure 4. In the
learning task webpage, appealing colours are used to
draw students’ attention. The buttons are set based on
the learning steps. As such, students only need to
click the button and finish the task step by step.
Figure 4: Screenshot of learning task portal in
To facilitate students using SSR prompts in the
group discussion, SSR prompts are set along the
sequential order of the tasks and embedded in
TransLaboration (as shown in Table 1). SSR prompts
are shown with a checklist to remind the group
members of each other’s progress and promote their
group awareness and regulation (Hadwin et al., 2011).
Students are asked to tick the checklist after using the
SSRL prompt item. If they have applied all the items,
100% is shown. As an example, Figure 5 illustrates
the checklist for SSR prompts when making the group
Figure 5: Checklist for SSR prompts (The contents are the
same with SSR prompts in Procedure 2. Make group plan).
The function and interface of
designed to facilitate students’ group work. Students
discuss in separate groups via QQ chatroom, meaning
that each group member could only see their own
group members, and others were invisible. In this
case, their discussion would not be disturbed by other
groups. Figure 6 shows students’ discussion in QQ
Students edit the translation together in KDoc,
while while discussing via QQ. KDoc could be
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
accessed directly through a link from the learning task
portal. During the collaboration, each group
member’s version is tracked, facilitating their
interaction and evaluation. Figure 7 illustrates
students co-author the translation in Kdoc.
Figure 6: Students discuss in QQ Chatroom.
Figure 7: Students co-author the translation task
collaboratively in KDoc.
2.1.4 Implementation
User test is carried out before the implementation of
actual learning activity to ensure the functionality and
integrity of TransLaboration. The OCL environment
is tested by 20 students. All the participants were
informed of the consent. They work in groups of 4
members and are given a sample translation task,
aiming to test the usability of task specification,
questionnaire, SSR prompts, online Chatroom,
translation practice collaboration and group work
submission. Their comments and suggestions are
used to improve the design and functionality of
TransLaboration. Table 2 shows the feedback from
the students in the pilot study and the corresponding
Table 2: Examples of feedback from the students in the user
test and the corresponding improvement.
Feedback Improvement
“Moodle Chatroom is not user-
friendly. We neet to discuss
while reading the SSR prompts.
We have to log in and log out of
the Chatroom from time to
time. It is distractive and
reduces our efficiency.”
Tencent QQ was
used to replace
Moodle Chatroom
because Moodle log
files were not used
in this study.
“It will be more convenient if
we can go to Kingsoft
Document directly from a
button with our group number.”
The URL links to
Kingsoft groups
were redesigned as
a button with the
group number in it.
“When I do not know what to
do next, I check the SSR
prompts and have an idea.”
2.1.5 Evaluation
Expert evaluations are carried out to correct the errors
and improve the functionality of TransLaboration.
The evaluation phase comprises two parts: formative
and summative evaluation.
The formative evaluation is ongoing between
development phases to correct the errors and improve
the functionality of TransLaboration. In the analysis,
design and development phases, all the task
information, learning objectives, learning content,
learning strategy and prototype of the learning
environment are evaluated and revised by experts.
For example, in the design phase, the consistency of
SSR theory and SSR prompts used for the online
collaborative learning environment was validated by
an expert, and revisions were made before moving to
the development phase.
The summative evaluation is conducted after the
completion of TransLaboration along with the user
test. Education technology experts and teachers are
invited to validate the effectiveness and efficiency of
TransLaboration, especially whether the learning
activities align with the learning objectives. Table 3
shows the comments from the expert validation.
TransLaboration: An Online Collaborative Learning Environment with Socially Shared Regulation Prompts in Translation Classroom
Table 3: Expert validation of online learning tasks and
Expert Position/Qualification/
Working Experience
General comments
A Teacher/PhD in
Translation Studies/14
The tasks are
generally good for
translation practice.
B Associate Professor in
engineer/15 years
The online learning
system is tested and
suitable for this
C Teacher/PhD in
Technology/15 years
The online learning
activity is suitable
and the SSR Prompts
are good to go.
2.2 Collaborative Learning Task
TransLaboration is developed to improve students’
practical translation skills in the translation
classroom. Following the collaborative translation
task design in previous studies (Pitkäsalo & Ketola,
2018; Turiman et al., 2023), the learning tasks in
TransLaboration go through three procedures: a.
identify the source text, b. translating the text, and c.
submit the translated text. The three procedures are
clearly structured in TransLaboration.
