Much attention was given in DW on BI tool
operability and meta-models. like the Common
Warehouse Model, CWM (OMG 2003), that abstract
out common features of logical models of BI tools
were developed. These meta-models only considered
structured data. Several proposals that use object
modelling concepts for their meta-models (Li 2005,
Tru 2000) were also made. The basic idea was to
represent facts and dimension as object classes. In
(Tru 2000), the fact/dimension relationship is treated
as a UML aggregation. Li and An (Li 2005) do XML
Schema conversion into UML and propose an
integration tool for formulating OLAP queries.
While allowing tool interoperability the attempt, in
the foregoing, was not to model the required analysis
capability. Consequently, the use of concepts like is-
part-of, containment, and ISA relationships for
analysis are not available there. While CWM allowed
time stamping of data, specifying periodicity and
duration is not possible. However, change properties
can be specified in CWM.
In (Ban 2021), we have an abstract model for
NoSQL databases to facilitate representing data
warehouse logical model in such data stores. Again,
this is a common meta-model for converting to
specific NoSQL data stores and the model does not
express analysis needs.
In recent years we have seen emergence of multi
model data warehouses (Bim 2022). Since we
conceptualize different kinds of data, our model
provides an abstraction using which multi model data
warehouses can be built.
We have developed a conceptual model for analysis
tasks for analysing structured and unstructured
ADATs. Inter-ADAT relationships specify related
analysis data; inter-PAN relationships specify the
structure of analysis parameters, and ADAT-PAN
relationships model what can be analysed by what
parameter. We have presented rules for conversion to
the star schema. In future, we shall develop rules for
converting to column-oriented relational databases.
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