The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems:
State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities
Alana Viana Borges da Silva Neo
1 a
, Jos
e Ant
ao Beltr
ao Moura
1 b
Joseana Mac
edo Fechine R
egis de Ara
1 c
, Giseldo da Silva Neo
2 d
and Olival de Gusm
ao Freitas J
3 e
Center for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil
Campus Vic¸osa, Federal Institute of Alagoas, Vic¸osa, Brazil
Institute of Computing, Federal University of Alagoas, Macei
o, Brazil
Online Education, Self-Regulated Learning, Virtual Learning Environment.
Self-regulated learning is defined as the degree to which students are metacognitive, motivationally, and be-
haviorally active participants in their learning. Learning can be influenced and improved to achieve successful
academic results. This article reviews the literature to analyze and compare learning self-regulation strategies
to recommend learning objects in the context of a Virtual Learning Environment. The results serve to map
the state of the art, main approaches, and characterizations of the topic of recommendation systems that use
self-regulated learning strategies to support students’ academic performance; and to identify promising oppor-
tunities for future research on the topic.
Online education has brought new education oppor-
tunities, but it has also brought many challenges for
students, such as deciding what, when, how, and for
how long to learn (Cerezo et al., 2020). When stu-
dents learn in an online environment, they can hardly
regulate their learning, thus failing to achieve objec-
tives (Hidayah et al., 2018). It is necessary to sup-
port them to have autonomy in their learning (Pierrot
et al., 2021), and several studies have been proposed
to help them plan tasks and monitor their performance
(Afzaal et al., 2021).
Previous studies have shown that a lack of self-
regulated learning (SRL) skills can be a major fac-
tor leading to failure of students and dropout from
courses (Afzaal et al., 2021). In this sense, for on-
line learning to be successful, students need to possess
these SRL skills (Wang et al., 2021). Self-regulated
students are aware of their learning process and can
take an active role in adapting to different learning
environments (Leite et al., 2022). Given this, it is es-
sential to investigate which SRL strategies are most
effective, and which can be recommended, aiming to
help students improve their academic performance.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and com-
pare strategies on the topic of SRL strategies for
recommending learning objects in Recommendation
Systems (RS), in the context of a Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE). In turn, analysis and compari-
son allow one to glimpse the state-of-the-art and iden-
tify research opportunities on the topic. For that, the
article addresses ve research questions (RQs) as pre-
sented in Table 1. RQ1 to RQ5 are answered by works
on the topic that have been reported in the recent liter-
ature and the answer to RQ6 is extracted from the an-
swers to RQ1-5. The study is carried out using a sys-
tematic literature review spanning back over 5 years
(from 2018 to mid-2023).
The main contributions of this study are (i) an up-
dated analysis of recent works on the topic that can
serve as support for guiding educators, IT profes-
sionals, and researchers interested in understanding,
building, or applying SLR-based RS to VLEs; (ii) the
provision of a synthesized body of knowledge for fu-
ture reference and research.
The remainder of the article is divided into 5 sec-
tions. Section 2 provides a brief overview of the con-
Neo, A., Moura, J., Régis de Araújo, J., Neo, G. and Freitas Júnior, O.
The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities.
DOI: 10.5220/0012619400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 525-532
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: Research Questions for the Systematic Review on
the Topic of Learning Self-Regulation in RS for VLE.
ID Research questions
RQ1 What is the impact of student self-regulation and interaction
dynamics on recommendation in VLEs?
RQ2 Which SRL strategies are carried out by students in a VLE?
RQ3 How does a student’s current posture influence their ability to
self-regulate their learning in a VLE?
RQ4 How to measure SRL?
RQ5 Which datasets are used in the research?
RQ6 Which are promising opportunities for further research on the
cepts of VLEs, RS, and SRL to facilitate the reading
of the following sections. Next, Section 3 will present
the methodology adopted in the research. Section 4
analyzes the findings regarding RQ1-5. Section 5
explores the research gaps in the findings (RQ6).
