Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning:
An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
Sebastian Simon
, Iza Marfisi-Schottman
and Sébastien George
LIUM, Le Mans Université, 72085 Le Mans, Cedex 9, France
Keywords: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Problem Based Learning, Augmented Reality, Peephole
Abstract: Technology to support Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) is a compromise
between screen space and mobility. While MCSCL usually leverages small portable screens, such as tablets
or smartphones, large interactive tabletops have been found to effectively support collaborative learning. In
this case study, we strike a compromise by using small portable screens on a large static surface by using
dynamic peephole interactions. The proposed technology allows learners to augment static surfaces, such as
paper maps, by sliding a tablet or a smartphone on it. An exploratory study was conducted on eight groups of
four K12 students. Results point to enhanced cognitive awareness among group members.
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
has emerged in the last 30 years from the idea that
computing devices can enrich the learning experience
of groups of learners or professionals (Stahl et al.,
2006). However, the shape and size of computing
devices used for CSCL varies. Large tabletops have
been extensively used in research projects but remain
niche in everyday classes, due to their high cost
(currently 1200 and above) as well as their
immobility. Mobile CSCL (MCSCL), focuses on the
use of more affordable and mobile devices, such as
smartphones and tablets, for collaborative situated
learning settings such as field trips. However, mobile
devices lack the screen space that a typical CSCL
device, such as a tabletop, can provide to access and
manipulate virtual artefacts.
Augmented Reality (AR) can be used to transform
available surfaces into interactive working areas. Yet,
classic camera-based AR technology requires the
device to be held at a certain distance from the
augmented surface.
This results in two issues: Extended use can lead
to muscle fatigue (Pereira et al., 2013) and holding
the device with both hands can make it challenging to
interact with virtual or physical objects at the same
time, especially for children.
Additionally, using AR in a group setting poses
its own set of challenges. If a person holds a single
device, others in the group have to gather around this
person to view the augmented content. Alternatively,
if all group members use their own device, this
reduces awareness of what other group members or
the teacher are doing (social & behavioral
AR goggles, such as Microsoft’s HoloLens, could
address these issues but remain expensive hardware
for educational contexts (4000 per item) and
introduce other problems such as motion sickness
(Kaufeld et al., 2022). Those devices also rely on
additional controllers, voice or gestures for
In this paper, we present an exploratory study
with a low-cost mobile 2D dynamic peephole
interaction. This type of interaction enables the use
of mobile devices, with smaller screens, to view and
interact with augmentations on a surface. Mehra et al.
(2006) distinguish static from dynamic peephole
interactions. Static peephole interactions require the
user to drag and scroll the content on the available
screen via touch gestures or a computer mouse to
Simon, S., Marfisi-Schottman, I. and George, S.
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012621700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 103-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
access content beyond the display’s size (e.g. in
Google Maps), whereas dynamic peephole
interactions enable users to access content by moving
and pointing the device itself to the physical position
to which virtual content is associated. In the latter, the
device effectively becomes a mobile window into a
virtual overlay of the environment. SPART, short for
on-Surface Positioning for Augmented RealiTy (see
figure 1), offers a dynamic peephole interaction
which allows to physically place a mobile device on
a surface and navigate the virtual space by sliding it
on the surface.
This is a very promising type of interaction, since
research on screen sizes suggest that smaller screens
have the potential to benefit collaboration further, as
large tabletops tend to attract user’s attention to the
screen at the demise of social awareness of other team
members - even when attention to the screen is not
required. Smaller screens seem to distract users less
and lead to a more goal oriented usage (Zagermann et
al., 2016). On the other hand, peephole interactions
provide a large working space, an important
affordance of tabletops.
Figure 1: SPART, a horizontal, dynamic peephole
Yet, little research has been conducted on this
particular dynamic peephole interaction setup,
primarily because it cannot be enacted using
traditional AR technology.
Consequently, a device enabling such a setup was
developed (Simon et al., 2024). In order to compare
SPART to a static peephole interaction in
collaborative group work, we then conducted a study
on eight groups of four K12 students during an
educational activity on tectonics (during a geography
This paper is focused on this exploratory study,
initially introducing existing work, before detailing
what aspects of collaborative learning have been
examined during the study and describing in detail the
activity design and the deployed research method. We
then present observations and results. Finally, we
discuss study limitations and conclude with future
developments in terms of activity design, technology
and research perspectives.
Among the most cited papers for dynamic peephole
interactions in collaboration is Sanneblad et al.’s
work (2006) on a device to facilitate routing activities
with a tablet in front of a projected, vertical map. The
authors note that absolute positioning, as required for
the peephole interaction, is not trivial to implement.
