Crafting a Journey into the past with a Tangible Timeline Game: Net Als
Toen as a Tool to Enhance Reminiscence in Elderly with Alzheimer’s
Renske Mulder
, Puck Kemper
, Hannah Ottenschot
and Anis Hasliza Abu Hashim
1,2 a
Faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands
Research Group Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Alzheimer’s Disease, Reminiscence Therapy, Interactive Games.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) poses significant challenges for individuals and their caregivers due to its impact
on memory, behavior, and cognitive abilities. With the projected increase in AD cases in the coming years,
innovative technologies are needed to address the growing demand for elderly care and support for people with
AD. Reminiscence therapy (RT) can have positive effects on the rate at which AD symptoms worsen. This
paper presents an interactive game based on RT called Net Als Toen, which serves as a conversation starter. The
ideation phase, lo-fi prototype development, and hi-fi prototype testing are discussed. Results from playtests
show that the embedded reminiscence theory in Net Als Toen can help people with AD in talking about their
memories. Additionally, results suggest that personalization options and improved user interface elements are
important in making the application successful. Overall, this paper contributes to developing a social game
based on RT, focusing on interpersonal reminiscence therapy, to foster interactive conversations and enhance
the well-being of individuals with AD.
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a form of dementia, can
have a significant impact on someone’s life. It can
cause problems with memory and behavior, and cog-
nitive impairment. These symptoms can create chal-
lenges in caring for people who suffer from AD. More
and more people are expected to suffer from AD in
the upcoming years, with about 152 million people in
2050, compared to 58 million cases in 2019 (Nichols
et al., 2022). In the earlier stages of AD, memory
will often be affected most, making daily life more
difficult. In the later stages of the disease, this im-
pact can grow, which could also influence speech and
movement. These symptoms often lead to anxiety,
irritability, confusion, and frustration, which in turn
can greatly impact someone’s social life, isolating
them from others and increasing feelings of loneli-
ness (Balouch et al., 2019).
There is no cure yet to battle AD and its symp-
toms. However, the progression of AD can be slowed
down (Wimo et al., 2015; Anand and Singh, 2013;
Kaduszkiewicz et al., 2005) and some treatments are
already available. There are medicine-focused ap-
proaches and non-pharmacological methods available
that include but are not limited to psycho-social ther-
apies like art (Beard, 2011), music (McDermott et al.,
2012; Wall and Duffy, 2010), and movement ther-
apy (Karkou and Meekums, 2017), cognitive stim-
ulation therapy (Carrion et al., 2018) like memory
training (Woods et al., 2006) or ’Snoezelen’ (Verkaik
et al., 2005), and reminiscence therapy (Gr
asel et al.,
2003; Vernooij-Dassen et al., 2010). These forms of
therapy are in most cases proven to improve qual-
ity of life (Woods et al., 2006) and mood (McDer-
mott et al., 2012; Wall and Duffy, 2010), reduce ag-
gression and levels of agitation, and alleviate feelings
of loneliness (Filan and Llewellyn-Jones, 2006; Wall
and Duffy, 2010) and depression (Verkaik et al., 2005;
Vernooij-Dassen et al., 2010) in elderly with demen-
This study highlights the application of reminis-
cence therapy (RT) theory in an interactive game. It
is a non-pharmacological approach to slow down the
progress of AD, or ”a structured process of system-
atically reflecting on one’s life”. The main idea be-
hind RT is to help the person with AD to remem-
Mulder, R., Kemper, P., Ottenschot, H. and Hashim, A.
Crafting a Journey into the past with a Tangible Timeline Game: Net Als Toen as a Tool to Enhance Reminiscence in Elderly with Alzheimer’s Disease.
DOI: 10.5220/0012620400003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 497-504
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ber parts of their life, for example through stimulating
conversation. This can reduce depression, help with
calming behavior, and is used to treat psychological
symptoms of AD (Lazar et al., 2014). RT can be very
effective since it targets the remote memory of ther-
apy participants (Cotelli et al., 2012). This means that
participant would remember things from their earlier
life but it is harder to remember events from the past
years. This of course does vary per person and even
per day (Cotelli et al., 2012).