The said gaps, if narrowed, could further enhance
the topic and cover its applications more comprehen-
sively. Section 6 brings final considerations.
2.1 Virtual Learning Environment
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a tech-
nological educational resource in which the learning
process depends entirely on the use of a computer-
ized environment and/or online resources (Al-Obaydi,
2020). In VLE, students carry out educational activi-
ties, answer questionnaires, watch video classes, and
study reading materials (Al-Obaydi, 2020).
Technological educational resources, such as
VLE, can be a positive factor in the development
of SRL processes, enabling students to focus more
on the proposed activities (Lima and Silva, 2010).
Various VLEs have emerged over time to support
SRL by offering personalized instructions or feed-
back to students without teacher intervention (Wang
et al., 2022). Some studies developed VLEs com-
plemented with metacognitive supports, allowing stu-
dents to implement important metacognitive strate-
gies and demonstrated learning gains for students who
used the VLE (Hidayah et al., 2018; Odilinye and
Popowich, 2020).
Recommendations in a VLE provide additional
benefits to students who follow them, improving their
motivation and performance (Takami et al., 2022).
The recommendation can be more useful because it
can use the students’ actions and interactions, ges-
tures and mouse clicks, learning patterns and pro-
cesses, reflecting students’ cognitive and metacogni-
tive events captured in VLEs (Cerezo et al., 2020).
2.2 Recommendation Systems
Recommender systems (RS) have gained popularity
in the educational field, offering different types of
recommendations for students, teachers, and schools;
identifying interesting learning materials from a large
set of resources, and reducing information overload
by recommending the right content at the right time
and in the right format for the learner (Odilinye and
Popowich, 2020). These recommendations are impor-
tant for the learning process, allowing teachers and
students to find content appropriately, according to
their profile and needs (Brito et al., 2014; Dwivedi
and Roshni, 2017; Obeid et al., 2018).
Some RS are designed to support SRL by pro-
viding recommendations on demand or automati-
cally when certain conditions are met (Odilinye and
Popowich, 2020). For a self-regulated RS, personal-
ization of recommendations through student model-
ing is necessary (Hidayah et al., 2018). Personalized
learning recommendations are necessary to meet each
student’s specific learning needs and preferences and
improve the learning experience. Each learner has
individual needs and specific requirements, and the
learner model is used to capture information about
learner characteristics such as learning objectives,
learning style, prior knowledge, and more (Odilinye
and Popowich, 2020).
2.3 Self-Regulation of Learning
Self-Regulation of Learning (SRL) is defined as the
degree to which students are metacognitive partic-
ipants (students’ ability to establish plans, sched-
ules, or goals to monitor or evaluate their learn-
ing progress), motivational (students who are self-
motivated and willing to take responsibility for their
successes or failures), and behaviorally active in their
learning. For learning to be effective, students need
to intentionally activate, sustain, and adjust their cog-
nition, affect, and behavior to achieve their learning
goals (Kuo et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2021).
A self-regulated learner is a student who ap-
proaches educational tasks with confidence, dili-
gence, and resourcefulness. Therefore, self-regulated
students can evaluate their learning strategies and
choose their skills and areas of weakness, as they can
modify their learning strategies to achieve the desired
academic result (McLellan and Jackson, 2017; Wang
et al., 2022).
Choosing and monitoring learning strategies are
key factors in the student’s learning process (Hi-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dayah et al., 2018). Proposals for SRL include
models that consider the regulation of affect, be-
havior, and cognition, recognizing the importance of
emotional management (Boruchovitch, 2014; Ben-
Eliyahu and Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2015). Studies in-
dicate that students’ academic performance depends
on several factors, including self-regulation processes
that contribute to motivation and academic learning
(Ben-Eliyahu and Linnenbrink-Garcia, 2015; Soares,
There are some ways to measure SRL, Pintrich
et al. (1991) developed the MSLQ metric scale -
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (Pin-
trich et al., 1991; Polydoro and Azzi, 2009). MSLQ
uses 81 items to assess students’ motivational orien-
tation and learning strategies in a specific course or
discipline. Another way is the EAREL scale (On-
line Learning Self-Regulation Scale), which focuses
on SRL strategies for distance learning activities, to
measure students’ self-regulation skills (Pierrot et al.,
In this article, we carry out a secondary study to
identify, analyze, and interpret information related to
the research questions. We used the following ac-
tivities: planning, conducting, and reporting results
(Keele et al., 2007). First, a protocol for the review
was designed, which involves defining the research
questions and filtering the results based on previously
defined criteria, in addition to removing duplicate ar-
ticles and the search term used. To assist in this pro-
cess, the tool
was used to record the steps
Search Terms: Based on the requirements, the
search term was proposed with the help of the Pop-
ulation, Intervention, Comparison, Result, and Con-
text (PICOC) structure. PICOC is used to formulate
research questions in systematic searches, as it covers
all the elements necessary to construct questions fo-
cusing on the real objective (Babar and Zhang, 2009).
We present in Table 2 the PICOC for this Systematic
Literature Review.
In total, three keywords in the English language
were used as search terms. First, keywords re-
lated to self-regulation of learning (”self-regulation”
OR ”self-regulated”). Afterward, keywords related
to online education and virtual learning environ-
ments (”e-learning” OR ”online education” OR ”on-
line learning” OR ”ITS” OR ”MOOC” OR ”LMS”).
And finally, the keywords related to recommendation
Table 2: PICOC from Systematic Literature Review.
Aspect Value
Population (P) SR of learning, SR learning strategies
Intervention (I) Recommender Systems
Comparison (C) Other Literature Reviews
Results (O) Research where SRL is used to improve the
academic performance of students in RS.
Context (C) Online education, virtual learning environ-
ments, last 5 years.
systems (”recommendation systems”). The Search
String used has thus the following logical syntax:
(“self-regulation” OR “self-regulated”) AND (“e-
learning” OR “online education” OR “online learn-
(“recommendation systems”).
Selection of Articles: The article selection pro-
cess involved the phases of the PRISMA Statement
(Moher et al., 2010) when instantiated to our review,
as shown in figure 1. Using the Search String we ob-
tained 272 results in the databases as given in Table 3.
Figure 1: Selection flowchart used in this research based on
PRISMA (Moher et al., 2010).
Table 3: Number of Articles Selected by Search String from
the listed Databases.
List of Bases Number of Articles
ACM Digital Library 17
IEEE Digital Library 16
ISI Web of Science 53
ScienceDirect 56
Scopus 8
SpringerLink 122
Total 272
Among the 272 selected articles, 13 systematic lit-
erature reviews were found. Although several reviews
have been carried out to understand the field of per-
The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities
sonalized learning in recommender systems, only one
of them has focused on SRL, exploring its application
(Rasheed et al., 2020). In (Rasheed et al., 2020), a
systematic review is carried out to identify the chal-
lenges in the online component of hybrid teaching
from the perspective of students, teachers, and educa-
tional institutions. The main challenges students face
are related to self-regulation and the use of learning
In the article selection phase, we excluded 9 dupli-
cate articles, 1 article from the IEEE, 2 articles from
Web of Science, 5 articles from Scopus, and 1 ar-
ticle from SpringerLink; no articles from the ACM
and ScienceDirect were excluded at this stage. Selec-
tion criteria were developed to select articles that dis-
cuss SRL approaches and strategies in recommender
systems in the context of VLEs. According to the
research objectives, inclusion and exclusion criteria
were adopted, as shown in Table 4.
Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 104
articles were selected by reading the title and sum-
mary, then we selected 42 articles based on reading
the introduction, methodology, results, and conclu-
sion. We finalized the selection of articles using the
inclusion and exclusion criteria and selected 8 arti-
cles, 3 articles from IEEE, 1 article from Web of Sci-
ence, 1 article from ScienceDirect, 1 article from Sco-
pus, and 2 articles from SpringerLink. Articles from
the ACM Digital Library were not selected, as they
were excluded based on the exclusion criteria.
To respond to the RQs, qualitative research was
carried out, which made it possible to obtain descrip-
tive data about students’ behavior regarding their way
of learning. Qualitative research is important in the
educational area, as it is essential to understand hu-
man reality, the difficulties experienced and the at-
titudes and behaviors of the subjects involved, thus
constituting essential theoretical support for educa-
tional research (Ferreira, 2015). In the data extrac-
tion phase, we extract data related to the research con-
text to infer whether a tool was used or proposed and
which tool was used or proposed; use of SRL and sys-
tem dynamics; the impact of students’ self-regulation
and interaction dynamics on VLE recommendations;
the learning self-regulation strategies carried out by
VLE students; how SRL was measured and what data
sets were used.
The articles were selected based on the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, as well as the quality criteria. We
selected 8 articles, 3 articles from the IEEE Digital
Library, 1 article from the ISI Web of Science, 1 arti-
cle from ScienceDirect, 1 article from Scopus, and 2
articles from Springer Link, no article from the ACM
Digital Library was selected, as it was excluded based
on the exclusion criteria.
The articles selected in this review are presented
in Table 5. Taken together, these studies offer a snap-
shot of the state-of-the-art of the topic of interest here
and indicate a positive trend in the use of technolo-
gies to promote self-regulation by personalizing the
learning experience and providing valuable feedback
to students. However, it is important to recognize that
implementations must consider the diversity of educa-
tional contexts and the needs of individual students.
The articles included in this literature review ad-
dress the impacts and strategies of SRL on students’
academic performance, as well as how self-regulation
is measured, and which databases are used. In the
following subsections, we provide answers to the re-
search questions 1 to 5.
4.1 RQ1: What Is the Impact of
Student Self-Regulation and
Interaction Dynamics on
Recommendation in VLEs?
The use of SRL strategies has a significant positive
impact on students’ interaction with the VLE, being
one of the main factors for the recommendations re-
ceived to be as assertive as possible, helping students’
academic performance. In (Odilinye and Popowich,
2020) study, student-generated metacognitive strate-
gies, such as highlighting and marking text, were nec-
essary to build a learning model that enabled appro-
priate personalized recommendations for completing
educational tasks. In (Wang et al., 2022), after adapt-
ing the existing VLE using the Personalized Quiz Al-
gorithm (PQ) and Knowledge Recommendation Al-
gorithm (KR), adaptively personalized quizzes and
recommendations were generated for individual stu-
dents, supporting students’ SRL.
Studies such as those by (Afzaal et al., 2021; Hi-
dayah et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2021) demonstrated
that SRL had a positive impact on the student’s aca-
demic performance in the courses. (Afzaal et al.,
2021) contributed by offering automatic, intelligent
recommendations developed from algorithms to help
students and teachers understand which resources a
student should work on to achieve the desired level
of performance. (Hidayah et al., 2018) contributed to
the generation of objective/sub-objective recommen-
dations, with recommendations for the use of strate-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
1. Studies that present some approaches to self-regulation in learning environ-
2. Studies that provide empirical evidence on the advantages of using self-
regulation techniques.
3. Studies that focus on using SRL techniques to improve student’s learning ex-
perience and help teachers and tutors manage their students and groups.
4. Peer-reviewed studies that provide answers to research questions.
1. Duplicate studies.
2. Articles published before 2018.
3. Publications not related to the educational field.
4. Studies that are not related to VLE.
5. Studies not related to recommendation systems.
6. Studies that do not present approaches to SRL.
7. Non-peer-reviewed studies.
8. Secondary studies.
9. Gray literature.
Table 5: Selected Articles.
Article Authors Year
Automatic and Intelligent Recommendations to Support Students’ Self-Regulation Afzaal, Nouri, Zia, Papapetrou, Fors, Wu, Li, and Wee-
Facilitating English Grammar Learning by a Personalized Mobile-Assisted System
with a Self-Regulated Learning Mechanism
Wang, Chen and Zhang 2021
Personalized Recommender System Using Learners’ Metacognitive Reading Ac-
Odilinye and Popowich 2020
Process mining for self-regulated learning assessment in e-learning Cerezo, Bogar
ın, Esteban, and Romero. 2020
Promoting self-regulated learning strategies for first-year students through the
COMPER service
Pierrot, Michel, Broisin, Guin, Lefevre, and Venant 2021
The relationship between self-regulated student use of a virtual learning environ-
ment for algebra and student achievement: An examination of the role of teacher
Leite, Kuang, Jing, Xing, Cavanaugh, and Huggins-
A Framework for Improving Recommendation in Adaptive Metacognitive Scaf-
Hidayah, Adji and Setiawan 2018
IFSE - Personalized Quiz Generator and Intelligent Knowledge Recommendation Wang, Li, Zimmermann, Pinkwart, Werde, Van Rijn,
DeWitt, and Baudach
gies that contribute to students’ SRL and the improve-
ment of academic performance.
In (Wang et al., 2021), results showed that par-
ticipants who used SRL strategies significantly out-
performed the participants of the control group in
test scores. In (Cerezo et al., 2020), the develop-
ment of alert systems to predict students at risk dur-
ing a course, and the personalization of self-regulated
VLEs, with the construction of RS based on differ-
ent SRL behaviors, have a positive impact on student
academic performance. Consistent evidence from
these studies reinforces the conclusion that promoting
SRL is important to optimize the learning experience
in VLEs, providing more effective recommendations
and directly contributing to students’ academic suc-
4.2 RQ2: Which SRL Strategies Are
Carried Out by Students in a VLE?
As the answer to RQ1 indicates, the use of SRL strate-
gies promotes an increase in student academic per-
formance. Students use SRL strategies to evaluate
their experience in the course, motivation to com-
plete the course, carry out tasks, analyze the time to
complete the task, and analyze the completion and
grades obtained in the course (Afzaal et al., 2021).
They also carry out strategies related to defining their
learning goal, deciding the level of the learning ma-
terial, choosing between reviewing previously incor-
rectly answered questions or new questions, and re-
ceiving a report with their performance for reflection
on learning (Wang et al., 2021).
Students carry out metacognitive reading activ-
ity strategies (text marking, tags) to extract the most
relevant information from the text (Odilinye and
Popowich, 2020), action strategies indicative of un-
derstanding and learning the materials, implementa-
tion and review actions (Cerezo et al., 2020), strate-
gies for organizing the learning context and request-
ing peer support (Pierrot et al., 2021), strategies
for monitoring performance and self-adaptation tasks
(Wang et al., 2022). In (Leite et al., 2022) and
(Hidayah et al., 2018) they used metacognitive self-
regulation strategies such as monitoring, effort regu-
lation, and metacognition as self-testing (Leite et al.,
The use of SRL strategies plays a crucial role in
increasing students’ academic performance in VLEs.
The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities
The diversity and scope of these strategies high-
light the importance of promoting educational envi-
ronments that not only recognize, but also actively
encourage self-regulation, empowering students to
shape their own learning experience and achieve more
meaningful academic outcomes.
4.3 RQ3: How Does a Student’S
Current Posture Influence Their
Ability to Self-Regulate Their
Learning in a VLE?
Research presents some attitudes of students that in-
fluence their ability to self-regulate. According to
(Pierrot et al., 2021), dropout students do not use any
SRL strategy, they procrastinate and communicate lit-
tle with their peers, while follower students use some
strategies, but procrastinate and start working by com-
municating with their peers. However, solitary per-
formers use strategies, do not procrastinate, and do
not communicate with their peers. Finally, effective
students use self-regulatory strategies, do not procras-
tinate, and communicate with their peers. By consid-
ering students’ diverse stances toward self-regulation,
educators can develop more targeted and personalized
strategies to effectively support students’ academic
development and self-regulation in educational set-
4.4 RQ4: How to Measure SRL?
SRL can be measured by analyzing student data in
the VLE. In (Afzaal et al., 2021), SRL was evalu-
ated by analyzing student performance in a program-
ming course. Initially, students’ experience and mo-
tivation were assessed, followed by an analysis of
the attributes of the questionnaire and tasks related
to scoring and time spent, then the attributes of ac-
tivity completion were examined, including count of
video views, materials, and forums, followed by an
analysis of student grades. To predict future perfor-
mance, tests were carried out with Artificial Intelli-
gence algorithms, with the Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) outperforming the others in all measures, al-
though Random Forest (RF) was similar in predicting
questionnaires, and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and
Support Vector Machines (SVM) produced identical
results across all tasks. On the other hand, Logistic
Regression (LR) performed worse than the other al-
gorithms. (Hidayah et al., 2018) also measured SRL
by analyzing student data in the VLE. From the stu-
dent’s interaction with the system and the definition
of their objectives, it was possible to develop the stu-
dents’ modeling in their system.
Another way to measure SRL, which also uses the
analysis of student data in the VLE, is by extracting
student records. In the (Cerezo et al., 2020) study,
student records were extracted and related to four at-
tributes: time, student identifiers (ID), action, and in-
formation. SRL can also be measured by collecting
types of learning information from students. In (Wang
et al., 2022), it was measured using the PQ and KR al-
gorithm; these algorithms separate questions and quiz
options, making it easy to automatically generate per-
sonalized quizzes for each student. Student perfor-
mance is monitored through responses to quizzes; the
separation between questions and options allows for
the dynamic creation of custom quizzes and ques-
tions. The system provides adaptive feedback based
on the student’s knowledge by connecting knowledge
concepts directly to quiz options. Learning materi-
als are linked to quiz options, making it easy to iden-
tify knowledge gaps or errors. The system also pro-
vides accurate feedback for wrong answers and rec-
ommends additional content when students respond
Data analysis in VLE emerges as a versatile and
effective tool for measuring SRL. The combination
of objective methods, such as Machine Learning al-
gorithms, with subjective approaches, such as ques-
tionnaires and scales, provides a comprehensive and
meaningful view of the students’ self-regulation pro-
cess in the VLE. The results can guide more personal-
ized and effective pedagogical practices and teaching
4.5 RQ5: Which Datasets Are Used in
All articles used real student data collected from
VLEs with information about students’ educational
activities during a course. The VLEs used were Moo-
dle (Cerezo et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2022), nStudy
(Odilinye and Popowich, 2020), exercise platform
(Pierrot et al., 2021), personalized assisted mobile
system (Wang et al., 2021) and Math Nation (Leite
et al., 2022). (Afzaal et al., 2021) and (Hidayah et al.,
2018), did not specify the name of the VLE used.
In (Afzaal et al., 2021; Hidayah et al., 2018; Pier-
rot et al., 2021) VLE data from students in the com-
puting area were used. In (Wang et al., 2021) data
from pre-test and post-test scores were used, from
randomly selected students. (Cerezo et al., 2020)’s
research used data from undergraduate students from
an online course on Moodle. VLE logs were ex-
tracted from real events (time, student ID (to maintain
anonymity), action, and information), which were rel-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
evant to the process of self-regulation of learning and
academic performance of the course.
The (Hidayah et al., 2018) research also used stu-
dent interaction log data in the VLE, but the VLE
used was another unspecified one. In (Leite et al.,
2022) data from Math Nation was utilized and inte-
grated into the student information system. In (Wang
et al., 2022) two datasets were used, a small dataset
with 1,000 students and 10,000 question options, and
a large dataset with 10,000 students and 100,000 op-
tions. In (Odilinye and Popowich, 2020) data from
49 undergraduate students from a Canadian university
were used.
Data collection in VLEs provides a solid basis
for investigating SRL in diverse educational environ-
ments. The interdisciplinary approach and the variety
of analyzed data contribute to a comprehensive under-
standing of SRL, providing valuable information for
the continuous improvement of teaching and learning
In this section, we check what the selected/reviewed
papers suggest as future work and identify the oppor-
tunities found for future research.
One suggestion is to use experiments on larger
data sets and collaboration with teachers to determine
the effectiveness of the proposals presented (Afzaal
et al., 2021). Another is to implement and test the
functionality of recommending the use of SRL strate-
gies in a classroom environment with students (Hi-
dayah et al., 2018). More research is needed to under-
stand which design features lead students to believe
which visualization is easier to use. Better under-
stand students’ motivations for using these services
and how best to adapt design and implementation to
their needs (Pierrot et al., 2021). Future research can
investigate how the integration of other VLE func-
tionalities can be included in a personalized learning
recommendation system, such as collaborative learn-
ing and question generation module (Odilinye and
Popowich, 2020).
One need is to incorporate more natural language
processing functions into the VLE. Teachers can be
assisted with questions about a given domain. Collect
new types of student learning information for deeper
machine learning analysis, such as the time taken to
answer questions, feedback, and number of hits from
recommended resource links (Wang et al., 2022). An-
other future work is to shift focus to other relevant
VLEs, such as MOOCs, and check findings across
different types of learning platforms (Cerezo et al.,
It is also important for future studies to consider
students’ learning characteristics, such as their cog-
nitive learning styles or types of SRL and examine
whether students of various learning profiles would
benefit differently from this system (Wang et al.,
2021). Other SRL strategies, such as help-seeking
or peer learning, can be used. Future research could
include more SRL strategies and investigate whether
teacher instrumental orchestration continues to mod-
erate the relationship between student SRL and stu-
dent achievement (Leite et al., 2022).
We detected that self-regulation construct surveys
have been carried out using several questionnaires, of-
ten adapted to the specific needs of the authors. A
specific SRL questionnaire for VLEs that can briefly
calculate these indicators could be a point of advance-
ment in research that uses SRL. Another possibility is
to integrate VLEs with SR mechanisms and recom-
mend educational objects to improve student perfor-
The application of metacognitive strategies and the
development of adaptive algorithms result in person-
alized recommendations, positively influencing aca-
demic performance and strengthening SRL. SRL not
only affects test scores, but also contributes to the
achievement of specific educational goals.
Projects such as alert systems and personalization
of online environments based on SRL behaviors have
a positive impact by predicting at-risk students and
providing a more effective learning experience. Mea-
suring learning Self-regulated is possible through the
analysis of data generated in VLEs. Studies highlight
the continuous need to integrate and improve SRL
strategies in VLEs. Students’ active and conscious
promotion of SRL contributes not only to academic
development but also reflects an engaged, in-depth
engagement with the learning material.
This article provides a comprehensive overview
of SRL use over the last 5+ years (2018-2023),
highlighting measures and strategies for assessment.
Its findings stemmed from answers to 6 Research
Questions. Taken together, the answers provided an
overview of the state of the art and supported an in-
dication of research opportunities. The main findings
and opportunities for research were as follows. Un-
derstanding students’ motivations for using VLEs and
personalizing the design and implementation accord-
ing to their needs; The incorporation of NLP func-
The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities
tions in VLEs Future research should focus on how
these NLP can support teachers in this process.
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into how SRL has been used over the years in educa-
tion, seeking to highlight how self-regulation is mea-
sured, which self-regulation strategies are used and
what is the impact of SRL on student performance.
Regarding future work, we hope to see more experi-
ments on improving student performance and motiva-
tion using SRL strategies.
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