In this work, we present a new way to train GANs
using XAI explanations to guide the training of the
generator. The idea was to extract the most crit-
ical features from the images and provide them to
the generator during the training. Through quantita-
tive experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed
method improved the quality of the generated images.
It was possible to obtain an increase of up to 37.8%
in the quality of the artificial images from the MNIST
dataset, with up to 4.94% more variability when com-
pared to traditional methods. We show that this sig-
nificant difference was achieved with little increase
in processing time. For example, it was possible to
obtain a 30.9% decrease in FID with just a 4.51% in-
crease in processing time. Although it was not pos-
sible to select a specific combination of methods for
all datasets, it is possible to note that the proposed
method always improved image quality or variability.
In future works, we intend to conduct new tests
with different combinations of GAN models and dif-
ferent ways to extract information from the images.
We believe that the improvement of the generator
training is a field that is still little explored, with much
room for improvement. We also intend to analyze
how stable the proposed method is compared to tra-
ditional methods. Finally, we intend to investigate
the relevance of artificial images in data augmentation
This research was funded in part by the: Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
- Brasil (CAPES) – Finance Code 001; National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment CNPq (#313643/2021-0 and #311404/2021-9);
the State of Minas Gerais Research Foundation -
FAPEMIG (Grant #APQ-00578-18); S
ao Paulo Re-
search Foundation - FAPESP (Grant #2022/03020-1).
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