figure 2 plots the precise manoeuvre times for all
satellites in a representative launch group. The group
undergoes regularly-spaced bursts in manoeuvring ac-
tivity, where all satellites in the group manoeuvre
near-simultaneously. Moreover, the relative ordering
of the manoeuvres within the bursts remains consis-
tent over time. The frequency of these bursts in both
the representative launch group as well as in other
launch groups studied was around 4.5 bursts per year,
giving a corresponding period of around 80 days be-
tween bursts. These bursts are likely the result of reg-
ular station-keeping manoeuvres being performed by
SpaceX. Anomalies unique to individual satellites are
also detected outside of these bursts. It is likely that a
significant proportion of such anomalies are the result
of collision-avoidance manoeuvres by SpaceX.
The regularity of the station-keeping manoeuvres
was shown to break down over time in certain satel-
lites. figure 3 plots the precise manoeuvre times of an
early launch group. In the earlier parts of their lifes-
pan, the satellites exhibit a highly stereotyped pattern
of manoeuvres, with the relative ordering of the satel-
lites within each burst remaining highly consistent.
This consistency breaks down close to the present day.
Moreover, some satellites no longer manoeuvre in the
Section 3.5 studied the relationship in the tim-
ing of the station-keeping manoeuvre bursts between
the launch groups of each shell. The launch groups
rarely performed their station-keeping manoeuvres si-
multaneously. Instead, it appears that SpaceX moves
through the different launch groups in an iterative
fashion so as to minimize the number of satellites ma-
noeuvring simultaneously.
Finally, 3.6 studied the incidence of collision
avoidance manoeuvres in the constellation by remov-
ing the station-keeping manoeuvres from the anal-
ysis and examining the remaining manoeuvres. It
was found that the different shells of the constellation
go through distinct periods of increased or decreased
collision-avoidance manoeuvring activity.
Due to the anticipated rapid increase in their size,
large satellite constellations such as Starlink will in-
crease the difficulty of space traffic management.
However, little is currenlty known about how SpaceX
manages this constellation and, in particular, how it
manoeuvres the satellites within it. This work ad-
dressed this lack of insight by applying a recently-
developed anomaly detection algorithm to the TLE
data of all satellites currently active in the Starlink
constellation. It was found that satellites undergo
an initial period of rapid manoeuvring before settling
into a state dominated by regular bursts in the ma-
noeuvring of all satellites within a particular launch
group to perform station keeping. These bursts are in-
terspersed with isolated collision-avoidance manoeu-
vres. This pattern of regular bursting degrades over
time in the earliest launches.
We thank Will Heyne of BAE Systems for help-
ful insights throughout the course of this research.
This work has been supported by the SmartSat CRC,
whose activities are funded by the Australian Govern-
ment’s CRC Program.
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How Is Starlink Manoeuvring? An Analysis of Patterns in the Manoeuvres of Starlink Satellites