temperature so as to guide it to the optimal value of
33ºC. More specifically, if outside conditions allow,
the temperature of the breeding site can be controlled
and brought to the optimal value using only the
windows. Otherwise, is actually the fan that regulates
the inside temperature. The fan, though, is a high
energy consumption device, and, therefore, it should
be used as little as possible. Each breeding cycle (50-
60 days) consumes 3250KWh of energy based on the
NDTC procedure. Using historical samples and
measurements in the past, an average daily energy
consumption was calculated, and this number was
distributed between the opening of the windows and
the operation of the fan with the support of site
engineers. These figures were then used to calculate
the energy cost of the decisions made according to the
frequency and duration of the windows opening
according to each scenario.
Based on the above, the engineer confirmed that
all three scenarios were able to improve temperature
and drive it close to the standard, desired value for the
breeding site, which, as previously mentioned, should
be 33 degrees Celsius. Scenario 1 lowers temperature
from 34.08ºC to 33.83ºC, scenario 2 to 33.82ºC and
scenario 3 to 33.39ºC. However, taking into account
the energy consumption, scenario 1 has the lowest
daily consumption but the highest average
temperature, scenario 2 has almost the same
temperature but higher energy consumption and,
finally, the hybrid scenario (#3) yields the best
average temperature and lower consumption
compared to the normal average daily consumption
but not the lowest among the three scenarios tested
(see Figure 6). However, the engineer chose to apply
the hybrid scenario in the real-world as he advocated
in favor of achieving the best possible temperature in
the plant at the cost of a slight increase in energy
The paper proposed a framework which utilizes a
dedicated semantic enrichment mechanism that uses
data blueprints to facilitate interaction with DLs,
offering at the same time DT capabilities. The
framework is able to tackle successfully the
complexity present in real-time storing of high-
frequency data and offers data-driven user interaction
to support simulations and decision making.
Without requiring extensive technical knowledge,
the framework assists users to efficiently locate and
retrieve information from large data sets and convert
raw data into meaningful data. The proposed
approach is divided into a series of steps with which
organizations can enhance data processing and
analysis and be able to study the effects of possible
actions in a controlled, simulated environment.
The applicability of the framework was
demonstrated using a real-world case-study
conducted in a poultry meat factory. Three scenarios
were created and tested regarding the control of
temperature in breeding farms using automatic
ventilation systems that open windows and/or start
the operation of large ceiling fans. The scenarios were
evaluated in terms of successfully controlling the
current inside temperature and keeping energy
consumption at acceptable levels. The stakeholders-
engineers of the factory were quite satisfied and
highly appreciated the support they received during
simulations as they were able to differentiate between
the optimal case they would like to apply in reality.
Future work will focus on three axes: The first is
to explore further functional aspects of the DT
offering better services and more graphical tools and
visual representations of the data. The second is to
extend the interaction with users by enhancing the
visual querying part of the dashboard developed via
game engines, such as Unreal and Unity, and
providing a more gamified experience which will
further ease the processing and analysis of the data.
Finally, the third axis will revolve around exploring
different forms of DLs and data formats to investigate
how different sources of data and formats affect the
applicability of the proposed approach.
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