Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative
Vocabulary Learning
Enzo Simonnet
1,2 a
, Mathieu Loiseau
1 b
Emilie Magnat
3 c
Elise Lavou
1,2 d
e Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Iaelyon School of Management, Lyon, France
Univ. Lyon, INSA Lyon, CNRS, UCBL, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69621, Villeurbanne, France
e Lyon 2, Laboratoire ICAR UMR 5191, France
Vocabulary Learning, Gamification, Motivation, Collaboration, Lexical Database.
Many tools have shown positive effects on vocabulary learning. They can enable learners to work au-
tonomously, both inside and outside the classroom. However, learning the few thousand words needed to
master a language takes time, and maintaining learners’ motivation over long periods is a key issue. More-
over, Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning (TAVL) tools rarely offer features to involve teachers in the
learners’ vocabulary learning process, although this type of guidance has been shown to be effective. In this
context, we propose a gamified lexical database for collaborative learning named BaLex, designed according
to an iterative design process, intended to (1) improve vocabulary learning, (2) keep learners motivated over the
long term (months and years of learning), (3) support collaboration between learners, and (4) involve teachers
in the learning process carried out autonomously. Learners have access to individual and group lexicons with
learning features, collaborative features and gamified indicators, the latter thought to enhance learners’ moti-
vation and provide feedback. We conclude by discussing the possibilities offered by the generic architecture
of BaLex and the applications that can be added to enrich vocabulary learning.
Vocabulary learning is an essential dimension of for-
eign language learning, like grammar, phonology
or culture (Nation, 1999). However, it is rarely
addressed explicitly, neither in the classroom nor
through out of class activities (Oxford and Crookall,
1990). In French higher education for instance, lan-
guage classes for non specialists are typically granted
around 20 hours each semester. In this context, the
mastery of the necessary few thousands words
to be acquired in a large part autonomously, out-
side the classroom, while classroom time is dedicated
to interaction and production tasks (Freund, 2016).
Many studies highlight the need to foster independent
and autonomous learning (Ginanjar Anjaniputra and
Salsabila, 2018; Farangi et al., 2015).
Some 3000 families of words, at least, are required to
communicate in a foreign language (Laufer, 1992).
Numerous Technology-Assisted Vocabulary
Learning (TAVL) tools
have been developed and
have shown positive impact on learning processes,
particularly for acquiring and practicing new vocabu-
lary (Hao et al., 2021). However, these tools have also
shown certain limitations when used autonomously
by learners. Based on a review study on TAVL,
(Klimova, 2021) suggested such applications should
be used in a guided and controlled context to lead to
an effective learning process. Therefore, implicating
the teacher in the learning process appears as a key
element to ensure that students learn vocabulary
efficiently. Furthermore, vocabulary learning is a
complex, multi-skilled task (Tremblay and Anctil,
2020) that can prove taxing for learners, and thus
likely to demotivate them (Tseng and Schmitt, 2008).
Maintaining motivation over long periods of time is
Although the acronym TAVL is still not widely
used, we believe it makes a logical addition to Mobile-
Assisted Vocabulary Learning (MAVL) (Ye et al., 2023; Ma,
2017) and Computer-Assisted Vocabulary Learning (CAVL)
(A. Al-Jasir, 2019). It is noteworthy that the expression
”Technology-Assisted Vocabulary Learning” has already
been used in (Hao et al., 2021).
Simonnet, E., Loiseau, M., Magnat, É. and Lavoué, É.
Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012620800003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 388-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a key component in vocabulary learning and can be
supported by TAVL.
In this context, we propose BaLex, a personal-
ized digital vocabulary learning environment ensuring
continuity outside the classroom. Its features were de-
signed using an iterative and participatory design pro-
cess. We first conducted a survey to identify teach-
ers’ and students’ expectations regarding such a tool.
Based on the results of this study, and on a theoretical
background on vocabulary learning, BaLex has been
developed as a gamified vocabulary notebook that en-
courages collaboration between students. Learners
are provided with both individual and group lexicons,
as well as outside resources. Teachers can also inter-
act with the learners and share lists of words with their
groups of students.
In this paper, we first delve into the theoreti-
cal background on vocabulary learning and identify
the specific challenges that arise, particularly when
it comes to learner motivation. We also review ex-
isting TAVL tools to identify the relevant functional-
ities they propose, but also limitations in the field.
