Hybrid Statistical Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Key Stores
Based on Access Patterns
Tiberiu Boros
1 a
and Marius Barbulescu
Security Coordination Center, Adobe Systems, Bucharest, Romania
Cloudops, CES Security Solutions, Adobe Systems, Bucharest, Romania
Machine Learning, Statistical Modeling, Multi-Key Store, Access Pattern, Anomaly Detection.
Anomaly detection in datasets with massive amounts of sparse data is not a trivial task, given that working
with high intake data in real-time requires careful design of the algorithms and data structures. We present
a hybrid statistical modeling strategy which combines an effective data structure with a neural network for
Gaussian Process Modeling. The network is trained in a residual learning fashion, which enables learning
with less parameters and in fewer steps.
Secrets management platforms (SMPs) are the indus-
try standard for managing and protecting sensitive in-
formation such as passwords, private keys, and other
secrets. Leveraging the features provided by these
platforms helps eliminating secret sprawl and reduc-
ing the exposure of credentials. Since these platforms
hold access keys to private services and systems, they
are also a potential target for malicious users. Given
the delicate nature of the content, it is exceedingly
important that the data is kept secure and away from
unauthorized access.
Relying on SMPs for storing and retrieving secrets
has the following advantages: (a) one does not have to
implement any custom secrets management strategy
in order to avoid locally storing secrets on production
machines; (b) SMPs come with everything you need
to implement the least privilege access model and (c)
SMPs keep records on what has been accessed when
and how – which means that in the case of an incident
you have a valuable source of logs that can be used in
the investigation.
Our research explores if SMP logs are suitable
to detect a compromise. In other words, we are fo-
cused on access pattern modeling for anomaly detec-
tion in secrets consumption. To be precise, we de-
tect the unauthorized access to credentials, while de-
tection of credential theft is out-of-scope for our re-
search. While generally applicable, our constraints
state that the object (secret) is retrieved based on a
combination of categorical values (keys). In a typi-
cal scenario, the lookup multi-key is a combination
of say customer, namespace, and path. Fine-grained
modeling is obtained by adding additional attributes
such as: (a) hosting-based information such as the
autonomous system number (ASN), region (Europe,
US, etc.), country, city, IP address, etc. and (b) time-
lag features such as time of day (ToD), day of week
(DoW), week of month (WoM), etc.
We start with a brief overview of the related work
(Section 2), we describe the dataset we are using in
our experiments (Section 3.1), and we introduce our
methodology (Section 3.2). Finally, we provide an
evaluation (Section 4) and deliver our conclusions in
Section 5. The key contributions of this work touch
the anomaly detection modeling process itself, and
the hybrid algorithmic/machine-learning approach we
had to take, to mitigate issues with processing a high
volume of input data.
Our work closely relates to Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM) log analysis for intrusion
detection. Prior work is divided between static rules
and machine learning-based methods. Both types of
methods are used as a primary filtering mechanism
for interesting events. The resulting subset of events
is later analyzed and sorted by human experts.
Boros, T. and Barbulescu, M.
Hybrid Statistical Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Key Stores Based on Access Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0012621300003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 185-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Anumol (2015) introduces a statistical ML model
for intrusion detection based on network logs. Feng
et al. (2017) present a ML user-centered model de-
signed to reduce the number of false positive alerts
generated by static rules. Du et al. (2017) employ a
deep learning approach for anomaly detection inside
system logs. Finally, many other works (Bryant and
Saiedian, 2020; Noor et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2020;
Das et al., 2020; Gibert Llaurad
o et al., 2020; Piplai
et al., 2020; Idhammad et al., 2018; Zekri et al., 2017;
Osanaiye et al., 2016) employ some type of machine
learning algorithm for solving security related prob-
lems, by analyzing some type of log data, whether we
are talking about application or a network log. Our
work is focused on a subset of security-related mod-
eling problems that share the following items:
High Volume of Data. We focus on operating
with a high volume of input data, that is specific to
application/system logs for large intranet infras-
tructures and network logs for medium intranet
Low Resourced Computational Environment.
The computational resources used by our ap-
proach are minimal, especially when compared
with state-of-the-art deep learning models, that
use billions of parameters. This is because we re-
duce the computational effort required to model
an entities’ behavior, by employing a hybrid
ML/data-structure approach.
Mixed Numerical and Categorical Attributes.
