Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
Anaïs Niveau and Jean-Christophe Sakdavong
CLLE CNRS UMR 5263, University of Toulouse, 5 allée Antonio Machado, Toulouse, France
Keywords: E-Learning, Digital Learning, Aesthetics, Credibility, Purchase Intention, Learning Motivation.
Abstract: In an increasingly competitive world, including that of online education and training, it is important to stand
out from the crowd if one wants to attract learners, and therefore customers. Studies show the importance of
a website’s credibility in influencing the intention to buy a service, while others show the impact of a teacher’s
credibility on motivation to learn. Researchers have also shown that an important factor in an individual’s
assessment of credibility is based on visual appearance, or “aesthetics”. This is why we wanted to check that,
for the same training content, an individual would be more inclined to opt for a site that he or she considered
aesthetically pleasing than for another that he or she did not consider aesthetically pleasing. We therefore had
2 training websites evaluated, one “aesthetic” and the other “non-aesthetic”, divided randomly between 2
groups of participants (82 in total). The results of our survey show a preference for the “aesthetic” site when
it comes to evaluating the credibility of the site, the credibility of the training, the intention to buy and the
motivation to learn. We then suggest some avenues for future research.
Digital technology is omnipresent in education,
leading to an abundance of scientific studies and the
principles that stem from them. For example, Mayer’s
multimedia learning principles (2001) guide
instructional designers in creating pedagogically
effective digital resources. In order to guarantee
inclusivity, accessibility and usability are also
prioritised, taking into account elements like colour
contrast, layout guidelines, and readable font choices.
But design and aesthetics are frequently
overlooked in favour of pedagogy, usability, and
accessibility, raising the question of why this
The design principle of “form follows function”
suggests that aesthetics should follow functionality in
design. This principle has both descriptive and
prescriptive interpretations, with the latter implying
that aesthetics are secondary to functionality (Lidwell
et al., 2010). This viewpoint aligns with the historical
mind-body dichotomy, where the mind (function) is
deemed superior to the body (form) (Gray et al.,
Aesthetics and pedagogical content are
inextricably linked for people who create educational
resources and digital learning materials in the field of
instructional design and graphic design. Numerous
research works, including those by Mayer (2001),
Lohr (2007), and Clark and Lyons (2004), highlight
the cognitive advantages of aesthetics in supporting
learning. To improve the learning process, Lohr
(2007) suggests taking visual aesthetics into account
while designing instructional materials.
Examining additional factors is crucial, especially
in light of aesthetics’ demonstrated cognitive
In this study, we wanted to check if aesthetic has
an effect on credibility, intention to buy and
motivation to learn in a learning website. Our main
findings will show that it has a significant effect on
all these variables.
2.1 Observation
The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” captures
the idea that beauty and aesthetics are often perceived
as superficial elements that do not necessarily reflect
the content or substance. Yet, it is undeniable that
colourful and engaging book covers attract the
attention of potential readers. The cover is the initial
entry point into a book, sparking interest, prompting
readers to pick it up, read the synopsis, and make the
Niveau, A. and Sakdavong, J.
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0012618700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 78-90
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
decision to purchase it. This principle also applies to
marketing, visual communication, and product
design, amongst others.
In this context, it is relevant to extend this
observation to education and training. In today’s
world, especially in the post-COVID era, the
availability of online learning options is increasing
exponentially (KPMG, 2015; Research and Markets,
2023). The global e-learning market has been
growing rapidly, and competition amongst
educational providers is intensifying.
2.2 Research Questions
In this competitive context, what influences
prospective learners’ choices between seemingly
equivalent educational offerings? Does the aesthetics
and visual appeal of a learning platform impact the
learner’s perception of its credibility and,
consequently, their intention to enrol (and pay) for a
Beyond being a deciding factor, does aesthetics
and visual appeal affect the motivation of enrolled
learners in a course?