We then present the results of our preliminary study
conducted with language teachers and students. Fi-
nally, we present the features and the architecture of
the BaLex software. In conclusion, we outline the re-
search avenues offered by such a vocabulary learning
environment and present the upcoming improvements
that will complete the lexical database BaLex.
Learning and teaching vocabulary constitutes a part of
any foreign language studying program. Therefore, it
is important to place vocabulary in proper perspec-
tive. Nation’s “four strands” (Nation, 2013, pp.2–3)
offer a comprehensive model for characterizing lan-
guage learning activities. According to Nation, each
strand should receive the same attention. The first two
strands are meaning-focused: (1.) “comprehensible
meaning-focused input” (2.) “meaning-focused out-
put”. In both strands, the focus of the learner is cen-
tered on the information conveyed to/by them. The
third strand concerns activities focusing on form, or
accuracy. In the context of vocabulary learning, this
strand implies that “a course should involve the di-
rect teaching of vocabulary and the direct learning and
study of vocabulary” (Nation, 2013, p. 2). The last
strand (4.) is fluency development i.e. the learners
become more fluent with what they already know.
In this perspective, vocabulary learning, present in
all four strands, plays a fundamental role in the lan-
guage learning process. Studies indicate that profi-
ciency in vocabulary plays a crucial role for second
language readers, and the lack thereof constitutes the
most significant challenge for Second language (L2)
readers to surmount (Alqahtani, 2015).
Mastering vocabulary requires the synthesis of
many different cognitive elements (Tremblay and An-
ctil, 2020). Tremblay et al. (2016) propose to charac-
terize lexical competence through three components:
knowledge, skills and attitudes. They refer to at-
titudes towards vocabulary as ”lexical sensitivity”.
Among many examples of such manifestations pro-
posed in their work, we can highlight the following:
(1.) be enthusiastic about learning new words and
phrases; (2.) be motivated to learn new words; (3.)
enjoy sharing their lexical discoveries with others;
(4.) show an interest in learning the meaning of a
new word encountered in a text and understanding its
This underlines the importance of motivation in
vocabulary learning, and maintaining learners’ moti-
vation over a long period emerges as a key feature
(Tseng and Schmitt, 2008). The notion of “lexical
sensitivity” also involves teachers and is echoed by
Manzo and Sherk (1971) who highlight that teachers
communicating excitement about word learning and
the ideas being developed facilitate vocabulary learn-
ing. Therefore, another essential element in enhanc-
ing student vocabulary learning includes the teacher’s
attitude on said learning (Rausch, 1969).
Digital learning environments offer tools and solu-
tions to equip teachers and learners for the challenges
of vocabulary learning. We review in next section the
potential of such resources to foster learners’ auton-
omy and motivation for vocabulary learning. Existing
studies indicate that the computer-assisted setting has
the potential to enhance students’ linguistic aware-
ness, facilitate peer interaction and collaboration, and
promote learner autonomy within a learner-centered
learning environment (Benson, 2013, p. 146).
Many TAVL tools have been developed over the past
two decades. Yu and Trainin (2022) analysed 34 stud-
ies with 2,511 participants yielding 49 separate effect
sizes and identified a moderate overall positive effect
size for using technology to learn L2 vocabulary. On a
similar scope, Hao et al. (2021) made a meta-analysis
of 45 studies conducted between 2012 and 2018 on
TAVL for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learn-
ers and found an overall large positive effect of TAVL,
compared to traditional instructional methods. Fi-
Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning
nally, Lin and Lin (2019) conducted a meta-analysis
examining more particularly the effectiveness of L2
Mobile-Assisted Vocabulary Learning (MAVL) in 33
studies carried out between 2005 and 2018, and found
a positive and large effect size on L2 word retention.
These 3 meta-reviews all agree on the positive effect
of TAVL for vocabulary learning and point out that
these tools need to support learners’ motivation and
guide them through the learning process.