Our input data is a mixture of categorical and nu-
merical values. We mention that the target at-
tributes (the attributes we want to model), should
be preponderantly numerical. Otherwise, the
data-structure we use in our hybrid approach is
not efficient.
Skewed Numerical Ranges. Finally, our ap-
proach addresses a corner case that poses serious
issues to neural networks with small number of
parameters, but also affects the training of large
models – data with a non-uniform variance. To be
precise, if one would cluster the input data based
on the variance of the output targets, he would ob-
tain high and low-variance clusters. When model-
ing the output for both types of data clusters at the
same time, larger variance has a higher impact on
the overall loss. Thus, the network is unlikely to
balance automatically, unless some mathematical
trick is applied, such as weighted loss.
As previously mentioned, our journey starts with the
dataset description (Section 3.1), to give a better un-
derstanding on how the input looks and how it can be
interpreted. Then, we introduce our proposed hybrid
method, and we discuss several issues and their miti-
gation using a residual learning scheme (Section 3.2).
3.1 Dataset Description
Our reference dataset is a collection of access logs for
an SMP. The objects (secrets) in our dataset, are ac-
cessed via a namespace (categorical value) and a path.
To identify the client, the logs contain the Customer
ID, a hash of the token used to authenticate and the
source IP address. Additionally, the log contains the
status of the operation (successful/failed with rea-
son), and the type of the request, which takes one of
the following discrete values: read (R), create (C), up-
date (U), delete (D) and list (L).
Data preprocessing is crucial to any machine
learning (ML) approach, and in our case, we first an-
alyzed activity from adversary emulations that mim-
icked real-world scenarios, in order to have a better
understanding on current attack patterns that mali-
cious users follow. This revealed that:
(a) It is impossible to say if a single event is malicious
or not, out of context.
(b) Adversary emulations showed activity that is as-
sociated with the discovery phase of any attack
(listing of secrets on specific paths).
(c) Automations, such as secret cycling, resemble
discovery and lateral movement phases of an at-
tack, but there are certain cues and patterns that
highlight its benign nature.
(d) Operations performed by an attacker are likely list
and read. Update operations are avoided, since
they could potentially cause a critical system out-
age (CSO), and thus the attack would not go un-
(e) Malicious activity might come as a spike of oper-
ations in certain cases.
Based on this, we converted our dataset into
hourly aggregations over the read, create, update, and
delete operations. Also, we compute spikes for all 4
operations as the maximum number of events of the
same type in a single minute.
Figure 1 represents a histogram of the number of
read operations, with the timespan of 1 hour, and the
resolution of 1 minute. The total number of opera-
tions is 590 with an average of 9.83. As can be eas-
ily observed, there is a spike of 50 operations at the
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
32-minute mark. Similarly, this is computed for the
other 4 types of operations. Thus, a single entry in
our dataset contains the following attributes:
Categorical values
Customer - A unique identifier for the cur-
rent customer
Cluster - Region-based segregation for se-
Path - A full path to the object (secret)
that is being accessed
Namespace - A namespace used to segregate
the secret landscape. Can be any
value chosen by the customer.
Source IP - IP address (internal or external)
from which the request origi-
, µ
, µ
, µ
- The average number of opera-
tions performed in the timespan
for (R) read, (L) list, (C) create,
(U) update and (D) delete.
- Maximum number of operations
(i.e., spikes), performed in the
timespan (1h) for read, list, cre-
ate, update and delete.
Time lag features (also categorical values)
ToD - Time of Day – a numeric identi-
fier between 0 and 23, specifying
the exact timespan within a day,
for which the statistics are being
DoW - Day of Week – a numeric identi-
fier between 0 and 6, with 0 rep-
resenting Monday and 6 repre-
senting Sunday
WoM - Week of Month a numeric
identifier between 0 and 4 – like
ToD and DoW (not used in the
current implementation).
Month - Like the above – a numeric iden-
tifier between 0 and 11 (not used
in the current implementation).
From a quantitative aspect, the timespan of the
dataset is 6 weeks and contains a total number of
80398543 records (i.e. hourly aggregations). The
unique number of clusters is 7, for 1248 customers,
with 49 namespaces and 71832 IP addresses. To get a
better understanding on how heterogenous customer
behavior is, the mean number deviation of 231.40,
while the minimum and maximum values are 0 and
69239 respectively. Similarly, the average number
of list operations is 0.47 with a standard deviation of
Figure 1: Example histogram of # read operations per
minute over the 1-hour timespan.