Exploring these questions is the goal of this
investigation. To accomplish this, we will start by
defining important terms like credibility, learning
motivation, and aesthetics through a study of
theoretical and empirical literature. We will next
synthesize these studies to determine the connections
between these concepts and propose one or more
research hypotheses. Lastly, we will describe an
experimental protocol used to test these hypotheses.
2.3 Credibility
Credibility is a fundamental concept in assessing the
trustworthiness and expertise (Choi, 2020; Choi &
Stvilia, 2015; Rieh, 2010) of information sources,
influencing people’s confidence in the information’s
accuracy. This review explores the dimensions of
credibility and its evolving nature, with a specific
focus on digital credibility in online learning
According to Rieh (2010), credibility has been
traditionally characterized by three primary
Source Credibility which refers to the perceived
reliability of the individual communicating the
Message Credibility which concerns the
apparent reliability of the content, structure,
language, and presentation used to convey the
Media Credibility which deals with the
perceived reliability of the channel used for
information dissemination, such as television,
radio, or newspapers.
The evolution of technology has given rise to
contemporary considerations of credibility,
particularly in the digital realm. Two significant
aspects of digital credibility have emerged:
Web Credibility which relates to the ambiguity
of the source and the relative youth of the
Computer Credibility which relates to the
computer as a source of information
(“knowledge repositories, user instructions,
etc.”). It comprises four subtypes:
o Presumed Credibility: Based on individual
beliefs and assumptions.
o Reputed Credibility: Rooted in what is
reported by third parties, such as other
individuals, the media, or institutions.
o Surface Credibility: Hinging on initial
impressions and superficial traits, such as
website design, visual elements, and
information architecture.
o Experienced Credibility: Based on
individual experiences with the source.
Various frameworks have been proposed to assess
digital credibility. Amongst these, Fogg’s Web
Credibility Framework identifies three key factors
(cited in Choi & Stvilia, 2015):
a. The operator of the site
b. The content provided
c. The design of the website, including
information structure, technical design,
aesthetic design, and interaction design.
Online learning environments found on websites
being the focus of this study, it is critical to define the
exact criteria that will be used to determine the
credibility of these settings. Credibility of online
learning platforms is mostly based on elements such
as the overall user experience, the calibre of the
course content, the platform’s navigability, and the
standing of the course provider.
Credibility is a multifaceted concept that has
expanded from traditional dimensions to include
several types of digital credibility. Factors impacting
credibility in online learning environments are: the
information’s original source, the calibre of the
content, and the platform’s functionality and design
(Metzger et al., 2013). It is crucial to comprehend and
assess credibility in digital environments to make sure
that online learners can rely on and trust the
information they encounter.
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
2.3.1 Website Credibility
Choi (2020) and Choi and Stvilia (2015) propose to
combine the concepts of trustworthiness and
expertise with Fogg’s framework (operator, content
and design) for a comprehensive assessment of a
website’s credibility through 6 criteria:
1. Operator Trustworthiness
2. Operator Expertise
3. Content Trustworthiness
4. Content Expertise
5. Design Trustworthiness
6. Design Expertise
Given the vast amount of information available on
the internet and the increasing awareness of fake
news and disinformation, the importance of source
credibility has become clear. This impact is
particularly prominent since the 2016 U.S.
presidential elections (Azzimonti & Fernandes, 2023;
Choi & Stvilia, 2015).
2.3.2 Credibility in Education: Cognitive
Within the realm of education, cognitive authority is
essential. This term describes people who are
regarded as authorities in particular domains,
including psychology, education, philosophy, and
more (Rieh, 2010; Wilson, 1983). Three essential
factors for credibility have been determined by
studies conducted by McCroskey et al. (quoted in
Finn et al., 2009): perceived benevolence,
competence, and reliability. Since the instructor
serves as the main information source in teacher-
centred learning approaches, credibility is especially
important. Students who think well of their teachers
are more inclined to enrol in more courses taught by
them and to refer others to them.