In their setup, a stationary Mimio XI system
(commercial ultrasound & infrared location setup for
digital whiteboards, 700 €) was connected to a laptop.
In a preliminary user study, this setup was compared
to a static peephole interaction as used in current map
navigation (zoom and drag). Usersefficiency on the
vertical dynamic peephole setup was significantly
lower compared to the traditional map application.
The authors observed ergonomic deficits as users
simultaneously had to hold a tablet and interact with
it. When given the choice between the prototype and
the typical zoom and pan map application (static
peephole interaction), users picked the latter,
mentioning the fear of breaking the device and ease
of use as reasons for their preference.
A more similar study to the horizontal peephole
setting proposed in SPART, was carried out by Rohs
et al. (2007). They tested map navigation using a
phone’s camera tracking either its position relative to
a map or just with spatial awareness (without a
printed map underneath). Both of these dynamic
peephole interactions performed significantly better
than the static peephole interaction enacted by a
mobile phone with joystick navigation (Nokia N80)
in a usability study with 18 participants who had to
find the cheapest parking spot on a static map.
Nevertheless, the dynamic peephole interactions
suffered from technological setbacks (robustness of
positioning) which underlines the technological
challenges in providing a reliable dynamic peephole
interaction (Rohs et al., 2007).
Furthermore, in a study using projector phones to
compare a spatially aware (thus dynamic) peephole
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
interaction with a traditional tablet map application,
Kaufmann and Ahlström (2013) found that, without
previous usage training, a phone projecting only part
of a global map that could be navigated by rotating
the phone on its axis, performed just as well as classic
pan and zoom applications in terms of efficiency with
benefits for spatial memory. In addition, positive task
performance was observed by Miyazaki et al. (2021)
with minimal upfront training for classic (camera
based) six degrees of freedom AR augmentation in a
study with 13 participants in a map search task.
Finally, many commercial applications propose
dynamic peephole interactions by using camera-
based AR, the internal gyroscope or magnetometer of
mobile devices to provide augmentations (e.g. for
stargazing). These sensors provide sufficient angle
accuracy for handheld augmentations (Hürst &
Bilyalov, 2010). However, as pointed out in the
introduction, these are inadequate for supporting
collaboration, since they need to be held by one
person and at a minimum distance from the
augmented object.
In a nutshell, several studies have demonstrated
the feasibility of a SPART-like interaction but its
setup is neither portable nor affordable in the
educational context, all while the little conducted
research points towards benefits for collaboration.
Therefore the research questions for the study of this
paper, having previously developed a functional
SPART prototype (Simon et al., 2024) is: Does the
SPART interaction provide support for collaborative
sequences in a small group setting of K12
students? What is the role of SPART in those
Collaboration is a widely used term across different
domains and consequently, visions of it differ. This
section presents the underlying conceptual model of
this study. By exposing the conceptual aspects and
their behavioral cues, we can identify the interaction
patterns in our data which are part of the collaborative
learning process.
This paper is based on an extended definition of
collaboration by Roschelle & Teasley (1995):
Collaboration is a coordinated activity and a result
of the intention to maintain a common problem
perception in order to find a solution to a problem.
This definition encompasses asynchronous
collaborations and accounts for the difficulty to
maintain a cognitively challenging exchange over a
long period of time, resulting in “reflective pauses”
during which participants do not actively engage in
the main activity (Wise et al., 2021). Indeed,
collaboration is a dynamic phenomenon: Bigger
groups dynamically split into subgroups and reunite
to keep track on overall progress.
Collaboration, as a problem solving strategy, is
deployed in both collaborative work and
collaborative learning. Stahl defines Collaborative
Learning as collaborative meaning making
(developing a common understanding of a problem)
and collaborative knowledge building (Stahl, 2021).
Figure 2: Collaboration model (Simon et al., 2022).
Meaning making and knowledge building are
parallel and intricate high level processes (figure 2:1).
Effective knowledge building typically requires some
initial shared meaning making, but the process of
meaning making reappears throughout the activity
and can be observed through interactions of
questioning and explaining, or when a group decides
to “go back” to discuss previous information (Clark
& Brennan, 1991).
A central, observable process of knowledge
building is transitivity (Vogel et al., 2023).
Transitivity refers to the ability of participants to not
only understand another group member’s idea but to
actively build and develop those ideas with their own
knowledge and resources.
On a lower level (figure 2:2), both meaning
making and knowledge building require group
members to participate and coordinate their
contributions within the group and implement
strategies to achieve or validate objectives. To do so,
group members have to develop awareness of what
their peers do, know and feel. Meaning making can
indeed be seen as a process of building collective
cognitive awareness (who knows what) and a shared
understanding of the problem itself.