To cope with this increasing request for elderly
care and care for people with AD, new and innova-
tive technologies are necessary. Combining technol-
ogy and RT could help support people with AD to en-
hance their memory and aid them in social communi-
cation. For this study, we have developed a prototype
of an interactive tangible game called Net Als Toen
that could assist people with AD and their relatives to
improve their well-being.
2.1 Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease
The effect of AD on memory mainly impacts ex-
plicit memory instead of implicit memory (Son et al.,
2002). Explicit memory is the conscious remember-
ing of past events, such as what you ate for breakfast
yesterday. Implicit memory on the other hand is re-
membering past events or manners without intent. An
example could be that someone might unconsciously
remember how to use an old phone with a turning
dial (Treadaway et al., 2019).
Another difference in effect on memory is the dif-
ference between short-term and long-term (remote)
memory. The short-term memory of someone with
AD can be heavily impacted. From someone not
knowing where they put their keys, to not recogniz-
ing their family members. The symptoms can vary
per person and the order and severity of the symptoms
are different for everyone (MacDuffie et al., 2012).
2.2 Reminiscence Therapy
Reminiscence therapy can take many forms (Cotelli
et al., 2012) and can be greatly influenced by the psy-
chologist, researcher, or patient. Methods can be per-
sonalized, like a life story book where personal pho-
tographs or artifacts can be used (Lazar et al., 2014).
There are also more general methods, where the top-
ics are less personal. RT can be divided into two cate-
gories: intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intrapersonal
is a form of individual and cognitive therapy, whereas
interpersonal is done in groups and takes more of
a conversational form (Parsons, 1986). Researchers
also see great opportunities for using multi-media
solutions to spark conversations with other people.
In conclusion, reminiscence therapy can be versatile
and can take many different forms (Subramaniam and
Woods, 2012). Since a social game based on RT is de-
veloped in this project, the focus lies on interpersonal
reminiscence therapy. This means it is important for
the players of the game to start reminiscing together,
to talk about past life events, and to engage in an in-
teractive conversation about these memories.
2.3 Reminiscence and Interactive
Reminiscence therapy has been integrated into inter-
active games in quite some instances already. Pre-
vious work, described in this section, on developing
interactive games for people with AD has shown that
personalization and familiarity are great tools to use
during reminiscence therapy.
Nazareth et al. have created a board game,
”Babbelbord”, to stimulate narrative reminiscence.
Babbelbord has used an interactive and personalized
way to reach this goal. The game is a board game
based on ”Game of the Goose”, which is a gener-
ally well-known game to Dutch elderly people. The
game asks questions from a book called ”Dierbare
herrineringen” on topics like childhood and friend-
ship (Nazareth et al., 2019). Reactions to the game
have been positive overall. It is suggested for future
research to refrain from including sensitive topics so
uncomfortable interactions can be avoided and to for-
mulate questions clearly and in an easy-to-understand
In another study, six different designs for toys
were used for patients with AD. The toys were highly
personalized and adapted to the user. The designers
co-created the products with the families and care-
givers of the patients. Within the design, they used
events and artifacts from the participants’ lives as a
form of reminiscence therapy. Examples are a person-
alized music system and a fidget ring with seashells
for someone who likes going to the beach. Most prod-
ucts had a great result, especially with one patient
who started talking again after a long time of not com-
municating verbally (Treadaway et al., 2019).
Another example of reminiscence therapy is a
study using food stamps in a game for people with
AD. This game was focused on the use of food stamps
and buying food with them. The researchers have
found that this game helped the participants with
memory and calculation (Chang et al., 2013).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Personalized photos can also be a great tool to use
in reminiscence therapy. One study has used a library
of old photos to spark a conversation between an older
person with AD and a younger person, often a care-
giver or visitor. This has helped initiate a conversation
and therefore start reminiscing (Jiang et al., 2021).
King et al. exposed AD patients to personalized
music and did a small training program. The re-
searchers found that the favored music contributed
to overall less anxiety, agitation, and behavioral is-
sues (King et al., 2018).