322.31, with values from 0 to 227907. These numbers
suggest that threshold-based alerting is not a good
candidate for incident detection, and this was proved
in our initial assessment. Furthermore, our analy-
sis showed that normal operations are consistent with
the generation of spikes in list and read operations
(see Figure 2). This is because customer automations
are scheduled periodically, and when triggered, they
quickly generate list, read, update, delete and create
events. Also, the set operations that are going to be
triggered is not straight forward to determine. In Fig-
ure 2, images (a) and (e) represent two different au-
tomations, one that only performs read operations on
the secrets, and another that only lists secrets from the
repository. Image (f) is a mixture of both operations,
where we can see some linearity between list and read
operations, while (b), (c) and (d) have a blend of be-
haviors (automations that only perform reads and au-
tomations that perform list and read operations at the
same time). Observing these automations over longer
periods of time, we noticed sporadic behaviors that
seem to fall out of line with normal operations. This
happens in two cases: (a) when multiple automations,
that are scheduled with different frequencies end up
being triggered at the same time (in one cycle) and
then drift apart again and (b) whenever scheduled se-
cret rotation takes place the distribution between the
different types of operations gets skewed in favor of
update, delete, and create.
3.2 Residual Learning Model
Anomaly detection can be achieved by directly scor-
ing datapoints, or by modeling normal behavior and
by checking how divergent is the observed behav-
ior from what is modeled. Our approach implements
the second option and, to target attacker behavior, we
model read and list operations based on the categori-
cal attributes and on the numerical attributes left be-
hind (update, create, and delete). The reason for us-
ing these numerical attributes as input instead of out-
put, is that attackers avoid causing CSOs (updating or
deleting secrets would likely generate this). Instead,
Hybrid Statistical Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Key Stores Based on Access Patterns
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 2: Spikes for read and list operations computed for different automations/customers. The vertical axis represents list
operations and the horizonal represents read operations. Images (a) and (e) perform a single type of operation - (a) read
operations and (e) list operations. Image (f) is a mixture of both read and write operations and judging by the distribution they
are linearly dependent. Images (b) (c) and (d) show both type of behaviours: independent read or list operations combined
with dependent ones.
Figure 3: Overview of our proposed architecture: the input is transformed using a tree-like data-structure for statistics and
the network is trained to output the normalized values. In the end, the output is de-normalized, so that the values are in the
original range of their cluster.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
these operations are indicators of secret rotation run-
ning, which likely influences secret listing and read-
ing behavior. As previously mentioned, there is a gap
between customers or automations that generate large
spikes in the data and those that have a consistent and
predictable behavior. Modeling them at the same time
proved difficult, because low-variance customers are
underrepresented in the loss function (at least in our
case) and data normalization and centering does not
yield good results when one data cluster has a vari-
ance of say 100 and another cluster a variance of just
0.1. To mitigate these issues, we employ a hybrid ap-
proach (Figure 3), which is inspired by residual learn-
ing, but instead of training the network to model the
residual signal, we use a non-uniform data normal-
ization technique, where the mean and standard de-
viation are predicted using a tree. Each level of the
tree handles a different attribute, and in our case, the
order in which attributes are processed is static, based
on our analysis of the data and their semantics: clus-
ter, customer, namespace, IP address. However, this
tree can be constructed automatically by using stan-
dard ML metrics, such as the entropy of the data. Ev-
ery leaf and every node inside the tree contain statis-
tics that model every datapoint that passed though the
node or ended up in that leaf. This enables us to per-
form some type of backoff for previously unseen at-
tributes. For instance, if an IP address is previously
unseen, we backoff to the previous level in the tree
and we model this entry based on the (cluster, cus-
tomer, namespace). This ensures data and normaliza-
tion consistency as best as possible, given previously
observed datapoints.
Direct evaluation of this type of modeling is hard in
the absence of a proper dataset. Also, measuring the
F-score for synthetically generated data is irrelevant,
since in normal operations, where you don’t have in-
cidents daily, this score will be 0 regardless how good
the system scored on the synthetic data. Instead, we
measure (a) the modeling capacity of the network
with and without the residual scheme, (b) the reduc-
tion in training time and (c) the reduction in False
Positives (FPs). We mention that the output of the
network is a normal distribution (µ, ρ), which brings
major modeling advantages (i.e. we can directly use
the z-rule to score anomalies) but requires us to use
the Gaussian loss function during training (Equation
1) .
L =
log (max(ρ, ε)) +
(µ y)
max(ρ, ε)
y - Is the target value
µ, ρ - Represent the mean and variance
ε - Is a constant used for numeric stability –
in our experiments we used 1e-8
The results shown in Table 1 are reported using the
following procedure: (a) each network is trained with
and without residual learning on 80% of the dataset;
(b) we compute the loss on previously unseen 10%
of the dataset and we use the result as an early stop-
ping criterion with a patience of 5 (epochs without
improvement); (c) we report the loss computed on
another 10% of the dataset, that is also unseen dur-
ing training. Note, that the negative values for the
loss function are accurate, because we are working
with the gaussian loss function. Also, the network is a
three-layer perceptron with tanh activation and gaus-
sian output (µ, ρ). The input is composed of the con-
catenated embeddings for the categorical fields (128-
sized partitions) and the log-normalized values for the
numeric attributes. As can be seen, with one excep-
tion, the number of training epochs is reduced when
relying on the tree-based statistics for normalization.
Also, there is a constant reduction in the loss value,
using this hybrid scheme. Finally, we tested the 1000-
1000-1000 network in a production environment, and
we got a 98% reduction in False Positives, which
translates into 20-30 events per day, on about 1.9M
Observation 1. With this information in hand, we
can determine that using SMPs logs to identify unau-
thorized access to credentials is suitable, but the re-
sults must be correlated with other sources of events
in order to properly classify the events as expected or
Observeration 2. When it comes to scalability of
the proposed method, we observed that the memory
consumed during training and analyze phases grows
in direct ratio to the number of the datapoints in the
Table 1: Loss on the test set obtained by several network
configurations with residual (R) and non-residual (NR)
Configuration Type Loss Best
NR 1,23 5
R -3,40 8
NR -1,59 6
R -4,76 3
NR -6,21 8
R -7,45 3
NR -6,84 8
R -7,67 5
NR -6,26 7
R -7,58 4
Hybrid Statistical Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Key Stores Based on Access Patterns
dataset, which makes the statistics tree expand to
many nodes. To overcome this limitation, we decided
to implement some core data structures that the model
uses to compute the statistics tree in C, by leveraging
Cython to develop a Python extension. With this so-
lution in place, we were able to lower the memory
consumed by up to 65% when using a statistics tree
with 40M nodes.
Our work introduced a hybrid modeling method for
numerical data, based on a mixture of categorical
and numeric inputs. As shown in the evaluation sec-
tion, we achieved a 98% reduction in FPs with a
significantly smaller number of parameters required
for modeling and faster training times. The non-
uniform normalization scheme, permitted using the
tree, enables us to efficiently train models on datasets
with skewed numerical outputs and provides a nat-
ural back-off method for the statistical estimation.
Our future research plans will focus on (a) how the
consumption order of the attributes can be efficiently
computed, (b) on investigating more use-cases and (c)
on further refining our results and reducing the num-
ber of False Positives.
With every SMP, it is expected to have frequent
requests to fetch credentials, especially in enterprise
grade, rapid changing environments. This translates
in dozens of access logs being generated with every
request, which could lead to introduction of new ac-
cess patterns. To accommodate for the continuous
shift in patterns, the model would have to be retrained
often, to avoid data drift. This is one aspect that is part
of our future work on improving the model to auto-
matically detect that the model has drifted and decide
when it’s time to retrain.
Adding on future research plans, the current work
focused on attack patterns observed while inspecting
adversary emulations of real-world scenarios. As part
of our future research plans, we will investigate how
to improve the model’s robustness against new and
evolving attack patterns, to consider more viewing
points when deciding if an event is anomalous or not.
Finally, although we have shown that our hy-
brid modeling method proved successful to reduce
the number of False Positives and identify anomalous
events in SMPs access patterns, we only had access
to a single SMP to work with and test our approach
against. To validate that the proposed solution is ef-
fective when confronted with access logs from other
SMPs as well, we will conduct a new experiment us-
ing data gathered from multiple sources, and compare
the results.
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