In terms of the types of CL tasks,
TransLaboration supports translation tasks and
translation post-editing tasks depending on the
learning materials uploaded to the co-authoring
system. For translation tasks, the co-authoring system
only contains the source text, and for translation post-
editing tasks, the co-authoring system contains both
the source text and the initially translated text (with
errors). Students read the learning materials, make
analyses, and input or edit the translation collectively.
To promote students’ collaboration,
TransLaboration embeds SSR prompts (See Table 1)
that guide group members to collectively understand,
proceed, and reflect on the collaborative translation
tasks. As such, the design of SSR prompts focuses on
prompting the discussion regarding both the task
content, such as checking for the appropriate use of
translation skills, and the task process, such as
checking for compliance with task instructions.
Meaningful discussion is one of the preconditions
for the success of collaborative translation (Tekwa,
2023). Pedagogically, to promote students’
discussion and collaboration, before collaboration,
students are required to finish the “Questionnaire for
task understanding and planning”, which guides them
to understand the learning task and make preparation
for the coming group work.
During the group work, one group member can be
assigned as the prompter to help activate the SSR
prompts in a timely manner and ensure that all the
group members are engaged in meaningful discussion.
Besides, during the collaborative translation tasks,
students may use such functions as track-change,
comments, and screenshot capture, which are all
included in TransLaboration. For example, students
may capture a website’s screenshot to support their
translation; They may need to revert to a previous
translation version through track-change; and they
may use the comments when doing the peer review.
This paper aims to introduce TransLaboration, an
OCL environment for undergraduate students in the
translation classroom. The OCL environment breaks
down the limitations of time and space in
collaborative learning and provides students with
more opportunities to internalize socially constructed
knowledge (Smith, 2017). The key to successful OCL
is to ensure that group members share information in
the learning group (Johler, 2022). Nevertheless,
merely situating students in an OCL environment and
assigning the group task does not necessarily result in
effective learning activities because they cannot
automatically be involved in the discussion (Qureshi
et al., 2023). Group members need guidance for
interaction during OCL (Le et al., 2022).
As such, we apply the ADDIE model to develop
the TransLaboration OCL environment and optimize
it to improve students’ engagement in online
discussion during collaborative translation practice.
Following Isohätälä et al. (2017); Michalsky and
Cohen (2021); Vuorenmaa et al. (2022) that SSRL
can facilitate social interaction by promoting learners’
social presence, social support, and social feedback,
we take SSR into the pedagogical consideration in
As SSR is difficult to achieve and prompts are
needed for the emergence of SSR (Kielstra et al.,
2022; Zheng et al., 2019), we embed SSR prompts in
TransLaboration to enable students to regulate their
learning activities collectively throughout the
collaboration. With the help of SSR prompts, group
members align their task perception and planning
(Järvelä & Hadwin, 2015) before the collaborative
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
translation task. Group members apply SSR prompts
during the translation task to ensure effective and
meaningful collaboration (Kielstra et al., 2022). Upon
completion of the translation task, SSR prompts
engage students in group evaluation and reflection,
which helps the group members improve future
learning and regulation skills (Michalsky & Cohen,
The TransLaboration OCL environment provides
students with the workspace to develop their
translation competence based on SSR. Although it is
designed with a user-friendly interface, clear structure
and scientific translation learning logic,
improvements are still needed in the following two
At first, the integration level of TransLaboration
could be higher. The current TransLaboration
encompasses three separate components: the Moodle-
based learning portal, the QQ-based discussion tool
and KDoc-based co-authoring system. Fusing the
three components into one OCL platform would
increase the learning efficiency.
Secondly, in the current TransLaboration, the
SSR prompts function in a manual method. Students
need to refer to the SSR prompts by themselves or by
the group member who acts as the prompter. The AI-
enhanced self-adaptive SSR prompts could be
developed into TransLaboration to prompt students
to use the appropriate SSR strategies so as to make
them better involved in collaborative translation
For further study, we plan to validate the
effectiveness TransLaboration in improving students’
translation practice competence. SSR prompts
stimulate students’ cognitive cognitive performance
(Järvelä et al., 2014; Zheng et al., 2019) including
critical thinking and creative thinking skills, which
significantly impact students’ translation
performance (Cheng, 2022; Li et al., 2022). As a
future study, we plan to conduct research to assess the
effect of TransLaboration on students’ translation
performance and higher-order thinking skills. Besides,
students’ log files and discussion scripts can be
gathered from TransLaboration to analyse students’
social interaction during OCL.
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