Awareness is not only required in establishing a
common cognitive state of the group but also in
determining social and behavioral group members’
states (Ma et al., 2020). Barron introduced the
concept of a social space (relationships, social
presence etc.) in addition to the cognitive space
(holding a common perception of the problem and
possible solutions) that has to be taken care of while
collaborating (Barron, 2003). To that end,
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
collaborative awareness processes, grouped into
social, behavioral and cognitive processes (Ma et
al., 2020) support both the relational and cognitive
space, while being components of both meaning
making and knowledge building (figure 2:3).
In order for those processes to take place, a
number of behavioral and cognitive information has
to be exchanged among participants, requiring active
participation (the second process category in figure
2:2) of group members in the construction of both a
social and cognitive space. The social space is
nurtured by social-behavioral engagement, for
instance “positive interactions such as respect and
support for each other” (Isohätälä et al., 2020).
Participation targeting the cognitive space can be, for
instance, observed through contributions such as
stating hypothesis on how to resolve the problem or
clarifications on the problem itself.
The third collaboration process category (figure
2:2) refers to coordination. It describes the ability of
the group to develop, apply and revise solution
strategies, also known as group processing (Johnson
& Johnson, 2009) as well as self-organization. On an
individual level, members have to time interventions,
identify missing information and contributions have
to be organized, classified and ranked to deploy
successful group level strategies to achieve goals.
Together, the three main collaborative processes
of participation, awareness, and coordination
support meaning making and knowledge building
(Mateescu et al., 2019) and constitute cross-domain
concepts of collaboration, that can be observed and
evaluated during collaborative learning activities
(Simon et al., 2022).
As Dillenbourg (2001) points out, these
collaborative processes do not necessarily emerge
naturally within a group. They depend on
collaborative conditions which can be considered as
input of the collaborative learning process (figure
2:4). These input conditions consist of
participants’ existing collaborative skills
(Hesse et al., 2015) (figure 2:5)
the environment in which the activity takes
place (figure 2:6)
tools used by group members to accomplish the
activity. Tools may or may not support
successful collaboration. For example, some
tools have been shown to introduce an
additional cognitive load (Kirschner et al.,
The concepts presented above form a process-
oriented collaboration model that is summarized in
figure 2. In accordance to our hypothesis, we use this
model to analyze the video material of the exploratory
experiment presented in the next section.
The following subsections describe the design of the
learning activity and the SPART prototype in addition
to the experimental setting and procedure.
4.1 Activity Design
The activity was designed in an iterative approach
with a geography teacher in a French middle school.
The content was created so that the activity would fit
the current curriculum on tectonics.
Students had to investigate the movements of
tectonic plates. In order to provide room for
collaborative learning as defined by Stahl (2021), we
structured the activity in several tasks with fading
scaffold. We attributed students the role of research
assistants of geographer Jason Morgan, presenting his
theory of tectonic plates in 1967 at the national
geophysical congress. Students were given data of
ocean floor age and seismic activity graphs (figure 3)
and the goal to provide Morgan with compelling
evidence for the relative tectonic plate movements. In
order to encourage collaboration, we intentionally
integrated elements of positive identity
interdependence (research teams), positive outside
enemy interdependence (the backstory features
Harold Jeffreys, a prominent critic of the tectonic
plate theory), and an ill-defined problem (“find
evidence to prove a theory”).
Figure 3: Ocean floor age overlay (basemap), partly colored
(left) seismic activity overlay with profiles (right).
The activity was structured in four tasks: Initially,
groups had to read and understand the assignment.
The second task consisted of coloring the map
depending on the ocean floor’s age (figure 3, left).
Thirdly, students explored the seismic graphs by
classifying them depending on seismic intensity.
Finally, students had to define the direction of the
plates’ movements and explain “incoherent ocean
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
floor data in front of the coast of Chile (old and recent
plates side by side). For this to succeed, students had
to digest hints, spatial data and emit hypothesis they
would validate with the available data to provide
Jason Morgan with a speech on evidence for the
relative movement of tectonic plates.
Students were provided a static map containing
the outlines of geographic ages, coloring pens and
paper based vertical seismic data for a number of
fixed positions (figure 3, right) alongside a map with
the age of the ocean floor layers printed on it (figure
3, left). This data was also accessible through the
tablet application. Students could therefore pick their
preferred medium. Groups with the dynamic
peephole interface (named “SPART” groups) had the
layer map attached to a rigid support to provide
accurate overlay (as in figure 4), whereas groups with
static peephole interactions (“Control” groups) were
given a tablet and the base map separately.