2.4 Design Guidelines for People with
The main problems for designing for older people or
Alzheimer’s patients are memory, cognitive, visual,
hearing, and mobility impairments; attention, con-
centration, personality changes; declining language
and speech abilities, decent/no computer and literacy
skills (Ghorbel et al., 2017).
A lot of studies have been done on how to de-
sign for people with AD. There is an abundance of
papers about designing for dementia or Alzheimer’s
patients, all with their categorization of the prob-
lems and the proposed solutions/guidelines (Tread-
away et al., 2019; Astell et al., 2018; Ghorbel et al.,
2017; Satoshi Kawamoto et al., 2014; Carvalho and
Ishitani, 2012; Sunwoo et al., 2010; Orpwood et al.,
2005). There is a lot of overlap in the general rules
and the reasoning behind those rules, so for this
proposal the rules are generalized and put into the
most common categories: cognitive, physical, and so-
cial. The guidelines are based on user experience,
user interface, and system design for dementia or
Alzheimer’s patients.
In a 2018 paper, Astell et al. discuss the main diffi-
culties people with AD can have (Astell et al., 2018).
They have proposed fitting guidelines when design-
ing to accommodate these problems. These guide-
lines present a well-substantiated list of rules to fol-
low when designing for people with AD. This list, as
seen in Table 1, presents the used guidelines.
This section explains the design phases of the study.
It consists of three phases: ideation, lo-fi prototyp-
ing, and hi-fi prototyping. During the ideation, brain-
storming was done to develop the initial idea for the
game. Further interviews led to specifying the con-
cept idea. Later, a lo-fi prototype was designed to test
the user experience, which included investigating the
Table 1: This table shows the guidelines from (Astell et al.,
2018) on the left side and the method of implementation on
the right side.
Guidelines Implementation
Choose a goal or task that is
clear, engaging and achievable
Focus on one goal (completing
the timeline), there should al-
ways be a solution
Ensure that instructions are ap-
propriate and understandable
Limited amount of text on an in-
struction slide, use simple rules
Ensure that prompts are effec-
tive and enabling
Focus on what the players can
do instead of what they cannot
Avoid timed responses and com-
plex interactions
No time limits or timed interac-
Reduce or eliminate the possi-
bility of failure
There is no way to fail at the
Account for inaccurate or im-
precise motor control
Use big pieces that do not re-
quire too precise movements
Create interfaces and interac-
tions that are intuitive and real-
Big buttons that clearly state
what they do
Include visual and auditory ac-
Use of a screen and an audio
playback option
Tailor the activity to the person’s
Possibility of a personalized
version of the game
Design for an audience (group
The game can be played with
multiple people
appearance, interaction, and gameplay. The results
from the lo-fi design round led to new design guide-
lines, in addition to the existing guidelines in Table 1,
applied to the hi-fi prototype. During the hi-fi pro-
totype test round, the technology and again the user
experience were evaluated.
Because this study designs a game for people with
AD, it is important to include the target group and
stakeholders in every design phase as much as possi-
ble. By using a user-centered approach, you can con-
tinuously shape your project based on real user inter-
actions and needs (Augusto Wrede et al., 2018). It
makes sure the project remains closely aligned with
the preferences of the target users.
3.1 Design Phases
This section explains the processes involved in this
3.1.1 Ideation
The ideation phase was supported by the extensive lit-
erature review that was carried out beforehand. From
the literature review, a set of guidelines was devel-
oped and followed with the brainstorming session.
During the brainstorming session, the researchers sat
together and used the Aoki method to come up with
Crafting a Journey into the past with a Tangible Timeline Game: Net Als Toen as a Tool to Enhance Reminiscence in Elderly with
Alzheimer’s Disease
ideas (Higgins, 1994). From these ideas, the concept
was chosen. In this concept, players are presented
with a physical board, event pieces, an info slot, and a
screen. The players can use the screen to view and ex-
plore information about the events by putting a piece
in the info slot. On the board, the players can move
the event pieces from their starting position on the
bottom to the timeline on the top side of the board.
The board has some LEDs incorporated to indicate if
the piece has been put in the right place. As soon as an
event piece has been put in the right place, the screen
displays conversation starter questions for the players
to talk about. To illustrate the idea, a storyboard was
created as in Figure 1.
Figure 1: This storyboard shows seven steps of an example
interaction with the game. 1) Take out a puzzle piece. 2)
Place it on the timeline, the location is correct. 3) Place
another piece on the timeline, the place is almost correct.
4) Place the piece in the info slot. 5) Receive information
about this puzzle piece. 6) Place the piece on another spot in
the timeline, this time the placement is correct. 7) Continue
until the timeline is filled out completely.
To emphasize as much as possible with the tar-
get group, interviews were conducted. Due to ethical
considerations, people with AD were not included in
the interviews. Instead, 5 interviews took place which
consisted of one expert and four caregivers. The ex-
pert interview questions were focused on getting tips
on working with and designing for people with AD,
reminiscence therapy, other forms of therapy, and the
concept of the game. This expert is a senior lecturer
at a university in Malaysia and specializes in psychol-
ogy, aging and dementia studies, and mental health
studies. The caregiver interviews gave insight into
how to take care of someone with AD. Topics of the
interviews included observations of and interactions
with the person with AD, familiarity with technology,
experience with therapy, and the concept of the game.
From the interviews, the participants agreed that
the concept would be interesting to investigate and
expected the game to be an effective and fun conver-
sation starter. The following insights were gathered
from the interviews.
The game should be intuitive to play. Instructions
should not be difficult to understand. It needs to
be investigated whether having explanations for
specific game elements would be beneficial.
Personalization should be done via loved ones of
the person with AD, not via nurses. The acqui-
sition of personalized material should be looked
into more clearly.
The personal events can also include events that
happened during the life of people who are close
to the person with AD.
The possibility of skipping conversation starter
questions and/or receiving more questions should
be investigated.
It should be possible to quit the game at any point.
3.1.2 Lo-Fi Prototype
A lo-fi prototype was designed based on the ideas
from the ideation phase and the interview results.
From the interviews, it was concluded that the general
idea for the appearance, interaction with the game,
and ideas for gameplay are worth investigating.
The lo-fi prototype consisted of a physical proto-
type of the timeline board, without any technology in
it yet, accompanied by a touchscreen with a working
User Interface (UI). Figure 2 depicts the outline for
the main slide that users were shown after putting an
event on the info slot. Users were able to travel to sev-
eral information slides from the main one. Figure 3
shows one of the three possible feedback slides (’cor-
rect’, with the other possibilities being ’incorrect’ and
’almost correct’). The example used in the figures
shows one of the general events used in the game.
Figure 2: Main slide with information and buttons.
Figure 3: ’Correct’ feedback slide.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
For testing, the technology was mimicked by other
means. For example, the LED lights were indicated
with small pieces of paper in the color of the LED, and
the screen and sound were controlled with a Wizard-
of-Oz method instead of the prototype being auto-
mated. Figure 4 shows the lo-fi testing setup.
Figure 4: Lo-fi testing setup.
The user testing took place at the homes of the
participants. These participants were not part of the
target group for this research, but rather a proxy
group. The participants were family members of the
researchers who were all older than 50 years old. The
user testing process consisted of two phases. The first
phase consisted of four short scenarios which were
done with the participants individually: reading the
instructions, starting the game, evaluating the LED
colors, and evaluating the sounds of the game. Addi-
tionally, the participants were asked what they think
the goal of the game is. For the second phase, the
participants were placed in pairs and they played the
game without instructions from the researchers. The
researchers observed the playtest. Once the partici-
pants completed the game, the researcher interviewed
the participants to evaluate the playtest. The main
goal of the lo-fi tests was to find out if the UI of the
game is intuitive to use, if the instructions are clear
if the sounds and LED colors are used logically, and
if the game can effectively be used as a conversation
The first phase was tested 6 times, which took ap-
proximately 15 minutes per participant. The second
phase was tested 4 times, which approximately took
45 minutes per test session. Two lo-fi tests were held
with 2 participants playing the game together, while
the other 2 were held with only 1 participant playing.
In these cases, the participant was asked to talk to the
researcher during the game.