Games and gameful tools are widely used for vo-
cabulary learning. They can take various forms, such
as role playing games like RPG Story (Hwang and
Wang, 2016), virtual reality games like House of Lan-
guages (Alfadil, 2020) or gamified tools like Idiom-
sTube (Lin, 2022). Various game elements (virtual
money, points, badges, trophies) are used to reward
learners’ actions that benefit their learning. The im-
pact of games and gamification are studied in several
literature reviews on TAVL (Wang et al., 2021; Lin and
Lin, 2019; Zou et al., 2021) as approaches to increase
learners’ motivation and vocabulary knowledge.
Another way to enhance learning in vocabulary
tasks is to offer collaboration opportunities (Trim,
2002). Zou et al. (2021) showed in their review that
collaborative vocabulary learning embedded in game
environments could tend to produce effective learn-
ing outcomes. For instance, Quizlet (Bueno-Alastuey
and Nemeth, 2020) and Linguatorium (Chukharev-
Hudilainen and Klepikova, 2016) offer the possibil-
ity to share vocabulary lists with other users and both
were successfully used in a way that improved vo-
cabulary learning among learners. However, we ob-
serve that few collaborative functionalities are inte-
grated into existing TAVL(Wang et al., 2021; Lin and
Lin, 2019).
Finally, we observe that only few tools specifically
address the concern of including the teacher in the
learning process, thus limiting their ability to guide
learners and ensure that they learn vocabulary effi-
ciently outside the classroom. One rare example of
such inclusion can be found in Moodle in which learn-
ers and teachers can communicate directly via chat
messaging while implementing a vocabulary learn-
ing activity (Barcomb and Cardoso, 2020). Other
examples include Vocabulary.com (Nishioka, 2020),
which enables learners’ progress to be tracked, and
IdiomsTube (Lin, 2022), which provides an interface
for teachers to automatically compile reports on the
learning progress of students and classes.
In summary, previous studies on the field of TAVL
highlighted the effectiveness of technology-assisted
approaches in enhancing vocabulary learning for sec-
ond language (L2) learners, most often in the con-
text of EFL. The studies identified various types of
digital tools used for vocabulary learning, emphasiz-
ing their impact on vocabulary retention, motivation,
attitudes, and perceptions. Additionally, they high-
lighted several key factors influencing the effective-
ness of TAVL, such as learner motivation and enjoy-
ment, and teacher involvement in the process of using
the tool to guide learners outside the classroom (Teng,
2014). Based on these findings, and to address gaps in
existing research, we identified three research objec-
tives to guide the development of the BaLex lexical
1. Improving vocabulary learning and keeping learn-
ers motivated on the long term;
2. Supporting collaboration between learners;
3. Involving teachers in the learning process, to
guide the learning task carried out in autonomy.
5.1 Methodology and Participants
We conducted a preliminary study on lexicon learning
practices in the context of language classes for non-
specialists. This study involved two separate ques-
tionnaires — one for learners and one for teachers —,
followed by semi-structured interviews with teachers.
It was mainly carried out at the University Lyon 2.
The aim was to confront the literature with field data:
actual practices and in a user-driven approach, con-
crete needs and associated features.
The teacher questionnaire gathered 70 complete
responses. After regular demographic questions, we
asked them about 3 main themes: 1) importance
granted to, and class time spent on vocabulary teach-
ing; 2) useful features for vocabulary learning tools,
both for them and their students; 3) means to motivate
students when using the tools. The semi-structured
interviews were conducted to allow the teachers to ex-
plain more thoroughly their practice and expectations.
The learner questionnaire gathered 124 complete an-
swers. After demographic questions, we asked them
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
about the features they would like in a vocabulary
learning tool that would be linked to the language
5.2 Results
5.2.1 Vocabulary Teaching Practices and
Teachers’ Expectations
The survey brought insights into vocabulary teach-
ing practices and teachers’ perceptions on the subject.
To the question ”How important do you think lexi-
cal skills are in language learning?”, on a 5 degrees
Likert scale, the mean result was 4.4, showing the im-
portance of vocabulary learning for teachers. They
declared spending on average 11 hours (with a me-
dian of 6 hours) every semester on explicit vocabulary
learning with a class. Most of them were enthusiastic
about having tools allowing autonomous vocabulary
learning on the students’ part.
5.2.2 Students’ Motivation for Vocabulary
Learning Tools
In exploring the motivations behind learners using
new vocabulary learning tools, our focus was on iden-
tifying the factors influencing their choice. By an-
alyzing teachers’ responses to the questionnaire, we
uncovered two aspects: the ”game” aspect, empha-
sizing pleasure and entertainment, and the “serious”
aspect, highlighting the learning facet hidden within
the activities.