Trust being a significant factor in e-commerce,
users’ lack of trust is a common barrier to and an
important factor for online purchases (Chong et al.,
2003; Saw & Inthiran, 2022). Since online learning
often involves financial transactions on websites,
e-commerce credibility criteria can be applicable.
Ensuring that an online education platform is
perceived as credible and reliable is essential for
attracting and retaining learners.
2.3.3 Aesthetics and Website Credibility:
“What Is Good Is Beautiful”
Studies, such as the one by Dion et al. (1972), have
shown that visually appealing people can enhance
perceptions of credibility. The concept of “what is
beautiful is good” may extend beyond physical
attractiveness to include the visual aspects of
2.3.4 Prominence Interpretation Theory
(PIT): Understanding Website
Credibility Evaluation
The Prominence Interpretation Theory (PIT) (Fogg,
2003), sheds light on how people assess the
credibility of websites. For the purpose of
determining credibility, prominence and
interpretation must both be present. On a website,
prominence refers to an element’s visibility, whereas
interpretation is the result of user judgement. Both
prominence and interpretation are influenced by
multiple factors, such as individual differences, user
involvement, website theme, user task, and user
In digital contexts, credibility is a complex idea
with very large effects. It is crucial for e-commerce,
education, and other online activities. Then, it is
essential to comprehend the several aspects of
credibility, such as the role of aesthetics and cognitive
authority, to create and maintain trustworthy online
2.4 Aesthetics
The Cambridge Dictionary defines something as
“aesthetically pleasing” as “something that is
enjoyable to look at because you think it is beautiful”.
While this might be commonly understood, it is
important to define how this pertains to websites and
online education.
2.4.1 “What Is Beautiful Is Usable”
The notion that “what is beautiful is good,”
introduced by Dion et al. in 1972 is extended to the
realm of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) by
Tractinsky and colleagues in 2000. Their research
demonstrates that users associate aesthetics with
usability, emphasizing the significance of aesthetics
in the design process. Moreover, Hancock (2004)
defines the aesthetics of a digital learning
environment as “an emotional response evoked by
visual elements within a learning environment”.
Consequently, several key considerations are outlined
for achieving a successful interface. When addressing
the aesthetics of a digital object, the focus is not just
on displaying images or graphics on the screen but
rather on intentionally arranging elements to engage
the user’s senses and emotions, a practice commonly
associated with the principles of Gestalt theory.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
2.4.2 Gestalt Theory
The Gestalt Theory, also known as Gestaltism,
originated in Germany and Austria in the early 20
century through the works of Max Wertheimer, Kurt
Koffka, and Wolfgang Köhler (Köhler, 1967). This
theory was built on the premise that “the whole is
greater than the sum of its parts” (Rock & Palmer,
1990), a fundamental principle that governs sensory
perceptions. According to Todorovic (2008), several
laws and principles derived from Gestalt Theory are
regularly used in fields such as graphic design,
interior design, and user interface design (UI). These
principles include:
Figure-Ground Articulation: The contrast
between a figure and its background, where the
figure is perceived as salient and deserving of
Proximity Principle: Elements placed close to
each other are perceived as a group.
Common Fate Principle: Elements moving in
the same direction are seen as a group.
Similarity Principle: Elements with similar
attributes (e.g., shape, colour, size) are
perceived as belonging to the same group.
Continuity or Continuation Principle: Aligned
or connected elements are perceived as a group.
Closure Principle: Elements forming a closed
figure are grouped together.
Good Gestalt Principle: Individuals interpret
complex shapes in the simplest possible way.
It is worth mentioning that, still according to
Todorovic (2008), there is no definitive list of Gestalt
principles but that the aforementioned laws are the
most known.
The Gestalt Theory’s wide application in the
design of user interfaces and user experiences
underlines its relevance in creating effective and
functional digital experiences.