Findings from the lo-fi tests were used to improve
the game. Below are some of the main findings that
were gathered during the user test:
The UI and corresponding LEDs should be im-
proved for various reasons. Many participants
showed difficulties with finding, understanding,
and paying attention to the instructions. Addi-
tionally, some participants showed difficulty un-
derstanding the LEDs.
The game should include one or multiple per-
sonalization options. Many participants indicated
that personal events would serve a more effective
purpose as conversational starters than a limited
amount of general events.
The sounds do not have to be fine-tuned. When
played in combination with showing the LED
color, participants clearly understood the mean-
ing of the sounds. More effort should be put into
other aspects of the game due to time limitations.
3.1.3 Hi-Fi Prototype
The goal for the hi-fi prototype was to have a fully
autonomous prototype, which would allow the re-
searchers to test all functionalities of the concept. The
results from the ideation phase and the lo-fi testing led
to the final prototype design of the concept.
The few changes made entail the info slot being
higher and a bit slanted towards the user. The reason
behind these changes was that this design would bet-
ter capture the user’s attention towards the info slot.
In addition to that, the board’s reduced depth was in-
tended to facilitate easier access to the top row of the
slots. Lastly, the board was made to be a bit higher,
to house all the technology in it. Figure 5 shows an
improved version of one of the instruction slides.
Figure 5: One of the instruction slides.
Personalization is one of the elements that was
highly suggested during the lo-fi session. However,
due to time constraints, it was quite challenging to
obtain the materials. Fortunately, it was possible to
create a personalized version of the game with the
help of family members. For the hi-fi test, two types
of personalization were developed. The first one in-
volved incorporating the user’s actual personal events,
while the other version allowed the caregiver to select
from a variety of general events. For this session,
the researchers recruited two types of user groups.
The first group comprised proxy users, aged 50 and
Crafting a Journey into the past with a Tangible Timeline Game: Net Als Toen as a Tool to Enhance Reminiscence in Elderly with
Alzheimer’s Disease
above, who happened to be the family members
of the researchers. The second group was the actual
target group, consisting of one person with AD
and their caregiver. Regarding personal events, the
researchers gathered personal information and events
from the proxy users. Only one game was available
as it was created specifically for them. In contrast,
the other version of the game contained 12 general
events, and the caregiver was asked to select 6 events
out of the given options.
The goal of these tests was to find out if the game
could be a tool to initiate conversation between people
with AD and their caregivers, if the users enjoy play-
ing the game and to assess the game’s performance,
both in terms of technical aspects and user interac-
This session consisted of a playtest and followed
by an interview. During the session, two participants
were present: a person with AD or a proxy user, and
someone close to this person. Due to technical is-
sues, the tests were conducted using the Wizard-of-Oz
method, instead of a fully autonomous prototype.
For both the tests with target users as well as proxy
users, the participants played the game together while
being observed by researchers. After the playtest was
over, both participants joined the interview to answer
questions about their experience. The caregivers were
contacted to get permission to include the person with
AD in the interview. They were also asked to dis-
cuss the game’s content and identify any topics that
should be excluded from both the game and the inter-
view. The Results section includes results from the
hi-fi tests. An impression of the hi-fi playtest setup is
seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Hi-Fi testing setup.
3.2 Ethics
During all stages of this research, informed con-
sent was gathered from the participants. For experts
and proxy users, simple consent for participation and
recording of data was acquired. When dealing with
people within the target group, people with AD, the
consent was also discussed with the caregiver. In all
cases, the person with early-stage AD was able to give
Transparency has been a crucially important topic
regarding ethics. All participants were aware of the
exact test layout and what was expected of them.
They were told they would be playing a game to-
gether, focusing on creating a timeline of events. The
participants were told the prototype was not function-
ing on its own, so a person puppeteering the game was
sat next to the setup. At the beginning of the test, it
was explained to the participants that they could ask
questions to the observers only if they were unable
to progress using the instructions provided or if any-
thing besides the game was unclear. Next to that, it
was made clear that the researchers would take place
at some distance to observe and take notes.
After the Hi-Fi test, the participants could ask any
last questions or give any comments. They were also
reminded of their right to withdraw from the study at
any time and were thanked for their participation.
The ethical application was approved by the ethi-
cal committee of EEMCS at the University of Twente.
This section describes the results of the playtests, di-
vided into subsections according to the topics of the
interviews that were held after the playtests.
4.1 Results
In total, four playtests were carried out with partici-
pant pairs. Two pairs consisted of one person from
the target group and one caregiver, while the other two
served as proxy pairs.
When observing the participants it became clear
that none of the participants completed the instruc-
tions before trying out the game. As a result of
this, the conversation starter questions were often not
seen or quickly disregarded. Additionally, this caused
some groups to be left without understanding what the
info slot was meant for, resulting in the info slot not
being used as often as anticipated. Despite this, all
pairs were able to play the game and talk about their
past and/or the presented general events.
Three out of four pairs were enthusiastic about the
game. Their feedback included, among other things,
that the puzzling aspect was a positive feature. The
fourth pair noted they were not interested in the topics
of the general events, which had a negative effect on
their enjoyment.
All pairs were able to interact with the game with-
out help until completion and noted that the lights and
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sounds used gave clear feedback about the status of a
placed piece. However, the visual feedback on the
screen was often not noticed or quickly disregarded.
Pairs who had not read the instructions during the
game were led through them afterward. Participants
mentioned the instructions were not too complex and
did not contain too much information. However, fu-
ture versions of the game would need a better way to
keep the attention of users.
The duration of the game was highly dependent
on how much the participants talked with each other.
Those who did not talk a lot noted that the game
seemed brief. Most participants found the replayabil-
ity of the game high, with the side note that the event
pieces would need to be different. One pair noted that
the number of pieces could be overwhelming, but oth-
ers found 6 to be a suitable number of pieces.
The participant pairs with one person from the tar-
get group played the game with general event pieces.
Beforehand, a poule of 12 event pieces was prepared
by the researchers. Together with the caregiver, 6 out
of these 12 event pieces were chosen before the start
of the playtest based on the assumed preferences of
the participant from the target group. Some events
were found to be more enjoyable than others, depend-
ing on whether the participants knew much about the
event. It was also mentioned that the music events
were too modern. One participant pair noted they
would have liked to play the game with event pieces
from their personal life.
Proxy users played the game with personalized
event pieces. Both pairs were enthusiastic about the
events and the game in general. Even though the
events were familiar to the players, it did not take
away the puzzling aspect. There were mixed opinions
about the difficulty of the game, with one pair sug-
gesting options to make the game easier and the other
to make the game more difficult. It was also noted that
it is not possible to control which memories, good or
bad, an event piece can bring up. This should be kept
in mind when picking event pieces, and it is good to
have someone present when playing the game who
can comfort the users.
4.2 Limitations
Limitations related to testing and project setup should
be taken into consideration. In general, the number of
people who participated in interviews and user test-
ing was low and did not include many people from
the target group. It should also be considered that all
participants were Dutch, leaving no room for investi-
gating cultural differences. User testing was also done
with self-made lists of questions instead of scientifi-
cally grounded existing questionnaires. Additionally,
due to unforeseen technical issues, the final prototype
did not function autonomously and it was not possible
to play audio and video directly.
4.3 Conclusion
Net Als Toen was able to provide an enjoyable experi-
ence for most participants of the study. The personal-
ized version of the game, which includes events from
the users’ personal lives, proves to be a highly effec-
tive conversation starter. However, it is important to
note that this study was conducted with a small group
of people. Although lo-fi user tests were performed,
any future prototype will require more usability test-
ing. Most guidelines from Table 1 are met during the
hi-fi tests, except the unclear instructions. Thus, im-
portant aspects, such as users omitting the instruction
slides or not utilizing the info slot, should be thor-
oughly considered before future user tests. An es-
tablished questionnaire should be used to gather user
In conclusion, our prototype requires further test-
ing. Future testing should include a fully working
prototype, subjected to a more extensive, broader, and
more diverse participant pool, particularly including
individuals with AD. The integration of personalized
events is recommended to enhance enjoyment and en-
courage the participants to share their memories.
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