Games and playing emerged as key elements
bringing pleasure to learners. Terms such as ”fun”
(”learning different from classes is fun”), ”attrac-
tiveness, ”gadget” (a new and amusing object), and
”playful” are recurrent, emphasizing the enjoyment
derived from games. Some teachers linked games to
digital technologies and attributed the playful effect
to the digital support itself. They encouraged making
these tools accessible on mobile phones and tablets,
allowing for autonomous learning outside the class-
room. Conditions for creating a playful atmosphere
include usability (ease of use), affordances, and inter-
face attractiveness. Moreover, the possibility of re-
mote group play was identified as a way to foster in-
teraction, socialization, and the formation of friend-
ships among learners.
Regarding the didactic aspect, teachers enumer-
ated characteristics essential for achieving learning
objectives. Feedback, either in the form of grades,
bonus points, or visualizing learners’ progress, was
deemed crucial. Visualizing learning steps was em-
phasized, with teachers proposing graphic representa-
tions to make progress and learning evolution visible.
Multiple requirements for lexicons were also consid-
ered essential: customizable, adapted to learners’ lev-
els, contextualized, anchored in learning situations.
The ideal scenario is inline with Nation’s strands and
involves production task for learners to create utter-
ances involving newly learned words. Teachers ad-
vocated for vocabulary to be linked to the course,
allowing learners and teachers to create their own
word lists. To ensure regular tool use, some teachers
proposed introducing these tools in class, integrating
them into assignments, and dedicating time to these
activities during lessons.
5.2.3 TAVL Features
The option of sharing a common vocabulary across
the entire class was the most demanded feature (31%
of teacher respondents). Teachers expressed a de-
sire to share word lists with their students. Follow-
ing closely, 26% of instructors voted for feedback,
acknowledging its crucial role in the learning pro-
cess. The possibility of having a personal vocabu-
lary notebook reached 24%, while direct messaging
received the lowest percentage at 17%. It is notewor-
thy that in the ”other” category, teachers proposed ad-
ditional features such as creating a collaborative and
exportable glossary which not unlike the shared
common vocabulary and access digital resources
like corpora and selected usage examples.
On the students’ side, we found a similar interest
for the vocabulary notebook as 74% of the students
found it useful in a vocabulary learning tool. Among
the other most required features, the ability to moni-
tor their own progression was highlighted by 92% of
them and a feature for exchanging with other learners
reached 62%.
6 BaLex
This preliminary study was the first step of the de-
sign and development of a collaborative vocabulary
learning tool using a user-centered approach (Nor-
man, 2013; Bastien and Scapin, 2004). After the anal-
ysis of the results of the preliminary study, we con-
ducted a meeting with several teachers during which
a functioning prototype was presented to them. This
allowed us to gather remarks and suggestions in order
to adapt the tool to their pedagogical practices.
Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning
Figure 1: An example of shared lexicon. At the top, the bar allows users to search for words inside the lexicon and, if not
found, in the Wiktionary. Words can be sorted by addition date (order), alphabetically, randomly, by label or by deadline.
Toggle buttons allow quick display of definitions without having to change pages. The button at bottom left allows users to
add word lists (batch mode).
6.1 Main Features
6.1.1 Individual and Group Lexicons
Learners have access to various vocabulary note-
books, which we refer to as a ”lexicons”. BaLex de-
fines three distinct levels for organizing lexical data.
The primary lexical database encompasses reliable in-
formation extracted from the Wiktionary in the tar-
get language. Second, at the group level collections
are dynamically managed by a student group (e.g. a
whole class or just a work group), with or without a
supervising teacher. To share a collaborative lexicon
with other learners, anyone can create a group and
invite new members into the group. The group will
automatically have a lexicon available to all its mem-
bers. The collaborative lexicons each contain a dis-
cussion zone enabling members to interact and each
entry page provides a “comment” feature. Both fea-
tures are meant to encourage discussion. Finally, each
user has their own personal lexicon.
The features on the lexicon’s main page (see Fig.
1) allow teachers and learners to sort, organize and
manipulate large lexicons, displayed as lists of words.