The application on the tablet provided two
overlays that could be changed with the click on a
button: one with numbers about the age of the ocean
floor, and another with the seismic activities (see
figure 3 right). On the second overlay, students could
click buttons to get the vertical profile of seismic
activities at the specific position (see figure 3, right).
In the paper version, the vertical profiles’ had to be
looked up on another sheet of paper.
During the first two sessions, none of the groups
managed to complete the activity. Consequently, we
introduced additional hints in the task assignment.
4.2 SPART Prototype
In order to study horizontal peephole interactions on
a static surface, we designed SPART, a system to
augment any surface located under mobile devices
(such as of-the-shelf smartphones or tablets). Among
the various concepts, a mechanical prototype
SPART-ME (50 material cost, 02/2024) reached
technological maturity first and was therefore used in
this study.
The device consists of a frame for the smartphone
or tablet to which are attached two strings. Attached
to the support are two reels with potentiometers at two
points outside the working area to measure the
distance of each string to the device. The result of the
mechanical trilateration is then sent by a Bluetooth
enabled microcontroller to the attached device which
can display the augmentation layer depending on its
physical position. This version of SPART-ME can
augment an A3 sheet with an average accuracy of 0,5
cm and a refresh rate of 20 Hz. The technical
implementation is detailed in another article (Simon
et al., 2024).
Figure 4: The SPART-2 group during the colouring task.
Due to the strength of the string retraction
mechanism, tablets and smartphones have to be held
when far from the mechanism (increasing retraction
force) in this version of SPART.
4.3 Setting & Procedure
The study included a convenience sample of 32
students aged 12 to 14 in a public middle school in
France. Students worked in groups of 4 in a classroom
designed for natural sciences (see figure 5).
Experiments were conducted in the end of November
2022. Group one and two of the first, second and
fourth run (which we call group 1/2/4-SPART and
1/2/4-Control in this paper) had 60 minutes, while
groups 3-SPART and 3-Control only had 45 minutes
due to lesson restrictions.
Group composition was orchestrated by the
teacher in an effort to create homogenous groups in
terms of task performance. 1/3/4-SPART and 1/3/4-
Control were mixed groups (two boys, two girls). 2-
SPART consisted of four girls while 2-Control
consisted of four boys.
The classrooms, as illustrated in figure 5, are
structured in work islands (figure5:3) that allow
students (figure 5:8) to stand, or sit on elevated chairs.
Students in this study were standing, aligned and
facing one of two cameras (figure 5:1).
We filmed from two angles: One camera faced the
group to capture facial and gestural expressions
(figure 5:1) while the second camera targeted the
table (figure 5:2).
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
Figure 5: Cameras and experimental setup (SPART).
At the beginning of each experiment, participants
were shown the functionalities of the tablets and
given a short introduction to the activity.
Every group had a tablet, a copy of the task
assignment with all map layers printed in color, as
well as seismic data printed as graphs for specific
locations (as in figure 3, right). All information was
available as a paper version and on the tablets so
students were free to use either or both in parallel.
At the end of the experimentation, students were
asked whether the group had worked together before
and about their perception of SPART in their work.
Additionally, having identified one high-performing
group, we interviewed the most engaged student on
his experience during 30 min. During the interview,
he was shown video extracts of the experimentation
and invited to describe them before being asked more
targeted questions (e.g. “What was your intention
behind this move?”).
In section 4, we highlighted the three central
processes of collaborative learning, namely
coordination, awareness and participation, (figure
2:2). Consequently, in this section, we analyze video
material with a focus on these three processes. We
then highlight contributions to the social space, as
collaboration tends to fail without it (Bannon, 2006)
(figure 2:3). Finally, we step up to the abstraction
level of meaning making and knowledge building
(figure 2:1).
5.1 Coordination
Among the eight groups, little coordination (e.g.
changing strategies, searching for missing
information), beyond linearly following the
exercises, was found. 4-SPART was an exception and
also the only group to correctly identify lateral and
vertical tectonic plate movements as well as
differences in speed (thus successfully completing the
4-SPART showed signs of awareness for the
potential limit of time and tool access. Two students
proposed to advance individually on follow up
exercises during the coloring activity, after noticing
that the coloring activity could be conveniently
carried out by two students (“...You can be two at
coloring together”, steps away from the table and
joins partner in reading next task). When stuck, the
group decided to rebuild common ground by
rereading the initial, global assignment and by
reconsidering all previously collected evidence
following suggestions of the interviewee. When the
interviewee was asked about the early parallelization
of work, he stated that he commonly employed the
strategy in group works to “gain time”. And that
“there was not enough space for everybody around
the table anyways”. Among the other groups, such
behavior was not observed.
In control groups and SPART groups alike, the
tablet itself did not seem to play a major role for this
collaborative aspect. SPART introduced a
coordination difficulty for the coloring task. SPART
groups that used the attached map for coloring, had to
move the tablet out of its position were the age of the
layer was indicated when coloring the underlying
layer at the same position on the map.
SPART groups spent overall more time on the
coloring and classification tasks compared to control
groups, confirming the time overhead in the
integration of the tool into the activity (figure 6).
Consequently, those groups had less time for
hypothesis building and validation, with the
exception of 4-SPART, having spent significantly
less time coloring than other SPART groups. This
group used the separately provided, smaller map with
the age of the ocean floor printed on it for coloring.
Hence, the group did not have to move the tablet
every time. Against our interpretation of a particular
smart use of this alternate map, the interview revealed
that the group initially thought that the map attached
to SPART was present for illustrative purposes only.
1-SPART just marked the color of a layer with a
stroke while using the tablet, before coloring the
whole layer without using the tablet afterwards. This
approach avoided the tablet being in the way of
coloring (as encountered by 2-SPART and 3-
SPART). The group however was not able to turn its
approach into a time advantage due to meticulously
coloring the entire map.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
While SPART groups were slower in completing
the tasks, there were little problems with the
interaction itself. The interviewee described the
interaction as “natural” and “simple to use”.
Figure 6: Time spent by SPART-groups (orange) and
Control groups (blue).
Occasionally, users tried to drag the overlay with
their fingers before remembering they had to move
the tablet instead. The only difficulty that we noticed
was that users had to hold the device in order to
prevent it from sliding towards the reels. No
considerable overhead in cognitive load was
noticeable or reported.
5.2 Awareness
SPART seemed to work as a visual cue for group
members engaging in personal work or activities
unrelated to the main task. Indeed, having
interviewed one of the 4-SPART students, the student
outlined the role of SPART to follow his team
member’s activity at a distance, both during phases of
cooperation and transition back to collaborative
In 1-SPART, two boys got carried away by a
discussion about computer games (figure 7).
However, at least one of the two regularly had a
glimpse at SPART. After twenty minutes, the two
girls decided they had invested enough effort and
ordered the boys to do the remaining exercises.
Interestingly, the boys were aware of the exercises’
results carried out by the girls and were able to
conduct the following tasks without re-iterating over
the previous work.
Figure 7: Girls working with SPART while boys converse
off-topic (yellow: tablet position).
Inversely, in group 4-Control, monopolization of
the device was an issue, since other group members
temporarily couldn’t follow one group member
holding the tablet in his hands while walking around.
Similar situations arose when members held the tablet
(in control conditions) in a specific direction, thus
blocking access of other members (2,3,4-Control).
In addition, we noticed that the strength of the
SPART retraction mechanism required students to
hold the tablet in position. While not ideal in tool
usage, members helped each other holding the tablet
in place and manipulating it conjointly. 4-SPART
showed consistently recurring behavioral awareness
as two or three members of the group interchangeably
manipulated the tablet to move it into position,
displaying profiles and changing layers.
Cognitive awareness was rare: Group members
rarely referred to their peers’ skills or knowledge. 4-
SPART was an exception in a sequence where one of
the boys (A) remembered a previous lesson and
another group member (B) remembered that A had
kept a cardboard model of a tectonic plate movement
that they introduced to refresh and illustrate
knowledge about tectonic plate movements.
Concerning social awareness, groups globally
functioned well in terms of timing for oral
interventions except for a member of 4-SPART who
occasionally tried to contribute his ideas at the same
time other members were talking. When he was the
only one talking, peers sometimes did not react to his
propositions or ideas.
5.3 Participation
In terms of oral contributions, we measured subject
related utterances per group. 4-SPART had 30% more
utterances than the other groups and balanced
participation. 3-Control showed a fully asymmetric
participation pattern in the first half of the
experiment: only one person was working and
monopolizing resources (tool access and space). Girls
in 4-Control contributed considerably less than their
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
male counterparts, both in terms of oral and nonverbal
participation. The discrepancy in participation was
accompanied by monopolization which manifested in
one of the boys taking the tablet and interacting with
it separately from the rest of the group.
Participation in 1-SPART and 1-Control was
unbalanced: the first half was completely dominated
by the two girls and the second half by the two boys.
2-SPART was characterized by participative
symmetry but little oral contributions.
The overall median value did not significantly
vary between Control and SPART groups.
In general, due to the limited space around the
table, one group member was consistently limited in
his/her access to the tablet (Control and SPART). In
the interview, awareness for the lack of space and tool
access was confirmed by the participant, adding “…it
is important for everybody to equally access the tool,
everybody should have a turn on it”. Beyond
awareness for the importance of equity in
participation he stated that he takes an active role in
regulating access by pointing out unbalanced access
to resources. “This was not the case in this activity. I
remember talking a lot, B talked a lot, the others were
a little more passive, but I think everybody had the
possibility to participate”.
5.4 Socializing
We noticed asymmetric relationships in 3-Control, 2-
Control, 1-Control and 1-SPART. All of them were
present since the beginning of the activity, pointing to
existing social discrepancies among students.
Student exclusions manifested in restricting
member’s tool access, especially in control groups by
orientating the tablet away from a person.
4-SPART showed an intact social space:
Members showed motivation, joked while staying
task-focused or made fun of each other without
demeaning overtone. In this environment fell the
brainstorming phase about lateral tectonic plates’
movements which resulted in the correct hypothesis
(and its validation): Just before one of the students
emitted the theory of subduction in front of the
Chilean coast, the group at 52:43 was missing an
appealing theory. Jokingly, another student says “the
plates extend so much that it [the older, missing layer]
has just disappeared! other group members laugh,
triggering hand movements of another student to
mimic an explosion. Gesturing continues, this time
his left hand slides from right to left (as the previous
tablet movement) while he says, half seriously “it
went underneath…”, then exclaiming: “It went
Interactions in 2-Control initially were
characterized by task distribution by the dominant
member, occasionally judging team members (“wait!
you’re sc*** it up!”, “idiot” etc.) or restricting access
(“Can I write?” “No”). During the final phase, all
members could propose their hypothesis, but no
consensus (nor strategy to achieve one) was found to
decide on one common theory. The group did not
show transactive interactions or strategies to validate
or falsify the hypothesis. The contribution of two
students was restrained to reading the assignment.
One of them stated that he “didn’t understand any of
this”. His statement was not followed by other group
members trying to explain the topic to him and his
further interventions were limited to off-topic
contributions. Good task performance of this group
can be attributed to the good individual task
performance of the dominant member and the person
filming giving advice, which consisted of
intermediate task validation concerning plate limits
(“You’re missing one”) and correction at 30:09 as
well as motivational speech at 47:44 (“you’re nearly
there, you are on the right track”). The intervention
highlights the importance of strategically placed
feedback on task performance and motivation, since
the group itself did not provide positive peer feedback
and exhibited asymmetric group relationships. Since
this study was conducted in a classroom setting,
teacher interventions also happened in 4-Control at
60m04. The teacher intervened based on the wrongly
placed arrows for horizontal plate movement. 1-
Control and 1-SPART assisted at a general
intervention by the teacher having identified
problems of other student groups finding tectonic
plate limits and pointing students at seismic activity
to correctly identify those limits.
5.5 Meaning Making
Groups had access to a paper version of all
visualizations. However, in the case of SPART, all
groups exclusively used SPART instead of the paper
version throughout the experiment. In the case of
control groups, the use of paper versions was more
prominent. In one sequence, one member of 4-
SPART moved the tablet in the direction of the South
Pacific plate. Previously he had identified a
“problem” in the data, consisting of the fact that the
South Atlantic plate pushes in the opposite direction.
The same person identified the lateral subduction
movement ten minutes later. In general, SPART
seemed to be the privileged way of exploring the
available information.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
5.6 Knowledge Building
The complete loop of emitting, discussing then
testing and finally validating hypothesis could not be
observed beyond the 4-SPART group. Tablets were
however used as tools for attempted knowledge
building in 2-control, 1- SPART, 2-SPART and 3-
SPART. 3-SPART discovered a complementary
feature (implemented and intended for scaffolding a
group in case of difficulties) for displaying a gradient
map of the ocean floor age on their own and used it to
check their own coloring and movement hypothesis.
This feature was later requested explicitly in the
interview by a member of 4-SPART (who had not
found it).
4-SPART used the possibility to display vertical
profiles on the map extensively to check hypothesis
(mountain chains among plate limits, subduction
along earthquakes etc.). The following sequence is
the sequel to the previous sequence illustrating the
discovery of the subduction movement by 4-SPART:
A: “it went underneath!” […]
A: “that’s why there are mountains!”
uses his hands as plates sliding one under another
B: (slides tablet over Chilean coast with age layer
overlay) But look, there is no information at all?
(points on tablet). I’m sure the plate is somewhere
A: “I’m sure this is it. See, there is a mountain chain
B: “Yes that’s maybe it?” Students chatter indistinctly
A: “Wait, wait, wait, my theory starts to strengthen”
Moves tablet over the sketched buttons to change the
overlay to the seismic overlay with profile access,
then slides it over South America, opens a profile on
the Chilean coast.
A: “See, the line [of earthquakes in the graph]?”
B:So the yellow [colored, recent tectonic plate] goes
under the green [colored, older tectonic plate] …”
A: “That’s why it disappeared.”
C: “Strange. That would have resulted in…”
A: “And we could use that to support …”
Moves tablet to another profile icon, opens the profile
A: “…this. We can see clearly the line [of
earthquakes descending in depth] there.”
C: “But those are the earthquakes…”
A: “Exactly! When the plate moves, it creates
friction. And thus earthquakes.”
To illustrate and identify the speed difference
between different plates, the group used a cardboard
model from previous lessons.
Interestingly, even the colored map was only
occasionally used by 4-SPART. Instead, group
members used the tablet’s white ocean floor overlay
(see figure 4 left) containing the ocean floor’s age in
numbers. When asked about it in the interview, the
interviewee explained it by the difficulty of having an
additional level of abstraction (“I had to remember
what the colors meant”) that didn’t seem to provide
meaningful information to the group. Another
mentioned advantage was the size of the overlay with
more details that the A4 printed version this group
used for the coloring task.
Having presented our observations on the collected
eight hours of dual-perspective video material, we
present, in the following sections, our interpretation
of the role of SPART for the observed collaborative
sequences during group work.
Initially, we examine the role of SPART for
collaborative processes identified in section 6.1-6.3
(figure 2:1,2). We further explore its possible impact
as a memorization and communication support before
hypothesizing its role as support to learn how to
collaborate and its induced cognitive load. Finally, we
discuss the activity design and possible
6.1 The Role of SPART
The following subsections describe the possible role
of SPART for collaborative processes (awareness,
participation and coordination) from the tool
perspective, based on the observations presented
previously, and its potential beyond this study.
6.1.1 Awareness, Coordination &
Our analysis points towards SPART supporting
behavioral awareness processes and collaborative
group dynamics. Indeed, SPART seems to enact a
visual anchor for other group members, both in
synchronized collaborative sequences, as well as in
settings with subgroups or reflection phases. The
tablet’s position allows to deduce roughly on what
parts the rest of the group is working. On several
occasions, we observed students engaging in off-topic
conversations and seamlessly picking up their peer’s
We further observed the fact that SPART seems
to reduce tool monopolization by one member
because it is functionally bound to the surface it is
placed on. Students in the control condition made use
of the freedom the tablet provided to carry it around
and introduced monopolization by a single student.
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
We could not find evidence for support on other
collaborative dimensions such as coordination or
collaborative conditions. If increased awareness led
to increased participation or coordinative efforts, this
was not noticeable.
6.1.2 Communication Support
Our observation leads us to believe that SPART could
support nonverbal communication. Indeed, location
and movement of the tablet communicate meaning.
The position shows the current working area of the
group. Moving the tablet underlines the user’s
intention and ideas on task hypothesis, validation or
information retrieval. This hypothesis was
strengthened by interactions during the moment 4-
SPART verified and validated the subduction
hypothesis (and preceding exercises: identifying
limits of tectonic plates, speed of moving plates and
hypothesizing about vertical movements). The
conversation sequence illustrates the role of
nonverbal communication assisted by the visual aid
SPART provides. The particular context of tectonic
plates would be an interesting topic for a study on the
nonverbal affordances of a rigid body force
simulation for nonverbal communication in SPART
to confirm the importance of nonverbal
communication for collaboration.
6.1.3 Memorization Support
SPARTs particular advantage seems to be the link
between location and information (e.g. for fast
access of profiles as shown in figure 4). Literature
suggests that its appeal is rooted in the spatial and
gestural memory that the interaction draws on
(Kaufmann & Ahlström, 2013). Once adopted,
information retrieval is fast and focused. As such, it
seems particularly useful for use with maps or high-
level visualizations.
Association of information to locations is used in
other contexts such as techniques for enhancing
memory capacities (mnemonics): McCabe (2015) has
shown the beneficial use of maps for building high
capacity mental structures (mind palaces). Such an
approach could benefit collaborative activities in the
educational sector. We noticed students having
forgotten previous lessons on geography who
consequently were disadvantaged in the activity. If
content can be delivered through collaborative mind
walks, this might benefit individual memory retrieval
as shown by McCabe (2015). SPART can assist mind
walks by providing access to collaborative artefacts
created during previous collaborative activities
(photos, sketches etc.) tied to the exact map position
for better recall performance (contextualization).
The second distinctive feature SPART allows for
are overlays, fitting the physical layer. While this
can be achieved with multiple views of the same,
printed map, having just a partial overlay in form of a
tablet that can be easily moved, increases practicality.
Students used and asked for the possibility of
intermediate visualizations. In a previous workshop
with K12 educators, educators noted the potential of
SPART for students to access as many intermediate
visualizations between abstraction (e.g. a map) and
reality as necessary to improve their map reading
skills. This aligns with the spontaneous suggestion of
our interviewee wishing for a gradient map and 3-
SPART exploiting the feature.
6.1.4 Learning to Collaborate
Based on some limitations of SPART, such as the
strong retraction mechanisms (pulling the tablet back
when too far from the mechanism), we see potential
for gesture based collaboration, requiring the joined
engagement of multiple users to use a functionality
and consequently increase overall participation
(activities which physically require all members to
participate through positive interdependence),
coordination (physical coordination required) and
awareness (Morris et al., 2006). Such collaborative
activities could be destined to raise explicit student
awareness (meta-awareness) on the functioning and
importance of collaborative processes and skills.
6.1.5 Reduced Cognitive Load
While cognitive load associated to the tool use
seemed low, it still adds to the collaborative cognitive
load required for the activity. Students already
overwhelmed or missing collaborative skills did not
benefit from the introduction of SPART.
Groups with collaborative skills and solid
knowledge on tectonics seemed to benefit from the
use of SPART, while groups lacking organization and
collaborative skills could not overcome those
shortcomings with SPART.
This confirms the general consensus that a tool
can enhance collaboration but that it is not as
important a condition for successful collaboration as
collaborative skills and an open and productive social
environment. SPART however is an interaction type.
It can be used in conjunction with the majority of
existing collaborative functionalities that have been
developed for tabletops (task related or to regulate
collaborative processes directly), all while providing
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
a large and mobile work space with a convenient way
of accessing virtual content (Simon et al., 2024).
6.2 Activity Design
The activity design is the result of a collaboration
between the teacher (and his constraints to teach the
topic) and our work group (with the goal to create a
purposeful use of SPART). The coloring and
classification task are examples of the pedagogical
dimension guiding students towards the
understanding of tectonic plates. If the activity was to
be redesigned, the coloring task and classification
would probably be compressed into a virtual,
automated coloring activity where students could
freely pick a color scheme of their choice and autofill
the ocean floor layers or keep the original map in
order to foster coordination and discussion rather than
cooperative coloring.
The study was carried out in varying conditions. 1-
SPART and 1-Control worked in the classroom
alongside their classmates, whereas [2-4]-
SPART/Control where placed in empty classrooms to
improve sound recording quality for analysis. In
addition, 3-SPART and 3-Control had only 45
minutes compared to 60 minutes for the other groups.
Since students knew each other, they had predefined
relationships which impacted their group behavior.
Camera (wo)men interacted with students and some
groups received advice from the teacher.
Furthermore, available desk space was
insufficient for four students. Tensions may have
arisen from the difficulty to work around the tablets.
The prototype, physically linking the tablet to the
surface, limited possible interactions (string
retraction force). In addition, the activity design
naturally centered the hypothesis building task
around one part of the map, thus favoring interaction
with SPART for the person standing at this position.
Interviews with all groups would have provided
a more comprehensive view on internal processes
than the single interview but could not be conducted
due to time constraints.
Finally, video material was analyzed by a single
researcher, who also conducted the subsequent
interview, thus exposing him to confirmation bias
during the questions.
In this comparative study, we explored the impact of
the dynamic horizontal peephole interaction SPART
on collaborative learning.
Previous research on dynamic peephole
interactions is scarce due to technological challenges
and high costs.
The study was conducted in a French middle
school with 32 students and a subsequent sequential
analysis. We presented our observations and
interpretation on the role of SPART for the
collaborative processes of awareness, participation
and coordination and higher level processes such as
meaning making and knowledge building.
The results point towards benefits for awareness
for high performers and SPART being a support for
knowledge building. SPART seemed to draw low
cognitive load among users, was robust and natural to
use. It provides a collaborative and mobile platform.
A number of interesting perspectives for future
investigations have been identified: support for mind
walks, increased task awareness and learning of
Low device cost (50 €) and portability in the latest
prototype versions open the door to large scale
experiments and potential future adoption beyond the
educational sector. Experiments are underway to
confirm this study’s findings in mobile setting.
This work is part of the SituLearn project, supported
by the French National Agency for Research,
reference ANR-20-CE38-0012. Thanks, Guy Theard,
for testing this and consequent prototypes with your
students. Thanks to Guillaume Boucher for the
illustration of SPART. All other illustrations are the
author’s work.
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