2.4.3 Facets of Visual Aesthetics for
Moshagen and Thielsch (2010) introduce four
objective facets of visual aesthetics for websites,
partly based on Gestalt principles, referred to as the
Visual Aesthetics of Website Inventory (VisAWI):
Simplicity: Emphasizing unity, homogeneity,
order, and clarity, simple presentations tend to
be processed more smoothly and are positively
Diversity: Stimulating interest and tension,
diversity counters low levels of arousal induced
by overly simple stimuli.
Colourfulness: The use of colours significantly
impacts a website’s aesthetic evaluation.
Craftsmanship: Skilful and coherent integration
of relevant design dimensions.
These criteria become central to the assessment of
website aesthetics, which is further elaborated in this
study’s methodology section.
2.4.4 Use of Colours, Psychology, and
The choice of colour palettes holds significance in
shaping a user’s perception of a website. Several
studies have demonstrated the role of colour in
influencing the perceived attributes of an object
(Papachristos et al., 2005; Singh & Srivastava, 2011;
Suriadi et al., 2022). Colours, or combinations of
colours, also have a notable impact on brand
perception and consumer behaviour. Singh and
Srivastava (2011) present a selection of colour
meanings used to convey specific messages in
marketing. The study underscores the importance of
these colour choices, especially when it comes to web
The second part of this scientific summary
focuses on the impact of aesthetics in education and
online learning, considering the role of aesthetics in
designing digital learning environments. Hancock
(2004) evaluates the impact of aesthetics on student
engagement and motivation in digital learning spaces.
His research demonstrates a preference for
aesthetically pleasant surroundings, emphasising the
importance of creating visually appealing e-learning
platforms. A study by Ghai and Tandon (2022)
evaluates the visual design components that influence
the e-learning experience. Their research identifies
many aspects, such as graphics, typography, and
layout, that greatly contribute to enhancing learners’
engagement and motivation.
Furthermore, this scientific summary discusses
the rapid judgments formed by users about the
aesthetics of websites, noting that over 45% of users
evaluate a website’s credibility based on its
appearance (Fogg et al., 2003). A study by Lindgaard
and colleagues (2006) suggests that users form
opinions about website aesthetics in as little as
50 milliseconds, highlighting the need for a visually
appealing website to capture and retain users’
The role of aesthetics in data visualization,
especially in educational infographics, is also
explored. This section emphasizes the importance of
colour choices and complexity in infographics, as
they affect user engagement and the retention of
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
information in educational materials (Harrison et al.,
We have seen a comprehensive overview of the
role of aesthetics in design, particularly in the contexts
of web design and online learning. It highlights the
essential aspects of aesthetics, incorporating principles
from the Gestalt Theory and the facets of visual
aesthetics. This study underlines the significance of
aesthetics in user experience, engagement, and
credibility in digital environments, emphasising the
need for designers and educators to consider aesthetics
as a fundamental element in their work.
2.5 Overview
As we have seen, when it comes to credibility, many
criteria can influence its perception by a user
browsing a website (Choi, 2020; Choi & Stvilia,
2015; Fogg, 2003; Fogg et al., 2003; Rieh, 2010).
However, web credibility is crucial at a time when
fake news and all types of disinformation are rife
(Azzimonti & Fernandes, 2023; Choi & Stvilia,
2015). In addition, credibility has an important impact
for learners at cognitive and metacognitive levels
when it comes to cognitive authority, and therefore
the teacher (Finn et al., 2009). The same goes for the
trust placed by users in e-commerce sites if the user
wishes to have confidence before proceeding, for
example, with an online purchase (Chong et al., 2003;
Saw & Inthiran, 2022).
The factors listed as bearers of credibility very
often relate to aesthetics, amongst other elements
(Choi & Stvilia, 2015; Fogg et al., 2003; Rieh, 2010).
This could be due to the popular perception that “what
is beautiful is good” (Dion et al., 1972; Tractinsky et
al., 2000) and the importance of making a good
impression in the first moments of exposure to the
digital element (Lindgaard et al., 2006).
Several empirical studies have noted the impact of
the visual aspect of digital resources belonging to the
learning framework such as digital training
environments (Ghai & Tandon, 2022; Hancock,
2004) and infographics (Harrison et al., 2015) on
motivation, engagement and general perception of the
On the other hand, there is, to our knowledge, no
study focusing specifically on the importance of
aesthetics on the perceived credibility of an online
training website and on the training itself, nor on the
intention of registration (and therefore purchase), or
even on the motivation felt by the (future) learner.
To develop a solid methodology, we will
formulate our research hypotheses taking into
account the “objective” aesthetic and the “perceived”
aesthetic. The former will be the aesthetic by design
(it respects the aesthetic rules) and the latter will be
subjectively measured by the users.
In the rest of this article, we will call the
“aesthetic” website, the one that respects the aesthetic
rules, and the “non aesthetic” one, the one that doesn’t
respect them.
2.6 Research Hypotheses
H1: an aesthetic website is perceived as being more
aesthetic than a non-aesthetic one
H2a: an aesthetic website is perceived as being more
credible than a non-aesthetic one
H2b: a website perceived as more aesthetic is
perceived as being more credible than if it is
perceived less aesthetics
H3a: an online training offered on an aesthetic
website is perceived as being more credible than on
a non-aesthetic one.
H3b: an online training hosted on a website perceived
as more aesthetic is perceived as being more
credible than if it is hosted by a website perceived as
less aesthetics
H4a: an individual will be more inclined to pay for
an online training offered on an aesthetic website than
on a non-aesthetic one
H4b: an individual will be more inclined to pay for
an online training hosted on a website perceived as
more aesthetic than on a less aesthetics
H5a: an individual will be more motivated in his or
her learning with an online training offered on an
aesthetic website than on a non-aesthetic one
H5b: an individual will be more motivated in his or
her learning with an online training hosted on a
website perceived as more aesthetic than if it is hosted
by a website perceived as less aesthetics.
To test these hypotheses, 2 websites, one aesthetic
and the other non-aesthetic were evaluated by
participants. Perception of the aesthetic of the website
was measured to verify H1, and perceptions of the
credibility of the website, the credibility of the online
training course, the intention to purchase and
motivation to learn were measured to verify all other
3.1 Participants
To allow collection of sufficient data, a bilingual
(French and English) online survey was created
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
through LimeSurvey and distributed via public
posting on the professional media platform LinkedIn
as well as direct messaging. This survey was open
from beginning of July 2023 to mid-August 2023. In
compliance with the RGPD, the anonymous data was
stored securely on a server at the University of
No selection was implemented other than being
over the age of 18 and not to suffer from uncorrected
visual impairment, the accurate evaluation of
aesthetics being based on visual perception.
82 participants completed the survey (55 women, 27
men, 0 non-binaries).
3.2 Materials and Apparatus
Participants were asked to evaluate 2 websites: one
objectively considered aesthetic (Figure 1) that
respects general rules such as Gestalt principles and
colour uses, and one objectively non-aesthetic (Figure
2) that doesn’t respect these general rules. Both were
inspired by existing e-learning websites, from which3
screenshots were extracted for each. To reduce
Figure 1: 3 Screen captures of the aesthetic website.
Figure 2: 3 Screen captures of the non-aesthetic website.
potential biases, each site was evaluated by a separate
group, was sufficiently modified to reduce the risk of
potential biases such as prior knowledge of the site
(Dam, 2020), and the opinions of Internet users were
obliterated to remove the factor of “reputed
credibility” (Rieh, 2010), parasitic in the case in
question, and to focus attention on aesthetics alone.
To verify the hypotheses, participants must then
evaluate the 18 points of the VisAWI (Moshagen and
Thielsch, 2010) measured by a Likert scale between
0 and 6 for a total score theoretically between 0 and
4 additional points assessing credibility of a
website, credibility of an online training course,
potential intention to buy, and motivation to learn
were all measured by a Likert scale between 0 and 5
(no neutral choice to ensure a clear statement by the
participant) for a total score theoretically between 0
and 5 for each item:
“I think this website is trustworthy.”
“I think the training offered by this website is
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
“I would be prepared to pay to register for
training on this website.”
“I find the aesthetics of this website motivating
for my learning.”
3.3 Procedure
After basic consent and identifying information (age,
gender, socio-professional category, level of
education, experience of online training, experience
of the importance of aesthetics in general),
participants were invited to observe, during 1 minute,
3 screenshots from one out of two sites (randomly
presented by LimeSurvey). Each website, one
aesthetic and the second non-aesthetic, was evaluated
by separate groups to eliminate a bias that could arise
from exposure to an aesthetic website before
evaluating a non-aesthetic one, and vice versa. After
the time of observation, participants must evaluate the
18 statements of the VisAWI, then the 4 elements
concerning the credibility of the website, the
credibility of the online training, the intension to
purchase, and the motivation to learn. The survey
then finished by thanking the participants for their
4.1 Sample
102 people started the survey and 82 completed it.
From this sample, a profile can be drawn up with the
following characteristics.
A majority of women responded to the survey, 55
versus 27 men. The average age of the participants is
43.7 years (44.6 years for women, 41.7 years for
The most represented socio-professional category
is employees (37.8%) followed by executive or
higher intellectual professions (30.5%).
In the sample, half of the participants have never
experienced paid online training, although the
proportion is higher for women (34.1%, compared to
15.9% for men). Only 20.8% of the participant have
never experienced free online training (15.9% of
women, compared to 4.9% of men)
70.7% of the participants answered in French and
29.3% in English.
Table 1: Descriptive data split by website (aesthetic and non-aesthetic).
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Descriptive data split by aesthetic perception score (VisAWI).
4.2 Descriptive Processing of Data
To verify H1, H2a, H3a, H4a and H5a, participants
are split in two groups, the first one (41) viewing the
“non-aesthetic” website and the second one (38)
viewing the “aesthetic” website.
To verify H2b, H3b, H4b and H5b, participants
are also split in two groups using their answer to the
VisAWI questionnaire to separate them. The first
group (“LOW”) is composed of the participants
having a score lower than the global average score,
and the second group (“HIGH”) with a higher score.
As participants were not in a controlled
environment, precautions were taken, and 15 outliers
were identified using Jamovi software and excluded
from the study. 49 women and 18 men remained.
After removing the outliers, there are 36
participants in the aesthetic website group, 31 in the
non-aesthetic one. Since the VisAWI average score is
34.5, there are 33 participants in the LOW aesthetic
perception group and 34 in the HIGH one.
Table 1 shows that the means of the variables
VisAWI score, credibility of the website, credibility
of online training, intention to pay and motivation of
the “aesthetic group” are much higher than for the
other group. It is also true for the medians. These
descriptive data are coherent with our hypotheses H1,
H2a, H3a, H4a and H5a.
Table 2 shows that the means of the variables
credibility of the website, credibility of the online
training, intention to pay and motivation of the HIGH
perceived aesthetic group are much higher than for
the other group. It is also true for the medians. These
descriptive data are coherent with our hypotheses
H2b, H3b, H4b and H5b.
A Chi-test shows that the language of the
participant is well distributed between the two groups
(Table 3).
Table 3: Contingency tables between website and survey
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
4.3 Inferential Statistics
To evaluate our hypothesis H1, we carry out a T-test
between the website (two independent groups) and
the VisAWI score (integer value between 0 and 108).
As shows in Table 1 with the Shapiro-Wilk test, the
two groups are normally distributed for the VisAWI.
We proceed to a Levene’s test to check the
homogeneity of variances. The result of the test
(p = .721) shows that there is homogeneity of the
variances, which allows to use a Student T-Test.
We hypothesize that the VisAWI score will be
higher in the aesthetic group.
Figure 3 shows the difference between the two
Figure 3: VisAWI score split by website.
There is a significant effect of website aesthetic
over the VisAWI t(65) = 6.69, p < .001 with a large
effect size of 1.64.
We can conclude that H1 is verified.
To verify H2a, H3a, H4a and H5a, we carry out a
test between the website (two independent groups)
and the following variables: the credibility of the
website, the credibility of the online training, the
intention to pay and the motivation to learn (all coded
by integer values between 0 and 5). As Table 1 shows
with the Shapiro-Wilk test, the two groups aren’t
normally distributed for all variables. We must
proceed a Mann-Whitney U test.
We hypothesize that all these variables will be
higher in the aesthetic group which is confirmed with
p < .001 for each variable with medium effect sizes:
the credibility of the website (d = 0.681), the
credibility of the online training (d = 0.588), the
intention to pay (d = 0.788), and the motivation to
learn (d = 0.599).
We can conclude that H2a, H3a, H4a and H5a are
verified as illustrated by Figure 4.
To verify H2b, H3b, H4b and H5b, we carry out a
test between the aesthetic perception variable (two
independent groups) and the following variables: the
credibility of the website, the credibility of the online
training, the intention to pay, and the motivation to
learn (all coded by integer values between 0 and 5).
As Table 2 shows with the Shapiro-Wilk test, the two
groups aren’t normally distributed for all variables.
We must proceed a Mann-Whitney U test.
Figure 4: Credibility of the website, credibility of the online
training, intention to pay, and motivation to learn split by
website aesthetic.
We hypothesize that all these variables will be
higher in the HIGH aesthetic perception group which
is confirmed with p < .001 for each variable and with
medium effect sizes: the credibility of the website
(d = 0.577), the credibility of the online training
(d = 0.643), the intention to pay (d = 0.535), and the
motivation to learn (d = 0.684).
We can conclude that H2b, H3b, H4b and H5b are
verified as illustrated by Figure 5.
As we distributed the survey in two languages, we
must verify that there is no effect of the language on
our measures of the VisAWI score, the credibility of
the website, the credibility of the online training, the
intention to pay, and the motivation to learn,
regardless of the website group or the perception
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Credibility of the website, credibility of the online
training, intention to pay, and motivation to learn split by
aesthetic perception group.
This can be done by a two-factor ANOVA with
language and website group (or perception group) as
factors, and the different scores.
The verification of normal distribution for these
10 ANOVAs (5 × 2) shows that there is normality
only for VisAWI scores (split by website or by
For the website split, Shapiro-Wilk test (p = .856)
and homogeneity of the variances (Levene’s test
p = .407) are good. Table 4 shows that only the
Website (aesthetic or not) variable has an effect of the
VisAWI, which is necessary to ensure that there is no
interference of the language on the measures of
VisAWI, regardless of the group.
Table 4: Two-factor ANOVA between language, website
and VisAWI.
For the perception split, Shapiro-Wilk test
(p = .263) and homogeneity of the variances
(Levene’s test p=0.560) are good. Table 5 shows that
only the perception group has an effect of the
VisAWI, which is necessary to ensure that there is no
interference of the language on the measures on
VisAWI whatever the group is.
Table 5: Two-factor ANOVA between language, website
and VisAWI.
Table 5 shows that there is no significant effect of the
language on the VisAWI scores.
For the other variables, we cannot proceed with an
ANOVA using the group because of the non-
normality of the distribution, but we can do a non-
parametric Mann-Whitney U test using only the
language as a factor. Table 6 shows that there is no
significant effect of the language on our measures.
Table 6: Mann-Whitney U Test on the effect of language on
the credibility of the website, of the online training, the
intention to pay and the motivation to learn.
5.1 Summary of Results
Following a literature review on the importance of
aesthetic factors on dimensions such as credibility
and education, we wanted to verify several
hypotheses related to these aspects. To do this, we
proposed a survey allowing participants to evaluate
the visual appearance based on 3 screenshots of a
website. Two websites were proposed to enhance the
results and to be able to compare them to each other:
the first respects the rules of aesthetic design, while
the second does not.
Thanks to this study, we were able to verify
several hypotheses.
The first one (H1) allowed us to show that a
website designed in accordance with the rules of
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
aesthetic design is perceived more aesthetic than
another site that does not respect these rules.
We then wanted to verify certain variables that, in
our opinion, follow from successful” aesthetics.
Indeed, an “aesthetic” website (H2a) and online
training (H3a) are considered to be more credible than
when these rules have not been respected. Similarly,
an individual will be more likely to pay for training
(H4a) based on an aesthetic website than if the site
that hosts it is not. Finally, an individual will feel
more motivated in their learning (H5a) if the training
is designed by respecting these rules of aesthetics.
Moreover, we were able to show the same results
(H2b, H3b, H4b, H5b), provided that the individual
perceives the site or training as being aesthetic for
them, even beyond all considerations of aesthetic
rules. This could be explained by the fact that, while
aesthetics must respect rules, it remains a matter of
taste, and a person can naturally find something more
aesthetic than another person, whether for cultural or
other reasons.
These very positive first results give us leads for
additional research that could be conducted.
5.2 Research Perspectives
Here we have proposed 2 existing sites positioned at
the extremes of an aesthetic prism: one professional
respecting the rules of aesthetics, and the other
amateur not respecting them. However, it could be
interesting to evaluate the impact of the aesthetics of
sites with “intermediate” aesthetics as well. Or, just
as Hancock (2004) did by comparing 2 versions of the
same LMS (Learning Management System), propose
an “aesthetic” version and a “neutral” version of a
training; or by varying only one parameter to try to
define more precisely which aesthetic rule
predominates, or which rule can be a real deal
breaker, THE rule that cannot be broken at the risk of
losing all credibility.
It would also be possible to repeat the same study
but, this time, not to exclude people with a visual
impairment, and instead target one or other specific
visual impairment (such as colour-blindness) to
measure its impact on the results.
We could also consider extending the questioning
beyond the simple website hosting the training to
include presentation slides by a teacher or trainer,
infographics (like Ghai & Tandon, 2022), educational
videos, and any other educational support or resource.
Finally, the sample being composed of voluntary
individuals for the needs of this experiment, one can
wonder what the results would be if one asked the
question of purchase intention to real visitors of a
website offering online training, and the question of
motivation in learning to real learners enrolled in a
training. Since our sample did not necessarily have a
real interest in the training offered on the sites used in
this experiment, even if we instructed them to base
their judgment only on the visual aspect, perhaps the
result would be even more convincing on real users.
Indeed, while aesthetics has been repeatedly
highlighted as being a primordial factor of credibility,
it is naturally not the only and unique evaluation
factor, as we have been able to develop in the state of
the art. Other variables could therefore be included to
verify their relevance.
Our aim here is to highlight the importance of
aesthetics in the world of education. Often, form is
disregarded in favour of content: the focus is on the
content, to the detriment of the visual aspect of the
resource or medium, which is considered to be
secondary or even a nuisance. Yet in an increasingly
competitive world, and with the exponential growth
of online training, it is important for any company,
large or small, to be able to stand out from the crowd.
While content is of course essential, it is also vital to
make a good impression on potential future
customers, and in increasingly record times. Faced
with multiple offers for the same training course, we
need to find that little bit extra that will make
someone decide to sign up for our training course, or,
in other words, to pay for the service we offer.
One of the most direct ways of making a good
impression is based on the visual aspect, since this is
the first approach that people (without visual
impairment) will have. We have therefore been able
to demonstrate this impact from a number of angles
in order to highlight the importance of thinking
aesthetically about the educational services on offer,
and in so doing try to eradicate the idea that content
is all that matters.
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