Users can sort the words (by alphabetical order, order
of added date, or random order), have a quick view of
the words definition, select some words and perform
specific actions on the selection. They can export a se-
lection of words into a different lexicon, delete them,
mark them as known or unknown, and apply labels
and deadlines.
Labels enable users to list headwords according to
various criteria, in the form of tags attached to a word
and providing information about it (e.g. the labels An-
imal, Travel, Feeling, etc.). Labels thus serve both
an organizational and a learning purpose. Indeed, in
order to create their own labels and apply them to
words, learners need knowledge about the meanings
of the words they are labelling. Therefore, they might
gain some understanding of the concept of polysemia.
Labels consist of several parameters: a name, a type
(general or milestone), a category of users that can
access it (personal, group or public).
The general labels are added by users, they can
have a ”universal” scope (e.g., Sport, Animal), a
scope specific to the label’s creator (e.g., Summer
2020, Words that sound good) or a scope specific
to a group (e.g., Words we laughed about). The
deadlines operate similarly to general labels, but they
also require a date (e.g. Next class, 05/01/2024
or Final exam, 20/03/2024). When the date is
reached, a dialog prompts the label creator whether to
delete or renew the milestone (in which case, a new
date is requested).
The owner parameter determines the label access
rights. There are 3 modes: Personal Labels belong to
a unique user who has exclusive access to it (i.e. view,
modify, use
, delete). Group Labels are accessible to
a unique group and only group members can access
them. This type of labels can allow teachers to mark
some words with useful and contextual information
for the students, with labels such as “False friend” or
“For the project”. Public Labels are available to all
BaLex users and everyone has access to them. For
critical actions, such as deleting or renaming the la-
bel, an ”approval” vote is required before making the
change. Every BaLex user can participate and vote
By “use” we mean applying the label to an entry or
removing it from an entry.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
”In favour” or ”Against” the action.
On the lexicon main page, users can look up words
in the search bar. It searches if the word is already in
the lexicon, if not it proposes to add it. Batch addition
of a list of words is also available to users, especially
teachers who might want to share a list of objectives
in one single step. For every word in the list, the soft-
ware looks up an existing entry and, if needed, im-
ports lexical information. The lexical information is
extracted from the Wiktionary and a copy is stored in
the application database using Python scripts that au-
tomatically retrieve and structure it. Each language
has its own Wiktionary with its own structure and
templates (we currently process the French and En-
glish wiktionaries). Users can then consult the entry
and modify all the information: add, remove and re-
order pronunciations, parts of speeches, definitions,
examples, sub-definitions and sub-examples.
Figure 2: An example of entry. In the top left, the arrow
takes the user back to the lexicon. Learners can click on
the orange dot to turn it green, indicating that they know
the word. Labels are displayed above pronunciations, then
parts of speech with their definitions and examples. Each
element can be modified, commented, deleted or created.
6.1.2 Gamified Indicators
As discussed in section 3, keeping learners motivated
is one of the main challenges for vocabulary learning
and encouraging learners to collaborate is one way to
motivate them. Another approach consists in gam-
ifying the learning process, which can also provide
feedback to learners on their activities and progress
e et al., 2019). According to Deterding, ”gam-
ification is an informal umbrella term for the use of
video game elements in non-gaming systems to im-
prove user experience (UX) and user engagement”
(Deterding et al., 2011). Examples of game elements
include completing quests or earning rewards, scores,
badges, trophies (Dumas Reyssier et al., 2023).
We relied on the methodology proposed by Halli-
fax et al. (2018) to design and implement game ele-
ments in BaLex. We first listed the activities available
in BaLex and then identified the users’ expected be-
havior in particular regarding vocabulary learning and
collaboration. Finally, we selected the game elements
best suited to these behaviors. This process aims to
create game elements that, in addition to being mo-
tivating, guide learners by giving them positive feed-
back and showing them a methodology for learning
We propose 8 different types of badges, a daily
quest and a point system that applies to all game ele-
ments. The daily quest requires to complete 3 tasks:
adding a word to one of their lexicons, modifying the
information on an entry and applying a label to an
entry. Once they complete the 3 tasks in a 24 hours
span, they complete the quest and are rewarded 10
points. This element is meant to encourage regularity
and daily training.
The 8 types of badges are the following: Vocabu-
lord rewards the number of words added by learners
in all their lexicons. It relates to vocabulary width
(number of known words) as it encourages learners
to add new words; Labellicist rewards the number of
labels applied by learners. This badge is related to
vocabulary depth (meaning, polysemy): learners have
to understand the meaning(s) of a word in order to la-
bel it; Knowledge Guardian rewards the number of
views on all learners’ entries pages. It is also related
to vocabulary depth as it encourages learners to con-
sult frequently the lexical information; Time Mas-
ter rewards the number of consecutive days learners
completed the daily quest. It encourages learners to
memorize words by emphasizing regularity and rep-
etition. Altruist rewards the number of headwords
added to a public label by learners. Steps: [1, 5, 10,
20, 35]. With the use of public labels, this badge in-
cites learner collaboration on shared lexicons, and tar-
gets word depth (like the labellicist). Acolyte Anony-
mous rewards the number of entries modified by
learners in a group lexicon. This badge encourages
learners to collaborate to enrich the group’s lexicon.
It also targets word depth, since modifying an entry
requires an understanding of the lexical information
it contains; Do not Shoot the Messenger rewards the
number of messages posted by learners in a group lex-
icon. This badge promotes social exchanges between
learners, facilitating collaboration on the group’s lex-
icon; Mighty Commentator rewards the number of
comments posted by learners in a group lexicon. As
comments are linked to the content of an entry, this
badge favors collaborative work.
All these elements are displayed on the homepage
Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning
of the application in a summarized version (see Fig.
3) and the details are available on a dashboard.
Figure 3: Summarized game elements displayed on the
These game elements are meant to maintain mo-
tivation and engagement in a vocabulary notebook
type of task, and to give cues regarding vocabulary
learning methodology, by drawing attention to vari-
ous ways in which the learner can deepen their knowl-
edge of one given word.
In this paper, we propose the gamified vocabulary
notebook BaLex. It was designed to promote vo-
cabulary learning by supporting collaboration among
learners, enhancing their motivation and favouring
autonomous learning. This software provides lexical
information from the Wiktionary and lets users adapt
the content of their different notebooks according to
their learning curriculum.
Features such as managing labels, deadlines and
word sorting are designed to facilitate the organiza-
tion and learning of word lists. Group lexicons pro-
vide group chats and allow to comment every block
in entry pages. Both features are intended to foster
collaboration, and we hypothesize it will have a posi-
tive effect on both learner motivation and vocabulary
learning. Game elements are also implemented to en-
hance learner motivation and provide methodological
guidance regarding vocabulary learning.
Teachers can easily monitor their students by cre-
ating groups for their classes. Their role as admin-
istrator in the group allows them to view the work
carried out in individual and group lexicons, as well
as give instructions and feedback. As literature sug-
gests it, we expect it to improve learners’ vocabulary
skills. Indeed, vocabulary learning requires method-
ology and strategies on the part of learners (Nation,
2013), and the presence of the teacher will foster con-
tinuity between learning in the classroom and out-
side, on their own. In this way, the tool can be in-
tegrated into the school curriculum, providing a link
between classroom teaching practices and the au-
tonomous learning of vocabulary expected.
BaLex is meant to be integrated more closely in a
workflow involving various applications. We provide
a dedicated Application Programming Interface (API)
that allows to extend the learners’ vocabulary outside
of the notebook application. As part of our future
works, we will plug BaLex with external tools such as
vocabulary learning games, flashcards applications,
reader assistants, or other vocabulary learning appli-
cation. Connecting more deeply the different appli-
cations via the BaLex API will contribute to creating
a complete learning ecosystem organised around the
vocabulary notebooks. We will also enrich the gami-
fied indicators with more information on the learners’
activities carried out in the different applications to
provide a deep feedback on their progress and rele-
vant rewards. Finally, another perspective is the inte-
gration of new languages in BaLex, which currently
only operate with the English words from the English
The authors thank the LABEX ASLAN of Univer-
e de Lyon (ANR–10–LABX–0081) for its finan-
cial support as part of the french program “Investisse-
ments d’Avenir” managed by the Agence Nationale
de la Recherche (ANR). They also thank Ameni Tlili
for her help in collecting the data.
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Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning